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Tuesday, April 14, 2020 7:32 PM

Size: Large town

Population: 3000~ in 1489DR
Region: Sword Coast - Western Heartlands
Religion: Lathander - Waukeen (minor) - few unattemted shrines of other gods
Government: Democracy
Ruler: Dawngreeter Tholman

Demographics: On a large trading road, a big lake a few hours to the west and a smaller one the east.

Law Enforcement:
• Organisation in charge: Flaming Fist
• Level: Medium

• Main: Trade center/agriculture
• Secondary: Tourism
• State: Well and stable, self sufficient. Although the woods surrounding the city and the roads are ideal
for lumberjack and hunting, those are not a priority for the people of Beregost, having more than
enough with trading.

History: Founded in 1026DR. Originally a farming town/hamlet established to support Ulcasyer School of
Wizardry. The school was abandoned in 1106 DR after an attack by Calishite mages, but Beregost has
already been established as its own individual and were not put back by the events, although it did create a
great load of distrust towards arcane magic users. The official government in 1368 was constituted of five
individuals forming a town council, however that lasted only a few years. Since then, the head priest of the
Song of the Morning temple as been in charge of overseeing the town’s affairs. After the establishment of the
Flaming Fist Garrison in 1480DR, the Dawngreeter Tholman and Lieutenant Rizot began to share the
different tasks.

Place of interest:

1. Feldepost’s Inn
2. Flaming Fist Garrison
3. Kagain’s Shop
4. Palomary Manor
5. Red Sheaf Inn and Tavern
6. Seven Boxes
7. Song of the Morning Temple
8. The Burning Wizard Inn
9. The Goldenhall
10. The Jovial Juggler
11. Thunder Hammer Smithy

Locations Page 1
1. Feldepost's Inn
11 mai 2020 19:24

Meal Quality Price

Service Quality: Bread and cheese Poor 15 CP
• Food: 4
Soup of the day Modest 1 SP
• Alcohol: 2
• Lodging: 3 Steamed Shrimp Modest 3 SP
• Entertainement: 1 with Garlic and Soft
Exterior: The outside is rather modern, well taken cared of. You can see a few windows on the front Beef and vegetables Comfortable 6 SP
wall of the inn. The door is made of walnut wood with dark iron inges and a fancy ish door knob casserole
with a small lion’s head above.
Oyster and Comfortable 7 SP
mushroom stew
Braised Oxtails with Weathly 8 SP
1st floor: The front door leads to a large room. You can see a stair case in the the back of the room. Mushrooms
There are a few circular tables in the middle of the room and a row of four square tables along the
left wall. You can also see pillars around the room. The room is well lit, there are windows on every
Drink (Mug/Glass) Type Price
wall and candles on every table. The warmth of the flames as well the rays on sunshine slightly
piercing through the windows warms the room. You can hear a few patron having conversation. The Baldur's Gate Pale Ale 40 CP
table to your left seems a little more obnoxious. The nice smell on roasted poultry and freshly baked Common Local Beer 20 CP
bread play with your nose. To the right, there is a small set of stairs and an elevated part of the
floor, leading to the kitchen. In front of the kitchen door, you see a tall human male standing there, Common Table Wine 10 CP
looking at the patrons.
Room Availability Price
2nd floor: You are going up the L shaped stairs to end up in a long hall with a nice red carpet
flooring. There are two doors on the left, two doors on the right and one at the end of the hall. The Modest A Yes 5 SP
doors on the right leads to two modest rooms, containing two beds, a table, two chairs, a small Modest B No 6 SP
carpet in the middle of the room, and a small wooden chest in between the beds. The first door on
the left and the second door on the right leads to comfortable rooms. It contains the same as a Comfortable No 8 SP
modest, just fancier and it comes with the possibility to use the bathroom. The last door on the left Weathly Yes 2 GP
lead to a weathly room containing two double size beds, a couch, a bathtub, a fancy carpet.

Locations Page 2
2. Flaming Fist Garrison
Friday, May 29, 2020 9:07 AM

Locations Page 3
3. Kagain’s Shop
1 juin 2020 14:50

Locations Page 4
4. Palomary Manor
1 juin 2020 14:50

Locations Page 5
5. Red Sheaf Inn and Tavern
1 juin 2020 14:50

Service Quality: Meal Quality Price

• Food: 2
• Alcohol: 3
• Lodging: 3
• Entertainement: 2



1st floor:
Drink (Mug/Glass) Type Price

Room Availability Price

Locations Page 6
6. Seven Boxes
1 juin 2020 14:50

Item Type Quantity Price

Dagger Weapon 5 1 SP
Exterior: The outside is more like a wood lodge, well taken care of, with plants around Dungeoneer's Pack Equipment 1 1 GP 2 SP
the entrance. There are a few windows to the left of the door, but only one on the right
side. The front door is made out oak, but was vernished to give it a darker teint, and i Explorer's Pack Equipment 1 1 GP
has a plain looking metal knob with a lock. There is a sign on the door saying: «Don't Backpack Gear 3 2 SP
be cheap, you only have one life». Bucket Gear 5 1 CP
Inside: Bottle, Glass Gear 10 2 SP
Case, Map or Scroll Gear 4 1 SP
1st floor: As you enter the building, you step in a medium size room, roughly 28 X
Flask Gear 12 10 CP
58. You notice two long standing shelves, kind of creating an aisle. There are a few
items on the walls and a peticularly long shelf on the wall on the left. Those three Pot, Iron Gear 9 2 SP
shelves contains most of the nessecities for outdoor survival. The counter and the Pouch Gear 6 8 CP
shop owner is to the right of the door, it is one of the first things everyone notice as
they step in. There is also a backroom behind the counter with the door shut. Behind Quiver Gear 2 2 SP
the door is a small storing room with barrels, crates, a few shelves and a trapdoor to Sack Gear 5 2 CP
head in the basement. There are a few windows around the shop, except close to the
Vial, Glass Gear 6 1 SP
counter and the backroom, and torches on every walls to lit up the place when it's
darker Waterskin Gear 10 4 CP
Bedroll Item 5 1 SP
2nd floor: The straight wooden stairs leads to a small hallway with one door at the
end. Blanket Item 6 6 CP
Candle Item 12 2 CP
Chain (10 ft.) Item 3 6 SP
Chalk Item 7 1 CP
Cloth (bolt) Item 3 8 CP
Crowbar Item 1 3 SP
Grappling Hook Item 1 1,5 SP
Hammer Item 2 2 SP
Hourglass Item 5 3 GP
Hunting Trap Item 2 15 SP
Ink (1oz bottle) Item 5 1,5 GP
Ink Pen Item 2 1 CP
Lamp Item 2 5 CP
Mess Kit Item 5 5 CP
Mirror Item 1 10 SP
Oil (flask) Item 2 3 CP
Paper (one sheet) Item 12 3 CP
Parchement (one sheet) Item 20 2 CP
Rope, hempen (50 ft.) Item 5 1,5 SP
Sealing Wax Item 3 10 CP
String (10 ft.) Item 20 1,5 SP
Tent, 2 person Item 1 4 SP
Tinderbox Item 4 8 CP
Torch Item 12 1 CP

Locations Page 7
7. Song of the Morning Temple
1 juin 2020 14:50

Locations Page 8
8. The Burning Wizard Inn
1 juin 2020 14:50

Service Quality: Meal Quality Price

• Food: 0
• Alcohol: 2
• Lodging: 5
• Entertainement: 3



1st floor:
Drink (Mug/Glass) Type Price

Room Availability Price

Locations Page 9
9. Goldenhall
Wednesday, May 13, 2020 10:31 AM

Exterior: The walls are made of a nice light grey masonry bricks, with a few very
clean windows. The roof is made of a nice red amber wood shingle. The front door
is slightly smaller than an usual door ( made this so people bowed down to
Waukeen upon entering the temple ).


1st floor: The front door leads to a medium size, warm open concept room. As you
step in, you can see that there is two guards on each side of the front door. Inside,
you can see a nice velvety carpet with golden designs in the fabric. At the center,
there is a large statue of Waukeen made of the finest stone, and a silver bowl
ornate with rubies for the offerings. The bowl is placed on an offering step in from
of the statue along with two candles on each side, a candelar behind the bowl and
some incense burning on the right side of the bowl. There also a candelar attached
to the celing above the statue. There is a set of stairs on the left and right side of
the room going up to a balcony. On the balcony, there is a lone, closed door at the
center, going to another room. Behind the statue, is a set of stairs going to the
basement. There are a few windows around the hall that lighten up the room
during the day, and a few torches for the evenings. There is a slight aroma of
incense in the air. If you pay attention, you can hear a small sound of foot steps on
a meta surface once in a while.

Room upstairs: upon opening the door, you see a very nice, but small room. The
carpet on the floor is replaces by hardwood with a red round carpet in the middle of
the room. It is definitely Grindletop’s bedroom. You can see a bed in a diagonal in
the top left corner. It looks like a size and a half bed, which is odd, but it’s actully a
double size bed made specially for a gnome. At the end of the bed lies an oddments
(lock) with a white fur pelt on it. There are portraits of Waukeen and various
outskirts. You can hear the cracklings of a fire place in the top right corner, with a
small coffee table, two chairs and a love seat. You can see a pretty stacked
bookshelf on the right wall. Other than the fire place, there is one window of the
back wall and a larger one on the left wall letting in some light, and there are a few
candles on the walls lighting up the room at night.

Basement: Upon going down the wood steps, you enter in a long hall. It is definitely
a little colder down here. You notice two doors on the right wall and one in the
middle of the left wall. The hall is lit up by a few torches, and the wooden floor is
replaced by a dark metal floor. You can hear every foot step on this floor, in fact if
you pay enough attention, you can slightly hear them from the first floor. At the
end of the hall, you notice a man sitting next to a cell door with a small table next
to him. There is a mug of ale and a small lantern on the table. You can notice
another door (fancy lock) on the other side. The first two door leads to relatively
basic rooms, with 4 beds in each room. There is a simple wooden chest at the end
of each bed. The floors are made of wood and there are a few torches on the walls to
light up the rooms. The left door leads to a large room that serves as a common
hall, where people can eat. There are two long tables, an oven on the right wall and
a small kitchen table to prepare food. You can also see a few cabinets and shelves
close to the oven. You can smell the aroma of roasted chicken and soup. You can
see an other door at the end of the left wall (toilet) there are again a few torches and
some candles on the tables. The last door in the hall leads to a safe filled with
money and such, but it is heavily secured.

Locations Page 10
10. The Jovial Juggler
1 juin 2020 14:53

Service Quality:
• Food: 2
• Alcohol: 1 Meal Quality Price
• Lodging: 2
• Entertainement: 5



1st floor:

Drink (Mug/Glass) Type Price

Room Availability Price

Locations Page 11
11. Thunder Hammer Smithy
1 juin 2020 14:53

Locations Page 12
Tuesday, April 14, 2020 7:33 PM

Size: Small Town

Population: 2500~ (+ 1500 in outskirts) in 1389 DR
Region: Cloud Peaks, Amn
Religion: Auril, Helm
Government: Democracy
Ruler: Mayor Peter Writingham

Demographics: At the edge of the Sword Coast and Amn, located on the northern
slopes of the Cloud Peaks, barren and mountainy surrouding around execpt north
and northwest, those are more foresty.

Law Enforcement:
• Organisation in charge: Amnish soldiers
• Importance: Small
• Person in charge: Captain Dain Mistsplitter

• Main: Trade caravan (pelts, sheep, wool, barley, beer) and iron ore
• Secondary: Farming products (corn, potatoes, carrots, beets and by products)
• State: Well and prosperous, thanks to the iron mine and the trade between
Amn and Sword of Coast, Nashkel receives a fair amount of trade caravan.

History: Nashkel was founded in 946DR. Originaly was a small Amn settlement for
the workers of the iron mine slightly to the south. The settlement grew over the
years, the need for iron always being strong, and allowed the town to grow
prosperly. The location of the town, to the northern side of the Could Peaks,
created a separation with the rest of the Amn region, allowing them a bit more
liberty when it came to its politics, and a lot more for its trades. Sometime
before Mirtul, in the Year of the Banner, 1368 DR, the Cyric cleric Mulahey and
his kobold minions began to contaminate the iron mine outside of Nashkel. He did
so under the direction of the bandit-leader Tazok, and by extension, Rieltar
Anchev of the Iron Throne. These events directly led to the Iron crisis that plagued
the Sword Coast in the same year. As tensions built up between Amn and
the Council of Four of Baldur's Gate, Nashkel became a staging point for Amnian
soldiers, as they prepared for battle against the Flaming Fist. That same year a
traveling carnival came to Nashkel and set up just east of town. It featured a
number of merchant stalls, gambling tents end even performers such as the Great
Gazib and the Amazing Oopah. Following the end of the rising tension between
Baldur's Gate and Amn, a small amnish garrison was establish in 1383DR to
reinforce the borders.

Place of interest:

1. Cloud Peak Outfitters

2. Icedawns's House - Slightly out of town
3. Temple of Helm
4. The Northern Light
5. The Belching Dragon
6. The Vicious Mouse
7. The Muddy Hammer
8. Favian Lunadream's house (alchemist)
9. Writingham Manor
10. Amnish Garrison

Locations Page 13
1. Cloud Peak Outfitters
1 juin 2020 14:53

Item Type Quantity Price

Description: Arrow (20) Gear 3 1 GP
The Cloud Peak Outfitters is a trade shop located in Nashkel focusing mostly on adventuring gear,
making it popular with travellers coming through town. The owner of the shop is Trigani. Backpack Gear 2 3 GP
Bedroll Gear 4 1 GP 4 SP
A very simple building. The walls are made of oak planks, with a very neat door. There are two Blanket Gear 7 7 SP
metal knobs on it, one place at a normal height and another one lower. The windows on the wall Bottle, glass Gear 7 3 GP
allow to see a few things in there that looks like this is indeed a shop.
Bucket Gear 8 9 CP
Interior: Candle Gear 12 1 CP
You enter in a warm medium size room. It is crowded with four rows of shelves and a few shelves on
the walls containing a lot of miscellaneous items. Among the brick a brack, you do see a few Chalk (1 piece) Gear 9 2 CP
adventuring stuff like rope, backpacks, camping stuff. There is a few weapons too, but nothing too Clothes, Traveler Gear 2 3 GP 5 SP
fancy. There are some leather armors as well. They don’t take more than one row of shelve though.
Fishing Tackle Gear 16 2 GP
There are a decent amount of windows on the walls, but no torches in the store. There is a short
counter with a register book, a quill and ink and a small candle that is lit. You can see a small trap Ink (1 oz) Gear 5 18 GP
door in the ceiling leading to the addict. There is a nice fragrance of rose in the air.
Ink pen Gear 10 5 CP
Lamp Gear 4 1 GP
Oil (flask) Gear 7 4 SP
Paper (1 sheet) Gear 18 4 SP
Parchement (1 sheet) Gear 15 2 SP 5 CP
Rope, hempen (50 ft) Gear 5 2 GP 8 SP
Soap Gear 9 7 CP
Torch Gear 17 7 CP
Waterskin Gear 5 3 SP
Club Weapon 2 1 SP 4 CP
Dagger Weapon 1 4 GP
Shortbow Weapon 1 32 GP
Handaxe Weapon 3 10 GP
Dart Weapon 37 1 SP

Locations Page 14
2. Icedawns's House
1 juin 2020 14:53

Icedawns's House is a house located in Nashkel. The owner, Justice Icedawn, is a priest of

The building in front of you is looking a bit old. The walls are still standing, but in a bit of a bad
shape. There are two windows on the front wall on each side of the door. The both are quite dirty
and the left one is broken. The are cracks in the door and looks easy to kick down.

You enter this small room, smells like moisture and dust. The owner isn't taking good care of this

Locations Page 15
3. Temple of Helm
1 juin 2020 14:53

Although it is surrounded by a graveyard, it is a very nice looking temple. It is
made of a white-beigish stone, ornated with big windows on both side of the main
door. The main door is large and tall gate. It is made of red oak, with a red taint to
it. The knobs are simple circular shapes made of metal.


The doors lead to a very large open sanctuary. The room is a bit chill. The floor
is made of marble and the room is ornated of stone pillar. The pillars are
divided in two rows on each side of the entrance, making a path towards the
shrine. The shrine is placed a bit off of the back wall and is surrounded by a
nice pattern of marble on the ground. On your right and left side, you can see
a hallway leading off the sanctuary. The room is well lit by the windows on the
front and back wall and the torches and candles. The emblem of Helm is
ingraved in the pillars and the shrine. There is also a few flags attached
around with the emblem on it.

Left Hallway:
The hallway stretches only for a few meters and they turns right leading to a
set of stairs going downward to the basement. In the first part of the L is a
door on the left wall. Right at the beginning of the second part is a door on the
left wall and another door a bit further on the same wall. There is only one
door on the right wall.

| |
4 |
| 3
2 |——1—

Door 1 - sick ward:

Door 2 - lounge:
The room is a small square, e seat along the northern and
with a clean but plain looking western wall. The southern and
brown carpet at the center of western walls have two large
the room. It covers lost of the windows allowing light in, and
room. There is a small round there are a few torches placed
table at the center with two love around the room to light it at
seats on each side. On the table night. The atmosphere is calm in
is a candle. There are also a few here, with the few plants and
other chairs and lov portrait placed around here and

Door 3 - library:
Door 4 - temporary housing:

Right Hallway:
The hallway stretches only for a few meters and they turns left leading to a set
of stairs going downward to the basement. In the first part of the L is a door
on the left wall and another one on the right wall. In the second part is a door
on the left wall and a ladder going upward on the right wall. The ladder seems
to be leading to an addic or something of the sort.

Locations Page 16
| |
3 X
| |
——-1—| |

Door 1&3 - library

Door 2 - confessional


Locations Page 17
4. The Northern Light
1 juin 2020 14:53

Service Quality: Meal Quality Price

• Food: 1
• Alcohol: 1 Goat Aged Cheddar Poor 1SP 2
Cheese CP
• Lodging: 2
• Entertainement: 0 Rye Bread Poor 9 CP
Dried Cod (2X) Poor 1 SP
The walls of the the building in front of you are made of cedar logs. There are a few windows in the
front wall (few people in if you look inside). You can see a dim light inside, probably of a calm fire. Drink (Mug/Glass) Type Price
The front door is made of cherry wood and has a simple metal knob and a small square window. Common Local Beer 2 SP 4 CP
Common Table Wine 1 SP 5 CP
Main hall:
You walk in a warm, large open room. There is a nice fragrance of firewood burning from the Room Availability Price
chimney on the northern wall. There are three large rectangle wooden tables with benches on
each of the long side to sit on. There is one table to the left and two to the right. On the Modest A No 6 SP
eastern side of the room is a hallway lit up by a torch. Just before the hallway, there is a long Modest B Yes 6 SP
bar in a L shape with built in wooden pillars stretching along the eastern wall. Behind the bar
Comfortable A Yes 10 SP
are big shelves with a few basic things in it. At a glance, it looks like they are using it for
storage, like cleaning supplies, blankets, tools, few knifes, some wine and small kegs of beer, Comfortable B No 10 SP
and other miscellaneous stuff. There is a closed door on the northeastern side of the room.
The room is really clean, you don’t see any dust, and there is only a bit of dirt at the entrance.
There are clean windows on every walls, and lit candles on every walls to lit up the place.

The hallway isn’t very long, and very straight forward. There are two doors on each side and
one at the end of the hallway. There is only one torch, and it is a bit chillier since you are
leaving the main hall where the fire is. You can perceive a feint fowl smell from the room at the
end of the hallway.

Room Modest A:
Room Modest B:
Room Comfortable A:
Room Comfortable B:

There room is clean, although there is that pungeant smell of shit hitting your nose. There is a
lid on top of the toilet, and a small cleaning station next to it. The room is lit by a small torche
and a small window, which also help with the smell.

Locations Page 18
5. The Belching Dragon
1 juin 2020 14:53

Service Quality:
• Food: 2
• Alcohol: 3 Meal Quality Price
• Lodging: 0 Cheese platter Poor 2 SP
• Entertainement: 2 Fish Chowder Poor 4 SP
Exterior: Rotisserie cooked fish Modest 6 SP
The outside as a round shape, almost like a barrel. There are no windows on the front walls, but Beef stew Comfortable 11 SP
there is a oak door with a small window in it. There is a sign above the door that is a dragon
chugging a tankard. You can tell the inside is lively (at night) by the sound.
Drink (Mug/Glass) Type Price
Inside: Common local Ale 3 SP
You enter in a large open room. At first glance, you quickly notice that there is no walls inside. The
room is warm and smells a little bit of booze. The kitchen is all on the back wall, but is separeted Butternut Beer Beer 9 SP
from the rest of the tavern by a long counter With pillars in it to support the roof. There are a series Tanagyr's Stout Beer 34 SP
round tables in the center of the room and two large tables on each side of them. Along the back edges of the room,
close to the bar, are a set of two square tables. There are a few torches on the walls to lighten the place at night. There Common local Wine 50 CP
are two windows on the northern and southern walls.
Room Availability Price
None None None

Locations Page 19
6. The Vicious Mouse
1 juin 2020 14:55

Item Type Quantity Price

Explorer’s pack
Rope, hempen (50 ft)
Adventurer’s backpack
Ink (1 oz)
Ink pen
Parchment paper
Leather armor
Fur armor
Chain mail

Locations Page 20
7. The Muddy Hammer
1 juin 2020 14:55

The house itself looks rather conventional, it is really similar to other houses around here. It would Item Type Quantity Price
be bard to believe there is a shop here if it wasn’t for the sound of hammer hitting iron coming from
the side of the house. Next to the house is what looks like a stable, in fact it sort of smells a bit like Dagger Weapon 7 1 GP 2 SP
it, but the smell is quickly overpowered the smell of iron, rust and fire. At the center of the stable is Mace Weapon 3 6 GP
an anvil with a fire pit behind it. There are racks of weapons on both sides. If you stand close to the
anvil, it is pretty warm, but anywhere else is good thanks to the aeration a stable brings. Sickle Weapon 6 1 GP 8 SP
Light Hammer Weapon 3 2 GP 4 SP
Shortsword Weapon 2 15 GP
Longsword Weapon 1 20 GP

Locations Page 21
8. Favian Lunadream's house
1 juin 2020 14:55

This house, located in Nashkel, belong to Favian Lunadream. She is the town's
unofficial alchemist and is a priest of Mystra.

A very simple building. The walls are made of oak planks, with a very neat door.
There are two metal knobs on it, one place at a normal height and another one
lower. Their are a few, pretty clean windows all around the house. It looks in good

You enter in a warm medium size room. It looks very homy and simple. You can tell
an old woman lives here. You notice a lot of plants on the southern wall with
alchemy tools set on a table. You can see various ingredients laying on the table,
but mostly plants. It's pretty clear all around due to the windows except around the
stairs. There is one door at the end of the room in front of the stairs that goes
upward. Furniture:
• Round table with chairs
• Loveseats with coffee table
• Fireplace, stove and pantry
• Large, colorful carpet
You hear the sound of water boiling and something brewing. You smell a slight
smell of incense, but if you focus on it, you can can also smell the sharp smell of
the ingredients on the table. It could make a pregnant woman puke.

Locations Page 22
9. Writingham Manor
1 juin 2020 14:56

The building in front of you is very large, and looks out of place compared to the
rest of the houses you have seen around here. The door is a double cedar door with
fancy looking metal plating on it. There are flags with a crest on it looking like this
(show Writtingham Crest). There are a lot of windows on the front wall.


Locations Page 23
10. Amnish Garrison
1 juin 2020 14:57

Locations Page 24
Tuesday, April 14, 2020 7:33 PM

Locations Page 25
Friendly Arm Inn
Wednesday, April 15, 2020 10:00 AM

Locations Page 26
Wednesday, April 15, 2020 10:00 AM

Locations Page 27
Conservatory of Knowledge
Wednesday, April 15, 2020 10:00 AM

Description: The Conservatory of Knowledge is an academy for wizard slightly to the Southeast of

History: Founded in 1478 DR by Sumavel Hubrarsel. Following the incident of the Ulcaster School,
the coast of the Sword of coast, all around Beregost, was left without a school for several years.
Some feared a similar catastrophe would emerge again, other were simply afraid of magic due to its
mysterious nature and unpredictable result in the wrong hands. There were even some that
believed that there were simply no wizard knowledgeable and/or selfless enough to teach other.

Locations Page 28
Ulcaster School
20 juillet 2020 21:20

- Ulcaster was a conjurer of note and a bit of a politicien, who founded a

school of wizardry in the small farming village of Beregost in the
mid–11th century DR.

- Roughly eighty years after the school was founded, Calishite mages
came to fear the school's power and popularity. The school was
destroyed in a massive spell battle.

- Ulcaster himself disappeared during the fray and was never found. The
school burned to an empty shell, which still stands on a hill east of the

- Locals fear of the ruins, which are said to be haunted by phantoms who
are still able to cast spells, has caused Beregost to be expanded to the
west of the Coast Way road leaving the hills east of it to the
local clerics of Lathander who grazed their sheep near the ruins to keep
an eye on things in the area.

Locations Page 29
Goblin Cave - Chapter 1
Tuesday, April 14, 2020 7:33 PM

Location: Is located slightly to the Northwest of Nashkel.

Travel time from Nashkel:

Slow pace 1 1/2 days

Normal pace 1 day
Fast pace 1/2 day

Importance: Visited in the first chapter after accepting to help Captain Dain from
Nashkel to eradicate ''Feral'' goblins.

Locations Page 30
Road - The Coast Way - Beregost & Nashkel
17 juin 2021 09:09

Region: Sword Coast - Western Heartlands
Description: The road from Beregost to Nashkel is a large commercial way linking
Baldur's Gate, Amn and the Northern regions. There is a bit of commerce coming
from the East, but the trail linking Nashkel to Greenest is not as well adapted as
this one.

