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New Testament Unit 10: Jesus Grew the Church Lesson 1: Paul Learned about Jesus Hour A

God’s Unfolding Story Suggested

Bible Story: Paul 1. God created everything. Schedule:
Learned About Arrival
Jesus (Acts 9:1-20) 2. People disobeyed God. Centers – 25 minutes
Bible Phrase: “People at Clean-up Time – 5 minutes
the church told other people 3. God chose a special people. Bible Story Time – 15 minutes
Craft Time – 10 minutes
about Jesus” (Acts 5:42). 4. God sent Jesus to help us. Snack Time – 10 minutes
Bible Truth: God wants Game Time/Dismissal
me to learn about 5. Jesus began the Church.
6. Jesus is preparing heaven for us.

Unfolding God’s Story for Teachers reflected on his life, taking seriously the voice from heaven. During a three-
Please read Acts 9:1-20. The story of Paul’s conversion from an ardent day period he and a believer named Ananias had visions that they would
persecutor of Christians to the central figure in the Christian mission to meet. In sheer obedience Ananias went to Saul. When he laid his hands
Gentiles cannot be treated lightly. The entire world has benefited from his on Saul, Saul could see once again. And now he could see with spiritual
Christian witness, his intense life, and the words he penned in the power of eyes as well. At last Saul had peace in his life, as well as new insight and
the Holy Spirit. power. Right away he began to declare that Jesus was God’s Son (see v. 20).
Paul was initially known as Saul. He was born in Tarsus, the capital of Cilicia, Released from the chains of his religion and freed to a new life in Christ, Saul
a city rich in culture and academics. The university in Tarsus rivaled other would make an extraordinary difference in this world. He was sold out to
universities in the area of learning. Saul also received training in Jerusalem in Christ. “For me, living is Christ and dying is gain,” he would write (Phil. 1:21).
the rabbinical academy under Gamaliel, the most competent Jewish scholar Does Jesus mean as much to us? We must ask ourselves these questions:
of the day. Saul embodied the teachings of the Pharisees and became a “Am I paying close attention to Christ? Do I love Him more than I love life, as
member of this important religious party. Paul did?”
A strong adherent of the Mosaic law and the Jewish tradition, Saul saw Lesson Plan
Christianity as a great threat to his beliefs. He took action, imprisoning
Christians and even threatening their lives. Saul was the only reported Arrival
Pharisee to oppose Christianity so vehemently. Such actions reflected a • Greet children at eye level and express how happy
restless spirit. He hastened to get the necessary documents to continue
you are to see them.
his crusade. Whom else could he stop? Yet the belief he was opposing
• Be sure each child has a name tag and the security
would, remarkably and in God’s timing, capture his own heart and change
him forever. measures of your church are followed.
Jesus would do whatever it would take to get Saul’s attention. One • Label all coats and personal belongings. Strongly
day as Saul was heading toward Damascus, a flash of light from heaven encourage children who have brought items from
surrounded him, and he fell to the ground. A voice asked, “Saul, Saul, why home, such as toys and books, to place them on a
are you persecuting Me?” (Acts 9:4). Jesus Himself was addressing him! One shelf while they are working with other materials.
commentary suggests Saul knew exactly what Jesus meant. Jesus told Saul Assure children their items will be safe and they
to go into the city and wait for further instructions. The light had blinded him, can take them home at the end of the session.
so he had to be led to Damascus. He ate and drank nothing for three days.
• Help each child make a choice where he or she
Saul was not privy to how long he would wait, and waiting probably was
would like to begin his or her Center Time.
not his strong suit. Still, as he waited, he surely thought, meditated, and

