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PPH 8/12/2012 (031085) Vol. 139 Kota Kinabalu, Friday, May 26, 2023 RM1.

50 Established 1963

Event a Building ‘Protect

mockery a power mother tongue For
to beauty plant via story- more
pageant must: Exec telling’ call info

Anti-Hop law and CM criteria nod

Larry Ralon
KOTa KiNaBaLU: The Sabah Leg-
islative assembly (DUN) on Thurs-
day passed a Bill to amend the State
Constitution that will not only pre-
vent elected assemblymen from
switching party but also allow any
of them to be appointed Chief Min-
ister if the person commands the
Hajiji Kadzim
majority support.
Speaker Datuk Seri Kadzim M Yahya
passed the Bill – Constitution of the State
of Sabah (amendment) Enactment 2023
– tabled by Chief Minister Datuk Seri Hajiji
Noor after division votes clause-by-clause
were called.
This followed the request of opposition
Parti Warisan assemblymen who negated
the amendment to delete Clause (7) article
6 of the Constitution. This is a situation that can happen.
all 75 assemblymen present agreed with “But article 6(7) does not apply or is not
the amendment to insert a new clause, appropriate in a situation where, for exam- The Forestry team with the GNSS measuring apparatus and members of the Persatuan Komuniti
article 17(a) that states that any assembly- ple, party a won 26 seats, party B won 29 Kg Nupakan at the peak of Mt Sinsing. This means all three highest mountains are in Sabah.
man who resigns from his party will have seats, party C won 15 seats and party D won
to vacate his seat. The same shall apply to three seats out of a total of 73 seats.
an independent assemblyman who is look-
ing to join a political party but does not
apply to the six Nominated assemblymen
because they do not have a constituency.
“in this situation, there is no party that
wins the majority of seats to form the gov-
ernment, resulting in a hung government
like what happened in Sabah in 2018.
Sabah’s Sinsing third highest peak
SaNDaKaN: The Sabah Forestry Depart- “Using the methodology, the height of endeavour to protect areas of interest
More than two-thirds or 61 of the total “as everyone is aware, the state govern-
ment has officially measured the height Mount Sinsing was found to be 2,586m such as Sinsing.
79 assemblymen voted in favour of the ments formed since 2018 are a coalition
of Mount Sinsing in Tambunan, the third (m.s.l.), yet still maintaining its position adjacent to Mount Sinsing is
amendment to delete Clause 7(6), while 14 government. if refer to article 6(7), there is
tallest mountain in Malaysia, to be 2,586 as the third tallest mountain in Malaysia Malaysia’s second tallest mountain
others, including Opposition leader Datuk no party leader who meets the require-
metres in mean sea level (m.s.l.) terms. and Borneo,” said the statement Mount Trus Madi (2,642m), which is also
Seri Mohd Shafie apdal (Senallang), ments of article 6(7). Therefore, this article
in a statement Thursday, the depart- The lesser known mountain is located under the management of FMU10, cover-
negated. Four assemblymen were absent, 6(7) should be deleted to ensure that the
ment said during a recent expedition, a within the Nuluhon Trusmadi Forest ing an area of 88,401 hectares.
including Datuk Seri Bung Moktar Radin appointment of the Chief Minister does
team from the Forest Research Centre, Reserve, under the Tambunan District “Due to Sinsing and Trus Madi’s eleva-
(Lamag) who is also Sabah Barisan not violate the provisions of article 6(7) of
Sepilok, together with Kampung Forestry Office that forms part of the For- tions, these montane forests are home to
Nasional (BN) Chairman. the State Constitution.
Nupakan Community association mem- est Management Unit (FMU) 10 of the many unique flora and fauna, some
Deleting Clause 7(6) allows any member “This is to enable or make it easy for the
bers, set out to get a more accurate Sustainable Forest Management Project. which are not found elsewhere.
of the State assembly to be appointed Head of State in making a decision,” said
height measurement of Mount Sinsing it has become a subject of interest “Through the Heart of Borneo (HoB)
Chief Minister if the person commands the Hajiji, adding if they follow article 6(7) it
using sophisticated Stonex S900a Global since 2018 when it was claimed in social initiative under the Sabah Forestry
confidence of the majority of the House. would mean that the leader of the party
Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) media as the third tallest mountain in Department, an in-house scientific expe-
The person does not have to be the leader who gets the majority, even if it is not up to
receiver. Malaysia and Borneo, overtaking Mount dition was organised from May 14-20 to
of the political party with the most elected 50 per cent of the number required, can
“Height data were recorded over a Tambuyukon (2,580m) located within survey the flora, fauna and social eco-
representatives. become Chief Minister which just creates
four-hour period on May 10 (this year). the Monggis Substation of Kinabalu Park nomics of the local communities living
Previously, the Clause states that the confusion.
These observation data were then sent to in Ranau. adjacent to the forest reserves,” said
leader of a political party that has won a “So we make it easy for the Head of State
a licensed surveying company for pro- Chief Conservator of Forests, Datuk Kugan.
majority of the seats of the assembly was to make a decision according to his discre-
cessing so as to officially establish the Frederick Kugan, emphasised that the Malaysia’s tallest mountain Mount
deemed as the member of the assembly tion as to who gets the majority of support
height of the mountain in m.s.l. Forestry Department would continue its Kinabalu stands at 4,095m.
who is likely to command the confidence. from the State Legislative assembly Mem-
a total of 13 assemblymen debated the bers,” he said.
Bill, but most of them were focused on
Clause 7(6) because they wanted it to be
maintained and not deleted.
Mohd Shafie, in objecting to this, said arti-
cle 6(7) should be maintained because it is to
complete Clause 3, where a political party has
RM6.7bil in Contractor says kickbacks
Hajiji explained that Clause 7(6) was won the majority, to serve as a guide for the Sabah’s coffers
proposed to be deleted because it is no
longer in line with Clause 3 due to the cur-
rent political scenario.
Head of State not to abuse power like what
happened during the PBS era.
Earlier, when tabling the Bill, Hajiji said
Hajiji said the State Government now has
RM6.786 billion in cash reserves. He said
ensured him new projects
He said Clause 7(6) was inserted into the the proposed amendments, among others, there is no denying that the drastic Cynthia D Baga
State Constitution in 1990 following the were aimed at ensuring political stability increase in revenue over the past two years KOTa KiNaBaLU: Former Water Depart-
incident that occurred on april 22, 1985, to and putting an end to the endless political is indeed a very proud achievement. ment Director ag Mohd Tahir Mohd Talib
prevent similar incidents to recur. crises which Sabah had been facing. “Even in a situation of increasingly had never refused to receive the commis-
“However, the current political situa- “These amendments will also send a strong results like this, it is not a reason for sions (cash money) that were given by a
tion today, whether at the federal or state clear message to every state assemblyman us to feel comfortable and embrace the contractor, the Corruption Special Court
levels, is that a government can only be to hold true to the principle of their party achievement. among the main challenges was told.
formed when the political parties reached to protect the mandate and trust of voters we have to face is how to maintain the Wong Kok Vui @ Michael, 69, who fur-
an agreement to form a coalition. who elected them in elections. state’s revenue sources so that the state’s ther testified before judge abu Bakar
“Therefore, Clause 7(6) is no longer rel- “i am confident that this enactment can development agenda can continue in line Manat, said when he gave the cash ag
evant, even causing confusion and debate also put a stop to the action of assembly- with the aspirations of the SMj Develop- Tahir never said no and after receiving the
among the assemblymen. men, whether elected or appointed, to ment Plan. money would say thank you. no need to record payment of commis-
“The requirement of Clause 3 which switch parties without solid or reasonable “in that regard, i remind all ministries, He told the court that he gave the com- sions to ag Tahir because the amounts
stipulates that the Head of State shall grounds and ensure long-term political departments and state revenue collection missions in cash to ag Tahir and several were almost the same and easy to remem-
appoint a Chief Minister from among the stability in the State,” he said. agencies to redouble their efforts towards others even in huge amounts because it ber.
members of the State Legislative assembly He said the anti-party hopping law higher revenue collection while continuing had been the practice in previous years. apart from the money he gave to ag
who in his opinion may command the would not have retrospective effect and the to explore new revenue. We are aware that, Wong further told the court that the Tahir, Wong said there were no assets or
trust of the majority of the members of the implementation of the enactment would even in this economic recovery situation, we agreement to give money to ag Tahir other valuables given to ag Tahir.
State Legislative assembly is sufficient for begin from the date it comes into force. are still faced with various complaints as started when Wong said “something for Wong further testified that his com-
the appointment of a Chief Minister,” he Under the enactment, an assemblyman raised throughout the State Legislative you for the purpose of return thanks.” pany got the new projects, which were for
said. who jumps to another party, regardless of assembly (DUN) sitting this time. according to Wong, the “return maintenance, from the Sabah Water
Hajiji cited article 6(7) only applies in whether that party is in the same coalition “Therefore, i call once again on all rele- thanks” referred for ag Tahir’s assistance Department (jaNS) and sometimes he
the following circumstances where, for or not, will lose his seat. vant ministries, departments and agencies to Wong in getting projects at the District also received the emergency works project
example, when party a wins 40 seats out of “any assemblyman who changes parties to continue to work hard and take more Water Department and the Divisional but little.
a total of 73 State assembly seats in the or leaves his party to become an independ- proactive and prudent measures to resolve Water Department. according to Wong, for the new main-
election. ent member of the Legislative assembly it so that the comfort and wellbeing of the Wong was testifying in the trial of ag tenance projects, the contractor would be
“The leader of the party a fulfilled arti- will have to vacate his seat,” he added. people are guaranteed.” Tahir, 58, his wife, Fauziah Piut, 55, who appointed through open tender and the
cle 6(7) to be appointed as Chief Minister. See Page 2, Col. 2 See Page 3, Col. 2 are jointly tried with Lim Lam Beng, 66, on allocation approved by the Director.
37 counts of money-laundering charges During cross-examination by counsel
involving cash and bank savings amount- Priskila akwila Sinem who defended ag
Move on forest reserves is passed ing to RM61.57 million, as well as unlawful
possession of luxury goods.
To another question from Deputy Pub-
Tahir and Fauziah, Wong agreed that the
commission of 30 per cent was not given
to ahmad Sapawi as ordered by Teo Chee
Sherell Jeffrey Kapayan, Kemabong, Sindumin, Nabawan, saying the Government will take into lic Prosecutor Mahadi abdul jumaat, Kong and not from ag Tahir.
THE State assembly on Thursday passed Kuamut and Telupid. account the possibility of relocating them. Wong said he did not set any percentage Wong said as a contractor, they just fol-
an Enactment to amend the Forests (Con- Responding to those who participated “The Government is currently prioritis- for ag Tahir’s commission but based on lowed the order from the officer-in-
stitution of Forest Reserves and amend- in the debate on the Bill, Nizam said he is ing the protection and preservation of the his profit budget, he could only give charge in that division.
ment) Enactment 1984. aware of all the perspectives. He empha- interests of native and indigenous people. RM1.35 million. He further said there was See Page 2, Col. 2
assistant Minister to the Chief Minister sised that the forest area is not dissolved This is the guarantee provided,” he said.
Datuk Nizam abu Bakar Titingan, who arbitrarily. He said the wellbeing and in response to Kadamaian assembly-
tabled the Bill, said the amendment was to prosperity of the people, along with socio- man’s proposal on the creation of a new
facilitate excising, constituting and reclas- economic considerations, have been care- class called Community Forest Reserve, M’sian movie wins top Cannes prize
sifying the identified forest reserves. fully considered. Nizam said the Government would assess
The Bill, now cited as the Forests (Con- He expressed confidence that all assem- the necessity of establishing such a class. CaNNES (France): a Malaysian movie with a gruesome and funny look at puberty won
stitution of Forest Reserves and amend- blymen in the House support the Govern- “i believe this proposal is beneficial and the top award of the Cannes Film Festival’s Critics’ Week.
ment) (amendment) Enactment 2023, was ment's endeavours to safeguard the forests we will evaluate the necessity of establish- amanda Nell Eu’s “Tiger Stripes” follows 12-year-old Zaffan, who lives in a small rural
passed by State Speaker Datuk Seri Kadzim while also safeguarding the interests of ing this new class. This process requires community in Malaysia and watches her body transform at an alarming rate.
M Yahya in the third reading. the people and Sabah's economy. amendments to the Forest Enactment it drew comparisons to “Raw”, the breakout film by French director julia Ducournau,
a total of eight assemblymen debated Nizam addressed the concern about the 1968,” he said. which played in Critics’ Week in 2016, and propelled her to the festival’s overall top prize,
the Bill, namely Kadamaian, Senallang, villages located within the forest reserve, See Page 2, Col. 5 the Palme d’Or five years later for “Titane”. – aFP
2 Local FRIDAY, MAY 26, 2023

No need for
special Event a mockery to Unduk Ngadau pageant
Anthea Peter around with our culture, because it comes joanna said this year, the beauties will
Ministry to KOTa KiNaBaLU: The Kadazandusun Cul-
tural association Women’s Council is not
with customs, rituals and a belief system.
“By right if you mock our customs you
be brought to the Native Court to learn
about traditional laws, customs and cases
pleased with the recent cross-dressing would have to settle it with sogit while being educated on why the Native
handle Sabah, male pageant, which it described as “over-
the-top and inappropriate.”
(penance),” she told a press conference
on the 2023 State Unduk Ngadau pag-
Court is still relevant today.
She said this year’s UN pageant offers
eant, here. a total cash prize of RM91,000, in addi-
S’wak affairs The pageant, which went viral on
social media and said to have been held On Wednesday, Keningau KDCa coor- tion to scholarships and sponsored items.
in Keningau, showed several men dressed dinator Rafie Robert was reported as say- Prizes will also be given to winners of
KUaLa LUMPUR: in female traditional costumes. ing the cross-dressing pageant deviated subsidiary titles, such as Tati Tosuau, Tati
There is no need its Chairperson joanna Datuk Kitingan from the natives’ traditions and describ- Tipiodo and Tatai Otoonong and Miss
to create a special (pic) said it was a mockery to the Unduk ing it as a “shameful event”. Friendly, among others.
ministry to han- Ngadau (UN) title, which has not only Meanwhile, 50 Kadazan Dusun Murut joanna added that this year’s Sodop
dle Sabah and been registered with the intellectual beauties representing districts in Sabah Unduk Ngadau Charity Dinner will be
Sarawak affairs to Property Corporation of Malaysia and several West Malaysian states will vie held at the Sabah international Conven- temporary wear during the charity dinner
avoid the possibil- (MyiPO) but also a sacred term that was for the State Unduk Ngadau Kaamatan tion Centre (SiCC) on May 29, which must feature original motifs and be fully
ity of overlapping passed down orally based on Bobohizan title this year. would be able to accommodate more handmade by skilled female tailors in
functions with beliefs. The hopefuls will go through several tables and raise more funds. Sabah.
existing federal “This is like making a mockery of outlined programmes until the finals on She said the dresses donned by the The finals will be staged at the
ministries. Unduk Ngadau. We should not be playing May 31. beauties in a bid for the Best Evening Con- Hongkod Koisaan KDCa Hall on May 31.
Minister in the
Prime Minister’s Department (Sabah,
Sarawak affairs and Special Duties) Datuk
armizan Mohd ali (pic) said the Sabah Worse if they also hold Minister or GLC posts LPPB has built
and Sarawak affairs Division (BHESS)
29,218 low-cost
Disallow reps holding
under the Prime Minister’s Department
was established in March 2020 to facili-
tate and address all issues pertaining to
the Malaysia agreement 1963 (Ma63).
“So for me, there shouldn’t be overlap-
houses: Joachim
ping functions. Let the BHESS function as THE Sabah Housing and Urban Develop-

both the posts: Ex-MP

the secretariat so that we can propose ment Board (LPPB) has, so far, built 29,218
negotiations between the Federal and the low-cost houses Statewide and more are
Sabah and Sarawak governments without being constructed, the State Legislative
having to interfere with ministerial func- assembly sitting was told Thursday.
tions in each ministry. Deputy Chief Minister ii Datuk Seri Dr
“i think we need to maintain the com- joachim Gunsalam said a total of 175 low-
mitment to empowerment and devolu- “Representatives holding two elected ment like board chairmen or as directors. cost houses are being built under the 12th
Nikko Fabian Malaysia Plan (12MP) and they are
tion of authority (to Sabah and Sarawak) KOTa KiNaBaLU: For- positions is a duplication and causes an To drive his point, Hiew said an elected
without having to establish a special min- expected to be completed in 2025.
mer Kota Kinabalu overlap of duties. Certainly, they will find person who is both a MP and aDUN will
istry in charge of Sabah and Sarawak “The development of these low-cost
Member of Parlia- it very hard to meet the expectations and have to skip attending session of either
affairs. houses is under the State Government
ment Datuk Hiew needs of the people, “ he said. one. This puts the people at the disadvan- agency through the house building pro-
“in doing so, we want to avoid overlap- King Cheu (pic) said “What more when an elected represen- tage. They would lose a voice in either the
ping functions with federal ministries gramme on its land through the Low
elected representa- tative who is already an MP and an aDUN State Legislative assembly or Parliament income Group Housing Loan Scheme
which would ultimately affect the efforts tives should not be is also holding a ministerial position.” when this happens,” he said. (SPPUGBR) and Long House Loan Scheme
to devolve powers to the Sabah and allowed to hold posi- ‘Let’s not forget that the people voted “We must not allow this to continue. a (SPRP) managed by LPPB,” he said.
Sarawak governments,” he said during tions of both Member for them so that they can serve them fully,” strict legislative measure must be He said this when answering an oral
Minister’s Question Time at the Dewan of Parliament and State assembly. he said. approved and endorsed into our Sabah question from Datuk Raime Unggi (Nom-
Rakyat, Thursday. He said a recent public poll carried out “People prefer to have two separate legislative constitution to disallow a peo- inated assemblyman), who asked about
apart from that, armizan said the Fed- by justice For Sabah attested to this. individuals to serve them, one as MP and ple’s representatives hold both MP and effort to deal with the problem of develop-
eral Government’s commitment to solving Hiew said all respondents were unani- another as assemblyman. aDUN positions,” he said. ers reducing the construction of low-cost
the water supply issues in Sabah would mous in their opinion that a person He said the opinion poll also showed He also stressed that this is an impor- houses due to the increase in the cost of
also not interfere with the jurisdiction, elected by the people would not be able to people do not want their elected represen- tant step towards a meaningful Sabah building materials in Sabah. Elaborating,
rights and interests of the State Govern- discharge duties holding both posts. tatives holding positions in the govern- Maju jaya. joachim, also the State Local Government
ment. and Housing Minister, said the low-cost
“Water is under the State’s jurisdiction houses are priced between RM42,000 and
as stated in List ii Schedule Nine of the Fed-
eral Constitution.
“So, no need to worry. The Federal Gov-
Pan Borneo will be RM50,000 per unit.
Following the increase in the cost of
raw materials and the rate of house prices,
ernment under the leadership of Tambun the private sector is not keen on building
MP (Prime Minister Datuk Seri anwar
ibrahim) will always respect the rights and
interests of state governments, including
completed on time, such houses.
The implementation of the low-cost
housing programme depends entirely on
the additional power for Sabah and either the State or Federal Government
Sarawak,” he said.
The Minister said this in reply to Lo Su
Fui (GRS-Tawau) who wanted to know the
assures Shahelmey allocation,” he said.
He added that the allocation from the
Federal Government for the implementa-
Government’s commitment to solving the nance immediately after monitoring. road reserve. tion of the low-cost housing programme is
Sherell Jeffrey through the People’s Housing Programme
water woes in Sabah as pledged at the KOTa KiNaBaLU: The Sabah Pan Borneo This particular type of maintenance He said when buying machinery for
Unity Government National Convention (PPR) for rent implemented by the
Highway project will be completed work, Shahelmey said, falls within the rou- road maintenance, it is important to dis-
on May 14. National Housing Department (jPN);
according to the set schedule, assured tine scope and does not involve the pose of any outdated equipment that is no
at the convention, anwar was reported Malaysian Civil Servant Housing (PPaM)
State Works Minister Datuk Shahelmey restoration or reconstruction of roads that longer cost-effective to use. This is because Programme; and PR1Ma Corporation
as saying that he would talk to Sabah Chief Yahya. have suffered structural damage to their the machinery’s life span has already
Minister Datuk Seri Hajiji Nor and Kelan- Malaysia (PR1Ma).
He said the Government, through the pavement. exceeded 15 years. He said despite various incentives and
tan Menteri Besar Kelantan Datuk ahmad Sabah Public Works Department, will Regarding the progress of the “The disposal process is conducted in
Yakob to find solutions to the water woes encouragement given to housing develop-
ensure the project is completed on time. Serudong-Simanggaris-Kalabakan road stages and it is necessary to submit an ers to build low-cost houses, many were
in the two states. “intervention measures are consistently project, he said it has been approved as application to the Ministry of Finance for
The Prime Minister said he remained more inclined to build affordable,
implemented such as closely monitoring preliminary work in the Third Rolling Plan approval.” medium and high-cost houses to max-
committed to finding solutions to the the work and issuing a warning letter to of the 12th Malaysia Plan (12MP) under the Shahelmey said the Public Works imise profits.
issue after receiving input from the state the contractor responsible for work pack- federal allocation. Department is in the process of purchas- “The Government will look at the best
leaders regarding the long-standing prob- age in case of any violation of the contract “The preliminary survey and design ing new machinery in stages, pending alternative to encourage these private
lems plaguing the states. – Bernama terms. works are estimated to cost RM13 million, approval from the State Finance Ministry. housing developers to be involved in low-
“The Government will assist in resolv- while the Federal Government will deter- according to him, the Sabah Public cost public housing development pro-
ing any issues that may cause delays in the mine the cost of the physical construction Works Department is currently supervis- grammes although it is clear that the
Land project, such as shortage of construction works.”
He said the Government is always
ing a total of 1,210 bridges across Sabah.
Out of the total figure, 828 bridges are
response won’t be encouraging due to the
low profitability,” he added.
materials, particularly bitumen, and
Enactment delays in the transfer of utility facilities,”
he said in his winding-up speech for the
mindful of the issues faced by the people
regarding the acquisition of land for road
currently classified as semi-permanent or
temporary. it is necessary to upgrade these
Dissolution process
Ministry at the State Legislative assembly construction in Kukusan. bridges to permanent structures that are
includes sitting.
according to him, routine maintenance
“The compensation for land reclama-
tion and structural realignment related to
safe and can be used consistently.
Responding to a question from
From Page One
Responding to inquiries from Kapayan
work refers to scheduled tasks such as pot- the jalan Utara Baru upgrade in Tawau has Nabawan assemblyman, he said there are
carbon hole patching, road shoulder mainte- been submitted to the Land and Survey
Department. Currently, the Public Works
still 64 bridges in the district that require
and Kemabong assemblymen regarding the
dissolution process for villages or settle-
nance, grass cutting, ditch cleaning, sewer ments, Nizam said this is a continuous
storage cleaning (culvert) and other related work.
These tasks are carried out in a specific
Department is awaiting a response from
the Land and Survey.”
according to him, the Government
plans to replace the bridges in Nabawan
process that will be carried out periodically.
He said the Forest Enactment's Section 14
order as outlined in the concession agree- according to him, 85 land lots have with permanent ones. The implementa- allows for the consideration of the requests
Jonathan Nicholas ment contract. been processed under Section 3 of the tion of this plan will depend on the Gov- made by residents. if these requests are
THE State assembly on Thursday unani- The concessionaire only carries out pot- Land acquisition Ordinance Chapter 69 ernment’s financial capacity and will be deemed reasonable, they can be acknowl-
mously agreed to the Land Ordinance hole patching and road shoulder mainte- and 102 structures were impacted in the prioritised accordingly. edged as a unique privilege within the Forest
(Cap. 68] becoming the Land (amend- Reserve. as a result, the eviction process will
ment) Enactment 2023 to include carbon not be implemented.
apas assemblyman Datuk Nizam abu Money given to Ag Tahir was voluntary: Contractor Responding to Sindumin assemblyman’s
inquiries about the signs installed along for-
Bakar Titingan said the enactment would From Page One Teo’s order because the area was under Teo Divisional/District Water Engineers, the est reserves, he said any sign within the forest
come into force on june 19. He further said ag Tahir never asked and that he needed to follow orders by Teo only thing i can do is to return some reserve that is not authorised by the Forest
“No person, whether he is a registered him to give 30 per cent to the to avoid problems. money to ag Tahir so that i can continue Department is prohibited and subject to
owner or a lawful occupier of any alien- Divisional/District Water Engineers. “That it was his area, so any order from with the Divisional/District Water Engi- removal under the law.
ated land, may use or permit the use of his Wong agreed that giving money to ag Teo, we need to follow as a contractor not neers with the allocation by ag Tahir,” he according to him, the Government is cur-
land for carbon storage without the Tahir was voluntary (sukarela) and also only on commission but the actual work said. rently considering Sindumin's proposal to
approval of the Minister and a licence agreed with Priskila that ag Tahir never to be carried out,” said Wong. Wong further said he agreed with the develop Meligan Forest Reserve into a tourist
issued to him by the Collector. asked for the money. He further explained he agreed with counsel that there was no witness when destination and is in the process of granting
“a licence issued may be determined by permission for the use of the forest reserves
He also agreed that there was no evi- the counsel the money was given voluntar- the money was handed over to ag Tahir
the Director and for such period and upon for tourism.
dence or testimony or witness to support ily because as he mentioned earlier, he got because to give the money to ag Tahir was
such terms and conditions stipulated in in response to Nabawan assemblyman,
his statement that he had handed over the projects with the help of the allocation an offence.
the licence. Nizam said the Government has approved
money to ag Tahir. from the Sabah State Water Department Lim was defended by Datuk Tan Hock the application of Section 14 of the Forestry
“For that purpose, the Minister may in re-examination in chief by Mahadi, Director ag Tahir. Chuan, Baldev Singh, Karpaljit Singh and
impose additional premium or rent of the Enactment to acknowledge the community
Wong said he agreed that he followed “if i do not show my appreciation to aaron Lau. Trial continues. roads utilised by the villagers.
land or add or substitute such terms or
conditions in the document of title as he He added that the standard operating
may think fit.
“any person who contravenes or
Exemptions in the anti-party hopping law procedures for the recognition process are
currently being refined and will be imple-
mented soon. Meanwhile, the Bill seeks to
breaches any terms or conditions shall be From Page One member of the coalition party,” he said. On exemptions in the anti-party hop-
guilty of an offence and shall, on convic- amend the Schedule to the Forests (Constitu-
Hajiji said the membership of a Legisla- He said the membership of an assembly- ping law, Hajiji said assemblymen would tion of Forest Reserves amendment) Enact-
tion, be liable to a fine not exceeding tive assembly member refers to his mem- man in a coalition would not be considered not lose their seats if their political parties ment 1984 to excise, constitute and reclassify
RM100,000 or imprisonment for a term bership in a political party, irrespective of in the application of the anti-hopping law were dissolved or de-registered, or they the following:
not exceeding five years, or both,” he said. whether that party is part of a coalition of because the main determining principle is were expelled by their parties. First, to dissolve an area of approximately
He said the use of the word “spectrum” parties or not. membership in a particular political party. “The exemption also applies to an 554.43 hectares of permanent state forest
in Section 30 of the principal Enactment “apart from that, membership of a Leg- He also said the party symbols under which assemblyman who resigns from his politi- reserves; Second, to establish two new forest
was also amended to specify the surface of islative assembly member also refers to an assemblymen contested in elections would cal party upon his election as Speaker. This reserves with an area of approximately 1,121
the earth or below within Sabah (for car- assemblyman who is not a member of any not be considered in the anti-party hop- matter will not cause the Speaker to lose his hectares; and Third, reclassify nine forest
bon storage). political party in a coalition but is a direct ping law. seat in the Legislative assembly,” he added. reserve areas from various existing classes.
FRIDAY, MAY 26, 2023 Local 3

Full support if Attacks aimed at tarnishing

image of GRS govt: Annuar
dam situated LiaWaN assemblyman Datuk annuar ayub
(pic) said there are attacks by certain cyber
troopers clearly aimed at tarnishing the
image of the Gabungan Rakyat Sabah (GRS)
joniston was speaking
at a gathering with the
committee members of PBS’s PDM Kiulu
branches recently.
He said Sabah had witnessed a series of

in Papar: Juil
“These people have been very critical of positive developments and significant pol-
the government. By right, if they care for the icy reforms, contributing to the well-being
Limbahau has well-being of the State, they should share
positive ideas,” he said.
of the State and its people.
Hence, joniston also urged PBS members
annuar, who is also a Star Vice President, to maintain their unwavering support for
Hayati Dzulkifli
KOTa KiNaBaLU: Limba-
“When this happens, water rationing has
to be carried out. Maybe this rationing
not a single pointed out that the GRS government under
the leadership of Chief Minister Datuk Seri
Hajiji, strengthen the party’s position as a
key team player within the GRS, and work
hau assemblyman Datuk measure needs to be done to control the sit- Hajiji Haji Noor has been doing what was collectively with other coalition parties to
juil Nuatim (pic) pledged
full support to the State
uation, but until when should this situation
persists?,” he said.
secondary school necessary for the state to reach greater
heights. Star is one of the seven component
address the challenges confronting Sabah.
Meanwhile, a Parti Gagasan Rakyat
government if it decides to He said it is time for the Water Treatment jUiL also drew attention to a proposal to members of GRS. He was enthusiastic that Sabah (PGRS) division chief said the GRS
build a dam in Papar as a Plant in Kg Limbahau to also be upgraded. construct a secondary school in Kg Gana as the Chief Minister’s New Year message had government was doing its level best to grow
measure to solve water “There is a need to increase the water there is a pressing need for the children in revealed the Sabah garnered a revenue of the economy for the benefit of the State and
woes in the district and West Coast. production capacity at this plant to accom- Limbahau. RM6.6 billion last year under the Hala Tuju its people.
He hoped the State government would modate the increasing demand of con- “Since i was elected as Limbahau Sabah Maju jaya (SMj) Roadmap. PGRS Tandek Chief Datuk Dr janathan
make a right decision to resolve the water sumers in Papar. Furthermore, this plant is assemblyman, i never failed to raise the annuar also concurred with GRS infor- Kandok said therefore, there should not be
supply problem which is rather serious and also old and has been built since the 1960s.” need to have a secondary school in Kg mation Chief Datuk joniston Bangkuai who any further attempt to destabilise the gov-
affecting the people’s daily lives. “i suggest the State government through Gana in past assembly sittings. in my con- emphasised the need to avoid drawing ernment as the State was in safe hands.
“Currently there is not enough water the Sabah Water Department (jaNS) build stituency, there are 16 primary schools, but quick judgements and instead examine the Recalling a failed coup attempt recently,
supply in Papar and i understand that addi- a pre-sedimentation tank at the Limbahau there is not a single secondary school. situation objectively, considering the com- Dr janathan said: “Enough is enough. if you
tional supply has to be done through the Water Treatment Plant to address the high plexities involved in managing essential think you are better, prove it in the next
With the geographical position of Kg
emergency water supply scheme (EWSS) turbidity of river water which generally utilities. election. Right now, GRS has the people’s
Gana far from cities and big towns, a
project in Limbahau. occurs when there is a heavy rain,” he said. “The opposition’s swift finger-pointing mandate to govern the State.”
boarding secondary school is very neces-
“When every time there is heavy rain or juil also proposed construction of a and attempts to lay the blame solely on the Political stability, he added, was crucial
treated water storage system in the plant in sary. Chief Minister are political in nature. for development and progress. Dr janathan
drought, the water condition in Sungai
Limbahau to increase the water reservoir “in detail, Limbahau children currently “They, too, had previously led the state, also said he was shocked by a recently-
Papar becomes too murky and the treat-
capacity in the area so that people can still have to attend their secondary school at and they are familiar with the challenges,” leaked screenshot on social media which
ment plant in Kg. Limbahau has to stop
get clean treated water even during drought SMK Kinarut which only has a capacity of said joniston, who is also Kiulu assembly- suggested there were concerted efforts to
working to avoid damage to the equipment
at the plant. and dry spell. about 1,000 students. as a result of it man and PBS information chief. put the State Government in a bad light.
being over capacity, two school sessions The Chief Minister, he added, had been among others, cyber troopers were told
had to be held and the hostel was also working tirelessly to address the matter and to portray issues like power outages and
Why too many mishaps along unable to meet the needs of the popula-
tion, some of whom are from Limbahau,”
ensure the people of Sabah have access to
necessities such as electricity and water.
insufficient water supply as statewide emer-
he said.
this Pan Borneo Highway He said there are students who live far
from Kinarut town and Papar and some- Many docs quit in Sabah
THE Pan Borneo Highway along jalan Lama He said the 8km road is under the super- times were unable to go to school due to
Papar-Kota Kinabalu is now the main route vision of the Public Works Department and the lack of vehicles or the inability to pay
for those commuting from Kota Kinabalu to
Papar and Kinarut as well as users from
needs to be upgraded for the benefit of 300
for the bus fare.
“This is a very sad situation when these
cos not made permanent
nearby districts such as Beaufort, Sipitang, juil called on the State Government to rural children drop out of getting quality Nikko Fabian “i attended a MoH
Kuala Penyu and Menumbok. reconsider his proposal to build a row of education due to these constraints. STaTE Community Development and Peo- meeting in Putrajaya
For the safety of road users, he suggested fruit stalls in Kg Manggis, Papar. “i would like to ask what are the factors ple’s Wellbeing Minister Datuk james Ratib recently and discussed the
more streetlights be installed along the “During the fruit season, i saw many peo- that make it difficult for the construction (pic) said he is aware of the existing short- issue. it is a sad situation,” he said during
route, especially in each U-turn area. ple doing small-time businesses on the age of medical experts in Sabah. the State assembly sitting.
of a secondary school in Kg Gana to be
“Due to the lack of these street lights, shoulder of the road along the Pan Borneo He said his ministry is working closely He said other reasons for the difficulties
realised?,” juil asked. according to him,
many accidents have happened,” he said. road. These stalls can be built with a more with the State Health Department (jKNS) in maintaining medical experts in Sabah
lack of harvesting and ploughing machin-
juil said he requested the Ministry of modern design which i believe can also and Public Service Department (jPa) to includes family commitments as some of
ery in his constituency is the main obstacle them are not from here.
Works to provide funds to upgrade a road function as a place of Rest and Recreation solve the problem.
for paddy farmers to maximise their agri- However, he said jKNS plans to appoint
to Kg Bisuang and a road to SK Kaiduan (R&R) in Limbahau. “My ministry through the State Health
cultural yield. more medical experts in 11 of the 24 hospi-
school because both locations are quite far “if the construction of this infrastructure Department (jKNS) acknowledges the
Presently, he said the paddy fields of tals in Sabah. He said they are also provid-
from the main road which takes between 20 can be realised, small-time traders can be shortage and the Public Service Department
about 1,000 acres in Papar and the (jPa) is partly to blame,” he said. ing them with various incentives to stay in
to 30 minutes the road condition is quite placed in the new row of stalls so that it is Regional Farmers’ association (PPK) only
bad, especially during rainy season. more organised. james said he had visited hospitals Sabah such as the Bayaran insentif Penem-
has two machines and cannot meet the throughout Sabah and found that many patan Pakar (BiPP) and Elaun Perumahan
Thanking the government for upgrading They can carry out their businesses in a
needs of the rice farmers. medical experts have quit their job. Wilayah (EPW).
jalan Manggis Kaiduan Tampasak, he also place that is more comfortable and com-
He said the villagers tried to bring in “When i asked why, they told me because at the same time, he said medical experts
requested that jalan Kg Mikik Suok Ram- plete with basic facilities and their safety is
paza be upgraded. also guaranteed,” he said. the Sabah Land Development Board some of these doctors had not received their will be given a chance to provide their
(SLDB) to help and work with them to permanent postings yet. respective expertise services at private facil-
overcome their lack of machinery. He “The Ministry of Health (MoH) does not ities decided by MoH.
Stop using slogan to insult hoped the relevant ministry could render
assistance to problem faced by paddy
farmers in Papar, especially in Limbahau.
have the power to approve the permanent
postings for doctors…only jPa can do that,”
He said among the fields of specialisa-
tion that the State currently lacks are med-
ical experts in heart and surgeries.
he said.