Locations Page 31
The Bush Inn
17 juin 2021 09:09

Meal Quality Price

Service Quality: Bread and cheese Poor 1,5 SP
• Food: 2
Leek cream Modest 2 SP
• Alcohol: 1
• Lodging: 2 Mushroom gratin Modest 4 SP
• Entertainement: 1 Braised hare with root Comfortable 5 SP
Exterior: Broiled catfish with Comfortable 6 SP
The building in front of you is surrounded by trees. It is after all, an inn in the middle
turnips, cabbage and
of the woods. You do see a few small cabins sparsed here and there, so it's not the
only building there. Surprisingly, it's a large inn, at least looking from the outside. The
structure of it seem warm and inviting. It is mostly built from wooden logs, giving it a Applesauce with Weathly 8 SP
cottage feeling. There are a few small window. You notice a some sort of small shed almond shortcakes
attached to the western wall, closer to the end of the wall. It could be something else
than a shed, but it's hard to tell unless you go take a look inside. The most noticeable
feature of the inn is the large patio at the entrance of the inn. On it, you notice two Drink (Mug/Glass) Type Price
recliners chairs and one long bench, clearly crafted with care. Above the patio is a roof Common Local Beer 30 CP
that goes up for a few meters, but stop to a wall, indicating that there is a second floor Common Table Wine 20 CP
the inn. The door leading inside looks quite modest. Ingrave on it is a tree cricled by
an oval shape. It's written under: The bush Inn.
Room Beds Type Price
5 1 Modest 4 SP
Main hall: 8 2 Modest 9 SP
You walk in a warm, large open room. There is a nice fragrance of firewood 3 5 Poor 1 SP each
burning from the chimney on the southern and western wall. Those two
fireplaces keep the place nice and comfy. They also keep the place well lit, with
the help of a few torches on the walls (lit at night). There is a good amount of
tables inside and a few patrons. The place has a calm atmosphere to it. You see
an half orc sitting alone at one of the table close to the door (1). He is just
drinking a beer, not paying attention to your arrival. He as a rough figure, he
looks almost annoyed at something, or maybe he is just the grumpy type. He is
wearing simple and regular clothes. At the table next to him (2), you see a black
man holding a television, JK! He is also sitting alone and eating a meal. He seem
more friendly and easier to approach than the half orc. He did look your way and
welcomed you with a slight bow. His clothes smeems used and slightly dirty, as if
the man spends a decent amount of time outside. Behind him (3) are two ladies
of the evening sitting together. They actually look like normal women. The also
looked back at you when you entered and quickly went back to there
conversation. A little further to the left corner, you see two dwarfs sitting at a
table (4) with some sort of game in front of them. They seem to be having fun.
You see a few pieces and a few tankars on the table as well. The dwarves
themselves seem a bit different from the other patrons you saw until now. The
are better dressed, and both have a bag close to them, like most travellers would
do. Next to them (6), is a man playing a nice folk song on what seems to be an
mixed of a mandolin and a small guitar. He is dressed modestly and doesn't seem
to be a professional bard. The music he plays is strictly instrumental. You see a
waitress (5) brooming the floor close to the southern fireplace. She has a pretty
figure. She has light brown colored hair with one mesh one white. She welcomes
you as you come in and says: Hello folks! Welcome to the Bush Inn! Never seen
you around here. Are you perhaps looking for a place to rest you heads tonight?
The players will notice at some point that she is holding the right side of her hips.
Behind the bar is a man (8), with a rough build. He acknolewgde your presence
with a quick nod, grabbed two beers and started to walk towards the table (7). At
that said table, you notice three persons siting, two young man and one older
looking. All three of them seem to be wearing comfortable traveling clothes. The
older one has a warm smile to him and seem to be enjoying the conversation. One
of the two young man seem pretty energic and talkative. In fact, most the
conversation seem to be happening between him and the older man. The second
yound man seems more reserved, pensive even. He observes the conversation
without showing care for it. You notice a nice fragrance of food coming from
around that table, as if something is currently cooking.

The kitchen (9) is quite basic, but, like the rest of the place, in good shape. There
is a stair leading to the basement and a window overlooking the backyard.

(1) See Lu q grum
(2) See Doran Mournhell
(3) See Bertha Rowntree and Harley Rowntree
(4) See Lukhal Kegshaper and Arvin Flintmace
(5) See Gavin Farlight
(6) See Rosa Trannyth
(7) See Sir Patrick Montserra, Edwin Black and Julius qMontserra.
(8) See Leogeon Trannyth

Second floor:
The hallway isn’t very large, maybe big enough for two person to walk next to
each other. It is pretty straight forward and well lit due to the torches, but it
lacks windows. You first see two doors. The one on the northern wall is open . See
description (1). The second door, on the southern wall, is closed. After two
turns, you can see the end of the hallway as well as six doors, three on each
walls. All of them are closed except the second from the right. See description

(1) Inside, you can see a large room with a long table with enough chairs to sit
8 people. There are also two pantries on the back wall. To your
understanding, it is a dining hall. The room seem well lit and quite warm.
You do hear the crackling from a fire coming from inside of it. *If they go
inside* Inside, you notice a fireplace on the eastern wall.
(2) Basic room with a nice and clean bed. There is a small table with four chairs
and a small dresser.
(3) You see five bunkbeds parked in a long row. The room is quite cramped, but
then again, what would you expect from a communal room. There is a desk
with space to put your belongings in. You see that there already is a few
things in there.
(4) This rooms is a communal space a bit like the dining hall (1), but more used
for a tea room.There are two tables inside, with enough chairs to sit eight
persons. It is a bit colder than the dining hall, due to the lack of a fire place.
It is also, by default, a bit less lit. There is one torch in the room and one
candle on each table in case someone needs it.
(5) The room is quite simple, with a basic bed, nothing too fancy. This room
strikes as an adventurer's room. There is a small desk with one chair and a
chest to store some of your belongings. The room is a bit cold, but has a
slight fragrance of food, since the kitchen is right under.
(6) The room seems quite basic, with a comfy bed and a dresser. It is a thad
cold in it. There is a window on the southern wall giving you a view on a
small balcony. The window is big enough for a medium size person to fit
through it.
(7) Comfortable room with two beds and small desk.
(8) Comfortable room with two beds
(9) Cozy room with a double bed, quite comfy matress, There is a table with 4
chairs and a small dresser.
(10) This is a very basic balcony, litteraly just used to maybe catch a breath air,
but there is no chair or bench on it. There is a wood fence all along it to stop
someone from jumpinf or falling. It might be mostly used for the owner to

Locations Page 32
someone from jumpinf or falling. It might be mostly used for the owner to
access the roof if he needs it. Only room 2, 6 and 9 can access this balcony
if they climb out of their windows.

Locations Page 33
Goblin Cave - Chapter 1
Tuesday, April 14, 2020 7:33 PM

Point of interest:
1. Entrance
2. Fork
3. Patrolling goblins
4. Fresh water and treasure cove
5. Trap
6. First goblin camp
7. Second goblin camp
8. Main goblin camp
9. Warlock
10. Water tunnels

Dungeons Page 34
1. 1. Entrance
Saturday, August 15, 2020 7:53 AM

A goblin is standing watch. Unless distracted with something minor, like a small
sound, he will not budge from his post. Deception DC 10:

• Success = The goblin leave his post to go towards the sound. He is alarmed.
Roll Stealh (player) vs perception goblin with advantage.
• Failure = He calls the goblin in room 2 to go take a look.
• Critical failure = sound the alarm bell

• 8 SP

Dungeons Page 35
2. Fork
Saturday, August 15, 2020 7:58 AM

There is one goblin here (if he wasn’t alarm at the entrance). He will automatically
run up at the fork if he sees the adventurers. In this case, he alarms the goblins in
room 3 who will come towards them, and alarm the goblins in room 4, who will
prepare an attack. Deception DC 10 to distract him.

Treasure: Nothing

Dungeons Page 36
3. Patrolling goblins
Saturday, August 15, 2020 8:02 AM

Two goblins are going to attack on sight, no escape.

• 1 SP, 8 CP
• Shortsword

Dungeons Page 37
4. Fresh water and treasure cove
Saturday, August 15, 2020 8:02 AM

There are two goblin archer guarding the water spot. If the advebturer venture in
the water or with a perception DC 12, they will see a cove with a skeleton. An
investigation DC 10 will reveal a silver ring with a stone (Rosaline). The ring is
worth around 3GP.

• Bolt (32)
• Crossbow
Hidden in cove
• Silver Rosaline Ring

Dungeons Page 38
5. Trap
Saturday, August 15, 2020 8:10 AM

Upon entering room 5, they will have to go around a big rock. There is a string,
slightly hidden, on both side. Perception DC12 to detect the trap. If activated, must
roll a Dex saving throw to avoid falling rocks.

If the trap is activated, it will alarm the goblin in room 6.

Dungeons Page 39
6. First goblin camp
Saturday, August 15, 2020 8:13 AM

There is one goblin here that will shout for backup if he sees the adventurer before
engaging in combat. Deception DC10.

• 6 CP
• Torch
Tent 1
• Bolt of cloth
• Hemp string (8m)
• Sligthly damaged padded armor (fixable)
• Quarterstaff
• Small locked chest DC12:
○ 12 SP
○ Copper necklace
Tent 2
• Vial of goblin poison - Cons. Sav. Throw DC 10 or poisonned for 5 rounds

Dungeons Page 40
7. Second goblin camp
Saturday, August 15, 2020 8:14 AM

Upon entering the room the two goblins will attack if they detect the adventurer.
The goblin above is hidden Stealth vs Perception.

Description of the room:

• Dimension: A medium size room, looking like an hallway
• Light source: A few torches keep the room lit enough
• Exits: There is the hallway leading to the first Camp and an hallway to the
lower west part of the room leading to the main camp
• Features: The room is devided in two floors. The ground floor is where they
emerge from and where the tents are. The second level is about 12 ft. tall and
is where a goblin is hiding and a tent.
• Furnitures: There is a small fire pit closer to the tents, a few simple looking
• Temperature: Cold and damp, but warmer close to the fire
• Sound: some echoe
• Smell: smells damp and mossy, but smells fire closer to the fire.

Description of the tents:

• Dimension: Quite small, but the chieftain's tent is a bit bigger
• Light source: Dark and unlit
• Features: simple looking
• Furnitures: See loots
• Temperature: A bit warmer, but still cold
• Smell: smells bad

• Shield
• 1 Sp, 7 Cp
• Arrow (21)
Tent 1:
• Candle
• Hide not tanned
• Bell
Tent 2
• Small hidden locked chest Inv DC 16 - Lock DC 12
○ 2X Flask of oil with 2 charges
○ 1 small flask of healing

Dungeons Page 41
8. Main camp
Saturday, August 15, 2020 8:17 AM

This is a boss fight. The chieftain will not move until his troops are decimated. He
speaks fluently common, and is smart. If the goblins are taken out too fast, he will
use a dog blower to call his worg for help. If the character are injured too much, he
will not consider them a treat, since he is cocky, and won't call his worg for help.

Upon detection, they will notice a person taller than the goblins, dressed in black.
He will say something to the chieftain and escape towards room 9.

They will find a letter on the chieftain’s corpse. It’s written in code.

Description of the room:

• Dimension: A large room with a higher ceiling compared to the rest of the
• Light source: A few torches keep the room lit enough
• Exits: There is the hallway leading to the Second Camp and an hallway to the
lower east part of the room leading to the den
• Features: The room is devided in two floors. The ground floor is where they
emerge from and where the fire pit is. The second level is about 10 ft. tall and
is where the tents are.
• Furnitures: There is a fire pit at the center of the room, 4 simplistic tents, one
large tent with a deer skull above the entrance, a empty racks close to the
• Temperature: Cold and damp, but warmer close to the fire
• Sound: some echoe
• Smell: smells bad, like goblin feces, but there is a smell of fire closer to the

Description of the tents:

• Dimension: Quite small, but the chieftain's tent is a bit bigger
• Light source: Dark and unlit
• Features: simple looking
• Furnitures: See loots
• Temperature: A bit warmer, but still cold
• Smell: smells bad

• Coded letter (chieftain)
• Leather armor
• Arrows (15)
• Hand axe
• 1 Gp, 8 Sp, 2 CP
Tent UL
• Dirty clothes
• Bedrolls (2)
Tent UR
• Dirty clothes
• Bedrolls (1)
Tent DL
• Locked chest DC16
○ 2 Flask of goblin poison
Tent DR
• 2 shortbow poor state
• 1 shortsword idem
• 1 maces idem

Dungeons Page 42
• 1 maces idem
• 1 Quarterstaff
• 3 shields 1 poor state
• 4 Leather armor
Chieftain tent
• Small locked chest DC14
○ 5 Gp, 8 SP

Dungeons Page 43
9. The den
Saturday, August 15, 2020 8:20 AM

The den of the chief's worg. He is sleeping if the chieftain didn't call him. Not mush
else to say. They discover dead corpse here, which will bug him.

• Dimension: A bit under medium, with a small alcove
• Light source: A few torches keep the room lit enough
• Exits: There is the hallway leading to the main camp, and the water
(containing a hidden path)
• Features: A few piled corpses
• Furnitures: a pile of hay for a bed, wooden bowl of food for the worg, contains
a leg
• Temperature: Cold and damp, quite humid
• Sound: echoe of water drops
• Smell: smells of decay and wet dog

• Worg parts

Dungeons Page 44
10. Water tunnel
Saturday, August 15, 2020 8:23 AM

It’s a dead end with water that seems to be going north, but still leads to a dead
end. If the man was hurt, they will find blood on the shore, indicating that he really
came here. If they swim, roll perception DC15 and the end of the tunnel to notice
the water is colder, as if it was swallower under them. If they find that and explore,
they will arrive outside. None the matter, the man is gone.

Dungeons Page 45
Tuesday, April 14, 2020 10:40 AM

Name Location Current status

Barton Beregost Alive
Beleak Gellentara Beregost Alive
Dawngreeter Tholman Beregost Alive
Ez’ellen Thrullan Beregost Alive
Grindletop Brassfit Beregost Alive
Horven Songsteel Beregost Alive
Lieutenant Rizot Beregost Alive
Norgold Gellentara Beregost Alive
Randal Beregost/Travelling Alive
Shelvan Fuiruim Beregost Alive
Sumavel Hesjingcaex Conservatory of Alive
Eleanor Wheatflow Beregost Alive
Peter Writingham Nashkel Alive
Gregan Quill Beregost Alive
Dain Mistsplitter Nashkel Alive
Terrowin Ashglade Nashkel Alive
Hugh Wilmont Formerly Berdursk, Dead

NPC Page 46
Tuesday, April 14, 2020 10:38 AM

NPC Page 47
Tuesday, April 14, 2020 2:40 PM

Occupation: He’s the owner Kagain’s Shop, and he is the head of the Nine

Background: Barton has lived in Beregost his entire life. He is an ex-adventurer,

and is the son of an ex-adventurer. He did a fair bit of traveling and adventure
alone and with his father. He also involved himself in his father’s smuggling
business, where he made most of his connections around the Sword of Coast. After
his father passed away, he settled down in Beregost and changed his business
orientation, leaving the traveling to the younglings like he said. His new business is
much more like a mafia, called the Nine Thumbs.

Race: Dwarf
Gender: Male
Age: 194
Height: 5’2
Weight: 157 lbs
Skin: slightly tanned
Deity: Secretly worship Abbathor, he says Berronar Truesilver for the appearances
Alignment: Lawful Evil
• Breaded long red beard
• Long red hair in a pony tail. The band holding it together as a small particular
comb in it (an heirloom left by his mother).

• Wears a formal, clean leather armor made with some winter wolf fur.
• Wears a fancy silver ring
• Clean black leather boots

• Has a small scar on the left side of his forehead.
• Quite good looking.
• Joyful and smiling

• In public, he is a nice person, helpful to the other
• In front of the Thumbs, he is a serious man
• Calculating
• Smart
• Remorseless and mean, yet never commits crime with his own hands.
• The means justify the end
• Care for the close members of his organization, but wouldn’t hesitate to deny
his affiliation with any of them to save his skin, or money for that matter

• Can offer a decent price if you are on his good side and allow you to sell stolen
stuff without any worries.
• Spent all his life in Beregost. He knows the city and its surrounding like the
back of his hand.
• He knows more about the emergence of various new groups of bandits than
the Flaming Fist does.

NPC Page 48
Beleak Gellantara
Tuesday, April 14, 2020 9:13 AM

Occupation: Works for his father at the Red Sheaf Inn and is a ruffian member of
the Nine Thumbs.

Background: He is originally from Neverwinter, but has been living in Beregost for
the past 29 years after his family moved down here. His mother passed away when
he was 5 years old, the day his father came back from war. She died from an
illness, but his father has never given him much details about it. He officially joined
the Nine Thumbs ten years ago, but he had been doing a few robbery and stealing
job before that. Since he joined, he has been very eager to prove his worth. For the
last ten years, he has been doing a lot of robbery, never alone. His wish is to one
day be able to take his father’s place within the Fingers. Because of his connection
with the Fingers, he acts like a boss around other members of the Nine Thumbs,
making also pretty cocky. He claims he got the scar on left cheek after a huge fight
against a group of gnoll. The exact number of gnolls varies from time to times, and
there was naturally no witness of this fight.

Race: Human
Gender: Male
Age: 34
Height: 5’9
Weight: 143 lbs
Skin: White, relatively clean
Deity: None
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
• Medium length curtained hair
• Scruffy mustach (pinch)

• Semi clean formal clothes (brown)
• A small leather armor on top
• Small brown boots

• Tall lanky
• Not the prettiest
• Confident posture
• Small scar on his left cheek
• Shortsword attaches to his belt

• A little prick
• Cocky and arrogant due to his father’s status
• Act like a boss within the Nine Thumbs
• Loves ambush and stealing
• Quite swift
• Rather dumb
• Only loyal to himself
• Makes rash decisions
• Act tough, but is a coward
• Respects Barton

• Being on his good side can create a connection with his father.

NPC Page 49

• Will propose to accompany the group to raid the bandit camp. If he
accompany them, he will betray them with his two underlings.
• Can be pushed to attack his father if you bring proof that he isn’t his real
father, and persuaded to do so.

NPC Page 50
Eleanor Wheatflow
Thursday, April 16, 2020 9:59 AM

Occupation: She is the owner of the Burning Wizard in Beregost.

Background: Eleanor was adopted by the previous owner at the age of 7. Her
parents were merchants and often did trade in Beregost and the surrounding.
Business becoming slightly too stressful in Neverwinter, they decided to move to
Beregost and established their new business there. Close to the city, they were led
waste by bandits. Things got heaten, and both her parents were heavily injured.
Killing was part of the bandits plan, so they simply left with the merchandise and
their money. Eleanor tried her best to tend to her parent’s injuries, but it was in
vane, the blood lost was to much to be able to fix. She continued her travel to
Beregost being the closest city. Although she looked for help from the local Flaming
Fist guards, no one could help her. It was Dawngreeter Tholman that helped her
the most. He heard that the owner of the Burning Wizard had been complaining
about the heavy load of work at his establishment lately. Knowing that the him and
his wife had tried to conceive in the past, but to no result, he thought that this
might also help convincing him to take Eleanor in, although this was not about
finding someone to adopt her per say, but it did end up that way after a few years.
Although her parents will always remain her parents, she hold her adoptive parents
to a high estime in her heart.

Race: Half Elf

Gender: Female
Age: 47
Height: 4’7
Weight: 192 lbs
Skin: Slightly golden
Deity: Worship Lathander
Alignment: Neutral good
• Long, wavy blonde hair

• Elegant purple silk dress
• Lace white shoes

• Round build
• Brown eyes
• Simple golden earring
• Wedding band
• Diamond shape face
• Quite pretty

• Weak constitution
• Easily out of breath
• Changes subject quite often
• Can’t stand laziness
• Knows a lot of gossip in town

• Can give gossip about people from Beregost
• Being on her good side is being on her husband’s good side
• Can offer discount his on her good side.

NPC Page 51
Ez’ellen Thrullan
Sunday, May 3, 2020 9:17 AM

Occupation: Dawngreeter Tholman’s assistant, but officially an agent of the Lord’s


Backgroung: From Silverymoon,

Race: Sun Elf

Gender: Male
Age: 217
Height: 5’9
Weight: 108
Skin: Pale skin
Deity: Secretly worship Tyr, worship Lathander for his persona
Alignment: Lawful Good
• Long golden hair

• Suit of mithral half plate armor
• Sunblade around his waist
• Light brown shoes

• Wide green eyes
• Serious eyebrows

• Elegant
• Graceful
• Value time
• Serious
• Proper and professional

• Can help with getting information regarding the bandits activity in the region.
• May be use as a reference towards the Lord’s Alliance based in Silverymoon
• May join the adventurer later

NPC Page 52
Gregan Quill
Monday, May 11, 2020 4:09 PM

Occupation: Is the owner of Seven Boxes in Beregost.

Backgroung: Used to be part of an adventuring band. Altought they were not very
famous, they did travel a lot around, and adventured together for over 10 years.
One day, they investigated an old crypt, thinking they were going to be able to score
some artifact and retire. Unfortunately, things took a drastic turn, and they were
soon trapped in the evil scheme of a lich. Only Gregan was able to escape from the
clutch of this monster. To this day, he is still haunted by the screams visions of his

Race: Human
Gender: Male
Age: 49
Height: 5’7
Weight: 156 lbs
Skin: Golden white
Alignment: Neutral good
Deity: Discreetly worship Selune
• Short dark reddish hair
• Short pointy full beard

• Light brown vest
• Belt around the waist
• Leather shoulder pads
• Leather retainers
• Dark brown linen pants
• Heavy leather boots with metal features

• Muscular, athletic build
• Small scar on his right cheek bone and one above his left eye
• Green eyes

• Low voice
• Amicable
• Helpful and cheerful
• Rarely thinks ahead
• Good at keeping secrets
• Care for his friends

• Can tell info on the Sword Coast
• Great tips to survive in the wild and dungeons

NPC Page 53
Grindletop Brassfit
Tuesday, May 12, 2020 10:49 AM

Occupation: Priest of Waukeen in charge of the Goldenhall in Beregost

Background: originally from Baldur’s Gate, he fled to Beregost, having too many
enemies in there. He has open the first Waukeen temple in the region, which also
looks like a bank.

Race: Gnome
Gender: Male
Age: 141
Height: 3’0
Weight: 39 lbs.
Skin: Rough, sunburned grey skin
Alignment: Chaotic neutral
Deity: Waukeen
• Bald head
• No beard

• Dark green cotton shirt
• A golden glass lens on his left eye
• Fancy dark grey linen pants
• Dark brown cloth shoes

• Diamond shaped face, pretty common
• Wrinkles
• Has a pet pigeon named Bear
• A purse attached to his belt, filled with gold coins

• Has mood swings
• Quiet
• Selfish
• Screwed
• Loves money more than anyone else
• Honest

• Can exchange money for the players
• Offer Waukeen prayer, at a just price
• Can offer trustworthy guards for a good price

NPC Page 54
Horven Songsteel
Tuesday, April 14, 2020 12:17 AM

Occupation: Owner of the Feldepost’s Inn in the city of Beregost.

Background: Horven was born and raised in Beregost by his father Algeron, owner
of the Feldepost’s Inn. His father wanted him to follow his footsteps and taught him
how to take care of the Inn at a young. Due to his curious nature, Horven always
wanted to travel and live a life of freedom, which was the biggest point of
disagreement he had with his father. It put such a strain or their relationship that
one day, Horven simply left town and realized his dream of travels. He went to
various regions around the Sword of Coast. Feeling something was missing in his
life, he went back to Beregost, and realized that what was missing in his life was
his family. After his father passed, he took charge of the Feldepost’s Inn with the
help of his mother, Galiena, and his wife, Sybil.

Race: Human
Gender: Male
Age: 64
Height: 5’6
Weight: 212 lbs
Skin: White slightly tanned
Deity: Worship Lathander
Alignment: Chaotic Good
• Bald
• Scruff shaved

• Wear formal clothes
• Nice shoes

• Slightly chubby;
• As a big smile,
• Big green eyes;
• Missing a part of his right ring finger
• Small hammer attached to his belt

• Strong;
• Hardy;
• Clumsy;
• Positive;
• Kindhearted;
• Oblivious
• Speak his mind
• Well spoken
• Great singer
• Great cook
• Speak loudly
• Friendly

• Knows a lot about the town and its citizens.
• Knows a fair amount about adventuring.
• Can offer a good discount on beds, food and mead.
• His inn is a great home base while in Beregost.

NPC Page 55
Lieutenant Rizot
Wednesday, April 29, 2020 2:49 PM

Occupation: Is a lieutenant of the Flaming Fist in charge of the

surrounding of Beregost. His garrison also serve as a outpost near the
borders of Amn.

Background: Born in Baldur's gate, he was mostly raised by his

mother and his older sister. His father, a Flaming Fist guard, died
during duty to defend the borders from invaders skimish. He was his
model, and his death took a toll on him. Growing up, he spent most of
his time praticing sword and arrows, as well as going to school. He
joined the Fist at a young age to protect and serve Baldur's Gate. He
was soon attributed to a patrol troop, partoling the roads from the
Western Heartlands. After a few years of service, he went up and up
the ranks, and would end up being in charge of patrol reports on the
road from Baldur's Gate to Nashkel. Once the garrison was built in
Beregost in 1480DR, he was transfered there. Although he was sad to
leave his sister Eline, the last of his family, he was eager to receive
this honor. He as a lot of trust in Thorman, however he think he is too
lenient and soft in regards to the law.

