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Cornelio Fabro

Tra Kierkegard e Marx: per una definizione dell’ esistenza

The research of Cornelio Fabro, Tra Kierkegard e Marx: per una

definizionedell’ esistenza, for the first time was published by Vallechi
Editions, 1952; and later by Logos Editions, Rome, 1978. The second
publication adds a new prologue on the first edition.

The volume collects a couple of articles written immediately after the war.
It only pretends to particularize some really important points in the
ideological orientation of Marxist and existentialist tendencies arose with
strength by mid XX century.

The paper has in depth a unique and essential problem which encourages
the writer: the problem of freedom. Fabro says: “The human being
freedom, human being choice decides about its being and

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