current govt: Deputy Speaker Finance Ministry to improve tax collection system
Jonathan Nicholas cave.
DEPUTY Speaker Datuk ahmad abdul “in Lumou, it comes complete with a Ricardo Unto ures submitted to the Ministry. We are trying in financing various physical, infrastructure,
Rahman chastised a government back- booster pump. The pipes are ready but THE State Finance Ministry to bridge this little problem with MPOB. economic and social development, and for
bencher for inappropriately linking the there’s no water,” he said. is improving its tax collec- Every time we received tax figures, we will the people’s wellbeing. Therefore, the State
“Sabah Maju jaya” slogan to failed projects “State Department chiefs will usually tion system so that it be check with MPOB to see if they tally. Government stands to maintain the imposi-
under previous governments. only send representatives to action plan more effective, said its “if we still have doubts, then, we will ask tion of the tax.” He said based on informa-
He told jonnybone Kurum (PBS- meetings. Work together with the people’s Minister Datuk Seri Masidi the MaCC to investigate.” tion from the Malaysian Palm Oil Board
Telupid) that the slogan was not created representative so we can identify and set Manjun (pic). He was responding to a supplementary (MPOB), Sabah has 132 palm oil processing
by the current GRS-led government but priorities on projects,” he said, so he and “First of all, we have to get our house in question by Senallang assemblyman Datuk factories and 14 refineries.
had been around since the time of (first the government would not be “bom- order…the tax collection system,” he said. Seri Mohd Shafie apdal. Masidi also agrees Sandakan, in particular, has the largest
elected Chief Minister) Tun Datu barded” by voters. in order for well main- “To my surprise, i found out that the with Shafie that major public-listed palm oil number of factories in the State, which are
Mustapha. tained roads he suggested the State claim number of staff tasked with the collection of companies in the State should do more for 66 processing factories and four refineries.
“Stop using the state constitution slo- and toll federal roads. billions of ringgit of taxes is not many. the community. Meanwhile, Keningau has four process-
gan as an insult to the current govern- Kuamut’s Datuk Masiung Banah said Hence, our first step is to increase the num- Earlier, to the original questions by ing factories. in 2022, the palm oil factory
ment. My position is to uphold the Chief Minister Datuk Seri Hajiji Noor ber of staff in that section.” Elopura assemblyman Calvin Chong and sector employed 5,869 workers in process-
constitution just like you all (assembly- helped promote the underused slogan. Masidi also disclosed that the Ministry is Shafie, assistant Finance Minister Tan Lee ing plants and 631 workers in refineries.
men),” adding that if it was Pakistan, who- “it is patriotic, reminding us to priori- planning to upgrade the section into a Fatt said the Federal Government collects Locals fill 1,789 jobs, or 30.4 per cent, in
ever had said it would be dead. tise state development instead of personal department under it. company profit tax. processing factories and 626 jobs or 98.9 per
“Pick up a copy of the constitution if gain. Forget rank and positions for a while “Secondly, we improve our system so that “For the State Government to directly cent, in refineries.
you have time one day and do me a favour and just work together for Sabah. That has it would be more effective and for this, we enjoy the benefits of the palm oil industry, “The construction of these processing
to point out the coat of arms and read the always been the goal even in the next gen- are working together with the Malaysian which is one of the main pulses of the State’s factories and refineries has brought a posi-
slogan. You took an oath to defend the eration,” he said. Palm Oil Board (MPOB) and the Malaysian economy, since 1999, the State Government tive local economic impact with more pro-
He thanked Prime Minister Datuk Seri anti-Corruption Commission (MaCC). has imposed a state sales tax on crude palm ductive land use, infrastructure
State and now you threaten it with its own
anwar ibrahim and Hajiji for lifting Ton- “The Ministry had issued five notices of oil,” he said. development and job opportunities for
slogan. if this were Pakistan, you’d be shot.
god out of poverty. its people can now assessment involving some RM53.36 million Until 2022, this sales tax collection has locals to generate and increase income.
But thankfully we have laws here,” ahmad
to companies that had been found to have contributed as much as RM19.25 billion to “in the meantime, the multiplier effect
abdul said. raise livestock. But this is only temporary.
under-declared their tax returns. state revenue over the 23 years it has been can be enjoyed by other economic sectors,
jonnybone was reading a message i have done the research and what we need
“So far, only RM4 million of these taxes implemented. For 2022 alone, sales tax col- such as the retail and real estate sectors, with
which he received during hari raya which are proper roads for agriculture,” he said.
have been paid. But we have an instalment lection amounts to RM1.57 billion, con- increased domestic demand for goods and
said “Sabah Maju jaya tapi ‘mengasi mati He advocated for coal plants in Sabah tributing almost 23 per cent to the State’s services,” he said.
scheme to allow those who ‘mistakenly’
sama orang’ (they are killing us)”. saying all natural resources must be used revenue. The State Government, he said, has estab-
under-declared to pay their dues,” he said.
johnnybone requested department to meet the people’s demands. “Therefore, collecting state sales tax on lished the Palm Oil industrial Cluster (POiC)
in certain cases, he said, companies have
chiefs to ‘turun padang’ and see Telupid “Let’s not pretend, Sarawak is looking crude palm oil is an essential source of State in Sandakan, managed by Sawit Palm Oil
sent conflicting tax figures to MPOB and the
for themselves the many useless projects more into coal plants and Singapore has Ministry. revenue. This financial resource significantly industrial Cluster Sdn Bhd, a Sawit Kinabalu
completed long ago like the water tank at been using it for a long time,” he said. “The taxes imposed are based on the fig- supports the State budget agenda, especially Sdn Bhd subsidiary.
Mile 6 in Kg Wonod which is now a bat

‘It’s doll prank

Outside NGOs entering Sabah to instigate protests
From Page One Scheme Phase iii, the CM said the proposed gaining understanding in upstream busi- production facility and was built to produce
The State Government is taking seriously development has been approved by the ness; and increasing the level of knowledge 1.9 million metric tons of ammonia and urea
by worker’ the trend of organisations or NGOs from
outside Sabah increasingly entering the
State Government to a company whose
house units would be given to the original
of the people of Sabah in oil and gas
resources, as well as the knowledge of data
per year. it is also the largest single compo-
nent ammonia and urea plant in Southeast
KOTa KiNaBaLU: a police report was state to incite and get Sabahans involved in landowners in the area, while the rest devel- collection of existing or future Sabah hydro- asia, and the third largest urea plant in the
lodged by the jesselton Group Manager uncontrolled demonstrations and protests. oped for the purpose of mixed development. carbon reserves so that any decision made asia Pacific.” Hajiji also said the Sabah Gov-
to deny a purported suicide attempt “The State Government will use its pow- To Mohd Shafie’s question regarding the related to the oil and gas industry is in the ernment would continue with more acqui-
involving its development project ers to prevent entry into Sabah any organi- State Government’s involvement in the interest of Sabah. sitions to expand the state’s involvement in
under construction off jalan Bersatu sations or NGOs or individuals that disturb upstream business of the oil and gas indus- “That is why the State Government con- the oil and gas industry so that more rev-
Damai, here. the harmony and public order in Sabah,” try, Hajiji said it is important for the Sabah tinued the acquisition of 50 per cent of the enue and participation can be achieved for
“i was alerted to the circulation of a Hajiji. Government to participate in the upstream shares in the Samarang Production Sharing Sabah as provided for in the CCa.
viral prank video broadcasting an He was replying to the proposal from business because it is a source of life for the Contract (PSC) offered to SMj Sdn Bhd under “Regarding the State Sales Tax on Petro-
alleged suicide attempt,” said Michael Datuk jaffari Waliam (Nominated) that the oil and gas industry. Without this upstream, the Commercial Cooperation agreement leum Products raised by Merotai, we have
who lodged the report, Thursday. authorities check more strictly the entry of there is no middle or downstream industry (CCa) that has been signed jointly with made achievement after achievement in the
The 35-second video showed what organisations/NGOs from outside into the in the state, he explained. Petronas. as a result, SMj Sdn Bhd would oil and gas industry. Collection of State Sales
state to avoid incitement, especially custom- Therefore, by being involved in the receive 50 per cent of oil and gas production Tax on petroleum products which has con-
appeared to be an individual sitting at
ary land issues so the people hate and are upstream supply chain of the oil and gas qualification partners. tributed a total of RM4.21 billion to state rev-
a ledge on the upper level of the build-
angry with the Government, industry, the Sabah Government would ben- “For downstream petrochemicals, the enue. Therefore, the State Government has
ing. To Datuk Dr Yusof Yacob (Sindumin) who efit such as increased economic and finan- State Government has already acquired a 25 no plans in the near future to stop the imple-
He clarified that it is a dummy doll touched on various matters to make Kota cial benefits from the sale of both crude oil per cent share in Petronas Chemicals Fer- mentation of the State Sales Tax on petro-
prank by a worker and that their main Kinabalu a beautiful city that attracts and natural gas which is the source of the oil tiliser Sabah Sdn Bhd (Samur) through SMj leum products. The revenue from the oil and
contractor has taken the necessary tourists, Hajiji said the State Government and gas industry’s value chain; increasing Sdn Bhd who is the owner of the ammo- gas industry is capable of multiplying the
action against the misdemeanour. – would take appropriate action. the rate of employment opportunities for nia/Urea factory located in the Sipitang Oil state’s income to increase, strengthen and
Jimmy Goh On the redevelopment of the Sembulan the local people of Sabah, encouraging more and Gas industrial Park (SOGiP). sustain which will undoubtedly be enjoyed
area, namely the Sembulan Urban Renewal offers and local contract opportunities by “it is a world-class ammonia and urea by all levels of people in the state,” he said.
4 Local FRIDAY, MAY 26, 2023

Study on untreated
water for factories
Jonathan Nicholas (DiDR) can help in getting MeSTi and Halal
KOTa KiNaBaLU: Findings of a feasibility Certifications, machine and equipment
study on using untreated clean water for assistance, packaging quality improvement
industrial supply to ease Sabah’s water crisis and business digitisation,” he said in his
will be revealed this year. winding up speech on Wednesday.
Sabah industrial Development and Responding to Moyog’s Datuk Darell
Entrepreneurship Minister (Mide) Phoong Leiking who asked how many investors have
jin Zhe said currently, water supply used by left or ended investments in Sabah, Phoong
investors (factories) and domestic users are said there was none.
of the same source. the Ministry of investment, Malaysian Trade “in fact, the State Government has suc-
“Most factories require only clean but and industry (Miti). ceeded in attracting high-impact foreign
untreated water. if realised, then implemen- They are namely green technology, direct investment (FDi), namely the South
tation is expected improve water supply to resource-based downstream industries, Korean SK Nexilis Malaysia Sdn Bhd during
domestic users in the Kota Kinabalu, Lahad renewable energy and low energy intensity the Covid-19 pandemic in addition to Chi-
industries. nese Kibing and Singaporean Esteel Enter- Phoong (middle) with Mide Permanent Secretary Datuk Thomas Logijin (left)
Datu and Sipitang,” said the Luyang assem-
“Mide will continue to work closely with prise Sabah Sdn Bhd,” he said. and Assistant Minister Datuk Andi Muhammad Suryady (right).
The study on non-portable water is the Entrepreneur Development and Coop- Phoong said more than half of the 4,352 job
being carried out by jetama Sdn Bhd and
was approved by Cabinet on Nov 22 last
erative Ministry (Kuskop) under the leader-
ship of Datuk Ewon Benedick, in developing
opportunities created are being filled by locals.
Sk Nexilis in KKiP (RM4.28b), Kibing’s ‘Politicians, civil servants should
year. entrepreneurs and small traders in Sabah. (RM2.48b) solar glass factory also in KKiP
Meanwhile, he said the momentum of
receiving investors to Sabah is expected to
“Due to the State Government’s concern
for SME entrepreneurs the total allocation
and their silica extraction and processing
plant in Kudat are expected to be completed declare assets to prevent graft’
increase with the State Government’s for the SME-Up Programme (BaiKS) has this year.
efforts. been increased to RM15 Million this year. The biggest, Esteel in Sipitang Hayati Dzulkifli RM761 million annually by the Federal
He said several high potential sectors “My Ministry through the Department of (RM19.8b), is expected to complete by the POLiTiCiaNS and civil servants in Sabah government for the fuel to generate power
have been identified in collaboration with industrial Development and Research end of 2026. should declare their assets to the State which does not include grants for infra-
government so any corrupt elements can structure developments.
be addressed. “Every year, SESB will be getting these
S’kan folks’ salty water woes ‘Water Dept Moyog assemblyman Datuk Darell subsidies (RM761 millions) and it is a must
Leiking, who made the call, said the Chief for the agency to submit reports including
SEKONG assemblyman alias Sani said
Sandakan residents had to deal with
roadways, and some of them have been
fatal and unemployment is getting
should probe Minister and State Finance Minister need
to issue an official directive to all those in
future assessments and how to mitigate
blackouts to TNB or relevant ministries.
salty water for past six months that
posed serious health risks as well as
worse by the day. Many graduates are
forced to take low-paying jobs that are
and not cops’ civil service, including politicians, to do so.
He said it is imperative for them to
“The irony is why do we still face the
problem (regular blackouts) which they
inconvenience. beneath their education,” he said. PaRTi Warisan Chinese Coordinator Chin declare their assets so as to find out have anticipated and mentioned in their
alias also questioned why people “Have you ever heard of someone Tek Ming said the Sabah Water Depart- whether they are corrupted or they are reports of long-term plan?
everywhere in Sabah seemed to suffer with hypertension having to borrow ment (SWD) itself should be investigating being accused of receiving bribes. “i am sure they are aware of the increas-
more and more despite the numerous blood pressure medication from a friend the water disruption at Kota Kinabalu “The Prime Minister announced that ing number of housing developments and
announcements about the increase in or neighbour because of financial con- international airport instead of the police. corruption level among politicians and commercial units which indicate that
State revenue and allocations. straints? This occurred in Sandakan, in Chin’s lawyer said Sabah Works Minis- civil servants is quite high and he wants to more power supply is needed and this
He said the phrase “Sabah Maju jaya” Sekong. ter Datuk ir. Shahelmey Yahya should stop go after them. should be part and parcel in their reports,”
appeared 16 times in the policy speech “in all my 55 years, i never imagined i wasting public funds, adding that the “Sabah is in a state of mess,” he said. he said.
delivered by the Head of State, which would be in a position where there was police are already occupied with their “That is why i feel the politicians and Furthermore, Darell said SESB wrote a
included references to the targeted 2.2 not enough water to bath a body. duties instead of investigating internal civil servants should be scrutinised by letter to propose a mitigation plan to
million tourists who are expected to “i urge the Government to be effective problems. ordering them to declare their assets,” address a critical situation of Sabah grid
generate income of RM4.1 billion. in addressing issues affecting the lives of “Don’t they (Ministry) know that a Darell said when debating the policy that was shared on May 3, this year.
“Billions worth of federal allocations the people,” he said. police investigation will incur extra and speech of the Head of State Tun Dr juhar “i wonder why are we in this situation
have been announced for Sabah’s devel- “We are all actors in this world but let unnecessary human costs for the police Mahiruddin at the 16th State Legislative (power outage and poor supply of water)
opment, yet the people in Sekong, the us act honestly, truthfully and sincerely, force? assembly sitting, here, Wednesday. when we mention about billions of ringgit
people of Sandakan, continue to be in so that our audience, the people, will “is the Ministry trying to silence public On Penampang, he said not much work in investments but the basic utilities that
the valley of hardship,” he said, citing trust us. comments by lodging a police report?” he was done on the flood mitigation project are needed, are not well-planned in the
rising prices of goods and poor infra- “Sabah is undoubtedly a rich State, said in a statement. worth millions of ringgit in Moyog. long run.
structure facilities that have become a but it’s a shame since Sabah is also rich He criticised the Deputy Chief Minis- “i anticipate another round of mon- “in fact, i am asking the Minister of
nightmare for people in Sandakan. with political leaders who party hop,” he ter’s response to Elopura assemblyman soon. We may face flash floods and other industrial Development, how many exist-
“There have been accidents on our said. – Sherell Jeffrey Calvin Chong who questioned the issue of severe problems that will pose big impact ing investments and investors in Sabah
Sandakan’s salty water during the sitting on the people in Penampang and also the who have decided to stop or withdraw
on Wednesday. whole Sabah, like losing properties and their investments?
“if there were such withdrawal of the
Zimbabwe eyes tourism twinning “Shahelmey challenged the source of
the salty water instead of addressing the
income, experiencing power outages and
poor water supply, among others,” he investments, then it would cause more
unemployment among the locals when
issue. i think this is uncalled for. said.
programmes with Sabah, M’sia “is the Minister challenging the intelli-
gence of Sandakan people and Sabahans
Darell also questioned the government
via the Sabah Electricity Sdn Bhd (SESB)
there are currently 177,000 jobless in
Sabah based on the statistics of November
KOTa KiNaBaLU: The Republic of Zim- Natural Wonders of the World, really at large?” he asked. which has been given subsidies totalling last year,” he said.
babwe aims to establish tourism twin- beautifull and tourists can do a lot of
ning programmes with Sabah and activities including skydiving and
Malaysia in general that can bring ben-
efits especially in terms of boosting the
bungee jumping. There are also
national parks near the waterfall where
Opposition fails Number of households in hardcore
tourism sectors of both countries.
Tsitsi Kangai-Kasirowori, a counsel-
people can go on safaris there,” she said.
The Shona people constructed the
in bid to poor category in downward trend
lor at the Zimbabwean Embassy in ancient city of Great Zimbabwe
Malaysia, said that Zimbabwe and between the 11th and the 15th centuries. reject Govt THE number of households in the hardcore
poor category has decreased from 124,744 to
Malaysia have many areas in common, The city is renowned for its impressive
particularly in terms of environment stone architecture, which includes a motion 118,217 from Dec 15, 2022 until May 15 this year,
the Dewan Rakyat was told Thursday.
and handicraft, which might be sizeable palace, and its significance in
Deputy Minister of Economy Datuk Hani-
explored for tourism twinning projects. the african trade. additionally, Kangai- THE Opposition failed in its attempt to
fah Hajar Taib said according to the eKasih
according to her, one of the projects Kasirowori claims that the building reject a government motion in the Dewan
dynamic data managed by the implementa-
that may be explored is a scheme for there was constructed without the use Rakyat Thursday when it could not muster
tion Coordination Unit under the Prime Min-
twinning tourist attractions, in which a of cement. the majority in a bloc vote. ister’s Department, the number of registered
tourist attraction in her nation and The writer also had the opportunity The bloc vote saw a total of 83 members household heads in the poor category also
Malaysia can collaborate with tourism to discuss with the interviewer one of of parliament (MP) supporting the motion dropped from 304,911 to 299,080 during the to 3.5 per cent compared to 5.3 per cent in May
operators from both countries to attract Sabah’s natural tourist attractions, the and 52 MPs opposing, one did not vote same period. 2020.
tourists. stunning Maliau Waterfall, which has while 86 were absent. She also said that based on the Household Strong economic growth in 2022 has
“The places and nature here (Sabah seven waterfall tiers and is situated in The motion was for today’s sitting not income, Expenditure and Basic amenities Sur- helped support recovery in the labour market,
and Malaysia) are really beautiful, i can Tongod’s Maliau Basin, a 58,840-hectare to be adjourned until two bills, namely, the vey Report 2019, the incidence of absolute she added.
see similarities which we can do coop- conservation area known as Sabah’s Sustainable Energy Development author- poverty was 5.6 per cent, while hardcore She further said the government is imple-
eration programmes. Hope we have a Lost World because of its pristine envi- ity (amendment) Bill 2023 and the Renew- poverty was 0.4 per cent. menting various intervention measures to
twinning programme with Sabah like ronment. able Energy (amendment) Bill 2023, were “DOSM (Department of Statistics Malaysia) address poverty, some of which had been
Victoria Falls (in Zimbabwe) we can according to Kangai-Kasirowori, 1.04 debated and decided as stated in the Order is finalising the findings of the 2022 survey, announced by Prime Minister Datuk Seri
twin it with a tourist attraction in million tourists visited Zimbabwe last Paper. which is expected to be published in the third anwar ibrahim during the tabling of Budget
Sabah. year, up 174 per cent from 380,820 Deputy Minister in the Prime Minister’s quarter of 2023,” she said during the question 2023. among the measures announced are the
“We try to get to new markets as we tourists in 2021. Department (Sabah, Sarawak affairs and and answer session at the Dewan Rakyat sit- Rahmah Cash aid to about nine million recip-
try to rebuild and restrategise our She said 47,453 tourist arrivals last Special Functions) Datuk Ugak anak Kum- ting Thursday. ients with an allocation of nearly RM8 billion,
tourism industry in 2023 post Covid-19 year were from asia, while tourists from bong had called for the motion. She said this in reply to a question from various subsidies to padi farmers and small-
pandemic that has affected us all,” she other african countries are the biggest Following the result of the vote, Deputy Mohd Syahir Che Sulaiman (PN-Bachok) holders and the Unity Package prepaid mobile
Speaker Datuk Ramli Mohd Nor then about the progress the government has made internet plan. – Bernama
told Bernama when met at the Matta arrivals at 693,281; Europe (174,544);
announced that Ugak’s motion was in reducing the poverty rate and eliminating Hanifah Hajar said as of May 22, a total of
Fair Sabah 2023 here recently. americas (100,112); Oceania (21,798); hardcore poverty over the last six months.
approved under Standing Order 12 (1). 82,892 participants had registered for the Peo-
Speaking of the country’s tourism and Middle East (6,593). Hanifah Hajar said the country’s labour
Earlier Perikatan Nasional (PN) Chief ple’s income initiative (iPR), which focused on
attractions, Kangai-Kasirowori noted “The asian market is one of our main market has also improved since the country empowering the B40 group, and RM750 mil-
Whip Datuk Seri Takiyuddin Hassan (PN-
that visitors must see the Victoria Falls, targets and we also target young entered the transition to endemic phase, as the lion had been allocated for that purpose this
Kota Bharu) had opposed the motion
a stunning cascade that is 1.7 km wide tourists. There is a lot of interest to unemployment rate for March 2023 dropped year.
brought by Ugak and asked if the govern-
and a Unesco World Heritage Site, as travel to Zimbabwe, and we see Saba-
ment had any other bills to be brought up
well as its many national parks. hans have a lot of enthusiasm about our
“Victoria Falls is one of the Seven country,” she said. – Bernama
in this Dewan Rakyat session.
He said according to the Order Paper,
RM1.6b needed for Coss implementation
there were only two more bills left to be a TOTaL of RM1.6 billion is needed for the about the amount of funds and tonnes of
tabled and decided Thursday. implementation of the Cooking Oil Stabilisa- subsidised cooking oil approved in 2022 and
Energy Efficiency and Conservation Bill “We just entered our fourth day of
Dewan Rakyat sitting and we have another
tion Scheme (Coss ) this year, according to
Deputy Domestic Trade and Cost of Living
2023 as well as the names of the companies
given the approval, during the question-and-
THE Natural Resources, Environment and He said many countries including the seven more days to go. Does the govern- Ministry (KPDN) Minister Fuziah Salleh. answer session at the Dewan Rakyat here
Climate Change Ministry aims to table the United Kingdom had adopted such laws ment have any surprise bill to be presented She said the amount of the updated allo- Thursday.
Energy Efficiency and Conservation Bill in requiring electrical appliances to be cation is based on the policy to provide a total Fuziah said previously the amount of allo-
in the Dewan Rakyat? The debate sessions
the Dewan Rakyat this year, said Minister energy efficient, which led to a consistent of 60,000 tonnes or about 60 million packets cation or funds announced through the
seem to be too short as well,” he said.
Nik Nazmi Nik ahmad. drop in energy demand in the country for of one-kilogramme (kg) cooking oil. Budget for the implementation of Coss was as
Datuk Seri Dr Shahidan Kassim (PN- “in general, the amount of the allocation much as RM400 million for 2022 and RM500
The proposed act, among others, will 20 years. arau) then stood up and proposed that or funds for the subsidised cooking oil is million for 2023.
strengthen the legal framework related to in March this year, Nik Nazmi said the today’s sitting proceed with the debate on based on the movement of the crude palm oil Touching on the provision of subsidised
energy efficiency and conservation to bill was at the research stage and would be the private members bill if all government (CPO) price. Therefore, if there is an increase cooking oil, she said KPDN has appointed 366
ensure full involvement at various levels of finalised before being brought to the business had been completed. in CPO, the funds needed to implement the packaging companies nationwide to supply
institutions and organisations, he said. attorney-General’s Chambers and pre- Ramli then decided to adjourn the sit- programme will also increase. subsidised cooking oil to the market.
“The act will assist in not only regulat- sented to the Cabinet. ting for 10 minutes and the bell was rung “The allocation that has been updated to To a supplementary question from Datuk
ing energy efficiency and conservation but Stressing that much more needs to be to give MPs outside a chance to take part in implement Coss in 2022 is as much as RM2.42 Rosol Wahid (PN-Hulu Terengganu) regard-
also assist consumers to adopt more effi- done for energy efficiency and conserva- the block vote. billion in additional subsidies, while for 2023 ing the delay in payment of claims demanded
cient equipment and appliances and bet- tion, Nik Nazmi said Malaysia must con- The situation turned chaotic again after the amount (allocation) required is esti- by the packers which affected the supply of
ter manage their energy consumption to tinue to push the boundaries of the Opposition MPs claimed that several mated at RM1.6 billion and subject to the cooking oil in the market, Fuziah said KPDN
reduce wastage,” he said in his speech at innovation, collaboration and education government MPs had entered the House movement of the CPO price,” she said. had taken proactive steps by introducing the
the Sustainability Leadership Seminar to ensure a sustainable future for all. – even after the doors were ordered closed. – Fuziah said this in response to a question Ecoss system to overcome the issue. –
2023 Thursday. Bernama Bernama from Lim Lip Eng (PH-Kepong), who asked Bernama
FRIDAY, MAY 26, 2023 Local 5

No drugs, pesticides detected: Chemist

Jo Ann Mool detected, Helmi explained that acetamin- Meanwhile, during cross-examination Counsel: if you have no knowledge of
KOTa KiNaBaLU: No common drugs or ophen or another chemical name called by counsel Dominic Chew, the witness dis- how Shainal’s body was preserved before
pesticides were detected in the blood sam- paracetamol is a type of analgesic taken to agreed with his suggestion that it was not post mortem was conducted and no
ple and stomach contents of the inmate relieve pain such as fever or headache. an accurate toxicology content of Shainal’s knowledge of how the sample was kept by
who was allegedly murdered by the 10 On trial were Barry jipmon, 30, Mohd blood, urine, and stomach contents body at the time of death when his biolog- aSP Riduan before being sent to you,
prison personnel at the Central Prison Dzulfikri Mohd Safri, 28, Farizan Mokri, 40, belonging to Shainal. ical samples were only given to him (the therefore, agree with me, it is not an accu-
here four years ago, the High Court heard, Mohd Saiful Saidin, 34, amran Yasik, 25, ab Helmi said he carried out an analysis on witness) 13 days later after the death rate toxicology content in Shainal’s body
Thursday. Mutalib @ Talib abd Rasul, 40, Zerry Oct 19, 2019 of the alcohol content, com- occurred on Oct 4, 2019. at the time of death.
The prosecution’s 18th witness, a Maidin, 33, Tomy Momoh, 36, Shahryll mon drugs and common pests. However, during re-examination by the Witness: Correct.
chemist attached to the Chemistry Depart- Nazry Wan Sofian, 25, and Muhammad He testified that he prepared the report prosecution, the witness explained that he Counsel: any form of poisoning in
ment here Mohd Helmi B. Dullah @ Mohd Fazi Lakui, 32. on jan 16, 2020. disagreed based on the results of the Shainal’s body would have diminished or
Rashid, who testified before judge Datuk They were all jointly accused of mur- When asked why he prepared a rather analysis he conducted and stated the accu- dissolved by the time you conducted the
Christopher Chin Soo Yin, said that during dering Shainal, 36, in cell number 11, Gemi- long report on jan 16, 2020 while he con- racy of the results of the analysis con- analysis after 13 days, am i correct?
examination-in-chief by the prosecution lang Block, at the Kota Kinabalu Central ducted the analysis on Oct 18, 2019, Helmi ducted was almost 95 per cent. Witness: Yes.
when asked to briefly explain the results of Prison, jalan Kepayan near here at 4.20pm, explained that on Oct 18, 2019, only the “This is because the analysis i con- Director of Prosecution Sabah Muham-
the toxicology analysis of Shainal Muhk- between Oct 2 and Oct 4, 2019. description process was carried out and ducted involves qualitative and quantita- mad ilmami ahmad together with Deputy
tar’s (the alleged victim) blood, urine and The 10 accused had on aug 24, 2020 thereafter, each analysis was carried out in tive analysis, but the accuracy is also Public Prosecutors Rustam Sanip,
stomach content specimens which he con- claimed trial to the charge under Section stages and for each specimen carried out, affected by the length of time the sample Nur Faezah jafry and Mas izzaty Lokman
ducted. 302 of the Penal Code carries a death the analysis had to follow the sequence was taken and the time the analysis was appeared for the prosecution.
Helmi also testified that there was no penalty, on conviction. with other cases which he received at the carried out,” said the witness. Counsel Pj Perira, Dominic Chew and
presence of ethyl alcohol in the blood and Earlier, Helmi testified that on Oct 17, Toxicology Section. To another suggestion by Chew during ariel Dasan representing Dzulfikri,
urine specimens. He added that he 2019, he received a toxicology analysis The witness said after completing the cross-examination, Helmi agreed with the Farizan, Saiful, Mutalib and Zerry while
detected the presence of acetaminophen application from aSP Riduan in which he report he submitted the report to aSP Rid- counsel that he has no knowledge of how counsel Hairul Vaiyron Othman defending
in the urine sample. When asked to received an envelope containing four uan on Feb 10, 2020 at 2.30pm along with the samples were kept before they were Barry, amran, Tommy, Shahryll and Fazi.
explain what the acetaminophen that was plastic packets each with specimen such as the exhibits. handed to him. Trial adjourned to june 20-22.

Sex offences: Teen Ordered Suit by 12

to perform community service S’wakians declare
PUTRajaYa: a teenager who pleaded less time on his mobile phone and also MA63 null and
guilty to four charges of sex-related watches animated shows to avoid the urge
offences was ordered by the Court of
appeal Thursday to perform 100 hours of
to surf pornography websites.
Meanwhile, justice Hadhariah advised
void dismissed
community service. the teenager to take the court’s decision as KUCHiNG: The High Court here has struck
This was after the three-member panel a lesson and warning for him not to repeat out a civil suit brought by 12 Sarawakians
comprising justice Datuk Hadhariah Syed the offence or else he would not have a sec- which sought to declare the Malaysia
ismail, Datuk M. Gunalan and Datuk Lim ond chance. agreement 1963 as null and void.
Chong Fong allowed the teenager’s appeal “if you commit the offence again, the Delivering his judgment thursday, jus-
to set aside the lower court’s order that he law will take its course. if the sexual tice alexander Siew How Wai said the suit
be sent to Henry Gurney School for three offence is under the Penal Code, then the filed by the plaintiffs, who were repre-
years. sentence under that provision will apply,” sented by lead counsel Voon Lee Shan, was
Lim, who delivered the court’s decision, she said. unsustainable.
said the appropriate order to be given to justice Hadhariah also said it was the “The plaintiffs have no locus standi in
the male teenager, who is now 18 years old, responsibility of the welfare officers to respect of the issues raised in the Malaysia
is for him to perform community service decide what type of community service to agreement 1963. in so far that these issues Datuk Roy arriving in court yesterday. (inset) Mohd Rasyidi
for a total of 100 hours under the supervi- give to the teenager. concerned Sarawak, the Government of
sion of the social welfare department, She also directed the prosecution to
adding that it also includes counselling,
and religious and moral education.
serve the court’s order to the welfare offi-
cers for it to be enforced on the teenager
Sarawak has requisite locus standi,” he
according to him, the Federal Constitu-
MACC officer, Datuk deny
“We acknowledge the order now meted and asked the prosecution to report back tion being the supreme law of this nation
out against the appellant may not be
palatable and ideal to everyone. We prefer
to the court to ensure that the order is car-
ried out by the officers.
had stipulated Sabah and Sarawak as part
of Malaysia, and the two regions could not
receiving RM640,000 bribe
to place our trust on the appellant that he The boy was 15 years old at the time he be ceased from being part of the federa- KUaLa LUMPUR: a Malaysian anti-Corrup- less than five times the amount of the bribe
has learnt from his hideous episode and committed the offences on his friends and tion without the necessary amendments to tion Commission (MaCC) officer and a or RM10,000, whichever is higher, upon
will not repeat it,” he said. his younger sister. the constitution, which require two-thirds businessman known as ‘Datuk Roy’ were conviction.
Lim said the order of the Magistrate’s He was charged at the Sepang Magis- majority support in Parliament. charged in the Sessions Court here thurs- Meanwhile, before judge Suzana
Court sitting as a Court for Children to trate’s Court, sitting as a Court for Chil- “This court cannot disregard or rewrite daywith two counts of soliciting and Hussin, Mohd Hussien pleaded not guilty
send the teenager to Henry Gurney School, dren, on two counts of physical sexual the Federal Constitution, which the court receiving bribes totalling RM640,000 as an to another charge of soliciting a RM2 mil-
which is under the purview of the director- assault and another charge of carnal will be guilty of doing if the court was to inducement to ensure former Prime Minis- lion bribe from Siti Dalena and Syed Farid.
general of Prisons, based on the probation intercourse against the order of nature. grant the declaration that is being sought ter Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin’s son was not The bribe allegedly sought was an
report was illegal as there was an absence He was also charged at the Petaling jaya in this suit,” he said. remanded by the graft-busting body. inducement to change the corruption
of the welfare officer’s explanation in the Magistrate’s Court, sitting as a Court of The court also ordered the plaintiffs to Mohd Rasyidi Mohd Said, 43, and Datuk charges faced by adam Radlan adam
report to show that the teenager is not Children, on one count of physical sexual pay RM10,000 in costs to the federal and Roy, or real name Mohd Hussein Mohd Muhammad to a lighter one, change his
suitable to be rehabilitated in an approved assault. Sarawak governments, which they had Nasir, 54, pleaded not guilty to the charges statement to one given as a witness and
school. On Sept 23, 2020, the Sepang Magis- named as defendants in the suit. before judge azura alwi. lower his bail amount.
He said in meting out the sentence on a trate’s Court ordered the teenager to be Senior federal counsel Shamsul Bolhas- They were jointly charged with cor- The offence was allegedly committed at
person, the court must strike a balance placed in Henry Gurney School for three san appeared as the lead counsel for the ruptly asking bribes amounting to a premises in Kampung Melayu Kepong,
that serves public interest and deters the years while the Petaling jaya Magistrate’s federal government while Sarawak State RM400,000 from Siti Dalena Berhan, 47, as here in February, according to Section 16
re-commissioning of the crime as well as Court made the same order on Feb 4, 2021 Legal Counsel Datuk Seri j C Fong led the an inducement not to remand Datuk (a) (a) of the MaCC act 2009.
rehabilitating the person. after he pleaded guilty to all the charges. state government team. Fakhri Yassin Mahiaddin during MaCC’s Bail for Mohd Hussein was set at
Lim said the court is convinced that the His appeal against the order was dis- Dorus Katan juman @ Theodorus investigation. RM15,000 with one surety for all three
teenager fell astray but he is now filled missed by the High Court on Nov 5, 2021, Katan, Hugh Lawrence Zehnder, Xavier The offence was allegedly committed at charges and Mohd Rasyidi at RM10,000
with remorse and shame of what he did, prompting him to appeal to the Court of Ginafah Sidop, jemain Uji, Belayong Nyan- a restaurant in Bangsar, here, between 9 with one surety with the additional condi-
adding that the teenager’s father had appeal. dang, Kalai Sibok, Yu Chin Liik, Chieng pm and 11 pm on March 5. tion that their passports be impounded.
admitted that his son showed a change of Lawyer Mohd Khairul azam abdul aziz Kung Chiew, Changieng Mapang, ahmad The two accused are also accused of They are to also report to the MaCC
attitude for the better. appeared for the teenager while deputy awang ali, alim @ Giovanni adlim Mideh accepting bribes amounting to RM240,000 office pending the disposal of the case.
He said the teenager now spends more public prosecutor Ng Siew Wee appeared and Nor Nyawai filed the suit in November from Syed Farid Syed al attas, 41, as an The court fixed july 7 for mention.
time at home focusing on his studies and for the prosecution.— Bernama 2011. — Bernama inducement not to remand the same indi- Earlier, the court allowed an application
vidual during the MaCC investigation. by MaCC prosecuting officer T armugom
That offence was allegedly committed for Mohd Hussein’s case to be tried jointly
Sept 25 for at a fast food outlet in Desa Sri Hartamas
here between 2 pm and 4 pm on March 6.
with the other bribery charges he was fac-
They were charged under Section 16 (a) Deputy public prosecutors Datuk Wan
verdict in (a) of the MaCC act 2009, punishable
under Section 24 of the same act, which
Shaharuddin Wan Ladin dan Nor Diana
Nor azwa were also part of the prosecution
carries up to 20 years’ jail and a fine of not team. — Bernama
govt’s appeal
to reinstate Labourer denies causing accidental
ban on book death, having shotgun, bullets
PUTRajaYa: The Court of appeal has fixed KOTa BHaRU: a labourer was charged in years jail or fine or both, upon conviction.
Sept 25, to give its verdict in the appeal by the Sessions Court here Thursady on two On the second count, he was charged
the Home Minister and the Malaysian gov- counts of causing accidental death and with possessing a shotgun and four live
ernment to reinstate its order to ban the possessing a shotgun with live bullets on bullets at the foot of the hill behind the
book “Gay is Okay” a Christian Perspec- May 12. Forestry Department nursery office in
tive”. Nik Nazil Nik Mohd Mustapha, 39, how- Bukit Batu Tapong, Machang at about 1 pm
Muhamad Ifamri (centre) taken to court yesterday. ever, pleaded not guilty after the charges on the same date.
Lawyer Michael Cheah Ern Tien repre-
senting publisher Chong Ton Sin and were read before judge Mohd Zul Zak- The charge was framed under Section 8
author Ngeo Boon Lin TOLD Bernama that Ex-judge, cop charged with iqudin Zulkifli.
according to the first charge, Nik Nazll
of the Firearms (increased Penalties) act
1971), which carries a jail term of up to 14
the court’s decision would be delivered on
that day in open court.
a case management of the appeal was
accepting RM4,000 bribe was charged with negligence which
caused the death of his cousin, Mohamad
years or whipping not less than six times,
upon conviction.
conducted Thursday before Court of iPOH: — a former judge and a policeman together with Section 16(a)(B) and pun- Hasmizi Zudin Che Hasmi, 26, at Kompart- Deputy Public Prosecutor Wan Nurul
appeal deputy registrar Mariam Hasanah were charged at the Sessions Court here ishable under Section 24(1) of the same ment 42, Ulu Sat Permanent Forest Hanini Wan ahmad Shukry prosecuted
Othman who later fixed the decision date. Thursday with soliciting and accepting law, which carries an imprisonment of not Reserve, Machang between 2 am and 3 am while the accused was unrepresented.
On May 18, the Court of appeal’s three- bribes of RM4,000 to release a man from a exceeding 20 years and a fine of not less on May 12. Wan Nurul Hanini did not offer any
member bench comprising justices Datuk khalwat case in 2019. than five times the gratification amount or The offence was framed under Section bail and fixed june 25, for mention. —
azizah Nawawi, Datuk M.Gunalan and Former Syariah Court judge Burhanud- RM10,000, whichever is higher. 304a of the Penal Code, which carries two Bernama
Datuk Wong Kian Kheong deferred their din ismi adam, 43, and Lance Corporal Meanwhile, Burhanuddin ismi was
decision in the appeal after hearing sub-
missions from parties in the appeal.
Muhamad Hamri ayob, 34, however,
pleaded not guilty after the charges were
charged with accepting RM4,000 in bribes
from Muhammad afiq as an inducement
Couple charged with causing injuries to kids
The Home Minister and the govern- read out separately before judge ahmad to drop the latter’s khalwat case. KUaNTaN: a married couple pleaded not 31(1)(a) of the Child act 2001, read
ment filed the appeal to the Court of Kamar jamaludin. The offence was allegedly committed at guilty at the Sessions Court here Thursday together with Section 34 of the Penal Code,
appeal seeking to reinstate the ban which Muhamad Hamri was charged with Restoran Tomyam ayam Bakar Ummi, No. to two counts of causing injuries to their which carries a fine of up to RM20,000 or
was lifted by the High Court on Feb 22, soliciting on behalf of Burhanuddin ismi 52, jalan Chemor Saujana 1, Desa Chemor two children early this year. up to 10 years in prison, or both, if con-
2022. a RM4,000 bribe from Muhammad afiq Saujana here at about 11.30 pm on the The 29-year-old stepfather to the chil- victed.
High Court judge Datuk Noorin abd Majid, 39, as an inducement for the same day. dren and their biological mother, 28, The offenders can also be placed on a
Badaruddin had allowed Chong and former judge to drop the khalwat case The charge, framed under Section claimed trial when the charges against good behaviour bond and ordered to per-
Ngeo’s judicial review to quash the prohi- against the man. 16(a)(B) of the MaCC act 2009, is punish- them were read before judge Mohammed form community service of not more than
bition order issued by the Home Minister. The offence was allegedly committed at able under Section 24(1) of the same act. Mokhzani Mokhtar. 240 hours.
On Feb 17, 2021, the duo filed the judi- a KFC restaurant, Lot PT217643, jalan Kuala Deputy public prosecutor Maziyah The duo were charged with ill-treating Mohammed Mokhzani fixed bail at
cial review claiming that the ban on the Kangsar, Taman Tasek Mutiara, here at Mansor prosecuted while both the accused a six-year-old boy and his five-year-old sis- RM12,000 with one surety each and
book was irrational and disproportionate about 5.30 pm on Sept 10, 2019. were unrepresented. ter under their care, which caused them to allowed the additional conditions applied
as no untoward incidents were triggered The charge was framed under Section The court fixed bail at RM10,000 with suffer physical injuries at a house in Pan- by the prosecution.
by the book since its publication over 28(1)(c) of the Malaysian anti-Corruption one surety each and set june 19 for men- dan Damai Bukit Rangin here last january. The court set july 4 for mention. —
seven years ago.— Bernama Commission (MaCC) act 2009, read tion. — Bernama The charges were framed under Section Bernama
6 Local FRIDAY, MAY 26, 2023