Race: Human
Gender: Male
Age: 67
Height: 5'7
Weight: 178 lbs
Skin: White
Deity: Discreatly worship Tyr
Alignment: Lawful Good
• Meduim long curvy hair
• Shaved beard with a sherrif mustache

• Weres a scale mail
• Tabard of the Flaming Fist
• Fist lieutenant insigna
• Broche (family heirloom)

• Serious face
• Slight limp on his left

• Serious, but cares a lot for order and the people of the region
• Trustworthy
• Stern
• Hates wasting time

• Being on his good side will serve as a reference to get help from
the Flaming Fist
• Will offer some guards to assist when assaulting the bandit
camp, or anything related to bandits or thieves, so long it’s not a
goose chase

NPC Page 56
Norgold Gellentara
Thursday, April 16, 2020 9:59 AM

Occupation: He is the owner of the Red Sheaf Inn in Beregost and is one of the
nine members of the Fingers.

Backgroung: Norgold was born and raised in Neverwinter. There, he was part of a
small smuggler group who specialized in smuggling illegal products between the
provinces of the Sword of Coast. He met Barton and his father Kagain when he was
about 30 years old. They became his link to smuggle illegal products in the region
of Baldur’s Gate. Eight years later, Barton’s father passed away, leaving Barton in
charge of his business. Changing the direction of his business around, he did
propose to Norgold to come and join his new business, offer he accepted on the
spot, since he was starting to have some heat on him in Neverwinter. The first year
he worked for Barton, he was doing ground work, intercepting valuable caravan,
generally well guarded. During one of these jobs, he killed a woman, thinking she
was hiding a weapon behind her, however she was hiding her 5 years old son.
Felling remorse and confusion, he attempted to save her life, but she died in his
arms. On her last breath, she asked him to spare her son’s life Beleak. He adopted
the boy and raised him as his own, masking the truth about his mom’s death.
Afterward, he bought the Red Sheaf Inn in Beregost with the money he had saved
and with the help of his connection within the Nine Thumbs. Unwilling to lose the
help of his old trusted friend, Barton asked him to stay in business with him, but
instead of being on the field, he would be in charge of the day to day affairs with
eight other persons in the group called the Nine Thumbs. Since then, he is the owner of
the Red Sheaf Inn, and secretly a mastermind of the Nine Thumbs.

Race: Human
Gender: Male
Age: 68
Height: 6’0
Weight: 185 lbs
Skin: White bisque
Deity: Secretly Mask, Waukeen for appearances.
Alignment: Lawful Evil
• Meduim size hair, arrange sort of like a business person
• Mustach

• Dark green fancy shirt
• Dark brown pants
• Leather shoes

• Tall
• Slim with a bit of muscle
• Dark brown eyes

• He is a collectionner, so he likes animal skin/head, and other stuff of interest.
• Imposing presence
• Proud, haughty and even a bit arrogant
• Treat people differently according to their background and pockets
• Has a soft spot for his son

• Can be a connection to meet Barton as the leader of the Nine Thumbs.

NPC Page 57
• Can be a connection to meet Barton as the leader of the Nine Thumbs.
• Can offer a better service if you are on his good side.
• Can give decent advices regarding Neverwinter and the surrounding of the
players have investigated his background enough

NPC Page 58
Shelvan Fuiruim
Monday, May 11, 2020 4:09 PM

Occupation: Is the owner of the Thunder Hammer Smithy in Beregost.

Backgroung: Has following the foot steps of his father the same way he has been
following the foot steps of his father. Altought he is quite talkative, he doesn’t really
speak about his life, his mind being too preoccupied with his craft and his wife.

Race: Dwarf
Gender: Male
Age: 112
Height: 4’8
Weight: 171 lbs
Skin: Rough pink skin
Alignment: Chaotic good
Deity: Discreetly worship Lathander
• Short, straight grey hair
• Very long beard with hints of red

• Rugged white short sleeve shirt with a small pocket
• Heavy wool pants, they almost feels like a canvas
• Dark brown leather boots with metal fixtures on them
• Blacksmith appron

• Big blue eyes
• His face is so simple that it feels forgettable
• Muscular build
• Small earing on his right ear
• Wedding band

• Amicable
• Married to Eleanor Wheatflow
• Grandson of a famous blacksmith Taeron Fuiruim
• Very competitive
• Very talkative
• Sometimes uses long words to sound smarter if he feels self-conscious.
• Hold respect for good blacksmiths and people worthy of his appreciation.

• Makes great weapons and armors
• Can obtain a small discount if you are on his wife’s good side

NPC Page 59
Thursday, April 30, 2020 9:33 AM

Occupation: Dawngreeter of the Lathender temple in Beregost

Backgroung: Borned and raised in Beregost, spent all of his life there. Born an
orphan, he was «adopted» by the clergy of Lathender and raised according to the
values of the Morninglord. He always invested his everything to help the people of
Beregost. Shortly after the conflict with Amn came to an end, Beregost was left
without a lord or noble to deal with the city’s business. No one from Baldur’s Gate
seems to want to move there, so Tholman took over the role while they wait for a
suitable replacement. The arrival of the Flaming Fist garrison and Lieutenant Rizot
helped him a lot, since Rizot took over the security and crime part of the city,
leaving Tholman with the day to day business.

Race: Human
Gender: Male
Age: 93
Height: 5’4
Weight: 153
Skin: White
Deity: Lathander
Alignment: Neutral Good
• Long silver hair close-cropped
• Medium length silver beard

• Long gray robe with silver ornementation
• Gray trouser
• Light brown shoes

• Old and frail
• Face wringles

• Loves the people of Beregost
• Easy going old man
• Absentminded
• Wise
• Intelligent
• Dry sense of humour
• Slightly blind

• Can help with getting information regarding the people of Beregost
• If the adventurers are in his good books, he may offer a small discount on
temple services, and will offer letters of recommendation towards other
Lathender temples

NPC Page 60
31 mai 2020 09:15

Occupation: Barkeeper at the Jovial Juggler in Beregost

Backgroung: Born in the Eastern region of Faërun in a barbarian clan. At the age
of 16, he was kidnapped and sold in a fighting pit. After 5 years of relentless
figthing for his own survival, he was finally able to buy his freedom, however his
owners had other plans in mind. They tried to kill him and left him for dead on the
side of the road. Luckily for him, a small girl was walking by and saw him. She ran
back to her father, the owner of a tavern located nearby, and they brought him
back to take care of his injuries. After a few days of intense care, he came back to
life. To repay his life debt, he started to work for them, taking care of the stables
and helping around the bar. He tried to help around the kitchen, but they all
discovered pretty quickly that it wasn't a great option. He fell in love with a friend of
the owner, she was also a fellow tavern owner in Beregost. His host knew she could
need some help back in Beregost, and he could see Wolfstalker was interested in
her, so he proposed that he works for her instead, blaming it on the fact he eats too
much. They both agreed to this proposal. He has now been living in Beregost for 4

Race: Goliath
Gender: Male
Age: 56
Height: 7’8
Weight: 302 lbs.
Skin: Light grey skin, vivid tatoos on his face and a tribal like one on his arm.
Alignment: Lawful neutral
• Bald

• Beige linen tunic
• Light brown leather jacket
• Black trousers
• Brown leather boots

• Brown eyes
• Massive build
• Soft, mediocre face
• Missing 3 fingers on his right hand
• Left ear piercing

• Competitive
• Man of a few words
• Non chalant
• Inflexible
• Greedy
• Ponderous

• Will help defend his friends if they get in a fight inside or outside the Jovial

NPC Page 61
Dragonfast, Academy of Wizardry
Wednesday, April 15, 2020 6:18 PM

NPC Page 62
Sumavel Hesjingcaex
Wednesday, April 15, 2020 6:19 PM

Occupation: He is the Archmage of the College of Knowledge.

Background: Seeker of knowledge and truth, he spent his entire life discovering
the unknown. Born from an experiment the attempt to fusion genes of a chromatic
dragon with that of a metallic, mix with he powers of Yggdrasil. He spent most of
his life in captivity in «an old elven city». His name was inspired of his parents:
water (blue) and sword (silver or steel), but named by elves. After the downfall of
the nation, he was left alone and finally free. His thirst for discovery and learning
was immense. He didn’t and still doesn’t harbour any ill feelings towards the elves
since he was raised by them, and never was tortured or treated with disrespect. He
founded the Dragonfast, Academy of Wizardry in 1478 DR. Although they idea
didn’t please him at first, his old friend Elminster ended up convincing him, but
Sumavel agreed only if he could be the one imposing the rules.

Race: Dragon
Gender: Male
Age: ?
Height: 6’1
Weight: 110 lbs
Skin: Silky White
Alignment: True Neutral
Deity: Chronopsis
• Long, silky metallic light blue

• Long archmage robe, mostly white with a few blue accents
• Light blue shoulder pads with golden outlines
• Hood with a fur outline that sits on top of his head

• Smiling, looks happy
• Mysterious vibe
• Looks like a woman and a man
• Although he has an elven name, his ears are that of an human

• Curious
• Gentle
• Willing to help, so long it’s related to knowledge
• Mysterious, enigmatic
• Uninterested in the mortal matters, care little about bad guys and good guys.
• Believes in a perfect balance
• Care for his conservatory
• Passive, but confident in his abilities
• Respect those that deserves it. To gain his respect, see below.

• Can help with arcane questions and mysteries.
• He is a bank of information. He can help with almost anything, but he will
only help if you are of interest to him, which means if you give him
information he doesn’t know, or if you share the same type of ideology,
behaviour, thirst for knowledge, same as him.

NPC Page 63
31 mai 2020 09:10

NPC Page 64
Arthur Redstream
Tuesday, June 9, 2020 12:21 PM

Occupation: son of Destrian and Katrina Redstream

Background: Was born on the farm, not much to say about him. He is a kid.

Race: human
Gender: male
Age: 8
Height: 3’9
Weight: 78 lbs
Skin: white, slightly golden
Deity: Chauntee
Alignment: neutral good
• Short nut brown

• Simple farmer clothing for kids

• Brown eyes

• Like to play
• Prankster
• Kid stuff

• Serves as a witness to the attack. He is the only one to know that the goblins
had been spy on them for a solid week, but he didn’t know what they were. He
was shot by an arrow and should not be able to make it to town due to his
injury, however the adventurers should attempt to stabilize him and heal him
(see goblin poison)

NPC Page 65
August Twoorb
Tuesday, June 9, 2020 12:11 PM

Occupation: is a housekeeper at the Northern Light

Background: son of Marigold. His father died 6 years ago. He is helping his mother,
Marigold, to take care of the inn. Victim of abuse, the culprit was an uncle. He died
mysteriously in the woods.

Race: Human
Gender: Male
Age: 13
Height: 4’6
Weight: 93 lbs
Skin: lightly golden
Deity: helm
Alignment: neutral good
• Short, almost buzz cut, black hair

• Beige linen long sleeve shirt
• Brown linen pants
• Brown cloth shoes
• Apron

• Relatively small build
• Green eyes
• Oval, typical face
• Small scar on his right arm

• Soft and gentle
• Kindhearted
• Very shy, especially around women
• Afraid of men
• Médium high voice

• Offer to shine your boots
• Général services around the inn
• Can show around the town

NPC Page 66
Beatrix Mournhell
Tuesday, June 9, 2020 12:09 PM

Occupation: is the owner of the Muddy Hammer in Nashkel

Background: Originaly, Eleane is from the Amn region, she established herself in
Nashkel to be able to get a new start, and as been living there for 30 years now.
She was a blacksmith at the Citadel of Amnur for over 40 years, until she was
raped by some guards. They tried to kill her to silence her. It was a rough fight, but
she was able to get the upper hand and defend herself. She was able to kill one of
the two, leaving the other to flee. She knew she had to runaway. No matter how you
look at the situation, she had killed a guard and there was a witness. She bandage
her eye, which was heavily damage from the fight, and left with but her hammer
only. She made her way around the Cloud Peak mountains to help losing the
tracks of potential followers. She made her way to Nashkel, just at the borders of
Amn, where she knew an old friend who owned a blacksmith workshop. She
changed her name to Beatrix and worked for him, until he passed away. She has
been the owner of the Muddy Hammer since then.

Race: half elf

Gender: female
Age: 90
Height: 5'1
Weight: 125 lbs
Skin: Lighlty black skin
Deity: Moradin
Alignment: Lawful Good
• Medium lenght, straight

• Gray blacksmith apron
• Tongue and other blacksmithing tools attached to her apron
• Dark brown trouser
• Brown leather boots with metal caps
• Dirty towel/cloth in her pockets

• Medium size, muscular build
• Rough square face
• Eyepatch on left eye
• Necklace (Wolf tooth attached to a string)
• Carry around her hammer

• Uncooth
• Speaks her mind
• Hates humor
• Quite the feminist
• Hardworker
• Doesn't back down from fight
• Easily offended
• Honor bound
• Enjoy a good ale

• Sell a decent amount of things made of iron for a smaller price because of the

NPC Page 67
Tuesday, June 9, 2020 10:06 AM

Occupation: server at the Belching Dragon

Background: Born in Nashkel in a large family of bad tempered people. Sister of

Huk and Oscar.

Race: Human
Gender: Female
Age: 45
Height: 5’2
Weight: 157 lbs
Skin: golden rough skin
Deity: TBD
Alignment: Neutral evil
• Long light brown in a tail

• Long served dress
• Knife around her waist

• Green eyes
• Muscular build
• Exéma on her hands
• Not well kept appearance

• Bad mouth
• Rough character
• Enjoy a drink and a laughter
• Choleric
• Stands her ground in face of abusive man


NPC Page 68
Dain Mistsplitter
Monday, June 8, 2020 12:20 PM

Occupation: is the guard captain in Nashkel

Backgroung: Dain was born in a small village in the eastern parts of Amn. He
comes from a family of farmers and was in first place to inherit his family’s farm,
however, the pressing enemy on Amn’s borders brought him to join a the army.
After a few years of serving on the eastern borders, he was transferred to the newly
built garrison in Nashkel, and shortly after was appointed the captain of the
garrison. Altough he enjoys the duty bestowed onto him, he hates having to deal
with the mayor due to his close mindedness and lack of preemption towards
eminent issue.

Race: Human
Gender: Male
Age: 32
Height: 5’1
Weight: 171 lbs.
Skin: Rugged, sunburned, black skin
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Deity: proudly worship Helm
• Long side burns
• Long, wavy brown hair

• Light chain mail
• Chain cowl currently off
• Plate shoulder pads
• Dark brown light leather pants
• Plate boots

• Black eyes
• Smell of incense
• Lean build
• Square, ordinary face

• Proactive
• Very excited
• Kind hearted and generous towards the people of Nashkel
• Curious
• Prioritize the needs of those he holds dear
• Good at keeping secrets

• Will help the adventurer unravel the mysteries behind the goblin attacks, and
will help them during the goblin lair raid

NPC Page 69
Destrian Redstream ☠
Tuesday, June 9, 2020 12:19 PM

Occupation: as a farm roughly 30 minutes out of Nashkel

Background: Born and raised on the farm, he is now the owner of said farm.
Surroundings were always calm, used to have a few wild dogs and other small
animals, but their numbers have diminished lately. Who would complain though,
it’s a farmer’s dream.

Race: human
Gender: male
Age: 50
Height: 5’6
Weight: 149 lbs
Skin: golden, slightly sunburned
Deity: Chauntee
Alignment: neutral good
• Short red hair
• Scruff shave

• Farmer outfit

• Holding a hoe
• Blue eyes
• Muscular build
• Bloody
• Two arrows, one on his leg, one on his collarbone

• Almost dead, will die no matter what

• If saved within 2 rounds, he may be able to say that they were attacked out of
nowhere by those goblins, never saw them coming, save my wife and my son…

NPC Page 70
Falk Glorybluff
Tuesday, June 9, 2020 11:22 AM

Occupation: is the owner of the Vicious Mouse in Nashkel

Background: He was born in Nashkel and spent all of his life there. He opened up
a general store, knowing there were none around and travellers going to Amn
would need to stop there to better equip themselves for the journey. He had no
family in town, but he is quite involved in the town council, as he is a councillor.

Race: Human
Gender: Male
Age: 36
Height: 4’7
Weight: 132 lbs
Skin: white
Deity: Waukeen
Alignment: True Neutral
• Medium length brown hair well cut
• A pinch and mustach

• Nice fancyish white shirt
• Brown leather suspenders
• Dark brown linen pants
• Brown leather shoes

• Green eyes
• Monocle on his left eye
• Small, with a medium build
• Not muscular
• Proud stance

• Always looks happy and lovely
• Greedy, very greedy
• Selfish
• Good seller, quite charismatic
• Non thrust worthy

• One of the only store in town that sells travelling equipment. He has fair
prices, but the quality is quite random sometimes.

NPC Page 71
Favian Lunadream
Tuesday, June 9, 2020 10:10 AM

Occupation: is an occupant of Nashkel, the unofficial alchemist in town, member

of the church of Mystra (find a name!!!!!)

Background: She is not from Nashkel, but from Targos. She went on a pilgrimage
for Mystra in her younger years, although she was not a chosen one of any sort.
Having no desire to be a priest for the rest of her life, she established herself in
Nashkel, seeing the need for someone like her in their town.
Last known location: Favian Lunadream's house.

Race: Human
Gender: female
Age: 76
Height: 5’1
Weight: 121 lbs
Skin: White
Deity: openly worship Mystra
Alignment: lawful good
• Curly, medium length white hair

• Purple robe with clear dirt stains
• Light pink voile
• Small brown boots

• Oval, slightly wrinkly face
• Blue eyes
• Dirt on her hands
• Small ish with a slightly curly back, but nothing abnormal for her age
• Walk slowly

• Compassionate
• Trouble hearing
• Kind heated
• Can keep a secret
• Wise
• Speaks slowly

• The only alchemist and person able to sell special potions

NPC Page 72
Gorme Burrow
Tuesday, June 9, 2020 12:14 PM

Occupation: is an assistant and clerk at the Vicious Mouse

Background: from a halfling village not too for East from Nashkel, he dreamt of
something bigger than his village. He came to Nashkel looking for work, but was
unable to find anything (mix of racism and low demand). Falk was the only one
that offered him a place to stay and a job. However, he owe him much because of it
and is sort of stuck working for him.

Race: Halfling
Gender: Male
Age: 20
Height: 2’11
Weight: 39 lbs
Skin: veiny, ruddy skin
Deity: discreetly worships Cyrrollalee
Alignment: Neutral good
• Medium length wavy lightbrown hair

• His clothes looks more like those of a servant rather than a merchant or a
• Beige long sleeved cloth shirt loosely tied by a string at the center
• Brown pants, simple and comfortable
• Wears no shoes

• Hazel eyes
• Square, pretty face
• Smell slightly sweet
• Dirt on his clothes

• Sniffling
• Sneezing
• Polite
• Well mannered
• Believes you should treat other greater than yourself
• Curious, wants to know how things work

• If he likes and trust you, he will be honest about Falk and the quality of the
items for sale, and if the price Falk is giving right or not.

NPC Page 73
Gregory deGray
Tuesday, June 9, 2020 10:24 AM

Occupation: is the priest in charge of the temple of Helm in Nashkel

Background: Originaly from Bedursk, Gregory was sent by the church of Helm
here in Nashkel 1 years ago to replace the previous priest. Helm is the primary
church in Nashkel.
Last known location: Temple of Helm in Nashkel.

Race: Human
Gender: Male
Age: 57
Height: 5'11''
Weight: 125 lbs.
Skin: Smooth, sunburned pinkish skin
Deity: Helm
Alignment: Lawful Good
• Medium lenght straight blond hair
• Short ducktail beard

• Grey and pale blue religious robe with the emblem of Helm on the torso
• Beige caliage

• Green eyes
• Tall & skinny build
• Ablong glamorous face

• Book collector
• Loving other and respect the autority
• Fun is a distraction of the important things in life
• Forgiving and humble
• Kindhearted
• Calm and collected
• Devoted to Helm
• Convert everyone he meets


NPC Page 74
Tuesday, June 9, 2020 10:06 AM

Occupation: Miner from Nashkel

Background: Born in Nashkel in a large family of bad tempered people. Brother of

Oscar and Chyanne.

Race: Human
Gender: Male
Age: 54
Height: 5’7
Weight: 197 lbs
Skin: pale white, but constant red cheeks due to alcohol abuse
Deity: TBD
Alignment: Neutral evil
• Bald
• Short, scruffy beard

• Dirty miner clothe, looking a lot like peasent
• Leather boots

• Tall, muscular build
• Scar on his left cheek
• Blue, mean looking eyes
• Tattoo of a bull on his right hand

• Impulsive
• Choleric
• Short tempered
• Bad mouth
• Not the smartest, but not dumb
• Ain’t afraid of much
• Alway, and just listen to Oscar

• None

NPC Page 75
Justice Icedawn
Tuesday, June 9, 2020 12:06 PM

Occupation: is an occupant of Nashkel and a priest of Auril

Background: Justice has been living here in Nashkel for over 36 years. His day to
day job is that of a tanner, but he is also a priest of Auril in secracy. Helm being
the primary religion in Nashkel, Aurilith aren't openly welcomed, althought it is not
illegal to pray Auril, but the authority won't help them if anything were to happen.
Justice hates everyone affiliated with Helm

Race: Human
Gender: male
Age: 84
Height: 5'7''
Weight: 138 lbs
Skin: Rough, rugged pale white skin
Deity: Auril
Alignment: Neutral Evil ?
• Short straight white hair
• Long spade beard

• Linen light blue vest
• White shirt
• Dark brown linen pants
• Corked shoe

• Medium build
• Light blue eyes
• Bad back
• Mole on his left cheek
• Wrinkly face

• Hates other religion, therefore everyone that doesn't pray Auril
• Grumpy
• Serene
• Thinks aloud
• Colourblind
• Very focused
• Materialistic
• Doesn't like being a tanner
• Hold grudges
• Discreetly share his religious views


NPC Page 76
Katrina Redstream
Tuesday, June 9, 2020 12:20 PM

Occupation: wife of Destrian Redstream

Background: from Nashkel, been with her husband for years on the farm. They
haven’t had much vermin such as goblins in the region.

Race: human
Gender: female
Age: 41
Height: 5’1
Weight: 113 lbs
Skin: golden white, slight sunburn
Deity: chauntee
Alignment: Neutral good
• Long black hair in a bun
• Thick eyebrows

• White summer dress
• Small leather boots

• Round face, quite pretty
• Tall, with a small, but muscular build
• Has a pitchfork in her hands
• Brown eyes
• Blood on her dress and face
• In defence mode

• Fair
• Hard worker
• Honest
• Loudmouth
• Tomboy

• If saved, she will be able to give information about the goblin attack, or at
least be a witness

NPC Page 77
Marigold Twoorb
Tuesday, June 9, 2020 10:15 AM

Occupation: is the owner of the Northern Light in Nashkel

Background: She was born and raised in Nashkel, she married young to a man
named Henry Twoorb. He was the son of the owner of the Northern Light in
Nashkel. Once Henry took over the business, she helped him run it. They had a
son, August, and Henry died from an illness when he was 7 years old. Since then,
she tought August the ropes of her old job, and took over the inn.

Race: Human
Gender: Female
Age: 43
Height: 4'9
Weight: 122 lbs
Skin: Soft pink skin
Deity: Helm
Alignment: Neutral good
• Long, straigh blond hair

• Long dress, kinda maid looking
• White bow in her hair
• Brown linen shoe

• Cyan eyes
• Diamond, sightly face
• Tall, medium build

• Colorblind
• Clumsy
• Polite and respectful
• Enjoy swiming
• Takes everything at face-value
• Always prepared
• Respectful

• Her establishment is the only place in town to sleep for travellers

NPC Page 78
Tuesday, June 9, 2020 10:06 AM

Occupation: Miner from Nashkel

Background: Born in Nashkel in a large family of bad tempered people. Brother of

Huk and Chyanne.

Race: Human
Gender: Male
Age: 58
Height: 5’4
Weight: 158 lbs.
Skin: pale white
Deity: TBD
Alignment: neutral evil
• Short grey hair
• Medium uncouth grey beard

• Miner attire slightly clean, looking like a peasant who cares
• Leather boots

• Average height, slightly muscular build.
• Green eyes
• Disfigured nose
• Missing ring finger on his left hand (ex wife cut it)

• Smart
• Ill tempered
• Easily influenceable
• Choleric
• Care a lot about his family


NPC Page 79
Peter Writingham
30 mai 2020 21:35

Occupation: Is the mayor of the Nashkel.

Backgroung: Peter was born and raised in Nashkel. His familly were big iron
merchant, buying a large portion of the iron here in Nashkel and then
shipping it back home. His direct familly were stationned in Nashkel to
oversee the operation and insure a good connection with the locals. Having
most of his familly living in Athkatla, his father and him would ge back once
every so often to report on how the mining business is operating. His
personality was heavily influenced by his rich snoby familly members back in
Athkatla. In 1482DR, his familly decided to support him in his campaing to
mayorship. With a strong influencial and monetary support, he became the
mayor of Nashkel and has been since then. He is a good mayor, althought he
sometime would rather stay in a confortable zone instead of looking at a bigger

Race: Human
Gender: Male
Age: 41
Height: 6’3
Weight: 154 lbs
Skin: Soft pink skin
Alignment: Neutral good
Deity: Openly worship Helm
○ Short, straight black hair

○ Fancy garmen, intricate dark green embroidery on a magenta silk tunic.
○ Fine looking white slippers
○ Golden crest on his tunic
○ Signet ring on his right middle finger
○ Golden ring on his left ring finger

○ Missing his left ear
○ Square, blend face
○ Round build
○ Tattoo of a lizard on his left arm
○ Black eyes

○ Benevolent, so long it doesn't cost money
○ Lazy
○ Always followed by a servant
○ Very talkative
○ Pompous

○ Can help with getting information regarding the people of Nashkel
○ Few side quest regarding the well being of the town

NPC Page 80
Terrowin Ashglade
Tuesday, June 9, 2020 9:42 AM

Occupation: Is a thrust worthy forester in Nashkel.

