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“Sleep is that golden chain that ties health and our bodies together”- Thomas

Dekker. Sleep is so important for our bodies and minds to function the way they
should. Getting enough sleep has many physical, mental, and emotional benefits,
but not getting enough sleep can cause the opposite effect. You want to make
sure you are getting enough sleep every night to help you live a happier,
healthier life.

Most people aren't getting enough sleep, I definitely don’t and mostly everyone I
know doesn't either. Teenagers should be getting 8 to 10 hours of sleep per 24
hours and adults should be getting 7 plus hours per night. The average Canadian
gets 7.9 hours of sleep per night but a study done in 2020 basically stated that 1
in 4 adults aren't getting enough sleep.

Getting the recommended hours of sleep can improve your physical, mental, and
emotional well-being and can even help you live longer. When you're deprived of
sleep I’m sure you have a hard time concentrating so when you get enough sleep
your brain has enough time to organize your thoughts and memories making
your mind more clear. While you're sleeping your body produces extra protein
molecules that help your body fight infections and stay healthy, so the more you
sleep the more you produce making your body stay healthy. There are so many
more physical, mental, and emotional benefits, it seems endless.

Sleep deficiency can affect your physical health and mental health very poorly.
Sleep deficiency has been linked to many chronic diseases and conditions
including the following: type 2 diabetes, heart disease, obesity, cardiovascular
disease, high blood pressure, stroke, kidney disease, depression, ect. Not getting
enough sleep can also interfere with your everyday life, with school and work,
driving, social life, focusing, learning, reacting, loss of productivity, higher risk of
injury, ect. So basically regularly not getting enough sleep is dangerous towards
your overall health.

Getting enough sleep is one of the most important parts of keeping your physical,
mental, and emotional health in check. Regular good sleep is what makes your
mind clear and your body healthy which lets you live your life how you want to.
Most of us have experienced when you just haven't been getting enough sleep
for a few days and you just can think clearly, it's definitely not fun.

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