Building a power plant must: Exec

Nikko Fabian development projects statewide for obvi- On updates on the Sabah Oil and Gas investment attraction and job creation.
KOTa KiNaBaLU: Sabah Oil & Gas Develop- ous reason. industrial Park (SOGiP), Harun said SOGiP Meanwhile, SOGCE Organising Chair-
ment Corporation Sdn Bhd (SOGDC) Chief “Our present reserve margin in terms of had attracted few domestic and foreign man Dolly jimayol said this year’s event
Executive Officer Datuk Harun bin ismail power is now below 15 per cent …it’s not investors. theme is “Energy security and sustainability
said action is needed to address the current healthy,” the CEO told reporters. according to him, the most prominent in oil, gas and energy industry in Sabah”.
power and water shortage predicaments of He insisted that Sabah does not have is Esteel, a green steel project estimated at “This is a 2-day event featuring confer-
Sabah. much option but to push with the construc- RM19.65 billion and will create more than ence and Exhibition. The conference pres-
“What the government and Sabah Elec- tion of a power plant to boost and secure 10,000 job opportunities during the con- ents high impactful papers and plenary
tricity Sdn Bhd (SESB) should do is focus on the increasing power demands. Harun (left) and Dolly at the press confer- struction phase and more than 3,000 sessions by experts in the industry…We
implementation of projects and not further Other sources of electricity are not ence. employments once operational. have a total of 35 speakers including mod-
studies to address the impending problems workable and viable for Sabah in many “an integrated Schedule Waste Manage- erators,” she said.
which is affecting the local economy and aspects especially in terms of funding, he industry platform for oil, gas and energy ment is another new investment in SOGiP Dolly added the much awaited event
consumers,” Harun said. added. companies to meet and discuss pivotal estimated at RM1.1 billion and dubbed as would be graced by Chief Minister Datuk
The managing director reiterated that He also believed that adopting a pro- industry issues to help grow and explore the first of its kind in Sabah…There will also Seri Hajiji Noor and entrance is free.
the time has come for all parties concerned investment attitude would eventually bring opportunities in the Sabah oil, gas and be a Liquified Natiral Gas Nearshore plant She said supporting organisations
to come out with a firm decision and imple- more advantages and benefits to Sabah in energy industry. located in SOGiP to be developed by include Malaysia Oil, Gas & Energy Service
ment it with no further delays. the long run. “SOGCE provides a one-stop centre for Petronas,” he stressed. Council, Energy industries Council,
Harun stressed political will is also vital Touching on the upcoming 10th Sabah supplier of technologies, especially in the “i foresee SOGiP will play a prominent Malaysia OSV Owner’s association, Sabah
to once and for all to overcome the so call Oil,Gas & Energy Conference & Exhibition oil, gas and energy industry together with role on the marina business in Sabah and Tourism Board, institute of Materials
crisis from the parties concerned. (10th SOGCE’23), Harun said the event policy makers to discuss the challenges and looking to develop a township on Sipitang Malaysia, Labuan Chamber of Commerce,
at the same time, he advised consumers would be held from june 8-9 at the Sabah solutions, charging the way forward in the to support these developments,” Harun Talent Corp Group of Companies, Malaysia
to put pressure to the relevant authorities international Convention Centre (SiCC). promotion of the oil, gas and energy indus- concluded, adding SOGiP had the potential investment Development authority, and
to speed up implementation of power He said SOGCE is aimed at providing an try in Sabah,” he added. to spruce the economy of Sabah both by Sabah Oil and Gas Services Council.

Reviving and protecting

indigenous species: Jeffrey
KOTa KiNaBaLU: The Seed’s Spiritual concern,” he said.
Revival (SSR) programme demonstrates To address this issue, jeffrey said the SSR
Sabah’s dedication to maintaining its programme is focused on reviving indige-
diverse biodiversity. nous species by resurrecting them.
Deputy Chief Minister 1 Datuk Seri Dr “Our community’s commitment to this
jeffrey Kitingan said the programme rep- cause is embodied in our selection of
resents a new beginning in Sabah’s conser- seven tree types from each district, sym-
vation efforts, recognising and protecting bolising the unity of seven souls, a central
its status as a worldwide biodiversity theme of the Kaamatan Festival,” he said
hotspot. adding that the Department of agricul-
“The programme was launched in 2021 ture, which is under his Ministry of agri-
and despite MCO due to the Covid-19 pan- culture, Fisheries and Food industry,
demic at the time, we were able to gather would be the programme’s next custo- The finalists: (From left) Ryenald, Mohd Sabran, Chrispine, Presly, Rick Wen, Donovond, Michelle, Monicca, Eleliah and Terence.
indigenous seeds,” he said at the launch- dian.
ing of the programme in conjunction with
the State Level Kaamatan Festival and
international Biodiversity Day 2023 on
jeffrey said the programme has
amassed a collection of 106 indigenous
plant seeds since its inception, including
10 finalists vying for State Sugandoi title
Monday. 45 types of fruit, 42 herbs, and 19 local rice Ricardo Unto Chrispine joseph (Luyang), Terence Both winners of the Songkotoun and
He thanked the support of local com- variants. PENaMPaNG: The stage is set for the final asangki (KDCa Putrajaya), Donovond Dazanak categories will win RM1,500 each,
munities and virtual representatives from He stressed the importance of addi- round of the State Sugandoi Kaamatan andreey Damainus (Kuala Penyu), and and the first runner-up will receive
the Food and agriculture Organisation tional research and documenting of 2023 competition. Mohd Sabran andrew (Ranau). RM1,000, and the third-place winner will
(FaO), the programme has received inter- indigenous plants and seeds and encour- after an intense two-day elimination at the finals, they are required to sing bring home RM800.
national recognition from the United aged the creation of a comprehensive phase, 10 contestants made it to the two songs of different genres, and they Sugandoi Kaamatan is one of the high-
Nations for its efforts to collect and prop- database for future reference. final stage, outdoing 40 other contest- have to wear traditional ethnic costumes lights of the State Kaamatan Festival cele-
agate indigenous seeds. “all seeds collected in their natural ants from all over Sabah and KDCa of the district that they represent. bration, aside from the Unduk Ngadau
jeffrey said, while Sabah is home to habitats must be reported to the Sabah branches. among the vital judging criteria are Kaamatan pageant.
approximately 15,000 plant species, Biodiversity Centre. Traditional uses of The finals will be held at the Hongkod vocals (50 per cent), tempo (20 per cent) The anticipated annual singing compe-
decades of overreliance on forest resources plants, such medicinal herbs, must also be Koisaan KDCa Hall, here, from 7pm and performance (30 per cent). tition has produced a big pool of talents
for socio-economic development have documented in order to preserve the onwards, tomorrow (Saturday). The winner will bring home RM6,000 from the Kadazan Dusun Murut commu-
resulted in significant ecosystem changes, knowledge for future generations. The finalists are Presly Petrus, who rep- and a trophy, while the second and third- nities in the State since its inception in
resulting in the loss of valuable biological “all intellectual property rights, includ- resents KDCa Sarawak, Ryenald Cornellius place winners will receive RM4,000 and 1987.
assets, including endangered indigenous ing those relating to seeds and plants, are Guntabid (api-api), Michelle jill Richard RM3,000, respectively. For the record, Tambunan recorded the
plants. protected under the international Treaty (Likas), Rick Wen Majanggong @ Rick Finals for two other categories – most number of winners for the State-level
“We are also witnessing the emergence on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Charles (Kudat), Monicca Majilis Songkotoun (veteran) and Dazanak (chil- competition, with 12 – the latest being last
of genetically modified organisms agriculture so as to ensure that any (Nabawan), Eleliah Bianus (Tambunan), dren), will also be held tomorrow. year’s winner, Lyron Felix.
(GMOs), which are increasingly replacing exploitation of genetic resources is consis-
native plants. These indigenous plants tent with the international Convention on
have been crucial to human survival for
generations, and their decline is cause for
Biodiversity under the United Nations,” he
Boy dies in S’kan croc attack
Winnie Kasmir
Bernama, Qatar News Agency SaNDaKaN: a 12-year-old boy who died
after a crocodile attack was found at Pulau
to continue strengthening ties Sumangat Payau on Tuesday.
according to Sandakan Fire and Rescue
KUaLa LUMPUR: The Director General of Station Head, PKPgB Severinus Sainkui, his
the Qatar News agency (QNa) HE ahmad team rushed to the scene of the incident
Saeed j al-Romaihi held talks with after receiving an emergency call at
Bernama on Thursday to strengthen the 8.25am on May 23.
ongoing relationship between the two Police and the Malaysian Maritime
agencies. Enforcement agency (MMEa) were also
He met with Bernama’s CEO Encik involved in the search and rescue operation.
SAR team members examining the boy.
Roslan ariffin and other senior officials on The victim, who has not yet been iden-
ways to strengthen the ongoing coopera- tified, was found by the MMEa at 10.38 am The remains of victim was handed to
tion between the two agencies.
The car in the monsoon drain. about one mile from where he was the police for further action. The operation
ahmad alromahi was accompanied by attacked. ended at 12:40pm.
jassim alhamadi, advisor to the DG and
Khalid almotawaa, director of information
Woman hurt Consider effects of withdrawing
Roslan said the visit from QNa signified
the friendship that had been established, Roslan (left) posing with Ahmad Saeed.
in KK crash ‘Allah’ appeal, says Johor Sultan
as well as to strengthen the ongoing coop- Jimmy Goh
tering better ties between the two countries KUaLa LUMPUR: The federal government ited the use of the words that are exclusive
eration between the two agencies. KOTa KiNaBaLU: a woman in her 20s sus-
by exchanging news and photos, he added. needs to carefully consider the effects of for Muslims and are not allowed to be
He said the media played an important tained slight injuries after crashing her
Through Uxera, a wholly-owned sub- its decision to withdraw its appeal against used by non Muslims except in the situa-
role in establishing and maintaining diplo- Perodua Bezza into a drain along the Old
sidiary of Bernama, it has supplied a news a High Court ruling which allows non- tions and practices that are allowed under
matic relations between the two countries, Papar Highway towards Donggongon,
production system that uses the latest tech- Muslims to use the word allah. the law, such as in the lyrics of ‘Lagu
in addition to promoting business rela- here, Thursday.
nologies to QNa in 2019. With the support Sultan of johor Sultan ibrahim Sultan Bangsa johor’.
tions and economic cooperation between The woman was believed to have lost
of the sophisticated system, both agencies iskandar said this is because it was an issue “i would like to reiterate my stand that
the two countries. control of her car in the 11pm accident.
are able to exchange news and information that was sensitive to Muslims in the coun- the publication, printing, broadcast and
Bernama and QNa can play a role in fur- She was taken to hospital by civilians.
in various formats in real-time. – Bernama try. distribution of any materials that confuses
ther strengthening community-related Penampang police were also at the
“The rules, control, enforcement and the people, especially Muslims, will not be
activities, knowledge development and fos- scene to investigate.
coordination on the word ‘allah’ must be allowed in johor, in line with the position
detailed without affecting the states’ fatwa of islam in the johor Constitution 1895,”
RM11.2b unclaimed JAINJ to probe sex party set for June 20 and enactments so that the unity and har-
mony of the community will continue to
said Sultan ibrahim.
On March 21, 2021, Court of appeal
be preserved,” said Sultan ibrahim in a judge Datuk Nor Bee ariffin, sitting as a
money as of April 30 jOHOR BaRU: The johor State islamic
Religious Department (jaiNj) has been
orgy party following the distribution of
invitation cards for the event called, Gang statement. High Court judge, made the ruling,
instructed to take immediate action on Bang jB Party, which is scheduled to take He said in johor, the fatwa gazetted on which allows non-Muslims to use the
KUaLa LUMPUR: a total of RM11.2 billion june 4, 2009 clearly states that the use of word allah and three other words,
the organisation of a sex orgy party, place between 4pm and 9pm on june 20.
of unclaimed money is under the manage- the word ‘allah’ by non Muslims was not namely kaabah, solat and baitullah, for
called Gang Bang jB Party, which has been Checks showed that exclusive event
ment of the accountant-General’s Depart- allowed. teaching purposes after a 13-year legal
ment (jaNM) as of april 30, the Dewan making its rounds online and is sched- was said to be open to all races and par-
“johor also has the ‘Enakmen Kawalan battle between the government and jill
Rakyat was told. uled to take place next month. ticipants are required to be free from dis-
dan Sekatan Pengembangan agama- ireland, a Christian woman from
Deputy Finance Minister Datuk Seri johor islamic Religious affairs Com- ease and drugs. The organisers also listed
agama Bukan islam 1991’ which prohib- Sarawak. - NST
ahmad Maslan said over 70 per cent of the mittee Chairman Mohd Fared Mohd that pictures or video recordings were
Khalid said the state government con- prohibited.
unclaimed money was from bank
demns the organsation of the event that Commenting further, Mohd Fared also
Allegedly killing pregnant girlfriend: Man held
accounts which had been inactive for
seven years or more. openly invites people to commit immoral requested the public’s cooperation to PETaLiNG jaYa: a 20-year-old man has tion in a car around 10pm on Monday.
“as of yesterday, we have refunded acts. prevent such immoral activities. been arrested for allegedly killing his He added the suspect was believed to
RM3.3 billion to the people who made He warned individuals and groups to He called on the public to assist in pre- pregnant girlfriend and burning her have lost his temper after she refused to
claims,” he said. He was responding to a refrain from using the state for such car- venting and stopping the immoral pro- corpse twice at an oil palm plantation in keep her pregnancy a secret. agus said a
question from Fong Kui Lun (PH-Bukit nal activities. gramme. Sungai Besar, Selangor. member of the public had discovered the
Bintang), who wanted to know the “inviting people to commit such in December last year, jaiNj managed Sabak Bernam police chief agus Salim burnt corpse and contacted the police.
amount of accumulated unclaimed obscene acts is immoral. i have instructed to stop the organisation of a “by invita- alias said the suspect allegedly stabbed The suspect was then arrested at his family
money as of March 31 and the plans to jaiNj to investigate and take immediate tion only” foam party that featured semi- the victim before he disembowelled her home in Sungai Besar at 1.45pm.
utilise the funds for national develop- action. nude participants. and burned the corpse during the incident “The suspect does not have a criminal
ment. Elaborating, ahmad said some “i am giving a warning! For God’s sake, The event, disseminated via social on Monday, according to Sinar Harian. record and has been remanded for six
RM10 billion of the unclaimed money had i will not allow it to happen in johor,” said media, was to be held at the swimming a day later, the suspect returned to the days to assist in the investigation,” he said.
been kept in fixed deposits and generated Mohd Fared in a posting on his official pool of a hotel here, but was later called crime scene at 7am to set the corpse on fire The victim’s body, which was 60 per
a return of RM250 million a year for the Facebook page. off after complaints and a police probe. - again. agus said the suspect was believed cent burnt, has been sent to the Sungai
past 10 years. Bernama His warning came in response to a sex MM to have brought the victim to the planta- Buloh Hospital for an autopsy. - FMT
FRIDAY, MAY 26, 2023 Local 7

Jeffrey and the committee members in a group photo with the winners and participants of the competition.

‘Protect mother tongue The company’s worker got into this drain in Taman Setia to clean it properly.

via story-telling’ call City Hall clears

Johan Aziz know, the more knowledge they gain. activities during the Kaamatan Festival.
KOTa KiNaBaLU: Deputy Chief Minister,
Datuk Seri Dr jeffrey Kitingan, called the
people of Sabah, especially the Kadazan-
Dusun, Murut and Rungus (KDMR) com-
jeffrey said Sanah’s uniqueness is not
only in its cultural diversity but also its
language that attracts tourists.
On the competition, he said the
anora Soletin emerged champion in
the Level 1 category and brought home
RM1,000 cash prize, trophy, certificate
and a bouquet of flowers while second
drains around
munity, to maintain and preserve their involvement of school students enabled and third placings were won by Noel
mother tongue through storytelling.
“We have heard of meaningful stories
from our ancestors … now that our elders
are gone, we need to continue this
them to learn “manangon” or story-
telling and the meaning of “tangon-tan-
jeffrey said “melentur buluh biarlah
Nathan Marcelius and Videlvie Handry,
who brought home the RM800 and
RM500 cash prizes, trophy, certificates
and bouquet of flowers
Likas homes
dari rebungnya”, which means it is better Meanwhile, audreyclaire Whtiney % CiTY Hall has cleared the
legacy,” he said.
to teach the ethnic language from young Handro emerged champion in the Level drain behind some homes in
The State government’s support is not
so the mother tongue can continue to 2 category and received RM1,000 cash Taman Likas jaya in a bid to
only towards the KDMR community but
flourish. prizes, trophy, certificates and a bouquet mitigate the nuisance cre-
also all ethnic groups in Sabah who have
jeffrey, who is also Chairman of the of flowers. ated by water stagnating
similar rights to maintain, teach and pre-
State-level Kaamatan Celebration Main Second and third placings went to inside this structure.
serve their languages.
Committee, said it was imperative to pass juleegna Daved and Edward Kubot, who a spokesman for the
Speaking at the closing ceremony of
on the language and knowledge to received RM800 and RM500 cash prizes, agency’s Landscaping
the State-level Kaamatan Festival final
today's and future generations. trophy, certificates and bouquet of flow- Department said the back-
Manangon and Monusuyan competition
He also encouraged the participation ers, respectively. yard drains at residential
held at Hongkod Koisaan Penampang,
of all walks of life in the State events and The prizes were presented by jeffrey. properties within its rating
here, he said the more languages people
area – including the one located off
Lorong Burung Kenari 2 – were cleared
Kaamatan biannually.
He said the grass on the reserves, on
the other hand, was cut on a monthly
held at basis.
“Nevertheless, in light of the home-
owner’s complaint, our Landscaping
Taginambur staff went to Taman Likas jaya even
before they were due to do so,” he said.
He said a check of its records revealed
Hall in that the backyard drain in this part of
the neighbourhood had been dealt with
three times already this year on February
Kota Belud 14, May 2 and May 12.
The most recent maintenance effort
KOTa BELUD: Entrepreneur Develop- was carried out in stages over a three-day
ment and Cooperative Minister, Datuk period by 12 personnel from City Hall’s
Ewon Benedick, said development in Drain Unit, according to the spokesman.
Kadamaian will continue to be given “Our workers used ‘cangkuls (hoes)’
Landscaping workers put their back
attention. to dredge up the layers of sediment
into cleaning the drain behind
Ewon said the 2020-2035 Kadamaian which had settled at the base of the
Lorong Burung Kenari 2.
Development Master Plan which has drain.
already become a government document “The weeds which had formed inside at night, which made it difficult for her
will be a guide to all ministries, agencies and unkempt greenery on the shoulders to get a restful sleep.
and government departments to bring of the structure were cut with the “Even the scent from the joss sticks
about faster development in the area. ‘parangs (machetes)’ they had on hand.” which i burn doesn’t help in easing this
The plan includes his vision to The festival in Kota Belud was held for the first time The spokesman said the agency’s staff nuisance.
develop Kadamaian based on two main at the Kadamaian Square Taginambur Hall. had been asked to check on the condi- “Me and my neighbours fear the neg-
economic sectors namely agriculture and district-level Kaamatan celebration at tion is not only attended by the Kadazan- tion of the drain, from time to time, to ative impact on our health from con-
tourism – the provision or upgrading of Dewan Kadamaian Square, recently. dusun Murut community, but also other ensure that the nuisance did not recur. stantly inhaling the unsettling fumes
basic infrastructure facilities and the The construction of Dewan Kadamaian ethnic communities. This action was prompted by feed- given off by the water inside the drains.”
field of entrepreneurship. Square was part of Ewon's efforts since “in addition, Pesta Kamaatan also back from a Taman Likas jaya rate-payer This homeowner was not the only
“The Kaamatan Festival in Kota Belud, becoming Kadamaian assemblyman in gives space to small traders to sell and about the stink coming from the direc- rate-payer who was unhappy about the
was held for the first time at the Kadama- 2018. promote their products,” Ewon said. tion of the drains at the back and in front poor condition of the road-side drains in
ian Square Taginambur Hall since it was Ewon, who is also a Penampang Mem- also present were Kota Belud Member of her house. Likas.
completed a few years ago. ber of Parliament, said Kaamatan is one of Parliament isnaraissah Munirah She suspected that the sludge at the COLLEEN, who lives in Taman Setia,
“We will continue our efforts to of the best platforms to strengthen the Majilis, Kota Belud District Officer and bottom of these structures could have said the drain outside her front gate was
upgrade the existing facilities in Kadama- unity of the people of various races, Chairman of the Kaamatan Festival Main given rise to the stench. clogged with water vegetation and mud.
ian and Kota Belud for the comfort of the nations and religions in the State. Committee, Haji Bakri Haji Nanun and The homeowner hoped the local “The water inside has turned black
people,” he said, when officiating at the “This is because the Kaamatan celebra- community leaders. authorities would consider having the and has a dense quality about it,” she
drains flushed with water jets to diffuse said.
the bad smell. “i have noticed an increase in the
Rainbow watches: Swatch to take legal action The spokesman thanked the home-
owner for her suggestion, saying that the
agency’s administration would have to
number of mosquitoes coming indoors
at night and suspect that these insects
might have made a habitat inside the
PETaLiNG jaYa: Swatch Group will take determine the feasibility of doing this. drain.”
legal action to recover the confiscated rain- “We were made to understand that The spokesman said an inspection
bow-themed watches that were seized by
the government concessionaire, which was made of Lorong Burung Puju shortly
the Home Ministry during a series of raids
looks after her front yard drain, had also after City Hall learned about these irreg-
on May 13 and 14.
learned of her request to implement the ularities.
its chief executive Nick Hayek told Swiss
newspaper Tages-anzeiger of the com- flushing,” he said. “Landscaping staff confirmed the
pany’s intention for legal action stating his He said the company’s workers had drain along the housing road was full of
Home Ministry
disappointment over the confiscation of the cleaned this structure on Wednesday. water and clogged with weeds,” he said.
officers are
watches designed to celebrate the Lesbian, RaNjEET of Likas said a foul odour He said the concessionaire was
pictured with
Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) had been wafting into her house from apprised of these findings and advised to
seized Swatch
rights. the drains on the periphery of her com- take the necessary action.
watches at
“We strongly contest that our collection pound for some time. “When our personnel returned a few
Southkey mall
of watches using rainbow colours and hav- “i have to keep most of my doors and days later, they found that the drain had
in Johor. (Pic:
ing a message of peace and love could be windows closed to minimise the possi- been maintained.
Swatch via
harmful for whomever,” he said. bility of the unpleasant smell getting in,” “We have called on the company to
Malay Mail)
Meanwhile, the Home Ministry has yet to she said. step up their efforts when it comes to
comment on the matter. The watches, Despite these efforts, Ranjeet said the tending to this structure and others
themed the “Pride Collection”, were created enforcement officers. Shouldn’t they be or seize materials.” stench could still be detected, especially around the neighbourhood.” (SS)
to honour the pride movement and its mes- taught to think first before acting? She added that it is important to con-
sage of equality and diversity. “also, Swatch is an international brand. sider the broader context and societal atti-
Meanwhile, several Malaysians have What kind of impression is the country giv- tudes towards LGBTQia+ symbolism.
expressed shock that enforcement officers ing to our international investors and busi- “Wearing a rainbow-coloured shirt or
from the Home affairs Ministry raided ness community if this is the way our any item of clothing with such colours is not
Swatch stores in the Klang Valley on May 13 authorities behave?” she said. explicitly against the law. However, society
and 14, and seized its “Pride Collection” of Lawyer Kokila Vaani Vadiveloo said can be hostile to public expressions of sup-
rainbow-coloured watches after a com- Malaysia has conservative social and legal port. The authorities also may view such dis-
plaint alleging they are associated with the norms regarding LGBTQia+ rights. addi- plays of colours as condoning such causes,
LGBTQia+ community supported by British tionally, public display of support for the which may have resulted in their scrutiny or
music band Coldplay. community may face a backlash and contro- other unfavourable outcomes,” she said.
Cecilia Chen, 25, said: “This is ridiculous. versy. Meanwhile, the company’s marketing
What’s next? are the authorities going to in response to the raiding of Swatch manager Sarah Kok said a total of 164
ban us from wearing rainbow-coloured stores under the Printing Presses and Publi- watches from the collection had been con-
dresses?” She questioned if the ministry was cations act 1984, she said the act grants the fiscated.
aware of the matter. government extensive powers to control “Our legal department is still checking
another individual, who asked to be and restrict publications deemed to be on the case so (as of now), we are unable to
addressed only as Nurul, 24, said: “i think all against public order, morality, or national proceed with the appeal for the confiscated
Malaysians are aware that as a Muslim- security. watches to be returned.
majority country, Malaysia does not con- “The act primarily regulates the print- “if we get back our watches, we will wait
done the community. ing, publication and distribution of printed for further instructions from our headquar- Personnel with City Hall’s Drain Unit One of the agency’s workers uses his
That’s fine, but isn’t seizing watches material. However, given the conservative ters in Switzerland on whether we will con- use ‘cangkuls’ to remove the sludge ‘parang’ to trim the unkempt greenery
going a little too far? it seems like every lit- stance on LGBTQia+ rights, it can be said tinue to sell the collection or withdraw it from this drain in Likas. growing on this drain reserve.
tle thing can cause a ripple effect among authorities may interpret the law to restrict from the market,” she said. – The Sun
8 Philippines and Indonesia FRIDAY, MAY 26, 2023

Task Force Three crude bombs detonated ahead of sports meet

Marawi GENERaL SaNTOS CiTY: Bomb experts onated, said Cotabato City police Chief Brigadier General alexander Tagum, group Dawlah islamiyah, a terrorist organ-
detonated at least three crude bombs near Colonel Querubin Manalang. Soccsksargen police director, orders police isation that was subsequently accused of
activated a bus terminal in Cotabato City ahead of
the start of the Palarong Bangsamoro
Manalang said investigators theorised
that the crude bombs had been left in the
units to raise alert levels in the provinces
of Cotabato, Sultan Kudarat, South Cota-
turning into an extortion syndicate, tar-
geting bus companies, apparently to fund
Region in Muslim Mindanao athletic asso- area to merely scare people ahead of the bato, and Sarangani its extremist causes.
MaRaWi CiTY: The military-led Task Force
ciation’s (BaRMMaa) fourth regional five-day regional games. But authorities were also looking into Crime scene investigators said pieces of
Marawi (TFM) was activated here on Mon-
competitions in the city on Thursday. investigators find out that a vendor the possibility that the incident was the evidence, including an unexploded sec-
day in support of the city’s peace and secu-
Officials said authorities had sealed off mistakenly used alum powder instead of handiwork of a group that has been ond bomb, found in the bombed bus in
rity programs.
a portion of the highway near the Husky sugar during the preparation of the engaged in extortion activities. Sultan Kudarat were consistent with the
Lt. Col. jerome Redosendo, Commander
Bus garage at the highway in Malagapas banana fritters Husky Bus is the same company that explosives used by the Dawlah islamiyah
of the 500 Combat Engineer Battalion of
following the discovery of three impro- Police say they have yet to identify sus- saw one of its buses bombed in isulan, Sul- in previous bomb attacks. Manalang
the 55th Engineer Brigade, was installed as
vised explosive devices in the vicinity at pects, but Cotabato province is the site of tan Kudarat in april, injuring several pas- downplayed public fears, saying there was
TFM Commander during the activation
around early dawn. several bombings in the past months, the sengers, including children. no need to panic because authorities inter-
The section of the highway was last of which was carried out in the same The military had attributed the april 17 cepted and disposed of the bombs in Cota-
He said the task force would conduct
reopened hours after the bombs were det- town of Pikit on February 6. Sultan Kudarat bombing to the radical bato City on time. – Rappler
continuous education campaign to sus-
tain the gains of peace in Marawi, which