Backgroung: He grew up in a strict home outside of Nashkel, raised by his father, a respectable
ranger, and a stepmother. He was his father and stepmother's only child. His mother, an elf, died
when he was young, attack by a bear. His current family is on good terms, though he visits
infrequently. He prefers to live in reclusion outside of town, living with what nature provides. He has
one good friend, Dain Mistsplitter, who visits him from time to time, more often when he needs help
tracking animals or people. He frequents the Belching Dragons once in a while to get a nice ale or
beer, though he prefers to stay in his corner.

Race: Half elf

Gender: Male
Age: 84
Height: 5’8
Weight: 163 lbs.
Skin: Golden light brown
Alignment: Neutra Good
Deity: Rilifane
• Long, breaded golden hair
• Scruffy shaving

• A dark brown armor made of light leather
• A cloak made of a bear fur
• A bear hat
• Brown Linen trouser and shoes

• A wolf fang attach to a string serving of necklace
• Blue eyes
• Regular build, a bit on the athletic side
• Edgy, pretty face
• Long nails

• Loner
• Honor bound
• Prioritize his needs
• Knows the woods inside out
• Always prepared
• Patient

• Will help the adventurers track down the goblin nest

NPC Page 81
Tuesday, June 9, 2020 10:11 AM

Occupation: owner of the Cloud Peak Outfitters in Nashkel.

Background: her full name is Trigani Pritra Elkini Queyore. She is from Athakatla
in Amn, but wanted to move away from the beet farming family business. She used
her savings and bought the Cloud Peak Outfitters a bit in a coup de tête when she
came travelling trough Nashkel and met the owner. She as been the owner for only
three years.

Race: Gnome
Gender: female
Age: 35
Height: 3'4''
Weight: 40 lbs.
Skin: Rough brown skin
Deity: Discreetly worship Garl Glittergold
Alignment: Chaotic Good
• Curly light brown hair tied in a bun

• Relatively simple bright colored dress with a draped neckline
• Simple linen shoes attached with a small ribbon knot.
• Silver necklece with an oval pendant, there is an emerald ingraved in the

• Big brown eyes
• Muscular build
• Diamond shape extremely fanciable face
• Cute looking
• Small glasses

• Pessimistic
• Do what you think is good at all time
• Privacy and simplicity is always better than fame
• High tone voice
• Pacifist
• Never stop talking
• Cute behaviour


NPC Page 82
Urdur Lavashield
Tuesday, June 9, 2020 10:17 AM

Occupation: is the owner of the Belching Dragon in Nashkel

Background: Born in a the Darwven Fortress named Begoluhm. Used to be a

guard there. He left due to conflict with family. Arrived in Nashkel 36 years ago.

Race: Dwarf
Gender: Male
Age: 158
Height: 3’8’’
Weight: 115 lbs
Skin: rugged, dirty, pink skin
Deity: openly worship Dugmaren Brightmantle
Alignment: chaotic good
• Long, straight red hair
• Long red beard with one bread

• Red short sleeves shirt
• Long brown linen pants
• Brown boots

• Deep set brown eyes
• Muscular build
• Squarish face, unremarkable
• Quite ugly
• Missing a canine (top right)

• Lots of gesture as he speaks
• Value creativity, excitement and adventure
• Curious
• Uses colourful oaths and exclamations
• Enjoys decadent pleasure
• Speaks loudly
• Plays with the pan flute really well
• Load laughter
• Load mouth


NPC Page 83
The bush Inn
22 juin 2021 20:44

NPC Page 84
Arvin Flintmace
Tuesday, June 9, 2020 10:06 AM

Occupation: Merchant

Background: Him and his friend Lukhal are merchants travelling the Coast Way.
Most of their wares is knick knacks.
Last known location: The Bush Inn.

Race: Dwarf
Gender: Male
Age: 66
Height: 4'8''
Skin: Rough white skin
Alignment: Good
• Long and curled black hair
• Long beard

• Nice clothes, fine silk

• Gray eyes
• Diamond shaped face
• Chubby cheeks
• Athletic build
• Wears fancy spectacles

• Easily out of breath
• Competitive
• Judges people through their actions


NPC Page 85
Bertha Rowntree
Tuesday, June 9, 2020 10:06 AM

Occupation: Commoner

Background: Lives with her sister Harley. They left Beregost, it was too big for
them. They prefer the commune life.
Last known location: The Bush Inn.

Race: human
Gender: Female
Age: 42
Height: 5'3''
Weight: 120 lbs.
Skin: Silky white
Deity: Discreetly pray Silvanus
Alignment: Good
• Medium lenght, curly light brown hair
• Long eye lashes

• Plain cloth
• Long purple dress with flowering design

• Brown eyes
• Calisted hands
• Pretty face

• Nice
• extroverted


NPC Page 86
Doran Mournhell
Tuesday, June 9, 2020 10:06 AM

Occupation: Lumberjack and carpenter

Background: Friend of Leogeon, he moved here with them and helped them
building the inn. He also helped everyone who established themselves here.
Last known location: The Bush Inn.

Race: Human
Gender: Male
Age: 53
Height: 5'8''
Weight: 145 lbs.
Skin: Light brown
Alignment: Good
• Short, curly black hair
• Shaved, but scruffy beard

• Short sleeved grey shirt
• Brown Linen pants
• Black boots

• Muscular, lean build
• Hairy
• Cuts and scruff here and there

• Welcoming
• Chaterbox


NPC Page 87
Gavin Farlight
Tuesday, June 9, 2020 10:06 AM

Occupation: Menial tasks for people living there and also a good trapper

Background: Established here after a few years of living in the bushes

Last known location: The Bush Inn.

Race: Human
Gender: Male
Age: 61
Height: 5'4''
Weight: 142 lbs.
Skin: Rough golden skin
Deity: None
Alignment: Good
• Short, dark redish hair
• Clean shave

• Clean, dark brown linen shirt
• Black trouser
• Brown leather shoes

• Lean and atheletic build
• Has a tribal looking tattoo on his left arm
• Mix of green and blue eyes

• Limping from his left leg
• Like to play instrument that looks like a mandoguitar during his free time at
the Inn
• Sociable
• Wise
• Patient

• May give a few spots to go for trapping

NPC Page 88
Harley Rowntree
Tuesday, June 9, 2020 10:06 AM

Occupation: Commoner

Background: Lives with her sister Bertha. They left Beregost, it was too big for
them. They prefer the commune life.
Last known location: The Bush Inn.

Race: Human
Gender: Female
Age: 36
Height: 4'8''
Weight: 109 lbs.
Skin: Silky white
Deity: Discreetly pray Silvanus
Alignment: Good
• Long, straight blonde hair
• Long eye lashes

• Plain cloth
• Long orange dress with flowering design

• Brown eyes
• Calisted hands
• Pretty face

• Nice
• introverted


NPC Page 89
Leogeon Trannyth
Tuesday, June 9, 2020 10:06 AM

Occupation: Innkeeper

Background: Married to Rosa, they established themselves here at the same time
as Doran. They didn't build an inn at first, but they sort of expanded over the
years, seeing as travelers often came to them to ask for a place to spend the night.
Last known location: The Bush Inn.

Race: Human
Gender: Male
Age: 63
Height: 5'8''
Weight: 177 lbs
Skin: White
Alignment: Good
• Short black hair
• Medium lenght beard

• Tavernkeeper clothing
• Clean
• Wear a gold ring
• Copper chain with a pendant (round)

• Not too muscular, but not necesseraly fat
• A bit chubby
• Brown eyes

• Not much of a talker
• Low voice
• Patient
• Very loving towards his wife, take care of her


NPC Page 90
Tuesday, June 9, 2020 10:06 AM

Occupation: Carpenter

Background: He lives in one of the cottages around the Bush Inn. Little is known about where
he came from, but yet again, it's quite normal around here.

Race: Hafl Orc

Gender: Male
Age: 43
Height: 6'3''
Weight: 177 lbs.
Skin: Brownish dark green
Deity: Unknown
Alignment: Lawful neutral
• Medium lenght black hair attached in a ponytail.
• Small black beard with no mustache

• Simple peasant clothing
• A small purse around his belt

• Scruffy build
• A bit muscular but not big.
• Small scar on his forearm

• Grumpy
• Doesn't like talking, especially to strangers.

NPC Page 91
Lukhal Kegshaper
Tuesday, June 9, 2020 10:06 AM

Occupation: Him and his friend Arvin are merchants travelling the Coast Way.
Most of their wares is knick knacks.

Background: Merchant
Last known location: The Bush Inn.

Race: Dwarf
Gender: Male
Age: 101
Height: 4'6''
Skin: Lightly brown
Alignment: good
• Short black hair on top
• Pony tail in the back
• Short Black beard

• Nice clothes, fine silk

• Green eyes
• Oblong, mediocre face
• Lean build
• Piercing on his left ear
• Clasited hands

• Shows little empathy
• Optimistic
• Occasionaly quotes his father


NPC Page 92
Rosa Trannyth
Tuesday, June 9, 2020 10:06 AM

Occupation: Innkeeper

Background: Married to Leogeon, they established themselves here at the same

time as Doran. They didn't build an inn at first, but they sort of expanded over the
years, seeing as travelers often came to them to ask for a place to spend the night.
Last known location: The Bush Inn.

Race: Human
Gender: Female
Age: 59
Height: 5'2''
Weight: 165 lbs.
Skin: White
Alignment: Good
• Short light brown hair

• Innkeeper clothing


• Bad left hip


NPC Page 93
Tuesday, June 9, 2020 9:35 AM

NPC Page 94
Tuesday, June 9, 2020 10:06 AM

Occupation: Adventurer

Background: Travels with Engert wherever the adventure life leads them. They are
on their way towards the East in the region of Turmish, where they heard a large
group of mercenaries are making trouble and rampaging cities.
Last known location: Camp between Beregost and Nashkel - Kythorn 15th,

Race: Human
Gender: male
Age: 51
Height: 5'3''
Weight: 170 lbs.
Skin: white
Alignment: Good
• Short brown hair
• Shaved beard

• Chain mail
• Cape
• Leather reinforced greeves
• Leather boots

• Blue eyes
• Two Shortsword
• One dagger

• Friendly


NPC Page 95
Arryn Hayley
Tuesday, June 9, 2020 10:06 AM

Occupation: Spy

Background: Work for the bandits hired by the Tiamat Cult. He is travelling the
road between Beregost and Nashkel to get an idea of the travellers on the road.
Makes them belives he is a messenger (postman).
Last known location: Camp between Beregost and Nashkel - Kythorn 15th,

Race: Human
Gender: Male
Age: 33
Height: 154 lbs.
Weight: 5'6''
Skin: white
Alignment: Evil
• Short black hair

• Travelling clothes
• Wears a cloack

• Has a horse
• A small shortsword around his belt

• Friendly
• Coward in battle


NPC Page 96
Doktak - ☠
Tuesday, June 9, 2020 10:06 AM

Occupation: Chieftain of goblin bandits at Nashkel

Background: Not much is known of Doktak other that he is the leader of a goblin
group. He is working for the Tiamat cult, but not a member per say.

Race: Hobgoblin
Gender: malew
Age: 43
Height: 5'6''
Weight: 177 lbs.
Skin: dark brown
Deity: None
Alignment: Neutral evil
• Scruffy black hair
• Semi bald

• Black Studded leather armor
• Human teeth necklace

• Large, pointy ears
• Sharp teeth
• Scar on left side of the face



NPC Page 97
Doldahr Frostward
Tuesday, June 9, 2020 10:06 AM

Occupation: Ironsmith

Background: Travelling back to his family in Mitral Hall - Frost Hills (Spine of the
Last known location: Camp between Beregost and Nashkel - Kythorn 15th,

Race: Dwarf
Gender: Male
Age: 124
Height: 3'9''
Weight: 210 lbs.
Skin: White, a bit dirty
Alignment: Neutral
• Short blacck beard
• Two bredded ponytails

• Chain mail
• Iron hammer with glyph on it
• Leather boots
• Linen pants

• Small, but robust build
• Brown eyes

• Enjoy a keg or two
• Impolite
• Jovial


NPC Page 98
Edwin Black
Tuesday, June 9, 2020 10:06 AM

Occupation: Squire of the order of Tyr

Background: Not mush is known about Edwin, considering that he rarely speaks
at all. He was recruited into the order after a demonstration of bravery. Orphan, he
would travel the roads and explore cities. He would be looking for people with bad
intentions, like slavery and what not, and then he would kill them. He started to
make a reputation for himself almost. That's when his path crossed that of the
order. He got caught by a big fish, and chewed more than he could handle. Lucky
for him, the group of slavers holding him captives were also on the Order of Tyr's
radar and got raided at around the same time. In the mist of the action, Edwin took
this opportunity to take a dagger and stabbed the kingpin to death. He then tried to
escape, but got caugth by one of the knights. He was brought back to the
headquarters in the same city for interrogation. They mostly wanted aditionnal info
on the slavers and also to bring him back to his family. Learning that he had been
hunting down most of the slavers and that he had no family, one of the knights
took him under his wings, and brought him back to the order. Most of the other
knight disaproved of the choice, and most of the elders were uncertain of accepting
Edwin in the order, but nonetheless, he was recruited and trained like others his
age. He was placed under Sir Patrick Montserra's guidance along with Julius
Montserra as a squire after two years of excellent results in training classes.
Last known location: The Bush Inn.

Race: Half-Elf
Gender: Male
Age: 19
Height: 5'1''
Weight: 135 lbs
Skin: Silky white
Deity: Tyr
Alignment: Lawful neutral
• Medium lenght dark brown hair

• Dark cloack
• Leather armor
• Necklace with a pendant of Tyr
• Light brown leather pants
• Dark brown leather boots

• Double blade with the emblem of Tyr engraved in both blades.
• Light green eyes
• Small build, but very athletic
• Often has his hood on
• Looks on the defence

• Quiet
• Oberservant
• Reserved
• Serious


NPC Page 99
Tuesday, June 9, 2020 10:06 AM

Occupation: Adventurer

Background: Travels with Anthone wherever the adventure life leads them. They
are on their way towards the East in the region of Turmish, where they heard a
large group of mercenaries are making trouble and rampaging cities.
Last known location: Camp between Beregost and Nashkel - Kythorn 15th,

Race: human
Gender: male
Age: 42
Height: 5'3''
Weight: 163 lbs.
Skin: White
Alignment: Good
• Medium unkept light brown hair
• Scruffy beard

• Studded leather armor
• Leather reinforced greeves
• Leather boots

• Brown Eyes
• Has a longsword and a shortbow
• Quiver next to him

• Friendly


NPC Page 100

19 juillet 2020 22:59

Occupation: unknown

Background: unknown

Race: unknown
Gender: Male
Age: unknown
Height: 6’1
Weight: unknown
Skin: unknown
Deity: TBD
Alignment: Unknown
• Unknown

• A large plate armor, shaped like bones
• Plate shoulder pads with massive metal spikes like blades
• Plate greaves with a small skull on both knees
• Plate boots
• Light brown cloak, with a long hood on, hiding his face

• Large massive build
• Tall person
• Don’t seem in a hurry as he moves slowly

• Unknown

• Unknown

NPC Page 101

Hugh Wilmont ☠
3 juin 2020 19:00

Occupation: Knight of the Order of the Mystic Fire.

Background: Hugh was originally from the Sword Coast in Faërun. He travelled as
a sellsword around the region for a living, doing any kind of work for a few pieces.
He met an half elf woman named Kristhana, a baker in the city of Berdusk. She
made him settle down and inspired him change his lifestyle, seeing the good there
was in his heart. Eventually, she died of some sort of sickness, which threw him in
the booze. An old travel friend named Horven inspired him by reminding him of
what his wife saw in him. He decided to start fresh and joined the Order of the
Mystic Fire. After a few years of training, he was eventually transfered to Eberron.

Race: Human
Gender: Male
Age: 42
Height: 5’6
Weight: 147 lbs
Skin: Golden white
Alignment: Neutral good
Deity: Openly worship Mystra
• Meduim-long curvy red hair
• Clean shave

• Wears a formal, clean chainmail armor.
• Wears a fancy gold ring, memento of his dead wife
• Silver locket with the initials of his wife
• Tabard of the Order of the Mystic Fire
• Clean black leather boots

• Has a small scar on the left side of his forehead.
• Quite good looking.
• Joyful and smiling
• Sparkly green eyes
• Small, but athletic build

NPC Page 102

Jaddon Cuy
16 juillet 2020 13:17

Occupation: He is a bandit scamming travellers on the roads of the Sword Coast

with a scam about them camping on private lands.

Background: He goes by a few different names, but he is wanted for scamming in a

few towns up North. He recently moved to the Sword Coast, and will stay there
until he gets too much heat.

Race: Human
Gender: Male
Age: 49
Height: 5'6
Weight: 148 lbs
Skin: Tan white skin, a bit ruggy
Deity: Shar
Alignment: Neutral Evil
• Short and wavy blond hair
• Short pencil moustache

• Studded leather armor
• Heavy leather greeves
• Chain mail boots
• Shortbow and shield on his back
• Mace on his right side
• Spear in his left hand

• Blue eyes
• Snake tattoo on his right hand
• Muscular build
• Sightly face
• Small scar next to his left eye
• Smells bad, kind of dirty

• Prudent
• Brillant
• Smart and believes it's important to be in business
• Solo player
• Selfish
• Perfectionist
• Always eat likes it's his last meal
• Doesn't like jokes
• Always has a backup plan

• Is a scammer

NPC Page 103

Julius Montserra
Tuesday, June 9, 2020 10:06 AM

Occupation: Senior squire of the order of Tyr

Background: Born in a family of knights, Julius followed the steps of his retired
father and join the order of Tyr at a young age. It was pretty easy going for him
since his family is well respected among the order. He has always exceeded
expectations and been top of his class. As a result, he began to develop a sense of
overconvidence, trait that is often reproach by his uncle Patrick. He has been
under his guidance for three years now, and is still not about to be promoted to the
status of a knight, making him impatient. He is pretty close to Edwin, considering
they have been together for some time now, but also resent the fact that his uncle
seems to praise him more.
Last known location: The Bush Inn.

Race: Human
Gender: Male
Age: 24
Height: 5'4''
Weight: 145 lbs
Skin: White
Deity: Tyr
Alignment: Chaotic good
• Short, frizy black hair
• Small attempt at a beard

• Fine travelling clothes
• Necklace with a pendant of Tyr

• Dark brown eyes
• Longsword with the emblem of Tyr ingraved on the blade
• Athletic, slightly muscular build

• Quite the extrovert
• Cocky, often getting him in trouble
• Very confident in his abilities


NPC Page 104

Wednesday, April 22, 2020 3:12 PM

Occupation: Travelling merchant and shopkeeper residing in Greenest.

Backgroung: Born in Greenest from a family of merchant, he learnt at a young age

the inside of business. Although this shop specializes in a variety of products found
around the Sword of Coast, he is often taking orders for other merchants while he
travels. He recently picked a contract from the governor himself. He was asked to
provide a certain amount of weapons. The only reason why the local blacksmith
can’t take this contract was because he already is working on something big. A
shipment of iron was ordered from the mines of Nashkel and is soon ready to be
picked up. He asked an old friend in Beregost to help him recruit trustworthy
caravan guards to bring the shipment back to Beregost for forging, and then back
to Greenest, stating that the pay would be more than adequate.
Last known location: Nashkel.

Race: Human
Gender: Male
Age: 73
Height: 5’5
Weight: 146
Skin: White
Deity: Worship Oghma
Alignment: Neutral Good
• He has long white hair
• Long white beard, breaded like a dwarf’s.

• He has a purple shirt-vest
• Black trouser
• Dark brown boots
• Purple hat with a moon ingraved in it.

• A small slightly older man
• Has a wise vibe to him
• Smiles often.

• An easy going man
• As a good head on his shoulder
• Knows a lot about quality and rarity of items.

• Will serve as a tutorial and allow the player to be a group of 3 at first.
• Will give a few items along the way if he likes the adventurer.
• Can offer some help when they shop around.
• Might become a travelling merchant they might encounter again later.

NPC Page 105

Sir Patrick Montserra
Tuesday, June 9, 2020 10:06 AM

Occupation: Senior kinght of the order of Tyr

Background: Patrick followed the steps of his family and became a knight at a
young age after showing great abilities. He is currently guided his nefew, Julius,
and a new recruit, Edwin. He has high expectation towards Julius due to his strong
abilities. He wants him to develop the appropriate character before becoming a
knight to ensure he will always bring justice to the people and the order, and not
endanger all of them. He is quite fascinated by Edwin. Althought he is uncertain of
his motives, Edwin shows a maturity uncommon at his age. The set of skills he has
shown under his care have also been quite unique, due to Edwin's background. He
is hopefull that Edwin will make a fine knight, probably one of the best in the
order, that is, if his alignement remains towards justice for the people and his
methods don't shame the order of knights. Patrick is putting a lot of care into
forming two of, what he thinks, what will be the best knights in the order.
Last known location: The Bush Inn.

Race: Human
Gender: Male
Age: 63
Height: 5'8''
Weight: 163 lbs.
Skin: White
Deity: Tyr
Alignment: Lawful good
• Long, light brown hair attached in a ponytail
• Medium length beard
• Hints of gray in his hair and beard

• Fine, warm travelling clothes.
• Wolf pelt

• Dark brown eyes
• Strong, muscular build
• Warhammer with the emblem of Tyr ingraved in the head

• Jovial
• Enjoy his beer
• Wise
• Calm


NPC Page 106

Tuesday, June 9, 2020 10:06 AM

Occupation: Leader of the bandit camp west of Beregost, Agent of the Tiamat Cult

Background: Not much is known of Tyron other that he is an agent working under
Frulam Mondath.

Race: Half Elf

Gender: Mele
Age: 36
Height: 5'4''
Weight: 145
Skin: Pale white
Deity: Tiamat
Alignment: Lawful Evil
• Long, brushed to the left
• White hair
• Pointy goatee

• Black Cloak
• Light brown Studded Leather with chain mail features
• Dark brown leather boots

• Blue eyes
• Small, but fit build
• Low voice
• Bland face

• Confident


NPC Page 107

Tuesday, June 9, 2020 10:06 AM

Occupation: is a Druid in wolf shape in the forest around Nashkel


Race: Human
Gender: Male
Age: 47
Height: 5’7
Weight: 176lbs
Skin: fair
Deity: unknown
Alignment: neutral
• Gray/white hair
• Short gray beard
• Long hair unkempt

• Simple clothing
• Brown linen robe
• Wood sandals

• Hazel eyes
• Large nose



NPC Page 108

Tuesday, June 9, 2020 10:06 AM

Occupation: Ranger

Background: Making his way towards the East

Last known location: Camp between Beregost and Nashkel - Kythorn 15th,

Race: Human
Gender: Male
Age: 51
Height: 5'7''
Weight: 135 lbs.
Skin: Light brown
Alignment: Neutral
• Medium lenght dirty brown hair
• mustache

• Leather armor
• Travelling gear
• Wear a cape

• Lean build
• Green eyes
• Has a large back pack

• Has two dogs: Wulfa and Sirius


NPC Page 109

Tuesday, June 9, 2020 10:06 AM


Last known location:






NPC Page 110

Day 2
14 juillet 2020 21:31

Setting: 2 Kythorn 1489DR

• Travelling towards Nashkel.

• Second day of travelling.
• They are waking up from the night in their camp on the side of the road at dawn.

Periods of the day


Time range: 5am to 12pm

Danger level: 1

Danger roll: 4

Description: Peaceful - You wake up with the sun from a long night of rest. It is a
rather chill morning, but it doesn't take long to warm up to it. You can feel a nice,
gentle southern breeze caressing you. You can hear the twigs and leaves swaying
lighlty by it. You set out on the road again. The first few hours are rather peaceful. The
roads a rather quiet today, you seem to be the only travellers on it. If it weren't from
the birds and few little critters you are encountering along the road, you could
potentially start to believing you are alone in the world. As the hours flow, the sun is
getting brighter in the sky and is getting close to the middle of the sky. The sky is still
mostly cloudy. In front of you is a road sign. On it, you can see three arrows, one
pointing North towards where you came from, one pointing South towards where you
are going, and one pointing East. On arrow poining North you can read word Beregost,
Nashkel for the one pointing South, and finally Ulcaster School on the one pointing

If asked, Roll an history check DC10 , DC 15 Blade. Randal also knows a lot about
Edana the school.


Time range: 12pm to 6pm

Danger level: 1

Danger roll: Scripted

Description: Dangerous - An hour or so as past since Midday, and not much as

changed as far as decor. The temperature is a little colder due to a small drizzle of
rain. The road is surrounded by a few trees on both side. You can hear birds
chirpping, bug sounds, wind blowing in the trees, and all sort of other nature sounds.
All of a sudden, Person in the front, you notice a man at a distance walking towards

Roll for Wisdom DC 10 - Success = A quick calculation tells you he is roughly 80 ft.
ahead of you.

Failure = You can't tell exactly how far, but you know he is far enough.

[Say his apparence] but the thing probably the most noticable about him is the sword

Chapter 1 Page 111

[Say his apparence] but the thing probably the most noticable about him is the sword
he is holding with his right hand. It's a greatsword looking roughly like this [Show
Soul Edge]. Now I don't know if you guys know this, but you characters would
definitely know it, a sword this big is heavy [Enumarate category of weapons].

To know his intentions: Roll a Insight check DC 10

Success = He doesn't seem like he mean arm, but he seems a bit odd, as if he
didn't see you. It looks like he is not coming towards you even though his
trajectory is you.

Failure = He just seems like a man walking. Maybe it's the distance, but you are
not really picking anything out of the way he walks.

(Skip to check if they talk to him or attempted to get his attention before 20 ft.) As you
get closer to him, roughly 20 ft., you suddendly feel a wave of energy go through you.
Roll for wisdom saving throw DC 25.

