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Capstone #4

By the end of this week, I plan to finish my financial guide on Canva. I have had the time to play with

some of the design features on Canva and have decided what I want the final layout and look to be. My

need will be to plan to manage my time carefully so that I am able to use all the time that I have at

school, right now that would be during Block B that I can go to learning support and work on my

capstone with the guidance of Ms. Thandi.

Needs as far as materials will be a computer and a quiet space to work, so at school that would be a

classroom or collab space and at home, my bedroom. I will also carve out time to spend at home to

work on my capstone and adding more content to my Weebly website. I have all the information from

the sources I used to incorporate into my capstone, so I won’t need to follow up with or contact anyone

I interviewed.

Obstacles that I anticipate are my ability to think creatively, I want to be able to come up with new ideas

that are innovative to add to my financial guide so that it offers the best information for young people to

make responsible financial decisions that could impact their life in different ways. Another obstacle will

be that right now I am balancing a lot of life decisions regarding schoolwork, upcoming graduation

events, post-secondary education for the fall, family life, friends, personal relationships etc. I need to be

able to manage all these things in my life that have importance to me, and it is overwhelming thinking

about it all.

My progress for the week is that I have been able to mostly complete all outstanding assignments that

are outside of the capstone project and with this reflection, just need to complete the final reflection,

finalize my website, complete my reference list, finish my financial guide, and prepare for my interview

coming up.
I have completed 11 pages of my guide. The skills that I will work on are creative thinking: “People who

think creatively are curious and open-minded, have a sense of wonder and joy in learning, demonstrate

a willingness to think divergently, and are comfortable with complexity. A creative thinker reflects on

existing ideas and concepts; uses imagination, inventiveness, resourcefulness, and flexibility; and is

willing to take risks to go beyond existing knowledge.” (

Challenges that I encountered were with formatting my guide on Canva, it takes a lot of back and forth

and figuring things out, but at least I could do this again if I needed to create another similar document

on the site.

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