Project Manhattan Ep.1 Remastered

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*It’s a nice night in New York City; well this is the best it’s going to be with all the

car horns, the clutter

of people, and all the crime that goes unnoticed. {I’ve been robbed} {Sigh} Looks like Im right on time.
This Delinquent has been in the streets all his life. His roughed up shoes hit the ground as he runs to an
ally. In his hand, a red purse is held tight. His footsteps come to a stop, and then he checks around the
ally, making sure he wasn’t followed.”

Delinquent ----” It’s good to be home; to bad someone stole my favorite garbage. Time to check how
much she had in her purse. It’s too easy, 5, 10, and 15. WHAT, only fifthteen bucks? Why do I always rob
the poor? Maybe I can sell this purse, and at least that will last me the week. “

*A gun shot rings in the distance. After a long pause, there are footsteps coming near the ally. He hides
next to a metal trash so he won’t be spotted.

Unknown Voice 1----“Boss, not another one, but you sure gave it to that guy. But killing was a little
uncalled for, right?”

Unknown Voice 2----“What do you mean bozo, the guy didn’t have my money, so he had to pay with
something, and it was his life.”

Unknown Voice 3----“You sure are right Boss, that’s another one for the books!”

Unknown Voice 1----“We can’t just leave the body in the house, whatcha think his wife is gonna say?”

Unknown voice 2----“You fool; you aren’t new here, so you should know exactly what goes on. He
couldn’t pay the cash he owes, so his insurance will pay. And if his family finds out, they will have to
keep their mouth shut unless they want the same treatment we gave them, capeshee?”

*The unknown voices pass by the ally the Delinquent was in. He notices all three men weren’t average
citizens, but men of wealth. There suits were complemented with rings, hats, and even the bigger man
in the middle had a golden pocket watch.*

Delinquent ----“Who are these men, and why do they get to live better than me? Why do I get by with
spare change, and they have luxurious suits? This just isn’t fair! *sigh* This isn’t the time for self-pity,
this is time for change.”

*He then starts to creep up behind them. The greed in the Delinquent was building up, so he had to
fulfil its need. He then slowly snuck up behind them. With no noise, his hand was inches away from the
gold chain, then, the man turns around.*

*The man towered over as he cocks his gun, aiming at delinquent’s head. The two other men turn
around after hearing the gun.*

Unknown Voice 2--- “What do you think you are doing, stealing from a king?”

*The Delinquent looks up at the man. He puts his and back to his own body.*

Delinquent---- “Uhh, I don’t know what you are talking about sir. I think this is a misunderstanding.”
Unknown Voice 2 ---- “Oh, so you’re going to play stupid, or is that how you always are? I saw you
behind the trash, that’s where you are gonna go unless you tell me what you were trying do.”

*The Goon then walks up to the boss. He stands next to him and puts his hand on the bosses gun.*

Unknown Voice 1 ---- “Gee Boss, the kid doesn’t know any better, plus look at him. I remember when I
was in those shoes.”

*The boss then shakes off his and and smacks him on the shoulder with the gun.*

Unknown Voice 2 ---- “Shut your mouth, this aint a time for a sob story. Now kid, talk!”

*The Boss aims the gun back at him, then Delinquent just stands up, but doesn’t respond. He has his
head down. A small drizzle begins to set in.*

Unknown Voice 2 ---- “HEY, I’m talking to you kid, just fess up to what you did. A real man owns up to his
actions. Now don’t make me repeat myself. Plus I don’t want to get my suit wet, now make it quick.”

*The Delinquent brings up his head to eye contact. His hands begin to shake.*

Delinquent ---- “I uh, tried to check your pockets. I just wanted to steal that golden watch from you.”

Unknown Voice 2 ---- “So you tried to steal from me, the big head honcho of the mafia? You aren’t the
sharpest knife in the drawer. Foolish boy, what are the kids being taught these days?”

*The Boss puts the gun back into is jacket , and looks at his goons. He nods to them signaling that
everything is alright. The Boss then turns around, ready to walk off, but doesn’t take a step forward. He
turns back around.”

Boss ---- “You know what, I like your moxie. Never seen a kid with enough stupidity or courage to try to
rob us. The name is Lorenzo Bellinelli. What’s yours?”

*The Delinquent then puts his head down again.*

Lorenzo --- “What did I say kid? What’s the matter now?”

The Delinquent ---- “Well, it’s just that, honestly I don’t remember. I’ve never used, or just I never need
it. I forgot it long ago.”

Lorenzo ---- “Well it’s your lucky day, because now your name is Alfonze Bellinelli. You’re gonna stick
with us now. Ima show you what real crime is, not this petty theft stuff. Also, you know my name, so call
me by it, and I don’t want any sir garbage. Now let’s go, before the rain ruins our night.”

The Delinquent --- “Yes sir, I mean Lorenzo.”

*Alfonze follows behind the three men, and they walk down the sidewalk. These men will forever
change Alfonze’s life forever.*

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