Success - Nothing happens, but keep it a secret.

Failure - *Everyone is involved, but this is only seen by those that failed* The
man moving suddendly, lift and ready his sword in the air, and altought you still
can't feel any ill intention from him, it's as if he is not even in front of you.
However, your natural instincts are on high alert. Roll for initiative.

[Describe how the last person dies], and as you are feeling your life escaping you, your
eyes close and reopen abrutly. Everything is back the way it was a few minutes ago,
before you felt that surge of energy. It's as if you were in a dream or illusion of some
sort. In front of you is the man, roughly 20 ft. away from you, walking as if nothing
never happenned. [Only those that failed will feel the fear] You are all very much alive,
however, you are almost paralyzed in place, drench in sweat, your hearts are
pounding rapidly, you have shortness of breath. It is a mix of fear and anxiety. You are
not sure what just happened, nor do you really have the time to think about it
because the man is still right in front of you. You still do not know his intentions, but
every inches of your body is afraid. Roll a Wisdom saving throws DC 10.

Success - After taking a deep breath, you are able to break through this
paralyzing anxiety and fear.

Failure - This feeling of fear and anxiety is something you are unable to shake off.

Those that failed the first wisdom save and saw the illusion get to decide what
they want to do here.

Roll a perception check DC 10 (disadvantage for those still afraid)

Success - Unlike earlier, you notice something very different about the man. Even
though he is not looking at you, you can feel from him, this piercing gaze going
through you. with a little bit of focus you discover something strange. This
piercing gaze doesn't seem to be originating from the man it self, but from his
sword. It's as if the sword had those devilish eyes filled with hatred towards you,
yet the sword does'nt seem alive.

Failure - Unlike earlier, you notice something very different about the man. Even
though he is not looking at you, you can feel from him, this piercing gaze going
through you.

The man walks next to you, and keep walking up the road towards the North. And as
if nothing happened, every feelings you just experienced comes to a stop, the moment
he is roughly 20 ft. away from you.

Roll a perception check DC 5

Success - You also notice one more thing as the man walks away. It seems like
there is this aura following him. Nature herself stop making any sound wherever
he is.

Failure - You notice nothing.

[Those that saw the illusion] Even though you are not feeling any fear or anxiety
anymore, the memory of everyone dying, you included, is still very much present in

Chapter 1 Page 112

anymore, the memory of everyone dying, you included, is still very much present in
your mind, and no matter how much you try to forget about it, it is still feels very real.
It might take some times to forget about this thing that feels like a near death

Peaceful - You continue your travels fpr a few hours through a part that is more
foresty than earlier. As you see the sun getting lower, roughly drawing close to the last
quarter of the day, you are now faced with making the choice of starting to look for a
place to camp, or to push through.


Time range: 6pm to 8pm

Danger level: 1

Danger roll: 1

Description: Hostile - As you finalize the preperation for you camp, you notice (or
not) a large man, rather imposing, coming towards you. His name is Jaddon Cuy. He
is wearing what appears to be a studded leather armor, with heavy leather greaves and
some chain mail boots. On his back is a bow and a shield, and there is a mace
attached to his side.

- Jaddon:« Hello kind travellers. I can't help to notice that you are setting camp
here. May I see a proof of autorisation?» unwavyingly .
- Players:« We don't have one.»
- Jaddon:« Tsk… Folk, these lands belongs to Lord Robert Marcoll, and I'm afraid
that unless you have autorisation from him to camp here, you will have to pay a
fee for the rights, and these fees are of 2 pieces of gold.

° If they say no: Jaddon :« Look, I get it, but I don't make'em rules. I can keep
being on my way and let you sleep, but then you are gonna being awaken by the
guards and they wont be has nice as me (and kind of wink at Priyanshi. And you
will all be kicked out still.

To figure out his lie:

- Is he lying: Insight check DC 20

- Is his story real: Intelligence check DC 25

°If they menace him°: Jaddon: Haha, that's nice, but see, if anything happens to
me and I don't get back in time for my report, the guards are ordered to begin
their patrol on high alert and killing autorisation. So what's it we're choosing

°If asked how long his lands are°: Jaddon:« Well I would say a solid hour North
and west, and 2 hours East and down south.

°After Jaddon is paid: Jaddon:« Well thank you very much kind travellers! -
smilling. And next go to the outpost to get the correct autorisation! Heck, you can
even mention you know Henson.- stops abruptly. I mean Jaddon. They will give
you a good discount. - turns around and begins to walk.


Time range: 8pm to 12am

Chapter 1 Page 113

Danger level: 1

Danger roll: 4

Description: Peaceful - The night is going rather smoothly. It's a pretty quiet night,
altought you can hear a few crickets, but nothing too disturbing.

The wee hours

Time range: 12am to 5am

Danger level: 1

Danger roll: 4

Description: Peaceful unfortune - It's still a rather nice night. There is a small breeze
picking up, the branches noise is mixing with the crackeling of the fire. Roll a
perception check vs camp stealth for the raccoon. If he notices the campsite,
ask the watch to roll for perception vs stealth (raccoon).

Success: The first hour of your shift is going well. The smooth light and the
warmth of the fire allows you to remain rather awake. Suddently, you begin to
hear a small ruffling noise in a bush close to the tent.

Failure: The first hour of your shift is going well. The smooth light and the
warmth of the fire allows you to remain rather awake.

In case of success, the character on lookout is now aware that there is

something. If he fails, the raccoon will begin to head for the food.

If it's in the tent: Roll a perception check DC 10 (disadvantage for anyone


Success: You are startle by noises coming from inside the tent. To your
suprise, you find out that a raccoon is in the tent and is ripping apart your
supplies. After chasing him away, you discover that the raccoon manage to
snatch a few thing, and a quick inventory reveals that you lost about half a
day's worth in rations.

Failure: They don't notice anything. The suns rises in the sky, you know
that Dawn is finally here. As you started packing your belongings to get
back on the road, you discover that some sort of animal went trough your
supplies troughout the night. After doing an inventory, you discover that you
are missing for about a day and a half's worth of rations.

If it's in a tree: Roll an athletic check DC 10 for the raccoon (with

dissadvantage if it's really secure).

Success: They don't notice anything. The suns rises in the sky, you know
that Dawn is finally here. As you started packing your belongings to get
back on the road, you discover that some sort of animal went trough your
supplies troughout the night. After doing an inventory, you discover that you
are missing for about a day and a half's worth of rations.

Failure: Suddently, something comes crashing on the ground. It's your

supplies. Roll perception DC 8 for everyone asleep. Those not asleep by
default notices the sound.

Success: You wake up from a loud sound, like something big fell close

Failure: They remain asleep.

[If anyone looks up] Roll for perception DC 8.

Chapter 1 Page 114

Success: You notice a pair of yellow eyes looking down on the bags, and
then looks quickly at you only to realize that you saw him. It rapidly
runs down the tree and escape into the woods letting out a few sounds
along the way. [A nature check DC 8 reveals the sounds are from a
raccoon]. A quick inventory reveals that you lost about half a day's
worth in rations.

Failure: You look up, but you can't seem to see if there is anything up
there, as it is still quite dark. A quick inventory reveals that you lost
about half a day's worth in rations.

If it's close to the fire: Roll a perception check vs sleight of hand.

Success: You are startle by noises coming from the direction of the
supplies. To your suprise, you find out that a raccoon there and is
ripping apart your supplies. After chasing him away, you discover
that the raccoon manage to snatch a few thing, and a quick
inventory reveals that you lost about half a day's worth in rations.

Failure: He doesn't notice anything. The suns rises in the sky, you
know that Dawn is finally here. As you started packing your
belongings to get back on the road, you discover that some sort of
animal went trough your supplies troughout the night. After doing
an inventory, you discover that you are missing for about a day
and a half's worth of rations.

Chapter 1 Page 115

Day 3
14 juillet 2020 21:31

Setting: 3 Kythorn 1489DR

• Travelling towards Nashkel.

• Third day of travel.
• They are waking up from the night in their camp on the side of the road at dawn.
• Arriving at Nashkel
• Temple of Helm
• Goodbye Randal
• Meeting Dain

Periods of the day


Time range: 5am to 12pm

Danger level: 1

Danger roll: Scripted

Description: Peaceful - You wake up in the morning after a peaceful/eventfull night. As the
sun goes up, it lit up the blue sky and the few clouds and warm the light breeze coming from
the South. There is a light mist in the air, it feels a bit humid still and a bit colder than
yesterday. You set foot after packing up your camp and belongings. You barely walk a mile,
that you notice someone on the side of the road. Sitting on a fallen tree trunk, is an old man
dressed with a brown cloack and sandals. The cloack is closed, so it's hard to tell what he has
inside. He has medium, straight white hair and a long light grey beard. He seems dirty, as if he
has been on the road for a little while. At first glance, he doesn't seem to be travelling with

As the player approches he will say: Well hello there young and not so young fellow traveller.
Would you spare this old man a few minutes of your time? I am waiting for my next
destination, but I have this riddle stuck in my head, hoho! Would one of you humor an old man
and answer it?

If they say yes: Hoho, most marvelous! Now chose one person to answer the riddle, but
you can all discuss it together before he answers it. Here goes my riddle: River bridge
crossing, look out for the guards. Can you spell that without any ‘R’s?Answer: T-H-A-T

Correct: Hoho! I am quite pleased to see there is still a few sharp mind in this world! I
hope we will have the chance to meet again, until then, may luck be on your side!
Now if you excuse me, I must go back on my way. Good luck until the end of the

False: Hoho! I must admit it was quite funny to see you say such a weird phrase, are
you having a seizure? The answer was T-H-A-T, I simply asked you to spell THAT
with any R’s! There isn’t any R’s in that! How disappointing! But don't fret too much,
it is not too late to cure your stupidity! Keep working! Now if you excuse me, I must
go back on my way. Nothing happens.

If they say no: Ho I see, afraid to ridicule yourself. Well, let's hope not too much
misfortune befall you on your travels. Now if you excuse me, I must go back on my way.
Bad luck until the end of the day.

If they try to attack him: The old man suddendly vanishes in a burst of crows. You all hear
an echo of his voice, as if he is speaking directly in your mind:''Hoho, I see you had a
different game in mind. Joke's on you! I Set The Rules OF THE GAME!'' with a voice a lot
deeper on the last three words. Bad luck for everyone until the end of the day.


Chapter 1 Page 116


Time range: 12pm to 6pm

Danger level: 1

Danger roll: Scripted

Description: Dangerous - You are walking on the and slowly, the forest is starting to let place to
open plains and hills. You are able to see much further than before. This is a landmark Randal
told you about during you travel, the last checkpoint before Nashkel. From here you should have
for about half an hour before you arrive at destination. As you keep walking, you soon come to a
dirt path that leads aways from the main road. The path seems to be leading up hillé As you get
closer to it, Randal points towards the top of the hill and says:

Randal: On the other side of the hill lives a family of farmers, the Redstreams if I recall
correctly. Quite the nice people they are. Their boy is quite the lively one hohoho! They live
just outside of the city limit, but they do a lot of trade in the city. They come in town every
4th and 9th day, so I'm sure they are currently busy with preparation for tomorrow. You
should go see them!

Roll a perception check DC10

Success: You notice a stream of smoke coming from the other side of the hill. From the
distance, you could assume something large is burning.

Critical success: You also detect the feint smell of wood and hay burning.

Failure: They don't notice anything

If they go:

As you get closer to the top of the hill, the stream of smoke grows larger and darker, as if the fire
is really kicking up. On top of the hill, you see that the path curves left and then goes straight
down and then turns right behind a cliff. In front of you and stretching to the East are trees and
bushes covering the cliff. You still can't see the farm since it is behind the cliff, but the smoke is
definitely coming from there. How do you proceed (count 30 seconds before the first scream if
they take too long to decide).

If they go in the woods:

The woods are rather thick, so it might be a bit tricky to navigate efficiently around
*and be stealthy* (difficult terrain). You are now at the beginning of the woods and are
about to begin to go in. Make a perception check vs goblin stealth. Make perception
check vs group stealth. If they are not stealthy, they are automaticaly detected
by the golbin.

Group Success: As you begin to enter the woods,

If the goblin fails: you notice a small figure standing at the edge of the cliff. The small,
green creature is a goblin holding a bow. He has an arrow ready to use, he is
focused with a grim smile and twisted eyes. It seems like he hasn't notice your
presence still. Roll for initiative. The group get supprise round The goblin
attemps to escape to alarm the other.

If the goblin succeed: you notice a small figure standing at the edge of the cliff. At
the same time as you notice it, it look back and notices you. The small, green
creature is a goblin holding a bow. He looks surpised to see you there, but instead
of opening a talk, he attemps to run. Roll for initiative. The goblin attemps to
escape to alarm the other.

Group Failure: You walk with a bit of hardship to the edge of the cliff and a horrific
scene is revealed to you. In front of you is a burning farm house, the source of this
black smoke. In front of it lies a man heavily injured, covered in blood. There are three
arrows stuck in him, one in left leg, one in his intestines and one on his right shoulder.
Next to him stand another goblin with a twisted, evil face. This goblin is holding a
scimitar in his left hand. A little bit further further to the East is another two armed
goblins, cornering a woman and her child. The woman, protecting the child, is keeping
the goblins at bay with a pitchfork. The childs appears to be injured or unwell, hard to
say from this distance. What is holding your attention however is the goblin next the to
man. He is holding in his right hand, the arrow in the man's intestine and is twisting it
around, laughing at the repeated screams of anguish and pain the man is unleashing.

If the goblin succeed: The goblin gets suprise round. He shot an arrow with mild

Chapter 1 Page 117

If the goblin succeed: The goblin gets suprise round. He shot an arrow with mild
poison on it. Roll for initiative. The goblin attemps to escape to alarm the

If the goblin fails: The goblin doesn't notice them, but if they speak loud, he makes
a sound and looks at them. They also notice the sound and the goblin. Roll for
initiative. The goblin attemps to escape to alarm the other.

If they take the road or the right side:

Roll for perception for group and goblin vs stealth. If they are not stealth, they
automaticaly are detected by goblin on the hill.

Group success: As you begin to walk, you hear a scream of anguish from a man. As you
get closer to the base of the hill,

If goblin succeed: you notice a small figure standing at the edge of the cliff. At the
same time as you notice it, it look back and notices you. The small, green creature
is a goblin holding a bow. He looks surpised to see you there, but instead of
opening a talk, he attemps to run. Roll for initiative if they want to fight or go
towards it instead. The goblin attemps to escape to alarm the other.

If goblin fails: you notice a small figure standing at the edge of the cliff to the right.
The small, green creature is a goblin holding a bow. He has an arrow ready to use,
he is focused with a grim smile and twisted eyes. It seems like he hasn't notice
your presence still. Roll for initiative if they want to fight or go towards it
instead. The group get supprise round The goblin attemps to escape to alarm
the other.

Group fails: As you begin to walk, you hear a scream of anguish from a man.

If goblin succeed: The goblin gets suprise round. He shot an arrow with mild
poison on it. Roll for initiative. The goblin attemps to escape to alarm the

If goblin fails: The goblin doesn't notice them until the fight starts on both side.

As you arrive the the base of the hill and the cliff, a horrific scene is revealed to you. In front
of you is a burning farm house, the source of this black smoke. In front of it lies a man
heavily injured, covered in blood. There are three arrows stuck in him, one in left leg, one in
his intestines and one on his right shoulder. Next to him stand another goblin with a
twisted, evil face. This goblin is holding a scimitar in his left hand. A little bit further further
to the East is another two armed goblins, cornering a woman and her child. The woman,
protecting the child, is keeping the goblins at bay with a pitchfork. The childs appears to be
injured or unwell, hard to say from this distance. What is holding your attention however is
the goblin next the to man. He is holding in his right hand, the arrow in the man's intestine
and is twisting it around, laughing at the repeated screams of anguish and pain the man is
unleashing. Roll for initiative. Determine if they suprise the goblin (stealth vs passive
perception of the goblin).

If they don't go:

They will start hearing rumors in town in the afternoon of the 4th day about how weird it is that
the Redstream didn't come in town today. Something might have happenned. People knowing the
group will also ask if they saw anything unusual when they walked the road at the path.

If they go: They will discover the burned farmhouse and the body of an adult male (Destrian).
Upon coming back to town with the info, they will be directed to Dain Mistsplitter.

If they stay in town: They will hear on the 5th day that somehing happened in at the
Redstream. The farmhouse is burned, Destrian was found dead, and Katrina and Arthur are
still missing. Dain Mistsplitter, the town captain is looking for brave people to help him


Time range: 6pm to 8pm

Danger level: 1

Danger roll: 0


Chapter 1 Page 118

Towards the bridge:
You continue down the hill and back on the road. After a few minutes, you already
begin to see more travellers. Farmers, adventurers, guards, caravans, all sort of
travellers. The woman, named Katrina, started to come down of her shock and was
able to give you more information on what happened. She explained that she didn't
see how everything started. She was in the fields with her son, Arthur, and her
husband, Destrian, yell something about a fire. By the time she got to the house, her
husband was laying on the ground with those green monsters around him. Before she
realized what happened, her son fell to the ground with an arrow in his leg, and then
two of the monsters came towards them. Thanks Chauntea that you all came when
you did. By now, her son is awake and out of danger thanks to Blade’s lay in hand.

In front of you is a bridge, on the other side you can see a town ornated with a few
wooden buildings. As you approach the bridge, you see a guard come towards you.
You can tell he is eyeing you to see your intents. Once he get close enough to you, he
says: Identify yourself!

Towards the temple:

You are currently in Nashkel! (Say facts about Nashkel). You are all following the
guard leading you to the temple, which is on the main road, which is kind of the only
road really. People are definitely looking at you. People seems to recognize Katrina and
Arthur, but wonder why Destrian isn't there, Blade is a machine which isn't common
around here and not everyone get escorted by guards. On you way to the temple, you
did saw two signs to some of the buildings, the Northern Light and the Cloud Peak
Outfitter. You see a graveyard divided in two sections. In between the sections is a dirt
road leading to a temple. This is where the guard is leading you. (Say description of

Inside the temple:

You walk towards the priest standing there. The guards says:

Guard: Hello Father Gregory. These travellers are here with the Redstreams.
Something befell them and they need your help.

Gregory: of course of course! You please come this way. Helm shall watch over you for
as long as you need.

You see Katrina and Arthur kind of letting go of the stress that was laying on their
shoulder, even though they are still in shock. They walk with the priest named
Gregory towards the hallway to the right. Before they are out of reach, she turns
towards you and says a thank you filled with tears of gratitude. As they are walking
away, the guard turns towards and says:

Guard: It is great to see that their still is kind people like you folks, looking out for
those in need. You will always be welcome here, so long you don’t commit any crime!
I’m sorry to impose on you like this, but I would appreciate if you could meet with my
captain now and explain to him what happened. I’m sure he would like to hear it from
you directly. After you met him, I will accompany you to the inn, it is on the way back
to my post!

As you step outside the temple, you notice that the sun is very low, letting place to
darkness. There is fewer people out on the street, and the one out looks like they are
going back home from work or going towards this way (point towards the Belching). As
you step foot on the main road, Randal stops and says:

Randal: I cannot express how thankful I am to have both of you accompany me all the
way here. Our paths will separate here for a short time. I have to go oversee things
with the shipment of ore, so while I am gone, you should take this time for yourself.
We will meet again in a tenday with the shipment. (He reaches down in his pockets
and take out a small purse) Here is 20 pieces of gold for you to share. Until we meet

Randal goes the other way towards the West, and you guys keep walking towards the
East. You past in front of a roudy building in a round shape (say description of
Belching Dragon). The guard says: this is the Belching Dragon folks. If you ever want a
nice meal, an ale or simple entertainment, this is the place to go. It's pretty busy at
night when the miners finish to work. Shortly after, you cross a small bridge across
the river and you go towards the large building with flags around the entrance.
(Describ Amnish Garrison).

The guards turns towards you and says: Please wait here for a minute. I will let my
captain know of the situation. After a few minutes, the guards come back and says:
Right this way folks. The captain is ready to see you.

You stop in front of a building, not too far from the bridge. It is the first building you

Chapter 1 Page 119

You stop in front of a building, not too far from the bridge. It is the first building you
saw when you entered the town. The guards says:

Guard: Here we are folks. This is the town’s inn, the Northern Lignt. The owner is a
really nice lady, I’m sure she is going to treat you nicely. I will be here tomorrow
morning to accompagny you to the meeting with the mayor. Also, if you don’t already
have a map of Nashkel, I suggest you stop at the Cloud Peak Outfitter tomorrow
morning to buy one. (As he says the name of the shop, he points to the building just
next door to the inn.) Now I wish you folk a good night of rest! (He walks back towards
the bridge).

In front of you is the Northern light. (Say description outside). What do you do? (Say
description inside).

You walk towards the front desk where a woman is standing. As she notice you she

Marigold: Hello there! New faces (kind of studder at the sight of Blade) aren’t really
common around here. What brings you in these parts? Travelling? Merchants

Marigold: I hope you have a nice stay! If you need anything, don't hesitate to ask me or
my son. (She turns towards the kid ) August! Bring them to their room! It's the one


Time range: 8pm to 12am

Danger level: 1

Danger roll: 0

Description: They currently are in Nashkel

The wee hours

Time range: 12am to 5am

Danger level: 1

Danger roll: 0

Description: They currently are in Nashkel

Chapter 1 Page 120

Day 4
14 juillet 2020 21:31

Setting: 4 Kythorn 1489DR

• Currently in Nashkel.
• Randal left until 14 Kythorn 1489DR.
• Meeting with the mayor.

Periods of the day


Time range: 5am to 12pm

Danger level:

Danger roll:

Description: You wake up as the sun brights in you room. You can guess it is probably past
Dawn. There is a bit of noise outside, people speaking, laughers, animal sounds, what you
would expect from a traditionnal morning in a rural town. The inn seems very quiet, as if
everyone is already up and gone. You walk out of your room, you notice the candles are all
unlit, which make the hallway slightly darker since there is no windows in it, but you still see
nicely the sun in the entrance. In the entrance, Marigold is cleaning the floor near the two
tables and August is doing the same a bit further. She hear you coming, stands up and look at

Marigold: Well good morning sweeties! How was that sleep? Now what are you up to today? I
wish I could tell you that there is a lot to do here, but there isn't. Mostly farmers and miners
live here. Also, the traveller with whom you were talking yesterday left something for you before
leaving this morning.

She hands them a wood figurine of an asian dragon.

Marigold: He said it was a offering to, uhm, what was it again, uuuh ah! Fa Kuan he said. It's
supposed to be the god of justice from where he is from. He also wished you luck for your
investigation. Well anyway, I wish you both a great day! Stay safe.

The temperature outside is a bit chilly, with a light breeze blowing from the SE. The sun shine,
but is slightly obscured by a light mist and a few clouds. As you heard when you woke up,
there is a bit of life out on the streets, but it appears to be people going to work, transporting
farm products or other sort of products. There doesn't seem to be anyone standing out. You do
notice that people tend to stare at Blade as they walk past you. You hear someone says: Good
morning folks! How was that night of sleep?

You guys begin to walk towards the Cloud Peak Outfitter, and the guard says: We have a bit of
time before the beginning of the meeting if you want to take a look at the Outfitter.

You head towards the Temple of Helm, there doesn't seem to be anything out of the ordinary. A
few people are out and about, doing work, meanial tasks, going somewhere. A few kids are
running along the road, they seems to be heading south towards the fields. As you arrive at the
entrance towards the temple, a man and an old man also approches from the other side. You
are both going in at the same time, but the old man realises quickly that you are both going in
at the same place, he gently puts his right hand hand on the younger man's chest. The come to
a stop and the old man gently and politely indicates for you to go first.

The inside is more lively at this time of day. The are a few more priests around, some talking
together, some walking around. There is a few common looking citizens. A priest comes to meet
Dain, and Dain says:

Dain: Hello brother, are the ready?

The priest: Yes. They are waiting for you at the lobby.

Dain slightly bows his head as a sign of thanks and begins to walk again, but this time, you are
going towards the hallway on the left side. In the hallway, you see a door on each side of the
wall. Dain goes towards the door to the left. He approches the door, and knocks on it. A few
seconds after, he opens the door, and walks in. Do you follow?

Chapter 1 Page 121

The inside of the room is a rectangular piece. (Describe room)

Dain introduce himself and says that they must remember who you are. They then discuss of
the events.

Roll a perception check DC 14 to notice that the boys bow his head down everytime the goblins
are mentionned. He seems stress, but also anxious, almost like he feels shame.

If they speak with him, they might conveince him of wanting to say what's up and discover that
he saw those goblins a few tendays ago.

After the meeting, they leave the room, saying goodbye and then leave the temple.

You walk towards the bridge, but this time instead of going towards the bridge, you go up north
towards a rock path. The road is made to flat rocks, kind of looking like steps almost, there are
low walls made of piled rocks and hedges on both side of the path. There is moss growing
between the stones, which gives it a very nice look. After walking for a minute or two, the
hedges stop and reveals a mansion. (say description of Writtingham Manor).