South Korea seeks more BI manhunt

the government forces liberated from the
clutches of islamic militants after a five-
month urban warfare in 2017.
“(Such activity) is vital to gain the peo-
ple’s support to any undertakings,”
Redosendo said.
He noted that TFM is different from the
joint Task Force Marawi, which was tasked
to flush out the combined forces of the
islamic State-inspired Maute and abu
Sayyaf groups during the Marawi Siege six
naval drills with P’pines for Korean
MaNiLa: after assisting the Philippines in Navy’s modernization program, particu- ation in terms of education and training, MaNiLa: The Bureau of immigration (Bi)
years ago.
its modernisation programme, the larly in the manufacture of several ships and modernisation,” he told his South has launched an investigation and man-
aside from the military, the TFM is com-
Republic of Korea Navy (ROKN) now that are now being used in patrolling the Korean counterpart. hunt operation after a South Korean
posed of the Philippine National Police,
wants to take it a step further by having exclusive economic zone of the Philip- The most recent Navy-to-Navy talks detainee escaped a facility.
Marawi Disaster Risk Reduction Manage-
“more future engagements to strengthen pines, Negranza said. between the Philippine and South Korean The 38-year-old Korean managed to
ment Office, Bureau of Fire Protection,
the strategic relationships” between the in December 2021, Korea Shipbuilding Navies were held in Busan, South Korea breach the Bi facility’s perimeter by scaling
Traffic Management Task Force and Philip-
two countries. and Offshore Engineering Co. won a 583- on Dec. 1, 2022. a 20-foot fence with barbed wires at two in
pine Drug Enforcement agency, among
admiral Lee jong-Ho, Chief of the billion-won ($470-million) contract to The highlight of the talks focused on the morning.
Naval Operations of ROKN, expressed this build two patrol frigates for the Philip- education and training, people-to-people Bi Commissioner Norman Tansingco
Major General Yegor Rey Barroquillo,
during a courtesy call on Vice admiral pines. exchanges, logistics cooperation, com- said that the fugitive was initially appre-
103rd infantry Brigade commander,
Toribio adaci jr., flag officer in command, The BRP jose Rizal (FF-150) and BRP bined exercises and ship visits. hended last February 10 by immigration
signed the activation order for the TFM on
at the Philippine Navy Headquarters said antonio Luna (FF-151) were both built by australian Foreign Minister and Sen. officers at the Ninoy aquino international
May 17 in response to the call of the city’s
Capt. Benjo Negranza, Naval Public Hyundai Heavy industries and are now in Penny Wong in a visit to the Philippines airport (Naia) Terminal 2 after arriving
Peace and Order Council. During the acti-
affairs Office director said Wednesday. service. Two corvettes and six offshore this May said her country was committed from Bangkok, Thailand.
vation ceremony, Marawi Mayor Majul
“The two leaders discussed the contin- patrol vessels are currently being built by to continuing its presence in the WPS and He was found to have an interpol red
Gandamra expressed support to the cre-
uing partnerships between the two the South Korean shipyard. South China Sea to maintain peace and notice hit for murder charges and aban-
ation of TFM.
nations during the visit that served as a The Philippine Navy also acquired its stability in the region and was “open to donment of a dead body.
The mayor said the city government
good follow-through to the engagements most powerful ship to date, the BRP Con- cooperating with all partners to exercise He was charged and transferred to the
acquired three pick-up trucks, a service
that the PN and ROKN have had over the rado Yap (PS-39), an ex-Pohang class freedom of navigation and overflight,” facility in Taguig City prior to deportation.
utility vehicle and radio transceivers for
last several months,” said Negranza. corvette (a small warship), which was adding, “The Philippines is a long-stand- “The Bi is working in close collabora-
the task force.
He said during the meeting, Lee con- donated by South Korea to the Philip- ing important security partner for us.” tion with local law enforcement agencies
The local government also vowed to
gratulated the Philippine Navy for its suc- pines. Two more “Pohang” class corvettes The United States, a long-standing ally to locate and apprehend him swiftly,” said
construct a permanent office building for
cessful activities and “eyed more future are on the way. of the Philippines, has identified four Tansingco.
the task force, which is temporarily hold-
engagements to further strengthen the Negranza said adaci also emphasized new areas in the country where it would “Specialised teams have been deployed
ing office at the GMa terminal here.
strategic relationships between the the sustainability of Navy-to-Navy talks house its arms and supplies under the to various locations, following reliable
Gandamra said that Marawi City has
Philippines and South Korea.” between the two countries as he finds it Enhanced Defense Cooperation agree- leads to capture the fugitive,” Tansingco
been relatively peaceful after the five-
adaci, on the other hand, expressed highly beneficial for both. ment (EDCa) between the two countries added.
month Marawi Siege.
his gratitude to his counterpart for their “We learn a lot from you and it is one — a move that has angered China. – “This is a serious breach of our facility’s
He appealed for the people’s coopera-
continuous support of the Philippine way for us to discover avenues of cooper- Manila Times security, and have initiated a thorough
tion to sustain the peace in Marawi, which
is composed of 98 villages. investigation to determine lapses that
On Tuesday, May 23, Marawi commem-
orated the sixth anniversary of the siege,
which displaced at least 350,000 civilians
8.7m Filipinos are unemployed: Survey allowed this to occur as well as take neces-
sary steps to prevent similar incidents in
the future,” said Tansingco.
at the height of the conflict. – MindaNews MaNiLa: a national survey of Social Both the Department of justice and the
Weather Stations found that 19 per cent of Korean Embassy have also been informed
the adult labour force or an estimated 8.7 of the incident. – aBS-CBN
Probe ‘pricey’ million Filipinos are unemployed.
While the figure is lower than the 21.3
homes of per cent or 9.6 million Filipinos reported Filipinos in Guam
without jobs in December 2022, it is still
ministers: higher compared to the 17.5 per cent in
December 2019 before the Covid-19 pan-
advised to stay
S’pore PM demic.
The survey was conducted from March home as Mawar
SiNGaPORE: Prime Minister Lee Hsien 26 to 29, 2023 using face-to-face interviews
Loong has ordered an investigation into of 1,200 adults nationwide: 300 each in
Metro Manila, Balance Luzon, Visayas, and
wreaks havoc
the circumstances around the rental of
state-owned homes in an exclusive loca- Mindanao. MaNiLa: Filipinos living in Guam were
tion to two cabinet ministers following The sampling error margins are ±2.8 advised to stay home (Manila time) as
questions from the opposition.  per cent for national percentages, ±5.7 per Typhoon Mawar brought strong winds
The matter has prompted comment in cent each for Metro Manila, Balance Luzon, and heavy rains to the island.
the wealthy city-state, which has long Visayas, and Mindanao. according to Patrick Luces, President of
prided itself on a government free from according to SWS, the decline in job- the Filipino Community of Guam, they
corruption, with the annual salaries of lessness was due to the decrease in unem- were experiencing power supply interrup-
many cabinet ministers exceeding S$1 mil- ployment in all areas of the country except tion and low water pressure due to the
lion ($755,000) to discourage graft.  in Mindanao. typhoon as of Wednesday night.
“as of March 2023, adult joblessness One of the national survey of Social Weather Stations
The matter has prompted comment in The government has also advised all
the wealthy city-state, which has long was highest in Balance Luzon at 21.7 per left their old jobs, are seeking jobs for the country’s Labour Force Participation Rate residents to stay home and away from win-
prided itself on a government free from cent, followed by Mindanao at 19.0 per first time, and lost their jobs due to eco- is at 62.4 per cent, or around 45.9 million dows to protect themselves as the typhoon
corruption, with the annual salaries of cent, Metro Manila at 17.5 per cent, and the nomic circumstances beyond their con- — slightly higher than the 62.6 per cent, or passes over the island.
many cabinet ministers exceeding S$1 mil- Visayas at 13.5 per cent,” it said. trol. an estimated 45.2 million, reported in “Right now we don’t know if there are
lion ($755,000) to discourage graft.  “Compared to December 2022, the joblessness peaked at 45.5 per cent in December 2022. any Filipinos in shelters,” Luces said,
Lee said the review by a senior minister, quarterly joblessness fell from 24.8 per july 2020 during the height of the Covid- SWS defines the labour force as adults adding that most of the Filipinos in Guam
whose results will be made public before cent in Metro Manila, 23.1 per cent in Bal- 19 pandemic. it went on a generally down- (18 years and above) presently with a job live in concrete houses.
lawmakers take up the issue in july, would ance Luzon, and 18.6 per cent in the ward trend from September 2020 to plus those looking for a job. There are over 50,000 Filipinos in
establish whether "proper process" was Visayas. However, it hardly moved from December 2022, reaching as low as 18.6 per The Labour Force Participation Rate is Guam, and Luces said they will know more
followed in the rental of the colonial-era 18.1 per cent in Mindanao,” it added. cent in October 2022. the proportion of adults in the labour about the situation of the community in
bungalows and if there was wrongdoing.  Those jobless are those who voluntarily in the same survey, SWS also said the force. – GMa the morning once the storm passes. – GMa
"This must be done to ensure that this
government maintains the highest stan-
dards of integrity," Lee said in a statement. 
This month, opposition politician Ken-
neth jeyaretnam questioned how the Law
Ministry devises steps to fight hoaxes ahead of 2024 polls Immigration to
and Home affairs Minister, K Shanmugam, jaKaRTa: The Ministry of The digital literacy programme for This strategy will be implemented evaluate investor
and the Foreign Minister, Vivian Balakrish- Communication and first-time voters is a part of the ministry’s through the community information
nan, could afford the market rate for such informatics has said that
it has devised several
efforts to realize the vision of accelerat-
ing the national digital transformation.
groups (KiMs) formed in the regions.
These groups have been tasked with
visa issuance
"pricey" properties. 
Shanmugam said accusations of impro- strategies for preventing He said the programme is important educating the members of the vulnerable TaNGERaNG: The Directorate General of
priety were "outrageous" and he had noth- hoaxes related to political for checking the circulation of hoaxes on groups so they can ignore misleading immigration at the Law and Human Rights
ing to hide, while Balakrishnan said he was issues that could harm the social media as it will teach first-time vot- news, especially ahead of the 2024 polit- Ministry has said that it will evaluate the
"very glad" a review was taking place.  public ahead of the 2024 General Elec- ers on using the “filter method” before ical year. issuance of stay permits for foreign nation-
Social media posts in Singapore tions. sharing information. The ministry is also collaborating with als holding investor visas in indonesia.
mocked the ministers or expressed out- “First, we have prepared digital liter- “We invite the public to be critical influencers, such as religious leaders and “We will evaluate the issuance of the
rage over the size of the properties, while acy (resources) for first-time voters so with all information on social media by community leaders who are active investor visa, in which process also involves
others questioned why the government that they can seek information from valid not sharing it immediately, but ask them locally, by inviting them to educate peo- other parties, namely the Ministry of
needed time until july to explain the issue.  sources,” the Ministry’s Director General to check the truth first,” Kansong said. ple living in the regions about the differ- investment/investment Coordinating
The expression of disapproval comes as of Public information and Communica- Furthermore, the ministry will sup- ence between verified news and hoaxes. Board (BKPM),” Director General of immi-
many in Singapore battle rising living tion Usman Kansong (pic) said at an port vulnerable groups, such as people in addition, the ministry is involving gration Silmi Salim said.
costs, amid high inflation and rising prices online discussion on “anticipating residing in remote areas, the elderly, and political elites in preventing the spread according to him, the evaluation will be
of homes and cars. Hoaxes in the Election Year,” which was people with disabilities, by providing of false news, including hate speech and aimed at improving policies related to
Eight in 10 of Singapore's 3.6 million followed from here on Wednesday. them access to the right information. negative campaigns. – antara investor visas to support the indonesian
citizens live in public housing and just a economy.
third of households own cars.
Lawmakers, including three members
Omnibus Health Bill to include provisions on abortion “We must improve the policies for any-
one through the right opportunities and
of the ruling party and the leader of the jaKaRTa: The Omnibus Health Bill will first six weeks of pregnancy. including their abortion access. purposes,” he said.
opposition, have submitted parliamentary include provisions on abortion for sexual “Reproductive health in the Health Bill “Victims of human trafficking have For the evaluation, he informed that his
questions on whether the ministers acted violence and human trafficking victims, is not merely about pregnancy age, but been regulated in the Criminal Code, but side will cooperate with state-owned enter-
on privileged information to secure the according to Expert Staff on Legal affairs also abortion. according to article 75 of we also attempt to include them in the prises (SOEs/BUMN) to ensure that policies
leases.  at the Health Ministry Sundoyo. the prevailing Health Law, abortion (is Health Bill because (the bill) can regulate for foreign investors are in accordance with
The Land authority has said the minis- He said that article 42 of the Health Bill allowed) for mothers with medical indi- it better,” the expert staff added. the applicable regulations.
ters leased bungalows that had been would allow abortion to be performed cations or victims of rape that cause psy- a representative of women’s health “i also ask the officials to coordinate
vacant for years and had made bids that within the first 14 weeks of gestation, cal- chological distress,” Sundoyo said. advocacy group iPaS indonesia Founda- with other agencies on improving the
were higher than the rent guidance, a culated from the first day of the last men- He said the Health Bill will also regu- tion, igna, lauded the proposed abortion investor visa policy so that it can be bet-
price that had not been disclosed to them.  struation, while the current Law No. 36 of late reproductive health and the protec- regulation in the bill as part of efforts to ter and toward the desired quality,” he
Government graft scandals are rare in 2009 on Health restricts abortion to the tion of victims of human trafficking, transform the health system. – antara said.
Singapore.   – The Sun 
10 Wagner handing Bakhmut to Russian military control

11 DeSantis joins White House race


Viet noodle vendor jailed for impersonating celebrity chef

HaNOi: a Vietnam court has jailed a noo- lawyer Le Dinh Viet told aFP. through the Covid pandemic.
dle seller who went viral for impersonat- “They charged the defendant based on During the same trip to London, To Lam
ing Salt Bae, after the celebrity chef served posts and video clips Lam had on his also visited the grave of Karl Marx, the ide-
a gold-leaf steak to a powerful official, his accounts on social media platforms,” Viet ological father of communism.
lawyer said. said. Vietnam has strict curbs on freedom of
in 2021, Peter Lam Bui posted a parody There was nothing about the Salt Bae expression and the government moves
video impersonating Salt Bae—Turkish clip, he added. swiftly to stamp out dissent and arrest crit-
chef Nusret Gokce who parlayed his meme Lam denied the charges and said he ics, especially those who find an audience
stardom into high-end eateries—by sprin- had only “expressed his personal view- online. independent media is banned.
kling herbs on noodle soup, and calling point and exercised his right to freedom of To Lam, a member of the country’s 16-
himself “Green Onion Bae”. speech”. strong politburo, has been public security
But that video came after a clip of a He was also sentenced to four years pro- minister since 2016 and has taken a hard Footage of
high-ranking Vietnamese official in Lon- bation. line on human rights movements in the minister To
don tucking into a steak at Gokce’s Lam’s parody video came after To Lam, communist nation. Lam seem-
Knightsbridge venue went viral in Viet- Vietnam’s minister of public security— in april, Vietnam imprisoned Nguyen ingly enjoying
nam. whose agency monitors dissent and sur- Lan Thang, a prominent journalist who the £1,450
Lam was in trouble within days of veils activists—was filmed eating at documented protests and human rights tomahawk
uploading his video, and filmed a police Gokce’s luxury Nusr-Et Steakhouse. violations, for six years. emerged on
visit to his home in the central city of The restaurant serves up steaks a year earlier, high-profile dissident social media.
Danang. wrapped in edible 24-carat gold leaf, journalist Pham Doan Trang was given Inset, the
On Thursday, the 39-year-old former reportedly costing more than $1,000, and nine years behind bars. impersonator
activist was convicted of spreading anti- the video sparked anger over the deca- They were all jailed on the same anti- Peter Lam
state propaganda by a court in Danang, dence on display while Vietnam struggled state charge. – aFP Bui.

Chinese hackers The stealthy


infiltrate critical
aimed at
the US if
there was

networks in US
conflict in the

WaSHiNGTON: State-sponsored Chinese dence that this Volt Typhoon campaign is office and home office network equipment,
hackers have infiltrated critical US infrastruc- pursuing development of capabilities that including routers, firewalls and VPN hard-
ture networks, the United States, its Western
allies and Microsoft said while warning that
could disrupt critical communications infra-
structure between the United States and asia
“They have also been observed using cus-
US Navy probes
similar espionage attacks could be occurring
region during future crises,” the statement
tom versions of open-source tools,” Microsoft
said. drug trafficking
Microsoft highlighted Guam, a US terri- “in this campaign, the affected organiza- Microsoft and the security agencies
More than 100 firefighters battled tower- tory in the Pacific Ocean with a vital military tions span the communications, manufactur- released guidelines for organisations to try to TOKYO: The US Navy said Thursday it is
ing flames and thick smoke from the outpost, as one of the targets, but said “mali- ing, utility, transportation, construction, detect and counter the hacking. investigating alleged drug use and traf-
seven-storey blaze in central Sydney. cious” activity had also been detected else- maritime, government, information technol- “it’s what i would term a low and slow ficking by several crew stationed aboard
where in the United States. ogy, and education sectors.” cyber activity,” said alastair MacGibbon, chief the USS Ronald Reagan carrier at the Yoko-
Sydney blaze The stealthy attack—carried out by a
China-sponsored actor dubbed “Volt
Microsoft’s statement coincided with an
advisory released by US, australian, Canadian,
strategy officer at australia’s CyberCX and a
former head of the australian Cyber Security
suka base in japan.
“The Naval Criminal investigative Serv-
Typhoon” since mid-2021 — enabled long- New Zealand and UK authorities warning Centre. ice is investigating USS Ronald Reagan
consumes seven- term espionage and was likely aimed at ham- that the hacking was likely occurring globally. “This is someone wearing a camouflage sailors for alleged unlawful drug posses-
pering the United States if there was conflict “This activity affects networks across US vest and carrying a sniper rifle. You don’t see sion, use and distribution,” Katie Cerezo,
storey building in the region, it said.
“Microsoft assesses with moderate confi-
critical infrastructure sectors, and the author-
ing agencies believe the actor could apply the
them, they’re not there,” he told aFP.
“When you think about something that
public affairs officer for Naval Forces
japan, told aFP.
SYDNEY: More than 130 firefighters battled same techniques against these and other sec- can really cause catastrophic harm, it is some- She declined to detail the number of
towering flames and thick smoke Thursday tors worldwide,” they said. one with intent who takes time to get into sys- sailors involved or what drugs they are sus-
as a huge blaze consumed an unoccupied
seven-storey building in central Sydney.
Aussie police China denied the allegations, describing
the Microsoft report as “extremely unprofes-
Once inside, the cyber attackers can steal
pected of distributing, citing the ongoing
The flames appeared to be dying down sional” and “scissors-and-paste work”. information, he said. “But it also gives you the “We take all reports of misconduct seri-
as firefighters poured in water from multi- probe govt tax “it is clear that this is a collective disinfor-
mation campaign of the Five Eyes coalition
ability to carry out destructive acts at a later
ously, and are working with the appropri-
ate japanese law enforcement agencies,”
ple hoses two hours after the fire took hold
she added.
in the vacant building near the Central Sta-
tion railway hub.
leak scandal countries, initiated by the US for its geopolit-
ical purposes,” foreign ministry spokes-
a number of other governments had
found similar activity since the Volt Typhoon Military newspaper Stars and Stripes
“We’re on top of the fire but it’s still woman Mao Ning said, referring to the alert was issued, said Robert Potter, co- reported Tuesday that the carrier departed
SYDNEY: australian police have opened security alliance of the United States and its founder of australian cybersecurity firm Yokosuka on what might be its last deploy-
burning,” NSW Fire and Rescue superinten-
a criminal investigation into the leaking Western allies that wrote the report. internet 2.0. ment before undergoing repairs.
dent adam Dewberry told aFP, explaining
of secret government tax plans by “The participation of certain companies “i am not sure how communications infra- in 2018, the Navy said it was investigat-
that a “significant structural collapse” made
accounting giant PwC to help clients shows that aside from government organisa- structure would be at risk from these attacks ing drug use by sailors at Yokosuka, and it
it too dangerous for firefighters to enter.
“act early” ahead of a tax crackdown on tions, the US is expanding new channels for because those networks are highly resilient removed three senior officers in southern
More than 130 firefighters and 30 fire
multinationals. disseminating disinformation,” she said. and difficult to bring down for more than Okinawa over “personal misconduct”,
trucks were at the scene, he said, dousing
PwC australia has been embroiled in “But no change in tactics can alter the fact small intervals,” Potter told aFP. which reportedly included drunkness.
the blaze from the ground, ladder trucks
scandal since one of its partners was that the US is a hacker empire.” “However, the ongoing threat from China- japan hosts around 50,000 US troops,
and crane-like aerial ladder trucks.
found to have made “unauthorised dis- The United States and its allies said the based aPT (advanced persistent threat) most of them stationed at bases in south-
The fire had also spread into another
closures” about the planned tax reforms, activities involved “living off the land” tactics, groups is real.” ern Okinawa, where their presence has
“abandoned and derelict” three-storey
which he learned about in confidential which take advantage of built-in network The director of the US Cybersecurity and been controversial. – aFP
building, he said.
government briefings. tools to blend in with normal Windows sys- infrastructure Security agency, jen Easterly,
Shortly after the blaze erupted, flames
More than 140 pages of internal PwC
almost as high as the building itself could
be seen shooting into the sky.
australia emails released by a Senate
it warned that the hacking could then
said China had been stealing intellectual
property and data worldwide for years. Four HK students
committee this month showed the inter- incorporate legitimate system administra- “Today’s advisory, put out in conjunction
The entire top floor wall leaned over and
crashed in pieces into the street below, fire
national tax partner, Peter Collins, had
divulged the sensitive information to
tion commands that appear “benign”. with our US and international partners, sentenced
service video showed, as the building Microsoft said the Volt Typhoon attack reflects how China is using highly sophisti-
other staff.
glowed orange with flames.
There were no other reports of injuries
australian Federal Police confirmed
tried to blend into normal network activity by
routing traffic through compromised small
cated means to target our nation’s critical
infrastructure,” Easterly said. – aFP
over anti-govt
in a statement late Wednesday that they
from the blaze, which broke out in the
afternoon in a building described by aus-
had launched a criminal investigation, bomb plot
after the affair was referred to them by
tralian media as a heritage-listed, unoccu-
the Treasury Department. HONG KONG: Four Hong Kong students,
pied former hat factory. – aFP
“We note the statement from the The Candle- including two minors, were sentenced
Treasury Secretary and will continue to light Party Thursday over their roles in an anti-gov-
S Korea to launch cooperate fully with any investigations (CP) was ernment plot to set off bombs in public
into this matter,” a PwC spokesman said seen as the spaces.
home grown rocket Thursday.
The Treasury’s confidential tax plans
only viable
challenger to
a court sentenced the oldest of the
four to more than five years in prison and
SEOUL: South Korea will launch its home- included new rules, which came into Hun Sen’s sent the other three to juvenile rehabili-
grown Nuri rocket on Thursday, officials effect in 2015, to stop multinationals ruling tation centres in a case handled under
said, a day after it was forced to postpone avoiding tax by shifting profits from Cambodian the national security law, which China
due to a technical glitch just hours before australia to tax and secrecy havens, the People’s imposed on the city in 2020 to quell dis-
lift-off. Tax Practitioners Board said. Party (CPP) sent.
it will be the third launch of the Nuri, Finance Secretary jenny Wilkinson in the July The four defendants, now aged 17 to
which successfully put test satellites into told parliament that PwC had been 23 vote. 21, were members of a little-known group
orbit last year after a failed 2021 attempt asked to stop all staff linked to the leaks called “Returning Valiant”, which pro-
saw the rocket’s third-stage engine burn from working on current government moted independence from China and
out too early. contracts. had called for resistance after the secu-
Wednesday’s launch was called off after The request was made after it was rity law was imposed.
a communication error between the launch
control computer and another computer
revealed a “wide range of individuals” at
the firm, beyond Collins, were aware of
the confidential information.
Cambodian rival party loses The group allegedly planned to make
bombs using the explosive TaTP in 2021,
and set them off in public areas includ-
managing the launch pad was detected.
That problem was solved Thursday
morning, according to officials, who said
“i consider PwC’s abuse of confidence
and trust with the Treasury and PwC’s
subsequent handling of this breach to
bid to overturn election ban ing court buildings.
Before they could procure the materi-
als, Hong Kong’s national security police
the Nuri was now good to go. PHNOM PENH: Cambodia’s main opposi- rejected (from the polls), we are so disap-
“The Ministry of Science and iCT made be a very serious issue,” Wilkinson told a tion party on Thursday lost a bid to over- pointed,” Candlelight Party (CP) arrested them in july of that year.
the final decision to proceed with launch Senate estimates hearing. turn its ban from the upcoming elections, spokesman Kimsour Phirith told aFP. Defendant alexander au, now 21, “is
operation procedures with the goal of in the redacted PwC emails, an inter- paving the way for long-serving leader He said CP had hoped to take part in obviously more culpable—he was
launching at 18:24 (0924 GMT) today,” vice nal message from 2016 lauded the com- Hun Sen to run a one-horse race. the elections “to restore the base of involved in renting the room, planning
minister Oh Tae-seog said. pany’s success in urging companies to Last week, the National Election Com- democracy in our country”. and preparation, and reconnaissance of
The three-stage rocket, more than 47 “act early” on the tax changes, “heavily mittee (NEC) refused to register the Can- “The absence of the party that has targeted buildings,” said senior judge
metres (155 feet) long and weighing 200 helped by the accuracy of the intelli- dlelight Party—the chief challenger to Hun grassroots support will shrink the space of alex Lee.
tonnes, will be launched from the Naro gence that Peter Collins was able to sup- Sen—for the july polls after it failed to sub- democracy.” Lee sentenced au to five years and
Space Center in South Korea’s southern ply us”. mit certain documents. Hun Sen is among the world’s longest- eight months in prison.
coastal region. Officials said current government The Constitutional Council said in a serving leaders. Critics and rights groups The three others, aged 17 to 20, were
in previous tests, the rocket carried pay- contracts with PwC totalled aus$255.2 statement it had rejected the appeal accuse him of using the legal system to “merely foot soldiers in the conspiracy”
loads mainly designed for verifying the per- million (US$167 million) this financial against NEC’s ruling. crush opposition to his rule, particularly and failed to procure TaTP ingredients,
formance of the launch vehicle. – aFP year. – aFP “We are so regretful... Our party was in the run-up to elections. – aFP the judge said. – aFP
10 World FRIDAY, MAY 26, 2023

buses and
Wagner handing Bakhmut
wait for
to Russian military control
MOSCOW: The head of Russia’s Wagner
at a bus mercenary group said on Thursday his
station in troops had started transferring their posi-
Port Sudan. tions in the flashpoint eastern Ukraine city
of Bakhmut to the Russian military.
His announcement comes days after
Moscow’s military said it had deployed jets
and artillery on Russian soil against a “sab-
otage” group that crossed from Ukraine.
The Kremlin said meanwhile that
Sudan’s warring sides trade China’s special envoy for Ukraine would be
visiting Russia on Friday as part of a tour of
European capitals including Kyiv.
blame over truce breaches The battle for Bakhmut has raged for
nearly one year, levelling the city and dec-
KHaRTOUM: Sudan’s warring sides on some for the first time in weeks. imating waves of Wagner recruits who
Thursday accused each other of being Many have gone out for supplies of have led Russia’s assault on the industrial
behind breaches of the latest ceasefire that food and water or to seek much-needed hub.
was negotiated by the US and Saudi ara- medical attention after nearly six weeks of “We are withdrawing units from
bia, now in its third day. war that have sharply depleted vital sup- Bakhmut today. We are handing over posi-
The one-week truce was violated only plies and pushed the healthcare system to tions to the military, ammunition and Prigozhin (left) talking to his fighters in Bakhmut. The Wagner boss conceded that around
minutes after it came into effect on Mon- the brink of collapse. everything,” Wagner boss Yevgeny 10,000 prisoners he had recruited to fight in Ukraine had been killed on the battlefield.
day night, with residents of the capital in a statement issued late Wednesday, Prigozhin said in a video released on social
media. for the 100-percent result.” Separately, Russia’s FSB security service
Khartoum reporting air strikes and the RSF, which is led by Mohammed Ham-
“We pull back, we rest, we prepare and The Ukrainian military said Russia was said it had arrested two Ukrainians who
artillery fire shaking the city. dan Daglo, sought to place the blame for
then we will get new tasks,” added probably targeting key infrastructure and had allegedly planned to target nuclear
Breaches have since persisted of the ceasefire breaches on the army led by
Prigozhin, who was dressed in tactical military facilities in the western regions of power plants in the country.
ceasefire agreement, which is meant to Sudan’s de facto leader abdel Fattah al-
body armour and a military helmet. Ukraine. The aim was to cause “serious economic
allow for much-needed humanitarian aid Burhan.
Earlier this week, he conceded that Russia subjected Ukraine to a campaign harm to Russia and damage its reputation”,
to reach war-ravaged parts of the north- The army “launched a series of unwar-
around 10,000 prisoners he had recruited of aerial bombardments on infrastructure the FSB alleged in a statement carried by
east african country. ranted attacks today”, the RSF said, adding
to fight in Ukraine had been killed on the including energy facilities during the win- Russian news agencies.
it is the latest of a series of truces that that “our forces decisively repelled these
battlefield. ter months but these attacks diminished also on Thursday, Russia’s foreign min-
have all been systematically violated. assaults”.
The 61-year-old Kremlin ally toured recently. istry announced a visit to Moscow by
Since april 15, Sudan’s capital and other “Our forces successfully shot down a
Russian prisons last year to persuade and Kyiv has become increasingly adept China’s special envoy for Ukraine, Li Hui,
parts of the country have been gripped by SaF MiG jet fighter,” it said, reiterating
inmates to fight with Wagner in exchange at taking down waves of Russian cruise who has been touring European capitals.
brutal urban warfare between the regular however that it remained “committed to
for a promised amnesty on their return— missiles and drones after appealing to His visit to the Russian capital, where he
army, the Sudanese armed Forces (SaF), the humanitarian truce” and called on the
should they survive. Western allies for greater air defence capa- is expected to meet Foreign Minister Sergei
and the paramilitary Rapid Support Forces “aggressors to respect the ceasefire”.
Prigozhin’s announcement came bilities. Lavrov on Friday, comes after Li met Zelen-
(RSF). The army responded Thursday morn-
shortly after Ukrainian President Russian-installed authorities in the sky in Kyiv.
But though the current ceasefire has ing, saying it had “countered an attack on
Volodymyr Zelensky accused Russia of Crimean peninsula meanwhile announced Li has said there is “no panacea to
been violated, it has allowed for a lull in armoured vehicles by the militias of the
again terrorising Ukrainians by launching their air defence systems had intercepted resolve the crisis”.
fighting that has seen frightened residents Rapid Support Forces in a clear violation
a wave of iranian-made attack drones at several drones targeting various parts of Russia and China have close relations.
cautiously venture out of their homes, of the truce”. – aFP
targets across his country. the territory annexed from Ukraine in 2014. President Xi jinping visited Moscow in
“The enemy continued to terrorise “Six drones were shot down or blocked March and said ties were “entering a new era”.
Ukraine by launching 36 Shaheds. None ... in different parts of Crimea,” governor and while China says it is a neutral party
Cops among three killed in reached their target,” Zelensky said in a
social media post.
Sergei aksyonov announced on social
media, adding that no-one had been
in the Ukraine conflict, it has been criti-
cised for refusing to condemn Moscow for
“i’m grateful to our air defence forces injured in the attack. its offensive. – aFP
Japan gun and knife attack
TOKYO: Three people, including two police
officers, were killed on Thursday in a shoot-
“Behind her came a man wearing cam-
ouflage and carrying a large knife, who
Japan scrambles jets after Russian intrusion
ing and stabbing attack in the central stabbed her in the back.” TOKYO: japan scrambled fighter jets
region of Nagano, japanese media said. The witness said he had called the police Thursday after Russian “intelligence-gath-
a male suspect was holed up inside a while neighbours tried to resuscitate the ering” aircraft were detected off its coasts
building after the incident, according to woman. along the Pacific Ocean and Sea of japan, Recently
public broadcaster NHK and other major NHK, citing police, said the attacker the country’s joint Staff said. Moscow has
outlets. later allegedly fired what appeared to be a One Russian aircraft travelled from carried out
Police did not immediately confirm shotgun at the police officers who arrived japan’s north down along part of its west military
details when contacted by aFP. on the scene. coast, while the other took a similar route exercises
Residents were urged to stay indoors by Violent crime is rare in japan, which has along the opposite coast and returned the including
authorities in the area around Nakano, a low murder rate and some of the world’s same way, the joint Staff said in a brief test-firing
where the attack took place. toughest gun laws. statement. missiles in the
a woman was stabbed and two police But the country was left reeling in july “in response, fighters of the air Self- Sea of Japan.
officers were shot in the afternoon attack at when former prime minister Shinzo abe Defense Force’s Northern air Force and
a farm, the reports said. was assassinated in broad daylight with an other units were scrambled,” it added.
an eyewitness told NHK he had been apparently homemade gun. There was no further information on
working nearby when he saw a woman and last month, a man was arrested for the incident, which comes days after
being stabbed. allegedly hurling a pipe bomb-like explo- japan hosted Ukrainian President cooperation with China are “a strong European Union countries, the United
“a woman came running from the road sive toward current Prime Minister Fumio Volodymyr Zelensky at the G7 in security concern”. States and its allies, including Britain and
saying ‘help me’ and she fell down,” the Kishida as he campaigned in the western Hiroshima. in May 2022, Chinese and Russian mil- australia.
man said. city of Wakayama. – aFP japan has joined Western allies in sanc- itary jets carried out joint flights near Tokyo had complex relations with
tioning Moscow over its invasion of japan immediately after a meeting of the Moscow before the invasion of Ukraine in
Ukraine, and has warned of the threat US-led Quad grouping in Tokyo. February, and the two sides have yet to
Dam combed for third day in Maddy case posed by Russia.
its latest security document, which
and more recently Moscow has carried
out military exercises including test-firing
sign a post-World War ii peace treaty.
attempts to do so have been hampered
SiLVES, Portugal: Police from Portugal, case. once called for enhanced ties and cooper- missiles in the Sea of japan. by a long-running dispute over islands
Germany and Britain on Thursday Police had combed the site, in the ation with Russia, now warns that Russia considers japan to be a “hostile” controlled by Russia, which calls them the
resumed their search at a reservoir in Silves area, in 2008 but divers had found Moscow’s military posturing in asia and country—a designation it shares with all Kurils. – aFP
southern Portugal, hoping to shed light only animal remains, the media said.
on the 2007 disappearance of British tod- The search resumed this week at the
dler Madeleine McCann.
The child was three years old when she
request of German authorities, who have
said since 2020 that they are convinced
Russia to shut Swedish consulate, expel diplomats
went missing from her family’s holiday the British girl is dead. MOSCOW: Moscow said Thursday it was Moscow’s general consulate in Gothen-
apartment in the algarve 16 years ago, They suspect the involvement of a Ger- expelling five Swedish diplomats and clos- burg will be shuttered on September 1, the
while her parents were dining at a nearby man multiple sex offender, who is in ing Russia’s general consulate in Gothen- Russian foreign ministry added in a state-
tapas bar. prison in Germany for a rape in Portugal. burg and Sweden’s diplomatic mission in ment.
Despite an international manhunt, no German judicial authorities say the Saint Petersburg. Sweden’s general consulate in Saint
trace of the child has been found and no- man in question is Christian Brueckner, The Russian foreign ministry said that Petersburg will have to stop operations by
one has been charged over her disap- considered the chief suspect in the Mad- the Swedish ambassador Malena Mard had that time as well, the statement said.
pearance. die case after spending several years liv- been summoned and informed of Swedish Foreign Minister Tobias Bill-
Portuguese media said Thursday’s ing in the algarve. Moscow’s retaliatory measures over her strom lamented the Russian decision as
search of the banks of the arade dam according to Portuguese magazine country’s “confrontational course”. “very regrettable”.
could be the last in the three-day opera- Expresso, testimony from a “credible” “a decision was made to declare five “Russia has chosen to expel Swedish
tion, which has involved around 50 police informer found by German investigators Swedish diplomats persona non grata,” diplomats who have acted within the “Today’s decision is therefore a further
officers and Portuguese firefighters. had prompted the new searches near the the Russian foreign ministry said. framework of the Vienna Convention and confirmation of the negative political
On Wednesday, investigators had used arade reservoir. The move came after Sweden said in conducted customary diplomatic activi- developments in Russia and the country’s
a brushcutter on caterpillar tracks to raze Newspaper Correio da Manha said late april it was expelling five Russian ties in Russia,” Billstrom said in a state- international isolation,” he said.
bushes and trees from the dry banks of police were searching for a pink blanket diplomats for “activities not compatible” ment. Ties with Western countries have come
the reservoir, some 50 kilometres (30 or the pyjamas Maddie was wearing the with their diplomatic status. The foreign minister also deplored the under unprecedented pressure after Russ-
miles) from where Maddie went missing night she disappeared on May 3, 2007, Russia said the expulsion was an closure of the Swedish consulate in Saint ian President Vladimir Putin sent troops to
in the tourist resort of Praia da Luz. just before her fourth birthday. “openly hostile move”, accusing authori- Petersburg, describing it as “a driving Ukraine in February 2022 and the West
Local media said they had taken sam- They have used tracker dogs, probes ties in the northern European country of force in the bilateral people-to-people co- introduced unprecedented sanctions
ples of earth and collected shreds of and a drone to comb the area, which conducting a “Russophobic campaign”. operation between Russia and Sweden”. against Moscow. – aFP
cloth from the cordoned-off area but had local media said Brueckner visited regu-
not found anything connected to the

$50,000 lawsuit against Erdogan for fake video

larly. – aFP
Chad junta leader pardons 67 more
N’DjaMENa: Chadian leader General The status of the other 10 was not 30 years of iron-fisted rule.
iSTaNBUL: President Recep Tayyip Erdo- But this one demands one million liras Mahamat idriss Deby itno has pardoned given. He immediately promised to restore
gan’s election rival has lodged a $50,000 ($50,000) in compensation, which Kilic- 67 more people who had been sentenced Deby had previously pardoned 259 out civilian rule after an 18-month transi-
lawsuit against the Turkish leader for air- daroglu pledges to donate to a fund over- to jail terms following deadly protests of 262 young people who had been jailed tional period.
ing a campaign video linking the opposi- seeing the education of fallen Turkish against the regime last October. after the protests, as well as 380 Chadian But as that deadline neared, the period
tion to Kurdish militants. soldiers’ children. Deby also issued pardons for 11 people rebels who had separately been sentenced was extended by a further two years, fol-
“We have filed a lawsuit in order to Erdogan has repeatedly aired a video at accused of taking part in an attempted to life. lowing a so-called national dialogue
account for the fake video,” secular oppo- his rallies that tried to associate Kilic- coup, according to two decrees dated in one of Wednesday’s decrees, Deby widely boycotted by the opposition and
sition leader Kemal Kilicdaroglu’s lawyer daroglu with a military commander of the Wednesday. pardoned Baradine Berdei Targuio, the armed rebel groups.
Celal Celik said Thursday. Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK). Seventy-seven people had been sen- head of the Chadian Organisation for The October 20 demonstrations aimed
Kilicdaroglu finished almost five points The PKK is listed as a terror organisa- tenced earlier this month for terms rang- Human Rights (OTDH) and 10 army offi- at marking the deadline of the initial 18-
behind Erdogan in the first round on May 14. tion by Turkey and its Western allies for ing up to five years on charges of taking cers. month period, but spiralled into blood-
But he still gave the opposition’s best waging a decades-long insurgency that part in an ‘insurrectional movement” or They had been arrested in December shed as police and troops opened fire.
performance of Erdogan’s two-decade era, has claimed tens of thousands of lives. an “unauthorised gathering” in demon- on charges of fomenting a coup, and were in the capital N’Djamena, 73 people
setting up Turkey’s first presidential elec- Erdogan’s video juxtaposes footage of strations against the ruling junta. sentenced in mid-May to 20 years in jail. were killed, according to the authorities.
tion runoff on Sunday. Kilicdaroglu calling on Turks to back his Of these, 67 were pardoned on Deby was proclaimed head of state by The toll is contested by the opposition
Kilicdaroglu had previously filed a candidacy with that of the PKK com- Wednesday by Deby, as interim president, the army in april 2021 after the death of and civil groups, who say hundreds died,
series of symbolic lawsuits against Erdo- mander appearing to also support the to promote calm and national reconcilia- his father, idriss Deby itno, who had been either on that day or in the ensuing crack-
gan. opposition campaign. – aFP tion, according to the authorities. killed during anti-rebel operations after down, and others were tortured. – aFP
FRIDAY, MAY 26, 2023 World 11
Biden to nominate
Air Force general DeSantis joins White House race
as top military WaSHiNGTON: Florida Governor Ron DeSantis launched his 2024
presidential campaign, teeing up what is expected to be a bitter
officer rivalry with Republican primary frontrunner Donald Trump as he
vowed to “lead our great american comeback.”
WaSHiNGTON: US Presi- DeSantis was considered a rising Republican star, but has seen
dent joe Biden will nom- his prospects dented by months of relentless attacks from the for-
inate air Force General mer president, who has surged into a commanding lead despite
Charles Brown (pic) to being engulfed in criminal investigations.
replace army General “i’m Ron DeSantis and i’m running for president to lead our
great american comeback,” the Republican said in a video posted
Mark Milley as the coun-
to Twitter.
try’s top military officer.
The 44-year-old right-winger filed his documentation with the
Brown would become
Federal Election Commission ahead of a livestreamed Twitter chat
the second Black officer to serve as chair-
with the platform’s billionaire owner Elon Musk that was delayed
man of the joint Chiefs of Staff — after
amid technical glitches.
Colin Powell from 1989-1993 — at a time
More than 400,000 people were trying to listen in as the Twit-
when the Pentagon is headed by Lloyd
ter Spaces conversation initially failed to launch, but DeSantis was
austin, the country’s first Black secretary
of defence.
eventually able to join.
“We’ve got just a massive number of people online, so the
Girls burnt in
The nomination for Brown to replace
Milley — whose term ends in September —
servers are straining somewhat,” Musk could be heard saying in
the audio. Long viewed as the most viable challenger to twice-impeached
Guyana dorm
will be made at a Rose Garden ceremony, “We are reallocating server capacity to handle the load here; Trump, he is better known than most of the hopefuls in the chas-
the White House said in a statement.
Brown, who currently serves as chief of
it is really going crazy,” he continued. ing pack for the Republican nomination—but still lacks the fron- fire still critical
The Biden campaign was quick to capitalize on the issues, trunner’s national profile.
staff of the US air Force and was commis- tweeting a link to a fundraising page and stating simply: “This GEORGETOWN, Guyana: Two girls badly
sioned as an officer in 1984, is an experi- The Twitter launch format gives him precious access to Musk’s
link works.” 140 million followers, many of whom are in Trump’s base, and the burnt in a school dormitory fire that killed
enced pilot with more than 3,000 flight Pro-DeSantis political organisation Never Back Down released 19 children in Guyana were too weak to be
hours, 130 of them in combat. attention of a large section of the moderate voters he will likely
a video featuring a 2022 speech setting out his signature issue: need for a shot at the White House if he wins the nomination. evacuated to another country for special-
He has commanded a fighter squadron the encroachment of political correctness in public life. ized treatment, an official said (pic).
and two fighter wings, as well as US air DeSantis has used his position as Florida’s chief executive to
“We fight the woke in the schools, we fight the woke in the cor- They were injured when an inferno Sun-
forces under the Central Command and stack up a long list of conservative accomplishments, signing off
porations, we will never ever surrender to the woke mob. We will day gutted a building housing girls aged 11-
indo-Pacific Command. – aFP on some 80 new state laws targeting “woke indoctrination” in
be courageous and we will never back down,” he vows. 12 and 16-17 in Mahdia, central Guyana.
schools and other public institutions.
DeSantis boasts deep midwestern roots, a large campaign “if there is a need for overseas treatment,
They include a ban on the discussion of gender identity and they will be permitted (to leave), but the
Emotional fund, a record of ultra-conservative legislative wins and an
unblemished record of election victories.
sexual orientation in schools, a block on funding for efforts to
promote diversity at public universities and one of the most
doctors have not yet said so... They are still
He was a baseball star at Yale, has a Harvard law degree and too critical,” health ministry official Leslie
restrictive abortion laws in the country.
Biden at completed six years of active duty with the Navy, including service But the launch comes with DeSantis’s ratings in decline as a
Ramsammy told aFP.
Both were being treated for respiratory
in iraq, as well as five years in the US Congress and four as number of policy missteps have prompted disquiet about his complications in intensive care.
anniversary Florida’s governor.
While Trump has dominated headlines with his legal woes,
readiness to take on Trump.
He faces the daunting task of closing an enormous polling
Cuba and Barbados have offered to take
in some of the wounded for medical care.
DeSantis has presented himself as the tip of the spear in the strug- gap, with Trump posting leads of close to 40 percentage points,
of school gle of ordinary americans against the progressive values he sees despite being indicted on felony financial charges and being
Ramsammy said DNa samples have been
sent to New York to help identify the
as divisive. found liable for sexual abuse in a New York civil trial. – aFP charred remains of 13 of the 19 children who
massacre died in the blaze.