God’s Unfolding Story for Older Preschoolers, Copyright © 2013 - NT10 Lesson 1 Hour A Page 1
Art Center:
Center Time Puzzle Center:
Work Puzzles
Play with Playdough Supplies:
Supplies: • Offer a variety of non-fantasy wooden
• Playdough and accessories or cardboard puzzles for children to work.
What to Do: Encourage children to What to Do: Encourage children to finish
use items such as cookie cutters, small a puzzle before leaving the center. Offer
rolling pins, and craft sticks as they work guidance rather than working the puzzle for
with the playdough. the child.
Link to the Bible Story: As children work, Link to the Bible Story: As children work, look for
say the Bible Phrase, “People at the church
told other people about Jesus” (see Acts
Bible Learning Center: opportunities to say the Bible Phrase or briefly
Dot-to-Dot tell the Bible story.
5:42). Talk about the people in your
church who help everyone learn about
• Copies of Activity Page “Paul Learned
about Jesus” (Reproducible)
• Crayons or washable markers
What to Do: Invite children to use a crayon or
washable marker to connect the dots to complete the
picture. Encourage children to color the Bible story picture.
Link to the Bible Story: Explain that the picture is about our
Bible story, and in our story Jesus caused a bright to shine
around a man named Paul to get his attention. (To simplify
Home Living Center: the story for the children, call Paul Paul throughout.) Block Center:
Role Play Comment that Jesus used the people in the church to Build with Blocks
Supplies: help Paul learn more about Jesus’ love for him. Paul Supplies:
• Small rocking chair, sink and stove soon would become a devoted follower of Jesus. • Wooden blocks
unit, small table and chairs; plastic • Transportation toys
dishes, child pots and pans, plastic What to Do: Provide a small carpet
food items; and doll items such as doll if possible. Blocks are best located in
bed, baby doll, doll bag, blanket, clothes, a corner of the room away from the
bottles, and diapers. traffic flow.
What to Do: Home living items will encourage
Link to the Bible Story: As children build, take
children to role play home activities such as advantage of opportunities to share the Bible
cooking, cleaning, and caring for the baby. Phrase or tell a part of the Bible story.
Link to the Bible Story: As children play,
look for opportunities to engage them in
conversations about the Bible story, Bible
Phrase, and Bible truth.

God’s Unfolding Story for Older Preschoolers, Copyright © 2013 - NT10 Lesson 1 Hour A Page 2
Clean-up Time
Encourage fairly loudly; (2) blow a whistle; (3) drop a book Jesus answered, “Yes, Paul, I am Jesus.” Do
preschoolers to loudly; (4) pop a paper bag filled with air; or (5) you think Jesus had Paul’s attention? Jesus
help at clean-up time. holler “Wow!” told him to go to the next town and wait for
Assign specific tasks for • Then ask, “What did you want to do when more instructions.
preschoolers to do such as you heard that? Did you want to stop what you The bright light had blinded Paul, so his
placing all the crayons in the were doing and listen to find out what it was all friends had to lead him into the town. Paul
basket, throwing away the trash, about?” obeyed Jesus and waited in the town, and he
• Express the following in your own words: prayed. After three days a man named Ananias
gathering all the glue sticks,
“One day there was a man who needed to came to see Paul. Jesus had asked Ananias to
etc. Guide children to the go to Paul. When Ananias laid his hands on
stop what he was doing and listen to Jesus.
Bible Story Time area. He needed to hear from Jesus because he was Paul, Paul could see!
hurting Jesus by hurting His followers. So Jesus Paul stayed in the city for a while, and he
Bible did something to get his attention. Listen to
find out what Jesus did and how the people in
learned more about Jesus from the people
in the church and the other disciples. Paul
Story Time the church helped.” learned that Jesus loved him and had an
important job for him to do. Paul spent the
Supplies: rest of his life telling others about Jesus.
• Bible
Bible Story
• Teaching Picture “Jesus Paul Learned about Jesus (Acts 9:1-20)
Began the Church” A long time ago, when the church was just Talk Time
(Reproducible) getting started, there lived a young man 1. Show the teaching picture for today’s Bible
• God’s Unfolding Story Cube named Paul [call him Paul throughout]. Paul story. Ask: “At the beginning of the story, did
(Reproducible/Cardstock) wanted to please God but didn’t understand Paul love Jesus? Did Jesus love Paul? How did
who Jesus was. He did not believe Jesus was Jesus get Paul’s attention? At the end of the
God’s Son. He even tried to stop people from story do you think Paul loved Jesus? How do
loving and following Jesus. He would travel we know he did?”
Introduction from town to town and put people who loved
2. Say today’s Bible Phrase together, “People
• Show the “God’s Unfolding Story Cube.” Jesus in jail.
But Jesus loved Paul and wanted him to at the church told other people about Jesus”
Point to each symbol and tell God’s Unfolding
believe in Him and follow Him. Jesus did (see Acts 5:42). Express to boys and girls that
Story. (Refer to page 1.) Encourage children to
something very unusual to get Paul’s attention. God loves each one of them and wants them
say the six points with you.
One day when Paul was walking on a road to to learn about Jesus, just as Paul learned
• Comment to boys and girls that today’s story
another town, suddenly, a very, very bright about Him. Explain: “Parents, teachers, and
is from the fifth point, Jesus Began the Church.
light from heaven flashed around him. It was pastors in church help us learn about Jesus.”
(Point to that symbol on the cube.)
so bright that Paul fell to the ground. Then he (If you have pictures of your church staff,
• Pause for a moment as if you are getting
heard a voice. The voice belonged to Jesus! show those to boys and girls and explain their
ready for the story. (Children will probably start
Jesus said to Paul, “Paul, why are you trying to roles.)
shifting or even talking, which is fine.) Without
saying anything and without frightening the stop people from learning about Me? Why are 3. Close the Bible Story Time in prayer, thanking
children, do something to grab their attention you hurting people who are following Me?” God for people in the church who help
such as: (1) bang two wooden blocks together Paul cried out, “Lord, is that you?” everyone learn about Jesus.