• Entering mansion (say description)

• Being directed to the mayor by a clerk
• Meeting with the mayor - unwilling to help since outside of the city limit
• Exiting the mansion and request from Dain
○ No official can take part, but could you investigate?
○ Meet Terrowin at the Belching Dragon in two days. I will write you a letter of
introduction to explain the situation.
• Free time



With the meeting over and with Captain Dain returning to the garrison, the group return to the
inn and took enough time to rest and document in their journals all they had been trough during
their travel to Beregost and Nashkel. Blade took the time to write a letter to report to his
organization. He then gave the letter to a group of thrust worthy looking adventurers that
accepted to bring the letter to the Order of the Mystic Fire located in city of Baldur’s Gate for a
small fee of 10 CP. Meanwhile, Edana helped at the inn by doing menial tasks. It did allow her to
save on the staying fee for the night and to know a bit more about the owner and her son. She
learned that the inn belonged to her husband’s family and he inherited it from his father. She
married her husband, named Henry, at a young age and she helped him run the inn with her
son. Sadly, her husband past away from an illness when August was 7 years old. Since then, she
took over the job of running the inn and thought all she knows about it to August. While he was
out to deliver his letter, Blade heard people talking about something that happened earlier that
day. A group of lumberjacks were attacked at the site by a timber wolf. Upon reporting what he
heard to Edana, they both agreed that they wanted to lend a hand in the matter. After some light
investigating, they learned the lumberjacks were at the Temple of Helm since one of them got
injured by the wolf. The lumberjacks were a bit reluctant and rude at first since they thought
Blade and Edana were noisy strangers trying to look for drama. After seeing that you just really
wanted to help, they informed you that this is not the first time they saw that wolf, but the damn
beast is getting more and more agggrsive each times! This time, one of the lumberjacks got his
arm chewed pretty badly and probably won’t be able to use it again, at least not to cut wood. The
beast needs to be put down before it gets too far, but the guards can’t deal with that unless they
receive an approval from the upper peeps. Asking a ranger is one of the few solution at their
disposal right now, but they have to wait on the authorities to deal with that. Driven by you sense
of justice and wanting to help, you decided to investigate and see what you can do about the wolf
problem. The lumberjacks were thankfull, but kind of doubtful since they don’t know who you are
and what you want from it since they specified that there is no rewards. They pointed you
towards the site where the attacks took place, and wished you luck. The site is not too far from
the water out of town towards the west. The man indicated you clearly where to go.You agreed to
leave early the next morning and look for the site the lumberjacks pointed you towards.



Free time

Chapter 1 Page 122



Free time

The wee hours


Free time

Chapter 1 Page 123

Day 5
14 juillet 2020 21:31

Setting: 5 Kythorn 1489DR

• Currently in Nashkel
• Randal left until 14 Kythorn 1489DR.
• Free time

Periods of the day



- went to room after meeting, review info, wrote journal, composed herself and
planned the next two days
- Archery, practice aim
- Wood working, making arrows
- Helped at the inn
- Helped in town
- Journaling
- Helped inn and town
- Wrote letter
- Polishing armor

- Went to inn together

- Helping town: heard that there is a wolf attacking lumberjacks not to far outside
the town. You are going to investigate and resolve. On spot, there is tracks
leading to a den with babies not too far from the site. The mother was protecting
her babies, and shortly after they discover the den, the mother arrives.



On the way there, you pass a mill where lumberjacks collects the logs from the water.
No one is there currently, maybe due to the wolf attacks. After 30 minutes or so of
walking, you encountered a big rock that looks like a falcon, the landscape the man
described to you. You walk towards the North from there and you quickly notice the
chopped trees and stumps around indicating you are probably at the right place.

Roll a nature check DC 15 to find tracks

- If successful : There are a lot of tracks on the ground, so it is hard to be certain

that you are finding the correct one, but you found one that seems to be those of
a larger wolf or a big dog.
○ If they decide to not follow, do checks, add 30 minutes and mentioned they
found nothing better.
- If failed: There are a lot of tracks on the ground, so it is hard to be certain that
you are finding the correct one. There are a lot of different tracks making it hard
to identify one at all. You do find a few that could, maybe be one of a canine of
some sort. You could take a chance and follow one if you wanted.
○ If they chose to roll again: Add 30 minutes and allow another round of roll.
○ If they chose to follow a track: Roll a D20 with the following results:
▪ Critical success: They find the right one, proceed as if they had
succeeded the initial roll.
▪ Critical failure: They follow a track that goes back closer to the river.
They follow the tracks along the river for a little while. In a moment of

Chapter 1 Page 124

They follow the tracks along the river for a little while. In a moment of
unawareness, the player with the lowest roll of another D20 roll slips
on a wet rock. Roll a Dexterity Check DC 12.
□ If successful: They starts to slip, but after a quick move the are
able to regain their balance. Shortly after, they totally lose the
tracks in the water. Add 1 hour.
□ If failure: They fall and hit their head on the a rock. Roll 1d4 of
damage. Shortly after, they totally lose the tracks in the water.
Add 1 hour.
You follow the tracks for a little while, maybe half an hour or so, until you come across
to a small clearing with a small pond of water. You see two rabbits drinking from it.
The tracks are leading towards the pond. Unfortunately, you quickly realize that this
must be a popular spot for animals to come have a drink since there are a lot of
different tracks here. There seems to be different tracks that resemble that of a timber

Roll a nature check DC15

- If successful: Even though there are a lot of tracks, there is one that resemble the
timber wolf’s. The only issue is that you see it go in two different directions, one
going North and one going West. The one going to the North seems maybe a bit
more recent, but less used, while the other looks a tad older, maybe a day at
most, but used more often.
- If failure: There is a lot of different tracks here. It is hard to say if what you are
looking at is a common wolf or something else, or even how old the tracks are.
You do see a few that looks promising, but it’s hard to tell which one it is.
○ If they chose to roll again: Add 30 minutes and allow another round of roll.
○ If they chose to follow a track: Roll a D20 with the following results:
▪ Critical success: They find the one going to the West.
▪ Between 10-18: They find the one going to the North.
▪ Between 3-9: A waste of time, nothing seems clear enough. Add 30
minutes and allow another round of roll.
▪ Critical failure: They follow a track that goes East. You notice a track
that is looking a lot like the one you were following up until now, in fact
it almost makes you feel dumb that you hadn’t seen it before. The
tracks lead you East of the clearing. They are clear and easy to follow.
You follow the tracks for a few minutes when you notice some sound
ahead of you, about a 100 feet away from you. If they investigate, the
noise is a minor illusion. Passive perception Vs stealth
□ If successful: Even though you hear noises an hundred feet in
front of you, you notice something lurking a bit closer to you, to
your right. If they investigate there, they will notice a set of red
eyes looking at them and a smoke mefit will burst out. The mefit
doesn’t attack, but will try to steal something from them. Sleight
of hand vs dexterity. Roll initiative after if they want to attack it.
He will defend itself.
□ If failure: They don’t see the creature lurking close to them. The
mephit attempts to steal an item from one of them (D2). Roll
Sleight vs passive perception. Allow that PC to roll a perception
check to see if he notices anything. If they notices it, proceed as
Northern Path
This path leads to a Druid in the shape of a wolf. If he notices the group, he sits and
looks at them. If they get closer, he speaks with them.

You follow the lone trail for some time. The trail is rather easy to follow, and gets
easier as you progress. Whatever it is you are following isn’t in a hurry of any sort. Roll
for perception (both side). After a few minutes, your see some tall and wide rocks.
You see what looks like an opening, like the entrance of a cave. It looks big enough to
fit an human if they bend over a bit.

- If they notice the dog, but he didn’t: you see walking a large wolf going towards the
entrance of the cave.

- If they all notice each other: on the path leading to the entrance of the cave you
see a wolf standing and staring at you. You can feel he is try to size you up to
potentially see what you are up to. Suddenly, he sits down, but he still maintains
eye contact with you.

- If they don’t see him but he sees them: Repeat above. The wolf does the same, jut I
don’t say it.

Chapter 1 Page 125

- If no one sees each other: proceed like the first one, minus the dog sees them once
they get close to him.

No matter what option they end up with, the wolf is going to be passive and will speak
with them. At first it will be barks, but once he realizes that they can’t understand, he
will turn back into a human and speak normally.

- Here, it might be easier to address you this way

- What brings you to my humble home
- Ah, yes I have been aware of the disturbance made by the humans in the forest,
although I must say that I don’t agree with wolf actions
- Nothing we can do about it. Humans grow and expand, at the expense of nature
- Will point towards the place to go, but will ask to figure out something non
violent first.

Western Path
This path leads to the den. The mommy is out, but will be back soon. If the group
didn’t add more than 30 minutes, they best the mother to the den and discover it with
the puppies.

The players have. Two options. One is to kill the wolf, the other is to somehow
convince it to stop attacking humans.

- If they attack the wolf : In the case someone attacks the wolf or they fail to
convince him and he attacks, a battle will follow. If they choose to kill it, they will
discover the pups.. In that case they get the XP from the wolf, but will suffer
disadvantage on the next attack roll to my choosing. If they knock the wolf out,
they will still discover the pups and get the XP, but they don’t suffer the
disadvantage. From there on, they have to decide what to do with the wolf.
- If they convince the wolf to not attack: Again, they will have two different course of
action. The first is to convince him to be simply passive and that the humans
don’t mean any harms, the second if to convince to relocate further.
○ To convince it too be passive: Roll a animal handling check DC12. Being
successful gives them double the XP of the wolf.
○ To convince it to relocate: Roll an animal handling check DC18. Relocating
the wolf adds about an hour or two, but gives them a possibility to have the
wolf appear at some point and help them. It also give them double the XP of
a wolf.
For every failure, consider it a death save failure. At 3, the wolf attacks. Upon comp

Being done with the wolf, you walked back to the town with enough ease since you
already knew the way. You returned to the town, slightly after the sun set and went
straight to looking for the lumberjacks. They were pleased to see that you came back
alive and to hear that the wolf won’t be a problem anymore.


Free time

The wee hours
Free time


Chapter 1 Page 126

Free time

Chapter 1 Page 127

Day 6
14 juillet 2020 21:31

Setting: 6 Kythorn 1489DR

• Currently in Nashkel
• Randal left until 14 Kythorn 1489DR.
• Free time
• Meeting Terrowin in the evening.
• Commotion at the inn at night after meeting.
Periods of the day



The rest of the time was rather quiet. You both helped at the inn in the morning
securing you another day for free at the inn. Blade spent quite some time to polish
every inches of his body armor, while Edana spent the rest of the time practicing some
archery and made some arrows with her wood working (40 arrows for 1GP, 5SP). The
sun setting down, you both decided to make your way to The Belching Dragon to meet
with Terrowin Ashglade.



Free time



• Describ exterior and interior of Belching Dragon

There is a bard playing music
Three people playing darts (one looks better than the other)
Patrons of different backgrounds, but mostly miners. (Half orc and elf upper
corner, gnome with miner bottom corner)
Man matching description keeping to himself with a cowl over his head.
• The barmaid notices you and say that they are crowded but to find a place and
she'll go find them soon.
• Give the letter
• Converse about the assault (He doesn't mention what the kid said, hint at that)
• What you are describing is weird (especially with the got info from Arthur).
• How is your vision in the dark?
• Let's meet in two days at the farm. Tommorow meet Favian Lunadream and buy
an infravision potion.

Chapter 1 Page 128

an infravision potion.



As you walk in the inn, you notice two men standing in front of Marigold (say
description of Oscar and Huk). The tension seems high, Marigold has a hand on a
knife, resting on the table. August is not present. You hear one of the man say:

Oscar: We know you had conflicts with Marcus. We saw it, hell half the town saw the
two of you arguing and you threaten him. Weirdly enough, he disappeared the next

Huk: The guards might not want to take action in this, but we will find out the truth
and you can be sure that you will pay for what you did.

Marigold: Again, I didn't do anything to Marcus. Did I have problems with him? Yes,
like I would with anyone touching my boy. It's not my fault if that damn drunk fell in a
ditch and died in his vomit. Now I am warning you for the last time, leave unless you
wish to rent a room.

The second man says ''You cunt'' and ready himself to punch her, but the first man
stop him, says something in his ear, and says to Marigold: You will see us again
Marigold. We're not done with this.

The two men turns around and walks out.

They don't want to fight. Will answer to mind their own business.
They have been bugging her from once in a while after the dead of their brother
Marcus. Blame her for it.
Help if welcome but not necessary. Guards looked into it and their is nothing to worry,
they are just inoffensive drunks.

Chapter 1 Page 129

Day 7
14 juillet 2020 21:31

Setting: 7 Kythorn 1489DR

• Currently in Nashkel
• Randal left until 14 Kythorn 1489DR.
• Free time
• Gathering supplies

Periods of the day



Visiting Favian:

Describ house
Describ Favian
Oh visitor! How rare! Want to talk?
Come in, want some tea?
I have something that could help, but I don't sell my stuff.
But I could ask for a favor?
Could you bring me some flowers and mushrooms? I'm low on ingredients and at
my age, it's not easy to venture to get that. As much as you can will do!
Are you knowledgeable in alchemy? If not, Terrowin can guide you.



Free time



Free time


Chapter 1 Page 130


Free time

The wee hours


Free time

Chapter 1 Page 131

Day 8
14 juillet 2020 21:31

Setting: 8 Kythorn 1489DR

• Currently in Nashkel
• Randal left until 14 Kythorn 1489DR.
• First day of tracking.

Periods of the day



You open the door and leave the inn. The sun is already pretty bright, altought it is quite
cloudy. You can feel a calm breeze coming from the west. The street is already pretty busy.
With the rain from yesterday, it seems like there are perople coming out now, mostly children.
You cross the bridge and depart for the farm.

After roughly 30 minutes of walking, you soon come across the dirt path leading to the farm. It
is kind of nostalgic since you were here a few days ago, minus there was a stream of black
smoke coming from the other side of the hill. Upon descending the hill, you discover the ruins
of the farmhouse. There are no bodies anymore, but you do notice a small wooden tombstone
under a tall tree. There seem to be something written on it, but you are a bit too far. There is a
complete silence, it's as if nature itself seems to be grieving. You notice Terrowin a little bit up
north, where the goblin escaped. He seems focused, and thinking.


Time range: 12pm to 6pm

Danger level: 2

Danger roll: 3


With Terrowin leading the party, he leaves the watch to you. Your pace is rather slow, compared
to what you have done up until now, but it is understandable since a slight mistake could lead
the whole group of a wild goose chase for a few days. The first few hours goes very well. You hear
in the distance a river. The tracks lead towards the river, but upon getting closer to the river, the
turn north of it. Terrowin take the time to take the map he prepared and draw something on it,
and then give you a sign to keep going.

You keep walking north, and slowly you stop hearing the river. At this point, you are more in the
bush than before. It's definitely more complex to walk in the type of terrain, but it does make the
tracking job easier. You can see a bit of relief on Terrowin's face.

Time range: 6pm to 8pm

Danger level: 2

Danger roll: 1


After a few hours away from the river, you arrive at a clearing. At the center of the clearing is a tall
tree looking slightly different from those you have seen up until now. With the sun setting, Terrowin
suggest that you camp here for the night and pick up early in the morning.

Chapter 1 Page 132

Begin to set up camp. Terrowin will go to inspect. Don't forget to run a stealth check for the camp.
After two actions, a patrol of three goblins will come around. Run perception vs stealth, then camp
stealth vs perception of goblins


Time range: 8pm to 12am

Danger level: 2

Danger roll: 6


Terrowin offers to take the first shift, and is very confused when Blade explains he will
be in sentry mode, but let it be. He is a woodman, he doesn't understand technology.
Roll fire check. The first shift goes really smoothly, no sounds in the horizon. Terrowin
is on high alert. His shift soon come to an end.

The second shift begin. Roll fire check, Roll perception. You hear an owl close to the
camp. What do you want to do? Other than being annoying, this owl doesn't seem to
want anything. After an hour of peskering, it fly away. With this mark the end of the
second shift.

The wee hours

Time range: 12am to 5am

Danger level: 2

Danger roll: 1


Terrowin begins the third shift, Roll fire. There are a few bug sounds and an owl inthe
distance, probably the same one as earlier. Other than that, the evening is very quiet,
and nothing special happens throuhghout his shift.

The forth shift begins. Roll for fire. The night is very quiet, you hear nature sounds
and can a nice gentle breeze. All of a sudden, noises stop. It's a complete silence, other
than by the wind blowing. A minute goes by, and still, no sound. How is your
character feeling? Suddendly, a far, loud screech resonate in the wood. It sounds like
an monstruous ape of some sort. Before you even have the time to react, Terrowin
bolts up. Perception check for the one asleep DC 8. Terrowin grabs three torches out
of his bag and throw one to each of you. He then says:

Terrowin : Quick! Light your torch! They will be here soon.

As he says that, you hear another scream, and another one, and another. Each seems
to be getting closer, and more frequent. What do you do?

Terrowin: Gibberlings. They are weak and afraid of the light, but they travel in hordes.

You begin to feel a vibration in the ground, getting stronger and stronger. The
screams, howls and shrieks are so intense that you feel you brain is going to explode.
For Blade, your hearing is almost glitching. Then all of a sudden, you see a shape run
a few meters past you, then another one on the other side, then another one again.
Soon, you have a swarm running back and forth and around you. It's almost as if you
are trapped in a whirlwind. Then all of a sudden, out of this whirlwind, jumps a
monstruous, furry, ape looking monster. It has pale greyish skin, bloody red eyes,
sharp teeth, pointy ears, sharp claws and a crazy face. Then another one jumps, and
another one. They are keeping their distances, but you can tell they will soon jump.

After 4 death: You notice the gleam from the fire is starting to diminish. Roll for fire.

After 8 death: One of the Gibberling will attempt to fall on the fire.

After like 10 - 15 death: A minute goes by, but no more gibberling is jumping. The
number of gibberling running is diiminushing slowly and slowly. The shrieks are
calming down, until the silence comes again. Terrowin is still on alert, what about you
guys? You hear the sound of a criquet, then another one, and just like that, nature
begins to live again. As soon as that arrive, Terrowin let go of his torche, and let out a

Chapter 1 Page 133

begins to live again. As soon as that arrive, Terrowin let go of his torche, and let out a
sight of relieve.

The remaining shift goes by smoothly

Chapter 1 Page 134

Day 9
14 juillet 2020 21:31

Setting: 9 Kythorn 1489DR

• In the woods in the clearing.

• Randal left until 14 Kythorn 1489DR.
• Second day of tracking.
• Assault on the nest.

Periods of the day


Time range: 5am to 12pm

Danger level: 2

Danger roll: 6


The sun rises in the sky. It feels pretty warm, but there is a light mist blocking a little bit your vision. You pack up
your stuff and the camp and soon depart back on the goblins track, which is a bit tricky due to the amount of tracks
left by the gibberlings. From the amount, you can tell it probably was a horde of around 50 - 60 of them.
Eventually, Terrowin is able to figure out one trail leaving East. It's a wild guess, but that is the best clue you have.


Time range: 12pm to 6pm

Danger level: 2

Danger roll: 2


About an hour after the sun reachs the middle of the sky, you arrive at a mountain surrounded
by water, at least for as far as you can see. You notice at the distance, a path crossing the water
and leading to the entrance of a cave. The tracks are leading there. Terrowin says:

Terrowin: Lets wait here for a little bit and observe to see if this is the nest. We should a goblin
soon enough.

Sure enough, shortly after he said that, a goblin comes out and stand watch. An hour goes. You
notice a few rotation of goblins. There were10 goblins rotating. Terrowin says:

Terrowin: Good, there seems to be roughly 10 goblins. It seems the nest isn't yet large which will
help. By on you guards though, theses goblins seems a bit more well equipped from your average


Time range: 6pm to 8pm

Danger level:

Danger roll:


Assault on the goblins

Chapter 1 Page 135

Assault on the goblins

Time range: 8pm to 12am

Danger level: 1

Danger roll: 5


Camping in the cave

The wee hours

Time range: 12am to 5am

Danger level: 1

Danger roll: 6


Camping in the cave

Chapter 1 Page 136

Day 10
14 juillet 2020 21:31

Setting: 10 Kythorn 1489DR

• Return to Nashkel
• Randal left until 14 Kythorn 1489DR.
• Meeting with Dain
• Commotion at the inn at night

Periods of the day


Time range: 5am to 12pm

Danger level: 2

Danger roll: 5


You wake up to a beautiful clear sky, warm day. The sun is bright and strong. After packing
everything, the time as come to return to Nashkel. You depart in direction of the tall trees and
the clearing. Upon you arrival to the clearing, you notice a tall white stag. A beautiful, gleaming
beast. It looks majestic and mystic. It's eyes are like a clear stream of water. It is standing and
looking at you. What do you do.

If they attack, Terrowin stop them and says something like this:

Terrowin: Wait, it looks like it's been aware of our presence before we were even aware of his.
No normal animal would just stay there like this.

The Stag looks down and grabs three fallen branches from the tall three. He then comes
towards you. He gets close enough that you could touch it. He nods, almost as a geasture of
gratitude, he drops a branch in front of you, walks away and disappear behinf the tall tree.

Terrowin says: She seems thankful. Maybe from getting rid of those goblins. You should keep the branch.


Time range: 12pm to 6pm

Danger level: 1

Danger roll: 4


You continue your trajectory, it's much faster this time. Nothing seems to be stoping you. You
reach the river after a couple of hours. Shortly after, you reach the ruins of the farm, walk past
the hill and get back on the road towards Nashkel. Upon your arrival the guard quickly come to
your position and says:

Guard: I was told to keep an eye out for you! Is, the investation dealt, with? Captain Dain said to
go see him as soon as you get back, I can tell he has been worried.

• Describ road to Dain

• Terrowin wants to speak with Dain alone first. The barrack is empty, only one guard is
drinking alone at a table. He will wave at them, recognizing them
• Terrowin walks out and tell them he is ready for them, with a shake of the head.
• Conversation with Dain

Chapter 1 Page 137

• Conversation with Dain
• Terrowin left because he doesn't know how to handle normal basic human skill
• Return to the Inn (sun setting)



Currently in Nashkel



Perception check DC 12.

Success = Shortly after beginning your rest, you are awaken after you hear people
being really load, like shouting, outside of your room, as if it was in the lobby of the
inn. What do you do?

There is the same two guy they saw on day 6, with a woman this time (say description
of Chyanne). They are armed and seem drunk, but most important of all, they are
holding August in hostage with a dagger by Chyanne. Huk says:

Huk: You rotten slot! You're gonna confess for what you did! You killed my brother
and left him dead in a ditch!

Oscar: You knew it was a ditch! That's no coincidence! Now put down that knife and
let my brother deal with you or else Chyanne here will cut your boy.

The woman is holding her dagger really tight against the boy's throat.

They won't be receptive to people weapons are drawn after a warning. The fight can
butting in and will kill August if be avoided by persuasion, intimidation or

• Persuasion DC15
• Deception DC10
• Intimidation DC10

Upon success, the woman let go of her dagger, which allows the boy to take a sprint
for the group or his mother, whichever is closer.

Marigold: Get the fuck out of here, the guards will deal with you mumblecrust. If I see
you again, I swear I'll beat the living out of you.

The trio realise they are not in a position to fight the group, so they leave quickly.

Marigold has connection in the guards.

The wee hours


Currently in Nashkel

Chapter 1 Page 138

Day 11

Setting: 11 Kythorn 1489DR

• Currently in Nashkel
• Randal left until 14 Kythorn 1489DR.
• Receiving coded letter and reward
• Free time

Periods of the day



In the morning, a guard comes to see them with the letter they left Dain and a pouch
containing 18 GP & 7 SP. The guards says that they all pitched in and that they are all very
thankful for what they did. Even if the mayor doesn't agree with it, they saved Nashkel from a
potential problem.



Free time



Free time



Free time

Chapter 1 Page 139

The wee hours


Free time

Chapter 1 Page 140

Day 12
14 juillet 2020 21:31

Setting: 12 Kythorn 1489DR

• Currently in Nashkel
• Randal left until 14 Kythorn 1489DR.
• Free time

Periods of the day



Free time



Free time



Randal come to the inn around the beginning of the evening to announce they will be
leaving the day after tomorrow early in the morning. The shipment is ready, there is
just a bit of finalizing to do. If the party isn't there, he leaves a mesasge.



Chapter 1 Page 141


Free time

The wee hours


Free time

Chapter 1 Page 142

Day 13
14 juillet 2020 21:31

Setting: 13 Kythorn 1489DR

• Currently in Nashkel
• Randal left until 14 Kythorn 1489DR.
• Free time
• leaving tommorow.

Periods of the day



Free time



Free time





Chapter 1 Page 143


Free time

The wee hours


Free time

Chapter 1 Page 144

Day 14
14 juillet 2020 21:31

Setting: 14 Kythorn 1489DR

• Currently in Nashkel
• Leaving for Beregost - Goodbyes
• First day of travel
• Friendly camp

Periods of the day


Time range: 5am to 12pm

Danger level: 1

Danger roll: 1


You wake early in the morning. Your room is still slightly dark. Peeking outside, you can se the
sun starting to rise, the main road is quite empty. The main hall of the inn is only occupied by
marigold. She is cleaning around the door. Once Randal arrive, they will be ready to leave. Just
before they leave, August comes out with a loaf of apple bread he made for them for the road.
All strap in, the group leave the small town of Nashkel. Waving at you is marigold and August.
You recognize the guard at the bridge. He is the one that brought you the money reward the
day after the goblin extermination. He says:

- I see you are finally leaving us. It was truly a pleasure to meet fine people like you. Your
generosity will not be forgotten! You will always be welcome in Nashkel!

Across the bridge, you notice a cart attached to a brown horse. In the cart, you notice some
crates. Randal is leading you towards the cart.

- Everything is prepared for our trip to Beregost. Before I forget, here is your next payment.

Randal hands you 10 pieces of gold each. Randal sit at the driver spot, leaving the back to both
of you. He says:

- It might not be the most comfortable ride, but at least we won't have to walk all the way to

All set, you finally depart towards Beregost. You know this road very well by now. About 30
minutes after your departure, you notice the crossing leading to the Redstream farm. As you
pass it, you feel this sentiment of a chapter closing. You met quite an adventure here in
Nashkel, and made new friendship. It seems just like yesterday that you saw the black smoke
above the hill, the goblin raid, the meeting with the captain, the mayor and the other habitant
of Nashkel which all led to the extermination of a goblin nest. Thinking back on the goblin nest,
you can't quite shake the feeling that something wasn't quite fitting in place. Leaving aside that
the behavior of those goblins adnormal, the chief wasn't an actual goblin, but an hobgoblin in
possesion of a strange and elusive letter that you are still unable to read. And who was the
cloacked person with Doktak that left the moment the battle clashed? All questions to which
you still do not have an answer, and that is what is giving that strange feeling.