WaSHiNGTON: an emotional President

joe Biden marked the first anniversary of
4.5 years in prison for rioter On Tuesday, a police report said a girl
disgruntled at having her mobile phone
confiscated is believed to have set the fire in
the Uvalde, Texas school massacre, saying anger. Pupils are not allowed to have
that mass shootings have spread “killing
fields” across america.
who put feet on Pelosi’s desk phones in the dormitory. Police said there
were 57 pupils in the dormitory, which was
Biden and First Lady jill Biden visibly WaSHiNGTON: an arkansas man pho- electric stun device disguised as a walking “a one-flat concrete building measuring
struggled to hold back tears at the cere- tographed with his feet on a desk in House stick. about 100 feet by 40 feet.” – aFP
mony in the White House in front of 21 speaker Nancy Pelosi’s office after joining Prosecutors had asked judge Christo-
white candles representing the 19 children
and two school staff murdered at Robb
the mob that stormed the US Capitol in
2021 was sentenced to four and a half years
pher Cooper for a sentence of seven years in
Brazil should be on
Elementary School.
Biden choked up as he said the anniver-
in prison.
Richard Barnett, 63, (pic) was leaning
in their sentencing memo, prosecutors
said Barnett did not show any remorse and
UN Security Council
sary was a “really tough day” for the “bro- back in a chair with his boots propped up had “sought to profit from his notoriety BRaSÍLia: Brazil must have a “louder voice”
ken” families. on a desk in the office of the Democratic and criminal conduct” by selling “auto- in world affairs, including a permanent seat
Biden noted that shootings have politician when he had his picture taken by graphed photos of himself in the Speaker’s on the United Nations Security Council, the
become the biggest cause of death for chil- an aFP photographer. office suite.” More than 1,000 people have been United Kingdom’s top diplomat said.
dren in america. just in the last year there The photo became one of the iconic Barnett’s defense attorney had asked the arrested for taking part in what prosecutors The “global balance of power” has
have been 650 mass shootings, he said. images of the january 6, 2021 insurrection. judge to impose a sentence of 12 months. have called an insurrection to keep Trump shifted south, UK Foreign Secretary james
“jill and i couldn’t help but think that Barnett had joined supporters of then- Barnett, described in court filings as a in the White House after his election loss. Cleverly told a news conference in Brasilia,
too many schools, too many every day president Donald Trump who stormed supporter of the Qanon conspiracy theory and, Stewart Rhodes, founder of the far- on the first visit by a top UK diplomat in
places have become killing fields in com- Congress to shut down the legislature as it alleging a global liberal plot to kidnap chil- right Oath Keepers militia, is to be sen- nine years.
munities all across every part of america. convened to certify Democrat joe Biden as dren, had defended his actions as an exer- tenced for his role in the january 6, 2021 He added: “it is a reality that needs to be
and in each place we hear the same mes- the next US president. cise of his constitutional right to protest. attack on the US Capitol. reflected in a number of multilateral insti-
sage: ‘Do something, for God’s sake please a Washington jury convicted Barnett in But while in Pelosi’s office he wrote a Prosecutors have asked judge amit tutions including the UN.”
do something,’” Biden said. january on eight counts including obstruct- crude message to her. Mehta to impose a 25-year prison sentence Brazil, the largest economy in Latin
Biden concluded by praying for the ing Congress’s certification of the election, “i left her a note on her desk that says on Rhodes for plotting to block Congress america and the most populous country in
bereaved to find comfort so that they illegally entering the Capitol and disorderly ‘Nancy, Bigo was here, you bitch,’” he told from certifying Biden’s 2020 presidential the region, has been demanding for years to
“make it.” – aFP conduct with a dangerous weapon—an reporters, using his nickname. election victory. – aFP join the council as a permanent member, a
move that’s been blocked by the five perma-
nent members: the United States, Russia,
UN: $2.4b China, the UK and France. – aFP
Bolivian Catholic Church deaf to abuse victims to prevent Rape-accused
La PaZ: The Boli- mark. statement that “instead of giving them the
vian Catholic He also noted that senior clergy had protection and care they deserved, (the Horn of Senegal rival defiant
Church admitted known about his crimes and kept quiet. victims) met a Church deaf to their suffer-
having been
“deaf” to the suf-
Pedrajas arrived in Bolivia in 1971 and
worked as a teacher in various parts of the
He added: “We have been part, directly Africa famine ahead of trial
fering of victims country. or indirectly, of a deep pain caused to ZiGUiNCHOR, Senegal: Ousmane Sonko,
of pedophile Most of the alleged abuses were com- innocent people who have been victims of UNiTED NaTiONS, United States: a United the popular Senegalese opposition leader
priests amid a mitted at the juan XXiii boarding school sexual abuse.” Nations-backed conference raised $2.4 bil- facing a rape trial, said that he would lead a
fresh scandal over for poor, rural children in Cochabamba in On Monday, Bolivian President Luis lion to prevent famine in the Horn of “caravan of freedom” across the country as
the alleged abuse the center of the country. arce wrote to Pope Francis to ask for any africa, which is reeling from its worst he travels to face judges in Dakar.
of dozens of chil- Arana, secretary a family member had given the priest’s files on sexual abuse committed by drought in decades as global tempera- Sonko, who has a keen following among
dren. diary to the El Pais newspaper in Spain, Catholic priests in the South american tures rise. Senegal’s large youth population, has
general of the Boli-
Bolivia has which published the revelations last country. The money will provide life-saving branded the trial a political plot aimed at
vian Episcopal assistance for nearly 32 million people
been shocked by month. arana said Spanish priest jordi scuttling his bid for the presidency in 2024
Conference. across Ethiopia, Kenya and Somalia, the elections.
revelations that This gave rise to Bolivian prosecutors Bertomeu, a top sex crimes investigator for
have emerged since confessions of abuse opening at least eight cases against priests the pope, has arrived in Bolivia to look into world body’s humanitarian agency OCHa Sonko, 48, has been charged with rape
were found in the personal diary of a Span- including Pedrajas and three others from the matter. said in a statement. and making death threats against an
ish priest who died of cancer in Bolivia in Spain: Luis Maria Roma, alejandro Mestre But Hilarion Baldiviezo, head of an “Famine has been averted, thanks in employee of a beauty salon in Dakar, accu-
2009 after decades of service there. and antonio Gausset. association of former pupils of juan XXiii, part to the tremendous efforts of local sations that he denies.
in the journal, which he kept on a lap- all four are deceased, but there are said Wednesday the Church “cannot be communities, humanitarian organiza- “i’ll meet you in Dakar: either (President)
top, jesuit priest alfonso Pedrajas wrote he other accused still alive. judge and accused” in the matter. – aFP tions and authorities, as well as the sup- Macky Sall steps back, or we will face him to
had done “harm to many people... too Giovani arana, secretary general of the arana, secretary general of the Bolivian port of donors,” OCHa said. put an end to this,” Sonko told hundreds of
many,” with the number 85 and a question Bolivian Episcopal Conference, said in a Episcopal Conference. But the sum is considerably less than cheering supporters outside his home in the
the $7 billion the United Nations says is southern city of Ziguinchor after the second
needs to provide help to people affected day of his trial wrapped. The final fight,
by drought and conflict in the region. where will it go? it will happen in Dakar... if
Indigenous ministry’s powers to be curbed “The emergency is far from over, and
additional resources are urgently required
you are 2,000, let 1,500 go to Dakar to con-
tinue the fight,” he said. – aFP
BRaSÍLia: Brazil’s nous reserves an important tool against to prevent a return to the worst-case sce-
congress could strip deforestation and climate change.
nario,” OCHa added.
Since late 2020, countries in the Horn
the ministries of The bill would also divest the Ministry
of africa—Djibouti, Ethiopia, Eritrea,
environment and of Environment and Climate Change from
Kenya, Somalia, South Sudan and Sudan— border earthquake
indigenous peoples its new duties regarding water manage-
have been suffering the region’s worst
of key functions, ment and the rural environmental reg- BOGOTÁ: a 6.6-magnitude earthquake
drought in 40 years.
their heads warned istry. shook a remote part of the Caribbean near
Five failed rainy seasons have left mil-
(pic). according to Guajara, the changes seek the border of Colombia and Panama, the US
lions of people in need, decimated crops
The first-ever Min- to satisfy the “ruralist bench” in Congress, Geological Survey said.
and killed millions of livestock. The quake was one of the strongest
istry of indigenous associated with the agribusiness sector— More than 23.5 million people are
Peoples was created an industry accused in some instances of recorded in the area in recent years, but
enduring high levels of acute food insecu- there were no reports of damage, Panaman-
by President Luiz ina- illegally occupying indigenous lands. rity in Ethiopia, Kenya and Somalia,
cio Lula da Silva The changes could “cause very serious ian officials said.
according to OCHa. The epicenter was about 40 kilometres
when he took office damage to the economic, social and envi- in Somalia alone, which is also in the
in january, and was given the power to a “step backwards.” ronmental interests” of Brazil, Environ- (25 miles) off the coast of Panama’s eastern
throes of an islamist insurgency, the num- town of Puerto Obaldia, according to the
demarcate indigenous reserves. “it is taking away the protagonism of ment Minister Marina Silva said on social ber of people displaced from their homes USGS.
But that power, so far provisional, indigenous peoples and goes totally media. by armed conflict, drought or floods now authorities in Colombia and the United
needs to be approved by Congress to go against what President Lula is defending: Though Lula won the presidential elec- stands at 3.8 million, with 6.7 million peo- States ruled out the possibility of a tsunami.
into effect permanently. instead, a to recognise, value and guarantee the par- tion last year, not everyone in Congress ple struggling to find food, according to The quake was felt around Panama,
recently proposed bill would leave the ticipation of indigenous peoples in deci- always backs his decisions. figures from the UN and the Norwegian including in the capital Panama City and its
demarcation of land in the hands of the sion-making spaces.” The bill was approved 15-3 in a Cham- Refugee Council. neighboring region of West Panama as well
Ministry of justice. The initiative to create a Ministry of ber of Deputies committee Wednesday, More than half a million children are as in the Caribbean region of Guna Yala,
in an interview with aFP, indigenous indigenous Peoples was welcomed by and heads to a plenary of both legislative severely malnourished, the two organiza- according to Panama’s National Civil Pro-
Minister Sonia Guajajara called the move environmentalists, who consider indige- chambers next week. – aFP tions added. – aFP tection System (Sinaproc). – aFP
13 Solar investment to outshine fossil fuel
FRIDAY, MAY 26, 2023

14 108 M’sian firms at Asia’s biggest F&B trade show


RM7.5b in agreements at Lima’23 Petron profit

rises to
KUaLa LUMPUR: The Transport Ministry
has hosted memorandum of understand-
agreement supersedes the previous aSa
signed on Feb 14,1992 to further enhance
62 New Energy Catamaran via Nova Nauti-
cal Sdn Bhd to help reduce the environ-
tion, it said.
Other MoUs include agreements
ing (MoU) and commercial contract sign- air connectivity while providing a more mental impact of tourism in Langkawi between Malaysia UaV alliance and Data-
KUaLa LUMPUR: Petron Malaysia Refining
ing worth RM 7.5 billion at the Langkawi conducive environment for the airlines to Unesco Global Geopark. sonic Group Bhd and Selangor aviation
& Marketing Bhd’s net profit increased to
international Maritime and aerospace operate viably. The signing of the Langkawi interna- Technology and innovation Sdn Bhd; six
RM108.73 million in the first quarter (1Q)
Exhibition (Lima’23). “The Prime Minister was also present at tional Yacht Registry overseas representa- MOUs between Universiti Malaysia Tereng-
ended March 31, 2023 from RM106.38 mil-
in a statement, the ministry said 36 doc- the exchange of letter of agreement (LOa) tion and expansion for Turkiye and ganu and MSET inflatable Composit Cor-
lion in the year-ago period, driven by
uments exchanged hands between the var- between Kuala Linggi international Port European Union regional cooperation will poration, agensi angkasa Malaysia,
higher sales volume.
ious parties during the prestigious event. and CCC Dredging Southeast asia Sdn Bhd bring in US$250 million in revenue to the Malaysia industry-Government Group For
Revenue rose to RM3.82 billion from
“The Yang di-Pertuan agong al-Sultan (CCC),” it said. Malaysian economy over three to five years, High Technology, Pelabuhan Tanjung
RM3.80 billion previously, the company
abdullah Ri’ayatuddin al-Mustafa Billah The ministry further said that MYairline the statement said. Pelepas Sdn Bhd, PKT Logistics Group Sdn
said in a filing with Bursa Malaysia.
Shah graced the signing of three agree- Sdn Bhd brought in the biggest investment The Transport Ministry also signed three Bhd and Holistics Lab Sdn Bhd as well as a
Petron’s total sales volume in 1Q of 8.3
ments between SKS airways Sdn Bhd, with a combined value of approximately MOUs involving the air accident investiga- memorandum of collaboration between
million barrels was eight per cent higher
azorra aviation Holdings and Embraer RM 2.7 billion which involves extending an tion Bureau with the Royal Malaysia Police, Pos Logistics Spirit aerosystems Malaysia.
than the 7.7 million barrels sold in the
asia Pacific Pte Ltd,” it said, adding that the inventory technical management services. the Malaysian Fire and Rescue Department There was also a Sustainable aviation
same period last year.
overall value of these agreements was The statement said Tropical Charters and Malaysia airports Fire and Rescue Serv- Fuel (SaF) offtake agreement between
“at the back of stable demand post-
US$488 million (US$1=RM4.60). Sdn Bhd signed two agreements with XOne ice. Malaysia aviation Group with Petronas
pandemic, domestic sales improved by 13
Prime Minister Datuk Seri anwar Superyachts Group and Gottsegen Yachts. The MoUs ensure compliance with Dagangan Bhd and two MOUs between
per cent from a year ago,” the company
ibrahim also witnessed an air service agree- Tropical Charters Sdn Bhd also invested in international Civil aviation Organisation Malaysia airlines Bhd Engineering Services
ment (aSa) signing ceremony between the the future of sustainable tourism with a standards to improve cooperation during and jabatan Pembangunan Kemahiran
it noted oil prices and demand were con-
Malaysian and Brunei governments. The EUR6 million contract to build a Gottsegen aircraft accident and incident investiga- and Spirit aerosystems. –Bernama
strained by the heightened global recession
fears from the banking crisis in the United
Mosti urges finance, investment bodies to look to space-related sector States and Europe, partly tempered by pos-
itive sentiments on China’s expected eco-
LaNGKaWi: The Ministry of Science, Tech- lion (US$1=RM4.60) of fresh capital to lion, up from US$280 billion in 2010, and mercialisation. nomic recovery post-pandemic.
nology and innovation (Mosti) has called work in space companies. is expected to grow to US$1 trillion by 2030. He also urged insurance and lawmakers On prospects, Petron said while there
for finance and investment bodies to open “The growing interest to pursue spin- “Therefore, it is time for finance and to catch up with the development to were attempts to balance the oil market
their doors to funding space-related indus- offs, partnerships, and private-investment investment bodies to consider space as the ensure the new era of space innovations with the Organisation of the Petroleum
tries in Malaysia. rounds are what fuel the interest of the country’s new economic source. Financial reaches its full potential while also stress- Exporting Countries and its allies (Opec+)
Mosti Deputy Minister Datuk arthur public and private market to fund these innovation is a must for the space industry. ing the need to have a legal and regulatory announcing output cuts, it still expects
joseph Kurup said the call was made due to companies’ product road map, thus accel- “New funding mechanisms such as framework on the governance of space for market uncertainties to affect oil demand-
limited government financing for the sec- erating innovation and providing more competitive grants, debt financing, risk- safety, political and defence reasons. supply balance that may cause persistent
tors as of now, and other funding mecha- competition among companies,” he said in sharing mechanisms and tax incentives “The legal framework will also make volatility during the year, although in a
nisms such as venture capital, his keynote address at the Langkawi inter- can attract local and foreign players to con- investors and financial institutions com- modest range compared to 2022.
public-private partnership (PPPs), a com- national Space Forum 2023 at the Mahsuri tribute or establish businesses here,” he fortable with lending and get insurers “Petron remains vigilant in managing
petitive financing instruments, and crowd- international Exhibition Centre here. said. comfortable insuring. it will help to reduce the possible implications of these market
funding will all be helpful in realising the The forum is in conjunction with the Commenting on the Space industry risk in participation. uncertainties to the company’s business
nations space aspirations. Langkawi international Maritime and Strategic Plan 2030 launched Wednesday, “The recently enacted Malaysian Space operations through its comprehensive risk
“These financial mechanisms can be aerospace Exhibition 2023 (Lima’23). arthur said the plan has outlined a few ini- Board act, meanwhile, is aimed to estab- management approach.
used to catalyse the local space industry. in arthur said reports have shown that the tiatives to be implemented with the goal to lish regulatory guidelines for conducting “We will also continue to improve our
2021 alone, records have shown that the global space economy recorded a tremen- create a sustainable funding and invest- space-related activities in the country,” he operational efficiencies, optimise
public and private markets put US$10 bil- dous growth of approximately US$447 bil- ment ecosystem to promote space com- said. –Bernama resources and pursue better-yielding
investments in retail network expansion.
at the same time, we are committed to
Renewable energy a sustainable Public Bank’s Q1 profits increase to pursue initiatives that are geared towards
a sustainable environment, society and
economy,” Petron added. –Bernama
way for chips firms to grow RM1.71b on prosperity tax absence
GEORGE TOWN: Semiconductor companies energy between the production and the KUaLa LUMPUR: Public Bank Bhd’s net
profit rose to RM1.71 billion in the first
remained stable with a low gross impaired
loans ratio of 0.5 per cent.
Marks & Spencer
in Malaysia should start looking at renew- usage, that is where we can act on the site
quarter ended March 31, 2023 (1Q FY2023) “Loan impairment allowances were
able energy in their quest to fulfill soaring
global demand for chips, says Schneider
helping companies. We have all the solu-
tions, from strategising to measuring, and to from RM1.40 billion in the same period lower by 98.5 per cent to RM1.5 million debuts in KK
Electric. optimising. last year in the absence of prosperity tax. from RM99.7 million in the corresponding
in a filing with Bursa Malaysia, the bank quarter of 2022,” it said. KOTa KiNaBaLU: iconic British retailer
Executive vice-president for power sys- “We can help the industry to build a rea- Marks & Spencer (M&S) has officially
tems and services Frederic Godemel said sonable plan to achieve higher production said the improved net profit performance On its loans and deposits businesses,
was attributable to equity holders who Public Bank said it maintained a healthy opened its doors to Sabahans at imago
semiconductor output is anticipated to with lower or at least the same amount of Shopping Mall.
triple in the next decade and these compa- CO2 emission,” he added. registered a higher increase of RM315.4 loan growth momentum at an annualised
million, or 22.6 per cent, over the same growth rate of five per cent to RM381.6 bil- Nestled in the heart of the city, it is
nies must start looking at ways to continue He said Malaysia being the seventh M&S’ first store in East Malaysia, which
their growth without impacting the envi- largest exporter of semiconductors in the period, mainly due to the effect of prosper- lion in 1Q FY2023, largely supported by the
ity tax in the previous year. domestic loan portfolios, which grew by marks a significant milestone in the com-
ronment. world with a market share of seven per cent, pany’s brand expansion.
“in Malaysia, energy production is still there is great potential for Malaysia to look Revenue jumped to RM6.12 billion from 5.4 per cent per annum (p.a) to RM356.8
RM4.89 billion previously. billion. Operated by the al-Futtaim Group, the
mainly fossil fuels including coal. This into the possibilities of more supply of launch was officiated by Marks & Spencer
should be replaced with more renewable renewable energy resources. in a separate statement, Public Bank it said domestic loan growth was
managing director and chief executive mainly contributed by residential proper- Singapore & Malaysia, al-Futtaim Retail
energy sources. i see it as an opportunity for He said the global semiconductor industry General Manager Ryan Dsouza in a ribbon-
the industry to partner with electrical com- is growing rapidly with the industry poised to officer Tan Sri Tay ah Lek said the group ties financing, which grew at 6.1 per cent
had demonstrated resilience in its 1Q per annum (p.a), hire purchase financing cutting ceremony.
panies as well as relevant parties to get more become a trillion-dollar industry by 2030. He said the store is designed to capti-
renewable energy supply. Renewable energy is the solution for compa- FY2023 performance, mainly supported by (up 11.5 per cent p.a) and small and
commendable net interest income growth medium-sized enterprise (SME) financing vate shoppers with all-new interiors to
“This is a good challenge for Malaysia and nies to get the additional energy supply to provide a contemporary look and feel for
the industry. it may not be a top priority match their output with global demand with- and lower loan impairment allowances. (up 2.7 per cent p.a).
according to the statement, the bank’s Public Bank said non-interest income an optimised shopping experience.
today, but it will be in 10 years time because out impacting the environment. Completed with womenswear,
we are starting to see large corporations in “and if you do not do that, this is what net interest income increased 7.4 per cent performance increased 0.7 per cent in 1Q
during the quarter under review, mainly FY2023 from the same period last year, menswear, lingerie, beauty sections and a
other parts of the world looking at green happened in certain industries where there food hall, shoppers in East Malaysia will
energy,” he told Bernama on the sidelines of is a shortage of chips and they cannot man- led by healthy loans and deposits growth, mainly contributed by its wholly-owned
which expanded at an annualised growth subsidiary, Public Mutual, which recorded have a new go-to destination to fulfil their
the Semicon Southeast asia 2023. ufacture. fashion and lifestyle needs.
Godemel said Schneider Electric does “What is happening now is that a shortage rate of five per cent and 9.1 per cent, a pre-tax profit of RM192.6 million in the
respectively. current quarter, contributing 8.7 per cent “We are delighted to announce that al-
offer solutions to help the industry lower of chips has global consequences and can be Futtaim is bringing the first M&S store to
their carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions such penalising to their businesses,” he added. Meanwhile, Public Bank said it to the group’s profit. – Bernama
East Malaysia, further expanding its foot-
as digitising the infrastructure of semicon- The three-day conference which ended print in the region.
ductor processes that would subsequently
result in 20-30 per cent higher efficiency.
Thursday, themed ‘Boosting agility and
Resiliency for the Electronics Supply Chain’, Loan growth to ease: Affin Bank “it’s our pleasure to extend our unwa-
vering dedication to provide a unique and
Other than that, Schneider Electric also was organised by Semi, the global industry KUaLa LUMPUR: affin Bank Bhd expects its President and group chief executive offi- fulfilling shopping experience to the val-
has software that could help its customers association serving the semiconductor and loan growth to ease at 10 to 11 per cent for cer Datuk Wan Razly abdullah Wan ali said ued customers in Sabah,” Dsouza said.
manage their various sources of emission electronics manufacturing and design sup- the fiscal year 2023 versus the 15 per cent the year could be challenging due to strong
while also providing guidance to the com- ply chain, with its strategic partners the growth recorded last year, citing a cautious economic headwinds in the United States
pany in their sustainability journey.
“in many operations, there is a waste of
Malaysian investment Development author-
ity and investPenang. –Bernama
outlook for the whole banking sector. (US) and the slowdown in Europe, with both
markets likely to experience a recession.
Ekuinas explores
bursa closing report
“This will have a knock-on effect on asia
and also Malaysia. (Despite this), we still
see a lot of business opportunities in
sale of Al-Ikhsan
Bursa down amid weak regional sentiment Malaysia.
“(However), we will taper down our
growth target from 15 per cent last year,
KUaLa LUMPUR: Ekuiti Nasional Bhd
(Ekuinas) is in the midst of crystallising its
investment in sports equipment and
KUaLa LUMPUR: Late selling in plantation ernment debt causing negative sentiment aCE index slid 3.61 points to 4,944.19. and this depends on how severe the slow- apparel chain store operator al-ikhsan
counters dragged Bursa Malaysia to end at around the world. Sector-wise, the industrial Products and down or recession would impact the US Sports Sdn Bhd (al-ikhsan).
its intraday low Thursday in line with the “On the domestic front, the FBM KLCi Services index dropped 0.14 of-a-point to and Europe. Speaking to reporters after the
mostly downbeat performance on regional trended lower in the absence of fresh cata- 164.14, the Plantation index slipped 130.92 “We will remain focused on expanding announcement of Ekuinas’ 2022 financial
peers. lysts. Nonetheless, we are hopeful that bar- points to 6,805.75, the Energy index lost our customer franchise and growing our results, chief executive officer Syed Yasir
at 5.00 pm, the FTSE Bursa Malaysia KLCi gain hunting activities will emerge, 11.38 points to 818.76, and the Financial Serv- high-margin business while at the same arafat Syed abd Kadir said Ekuinas is open
(FBM KLCi) fell 7.14 points or 0.51 per cent to especially in banking stocks as we expect ices index decreased 30.90 points to time maintaining and improving our asset to whether exiting the investment via an
close at 1,402.48 compared with 1,409.62 at earnings from the sector to remain decent 15,318.43. quality,” he told reporters after the bank’s initial public offering (iPO) or trade sale.
Wednesday’s close. over the next few days (results announce- The Main Market volume fell to 1.47 bil- annual general meeting here. “We are open. in fact, we are discussing
The barometer index opened 0.68 points ment). lion units valued at RM1.40 billion from 1.71 For 2023, Wan Razly abdullah said two whether we want to exit al-ikhsan this
weaker at 1,408.94 Thursday morning and “We anticipate the FBM KLCi to move billion units valued at RM1.50 billion on main business focus areas for the loan year or not. We will continue to explore
moved to its highest level of 1,411.42 in the within the 1,400-1,410 range towards the Wednesday. growth would continue to come from (the methods). it really depends on the
early morning session. weekend with immediate support at 1,400 Warrants turnover expanded to 332.16 community banking, namely the retail valuation that we get,” he said.
The broader market was also negative and resistance at 1,440,” he told Bernama. million units worth RM46.03 million banking book as well as the small and Established in 1993 by founder ali Has-
with decliners thumping advancers 556 to among other heavyweights, Petronas against 293.91 million units worth RM41.75 medium enterprise banking, both of which san Mohd Hassan, al-ikhsan operates 181
293, while 409 counters were unchanged, Chemicals added 2.0 sen to RM6.97, Tenaga million Wednesday. registered a strong growth of about 11 to 13 stores in Malaysia.
1,000 untraded and 14 others suspended. Nasional increased 6.0 sen to RM9.58, Public The aCE Market volume improved to per cent last year. Ekuinas partly owns the company after
Turnover declined to 2.36 billion units Bank was 3.0 sen lower at RM3.89, CiMB 553.75 million shares valued at RM178.96 He said that its islamic banking was also the government-linked private equity firm
worth RM1.63 billion from 2.55 billion units declined 2.0 sen to RM4.96, while Maybank million from 540.12 million shares valued at the fastest-growing business within the acquired a 35 per cent stake in al-ikhsan in
worth RM1.70 billion on Wednesday. was flat at RM8.56. RM156.51 million previously. bank, recording a higher loan growth last july 2016 for RM68.6 million.
Sime Darby Plantation and Kuala as for the active counters, Velesto Energy Consumer products and services coun- year, surpassing that of the group at 17 per For the financial year 2022, al-ikhsan’s
Lumpur Kepong were the top two contrib- shed 3.0 sen to 22.5 sen, Bahvest Resources ters accounted for 389.02 million shares cent and contributing about 40 to 45 per revenue jumped 72.4 per cent year-on-year
utors to the loss in the benchmark index, eased half-a-sen to 18.5 sen, Parkson Hold- traded on the Main Market, industrial prod- cent of earnings to the bank. to RM485.4 million from RM281.6 million.
slipping 13.0 sen and 76.0 sen to RM4.28 and ings perked up 1.0 sen to 16.0 sen, Widad ucts and services (272.94 million); construc- He said that affin Bank was also on a its earnings before interest, tax, depre-
RM21.78, respectively, for a combined 2.83 Group ticked up half-a-sen to 43.0 sen, and tion (37.67 million); technology (145.10 journey of increasing its current account ciation, and amortisation (Ebitda) before
points. MSM Malaysia Holdings surged 22.0 sen to million); SPaC (nil); financial services (55.80 and savings accounts ratio as the bank was extraordinary items soared to RM70.3 mil-
Rakuten Trade Sdn Bhd equity research RM1.05. million); property (134.79 million); planta- one of the laggards in growing this ratio. lion from RM18.7 million.
vice-president Thong Pak Leng said the FBM On the index board, the FBM Emas index tion (31.36 million); REiTs (9.71 million), Moving forward, Wan Razly abdullah asking about the potential to exit
KLCi closed lower in tandem with most key dipped 56.07 points to 10,284.41, the FBMT closed/fund (41,000); energy (215.15 mil- said the bank would remain focused on Orkim Sdn Bhd, Syed Yasir arafat said
regional indices following Wednesday’s 100 index fell 53.73 points to 9,989.96, the lion); healthcare (85.96 million); telecom- building its key systems and technologies Ekuinas continues to explore opportuni-
global sell-down. FBM Emas Shariah index declined 72.69 munications and media (34.28 million); that will make it more resilient and strong ties for the shipping company.
“investors are worried about the US points to 10,644.10, the FBM 70 index went transportation and logistics (22.38 million); to support the growth of its customer base. Ekuinas bought the 95.5 per cent stake
economy and a possible default on US gov- down 84.24 points to 13,425.02, and the FBM and utilities (35.41 million). –Bernama – Bernama in Orkim in 2014. –Bernama
F R I DAY, MAY 26, 2023 Business 13

