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Course Code: Applied Optics Lab

SAS Module #12


Lesson title: Beam Splitter and Volk Lenses

Activity 1: What I Know Chart, part 1 (3 mins)

What I Know Questions: What I Learned (Activity 4)

A device that divides light 1. What is a beam splitter? A device that can be used in
into two. the optometry field that divides
light into two and has two
constructions the cube and
plate beam splitter.
Fundus lens 2. What is a Volk lens? A lens that helps optometrist
or ophthalmologist to view the
retina of the patient. Also, a
double aspheric lens.
Principle behind the beam 3. What is the principle behind the Principle behind the beam
splitter dichroic beamsplitters, beam splitter? splitter dichroic beamsplitters,
polarizing beamsplitter, non- polarizing beamsplitter, non-
polarizing beamsplitter and polarizing beamsplitter and
laser beam atteunators. laser beam atteunators.


1) Activity 2: Content Notes (13 mins)

Lab Activity:
I. Differentiate Plate Beam Splitter from Cube Beam Splitter.

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Course Code: Applied Optics Lab
SAS Module #12


Plate Beam Splitter Cube Beam Splitter

- Feature a coated front surface that determines the - Consist of a pair of precision right-angle prisms
beam splitting ratio, while the wedged back surface carefully cemented or optically contacted together.
is AR coated to minimize ghosting. - The hypotenuse of one of the prisms is coated with
- The angle of incidence may be 45°, leading to a 90° polarizing or non-polarizing beam splitter coating and
deflection of one of the output beams, as is often four sides of the cube are AR coated to minimize
convenient. However, one can design such beam surface reflection losses.
splitters for other deflection angles; they will usually - As the interface between the prisms is typically very
work only for a limited range of angle thin, there is only a minimal transverse offset of the
transmitted beam. For some applications, this is
advantageous, possibly a reason not to use a partially
transparent mirror at 45° - Beam splitter cubes can be
used not only for simple light beams, but also for
beams carrying images, e.g. in various types of
cameras and projectors.

Guide Question:
1.) What is the purpose of Plate beam splitter?
The purpose of Plate beam splitter is to determine the beam splitting ratio.
2.) Give at least one practical use of Cube Beam splitter.
In projectors

II. Enumerate the different types of beam splitters as well as its uses.
Beam Splitters Uses/Description

- Dichroic filter thin-film filter, or interference filter is a

very accurate color filter used to selectively pass

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Course Code: Applied Optics Lab
SAS Module #12


light of a small range of colors while reflecting other

- Are wavelength dependent and are used to combine
or split laser beams in a variety of colors.
- If the dichroic beam splitter is placed at an
orientation of 45 degrees to the incident light, the
light will make an angle of 90.
- Dichroic beam splitters are nonabsorbent, so all light
is either transmitted or reflected.
Optics divide a light beam into two separate beams,
splitting light according to its polarity. They are often
used to transmit p-polarized light while reflecting all s-
2.) POLARIZING BEAMSPLITTERS polarized light in a different direction.
A non-polarizing beam splitter is used to split light
independently of polarization state. These filters have
very small polarity dependences (typically about 3-
Provide high resolution intensity control without
introducing a gradient in the intensity distribution or a
change in the beam propagation direction.

Guide Question:
1.) What are the three considerations in choosing an ideal dichroic beam splitter? Briefly explain each
• Transmission range—the wavelength range for which the optic transmits
• Reflection range—the wavelength range for which the optic reflects
• Polarization— a measure of the degree of beam separation due to polarization

2.) What is the importance of beam splitter in Optometry?

It helps optometrist in examining things in the clinic. Beam splitters are also important to the practice of
optometry since there are optical instruments that has beam splitters in them like the microscope and

This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION

Course Code: Applied Optics Lab
SAS Module #12


III. Give a brief description about the history of Volk lenses.

1956: Aspheric ophthalmic lenses for subnormal vision were developed by Dr. David Volk he found that an
aspheric surface corrected the abberations present in more common spherical lenses 1982: Volk lenses for
indirect ophthalmoscopy were redesigned with both surfaces aspheric, providing a substantial improvement in
image quality

IV. Identify the different Volk lenses and their respective uses/applications in the field of Optometry.

Volk lenses Uses/Description

1.) - High Magnifications view of the posterior pole

- High Magnification Lens for detailed optic disc and
macula imaging
- Ideal diammeter for use in the orbital area (Its 31mm
diameter allows a wide field
of view and facilitates easily handling within the orbital
- Working distance from cornea is 11mm

2.) - The double aspheric 70D is an execellent general

- Ideal balance and magnification and field of view
- Working distance from cornea is 7mm

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Course Code: Applied Optics Lab
SAS Module #12


3.) - General diagnosis and small pupil examinations

- The original Volk 90D lens started the slit lamp
- It features a small 26mm diameter ring is ideal for
dynamic fundoscopy
- The Volk 90D has a very good small pupil capabilities,
making it ideal for a quick
look at the posterior pole
- Working distance from cornea is 6.5mm

Guide Questions:
1.) What is the optical principle behind Volk lenses?
The optical principle behind the volk lenses is that it is a lens, fundus lens, that works with a slit lamp and a
high-power condensing lens. It views the retina of the patient. Are also a double aspheric lenses.

2.) Enumerate at least two uses of Volk lenses.

Views the retina
Magnifies the view inside the retina

Activity 3: Skill-building Activities (with answer key) (18 mins + 2 mins checking)

Research about the different kinds of beam splitters mentioned above. Show some pictures and paste in
the space below.

Plate Beam Splitters any partially reflecting mirror can be used for splitting light beams. In laser technology,
dielectric mirrors are often used for such purposes, and they are called plate beam splitters to distinguish them
from cube beam splitters. Beam Splitter Cubes beam splitter cube many beam splitters have the form of a
cube, where the beam separation occurs at an interface within the cube

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Course Code: Applied Optics Lab
SAS Module #12


Activity 4: What I Know Chart, part 2 (2 mins)

Give a brief summary of “WHAT you previously know” and “WHAT you know now:?
I now know about the volk lenses or the fundus lenses, its history and the type of volk lenses and how
to perform it to the patient. I also learned about the beam splitter and its common type and about the
dichroic, polarizing, non-polarizing and laser beam ateunators.

Activity 5: Check for Understanding (5 mins)

A.) Using your own words, briefly explain what beam splitter is?

A device that can be used in the optometry field that divides light into two and has two constructions the
cube and plate beam splitter.

B.) Give at least two advantages in using Volk lenses.

It magnifies images larger.
Provides ideal balance

1) Activity 6: Thinking about Learning (5 mins)

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Course Code: Applied Optics Lab
SAS Module #12


{*Teacher directs the student to mark their place in the work tracker which is simply a visual to help
students track how much work they have accomplished and how much work there is left to do. This
tracker will be part of the student activity sheet}

{**To develop habits on thinking about learning, teacher writes a question or two that may ask students
about their learning experience, if they met the learning target, what they found difficult / easy about the
topic or experience, what strategies worked for them or not, etc.}

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