Time range: 12pm to 6pm

Danger level: 1

Danger roll: 5


The next few hours goes by quite quickly. The meteo is definitly on your side. The sky is clear, the
sun is bright. Everything is going quite smoothly. Randal tells you about what he has been up to
during your absence, which is honestly not much. Mostly oversaw the shipment and stayed with

Chapter 1 Page 145

during your absence, which is honestly not much. Mostly oversaw the shipment and stayed with
a few friends. However, he did hear rumors of two adventurer that arrived to town not soo long
ago and help quite a bit. Not only they saved a family in need, but also solved a wolf related
problem and took care of the goblin infestation in the region, winking at both of you.

- It seems like you kept yourselves quite busy in my absence.

During the travel, Randal shares a little bit more about himself and the mission.


Time range: 6pm to 8pm

Danger level: 1

Danger roll: 1 or 4


As the sun starts to set down, the time as arrived for you to find a place to stay. As you begin to look
around, you notice a person coming towards you on the road (Anthone).

- Hey there fellow travellers! My name is Anthone. I was looking for a few supplies to make a fire when
I saw your group. If you are looking for a place to set camp, we set up a camp not too far from here
with a few other travellers we met on the road. There is a dwarf named Doldahr, my fellow traveller
Engert, a messenger named Arryn and a ranger named Willas and his two dogs. It's getting quite
late, if you don't have a place to stay yet, we sure would welcome more travellers like you - Hinting
at Blade and Edana.

If they follow, they have a night without danger. One of them will have to be a sentry.
If they don't, they have to make a camp and will be attacked by a wolf. Anthone will tell them about the
Bush Inn before leaving.


Time range: 8pm to 12am

Danger level: 1

Danger roll: 3


The wee hours

Time range: 12am to 5am

Danger level: 1

Danger roll: 5


Chapter 1 Page 146

Day 15
14 juillet 2020 21:31

Setting: 15 Kythorn 1489DR

• Currently on the road

• Second day of travel
• Inn of the road

Periods of the day


Time range: 5am to 12pm

Danger level: 1

Danger roll: 5


If they were with the friendly camp, they will tell them about the Bush Inn.


Time range: 12pm to 6pm

Danger level: 1

Danger roll: 1 Flaming Fist


Roughly an hour after midday, you notice at the distance two persons. They both seem to be
wearing platemails with steel ponytail helms. They do seem heavily geared and to both be wearing
roughly the same equipment. As you approach, they hail:

- Hello travellers, we are patrolling the road in the name of the Flaming Fist. Might we ask
you where you are heading and your business on the road?
- There as been report of what seems to be bandits attack lately. Not much more information
unfortunately, since no one as been found alive to recall the events.
- Be careful on the road, wouldn't want to find your corpses on our way back.


Time range: 6pm to 8pm

Danger level: 1

Danger roll: 3


Following the instruction given to you by Anthone, you take a small dirt road at the
tree arch. Following the road for about half an hour, you notice a few small cottages.
A bit further, in a small clearing, you see this large building. See Bush inn.


Chapter 1 Page 147

Time range: 8pm to 12am

Danger level: 1

Danger roll: 1


The wee hours

Time range: 12am to 5am

Danger level: 1

Danger roll: 2


Chapter 1 Page 148

Day 16
14 juillet 2020 21:31

Setting: 16 Kythorn 1489DR

• Currently on the road

• Third day of travel
• Ambush

Periods of the day


Time range: 5am to 12pm

Danger level: 1

Danger roll: 5


You depart in the morning. They are bid farewell by the owners. No one else is there, the
knights of Tyr left quite early. Out side is a bit misty, the sky is heavy in dark cloods.
An hour after you departed, the rain slowly begin to fall.


Time range: 12pm to 6pm

Danger level: 1

Danger roll: scripted


The rain become slightly heavier, but not enough to stop you from travelling, and you all know by
now that there is but a few hours left before you reach Beregost. The tought of Horven's warm
food all make you keep your focus. Randal explains that once you reach Beregost, he will have to
bring the shipment of iron ore to a smith in town. It shouldn't take very long for him to forge the
weapons. Shelvan Fuiruim, the owner of Thunder Hammer Smithy in Beregost has quite the
reputation and a strong team of blacksmith working with him. In just a few days, they should be
all set and ready to depart towards Greenest. Shortly after, you notice a man in the middle of the
road walking in the same direction as you. He eventually look back, hearing the sound of the cart,
and you realize you have seen this man before. It is the messenger you saw at the camp.
Recognizing you, he stops and wave at you. As you come closer, he yells:

- Hey there! It's very good to see you again! Looks like we are both about to get to Beregost!
Too bad we had this horrible weather today! I waited for a good part of the day, hoping it
would go away! What a waste of time! Say, do you mind if I tag along with you? I must say, it
would be quite nice to have company in this creepy weather.
Eventually along the way he will ask to stop because he feels like he will be sick. As Randal goes
towards him, he grabs him and put a knife to his troat.




Chapter 1 Page 149




The wee hours



Chapter 1 Page 150

Day 17 *
14 juillet 2020 21:31

Setting: 17 Kythorn 1489DR

• Currently in Beregost
• Waking up from being uncounscious, Randal is still uncouscious
• Gathering information, possibility to meet with Lieutenant Rizot, Barton, Dawngreeter Tholman or
Ez’ellen Thrullan

Periods of the day


Time range: 5am to 12pm

Danger level: 1

Danger roll: 5


Edana's omen:
- Past:
- Near present:
- Future:
- Important figure ending:

Blade's omen:
- Past:
- Near present:
- Future:
- Important figure ending:

Before waking up:

- Add experience points: 558 xp each
- Roll a Con vs. Con to see who wakes up first. The second player wakes up an hour later.
The players wake up with a third of their hp and a level 2 exhaustion. If a player rolls a
20, the start with half of their hp and a level 1 exhaustion. If a player rolls a 1, they start
with a level 3 instead of a level 2 exhaustion.

The awakening:


Time range: 12pm to 6pm

Danger level: 1

Danger roll: 2



Chapter 1 Page 151

Time range: 6pm to 8pm

Danger level: 1

Danger roll: Scripted





The wee hours



Chapter 1 Page 152

Kythorn 18th, 1489 DR
14 juillet 2020 21:31

The chapter opens with darkness. Gradually, one of the two players will begin to

Chapter 2 Page 153

Day 1
Sunday, July 19, 2020 2:56 PM

1 Kythorn 1489DR

It all started in a small inn in the town of Beregost. The name of this tavern
was the Feldepost’s Inn, a rather modern and neat establishment owned by Horven
Songsteel, a tall, slightly curvy and jolly human. A smaller figure, with fair copper
skin and a hood over her head, walked towards him, whom he recognized at first
glance as one of his old friends, Edana Neilo. The wood elf came after she received a
letter from the him requesting help. After some catching up, Horven pointed her
towards a table where a white hair old man dressed in purple and black was
reading a book. Horven explained that that his friend, Randal, is the one who
requested help and that he will give her more information about his request. As she
left towards the old man, another figure came towards Horven, but this time
sparked a surprised and confused reaction from him. The tall, robotic figure
revealed itself to be Blade, a paladin from the Order of the Mystic Fire. After the
death of a companion, Hugh Wilmont, Blade inherited the later’s belongings.
Among those, he found a letter that Horven sent requesting help. To honor his
companion memory, Blade decided to leave for Beregost in his stead, and announce
his death at the same time. After a short, grieving moment, Horven pointed it
towards Randal’s table and explained the same things he said previously to Edana.
At the same time, Edana went to Randal’s table and attempted to get his attention,
but the old man remained in his books. It was only after Blade joined them, that
Edana attempted the daring move of closing his books.

The old, deaf man rose up instantly to notice the pair of adventurer in front of
him. After some introducing, Randal revealed he was a merchant from the city of
Greenest. He was sent to the Sword Coast to first collect a shipment of iron ore in
Nashkel. Then he was asked to find willing blacksmith to forge weapons, and finally
deliver them back to Greenest. He shared that there has been a few rumors about
some trouble in the regions to the west, and the regent of Greenest simply wants to
be better ready. Randal promised a total of 100 gold pieces as a reward for their
help, sum he would divide evenly throughout the travel. He handed them both a
total of 10 pieces of gold each as first payment. Wanting to test Randal's trust,
Edana also asked for Randal's book as collateral, but gave it back to him after he
accepted the terms. During the conversation, the group noticed a man, from a band
of hoodlums in the corner of the inn, walk towards a table where a young child was
sitting. The man grab the candle on the table, grinned and walk back to his table.
The look of complete anger on Horven's face was enough to reveal that this was his
child. Blade, out of kindness, took the candle of their own table and brought it to
the child. He gave a menacing regard to the handlooms, who responded with dirty
eyes. This gesture struck a chord with Horven.

After completing their conversation with Randal, the three of them left the inn
in direction of an adventurer shop named Seven Boxes. There they met the owner,
a friendly, tall and fit man named Gregan Quill. He gave them a few words of
warning about the danger of an adventurer's life, and gave them a tent and a
mirror to help them in their travels. Preparation being completed, they then
departed for Nashkel, a travel that was estimated to last 3 days.

A few hour outside of town, they were approached by two rather load character,
whom Blade recognized instantly as two of the three hoodlums that were at the
Feldepost's Inn. As they started to approach menacingly, a fight broke. Edana open
the fight with a very intricate, and confusing, distraction by shooting an arrow far
in the horizon, and then rolling in the bushes next to them in a very oblivious
manner. Being confused by what just happened, Lenny and Gus both went for
Blade's head, but were not quite lucky in getting to him. Edana's distraction
allowed her to sneak behind Lenny, and plunged her rapier through his head. It
didn't take long either before Blade beheaded Gus and with that, this one-sided
fight came to an end.

Journal Page 154

fight came to an end.

After looting the bodies, the group resumed the travel. The remaining of the day
was a lot more peaceful, which allowed them to complete their first day of travel by
setting camp not too far from the road.

Journal Page 155

Day 2
Saturday, August 15, 2020 8:27 AM

2 Kythorn 1489DR

After a long night of rest, the group set course once more on the road to Nashkel.
They discovered a fork in the road to go towards the ruin of Ulcaster School, a
wizardry school founded in mid 11th century DR by Ulcaster. The school was
destroyed by calishite mages, leaving the school in ruin. Ulcaster himself
disappeared and was never found. None knows what happened to him. Some
thinks that he has hidden notes or something down in the ruins, but no one want
to explore those hunted ruins.

Around midday, they crossed path with a strange looking man, dressed in dark
plate armor and holding a large, intriguing greatsword. His face was hidden under
a large cowl. Edana scouted ahead to analyze the man's intents, but couldn't pick
any form of hostilities from him. As the man advanced towards them, they
suggested to Randal to hide behind a bush a few meters away. Blade and Edana
stood in the road, prepared to defend themselves in case the man would have ill
intention. Something strange happened when the man got close to them, roughly
20 feet. A surge of energy went through them, and they were engulfed in a
sensation of fear and anxiety. The man rose his sword with one hand, a circle of
darkness appeared around him and he disappeared in his own shadow. He
reappeared behind one of Blade/Edana and pierced him/it/her chest.
Edana/Blade ran towards Randal to verify his state. He seemed to be paralyzed,
almost not alive. Before Edana/Blade had time to plan the next move, the man
sliced her/his neck.

As the last inches of life left their body and closed their eyes, they woke up right in
front of the man, 20 feet away, as if nothing had happened. They both came back
to their senses and shook up that sense of danger and fear. Edana quickly moved
towards Randal, while Blade wouldn't back down to the challenger. However,
Edana was able to persuade Blade to move at the last minute before the contact
between the two. As the man continued to walk, his aura affecting nature on his
path, they got to talk about what just happened. They both saw the same thing,
but their version of the facts were different. In both of their vision, they were the
last one to die. The craziest thing, was that Randal told them that nothing
happened for real, they were standing there and moved out of his way as he
approached. No fight actually happened.

Once the man far away, and that chill pushed aside, the group resumed their travel
until the sun began to set. The time had come to rest for the day. They barely
finished to set up camp, that a man named Jason Cuy came and announced they
were trespassing on the lands on Lord Robert Marcoll and they needed to pay a fee
to camp there. The group didn't trust the Jason and decided to refuse to pay
despite the threats. The night went by smoothly, at the exception of a small
incident with a raccoon, whom Edana dealt with very efficiently, she even recovered
some rations.

Journal Page 156

Day 3
Saturday, August 15, 2020 8:27 AM

3 Kythorn 1489DR

The sun rose after a good night of rest in the wild, on the supposed lands on this
Lord Marcoll guy. Blade, Edana and Randal resumed their travel, the final day of
travel finally arrived. The day went by relatively smoothly. They met a strange old
man on the side of the road who asked them a riddle: River bridge crossing, look
out for the guards. Can you spell that without any ‘R’s? Which they answered
correctly by saying T-H-A-T. They man promised them luck on their travel.

Getting closer to Nashkel, roughly 30 minutes away, the noticed a stream of black
smoke coming from the other side of a hill. Randal told them a family, the
Redstreams, were living there. Decided to investigate, they stumble on a gruesome,
horrible scene. The house was on fire, a man heavily injured on the ground, a
mother protecting her injured child, and goblins surrounding them. Blade
proceeded first, but had to retreat a few meters after being hit gravely to the chest
and almost impaled by an arrow. Edana took the first kill, eliminating the archer,
followed by Blade who took the life of his assailant, and Edana impaling one of
remaining goblins. Blade attempted to eliminate the remaining goblin, but the
goblin escaped. The fight over, they attempted to calm the mother, to no avail.
Blade healed the child with his lay on hand, and then proceeded to loot the bodies.
Edana stayed with the mother and her child. Randal came to them with the news of
the death of Destrian, the husband. They decided to accompany them to Nashkel to
the temple of Helm, where they would be able to take care of them.

Upon arriving to the town, they were approached by a guard, who then escorted
them to the temple of Helm, where a priest by the name of Father Gregory accepted
to help Katrina and August, the mother and her child. The guard pleaded them to
meet with the captain of the guards, Captain Dain Mistsplitter, back at the
garrison. While escorting them to the garrison, Randal announced he had to leave
them for a tenday to oversee the transaction of iron ore and prepare the cargo. He
gave them each 20 pieces of gold and said goodbye.

The guard continued to escort them to the garrison. Waiting for him to announce
our presence and explain the situation to his superior, Edana decided to interact
with two guards playing card. After a feisty introduction, they played a round of
blackjack where Edana emerged sole winner and won 10 pieces of silver. The guard
being back and ready to introduce them to Captain Dain Mistsplitter, Edana left
one piece of silver to the guard at the table, saying he could use it to buy himself
some water. Finally meeting with Dain, they were able to explain what had
happened. He asked them if they could accompany him the next day to the temple
of Helm to meet the family, and then to meet the mayor. They accepted the plea
and agreed to meet in the morning.

They departed with the guard toward the town's inn, the Northern Light. Before
leaving them, the guard suggested they stop by the Cloud Peak Outfitter in the
morning to buy a map of the town. They rented a room for tendays, paid day by
day, and met with the owner, Marigold, and her son, August. They finished the day
by meeting a man from Kara-Tur, a far eastern region. They had a lovely
conversation with him.

Journal Page 157

Day 4
Monday, October 26, 2020 12:46 PM

4 Kythorn 1489DR

As the rays of sunshine entered the room in which Blade and Edana were
staying, the duo woke up ready for their meeting with Captain Dain
Mistsplitter. They had agreed to meet him at the Temple of Helm to gather
more information from the Redstream family. In the lobby, Marigold and
August were already doing chores. The inn seemed empty, as if the other
occupant had already left for the day. After a small breakfast was delivered
by the timid August, Marigold gave the group a figurine made by the Kara-
turian they met the previous night. The group recognized it was a figurine
of Fa Kuan, the god of justice in the Kara-turian Pantheon. The man had
left it there for them as a charm to help them in their investigation.

A guard came to meet them at the inn to accompany them to the Temple of
Helm, but the group took a quick stop at the Cloud Peak Outfitter to buy a
map of the town. There, they met with the owner, a cute and girly gnome
by the name of Trigani. With the map in their hands, they resumed their
travel towards the temple.

Upon arriving at the temple, they met with Captain Dain Mistsplitter and
walked down the western hallway, towards a door on the left wall. The
door led to a lobby in which were waiting Katrina and Arthur. As they
talked about the events that happened at the farm, Blade noticed that
Arthur seemed quite bothered by the mention of the goblins, as if he had
something to reproach himself. This was something he had also noticed
when they first escorted the Redstream to the temple yesterday. After
calmly asking him, they learned he had seen those goblin for close to a
month, but tought they were friendly green gnomes. The conversation
being over after having collected enough information, the group departed
to meet with the mayor of Nashkel at the Writtingham Manor. The walk to
the manor was quite pleasant. It was a stone path with mossy rock walls.

Arriving at the large manor, they met with a tall and fancy looking man,
the mayor Peter Writtingham. Peter led them to a private room in the
library for their meeting. Dain conveyed the information he received from
the group and from the Redstreams, but due to the location of the farm
being outside of the town limits, the mayor refused to take action in this
matter. He explained that even tought it was a tragic event, it would be
reckless to dispatch guards to search for the goblin's nest and subdue it,
not knowing how long this expedition would take, leaving the town
defenseless to possible threat. Having said that, the mayor declared the
meeting over and left to take care of other, more pressing business. Before
leaving the manor, Dain pleaded Blade and Edana to help him and the
citizen of Nashkel. After accepting the plead, he asked them to meet with
Terrowin Ashglade, a ranger living in the woods around Nashkel. They are
to meet him on the evening of the 6th day at the Belching Dragon, the
town's tavern. Dain warned them that Terrowin can be quite antisocial. He
would prepare a letter of introduction for them and have it delivered at the
Northern Light for the following morning. Altough he couldn't promise any
reward for the task, they would forever be welcomed in Nashkel.

With the meeting over and with Captain Dain returning to the garrison,
the group return to the inn and took enough time to rest and document in
their journals all they had been trough during their travel to Beregost and
Nashkel. Blade took the time to write a letter to report to his organization.
He then gave the letter to a group of thrust worthy looking adventurers

Journal Page 158

He then gave the letter to a group of thrust worthy looking adventurers
that accepted to bring the letter to the Order of the Mystic Fire located in
city of Baldur’s Gate for a small fee of 10 CP. Meanwhile, Edana helped at
the inn by doing menial tasks. It did allow her to save on the staying fee
for the night and to know a bit more about the owner and her son. She
learned that the inn belonged to her husband’s family and he inherited it
from his father. She married her husband, named Henry, at a young age
and she helped him run the inn with her son. Sadly, her husband past
away from an illness when August was 7 years old. Since then, she took
over the job of running the inn and thought all she knows about it to
August. While he was out to deliver his letter, Blade heard people talking
about something that happened earlier that day. A group of lumberjacks
were attacked at the site by a timber wolf. Upon reporting what he heard
to Edana, they both agreed that they wanted to lend a hand in the matter.
After some light investigating, they learned the lumberjacks were at the
Temple of Helm since one of them got injured by the wolf. The lumberjacks
were a bit reluctant and rude at first since they thought Blade and Edana
were noisy strangers trying to look for drama. The lumberjacks explained
that they had already submitted a request to the garrison, but it would
take a little while to get the matter resolved since the city guards are not
trained to track beast in the wild. The garrison has to make a request to
some of the local rangers first and see if one of them can take care of it.
After a bit of persuasion, the lumberjacks came to an agreement that
Edana and Blade were probably their best bet at getting this solved
quicker. They explained to the group how to get to the site, which was
relatively 30 minute away to the West by following the river. Blade and
Edana agreed to leave early in the morning to investigate the site.

Journal Page 159

Day 5
Monday, October 26, 2020 12:46 PM

5 Kythorn 1489DR

As the sun rose, the group prepared themselves to depart on a quest. They followed
the instructions the lumberjacks gave them yesterday and simply went West by
following the river, with a turn to the North after about 30 minutes of walking. The
site was quite easy to spot due to the sheer amount of stumps. The group looked
around, but couldn’t see the wolf anywhere near. They did, however, found tracks
that was matching that of a big wolf. The tracks led them further West, until they
reached a small clearing. Looking around, they could tell this was a popular spot
for animals to come drink water, making following the tracks they found harder.
After a bit of investigating, they found two set of tracks that looked like they
belonged to a wolf. The first one going North was a recent and lone track, while the
one going West was a few days old and mixed with other, smaller tracks. Blade and
Edana agreed to explore the Northern tracks first, but only for about a few
minutes.After about 10 minutes of walking, they were still unable to see the wolf.
They decided to instead turn back and try the other set of tracks, hoping to maybe
find the wolf’s den.

After half an hour of following the tracks, the arrived at a small hill. They were able
to notice a small opening at the base of the hill, like something dug a hole in the
ground. Looking around, they could see a lot of tracks, indicating they might have
found the right place. Edana decided to stealthily go around the hill and climb of
top of it. Even though she made a bit of noise while going up, nothing seemed to
come out of the hole. With Edana in place, Blade carefully moved forward. As he
got closer to the entrance, a deep growling came out of the hole, followed by a large
wolf coming out. The wolf was holding a defensive stance in front of the hole,
growling at Blade whom he thought was a treat. Even the Blade tried to calm the
animal, it couldn’t sense life front Blade’s body, which just made it more agitated.
Seeing as nothing seems to evolve, Edana decided to climb down the hill and place
herself behind the wolf. As she climbed down, right before she decided to jump, she
missed a step and made some noise which alerted the wolf of her presence. Caught
by surprise, the wolf started to attack Blade, being unable to reach Edana. After
jumping down from the hill, Edana rushed to help Blade, but also became the
wolf’s target. Unable to properly defend herself against the wolf’s attack, she got
injured rather badly. Thankfully, Blade also used the wolf’s distraction to strike it
down, knocking the beast on the verge of death. The wolf being unconscious, Blade
hurried to cast Lay on Hand on it to heal it from his injuries.

The wolf came back to its senses, but remained down, still too tired from the battle.
To befriend the animal, the group gave the wolf some food. The latest didn’t eat the
food, but instead brought it in its den. Following the wolf, they discovered that she
was a mother of three friendly pups. They could deduct that the mother was
protecting her pups and might also have been the reason why she attacked the
lumberjacks, feeling threatened by their presence and the noise. Blade successfully
conveyed to the mother that humans like them (well more like Edana) are not
harmful to them, and to not attacked them anymore. After feeding the pups some
more, the group left and returned to Nashkel. The lumberjacks were very thankful
to hear the news that the wolf was not going to attack them anymore. The sun
setting down, the day was going to be over soon. After such an adventure, they
decided to hit the bed early to be ready for their meeting with Terrowin the next

Journal Page 160

Day 6
Monday, October 26, 2020 12:46 PM

6 Kythorn 1489DR

The day began like most of the previous day. Blade and Edana still had some time
to kill until their meeting with Terrowin that evening. The rest of the day was
rather quiet. They both helped at the inn in the morning securing them another
day for free at the inn. Blade spent quite some time to polish every inches of his
body armor, while Edana spent the rest of the time practicing some archery and
made some arrows with her wood working. The sun setting down, the group
decided to make their way to The Belching Dragon to meet with Terrowin

Arriving at the barrel like tavern, they can hear the laughters and the music
coming from the inside. Althought most people would simply open the door and
walk in for such an establishment, the group decided to knock on the door first.
Seeing how no one was coming to open it, they simply entered the tavern. Most of
the patrons were busy with their own conversations and their drinking. A few did
look at Blade and Edana with a confused look. After scanning the room, the
group noticed a man sitting alone in the corner of the room. He matched the brief
description they received from Captain Dain.

The group gracefully joined the anti-social looking man after introducing
themselves. His name was Terrowin Ashglade, a ranger half elf from the region.
They explained that Captain Dain asked them to hunt down a group of goblins
and that they needed his help to navigate around. After reading the letter from
Captain Dain and gathering a few more information from the group, Terrowin
voiced his worries regarding the fact that the goblins had been spying on the
Redstream for close to a month. Very unusual for goblins to do so considering
they normaly will scout for a few days only before a raid. None the matter, he
reluctantly agreed to help Blade and Edana in their hunt. Since Edana and him
could see quite well in the dark, he recommended that the group goes to see an
old woman by the name of Favian Lunadream, the town's alchemist. After
agreeing to meet in the morning of the 8th day of Kythorn at the Redstream,
Terrowin left the tavern, followed shortly by the group. Upon returning to the
Northern Light Inn, they stumbled on a disturbing scene. Two men, a large one
and a thinner one, arguing with Marigold. After a few heated words, the two men
left the inn. Marigold explain that the two brothers have been bothering her once
in a while since their brother died. They believes she had a hand the death of
their brother since everyone knows she wanted him dead after what he did to her
son. She denies having anything to do with it and reassured Blade and Edana
that they are just two drunks, all barks no bites.

Journal Page 161

Day 7
Monday, October 26, 2020 12:46 PM

7 Kythorn 1489DR

The morning arriving, Edana and Blade enjoyed a nice little breakfast before
leaving to get themselves ready for the next day. August decided to follow the
group on their errands. Their first stop was going to be the Cloud Peak Outfitter
where they got some stuff for the road, as well as some chalk and candles for
August. They then went on to meet Favian Lunadream.

