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Dear Lord,

Lord, I hope that you will fill us with your holy spirit as we begin our day. Thank you for all of
your love, blessings, and one-of-a-kind presents. Thank you for supplying everything we
require, for forgiving our sins, and for demonstrating our worthiness. Thank you for leading our
family and keeping us safe from harm and evil.

Give me the insight and strength that I need to instruct the learners and perform a good job. Give
me the confidence to teach them with love, patience, and grace to conceal my flaws because I
feel this is what you have called me to do. I am not perfect, but I hope that I can teach them what
they need to know.

Lord, please provide my pupils with intelligence, understanding, and an eagerness to study. All I
want is to assist them in molding their thoughts and future. Please assist me to encourage the
learners to learn and assisting those who are struggling with our lesson. Stand by me every day
as I teach and guide my pupils, and assist me as a teacher in guiding them to their light and path.

So I beseech you, Lord, to guide me so that I may do my part, for characters and confidence.

And heartfelt happiness


I believe that a teacher’s moral obligation is to enter the classroom with only the highest of
expectations for each and every one of her learners, maximizing the positive benefits that come
with any self-fulfilling prophecy: her learners will rise to the occasion with dedication,
Perseverance, and hard work.

The ideal classroom is a pleasant setting in which students can work toward specific class
objectives. Teachers that are positive, organized, outgoing, confident, and caring are needed.
Frequently, the teacher sets the tone for the entire class. The learners of today’s generation is very
different from the previous generations because you really need to exert so much effort just to get
their attention and for them to acquire knowledge. Take note of what the child does and says. Allow
him/her to know how you care by giving him/her positive attention in the form of encouraging
remarks, being there, and actively observing him/her. Encourage the child. You must congratulate
the child on his or her accomplishments.

My goal as a teacher is to make sure that a learner will bring out the best of himself, I mean
he make himself a better and responsible learner of his own learning. Also, to make them feel that
the school is a field wherein to help them to be a better version of themselves. I always believe in
the saying that we should study hard because that’s the only treasure that

cannot be steal from us.

Brief History

Barra Elementary School is situated in Barangay Barra, Opol, Misamis Oriental, and is classified
as partially urban. It is the boundary between Cagayan de Oro City and the province of Misamis
Oriental, District II. It is in the interior part of the barangay. It was erected in 1963 with two classrooms
on one of the two sites that the school has. Three hundred meters away from it is the main school, which
occupies a site that measures 5000 square meters. Approximately 7 kilometers from the district office
and 12 kilometers from the school’s division office. Tricycles, motorcycles, jeepneys, and other
personally owned vehicles are the primary modes of transportation to reach the school.
Geographically, the two sites of the school are near the Iponan River. The school is erected on a
flat surface and lies below sea level. It is prone to flooding because it lies near a river and along the
coastline. In 2011, it experienced a destructive muddy flood brought on by Typhoon Sendong. In
January 2022, continuous heavy rains caused a low pressure to flood the main school, damaging some

Most of the school-aged children enrolled in this school belong to low-income families.
Prominent and other middle-class families send their children to the four private schools within the
barangay and other nearby public schools within the city of Cagayan de Oro. The pupils are composed
mainly of Christians and a few of Muslims.
The school has insufficient instructional rooms to hold one-day shift classes, and some buildings
need to be renovated and repaired in order to become a place conducive for the pupils to learn.
Because there was a rise in enrollment, additional employees, such as teachers, office staff, and
general services, came in. The conglomeration of cultures led to the
opening of inclusive education, specifically ALIVE classes with two
teachers, in 2017. Additional nationally paid teachers were deployed by
DepEd, from 16 in 2014 to 31 in 2021. The municipal government
of Opol funded two job order employees, and the division office sent
out one clerk in 2021. Now, Barra ES has a total enrollment of 928, 30
regular teachers, 2 ALIVE teachers, 2 office staff, 1 utility, 1 janitorial
staff, and 1-night shift watcher.

As a professional we still these factors about us that we need to develop. Like me, my first goal is
to teach in public school as an intern. This work experience while I am in the field of teaching, it
will help me to master my strategies of teaching and also I will learn a lot from different educators
that I will meet from this internship. Next is the mentoring of classroom practice, this will help me
to really strive hard to look for resources provided to mentors. This will also help me to achieve
the ultimate goal of every aspiring teacher which is to get a license. If I will be given a change to
get the license that everyone wanted, I will teach in school wherein I can be able to impart my
knowledge. After achieving all of these, I will look at myself and evaluate what are the strategies
and motivation I have made just to achieve my goal. Life will not easily go that way. Life will
give you many challenges to try how far your patience is and to test your capabilities on how you
will handle such challenge. There are many aspiring teachers you have try to take the examination
and many times they failed, but God Has a better plan for every one of us and all we have to do is
to wait for the right time and try to make things work out.

My personal philosophy is a student-centered. I always believe that every child is unique and
has its own way of learning and talents that they could offer in a classroom. I believe that it is
my responsibility to for giving an environment that is friendly and comfortable. Since each
learner is unique, you need a variety of teaching strategies to employ to them. In a classroom,
they learn not just from the teacher but also from their classmates. They also create a big mark
for them. I believe that giving a comfortable atmosphere in the class could help them be open
always because other kids don’t have the courage to speak honestly in their home because they
might afraid to be punished or they might have family problems. Each child has the right to
speak and be more alive, alert, and awake to encourage the students more. It is literally giving
yourself through giving your full energy just to get their attention and encourage them. I always
believe in teachers who have more experience in dealing kids. Those teachers know how to
empathize and could have the ability to inspire more to learners. As a future teacher, I am also
into the value of a student. I believe discipline in a good way helps them more. They could
always learn from their parents, friends or even on their own bit behavior needs more sharpeners.
You could always fake behavior to someone. Therefore, one way for them to sharpen is to
discipline them and teachers are the agent of change. Teaching is always the challenging
profession. It is a never-ending process of touching learners’ lives, reflecting and adjusting for
them. A teacher ‘s treasure is when you see your learners grow physically, emotionally, socially
and spiritually. I believe that a great teacher is

burning with passion of teaching, loves the uniqueness of every

child and always excited about the opportunity to be part of

their lives.

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