Solar investment to S’pore economy beats estimates

SiNGaPORE: Singapore’s economy posted
better-than-expected results in the first
quarter of 2023, official data showed Thurs-
day, but the government warned that the
major global powers”.
Singapore’s trade is three times its GDP,
and a slowdown in global demand is quickly
reflected in its trade and production data,

outshine fossil fuel

global outlook remains gloomy. said Song Seng Wun, a regional economist
The Southeast asian city-state’s economic with CiMB Private Banking.
performance is often seen as a barometer of “Singapore is like the canary in the coal
the global environment because of its mine,” he said.
reliance on international trade. There was a weak reading from the man-
PaRiS: investment in solar power is its economy expanded by 0.4 on-year in ufacturing sector, which shrank 5.6 percent
expected to overtake oil for the first time the quarter starting january, slower than the on-year in the first quarter, worsening from
this year as clean energy spending out- 2.1 percent on-year growth in the previous the 2.6 percent shrinkage in the fourth quar-
paces that for fossil fuels, the iEa said in a quarter but better than an advance estimate ter last year.
report Thursday. released last month, according to figures That sector includes semiconductors, a
While that is a welcome development, released by the Ministry of Trade and indus- key export.
the international Energy agency warned try (MTi). “Singapore’s external demand outlook
that investment in fossil fuels is rising Quarter-on-quarter, the economy shrank for the rest of the year has weakened,” the
when it should be falling fast to achieve Employees 0.4 percent, though that too was better than MTi said.
net zero emissions by 2050. work on expected. “apart from the expected slowdown in
“Clean energy is moving fast—faster solar panels The MTi maintained its growth forecast the advanced economies, the electronics
than many people realise,” iEa Executive during the for 2023 at between 0.5 and 2.5 percent, say- downcycle is likely to be deeper and more
Director Fatih Birol said in a statement production ing the figure was likely to be in the middle prolonged than earlier projected.”
accompanying the release of the agency’s of circular of that range. it provided an optimistic outlook for the
latest report on energy investment. lightweight it warned, however: “Downside risks in aviation and tourism sectors, however.
“This is clear in the investment trends, solar panels the global economy have risen.” and while it estimated China’s economic
where clean technologies are pulling away at a Solarge in its statement, it cited a “sharper-than- recovery following the end of Covid restric-
from fossil fuels,” he added. factory in expected tightening in global financial con- tions to be strong, it cautioned that the
annual investment in clean energy is Weert, ditions” and “escalations in the war in spillover effects on Singapore are “expected
expected to have risen by 24 percent from Netherlands. Ukraine and geopolitical tensions among to remain weak”. – aFP
2021 to more than $1.7 trillion in 2023,
according to the iEa. The gain for fossil “This crowns solar as a true energy investment was concentrated in advanced
fuels was 15 percent over the same period.
investment in clean energy and fossil
superpower,” said Dave jones, head of data
insights at the energy think tank Ember.
The low price of solar power generation
nations and China, while the biggest
increases in fossil fuel investment are in
Middle Eastern nations.
Germany in recession
fuels was equal only five years ago. But a BERLiN: Germany fell into a recession of negative growth—the threshold for a
combination of factors, in particular high will help propel decarbonisation efforts as “The irony remains that some of the
around the turn of the year, official fig- “technical recession”.
oil and gas prices and a worry about sup- electric car adoption gathers pace. sunniest places in the world have the low-
ures published Thursday showed, as The slump came as Germany battled a
plies, has seen spending on renewables But the rebound in oil and gas invest- est levels of solar investment, and this is a
inflation and higher interest rates surge in energy prices in the wake of the
surge ahead. ment, which is expected to return to 2019 problem that needs attention,” said jones.
curbed demand in Europe’s largest econ- Russian invasion of Ukraine, which has
“One shining example is investment in levels this year, puts the industry further The iEa also found that major energy
omy. weighed on households and businesses.
solar, which is set to overtake the amount away from the iEa’s 2050 net zero trajec- companies, for the most part, are not put-
Over the first three months of 2023, The increased cost of energy has
of investment going into oil production tory. ting considerable funds into the transition
the economy shrank by 0.3 percent, the driven inflation, which sat at 7.2 percent
for the first time,” Birol said. The iEa says overall 2023 fossil fuel to green energy.
federal statistics agency Destatis said, in Germany in april, down only slightly
The iEa expects investment in solar investment is expected to be more than just five percent of their cash flow last
downgrading an initial estimate of zero from its peak towards the end of 2022.
power, essentially photovoltaic panels, to double the amount the sector should be year went to low-carbon and renewable
percent. “The persistence of high price
hit $380 billion this year, while investment spending in 2030. For coal, it cold hit six energies or carbon capture projects, only
Following a 0.5-percent contraction increases continued to be a burden on
in oil exploration and extraction should times the amount. about a quarter of the amount that was
in the last three months of 2022, it was the German economy at the start of the
come in at $370 billion. The iEa also noted that clean energy paid out overall to shareholders. – aFP
Germany’s second consecutive quarter year,” Destatis said in a statement.
The impact was felt particularly by
China tech firm opens Bangla factory Quanta Computer confirms Mexico plans consumers who reined in their spending
on items such as food and clothing.
The negative revision to the growth
amid growing smart devices demand TaiPEi: Taiwan’s Quanta Computer con-
firmed it had “investment plans” in Mexico
shared on Twitter Tuesday.
He added the investment was “just for figure was no surprise following a string
after the governor of Nuevo Leon equipment and technology transfer” in of weak economic indicators, LBBW
DHaKa: Transsion Holdings, a China-based Zhu expressed optimism that the invest- announced the company would pump an the first phase, and that land and con- bank analyst jens-Oliver Niklasch said.
smartphone manufacturer, inaugurated its ment in Bangladesh through iSMaRTU additional $1 billion into his state. struction would still need to be factored “The early indicators suggest that
iSMaRTU factory this week to meet the would not only accelerate the company’s a Tesla supplier and Macbook maker, in. things will continue to be similarly weak
growing demand for smart devices in local development but also contribute to Quanta is one of the world’s leading elec- Quanta has already recruited a work- in the second quarter” of 2023, Niklasch
Bangladesh, reported Xinhua. Bangladesh’s digitization and modernisa- tronics and contract manufacturers, and is force of 2,500 people since starting opera- said.
iSMaRTU Technology BD Limited, a sub- tion process. best known for making the “brains” that tions in Nuevo Leon. industrial orders, which give a fore-
sidiary of Transsion Holdings, represents according to Transsion, from design to go inside electric cars. The state is home to Monterrey city, taste of factory output, plummeted in
popular smart brands such as TECNO, itel, construction, the new factory introduces “Quanta has investment plans in Mex- where Elon Musk’s Tesla is currently build- March when compared with the same
infinix, oraimo and Syinix. more advanced production standards, with ico and will gradually advance based on ing a $5 billion new “gigafactory”. month last year.
The new factory, located in the Meghna a more scientific layout to better meet the customer demands and (its) business The investments in Nuevo Leon are part Germany, which had long been heav-
industrial Economic Zone, Narayanganj, needs of modernised mobile phone pro- development plan,” it announced in a fil- of the “nearshoring” trend among ameri- ily reliant on Russian energy imports,
has a total investment of about US$22 mil- duction. ing to the Taiwan Stock Exchange. can companies and their suppliers, in was left particularly exposed following
lion in the first phase of its construction and Focusing on streamlining the produc- it declined to provide financial details, which production sites are established the Russian invasion in February last
covers an area of over 22,000 square metres. tion process, the Chinese company tries to saying only that “the investment in Mexico closer to the US market. year.
it is equipped with the latest technology deliver top-quality smart mobile devices to does not involve equity investment”. in an interview with aFP in March, Gar- The curtailment of gas supplies in
and adheres to high international standards meet Bangladesh’s growing demand for Quanta’s statement comes a day after cia said production of Tesla electric vehi- particular left Berlin scrambling to find
for quality and safety. products. the governor of the northern Mexican cles could begin next january at the giant new sources of energy and fill reserves
Regarding a large population and Speaking via video link at the inaugura- state of Nuevo Leon announced an invest- plant. ahead of what was anticipated to be a
increasing consumer demand for afford- tion ceremony, Bangladeshi Posts and ment of “$1 billion more” from the com- He added that he hoped the investment harsh winter at the end of 2022.
able, high-end feature smartphones in Telecommunications Minister Mustafa jab- pany after a successful pilot project. would create 7,000 direct jobs in Monter- The slump was “not the worst-case
Bangladesh, Zhu Zhaojiang, Transsion bar applauded Transsion for offering afford- “Because they liked it so much, they rey—and 40-50,000 indirect ones, as Tesla scenario of a severe recession” predicted
Holdings Chairman, called the South asian able devices in line with the government’s gave us the news that of the $250 million was expected to bring with it many of the by some following the Russian invasion,
country a strategic market for the com- commitment to bridging the digital gap (already invested), they are going to invest companies that make parts for its vehicles. said Carsten Brzeski, head of macro at
pany’s business expansion. among the people. – Bernama $1 billion more,” Garcia said in a video he – aFP the iNG bank. – aFP

BYD denies failing emissions test Jaguar to pick UK over

BEijiNG: Electric auto giant BYD on Thurs-
day denied accusations levelled by a rival
lect evidence and conduct testing.”
it added pointedly that “the testing
BYD, whose investors include US invest-
Spain for battery plant
carmaker that two of its models failed vehicles were purchased, stored, and ment titan Warren Buffet, was embroiled LONDON: The indian owner of carmaker requested £500 million ($603 million)
China’s strict emissions standards. arranged for inspection by Great Wall in another pollution accusation earlier jaguar Land Rover is set to select Britain from London to help it build the plant in
BYD is the world’s second-largest Motors”, instead of a third party as this month. over Spain to for a giant battery plant Somerset.
maker of electric vehicles after Tesla, and required under national rules. an environmental inspection team vis- employing up to 9,000 people, the BBC Environmental campaign group Green-
is number one in China’s vibrant but analysts say China is leading the way ited one of the company’s biggest factories reported. peace welcomed the report.
fiercely competitive domestic sector. worldwide when it comes to electric vehi- in the central Chinese city of Changsha to The broadcaster, citing sources familiar “Securing this gigafactory was critical
On Thursday it hit back at allegations cle development. inspect “gas emissions”, according to a with the matter, added that the boss of jLR to ensuring the UK even has a car manu-
that two of its hybrid car models were “sus- BYD saw its profits jump fivefold in the brief statement by the city government owner Tata Motors was expected to fly into facturing sector going forward,” said
pected of violating standards for evapora- first quarter thanks to global demand for published on May 8. Britain next week to finalise the deal and Greenpeace UK policy director Doug
tive pollutants”, after a complaint to its cars and buses. Dozens of children living near the fac- meet with Prime Minister Rishi Sunak. Parr.
China’s environment ministry by rival But competition within the domestic tory had suffered from nose bleeds and The factory will be built in Somerset, “But the thousands of jobs it will create
Great Wall Motors was published by state- market is fierce, with around 100 brands nausea, and their parents had noticed a southwest England, after the site beat off demonstrates the huge advantages that
backed news outlet The Paper. offering more than 300 models, according “pungent smell” coming from the factory, competition from Spain, according to the come with investing in home-grown green
Evaporative pollutants refer to gasoline to Counterpoint Research. Chinese news outlet Phoenix Tech report. tech.”
vapour from fuel tanks and are a source of The complaint by Great Wall, which reported. The deal has not yet been signed but Britain plans to ban the sale of new
harmful air pollution. was filed last month according to The The Changsha government has not preparations are underway over how to high-polluting diesel and petrol cars from
“Our products and related testing com- Paper, comes weeks before China’s tough published its findings after the inspection present the agreement, the sources told 2030, forcing its car manufacturing sector
ply with national standards and have been new vehicle emissions standards kick in. and BYD declined to comment on the the BBC. to switch production to electric vehicles.
certified by authoritative national institu- BYD and Great Wall did not reply to issue. The UK government did not respond to That target is part of its long-standing
tions,” BYD said in a statement. aFP’s request for comment, and the envi- China’s upgraded vehicle emissions a request for comment. goal to achieve net zero carbon emissions
“We welcome relevant departments to ronment ministry did not reply to queries standards will take effect nationwide from The Financial Times newspaper had by 2050 in order to help tackle climate
come any time for an investigation, to col- on whether it was investigating the com- july 1. – aFP reported earlier this year that Tata had change. – aFP

foreign closing report

HONG KONG: Most asian equities sank
Thursday on fears of a US default as the
struggle to hammer out a debt deal led
Most markets down as US debt impasse sparks Fitch ratings warning
Fitch to warn the country’s gold-plated The firm said the move “reflects S&P did so during a similar standoff in Taipei edged up. also dampening sentiment.
credit rating was at risk. increased political partisanship that is 2011. London, Paris and Frankfurt extended Minutes from the US central bank’s
Nerves have been rattled across hindering reaching a resolution to raise Tony Sycamore, of iG australia, called Thursday’s hefty losses. most recent policy meeting showed offi-
global markets owing to a lack of real or suspend the debt limit” before june 1, the move “a bit of a slap” to both sides. Still, McCarthy was hopeful a deal cials split on what to do at their june
headway in the standoff on Capitol Hill when the US Treasury Department “it just adds urgency that these two could be reached before june 1, saying: “i gathering, with inflation still more than
to increase the US borrowing limit so it warned the government will run out of guys get together, or these two parties still think we have time to get an agree- double the two percent target.
can meet its debt obligations. money, triggering a default. get together because their lack of action ment, and get it done.” “Some participants commented that,
Talks earlier this week between Presi- Most economists warn that the failure is making the ratings agencies nervous, “We’re not going to default. We’re based on their expectations that
dent joe Biden and Republican House of the United States to pay its bills would and i think the markets are very nervous going to solve this problem,” he told progress in returning inflation to two
Speaker Kevin McCarthy were described likely have devastating economic conse- as well,” he added. reporters. percent could continue to be unaccept-
as “productive” but the two sides have quences for markets and the global Observers warned that the move and White House Press Secretary ably slow, additional policy firming
made little progress since, with Republi- economy. could force S&P and Moody’s to follow Karine jean-Pierre said talks “remain would likely be warranted at future
cans demanding spending cuts but “Fitch still expects a resolution to the suit. productive”, adding: “We believe that we meetings,” the minutes showed.
Democrats calling for a “clean” increase. debt limit before the X-date,” the ratings The Fitch news came after Wall Street can get to a solution here. We can get to But “several participants noted that if
and analysts said that while there is a agency said in a statement. had closed but markets there had a bipartisan, reasonable agreement.” the economy evolved along the lines of
broad expectation an agreement will “However, we believe risks have risen already suffered another day of selling She warned that failure to do so their current outlooks, then further pol-
finally be reached—likely at the last that the debt limit will not be raised or with all three main indexes deep in the would have “catastrophic impacts in icy firming after this meeting may not be
minute following a period of brinkman- suspended before the X-date and conse- red. every single part of this country”. necessary”.
ship—investors were growing increas- quently that the government could Much of asia followed suit Thursday “We’re talking about millions of jobs The minutes also showed Fed econo-
ingly agitated and risk-averse. begin to miss payments on some of its with Hong Kong down almost two per- lost, devastating retirement accounts, mists assume tight financial conditions
On Wednesday, the uncertainty led obligations.” cent, while Shanghai, Sydney, Seoul, Sin- and a recession.” “would lead to a mild recession starting
Fitch to put the country’s aaa-ranked The announcement raises the possi- gapore, Manila, Mumbai, Bangkok and Worries over the possibility of more later this year, followed by a moderately
credit on “rating watch negative”. bility of a first ratings downgrade since jakarta were also in the red. Tokyo and Federal Reserve interest rate hikes were paced recovery”. – aFP
14 Business FRIDAY, MAY 26, 2023

108 M’sian firms

VELESTO 100,372,800 26.0 21.5 22.5 -3.0 SAHAM AMANAH SAbAH

at Asia’s biggest
bAHVEST 81,023,600 20.5 18.5 18.5 -0.5
PARKSON 68,744,700 18.5 16.0 16.0 +1.0 bUyING: 0.2819
HSI-COO 67,176,300 12.0 9.0 9.5 -3.5 SELLING: 0.2819
wIdAd 44,248,800 43.5 42.5 43.0 +0.5 NAV: 0.2819
MSM 44,201,100 110.0 82.0 105.0 +22.0

F&B trade show

ICONIC 42,195,000 15.0 13.5 14.0 -0.5
n gold prices
KNM 38,653,800 6.5 5.5 6.5 +0.5
dNEx 36,201,700 42.0 40.0 40.5 -1.5
THE physical price of gold as at 5pm stood at
HSI-COw 31,097,500 26.0 22.5 23.0 -6.0
RM281.98 per gramme, up three sen from
BaNGKOK: a total of 108 Malaysian com- manufacturers, are among the 108 RM281.95 at 5pm Wednesday. – Bernama
n bURSA SCOREbOARd panies are making their mark at Thaifex– Malaysian companies participating in the
UP dOwN UNCHANGEd TRAdEd anuga asia 2023 - asia’s largest and most trade show. Malaysian companies are n CLOSING INdICES
CONSUMER PROd & SERV 52 69 61 182 comprehensive food and beverage (F&B) showcasing a wide array of local products,
INd-PROd & SERVICES 51 92 99 242 trade show, eyeing to expand their market ranging from coffee, milk tea, juice, durian FBMEMAS 10,284.40 (-56.07)
CONSTRUCTION 12 26 18 56 presence globally. products, frozen food, confectionery, and FBMKLCI 1,402.48 (-7.14)
TECHNOLOGy 16 21 17 54 This year, the annual expo is finally fish snacks.
CONSUMER PRODUCTS 563.46 (-1.77)
SPAC 0 0 0 0 returning to normalcy after being The Malaysia External Trade Develop-
fINANCIAL SERVICES 10 9 10 29 impacted by Covid-19 from 2019 to 2022. ment Corporation (Matrade) Bangkok INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTS 164.14 (+0.14)
PROPERTy 23 41 32 96 More than 3,000 exhibitors from 43 trade commissioner Mohamed Hafiz Md CONSTRUCTION 157.53 (-1.49)
PLANTATION 8 18 6 32 countries are showcasing their products Shariff said the agency has played a pivotal FINANCIAL SERVICES 15,318.40 (-30.90)
REIT 3 6 8 17 and services across 5,500 booths at impact role in facilitating numerous business
CLOSEd ENd fUNd 1 0 0 1 ENERGY 818.76 (-11.38)
Muang Thong Thani, Bangkok from May meetings between Malaysian exporters
ENERGy 12 11 12 35 23-27, stamping a significant milestone in and Thai buyers and distributors. TELECOMMUNICATIONS 592.55 (-3.59)
HEALTH CARE 1 13 4 18 the industry’s recovery and a platform for “The response from the buyers has been HEALTH CARE 1,850.21 (-54.38)
TELECOMMUNICATIONS/MEdIA 4 10 4 18 businesses to reconnect and thrive once overwhelmingly positive, reflecting their
again. keen interest and enthusiasm for engag-
UTILITIES 3 6 4 13 PROPERTY 687.07 (+1.14)
The trade show anticipates an atten- ing in further discussions.
STRCwARR 55 146 36 237 PLANTATION 6,805.75 (-130.90)
ACE-MKT 34 70 79 183 dance of over 60,000 trade visitors from “We are encouraged by the fruitful out-
bONd&LOAN 1 2 4 7 120 countries, fuelled by a strong global comes of these interactions and look for- FBMSHA 10,644.10 (-72.69)
ETf 1 1 3 5 interest in Thai food and beverages. ward to fostering stronger business ties FBMACE 4,944.19 (-3.61)
LEAP-MKT 0 0 1 1 Malaysia Business Group (MBG) presi- between Malaysia and Thailand. TECHNOLOGY 57.20 (+0.23)
dent Michael Yap said Thaifex–anuga asia “Our commitment to promote Malaysia
293 556 409 1,258 is one of the leading trade platforms in products and services in Thailand remains
uniting leading and emerging F&B indus- unwavering, and we are confident that n INTERbANK RATES
try players to explore new opportunities these meetings will pave the way for future
n bURSA dERIVATIVES ExCHANGE and penetrate a bigger market. collaborations,” he said. KUALA LUMPUR INTERbANK
“The food and beverage trade show has Some 1,200 Thai businesses are among OffER RATES: MAy 25
attracted global buyers from around the the exhibitors participating in the trade
world, allowing Malaysian companies to show. The participating countries include 1M 2M 3M 6M 9M 12M
expand not only into the Thai markets but from East asia, asean, Europe, Latin amer- 3.19 3.35 3.46 3.57 - 3.79
also into the global market, effectively ica, and the Middle East, as well as the
achieving two goals with one strategic United States and australia. SIbOR (S$) SIbOR (US$) HIbOR (HK$)
May-23 10,251 42,400 1405.0 1408.0 1399.0 1401.0 1401.0 move. The primary goal of Thaifex–anuga
1M – 4.38863
Jun-23 6,054 8,082 1406.5 1409.5 1399.5 1400.5 1400.5 “it also serves as an ideal platform for asia 2023 is to generate immediate orders,
Sep-23 40 694 1395.5 1396.5 1389.5 1390.0 1391.0 promoting and positioning Malaysian and it is estimated to facilitate business 2M – 4.49220
products not only in Thailand but also transactions worth over 70 billion baht
dec-23 82 168 1396.0 1397.0 1390.5 1390.5 1390.5 3M – 4.63202
beyond its borders,” he told Bernama. (100 baht=13.29), with online purchases
3-MONTH KLIbOR fUTURES CLOSING: MAy 25 He added that MBG’s consistent pres- exceeding 1.5 billion baht. 6M – 4.70714
ence at Thaifex-anuga asia has yielded The trade show will feature 11 zones,
12M – 4.71679
MONTH OPEN HIGH LOw SETTLE VOL OPEN positive results, as several companies have featuring a diverse range of F&B products,
PRICE POSITION received orders. including coffee and tea, drinks, fine food,
With extensive range of export-ready food service, food technology, frozen food, n RINGGIT wATCH
JUN-23 - - - 97.23 - - F&B products offered by participating fruits and vegetables, meat, rice, seafood,
JULy-23 - - - 97.23 - - companies as well as the significant num- and sweets and confectionery. THE ringgit depreciated further against the US dollar, hitting a
ber of visitors at Thaifex-anuga asia, MBG The annual trade show is hosted by the six-month low, and is currently trading near its resistance level
AUG-23 - - - 97.23 - - of 4.6257, alongside other regional currencies impacted by the
has projected to achieve sales exceeding Department of international Trade Promo- US debt ceiling debacle, said Bank Muamalat Malaysia Bhd
SEPT-23 - - - 97.23 - - RM25,000. tion, Ministry of Commerce of Thailand, in chief economist and social finance head Dr Mohd Afzanizam
Abdul Rashid.
dEC-23 - - - 97.23 - - a total of 31 companies from MBG, an collaboration with the Thai Chamber of The local note was last traded at the current level on Nov
MAR-24 - - - 97.23 - - export conglomerate for Malaysian F&B Commerce and Koelnmesse. – Bernama 11, 2022. At 6 pm, the local note stood at 4.6245/6285
against the greenback compared with Wednesday’s closing of
JUN-24 - - - 97.23 - -
Bumi Armada’s Q1 net
Mohd Afzanizam explained that the US debt ceiling risks
remained the main concern and the financial markets were
SEPT-24 - - - 97.23 - - expected to remain jittery over the debt ceiling impasse along
dEC-24 - - - 97.23 - - with concerns on the weakening global economy. The immedi-
ate impact will be on the Malaysian ringgit which we expect will

profit reaches RM201.01m

MAR-24 - - - 97.23 - - continue to remain soft. As for Malaysia’s overnight policy rate,
we believe it will stay at 3.00 per cent throughout the year as
JUN-25 - - - 97.23 - - the external uncertainties become elevated which might have a
direct impact on Malaysia’s external demand,” he told Bernama.
SEP-25 - - - 97.23 - - In a nutshell, there is a greater sense of anxiety over the
KUaLa LUMPUR: Bumi armada Bhd’s net the stable operation of its vessels which prospects of the global economy.
dEC-25 - - - 97.23 - - profit for the first quarter ended March 31, drives the company’s financial perform- Meanwhile, RHB Investment Bank Bhd group chief econo-
mist and market research head Dr Sailesh K Jha said the bank
MAR-25 - - - 97.23 - - 2023 (1Q 2023) rose to RM201.01 million ance. had indicated that its short-term target for US dollar-ringgit is
JUN-26 - - - 97.23 - - from RM185.76 million in the correspon- “We continue to be in the market for 4.60, which has been breached, and the near-term target for
US dollar-ringgit is raised to 4.70, with the balance of risks tilted
ding period last year. new projects and opportunities while towards a print of around 4.75.
SEP-26 - - - 97.23 - -
its revenue for the quarter was higher remaining focused on safety, environmen- “The balance of risks to our end-second quarter 2023 US
dollar-ringgit forecast of between 4.55 and 4.65 is tilted towards
dEC-26 - - - 97.23 - - at RM543.99 million from RM529.01 mil- tal, sustainability and governance (initia- a print of 4.65 and 4.75.
“We expect the next strong US dollar-ringgit resistance lev-
MAR-26 - - - 97.23 - - lion a year ago, the oil and gas offshore oil- tives), as well as operational excellence els of 4.6385 and 4.6470 to be broken quickly, which then
JUN-27 - - - 97.23 - - field services provider said in a filing with and financial discipline,” he added. brings 4.70 into play,” he said in a note.
He added that in the medium-term, the bank would not rule
Bursa Malaysia. Meanwhile, Bumi armada’s cash flows out US dollar-ringgit hitting the 5.0-level. The near-term Singa-
SEP-27 - - - 97.23 - -
“Revenue from the operations segment remained robust with RM288.3 million pore dollar-ringgit target of 3.40 has also been breached and
dEC-27 - - - 97.23 - - increased marginally from year-to-date generated from operating activities in 1Q we are raising our target to between 3.45 and 3.50,” he added.
At Thursday’s closing, the ringgit depreciated against a basket
MAR-27 - - - 97.23 - - (YTD) 2022 to YTD 2023. 2023, which were used to further delever- of major currencies, except against the yen.
It eased further vis-a-vis the British pound to 5.7247/7296
“The increase in the others segment was age the balance sheet and reduce interest from 5.6877/6914 at the close on Wednesday, weakened
TOTAL OPEN INTEREST : NIL CTRS TOTAL TURNOVER : NIL LOTS mainly due to higher revenue from engi- costs for the group, it said. against the euro to 4.9630/9673 from 4.9470/9502, but rose
marginally against the Japanese yen to 3.3141/3172 from
neering services to one of the group’s “The project finance loan for armada 3.3148/3172 Wednesday.
jointly-owned floating production storage Kraken was fully repaid in March 2023, The local note was also traded lower against other Asean
and offloading vessels in YTD 2023,” it said. over three months ahead of schedule. The ringgit hit 3.4202/4237 from 3.4091/4115 against
in a separate statement, chief executive “The future firm order book at the end the Singapore dollar, depreciated further versus the Indonesian
rupiah to 309.2/309.6 from 308.1/308.5 at Wednesday’s
officer Gary Christenson said while this of 1Q 2023 amounted to RM11.1 billion, close, slipped against the Philippine peso to 8.25/8.26 from
was a solid start to the year, the group with additional optional extensions of up 8.23/8.24, and fell vis-a-vis the Thai baht to 13.3602/3776
MONTH (RM) (RM) (RM) (RM) POSIITON from 13.2924/3073 previously. – Bernama
would remain vigilant towards ensuring to RM9.3 billion,” it added. –Bernama
JUN-23 3516 3581 3512 3573 1552 5,393
JUL-23 3471 3570 3457 3552 7,641 44,896
AUG-23 3403 3520 3388 3498 28,274 85,590 n COCOA n ExCHANGE RATES
SEP-23 3386 3510 3372 3482 8,390 34,284 ExCHANGE RATES ISSUEd by MALAyAN bANKING bHd: MAy 25
OCT-23 3385 3512 3375 3485 5,485 21,154
NOV-23 3388 3512 3380 3486 4,214 20,871
dEC-23 3390 3511 3386 3489 3344 15,311
JAN-24 3397 3519 3396 3491 2816 11,048 SMC 1 SMC 2 SMC 3
fEb-24 3403 3524 3403 3496 1346 3,992 1 US dollar 4.6780 4.5420 4.5120
MAR-24 3425 3525 3425 3494 2845 13,101 1 Australian dollar 3.0760 2.9530 2.9480
APR-24 3450 3516 3450 3493 185 798 1 brunei dollar 3.4640 3.3630 3.3490
MAy-24 3429 3504 3424 3492 996 5,549 TAwAU 180 180 9300 9300 9100 9100 – –
1 Canadian dollar 3.4380 3.3450 3.3320
JUL-24 3444 3495 3444 3494 163 2,263 TENOM 175 175 9300 9300 9100 9100 – –
SEP-24 3460 3486 3460 3486 42 424 1 Euro 5.0370 4.8730 4.8460
NOV-24 - - - - - 64 MUAR – – – – – – – – 1 New Zealand dollar 2.8640 2.7580 2.7620
1 Papua N Guinea Kina N/A N/A N/A
TOTAL OPEN POSITION : 264,738 CTRS JERANTUT – – – – – – – –
1 Singapore dollar 3.4640 3.3630 3.3490
TOTAL TURN OVER : 67,293 LOTS RAUb – – 9400 9400 9200 9200 – – 1 Sterling Pound 5.7920 5.6070 5.5960
MARKET TONE : HIGHER KUCHING – – 8800 8800 8600 8600 – – 1 Swiss franc 5.1570 5.0360 5.0190
100 UAE dirham 128.9500 122.2200 121.0600
SARIKEI – – 8800 8800 8600 8600 – –
MPOb PALM OIL PRICES (RM/MT): MAy 25 NOTE : PRELIMINARy PRICES UP TO 100 bangladesh Taka 4.4390 4.1630 3.9450
4.00 P.M. NT - NO TRANSACTION SIbU – – 8800 8800 8600 8600 – – 100 Chinese Renminbi 66.3000 63.8000 N/A
CPO (LOCAL dELIVEREd) 3,531.00 NT NT dUE TO A wEAKER RINGGIT AGAINST THE U.S. 100 danish Krone 69.3200 63.7700 63.2300
PK (Ex-MILL) 1,985.00 NT NT dOLLAR ANd STRONGER SOyAbEAN OIL n RUbbER 100 Hongkong dollar 60.4300 57.4100 56.6900
CPKO (LOCAL dELIVEREd) 3,975.00 NT NT SMR CLOSING PRICES (SEN/KG): MAy 25 100 Indian Rupee 5.7500 5.4000 5.1500
Rbd P. OIL (fOb) NT NT NT TRAdEd bETwEEN RM3,500/TONNE ANd TONE Of MARKET: QUIETLy STEAdy 100 Indonesian Rupiah 0.0325 0.0294 0.0242
Rbd P. OLEIN (fOb) NT NT NT RM3,560/TONNE. PK PRICES TRAdEd JUNE SELLER’S OffER PRICE SEN/KG US CENTS/KG 100 Japanese yen 3.3620 3.2550 3.2470
Rbd P. STEARIN (fOb) NT NT NT 100 New Taiwan dollar 16.3000 N/A N/A
SMR CV – 841.00 / 185.75 100 Norwegian Krone 43.8300 40.3000 39.8200

dAILy ffb REfERENCE PRICE SUMMARy SMR L – 831.00 / 183.55 100 Pakistan Rupee 1.6600 1.5500 1.3500
SMR 5 – 621.00 / 137.20 100 Philippine Peso 8.5200 8.0300 7.7600
SMR 10 – 611.00 / 134.95 100 Qatar Riyal 129.8600 123.2700 121.7300
dATE NORTH SOUTH CENTRAL EAST COAST SAbAH* SARAwAK* 100 Saudi Riyal 126.1600 119.7700 118.6400
GRAdE GRAdE GRAdE GRAdE GRAdE GRAdE SMR 20 – 609.00 / 134.55
100 South Africa Rand 25.1900 22.7400 22.4600
RM/ 1% OER 37.49 38.04 37.90 37.57 33.97 34.42 100 Sri Lanka Rupee 1.5900 1.4500 1.2500
Note : OER - Oil Extraction Rate (Kadar Perahan Minyak) * Sandakan, Lahad datu and Tawau
CENTRIfUGEd LATEx: LOCAL PRICE (ISO 2004) 100 Swedish Krona 45.0300 41.0000 40.8700
NT - No Trade ** Miri and bintulu. SEN/KILO (wET): SELLERS LATEx IN bULK: 492.50 100 Thai baht 14.0900 12.5000 12.0600
PH - Public Holiday
16 Young Brit talent teaches Cannes ‘How to Have Sex’
FRIDAY, MAY 26, 2023

Kitano returns with ‘queer’ warlord epic

CaNNES: Cult japanese director Takeshi
Kitano has returned after more than a
decade, premiering his new film at Cannes
– a bloody quest for power punctuated by
love between warriors.
“Kubi”, showing out of competition at
the Cannes Film Festival, is an epic account
of feudal japan reminiscent of akira Kuro-

Rock queen sawa’s classic “The Seven Samurai”.

it has been 13 years since Kitano’s last
film, “Outrage”, but the 76-year-old is
never short of work. in japan, he is best
known as a comedian and TV host, and is Kitano poses during a photocall
also an accomplished writer and painter. for the film "Kubi."

Turner abroad he is primarily known for his

award-winning films as actor and director,
starring in 2000’s “Battle Royale”.
He returned to the French Riviera this
week with what could be his last feature
film, set in the 16th century with a warlord
about the yakuza, or japanese mafia, in
film films like “Hana-bi”, which won the
Golden Lion in Venice in 1997.
Despite the codes of honour and inter-
nal power struggles, Kitano refuses to
Turner performs after the
seeking to unite japan. make a comparison with the yakuza.

dies at 83 Walt Disney Pictures pre-

miere of "Brother Bear"
at the New Amsterdam
Theater October 20, 2003
in New York City.
When one of his generals rebels against
him, the other warlords embark on a man-
hunt in the hope of earning their stripes.
But there is also an unexpected focus
on the love affairs between warriors.
“The word ‘violent’ can be used for
these two eras but it has a totally different
meaning,” he said.
Kitano wrote a synopsis for “Kubi” 30
years ago at the very beginning of his
“japanese historical films rarely evoke directing career. But the project only came

ASHINGTON: Tina Turner, the records and toured heavily in Europe. together in 2019 when he published a
the question of male homosexuality,”
growling songstress whose But with the success of 1984’s “Private novel of the same name.
whereas it “was common at that time”,
explosive stage presence electri- Dancer,” her metamorphosis from manip- Did he fear comparisons with Kurosawa
Kitano told aFP. it’s budget – around $11
fied fans the world over, left an indelible ulated co-star to resurrected rock goddess – one of Kitano’s heroes.
million – is large by japanese standards
mark on 20th-century rock with five was complete. “i tried not to watch the battle scenes in
and Kitano’s biggest to date.
decades of hits – first with husband ike The next year, she was onstage at Live Kurosawa’s films to avoid them influenc-
From the first minutes, it sets the tone
Turner, but most memorably as a wildly aid in Philadelphia for a memorable ing me,” he admitted. – aFP
with an monumental battle full of behead-
successful solo act. encounter with jagger, who ripped off
ings and squirting blood – not unfamiliar
The Black eight-time Grammy winner Turner’s black leather miniskirt mid-per-
from a director known for violent films l See also Page 16
lit up the stage from the 1960s onwards formance, revealing her in fishnet stock-
and won a new generation of fans in a ings and a leotard.
stunning comeback after escaping her vio- Turner grinned and ran fingers through Johansson says ‘intense’ in Anderson world
lent marriage, making her popular music’s her lion’s mane of hair. “i know, it’s only
ultimate survivor. rock and roll but i like it!” she belted out. CaNNES: Living in the Spanish desert on a
abandoned by her parents, Turner She starred opposite Mel Gibson in a quirky film set imagined by director Wes
emerged from Tennessee’s cotton fields to Hollywood blockbuster, “Mad Max: anderson for his latest mind-bending
become the “Queen of Rock and Roll” who, Beyond Thunderdome;” co-wrote a best- movie was an “intense” experience, actress
according to music lore, taught Mick jag- selling autobiography, “i, Tina;” and was Scarlett johansson said.
ger how to dance – and the Rolling Stones the subject of a feature film, “What’s Love “asteroid City”, which premiered at the
frontman led the flood of tributes Got To Do With it” starring angela Bassett. Cannes Film Festival, puts Westerns, the-
Wednesday, following the superstar’s in the revealing 2021 HBO documentary atre, 1950s americana and an alien into a
death at the age of 83. “Tina,” an uncomfortable reality emerges: blender – with critics saying it would
The singer of “The Best” died in Switzer- her past trauma had become a focus for appeal to devoted anderson fans but pos-
land, where she lived her final years with interviewers, with the star repeatedly sibly baffle general audiences.
husband Erwin Bach, a former record label asked to recount her life’s worst moments. His style is so unique it has spawned its
executive who was her romantic partner
Turner performs during the TV
Turner, who had embraced Buddhism own trend of people filming scenes from
for three decades before they wed in 2013.
show "Champs-Elysées" on Channel
and saw it as “a way out” of her dangerous their lives on TikTok as if they were in a
Long before she snowballed into a
Antenne 2 on November 24, 1989.
first marriage, pointed to the faith as a cat- Wes anderson movie.
global phenomenon, Turner’s early career alyst for rejuvenation and stability. and life on set for his coterie of Holly-
in a 2005 Tina tribute. “and those legs!”
originally as a soul and R&B siren – was a She often swatted away probing ques- wood megastars is also unlike any other,
anna Mae Bullock was born on Novem-
roller coaster for the singer, who admitted tions, once saying reliving the past was like according to the cast. Johansson arrives for the screening
ber 26, 1939, in Brownsville, Tennessee.
attempting suicide at the height of ike’s a “curse.” But personal hardships were “it’s intense, it’s funny because the of the film "Asteroid City."
She and her sister grew up in a family of
physical and emotional abuse. impossible to ignore, including the vio- world is sort of there, you’re in it, the
modest means but conditions worsened
Tina fled ike in 1976, dashing across a lence from ike. whole environment is created,” johansson Things”) also praised the “lack of hierar-
when they were abandoned by their
highway to escape during a concert tour. “He used my nose as a punching bag so told reporters at the festival. chy and the ensemble that Wes creates on
father, and then their mother.
Her divorce was finalized in 1978, and she many times that i could taste blood run- Having previously done voiceover for set. it just feels wonderful.”
When the grandmother who helped
was left with nothing but her stage name. ning down my throat when i sang,” she anderson’s animated film “isle of Dogs”, she The movie is set in a remote desert town
raise them died, anna Mae moved in with
But the rock star dream still gnawed at wrote in her 2018 memoir, “My Love Story.” added that it was her first experience work- where a group of child geniuses gather for
relatives in St. Louis, Missouri at age 16.
her. “How can i fill stadiums?” Turner won- in life after ike, her concerts became ing with him as “a live actor and not a dog”. a science competition that is interrupted
There she met ike Turner, a guitarist
dered, in comments played during her glitzy spectacles – and she kept the high- “it feels very vibrant and very much like by an alien visitor.
and bandleader eight years her senior who
2021 Rock & Roll Hall of Fame induction. octane rock flowing for decades. you’re working in theatre. it’s very fulfill- in typically convoluted anderson form,
had already tasted fame, having written
“i wanted it. i wanted to do what jagger a Wembley Stadium concert in 2000 ing and exciting,” johansson said. The cast the desert story is presented as a play being
and recorded what was arguably the first
and all the other guys at the time was saw a 60-year-old Turner holding nothing also includes stars like Tom Hanks, Steve performed in New York – which was con-
rock and roll record, “Rocket 88,” in 1951.
doing.” Those dreams were fulfilled, and back, grinding across the stage in stiletto Carell, Margot Robbie, adrien Brody, jason fusing for viewers as well as for the cast.
She convinced ike to let her sing with
then some, when she struck crossover gold heels and her trademark leather miniskirt. Schwartzman and Tilda Swinton. Bryan Cranston (“Breaking Bad”), who
him. When he scored a 1960 hit with her
with her 1984 album “Private Dancer,” in 2008, she embarked on her Tina! - “i love for us to form a troupe and stay plays the narrator, said: “it feels like Wes
lead vocals on “a Fool in Love,” he gave her
whose Grammy-winning smash single 50th anniversary Tour, which grossed together, and you sit at a long table and anderson is a conductor of an orchestra
the stage name Tina Turner, and the pair
“What’s Love Got to Do With it” propelled some $130 million. you have dinner,” said anderson, describ- and all of us are players of our particular
performed as the ike & Tina Turner Revue.
her to superstardom at age 44. The grande dame enjoyed her later ing nights sitting around enjoying music instrument and we hyperfocus on our
By 1962, they were married.
Four years later, she set the record for years with Bach in their Zurich home and from British musician jarvis Cocker – who instrument and just present it without
From early on, Tina was the fiery, dom-
largest paying attendance of a perform- a vacation mansion near the French Riv- contributes music to the film. really knowing exactly how it’s all going to
inant presence, stealing the limelight with
ance by a solo artist when her Rio concert iera, although tragedy struck in 2018 when actress Maya Hawke (“Stranger piece together.” – aFP
a blend of thick, textured vocals, haunting
crowd topped 180,000. howls and mesmerizing dance moves. Turner’s eldest son Craig, from her early
as a Black woman who embraced rock The Turner oeuvre reflected their per- union with saxophonist Raymond Hill,
over 1950s doo-wop and 1960s Motown, sonal tensions: it included “i idolize You,” committed suicide at 59.
Turner was a double outsider. But she “it’s Gonna Work Out Fine,” and their most ike Turner died in 2007, and his one
wrote – and then rewrote – the rule book famous number, a 1970 cover of “Proud child with Tina, Ronnie, died last year at 62
for women in the genre. Mary,” in which Tina purrs about starting of complications from colon cancer.
“a Black woman owning the stage all by the song “nice and easy,” but finishing it in 2013, after marrying Bach and taking
herself: that’s the dream right there,” “nice and rough.” Swiss nationality, Turner relinquished her
singer and rapper Lizzo said of Turner. Even as she exuded raw sexual power as US citizenship – but the former president
Turner sold more than 100 million a performer, her singing was tinged with a Barack Obama was among those who paid
records worldwide, according to Bill- palpable vulnerability. the most poignant tributes.
board, and paved the way for performers “You sing with those emotions because “Tina Turner was raw. She was powerful.
like janet jackson, Madonna and Beyonce. you’ve had pain in your heart,” Turner told She was unstoppable,” he wrote. “and she
“i never in my life saw a woman so pow- Rolling Stone magazine in 1986. was unapologetically herself – speaking
erful, so fearless, so fabulous,” Beyonce after leaving ike, she toiled in Las Vegas and singing her truth through joy and
told Turner from the Kennedy Center stage shows, released modestly selling solo pain; triumph and tragedy.” – aFP