The old woman lives in a modest, rustic looking house. There are a lot of flowers
arounf her house, specially in the windows. The old alchemist invited them inside
to have some tea and to talk about their request. The inside of the house looked a
lot like an alchemist's lab. There were nice looking furniture with a vibrant,
colorful carpet at the center of the room. The group explained the situation to
Favian and asked if she would have something to help Blade see in the dark. She
did have something on hand that could help, but she doesn't sell anything.
Altought she is considered the alchemist of the Nashkel, she is just an old woman
that enjoy alchemy, not a merchant. However, she agreed to part with her potion
in exchange for the group to collect herbs and other useful ingredients she could
use. After the agreement, she explained that this potion of darkvision would be
effective for about half a day at most.

The rest of the day was rather normal. The group spent some time to prepare
correctly for the next day.

Journal Page 162

Day 8
Monday, October 26, 2020 12:46 PM

8 Kythorn 1489DR

Soon after the rising of the sun, the group departed for the Redstream farm to
meet with Terrowin. The time for their quest had finally arrived. It didn't take long
before they reached the bottom of the hill leading to the farm. The scene looked
rather nostalgic, at the exception of the missing smoke. Upon reaching the other
side, they quickly noticed the burned rubble from the old farmhouse. Not too far
form there, under a tree, was a lone, woodden tombstone. Further in the fields,
where Katrina and Arthur were standing during the goblin assault, was standing
Terrowin, investigating the surroundings. He had been there for a little while and
had already found a track.

Without any more waiting, the group left where the tracks were leading them,
collection ingredients along the way for Favian. The walked for a few hours until
they reached a river. There, the tracks went up North, avoiding the river. Blade
and Edana noticed that Terrowin was drawing and writing a few things about
landmarks on a scroll he was carying. The group walked for a few more hours
until they reached a large clearing with a very large tree at its center. Seeing the
sun was setting down, they agreed to set up camp now and to leave early in the
morning. After a succesful camp set up, They established that Terrowin would
take the first guard round, followed by Blade, Edana and then him again.

The first shift went on quite smoothly. It was a quiet, peaceful night. The second
shift was decorated by the nice screechings of an owl. The owl didn't seem to be
harmful, other than being quite annoying, and left after an hour or so. The third
shift, Edana's turn, started very similarly to the first one, until every sound in the
wood came to a stop. The intensity of the silence woke up Terrowin and Blade,
who was still aware of his surroundings due to its sentry mode. The group stayed
still for what looked like to be forever, waiting for something to happen. Seconds
felt like minutes. All of a sudden, some sort of monstrosity let a loud scream
further away in the woods, a scream that made everyone jump. Terrowin quickly
prepared torches for the group and instructed Edana and Blade to keep it at all
cost. The screams became closer and closer. The ground started to shake, as if
something large was coming towards them. The shaking became stronger, the
screechings closer and then, out in the bushes, one strange figure ran past them,
followed by another and another one. Before they could do anything, the group
was surrounded by a whirlwind one creature. In a flash, five ape-like creatures
jumped out of the woods. The gibberlings charged the group, in the hopes to have
a good snack.

An epic fight issued. Thanks to the light of the torches, the gibberlings had
trouble lending a hit. Edana was slashing the gibberlings to pieces, as if they were
nothing but ants. However, Terrowin and Blade had a little of trouble with the
coordination and were having trouble landing a hit, maybe due to the fact that
they woke up panicked. Four additional gibberlings soon joined the fight. It was
as if there was no ending to this madness. Edana eventually dropped her torch,
allowing a gibberling to . The smell of blood attracted this attention of more
gibberlings, solely focused on her. Although they were easy to take out, the sheer
amount of them was starting to overwhelm her. Fortunately, Terrowin and Blade
were able to down their opponents and ran to assist her. After that massacre, the
surrounding gibberling began dispersing. The whirlwind subsided, the shaking
seist, and the screeching stopped. Silence reigned once more in the forest. After a
minute that seemed like an eternity, the nature sounds came back and peace
returned to the woods. Blade looted the gibberlings for eyes, a brain and a claw,
while Edana recuperated from her injuries.

The group finished their rest. The last part of the night remained as peaceful as can be.

Journal Page 163

Day 9
Monday, October 26, 2020 12:46 PM

9 Kythorn 1489DR

The eventful night over, the group wakes up to a suprising sight. Other than the
amount of dead gibberling laying around, they could see the tracks left by the
horde spiraling around them throughout the fight. Looking at the tracks, they
could deduct there was probably around 50-60 of them. While the Edana and
Blade packed the camp, Terrowin tried the find the goblin tracks. It took a little
while to find them due to the mix of tracks, but once he found them the group
went back on the road.

After a few hours of going eastward, they arrived at a tall rocky mountain
surrounded by water. At the base of the mountain was a small entrance to a cave.
The group decided to observe the entrance to see there was going to be any
movement. Their intuition was correct. A few minutes after the started to observe,
Blade and Terrowin saw a goblin come out and stand watch at the entrance of the
cave. The group agreed to wait until night fall to be able to go in unnoticed.

As the sun came down, they realised that there is always a goblin on watch. There
seemed to be around 10 goblins taking shift guarding the entrance. There was no
other solution than getting rid of the guard to go in. The organisation as well as
the equipment the goblins were wearing was troubling. Feral goblin don't have
such an elaborate watch organisation, and only the elite goblin wear proper
equipment, leading him to believe that they might be facing a large den of goblin,
or something more sinister.

After a quick brainstorming session, the decided that since Edana and Terrowin
were able to see in the dark, they were going to stealthy hide closer to the
entrance behind a fallen tree trunck while Blade would create a distraction to
attrack the goblin's attention. Edana and Terrowin slowly went in the water to
swim closer to the other bank, to avoid being seen by the goblin, and hide
themselves. Meanwhile, Blade took a large rock and prepare himself to throw it in
the water. Everyone ready, Blade threw the rock in the water, alerting the goblin.
However, after staring where he heard the sound, the goblin couldn't see what it
was and stayed at its post. Seeing how nothing was happening, Blade took a
bigger rock and threw it at the base of the water, hurting his pride along the way
due to the lack of strenght in his throw. This time, the goblin decided to
investigate the sound, and started to walk towards Blade. The goblin being closer
to them, Terrowin and Edana jumped out and attacked him. In an swift
movement, Terrowin shot an arrow throught the head of the goblin.

The entrance cleared, the group progressed carefully inside. Blade took the time
to drink the Potion of Infravision he was given by Favian Lunadream. The inside
was humid and dark due to the lack of light. The corridor was small, but tall
enough for Blade to be able to swing his sword, which proved to be sooner than
they expected. After barely walking through the lobby of the cave, the group
noticed another goblin standing guard at a fork. After a slight distraction by
Blade, the goblin came towards them. However, unlike last time, the goblin
noticed them before they could react, and he was able to avoid a suprise attack.
Even thought he had quick reflexes, he couldn't avoid Blade's longsword cracking
down on his skull. To cover their presence, the group decided to hide the bodies
of the two goblins they had killed, leaving Blade in charge of hiding them by the
water outside while Edana and Terrowin remained on watch inside the cave.
Blade hid close to where Edana and Terrowin had previously been hiding.

In the meantime, Edana and Terrowin were able to analyze the two options of
pathway the fork gave them as well as collection some moss for Favian. Edana's
path seemed more frequented, but quiet. Terrowin's path seemed less frequented,
but you could hear the sound of flowing water. After Blade's return, the group

Journal Page 164

but you could hear the sound of flowing water. After Blade's return, the group
agreed to choice the less frequented path in the hope of finding a backway to the
main camp.

Moving forward as quiet as a mouse, the group came to a thight turn. The
corridor could only allow one person at a time. Exploring a bit ahead, Edana
heard and noticed two goblins having a conversation on the other side of the
thight. Letting the rest of the group know of their presence, they tried to sneak
towards the goblins to unleash a suprise on them. Unfortunately, as Terrowin
came through the thight end, some rocks fell and alerted the goblins. One of the
two goblin ran in towards the corridor behind him while the other one charged at
Edana. Terrowin and Blade attempted to shoot the escaping goblin, but could
only injured him. Blade sprinted past the globlin engaged with Edana in the
hopes of catching the escaping one. Alerted, the goblin facing Edana retreated at
the entrance of the back corridor, blocking Blade. The goblin's stance didn't last
long as Edana didn't an acrobatic figure on the wall and jumped on the goblin
and killed him. The path cleared, Blade pursued the other goblin, took his javelin
out and, with all his might, threw it at him. The javelin missed him by a hair,
hitting the wall behind him. The javelin exploded on the wall, making a massive
sound take was heard even by Terrowin back in the other hallway. Scared, the
goblin fled further and entered a large room. Edana past Blade and followed the
goblin in the room but only to be suprised by a voley of bolts. One of them landed
in her belly, injuring her quite a bit. The other bolt landed straigh in the escaping
goblin, killing him on the spot. Edana took cover in the water behind an elevation
of rocks. In the meantime, Blade entered the room, prepared his javelins and
threw one a one of the goblins. The javelin landed straight between the goblins
eyes. However, being focused on his success, Blade couldn't avoid a bolt shot by
the remaining goblin, leaving a small scratch on his armored body. Ready for her
revenge, Edana emerged from her cover, readied an arrow and shot the last
goblin. The arrow flew trough the air and landed in the goblin's head, concluding
the encouter.

Injured, Blade used his holy powers to restore Edana and himself. Afterward,
Blade looted the remains of the goblins while Edana explored a bit further in the
water. She discovered a skeleton body on a small alcove. On it, she found a
Rosaline silver ring. Curious, Blade decided to investigate the body another time
in the hopes to find something more, but only found a bag containing something
that felt and smelled like feces. The most disturbing part was that he decided to
keep the bag…

The room they were in was large and humid, with a large pool of fresh water. The
could deduct this room was use as a source of fresh water, and therefore
guarded. It was, however, a dead end which forced them to go back to the fork
and take the other path. Doing so led them to a large, circular room with a large,
rock pillar at the center of it. The pillar forced to two path around it to access the
other side of the room. Edana and Blade both chose one path and walk without a
care in the world. Their lack of patience and attention led them to activate two
traps, letting boulders fall on them. Edana was quick enought to avoid the
boulder, but Blade got a small bump from it. Aware of their mistake, they
progressed with care towards the other side of the room, leading them to an
opening towards a new corridor. At the same time they approched the entrance, a
goblin came out of it, probably alerted by the noise. The goblin noticed Blade and
quickly ran back in the corridor. Edana quickly ran behind him, sneaked up to
him and slid his throat. With no more dange in front of them, the group
progressed in the corridor, leading them to a large room with two tents, a fire pit
and a tanning rack. The group took the time to loot the room of its goods. Edana
found a small, locked chest. Although she failed her first attempt at unlocking the
chest, she didn't fail a second time, claiming the loots from the chest. All set to go
with Edana leading the party, the began exploring the cave again. Approching a
turn, Edana decided to give Bladethe mirror to allow him to see what was around
the corner. He was able to notice one goblin, seemingly speaking to another one.
Confident in themselves, the group decided to launch a suprise attack on those
two goblins. The battle was a short one. Edana swiftly impailed the one closest to

Journal Page 165

two goblins. The battle was a short one. Edana swiftly impailed the one closest to
her, who had its back turned to her, while Terrowin shot the remaining one down.
Confident that the zone was secure, the group began to loot the bodies and the
tents, failing to notice the presence of another goblin. Unwilling to fight against
the group, he instead fled towards the southern exit of the room, too quick for the
group to react. Knowing that it would be too dangerous to give chase to the
fleeting goblin, they instead prepared an ambush for a potention recon party.
With everyone in place, they waited patiently for a chance to defend themselves.
Sure enough, after what seemed to be a minute or so, three goblin emerged from
the tunnel, failing to notice the adventurers. Terrowin opended the dance by
taking down the goblin at the rear while blade injured the second goblin with his
javelin. Edana killed the one at the front by landing an arrow between his eyes.
Blade, with all of his divine powers channeled in his javelin, threw his projectile
across the room in the hopes to annihilate the remaining goblin, only to hit the
wall behind him. The javelin crashed and shattered, making quite a ruckus.
Regaining confidence after witnessing such prowess, the goblin charged at Edana
and injurded her quite awfully. With an arrow shot by terrowin, the goblin was
brought to his knees, leaving him defenseless to Edana shoving an arrow through
his head.

After a short rest, the group carefully enter the tunnel. It led them to the largest
room they had seen in the cave up until now. The room was devided in two floors,
their position being on the bottom floor. At the center of the room, they saw a
goblin staring at them, unsure if he saw them or not. On the second floor behind
the goblin was a large humanoid whom Blade recognized to be an hobgoblin. Next
to him was a hooded humanoid, too tall to be a goblin. Placing herself differently,
Edana also noticed an archer posted on the second floor, ready to fire at the
entrance of the room. After a quick mental check, the group launch an assault on
the main camp. Edana shot the archer down, while Terrowin did the same to the
goblin at the center of the room, leaving a path for Blade armed with his sword.
The hobgoblin introduced himself as Doktak, and laughed at their attempt to
attack his den. A fierce battle issued between him and blade while the hooded
man used the distraction to escaped the room through another tunnel. While
Doktak was boosting, Blade used his holy power and channeled it in a decisive
blow, slicing Doktak's head off. With all the enemies gone, the party began to loot
the bodies and the tents. Among Doktak's possesion, Blade found a mysterious
letter written in a language that none of them could understand. While Blade
finished the looting, Edana explored carefully ahead where the hooded man
escaped. She entered a smaller room filled with a considerable amount of hay.
Hearing what appeared to be snoring, she quietly looked around, only to discover
monstruious worg. Knowing it would be unwise to disturb it, she continued her
exploration down another hallway. This tunnel led her to a room filled with water.
There didn't seem to be any other exit. The only noticeable feature was that the
water was exiting the room through a tunnel on the northern part of the room.
Knowing she was already quite far from the rest of the group, she returned to the
main camp to inform them of her discovery. Weary from the battle and
uninterested to give chase to a man potentially already quite far away, they
decided instead to rest until sunrise and return to Nashkel, their mission already

As the sun rose over the Coast, the party left the cave leaving behind them a
masssacre. The road to Nashekl certaintly felt safer now that they knew they
didn't have to be on the guard for goblin ambushes. Using Terrowin's map, they
travelled in the direction of each of the checkpoints, starting with the great tree
where they camp two nights ago. To their suprise, the gibberling bodies they left
on the ground completly vanished, as if someone came by and cleaned it.
Approching the great tree, they noticed a white stag straring at them. The beast
had a mystic aura to it, it felt almost divine. Both Edana and Blade tried to
peacefully attract the beast, who ansewered with a bow. Before coming closer, it
picked three branches from the ground and placed them in front of each and
everyone. After another bow, the stag turned around and fled in the woods,
disapearing the moment it enter the bushes. Feeling it could be a gift from a
spiritual being, they all took one branch and placed it in their belongings and

Journal Page 166

spiritual being, they all took one branch and placed it in their belongings and
resumed their travel. The rest of the road was just as peaceful, as if someone was
protecting their path, and they arrived in Nashkel in no time. As they crossed the
bridge, a guard came to them in excitement, curious to know if the deed was
done. After receiving the good news, he quickly informed them that they should go
see Captain Dain as soon as possible. The party quickly made its way to see the
captain. Upon meeting with him at the garrison, they recounted the events that
took place at the cave, the odity that was Doktak, the strange sense of
organisation and that weird letter. Dain, thankful of their actions, offered to get
the letter looked at by one of the scribs at the townhall, insuring he would bring it
back to them as early as possible. Their meeting with the captain done, the group
proceeeded to go see Favian Lunadream, the alchemist that had given Blade a
potion to see in the dark in exchange for a bag filled with various ingredients they
found during their trip. Very pleased with what they brought back tom her, she
invited them over to stay for a cup of tea and pastries. They talked about what
had brought them to Nashkel and what would be their next step. Edana asked
her if she could come back for the remaining few days to observe and learn
alchemy from her. She agreed to show her a few bases to get her started. As they
were leaving, Favian held Blade and whispered:¨May the lady of the Weave

The sun setting down, Edana decided to return to the Inn. Blade, however,
decided to make a quick stop at the Cloud Peak Outfitter to get an estimate on a
few items he desired to sell. As he went in, Trigani jump to see him, hoping she
could purchase a piece of him. Although disapointed by Blade's answer, she was
pleased to check what he had to sell. She told him she would have a price for him
in the morning. Blade sneakly left the bag of poop and the kitty drawing.
Meanwhile, Edana returned to the inn. She was welcomed with open arms. Both
Merigold and August were excited to see her return. They sat down with her,
while she ate, and listen to her adventure. Edana gave Merigold and August the
copper necklace she had found in the cave. Both of them were exalted. As
Merigold returned to her tasks, Blade entered the inn, his business with Trigani
finally done. He received a similar welcome and he also decided to offer August a
gift: one of his javelin. The young boy was filled with joy, while his mother was
filled with worries. Shortly after, Blade and Edana call it a night and went for a
long deserved sleep.

The party suddenly woke up from the sound of something breaking. The room
was dark, but they could see a glow of light coming from under the door. They
readied their weapons and ventures in the hallway. They saw Marigold and
August as well as three other persons. They remembered two of them to be the
same men that came and threatened her a few days ago, while the third person
was the waitress they saw at the Belching Dragon the night they met Terrowin.
More importantly, she was holding August with a knife to his throat. Seeing
Blade’s javelin pointed at her face, she quickly dropped the knife. Annoyed with
the situation and the group’s involvement, Oscar grabbed August by the neck and
asked them to back down. With Blade and Edana’s successful intimidation, he
ended up letting August go and all three of them left the inn. The group sat down
with Marigold and they learned that she might have had a hand in the death of
their brother after learning that he had been beating her son. She assured them
that she would contact the guards on that matter and they all returned to bed at
the exception of Blade, who remained in sentry mode in the lobby.

Journal Page 167

Day 10
Tuesday, July 13, 2021 11:18 AM

10 Kythorn 1489DR

The sun rose on Nashkel and with it did our adventurers. The night was short after
the events that took place, but everything seemed back to normal, minus August
not being out to greet them a good morning. Shortly after finishing their breakfast,
a guard came over to give them donation the collected from guards and other
citizen wanting to reward them for their help with the goblin infestation. He also
gave them back the Doitak’s letter saying that the scribe wasn’t able to figure out
the language, if it was an actual language to begin with. He did suggest to look in
another city or on the road, someone might recognize the language.

As the guard left, so did the group. Before heading to the Cloud Peak Outfitter, they
noticed Marigold speaking with the guard. Arriving at the Outfitter, Triganni
welcomed them, specially Blade. She wasn’t too impressed with the kitty drawing
and the bag of goblin shit, but gave him the estimate for the rest of the stuff. After
concluding my he deal, the party left and proceeded with the rest of their stay in
Nashkel. They had another four days in front of them before leaving with Randal for

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Day 10 to 13
Tuesday, July 13, 2021 11:50 AM

Kythorn 10th to 13th 1489DR

During the remaining days, Edana and Blade did a few jobs here and there for the
citizen, allowing them to be more known to the general population. They also
worked a little at the Belching Dragon to pay their debt and also at the inn to help
Marigold and August. At some point, Randal came to visit them to let them know
that everything was right on schedule and that they would be leaving in two days.

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Day 14
Tuesday, July 13, 2021 11:51 AM

Kythorn 14th 1489DR

The morning of their departure finally arrived. They enjoyed their last meal with
Marigold and August who were sad to see them leave. Blade, for the first time since
arriving in Nashkel, had something to eat, making Marigold quite happy as she had
been waiting for that moment since his arrival. Once Randal arrived, they left with
him in direction of the cart with all the marchandise. Before leaving, August came
out with a loaf of apple bread he made for them for the road. All strap in, the group
left the small town of Nashkel with Marigold and August waving at them. Before
leaving, the guard let them know that they would always be welcome in Nashkel.

Aboard the cart and ready to go, Randal hands them 10 pieces of gold each for
their payment. All set, they finally departed towards Beregost. They knew this road very well by
now. About 30 minutes after their departure, they noticed the crossing leading to the Redstream
farm. As they passed it, they felt this sentiment of a chapter closing. They met quite an adventure
here in Nashkel, and made new friendship. It seems just like yesterday that they saw the black
smoke above the hill, the goblin raid, the meeting with the captain, the mayor and the other
habitant of Nashkel which all led to the extermination of a goblin nest. Thinking back on the goblin
nest, they couldn’t quite shake the feeling that something wasn't quite fitting in place. Leaving aside
that the behavior of those goblins adnormal, the chief wasn't an actual goblin, but an hobgoblin in
possesion of a strange and elusive letter that they were still unable to read. And who was the
cloacked person with Doktak that left the moment the battle clashed? All questions to which they
still did not have an answer, and that is what is giving that strange feeling.

All the conditions were on their side for the travel. Randal shared with them about his occupation
during their stay in Nashkel as well as more about himself and his mission. Blade and Edana told him
about about what they did in Nashkel. As the sun was setting, they noticed a man on the road
coming their way, introducing himself. Engert told them he was travelling with his companion
Anthone, but that they had set up camp with a few other traveller not too far from there and that
they would be more than welcome to join them for the night. The group reluctantly accepted the
offer, but remained alerted of a potential ambush.

Arriving at the camp, they met Anthone as well as Doldahr Frostward, a dwarf travelling to the Mitral
Hall, up in the northern region of Faerun. Shortly after their arrival, two other joined them. There
was Arryn Hayley, a messenger in direction of Baldur’s gate, and Willas, in direction of the East,
accompanied by his two dogs, Wulfa and Sirius. After getting to know them a little more, the group
relaxed a little bit more. The night went really well. Throughout the shift, Blade and Edana got the
chance to play blackjack with Doldahr. Blade won all of the games.

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Day 15
Tuesday, July 13, 2021 12:18 PM

Kythorn 15th 1489DR

The morning arrived after a safe night. Everybody packed up their things and went
back on the road towards their own destinations. Even Arryn was going in the
same direction, he was quicker since he had a horse he could ride. Before leaving,
Engert and Anthone told the group of an inn the went that is located between their
location and Beregost. The path leading to it was a bit hidden, but the stay would
be worth it. He described to them the landscape in case they would be interested.

Like the previous morning, the road was safe and breezy. On their way, they met
two heavily armored people. They were Fist of the Flaming Fist, the millitary
protecting the surroundings of Baldur’s Gate. The told them they were patrolling
the Coast way due to the recent raise of bandit activity in the region. They
unfortunately didn’t have more information to say regarding the matter since none
of the ambushed caravan were alive when they were found. The advised them to be
careful on the road.

Arriving at the landmark described to them by Engert, the group decided to head
towards the inn, even the path looked unwelcoming, since they knew the roads
were not safe right now. After around 30 minutes of travelling, the started to see a
few cotages and, eventually, a large building, the Bush Inn. Tired of the travel, the
three of them went inside. There was already a few patron at the inn. Most of them
looked like they were commoners or people living in the surroundings, but two
groups looked different. The first one was two dwarves dressed in elegant travelling
clothes, with backpacks next to them. They seemed to have a bit of money to spare.
The second group was composed of an older man and two younger ones. They were
wearing travelling clothes, except one who was wearing an armor, and they had
weapons close to them. While waiting for their food, Blade tried to socialize with a
grumpy looking half-orc. The unsocial half-orc answered quite rudely to him,
making Blade go and talk the the person sitting at the next table instead. The other
one was much more welcoming. After finishing their drinks and their food. They
went to their room to conclude their day.

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Day 16
Tuesday, July 13, 2021 12:39 PM

Kythorn 16th 1489DR

The group eventually got up, but not thanks to the sun since there was no window
in their room. After eating a breakfast and paying for their stay, they resumed their
travel. They weren’t as lucky as the two previous morning as it was raining this
morning. However, it didn’t stop them. They knew Beregost was close enough and
the really wanted to be done with the road.

As the rain became heavier, they noticed a man waking alone in the road. Once he
turned around toward them, the recognized him. It was the messenger they met
two nights ago, Arryn Hayley. He explained his horse had an accident and that he
needed to quickly get to Beregost to get someone to come and help his horse. He
asked to group for a ride, and the accepted to help him, knowing they were almost
at Beregost. Arryn chatted with them about what they were doing, but stopped
questioning once he saw that they were not giving him more details. A few minutes
after their departure, Arryn fell sick and had to get old the cart. Randal went to see
if he was alright, but as he got close to him, Arryn grabed him and placed a knife to
his neck.

Arryn gave them two simple offers, resist and die or submit your belongings and
the old man will be returned to you. Understanding that he was not alone and
uncertain of the possible outcomes and waiting to save Randall’s life, they agreed to
the terms and backed away from the cart. Another bandit emerged after being given
the signal and took the cart as well as their money. Once the cart was far enough,
Arryn released Randal, only to stab in in the back. As Randal fell to the ground, the
fight started. Blade and Edana were ready to destroy Arryn, but were suprised by,
not only another human, but also by two monstrous gnolls. They fight seemed
hopeless, but they were able to kill Arryn with their solid teamwork. However,
outnumbered, they were both struck down by a gnoll, impaling them. As they felt
their life slowly ending, they saw the bandits take things on their body and left
them there. Feeling the their eminently cold ending, they couldn’t stop their eyes
shutting down. Just as their eyes closed for the last time, they both caught a
glimpse of what seemed to have been a tall, white stag.

Journal Page 172

Loots and stuff
21 février 2021 08:38
Loots and stuff - Spreadsheet

Identification Level

The Identification Level represents how much the group knows about a specific object. An
item's specication can be unknown, slight, partial or complete.

• Red: The group couldn't figure out what the item was. Generaly mean they failed the
appropriate checks (Arcana, Investigation, Nature or Religion), something that there
background wouldn't know or didn't use Identify spell on it yet. Every information is
hidden for the object expect the weight since they can feel it. They might still be able to
gauge if an item might be valuable.
• Yellow: The group were able to figure out enough about the item through checks and
have partial knowledge about the item. However, they wouldn't know everything about
the item.
• Green: The group knows everything they need to know about the item's specification.

Inventory Page 173

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