God’s Unfolding Story for Older Preschoolers, Copyright © 2013 - NT10 Lesson 1 Hour A Page 3
Craft Time
Make a Bible Phrase Church
• Copies of “Bible Phrase Church ” (1 copy per child)
• Crayons or washable markers
What to Do: Cut out the churches and fold the doors to
the center. Ask children to draw themselves at church. Snack Time
Link to Bible Story: As children work, read the Bible Be sure to wash hands or use
Phrase. Review the Bible story and talk about the people hand sanitizer. Say a thank-you
in your church who help each person learn about Jesus. prayer to God for the snack.
When snack time has ended,
encourage preschoolers to
help with cleaning up.

Game Time/Dismissal
Can You Guess?
• None needed
What to Do: Ask children to form a circle in the game time area. Choose a child to
sit in the center of the group to begin the game. Have the child close his/her eyes.
The teacher points to any child who wants to play, and that child stands behind
the child in the center and says, “Jesus loves you.” The teacher then asks, “Who
is your friend?” The child tries to guess who was speaking from the sound of the
child’s voice. The one who spoke then becomes the one in the center.
At the close of the activity, remind boys and girls that in today’s Bible story,
Paul was blinded by a very bright light and Jesus spoke to him. Conclude that
Paul learned Jesus loved him and wanted him to tell others about Him.
Dismiss children as parents arrive. Be sure to follow the security procedures
of your church.

God’s Unfolding Story for Older Preschoolers, Copyright © 2013 - NT10 Lesson 1 Hour A Page 4
Hour A

Resources and Supplies New Testament Unit 10: Jesus Grew the Church
Lesson 1: Paul Learned about Jesus

Standard Art Supplies Standard Equipment

(Supplies that are generally in the room) (Equipment that is generally in the room)
Washable markers Small beanbag for Bible Story Time
Crayons Assorted wooden/cardboard puzzles
Child scissors Set of wooden blocks
Playdough and accessories Small cars and trucks
Drawing paper Doll bed
Easel (optional) Baby doll (soft plastic)
Glue/glue sticks Stove/sink unit
Tempera paint, 4 colors Play dishes/pots and pans
Tape/masking tape Small table and chairs
Pencils/colored pencils Small carpet for block area
Hole punch Play food items
Teacher scissors Storage shelf for blocks
Stapler/staples Tables and chairs for art, puzzles,
Permanent markers and Bible Learning Center
Watercolors CD player/Children’s Worship CDs

(Included with the lesson plan downloads)
Activity Page “Dot to Dot” (1 copy per child)
Bible Phrase Church (1 copy per child)
Teaching Picture “Paul Learned about Jesus” (1 copy per class)
“God’s Unfolding Story Cube” (Cardstock—1 copy per class)
Parent Page (1 copy per child)

Additional Art and Bible

Learning Materials
No Additional Supplies Needed

God’s Unfolding Story for Older Preschoolers, Copyright © 2013 - NT10 Lesson 1 Hour A
Paul Learned A B C

about Jesus






Activity Page: Dot to Dot, “Paul Learned about Jesus”

Instructions: Copy 1 sheet per child. Connect the dots to NT10 Lesson 1 Hour A Center Time: Bible Learning Center
complete the picture. God’s Unfolding Story for Older Preschoolers, Copyright © 2013 -
Bible Phrase Church

People at
told about
Acts 5:42


Craft: Bible Phrase Church
Instructions: Copy 1 sheet per child. Cut out the churches and ask each preschooler NT10 Lesson 1 Hour A Craft Time
to draw a picture of themselves at church. Fold doors to the center. God’s Unfolding Story for Older Preschoolers, Copyright © 2013 -
God’s Unfolding Story Cube
Instructions: Cut out on dotted
lines, fold on solid lines. Glue or
tape to form a cube.

God’s Unfolding Story for Older Preschoolers, Copyright © 2012 -

People at the church told other people about Jesus.
Coloring Page
Acts 5:42
Paul Learned About Jesus NT10 Lesson 1 Optional
God’s Unfolding Story for Older Preschoolers, Copyright © 2013 -

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