‘Waterloo’ at Eurovision 2024? Fetty Wap sentenced

ABBA stars say ‘no way’ six years for
LONDON: Two members of aBBa have
insisted in an interview to air in Britain
years of aBBa without us being on stage.”
aBBa – which also comprised agnetha
drug trafficking
that the Swedish pop icons won’t perform Faltskog and anni-Frid Lyngstad, and is an NEW YORK: american rapper Fetty Wap
at next year’s Eurovision Song Contest in acronym of their first names – shot to was sentenced to six years in prison on
their homeland. international fame after their 1974 Eurovi- Wednesday for trafficking drugs across the
Bjorn Ulvaeus and Benny andersson, sion success. United States. The “Trap Queen” rapper
one half of aBBa, downplayed the The band went on to sell hundreds of born Willie junior Maxwell ii had pleaded
prospect despite Sweden hosting Eurovi- millions of records and top the charts guilty last year to distributing and possess-
sion on the 50th anniversary of the band’s worldwide, including in the United States ing cocaine. Test your logic skills with the Su Do Ku puzzle. The rules are simple: each of the smaller grids
win – the country’s first – with their break- in 1977 with “Dancing Queen” – their only New York prosecutors said he was part of should contain the number 1 to 9, and in the large grid each row and column should contain the
through hit “Waterloo”. stateside number one. a ring of six men that distributed more than number 1 to 9. These puzzle vary in difficulty and this is an easy one.
The Nordic nation is set to stage the Other global hits include “Super 100 kilograms of cocaine, heroin, fentanyl
world’s biggest live music event for the Trouper”, “Money, Money, Money” and (Solution below)
and crack cocaine across Long island and QUOTABLE QUOTES
seventh time after Swedish singer Loreen “Knowing Me, Knowing You”. New jersey between june 2019 and june 2020.
won this year’s contest, hosted by Britain in 1981, the group released what they The men obtained the drugs on amer-
on behalf of war-torn Ukraine.
Her victory at the eccentric, much-loved
said would be a final album and split up
the following year.
ica’s west coast and used the United States
Postal Service and drivers with hidden
competition in Liverpool this month
prompted immediate speculation that
aBBa could take to the stage next year.
But their success continued, notably
with the compilation “aBBa Gold”
released in 1992, and in 2021 they made a
vehicle compartments to transport the
narcotics to New York.
The substances were then distributed
strength in
However, in an interview with the BBC’s
Newsnight programme, andersson said
there is “no way” the group will make a cel-
comeback, releasing their first new album
in nearly 40 years.
They also launched a new concert for-
to dealers who sold them on Long island
and in New jersey. a woman -
ebratory performance or even appearance.
“i don’t want to. and if i don’t want to,
mat featuring de-aged digital avatars
dubbed “aBBatars” – in London who per-
The justice Department described
Maxwell, 31, as “a kilogram-level redistrib-
utor for the trafficking organization.”
the others won’t. it’s the same for all four
of us. Someone says no – it’s a no,” he
form their hits and resemble their 1979
selves. Ulvaeus and andersson said the
show’s success was “surpassing every
The rapper was arrested in October 2021
at the Citi Field baseball stadium in Queens,
New York, where he had been scheduled to
what I am’
Ulvaeus added: “We can celebrate 50 expectation”. – aFP – Tina Turner
perform at a music festival. – aFP
16 People & Places FRIDAY, MAY 26, 2023

ANNES (France): alcohol by the
bucket-load, rammed pool parties,
cheesy chips and loads of sex – all
the stereotypes of Brits abroad are in Molly
Manning Walker’s feature debut causing a
storm at Cannes this year, but she wants to
Young Brit talent teaches aries Mar 20 - april 19
For ages you’ve intended to disentangle your-
break them all by exploring thorny issues
of rape and consent.
“How to Have Sex” follows three best
friends getting plastered in Crete, with one
of the girls, Tara, on a mission to lose her
Cannes ‘How to Have Sex’ “For me consent isn’t black and white,
self from certain increasingly complicated, and
increasingly less rewarding, arrangements. But
the time never seemed right to tackle the issues
in question. However, things are changing and
unless you speak up now, you’ll find yourself
virginity – but things soon go wrong. it’s not yes and no... if someone is having a facing yet more commitments and with even
Shot in a fly-on-the-wall style, Manning bad time you should be able to recognise less of an opportunity to object.
Walker resists showing graphic assault that.”
scenes. “i think we as women know that Manning Walker was previously cine- taurus apr 20 - May 20
experience way too much – we don’t need matographer for other young British tal-
to be re-traumatised,” the 29-year-old Lon- ent, including Charlotte Regan’s While, according to astrological tradition, the
doner told aFP at Cannes. “Scrapper” that won the Grand jury Prize presence of Jupiter in Taurus is about good for-
instead, she focused on her characters’ at the Sundance film festival this year. tune and breakthroughs, you won’t always
emotional experiences. She has also made music videos and recognise the potential in certain events, at
“Everything was from her eyeline and least right away. That being the case, explore
adverts, as well as two short films includ-
everything was on her face and reading everything. That alone will be rewarding, often
ing “Good Thanks, You?” that screened at
her emotion,” she said. in ways as unexpected as they are exciting.
Cannes in 2020.
Her film has been one of revelations
“i put up with a lot as a cinematogra- geMini May 21 - Jun 20
from one of the festival’s sidebar events,
the Directors’ Fortnight. pher and i think that’s a real man’s world...
Variety found it “chillingly dark”, The you are the head of so many burly male You’re only now beginning to realise that, when
Guardian admired its “complex chem- departments,” she said. certain individuals discuss pivotal changes,
istry” and The Hollywood Reporter “i have been really lucky in my career to they’re unclear about the line between sticking
dubbed it a “hidden gem”. work with a lot of nice men in that situa- with the practical side of arrangements and
Manning Walker is one of an emerging tion but i have also worked with a lot of simply being stubborn. Tempting as it is to dis-
(From left) Laura Ambler, Lara Peake, Mia McKenna-
crop of exciting British woman directors arseholes.” She regrets having to play at cuss this, back off. Leave decisions up to them.
Bruce, Manning Walker, Shaun Thomas, Samuel Bottomley and
alongside the likes of Charlotte Wells being one of the lads to earn respect. You’ll be glad you did.
Enva Lewis pose during a photocall for the film “How To Have Sex.”
whose “aftersun” was last year’s unex- “You have to come in and be like ‘The
pected breakout at Cannes, earning an show it all without judgement. whatever we want and still not get football last night’. cancer June 21 - Jul 21
Oscar nomination for star Paul Mescal. “it’s like living it through their lives at assaulted.” There’s just a conversation that you
Drawing from her own experience, their eye level and trying not to say ‘Oh Raising the subject of sexual assault have to present in a certain way in order to The last thing you want is to upset anybody.
Manning Walker was inspired by “the best what is she wearing? Or why is she too “sort of sucks the air out of the room and i be accepted in that world,” she said. However, you’ve tried to make it clear to certain
times of my life”, but also the sexual drunk?’” she said. think we need to open that conversation “That is a barrier we have to look at.” – individuals that several longstanding arrange-
“We should be free to drink and wear up,” she added. aFP ments can’t continue as they are. Not surpris-
assault she suffered at 16 – and wanted to
ingly, this news hasn’t been welcomed. For
now, say nothing. Clearly, these changes are

POPEYE The invisible face necessary. It’s just others need to get used to
the idea.

of Iranian power leo Jul 22 - aug 22

comes to Cannes For ages you’ve intended to disentangle your-

self from certain once-close relationships.
However, between changes in your own life
CaNNES: a new film at Cannes, showing and in circumstances, these have become
the everyday maddening frustration of more of a burden than a joy. While you needn’t
dealing with iranian authorities, reflects say that, you can back out diplomatically. It
the “absurdity” of life in that country, say will be a relief for everybody concerned.
the makers.
“Terrestrial Verses” is a unique look
inside daily life in iran – short snapshots of Virgo aug 23 - sep 22
people arguing with authority figures who True, life would be a lot easier if others recog-
are never shown on-camera. nised that certain things simply can’t go as
The vignettes are both horrible and they planned. This includes you. Others’ con-
darkly comic – a man forced to strip down fusion may not make sense to you, but it’s the
and explain his tattoos while applying for way they deal with unsettling events. The solu-
a driving licence, or a poor worker made tion? Back off for now, and until they’ve calmed
BLONDIE to recite Quranic verses to get a construc- down.
tion job.
Co-directors ali asgari and alireza libra sep 23 - oct 22
Khatami told aFP they are all drawn from
the real-life experiences of friends and Being a Libra, you’re ruled by Venus, the
family, and will be instantly familiar to planet of diplomacy. As a result, you value the
their fellow iranians. power of tact, and so tend to regard the need
indeed, the idea came together after to confront others as a failure. At times, how-
Khatami was refused permission to make ever, you’ve no choice but to take a tough line.
a previous version of the script – reflecting The sooner you do it, the better.
another scene in the movie where a direc-
scorpio oct 23 - nov 21
tor must hack his screenplay to pieces to
placate the censors.
“We were walking one night after my By and large, you’re amazingly disciplined.
film was shut down and we were talking Recently, however, you’ve been forced to
about some of the absurd conversations recognise that your approach to joint arrange-
we have had with the authorities,” ments isn’t just casual, you sidestep plans or
far-reaching decisions. Why? You’re short of
Khatami told aFP in Cannes, where the
facts, but afraid to admit it. Discuss your con-
film was playing in the Un Certain Regard
cerns frankly. Others will be far more helpful
section. The directors insist it is not a
AMAZING SPIDER-MAN direct attack on iran’s political system in
than you imaged possible.
particular. sagitarius nov 22 - dec 20
“We are interested in the way the sys-
tem functions. But you pick any negotia- For ages you’ve been aware that, sooner or
tion of any individual with the authority later, you’d have to tackle certain tedious but
in any country and put it on a camera, it vital matters. Some involve decisions, others
becomes absurd,” Khatami said. discussions with individuals who tend to be
“France, Switzerland, Lebanon, america difficult. Still, as a Sagittarius, you’ve a quick
– every country has ridiculous ways it mind. That, alone, will lead to exciting, if unex-
exerts power over its citizens and we indi- pected, ideas or even offers.
viduals find a way to negotiate it.”
The shoot was interrupted midway capricorn dec 21 - Jan 19
through by the outbreak of mass protests
following the killing of a young woman in Only days ago, you were short-tempered with
police custody last September. somebody whose intentions were good, but
“We stopped everything for a couple of who seemed to be distracting others. However,
months because of what was going on,” now that you’ve talked things through, you
said Khatami. – aFP realise their ideas weren’t just worthwhile, they
were better than yours. Enough that, in the
future, you might want to seek their advice.

crossword aquaris Jan 20 - feb 17

47. Surprise attacks
drop-down Menu 51. Speak pompously Happily, you’ve managed to sidestep potential
ACROSS 24. Taken-back autos 52. Candy wafer in a roll clashes, if not colossal battles, with an indi-
1. Grinders and hoagies 28. Bobby who sang “Dream Lover” 54. Famed Manhattan neighborhood vidual, arrangement or organisation. It might
5. Personal histories 29. Breakfast creation with a fluffy ... or where you wouldn’t find 20-, have been some of each. Now that you’re in
10. Red or blue caplet in “The white base 29-, 36- and 44-Across?
Matrix” 32. Name within “brainiac”
the midst of dealing with these, you’re begin-
58. Jigsaw puzzle side
14. “What time ___?” 34. Once owned 61. Constantly vex ning to recognise, it’s far less complicated than
15. Chicago Sky star Quigley 35. A banana duct-taped to the wall, 62. “___ off to you!” you feared. In fact, it’s been amazingly easy.
16. Zone to some 63. Like a lemon
17. Diddly-squat 36. Light, fluffy dessert 64. Hit hard, in the Bible
18. Chap who calls chips “crisps” 41. Calif. Airport near SJC 65. Frozen drink brand
pisces feb 18 - Mar 19
19. A Swiss army knife has many 42. Pen brand 66. Cats and snakes, e.g.
20. Meaty appetizer served with 43. Cabo ___ Lucas The last thing you want to do is delve into dra-
67. Puts a strain on
ranch 44. Cold Filipino treat with a repeti- 68. Dishonorable dudes mas that, only recently, you regarded as dealt
23. Currently tive name with for good. However, certain individuals
were hiding vital information. Tempting as it is
solution to today’s to put off tackling these yet again, the sooner
DOWN 30. Vientiane native
1. 2003 animated film about a 31. Ironically, they may be even crossword you do it, the less complicated the matters in
legendary sailor 33. Jessica of “Honey” question will be.
2. Patriotic American chant 36. Not at all close
3. Try to buy, at an auction 37. Mardi Gras city, for short
4. Hiring process
5. Painter Picasso
38. Chick-___-A
39. Diamond unit
Birthday Today
6. Authorize 40. Lawless
7. Hardly speedy 41. “Dexter” channel, for short
As an inquisitive, restless Gemini, you
8. Polynesian themed bar type 45. Additional people thrive on new ideas, exciting offers and,
9. Spotted 46. Laugh syllable in “Billie even, on completely unexpected changes.
10. Took a breather Jean” Judging by your birthday chart, that’s
11. Org. that takes many forms? 48. Destination in the “Odyssey”
12. Stan of Marvel Comics 49. Did keto, say
exactly what will be appearing on the hori-
13. “___ Mananitas” (Mexican 50. Smell and taste zon. Yes, these could be overwhelming.
birthday song) 52. Navigate thin ice? While, usually, you’d handle these brilliantly
21. Musical about an orphan 53. Dust arachnids on your own, with so much taking place so
22. “Despicable Me” antihero 55. For fear that
25. Mountaintop 56. Tibetan priest
swiftly, you’ll not only benefit from guid-
26. Shrek or Fiona 57. Pixy ___ (candy) ance, you’ll learn a great deal from it. And
27. Cpl.’s superior 58. Psychic’s “gift”: Abbr. for now? Don’t rush into decisions. Focus on
29. ___ Taco (former ice cream 59. Buck passer? exploring every option that comes your way.
treat with a rhyming name) 60. ___ feeling (instinct)
You won’t regret it.
FRIDAY, MAY 26, 2023 17
s Property
in tHe state of AND ALL MONIES DEED OF
ASSIGNMENT (CLAUSE 8 Location: Tuaran
sabaH, Malaysia
suit no. POWER OF ATTORNEY, (500meter from Pekan)
Area: 4,000sqft
(sc6) Contact: 0168329946
MaybanK islaMic (3813-K) Vehicles
[co. reg. no. AND
IN SABAH & 200701029411 SS AQUACULTURE (M)
SARAWAK (787435-M)] SDN BHD (904542-A)
… plaintiff - ASSIGNOR / BORROWER
AT KOTA KINABALU and In the exercise of the rights and
nur fHrHaneey powers conferred upon the
COMPANIES Assignee/Bank under the Monies
eZZatun binti
(WINDING-UP) abdul MuJi Facility Agreement and All Monies
(nric no. Deed of Assignment (Clause 8
NO. BKI-28NCC-50/10- 990809-12-6026) Power of Attorney, inclusive) both
dated 16th day of February 2015
2021 [t/a sri MaJu]
entered into between the
IN THE MATTER of ... defendant Assignee/Bank and the s
adVertiseMent Assignor/Customer IT IS HEREBY Jobs
SECTION 465(1)(e) pursuant to PROCLAIMED that the
AND 466 (1)(a) of the court order Assignee/Bank with the assistance VACANCY
TO: nur fHrHaneey of the under-mentioned Auctioneer, General Clerk - 1 Post
Companies Act 2016 eZZatun binti WILL SELL THE PROPERTY
AND A-12-1, Block A, Tingkat PUBLIC AUCTION ON Jalan Kiansom, Inanam
IN THE MATTER of 1,Cyber City Apartment 9th June, 2023 Tel: 016-8377767
Fasa 2, Jalan Lintas, TIME: 09: 30 A.M.
(Lucy Yap)
88100 Kota Kinabalu
1st Floor, Block B, Kolam Centre, -----------------------
BHD. (COMPANY NO. and/or
No. F-4-19, Tingkat 4, Phase 2, Hilltop, VACANCY
200101006857 Plaza Tanjung Aru, Jalan
Luyang, Jalan Lintas, 88300
10 TON Lorry Driver
Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.
(542613-U)) Mat Salleh, 88100 Kota Area Menggatal
Kinabalu, Sabah
taKe notice that an
IMPORTANT NOTE: Prospective Contact No:
bidders are advised to: (i) seek
KUWAIT FINANCE action has been com- independent legal advice on all
menced against you in the matters relating to the sale including -----------------------
HOUSE (MALAYSIA) Sessions Court at Kota the Conditions of Sale, (ii) inspect JOB VACANCY
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a52M-64/3-2023 (sc6) by the issuance of separate
(COMPANY NO. Maybank islamic berhad individual/strata title, (iv) conduct an - With Experience
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Maarof 59000 Kuala enquiries with the Developer and/or advantage
- PETITIONER the Landowner and/or State - Hostel Provided
Lumpur and having a
Authorities and/or Liquidator and/or
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NOTICE OF bank, No. 1, Lorong Kema- confirmations/terms of consent to 016-8105979
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cates & Solicitors for plaintiff
Title Town Lease 017553187,
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the Petitioner whose lot 3, 2nd floor, Address of Property: Unit No. C-
address is at 12th Floor, fortuna commercial 46, Concourse Floor, Oceanus
center Waterfront Mall, Jalan Tun Fuad
Wisma Merdeka Mile 2.5, penampang Stephen, 88000 Kota Kinabalu,
Phase 1, Jalan Tun road Type of Property: A retail unit.
88300 Kota Kinabalu,
Razak, 88000 Kota Approximate Floor Area: 1,460
sabah. square feet (135.64 square metres)
Kinabalu, Sabah. nsf/Mib,rcrM(KK)- Tenure of Subject Property:
Assumed to be 99 years leasehold
[WS/RW/L/K-55(1)] sM/0184/nf(Vp)-dj
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Landowner: DEWAN
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Reserve Price: Subject Property
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terms and conditions of the
way of an Assignment from the
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Dated at Kota Marudu this 25th May 2023 Off Jalan Penampang,
88300 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.
Contact Nos.: 017-8511838 /
18 FRIDAY, MAY 26, 2023

our deepest sympathies and Heartfelt condolences


Who passed away on 22nd May 2023
1. Roger Chin Ken Fong 26. Datuk Norbert Chin 51. Melvin Marcelino Fabia
2. Mohamed Nazim Bin Maduarin 27. Doris E. Ubing 52. Moo Fah Chung
3. Ryan Soo Chin Fook 28. Dr. David Fung Yin Kee 53. Nadia Fong Tet Wun
4. Jamadi Bin Saleh 29. Eva Lo Shia Wa 54. Nar Chin Keow
5. Song Wei Wan 30. Evelyn Anak John Ganjos 55. Ooi Kim Ean
6. Chan Wai Ling 31. Francis Chia 56. Patricia Hiew
7. Alvin Leong Yin Yuan 32. Gerard Chia 57. Peter Jino Allion
8. Wendy Lee 33. Gilbert Bulagang 58. Peter Sia Mee Su
9. Marianne Ghani 34. Glenda Pearl Majawat 59. Peter Vung
10. Dominic Ghani 35. Hee Yen Yung 60. Philip Koh
11. Adrian Cham Chee Khong 36. Ho Kin Kong 61. Priscilla Ruth Marcus
12. Alexander Hugo Malakun 37. Irene Liew 62. Raymond KK Wong
13. Alice Chew Yun Chee 38. Janice Wong Heu Fun 63. Roland Cheng Ho Wah
14. Anthony Shim 39. Jennifer Lok Poh Chu 64. Ronny Cham
15. Catherine Chau 40. Jimmy Lam 65. Salmi Zalinah Binti Abdul Rahim
16. Chan Sze Wei 41. Johnny Ting 66. Sonny Durai
17. Christina Lim Wan Ying 42. Kartina Sulong 67. Soong Tsoi Len
18. Chu Yee Ming @ Jeffrey 43. Ken Chiam 68. Stella Simon
19. Claudia Anne Lopez 44. Lai Wai Shing 69. Suwen Chin
20. Clive Jublee 45. Lee Hai Fung 70. Sylvia Jawatin
21. Colin Lau 46. Ling Lim Hong 71. Terrence Lee
22. Datuk Kong Hong Ming 47. Lo Chun Kiat 72. Toh Puan Marina Tiu
23. Datuk Mariati Robert 48. Mahirah Hanis Marzuki 73. Wong Chik Yoong
24. Datuk Marzuki Hj Spawi 49. Mary Lee Chung Ching 74. YA Datuk Christopher Chin Soo Yin
25. Datuk Maureen Lind 50. Mathew Willie 75. Zaleha Binti Mohd Yusuf Pan

Sabah Clubs and 319699.

Malaysian Red Crescent Kota Kinabalu City Chapter is providing
D-Dash Compact Car Club Welcomes all Perodua and compact car
owners to join in the club membership. For more info on club weekly
Non-Governmental Organisations Ambulance Services from 8pm to 6am (weekdays only), providing
Patient Transfer Services (daily), providing Basic First Aid and CPR
gathering and events contact martin 019-8036019 or d-
Courses (Certificate Courses) – every 2nd week of the month and also Sabah Government Pensioners’ Association Membership recruitment
MAY 28 (SUNDAY) providing Emergency First Aid Standby Services (any events). Details: exercise & pensioners’ problem 9.30am to 1pm (Mon – Fri, except
SABAH INDIAN ASSOCIATION (SIA) Biennial General Meeting 232718 (O), 232718 (Fax) or email: or public holidays) at Maksak Complex, Likas. Details: 211282 Lucy.
(BGM). Time: 3.30pm. Venue: SIA Hall, Kota Kinabalu. Relevant BGM Agriculture Institute of Sabah Alumni Association Membership
documentation has been dispatched to members via email and Kinabalu Breast Cancer Support Association (Kinabalu Pink drive. Information to obtain membership forms from various district
WhatsApp. Detail: Ir. Andrew Amaladoss at Ribbon) Offering emotional, social & material support to women with near you, contact Maidah 019-8414088 or Leong 019-8515893 or
or 0198526708. breast cancer (before/during/after treatment) and their families. email
Careline: 016-8038553. Office: 216237 or Fax: 253679. FB: Kent Teachers College Alumni Association Membership drive.
Regular Events Membership forms are available at all district education offices in
Sabah Tai-Chi Association new classes. Monday, Wednesday and Tel: 088-430 727 Fax: 088-424 600 Email: Sabah. Details: Tajuddin 787581, 019-537-1178 or Eddy 016-
Friday: 7pm to 8pm. Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday: 6.30pm to Sabah Mental Health Association PKJS Day Care Centre is open to 8223757.
7.30pm. Details: Lee at 0168044512. Please note that due to space constraints, suitable candidate and it carries out several activities on weekdays. Kota Kinabalu City Bird Sanctuary Resources Library is free for
Sabah AZ (Sabah Alzheimer’s Disease Support Association: Sabah Week will only feature the immediate Details: 248197. public to use. Details: 246955 or fax: 247955.
Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) is an irreversible, progressive brain Alamesra Youth-PREP Centre Provides a place for youths to seek Sandakan Toastmasters Club Platform to improve effective
disorder that slowly destroys memory and thinking skills and,
events due to take place for the next three days. assistance and support on issues such as education, relationships, communication and leadership skills on every 2nd & 4th Thursdays of
eventually, the ability to carry out the simplest tasks. Sabah AZ The usual brief on the NGOs, voluntary work, family and financial stability. Legal aid and counselling services every month. Venue: Incorporated Society of Planters office, Taman
conducts Talks & Seminars, support, comfort families / caregivers / organisations and their activities are free and are on appointment basis. Venue: Ground Floor, Lot 25, Utama, Zone 3, Jalan Utara. Details: Alex 013-8803622 or Jerry
AD sufferers. Bi-Monthly Memory Café sharing-session by Block E, Phase 2, Alamesra, Jalan Sulaman. Opening Hours: 012-8616743.
will appear on Sunday. Weekdays 9am to 5pm. Tel: 395632 or fax: 485372. Kota Kinabalu Advanced Toastmasters Club – Communication and
caregivers/carers. Details:,,
FB:@Sabahalzheimer. Kent 019-8811030 (10am-6pm). Email: leadership training meeting. Every 1st and 3rd Thursday of the month
Sabah State Administrative Centre Galleria Artisan PPNS is open to Instagram: sabahfpa. Email: Facebook: at 7.30pm. Venue: Meeting Room 1, 1st Floor, Wisma Wanita, Jalan
public from Monday to Friday from 9am to 4pm. Our gallery boasts Gerak Kasih Recycling Collection waste paper – newspapers, The Sabah Australian Alumni Association (SAAA) invites graduates Tuaran. Those interested are welcome to attend. Details: Irene 019-
an array of local handicrafts from all over Sabah as well as locally cardboard, boxes, magazines, books, paper bags, soft toys, clothing, from any Australian Institutions of higher learning to join as members 8211985 or Jess 0168302717.
made Sabah Batik. All local entrepreneurs are welcome to promote plastic bottles, aluminium tins. Every Friday, Saturday and Sunday. of SAAA (2022). Detail: EDD 01116137889 or Kiwanis Down Syndrome Foundation KK Centre Open to all, accept
their products through this avenue. Come visit us: PPNS , Menara Tun Time: 10am to 3pm. Venue: Rumah Titian Kasih, Lot 168, Lot 17, children with Downs Syndrome below the age of 7. Details: Raneh
Mustapha and Sabah Handicraft Centre, Keningau. Details: Facebook Lorong Kerapu, Rumah Murah Kg Likas Phase 3, 89400 Likas. The Kota Kinabalu AIDS Support Services Association (KASIH) help 219809, Fax: 219808. or Afnansyah Agimin at Details: Nooraisah 014-8586350 or Salina 012-8449139. line & free voluntary HIV screening tests, except sun & public holidays. Consultancy Services & Training Centre For Consumerism,
088-332186 ext: 1501. Sabah Natives Land Owners Association (SANLODA) is dedicated Office hours. Time: 9am to 5pm. Fri: 6pm to 9pm. Sat: 4pm to 7pm. Environmental & Human Rights Seminar / talks consumer issues-
Parkinson Association of West Coast Sabah (PAWS) Conducts to promoting optimum utilisation and preservation of native lands in provide confidential / free voluntary HIV screening test (rapid test) your rights as consumer, how to complain and get effective results,
monthly outdoor activities, hold regular fellowship and meetings for Sabah. Membership Drive: Information for membership from various during office hours, Mon to Fri. result available 10 to 15 minutes. know about consumer laws, tribunal for consumer claims,
people with Parkinson’s disease (PWP). Carers and volunteers are districts can be obtained from Datuk Stephen 0138658333, Datuk Details: 712914 or email: environmental, human rights & civil society. Except Saturday, Sunday
welcomed to participate. The fellowship provides opportunity for PWP George 013-851500, Petrus 0198529299 or Datuk Yusof 012- National Stroke Association of Malaysia Sabah Club Wisma Pandu and Public Holiday. Tel/fax: 234616 Datuk Patrick Sindu (JP) 019-
to network, share experiences / info and also enjoys the various 8331950. Puteri, Kompleks Badan-Badan Sukarela, km 4, Jalan Tuaran, KK. 811-7369, 016-8007369 or
complementary therapies such as body balancing, dancing, voice Malaysia Blood Donors Society Daily Blood Donation Drive. Inviting Centre’s opening Hours: 9am to 5pm. Mon to Fri, closed on Sat, Sun United Pasokmomogun Kadazandusun Murut Organisation (UPKO)
and music therapy, physiotherapy. Details: 016-8303888 Pat, 014- all NGO to collaborate and also calling members of the public to join & Public holidays. Details: 261568. Offer opportunities to the public to voice their complaints on various
6706118 JC or 019-8126196 James. its membership. Details: 012-8222779, 016-3551987 or 014- Federation of Private Medical Practitioners Association of Malaysia issues and offer advice to the complainants on how to go about their
Sabah Law Society a weekly Free legal consultation and advice 7342886. (FPMPAM) the public can obtain medical opinions, referrals or grouses. Monday to Friday. Call: 721722 & 721723 or
session for the public on Saturdays from 9am to 12.30pm (except Sabah Cheshire Home & Asian Tourism International College Basic treatment for crisis intervention, detoxification, prevention &
the first Saturday of the month). Members of the public who are Pastry Skill Lesson for the physically disabled individuals aged counselling for drug abuse via Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting. Help available for those with alcohol
interested are advised to contact the SLS Secretariat at 088-251008 between 17 – 28. Details: 438202. Fax: 434570. Special Olympics Sabah Weekly jogging exercise (so west coast). related problems. Anonymity assured. Meetings in English every
for an appointment or by email Taska Mesra Cheshire Early Education for children with physical Details: 016-8807703 or 223221. Tuesday at 8pm. Bahasa Malaysia every Thursday at 7pm. Details:
Blood Bank Unit of Sabah Women and Children’s Hospital, Likas disabilities aged below four-years-old. Open Mon to Fri. Details: Kota Kinabalu Falun Gong Exercise sessions every Saturday & 012-8039883 (ENG) or 016-8386386 (BM).
(HWKKS) Blood Donation Drive “Bah, Mari Menderma” 1 pint of Sabah Cheshire Home 438202. Sunday. Free of charge. All are welcome, Details: Kota Kinabalu 013- Malaysian Ex-Police Association (Penampang Branch) Membership
blood can save 3 lives. Urging army, RELA, police, fire brigades, School of Psychology and Social Work, UMS is offering Counselling 870-6558, Sandakan 089-229626, 089-229023 and Tawau recruitment exercise and other related matters. Time: 2pm to
uniform bodies, government agencies, healthy public people, Service, Speech Therapy, Music Therapy, Sensory Integration Therapy 019-8536333. 5pm (Wednesday, Thursdays & Friday), except public holidays.
churches, mosques, corporate private companies with huge human and Applied Behaviour Analysis Session. The services are on SWEPA Toastmasters Club Regular Training Meeting to enhance your Venue: PME, 1st floor, Lot 3, Block 15, Penampang Baru (Protem
resources to donate generously to our SWACH. Details: 522600 Ext: appointment basis. Time: 9am to 5pm. Details: Nurul Fatiha 019- public speaking, communication and leadership skills. Time: 7.30pm office). Details: Joseph 016-8213013, 710557 (o) or 714557
2314. 8114573, 320000 Ext: 8833 or (1st & 3rd Wednesday of the month). Venue: Swepa Secretariat, 2nd (fax).
Heritage Toastmasters Club Learn to speak better and improve EXTOL is a non-profit youth club focusing on developing youths in Floor, Wisma Wanita, Jalan Tuaran, KK. Details: President Dora 016- Palliative Care Association of Kota Kinabalu (Sabah) Day Care
leadership skills in a fun and supporting environment. Meetings are stewardship and leadership. Calling on all non-Muslim parents to 8300755 or VPPR 013-8603871. Centre Every Thursday from 9am to 1pm at PWD 7396 & 7397,
held every 1st and 3rd Monday of the month. Time: 7.30pm. Venue: encourage their children between the ages of 13 to pre-university / The Cancer Society Of Sabah Provide services on hospice, cancer Taman Rose, Off Jalan Penampang for mobile patients who are
6th Floor, Wisma Bandaraya. All are welcome. Details: President college to attend our meetings held every Friday. Time: 7.45pm to awareness / education, rural health project. Hotline / counselling registered under our Home Care Programme. We help you to care for
Sabrina 016-8287675 or VPPR Ooi 012-4150046. 9.30pm. Venue: Agape Methodist Church, Agape Hill, Jalan Shantung pertaining to cancer & clinic by a lady consultant gynaecologist. your loved ones. Free Home Care Support service for your family
Sabah Chartered Volunteer Society invites affiliates to join as Baru, Penampang. Details: Patrick 0109317118. Details: 210377 or 222315. members, relatives or friends who are diagnosed with advanced
volunteers for its community development projects for the benefits of Pusat Jagaan Seri Murni provides counselling and support services The Befrienders Kota Kinabalu offers confidential emotional support cancers. Referrals may be from private / government hospital or self-
the local communities. Youths and college graduates are encouraged for women / girl in situation of crisis such as unplanned pregnancies to those feeling depressed and in despair which may lead to loss of referred. Details: Grace 231505 or 257507.
to apply for Free Entrepreneurship and financial planning programs and sexual gender based violence. Details: Counselling or interview life. Call us if you need to talk. We are here if you feel confused or KK Mandarin Toastmasters Club Regular Training Meeting. Time:
in order to be offered career prospects as marketing executives or, 019-5349044. upset and need someone to talk to. We care, we listen. Call: 088- 7.30pm. (2nd & 4th Thursday of each month). Venue: 3rd Floor, Lot
financial advisors with a well-established financial institution through The Committee of Communication For Behavioural Impact 255788, 088-335793 or 0168036945 every night, 7pm to 10pm. 14, Block B, Lintas Square, KK. Details: Yan 012-8023264, Chua
Sabah Chartered Volunteer Society. Details: Prof. Dr. Benjamin 010- (COMBI) Lok Kawi Town, Papar invites the residents of Taman 016-8100282 or Lim 016-8302552.
8887850. Pantai Lok Kawi to be a promoter / volunteer of COMBI committee. Sabah Society For The Deaf Registration for pre-school deaf children Fama Pasar Tani Asia City variety of vegetables, fishes, sugar cane
Sabah Society For The Blind has moved to the 1st floor, Lot 3, Sri All are welcome. Details: Zainal 016-8450717, Hj Mataris 010- ages 2 – 6 & hearing sibling ages 2 – 4. Language Development & juice, soya bean milk, pastries and many other food items will be on
Damai building, Jalan Kolam, Lorong Nibung, KK on Sept 1. Monday 9488846. Vocational Programme for deaf children & adults ages 8 and above. sale. Every Wednesday & Saturday. Time: 6am to 5pm. all are
to Friday 9am to 5pm. Saturday 9am to 12.30pm. Details: 250388, HANDPRINTS – Toy Library & Resource Centre is to educate, enable Venue: SSD premise, Jalan Khidmat, Bukit Padang, KK. Details: KK welcome. Details: Wasri 013-5555451.
218130 or Fax: 316588. Email: and empower parents, so that they are able to help and guide their – Wong 230894, Sandakan – Wong 089-219160, Keningau – Happy Family Homes Malaysia KK we welcome volunteers to join
Website: children with special needs. Thematic monthly play day on 2nd Mahinah 087- 339716, Kudat – Chin 622697, Lahad Datu – Asmah us in our house builds on Saturdays. Those with masonry & carpentry
Sheltered Workshop. Monday – Friday 8am to 5pm. Tel/ Fax: Saturday of each month. Operating hours: Tuesday, Thursday and 089-887895. skills are most welcome. Details: 088-395989.
788543. Address: Jalan Stesen Pertanian, ARC, 89207, Tuaran, Friday 2pm to 5pm. Wednesday: 7pm to 9pm. Saturday: 9.30am to Sabah Society for the Deaf Registration for Sign Language Class. Bukit Harapan 424567.
Sabah. 2pm. Venue: Lorong Pokok Saka, Dah Yeh Villa, Off Mile 2 3/4, Jalan Details: KK – Wong 230894, Sandakan – Wong 089-219160, Sabata 255916.
Sabah Family Planning Association provides services & treatments Damai, Luyang. Tel: 016-4172298. Facebook: Keningau – Mahinah 087- 339716, Kudat – Chin 622697, Lahad Tun Haji Mohd Fuad Stephens Borneo Research Library Opening
relating to sexual reproductive health, family planning and general Email: Datu – Asmah 089-887895. Hours: Monday – Friday 8.30am to 5pm. Saturday / Sunday & Public
health screening. Details: KK Branch 016-8899865 (Clinic Helpline), Sabah Women Action-Resource Group (SAWO) provides Helpline Holiday : Closed. Venue: Menara Tun Mustapha, Likas Bay. Details:
088-222703; Tawau Branch 089-771172, Lahad Datu Branch 016- Kota Kinabalu Lions Ambulance Service Society (LASS) Provides services to support women and girls who face domestic violence, 326300 Ext: 1152 or 1154. Fax: 326490.
8309868; Kudat Branch 088-611088. Harrington Family Clinic 24 Hour FREE Ambulance Service. Also providing First-Aid Training rape, sexual harassment and other gender-based violence. Call: 088- Email: or website: Open to
8am-5pm (Mon-Sat) Facebook: Sabah Family Planning Association. to the public and Mobile Health Service to the rural areas. Call: 088- 280200. Mon-Fri, time: 9am-5pm public.
FRIDAY, MAY 26, 2023 Sport 19

‘No big deal over Tat

Meng’s appointment’
KUaLa LUMPUR: angus Ng Ka Long, who vented out his apart from Hong Kong and South
There’s no big deal frustration that the departure of Tat Korea, Tat Meng had served for the Bad-
over Wong Tat Meng’s Meng from his team had put them in an minton association of Malaysia from Team Matupang FC that won the tournament.
appointment as his awkward position as they are gearing up 2003 to 2011 and 2013 to 2016 as well as
new coach, said for the upcoming asian Games, to be indonesia in 2012 and Scotland from
national men’s sin-
gles professional
held in Hangzhou, China from Sept 23 to
Oct 8.
2016 to 2018.
in Malaysia, Tat Meng oversaw the rise
Matupang FC win football c’ship
shuttler Lee Zii jia Zii jia also said the appointment of Tat of former national women’s singles Clarence Dol Company which is also the main sponsor of
(pic). Meng was done according to law, adding Wong Mew Choo when she claimed the RaNaU: Matupang FC emerged as champi- the tournament.
Zii jia said what was more important that all efforts to strike a deal with the 55- China Open 2007. ons of the Nalapak and Paginatan Mukim irish Bersatu Company Manager aaron
was the fact that Tat Meng is a local coach year-old coach started when he went to Last Tuesday, Team LZj on a social U12 indoor Football Championship held jeffrey Ludin in his speech said that the pur-
that has what it takes to help the current Hong Kong for a short training stint with media post announced that Tat Meng’s here and took home a cash prize of RM1,000 pose of the tournament was to find new tal-
world number 10r chase the elusive their men’s singles squad last april. immediate task will be to tailor a pro- along with medals. ent for the Mukim Nalapak and Paginatan
Olympic gold dream for the nation in asked on why Tat Meng was ‘the cho- gramme that will help Zii jia achieve con- The tournament held at Padang Kg U12 team.
Paris 2024. sen one’, the Kedahan said the former sistent performances, move up the world Kebuh Baru on May 20 was organised by “The main objective of us holding a tour-
“i don’t think it’s a big issue, let’s move South Korea national team coach had a rankings, and qualify for the 2024 Kelab Belia Teguh (Kebuh) in collaboration nament like today is none other than to
on and try to be positive because finally i vast experience overseas including guid- Olympic Games. with the United irish Company. raise the spirit of sportsmanship among the
have a coach. ing South Korea to clinch the 2022 edi- Zii jia has been playing without a full- The runners-up spot was won by the youth, especially school students.
Sagindai Kids Team with a prize of RM500 “a special order from us to all the players
“as Malaysians we should be happy tion of the Uber Cup and moulding time coach since parting ways with his
and also medals for the players. is that they are always enthusiastic in terms
about it and my coach is also a local, so 21-year-old and world number two an Se former trainer indra Wijaya of indonesia
Third place went to Miruru FC who man- of sports and academics, in addition to
let’s help each other to chase the Olympic Young as one of the top women’s singles late last year. applying a competitive attitude among
dream…Hopefully, he can bring me to shuttlers at the moment. When met by Bernama, Ka Long, on aged to bring home a cash prize of RM300
along with medals for the players while in them,” he said.
one step higher,” he told reporters when in the meantime, the former asian the other hand, refused to comment fur- Meanwhile, the Deputy Chairman of
fourth to sixth place were Paginatan FC,
met at the Malaysia Masters 2023, here. champion said he expected Tat Meng to ther on Tat Meng’s resignation from the Kelab Belia Teguh, jonelson B, thanked all
Teguh FC jr (Kebuh) and Nalapak NLS,
The 25-year-old player was responding join his team after the indonesia Open Hong Kong Badminton association and respectively. the teams that participated and hoped that
to a social media post by Hong Kong’s 2023, which is slated to take place in only wished the latter good luck on his The tournament which was held for the the same tournament would be organised
number one men’s singles shuttler, jakarta from june 13 to 18. future endeavours with Zii jia. – Bernama first time was officiated by the United irish again in the future.
General Brighton end Rodrygo raises
City’s winning fist in Vinicius
run to secure tribute as Real
top-six finish beat Rayo
BRiGHTON: Pep Guardiola praised his
BaRCELONa: Rodrygo struck a late winner
Manchester City players for shrugging off
for Real Madrid in a 2-1 La Liga victory over
their hangovers after clinching the Pre-
Rayo Vallecano on Wednesday and raised
mier League title with a 1-1 draw at
his fist into the air in a nod to team-mate
Brighton on Wednesday to stretch an
Vinicius junior.
unbeaten run to 25 matches.
Brazilian winger Vinicius received racist
a point was also enough for the Seagulls
abuse against Valencia on Sunday, but was
to guarantee they will finish sixth in the
watching on from the president’s box
table and secure a place in the Europa
because of a knee problem.
League next season.
Rodrygo struck in the 89th minute to
Phil Foden fired the English champions
send Madrid second and bowed his head
in front, but Brighton were well worthy of
while lifting his fist in a “Black Power”
the point given to them by julio Enciso’s
stunning long-range strike.
Karim Benzema sent Madrid into the
“Only 48 hours before they drank all the Brighton’s Julio Enciso (second left) scores past Manchester City’s goalkeeper Stefan Ortega. lead in the first half before Raul de Tomas
alcohol in Manchester,” said Guardiola.
equalised for the visitors at the Santiago
“Today they showed why they are the cham- clean through on goal.
Bernabeu, with Rodrygo deciding the game
pions. “We were humble and run a lot. That is why we are the champions for at the third time of asking he took no chances as Haaland unselfishly
in the final stages.
many years, these players showed something special.” squared with just Steele to beat for Foden to convert his 15th goal of the sea-
The win sent Real Madrid second, a point
Guardiola heaped praise on Brighton boss Roberto De Zerbi pre-match, son.
above rivals atletico Madrid, who drew 3-3
hailing the italian as one of the most influential managers of the last 20 years. But after a slow start, Brighton soon began to live up to Guardiola’s billing
at Getafe later on Wednesday.
The City coach showed his respect by restoring a number of star names to his as the champions were rocked back on their heels. Danny Welbeck’s free-kick
Vinicius was not present on the pitch but
side that missed Sunday’s 1-0 win over Chelsea to toast a fourth league title came crashing off the bar and Facundo Buonanotte should have done better
Dalam Mahkamah was not far from the players’ thoughts, as
in five years. with his finish after sauntering through the City defence.
Rendah Syariah Madrid lined up before the game wearing
Erling Haaland returned among six changes and could have had a seventh Kaoru Mitoma also saw an equaliser ruled out for handball.
Wilayah Persekutuan his number 20 shirt as a gesture of support.
hat-trick of the season inside half an hour. The towering Norwegian headed But there was no stopping Enciso’s leveller when it did come as the
Labuan The forward was sent off against Valencia
Kes Mal No. over Foden’s inviting cross on five minutes. Paraguayan picked up Levi Colwill’s pass and smashed an effort into the top
and although the card was revoked on Tues-
2305-L1114-122-0173 Haaland then had a poor touch to blame for not beating jason Steele when corner for his first goal at the amex. – aFP
day night, he was not able to recover from
his knee issue to play.
NO. KP: 940223-12-6242
El Salvador cuts short football c’ship after deadly stampede it was the first time Madrid have played
since the abuse occurred and many sports
Kepada: SaN SaLVaDOR: El Salvador football authorities “We have decided to terminate the 2022-2023 in addition to the dead, about 500 people were stars and other significant figures across the
YOHANES NIRON world have offered Vinicius their support.
No. Pas Lawatan:-
have cancelled the remainder of the national cham- national championship of El Salvador,” the parties treated for various injuries at the scene, while 88
AMBIL PERHATIAN pionship because of safety concerns, after a stam- said in the joint statement, with Fesfut separately were hospitalised. Most have since been discharged. Supporters chanted his name after 20
bahawa kamu hendaklah pede at a game killed 12. adding that “there will be no champion.” Fesfut said all parties were committed to ensur- minutes and a banner in one stand read
hadir ke Mahkamah Ren- “This measure has been taken in this way in The competition had only reached the first leg ing “better protocols” for securing the safety of fans “We are all Vinicius, enough already!”
dah Syariah Wilayah response to the seriousness of the events and the of the quarterfinals. in the future. “i think everyone in football, not just in
Persekutuan Labuan pada need to guarantee the safety conditions of the Twelve people died and hundreds were injured But a group called jugadores Unido (Players football, in all of sport, the whole world, (is
hari Rabu pada 14hb Jun sports venues,” the Salvadoran football federation in a crush at first-division alianza’s stadium on Sat- United) urged the federation to reconsider, citing reacting to) these actions, they should not
2023 jam 9.00 pagi bicara
Permohonan Wali Hakim.
(Fesfut) and Liga Mayor clubs said in a statement on urday. it was thought to have begun when a gate fell the “large number of people” who economically be allowed,” Madrid defender Dani Carvajal
Hadir / tidak, keputusan Wednesday. at the stadium in the capital San Salvador. depend on the football matches. – aFP told Movistar after the game. – aFP
Halep says her doping Ji opens


hearing postponed again title defence
CAP. 68 PaRiS: Former world number one Simona
SECTION 116 (4)

Halep on Wednesday said her doping hearing,
scheduled for this weekend, had been post- with victory
CAVEAT poned for a third time by the international
Tennis Federation. LOS aNGELES: South Korea’s ji Eun-hee
WHEREAS on the applica-
The Romanian was provisionally suspended kicked off her LPGa Match-Play title
tion of LIONG JAN BOEN @
last October after testing positive for the defence with a 3&2 victory over Matilda
12.08.2022 under Section banned substance roxadustat and was charged Castren on Wednesday as top-seeded Lilia
116(4) of the Land Ordi- with a separate second anti-doping breach last Vu surged late for a win.
nance, I have made due
week “relating to irregularities in her athlete biological passport”. ji, who beat japan’s ayaka Furue in last
enquiry, as recorded in the
Halep previously complained that the iTF cancelled hearings set year’s final at Shadow Creek in Las Vegas,
Land Enquiry No.
120/2022 of Kota Kinabalu for February and March. Nevada, gained the upper hand on Fin-
District, and am of the opin- “Once again, tonight, i am devastated,” she said in a post on land’s Castren with a par to win the second
ion that the said application
social media. hole and was 3-up after winning the 12th
ought to be granted.
“The iTF (iTia) (international Tennis integrity agency) has once with a par.
Now I do hereby order that again, for the third time postponed my hearing one month later... Castren cut the deficit with a par to win
the Caveat on the land the 14th, but a par was enough for ji to win
“i have asked, as the rules of anti-doping state it, for a quick
described in the title No. NT the 15th and when they split the par-five
hearing: this is my right, it is written in the rules.”
013083433 which was 16th the match was hers.
registered as Memorial No. The 31-year-old has claimed that experts found she had acciden-
“So i didn’t have the best shot today,
MD2207010012(04) tally taken a contaminated supplement.
Memo Sequence No. 04 be but i think luck came with it,” ji said. “i
Halep had climbed back into the world’s top 10 before she was
removed. don’t think my opponent had the best day
suspended having dropped out of the top 20 in 2020 following either, so that helped ease the process a lit-
Dated at KOTA KINABALU injury problems. tle bit.”
this 2nd May 2023 But the two-time Grand Slam champion is set to tumble further Going up early was a big help on a
Signed from her current mark of 34th as she waits to find out when she can windy day at a challenging course, ji said.
KENNDY C. KERIAH return. “When i have the lead in the beginning,
Assistant Collector of “Not only they are killing my reputation, but also me as a pro- i think i can definitely not lose the lead,”
Land Revenue
Kota Kinabalu
fessional player, and i don’t even talk about the consequences on said the 37-year-old, whose six LPGa titles
my mental health,” Halep added. include the 2009 US Women’s Open. “So
LE:(01) 120/2022 “This disrespect of the rules by the iTF regarding the fast hearing even though i didn’t have the best shot
i am entitled to have, is so disrespectful to me that i have no more today, i did my best to get a save.
OF CAVEAT is advertised by words... “Shadow Creek definitely isn’t an easy
Chin Lau Wong & Foo of “’justice delayed is justice denied.’” course. Every hole is very complicated so
No. A818, 8th Floor, Wisma No comment could be immediately obtained from the iTia, you have to think a lot about that.”
Merdeka, Jalan Tun Razak,
88000 Kota Kinabalu,
which acts on behalf of the iTF. Vu, who won her first major title at the
Advocates & Solicitors for Roxadustat is a drug that stimulates the production of red Chevron Championship in april, is the
the abovenamed Applicant. blood cells and is used in the treatment of patients with kidney highest-ranked player in the 64-strong
[Ref: CLWF/1642/LEP/jue] problems. – aFP field at fourth in the world. – aFP
Halep says
Brighton end
her doping
City’s winning
run to secure
top-six finish

Political instability
also affected sports
KUaLa LUMPUR: The political instability and NSas, they agreed that in the four
that occurred in the country over a period years we were busy with politics here, our
of four years caused some 220 national ath- neighbouring countries were moving for-
letes to be unable to continue training ward,” she said.
since no specific provision was given for as a step forward, Hannah said the Min-
the implementation of the senior training istry will focus on sports that have the
programme under the Podium Porgamme potential to win more medals for the Pearly (left) and Thinaah during their match on Thursday.
2022. country. Therefore, she said National
Youth and Sports Minister Hannah Yeoh
said during the four-year period there were
Sports associations (NSas) are required to
submit short and long term plans to
Pearly-Thinaah march into q-finals
three changes of Prime Minister and three ensure Malaysia can compete with Singa- KUaLa LUMPUR: Malaysia’s top women’s in our minds we wanted to win that shot
times Minister of Youth and Sports which mentary question from ahmad Fadhli pore, Thailand and Vietnam at the next doubles pair Pearly Tan-M.Thinaah so we just mentally prepared ourselves
caused changes in board members (of Shaari (PN-Pasir Mas) who asked Hannah SEa Games, asian Games and Olympic clinched a nail-biting deciding set 21-19 very well and i am so happy we won the
sports authorities), budgets and focus. to explain her statement at a press confer- Games. against japan’s Rena Miyaura-ayako Saku- point,” she said.
Taking the example of the details of the ence last week about political instability “among the emphasis that will be given ramoto enroute to setting an unofficial Thinaah said she and Pearly would now
2022 Budget that was tabled in October being one of the causes of the national are sports that offer many medals such as longest rally in world badminton after focus on avenging their disappointment at
2021, Hannah explained that no allocation team’s poor performance in the recent swimming and athletics, must bring about both pairs exchanged 211 strokes. the 2023 indonesia Masters where they lost
was given for Podium Programme 2022. Cambodia SEa Games 2023. “This situation change. This emphasis will be given because The previous longest rally is believed to 14-21, 19-21 in straight sets to Yuki
“This caused the National Sports Council (payment of athletes’ allowances and they have many events to get medals. be 162 strokes. Fukushima-Sayaka Hirota of japan, their
(NSC) to reorganise athlete preparation coaches salaries) lasted for a period of two “We will also focus on martial arts The win gave the Malaysian pair a ticket next opponents.
programmes for the main sports meets months which is january to February 2022. sports and diving because these have excel- to the quarterfinals of the Malaysia Mas- Meanwhile, in the men’s doubles com-
scheduled for 2022, among them the Viet- KBS took the initiative to apply to the Cab- lent athletes who brought home gold ters 2023 at the axiata arena as Pearly-Thi- petition, Malaysia’s top men’s doubles pair
nam SEa Games, Birmingham Common- inet to obtain an allocation for the Podium medals. naah triumphed 21-18, 8-21 and 21-19. and defending men’s doubles world cham-
wealth Games and the asian Games. Programme and it was agreed under in addition, she said national athletes Despite losing the match, the japanese pions aaron Chia-Soh Wooi Yik were in a
“at the same time, NSC also had to dis- RMK12 (12th Malaysia Plan) amounting to such as Shereen Samson Vallabouy who pair, fresh from winning the Orleans Mas- class of their own to dispose South Korea’s
tribute and use internal allocations to RM240 million from 2022 to 2025 which is won the gold medal in the women’s 400m ters 2023, put up a great show of bad- Choi Sol Gyu-Kim Won Ho 21-19, 21-14 in
ensure that athlete training allowances RM60 million per year. with a record of 52.53s and Umar Osman minton, especially by dragging the straight sets.
and coaches salaries continued without “Every time there is a change like this, who won gold in the men’s 400m at the Malaysian pair to their longest ever rally in The Malaysian pair’s opponents in the
delay so as not to affect the performance of when athletes’ allowances and coaches SEa Games in Cambodia will be given the deciding set with the score 16-14 in quarterfinals will be the winner between
athletes who were in training,” she said salaries are delayed because there is no financial assistance, besides other athletes favour of the Malaysians. China’s He ji Tang-Zhoa Hao Dong and
during the Ministers’ Question Time at the budget, it affects their training. This is with potential, to ensure they prepare well Winning the point from the longest indonesia’s Leo Rolly Carnando-Daniel
Dewan Rakyat sitting, Thursday. because some have to go abroad (for train- for the Hangzhou asian Games in China in rally certainly gave Pearly-Thinaah an Marthin.
She said this in replying to a supple- ing) and i had a discussion with athletes September. – Bernama added tonic to keep the japanese duo at another Malaysian men’s doubles pair,
bay before walking out as winners. Man Wei Chong-Tee Kai Wun also
a beaming Pearly when met by marched into the quarterfinals after com-
Sabri govt’s
New floodlights by next year drag racing
reporters after the match said though it
was a closely fought encounter, winning
the point in the longest rally, was the turn-
ing from a set down to beat Scotland’s
alexander Dunn-adam Hall 19-21, 21-16,
anthea peter ing point. “i did not cue the shot, it was a The duo, ranked 26th in the world, will
The Penampang
circuits long rally and i knew they are prepared, so
both sides were prepared too. We knew we
meet either Lee jhe-Huei-Yang Po-Hsuan
from Taiwan or indonesia’s Mohammad
were tired but the opponent was tired too, ahsan-Hendra Setiawan. – Bernama
Sports Complex
will have new sta-
dium floodlights by
next year, said State
Youth and Sports
scrapped Zii Jia suffers another early exit
KUaLa LUMPUR: is the axiata arena the he managed to complete the game that
Minister Datuk Ell- KUaLa LUMPUR: The Federal Government ‘haunted ground’ for Lee Zii jia, the darling lasted one hour and 27 minutes. Zii jia
ron angin (pic). has no plans to continue with the previous of local badminton fans? then skipped the interview at the mixed
“The major improvement being done at The Sook assemblyman hoped that government’s proposal to build special There certainly was an element of truth zone, which has been the routine for every
the complex is the construction of flood- complex users and sports enthusiasts drag racing circuits in each state. as the national men’s singles professional player after they finished off the match, as
lights at the main stadium of the Penam- could be patient about the matter. “This is in a parliamentary reply, Youth and ace suffered yet another early round exit in he was believed to seek medical treatment.
pang Sports Complex. for the good of the people in Penampang. Sports Minister Hannah Yeoh said the the aforementioned venue, going down to His sister cum manager, Lee Zii Yii, who
“This project started in Feb 2023 and is The people in surrounding areas will also move to continue the proposal — Taiwan’s Lin Chun-Yi, 19-21, 21-16, 15-21 in had to replace Zii jia for the interview ses-
expected to complete by Feb 2024,” he said benefit from this,” he added. announced by then prime minister Datuk the second round of the tournament, here, sion at the mixed zone, confirmed that the
during question time at the State Legisla- To a supplementary question by Gum- Seri ismail Sabri Yaakob — would incur an Thursday. current world number 10 felt dizzy and
tive assembly sitting, here, Thursday. Gum assemblyman arunarnsin Taib who extremely high maintenance cost aside Despite feeling unwell during the that had taken a toll on his performance
He was responding to a question by asked if the Ministry had plans to build a from being supervised by trained experts. game, Zii jia deserved a pat on the back as Thursday. – Bernama
Kepayan assemblywoman jannie Lasim- sports complex in the Gum-Gum con- “at this moment, the Ministry is focus-
bang who asked on the status of the stituency, Ellron said the Ministry will con- ing its effort on upgrading and refurbish-
upgrading projects and construction of
roofs at the Penampang Sports Complex’s
duct a study on it first.
“in principle, when we plan to build
ing existing sporting facilities under the
Chin retains SEASTF sec-gen post
outdoor court facilities. something such as a sports complex, we “if there is a necessity for the construc- (Philippines), Sayyadeth Vongsay (Laos),
tion of such drag racing circuits, Yang
gl oh
“My Ministry has already listed for all prioritise full districts. However we will KOTa KiNaBaLU: Sabahan KK Chin has Nguyen Quoc Hung (Vietnam) and
outdoor facilities such as the sepak takraw, consider this, we can conduct a study on Berhormat can submit an application to aniceto Cardosa alves (Timor Leste).
been retained as secretary general of the
basketball, volleyball and futsal courts at the need for a sports complex in Gum- this Ministry for further consideration. The meeting was attended by Korean
South East asian Soft Tennis Federation
the Penampang Sports Complex to be Gum,” Ellron said. “However, any new sporting facilities Soft Tennis association (KSTa) president
(SEaSTF) in its biennial election held dur-
improved next year. He said he will hold a meeting with application will only be considered if it jung inseong who is also the vice president
ing the 32nd SEa Games in Cambodia.
“This includes the proposal to build a Sabah State Sports Board officials and fulfils the terms set by the Economy Min- of international Soft Tennis Federation
Malaysia Soft Tennis association
roof for these outdoor courts. National Sports Council to discuss the istry,” she said in response to Kalabakan (iSTF), KSTa general manager Kim Taeju,
(MSTa) president Dato Shamshuzaman
“at this time, the mentioned sports study. MP Datuk andi Muhammad Suryady secretary general Kim Backsoo director Lee
Sulaiman was another Malaysian elected
facilities are still being utilised by users Earlier, arunarnsin had reasoned that Bandy. Gumseob Director and official Yang ingyu.
as the vice president.
and will be constantly monitored by my Gum-Gum had some 10,000 constituents in august 2022, ismail Sabri said the Meanwhile, Chin who was one of the
The president was Bunluechai Phiwsan
officials from time to time to ensure that including youths who have voiced the proposal aimed at enhancing the develop- soft tennis technical delegates in the SEa
from Thailand while the board of directors
the facilities are safe to use,” he said. need for a sports facility in the area. ment of motorsports in the country. – Games, successfully conducted a practical
are Sar Sithik (Cambodia), Martuama
Malay Mail test to 12 qualified international chair
Saragi (indonesia), Robert joseph Moran,
umpires during the competition.
Malaysia face Run for Peace returns in July after three-year hiatus
Six of them are from Cambodia, two
from Laos with one each from Timor Leste,
Philippines, South Korea and japan.
tough hurdle KOTa KiNaBaLU: after a three-year hiatus using the United Nations Sustainable He also revealed that Sabah may play
due to the pandemic, Run for Peace (RFP), Development Goals (SDGs) as a focus. host to the SEaSTF Soft Tennis Tournament
KUaLa LUMPUR: The National Under-23
the non-competitive fun run organised by The spirit of Run for Peace is encapsu- at the end of the year with some 150 play-
squad is expected to face a tough qualifying
Soka Gakkai Malaysia (SGM) is now back. lated in the SDGs which provide “a ers from South East asia are expected to
hurdle after being drawn in the same group
This july, about 70,000 like-minded shared blueprint for peace and prosper- take part in addition to 30 from
as South East asian giants Thailand for the
individuals will participate in Run for ity for people and the planet, now and Mungyung Soft Tennis association from
2024 asia Cup Under-23 Qualifiers scheduled
Peace 2023 at 23 locations nationwide, into the future.” Korea if it is to be held in December.
in Thailand from Sept 6 to 12.
organised by SGM with the aim of foster- This year, an additional slogan is
in the draw held here Thursday for the
ing a culture of peace in the community introduced where we encourage every-
biennial tournament, Malaysia were drawn
in Group H together with Thailand,
and also promoting the sustainability of one to “actNOW for SDGs!” PBA organising
the planet, with a focus on the United it’s time to take action and protect
Bangladesh and the Philippines.
The U-23 squad coached by E. Elavarasan
Nations Sustainable Development Goals
and reminds them that their actions can
contribute to creating harmony and
our planet for generations to come.
From reducing waste to supporting
clinic on May 31
will open their campaign on Sept 6, against peace in their communities, societies,
The Run for Peace in Sabah will be local eco-friendly events, each small step Jimmy goh
Bangladesh before taking on the Philippines countries, and the world as a whole.
held in four regions – Kota Kinabalu, we take can make a huge difference. KOTa KiNaBaLU: The Penampang Basket-
on Sept 9 and face the toughest match The Run for Peace (RFP) is inspired by
Sandakan, Lahad Datu and Tawau. The organiser urges people from all ball association will be organising a Ref-
against the host country on Sept 12. the philosophy and ideals of Soka
The Kota Kinabalu area will flag off at walks of life, particularly young people, eree and Table Official Clinic at the SjK (C)
in the qualifiers, 11 group winners and Gakkai international President, Daisaku
the Universiti Malaysia Sabah with a dis- to come together to run for peace and Chung Hwa Likas, here, on May 31.
four best placed runner-up teams will join ikeda, who has been submitting annual
tance of 6km and expected to have the SDGs, and harmoniously unite The programme will be held from 9am
host country, Qatar, in the U-23 asia Cup final peace proposals to the United Nations
5,000 peace lovers participating in the towards developing a peaceful and a to 5pm and is limited to 30 people.
scheduled from april 15 to May 3, next year. since 1983.
event. more sustainable future together, said Malaysian Basketball association
Meanwhile, the top three teams in the asia in 1957, his mentor, josei Toda, called
The Run for Peace is a biennial event SGM in a statement, Thursday. (Maba) Coaching Licensed speakers, Ken-
Cup 2024 final will also qualify for the 2024 for the youth to work towards abolish-
held by SGM since 2005, and to date, For more information or registration neth Chiu, Debbie Lau, alex Chua, and
Paris Olympics slated in july and august next ing nuclear weapons from the world.
more than 360,000 peace lovers had visit Run for Peace official website: jeremy Fung will be among the four panel
year. This moment marked the beginning of
participated in the run., Run for speakers on the programme, which will be
The Football association of Malaysia the SGi’s peace movement.
The key objective of Run for Peace is Peace Facebook page: https://www.face- moderated by Cassandra Liew.
(FaM) had decided to not send the National While continuing the endeavour for
to promote the belief that “Peace starts or Run for Those aged 16 and above, and want to
Under-23 squad for the asian Games in a world without nuclear weapons, this
with me!”, emphasising that positive Peace instagram page: https://www.insta- learn the fundamentals of basketball can
Hangzhou, China which will be held in Sep- year’s RFP will adopt a broader theme of
change begins with each individual. contact 017-8206328 (Cassandra) or 010-
tember this year, due to the proximity of peace with sustainability of the planet,
This message empowers participants Registration closes on May 31, 2023. 9333256 (Debbie Lau).
dates with the 2024 asia Cup final. – Bernama

Printed and published by sabah publishing House sdn bhd (company no: 35782-p) o Head office / press: 3B Jalan Mangga, Sedco Likas Industrial Estate, Jalan Kolombong, 88450 Inanam, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah or P.O.Box 10139, 88801 Kota Kinabalu.
o Main Hunting line 088 386662 o fax (general) 088 432555 fax (news) 088 424600 o Hotline 088 437773 o advertising (fax) 088 425151 o news 088 424600 o Kg air office: 088 238711 / 088 238666 o fax 088 238611
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JuMaat, 26 Mei, 2023 / 6 ZulKaedaH, 1444H

Subuh Zohor Asar Maghrib Isyak
KK/Pantai Barat 4.49 12.16 3.40 6.27 7.42
Sandakan Timur 4.41 12.09 3.33 6.19 7.34
Sandakan Barat 4.45 12.13 3.37 6.23 7.38
Tawau Timur 4.39 12.06 3.30 6.16 7.31
Tawau Barat 4.44 12.09 3.33 6.18 7.33
Kudat 4.43 12.13 3.36 6.25 7.40
Pedalaman Atas 4.47 12.14 3.38 6.25 7.39
Gunung Sinsing sah ketiga Semakin ramai bayi dibuang Pentas akhir Sugandoi
Pedalaman Bawah 4.50 12.17 3.41 6.28 7.42
Meneroka emas, nikel: KM > 2 tertinggi di Malaysia > 3 di masjid, bawah pokok > 5 Kaamatan negeri esok > 6

Sabah lulus RUU Anti Lompat Parti

KOTa KiNaBaLU: Persidangan Dewan Bagi bacaan ketiga rang undang-
Undangan Negeri (DUN) Sabah pada undang itu, seramai 75 adun meny-
Khamis meluluskan Rang Undang- atakan sokongan manakala empat
undang Perlembagaan Negeri Sabah adun tidak hadir.
(Pindaan) 2023 yang melarang wakil Hajiji ketika menggulung perba-
rakyat melompat parti. hasan usul itu berkata rang undang-
Rang Undang-undang itu mendapat undang itu bertujuan menggugurkan
sokongan melebihi majoriti dua per- Perkara 6(7) dalam Perlembagaan
tiga ahli dewan selepas ia bentangkan Negeri Sabah adalah kerana ia tidak
oleh Ketua Menteri Datuk Seri Hajiji lagi selaras dengan kehendak di bawah
Noor pada Khamis, dengan 75 ahli Perkara 6(3) berikutan situasi politik
Dewan Undangan Negeri (adun) semasa. “ini (pindaan) memudahkan TYT
menyokong manakala empat adun Perkara 6(3) antara lain merujuk (Yang Dipertua Negeri Sabah) mem-
tidak hadir. tentang Yang Dipertua Negeri Sabah buat keputusan mengikut budi bicara,
Berdasarkan Perkara 43 Perlemba- melantik seorang Ketua Menteri yang siapa dapat sokongan majoriti itu dan
gaan Negeri Sabah, sebarang pindaan merupakan seorang adun negeri yang ruang TYT memikirkan kalau sokongan
terhadap Perlembagaan memerlukan pada pertimbangannya mendapat (sebuah parti) tidak melebihi 50 pera-
sokongan majoriti lebih dua pertiga kepercayaan majoriti ahli dewan. tus itu bagaimana kedudukan gabun-
daripada adun Sabah pada bacaan Perkara 6(7) pula merujuk sebuah gan dan sokongan wakil rakyat,”
kedua dan ketiga usul tersebut. parti politik yang memenangi kerusi katanya.
Pada bacaan kali kedua rang majoriti pada pilihan raya, ketua parti Sementara itu, beliau berkata pin-
undang-undang itu, Ketua Pem- itu merupakan seorang aDUN Sabah daan Perlembagaan pada Khamis tidak
bangkang DUN Sabah Datuk Seri Mohd yang mempunyai kemungkinan men- melibatkan adun dilantik kerana
Shafie apdal (Warisan-Senallang) ban- dapat kepercayaan majoriti ahli dewan. mereka tidak dipilih pada pilihan raya
gun mencadangkan supaya undi belah Menjelas lanjut, Hajiji berkata sejak oleh rakyat dan tidak mempunyai
bahagian bagi Fasal 2 rang undang- Pilihan Raya Umum ke-14 pada 2018, kawasan yang diwakili.
undang tersebut, iaitu fasal itu bertu- tiada sebuah parti politik yang mem- “ia lebih kepada sering diperkatakan
juan menggugurkan Perkara 6 (7) peroleh majoriti untuk mentadbir prinsip wakil yang telah dipilih oleh
dalam Perlembagaan tersebut. negeri dan sejak itu kerajaan negeri rakyat itu mengekalkan kepercayaan HAJIJI membentangkan RUU Perlembagaan Negeri Sabah (Pindaan) 2023 pada Khamis.
Empat fasal dalam rang undang- ditadbir oleh gabungan parti politik. yang diberikan kepada rakyat kepada
undang itu diluluskan dengan suara “Tiada mana-mana parti menang mereka.
terbanyak, manakala undi belah baha- kerusi majoriti dan kerajaan negeri jadi “Maka pindaan ini melibatkan adun Kualiti perbahasan cukup bagus: Hajiji
gian bagi Fasal 2 itu disokong 61 adun tergantung atau ‘hung government’, yang dipilih rakyat dan bukan adun
yang bersetuju Perkara 6(7) Perlemba- terjadi di negeri ini sejak 2018. Kerajaan dilantik,” katanya.
Jonathan nicholas ia menyatakan bahawa jika sebuah
gaan Negeri digugurkan, 14 adun tidak negeri sejak 2018 adalah sebuah kera- KOTa KiNaBaLU: Ketua Menteri Datuk parti politik itu menang dengan
Sabah mempunyai seramai 79 adun
bersetuju, manakala empat adun tidak jaan gabungan, jadi ini tidak Seri Hajiji Noor berkata beliau gembira majoriti, pemimpin parti politik berke-
dengan 73 daripadanya dipilih man-
hadir. memenuhi kehendak Perkara 6(7) itu. melihat perbahasan berkualiti oleh naan, yang merupakan ahli Dewan
akala enam dilantik. – Bernama
aDUN daripada kedua-dua blok itu Undangan Negeri, akan menjadi ahli
semasa persidangan Dewan Undangan Dewan Undangan Negeri yang besar

ECoS kerjasama dengan SESB, Negeri empat hari sejak isnin.

“Kerajaan atau pembangkang sesi
perbahasan kali ini cukup baik. akan
kemungkinan meraih sokongan
majoriti ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri.
Hajiji berkata pindaan itu adalah
sentiasa ada yang menyokong atau untuk memudahkan keputusan Yang

ST percepat langkah mitigasi menentang tetapi saya melihat pen-

ingkatan dalam cara adun Sabah
Dipertua Negeri jika situasi sebegitu
timbul lagi.
“Pemimpin parti yang mempunyai
sherell Jeffrey dijangka untuk kuasa. memenuhi keperluan tenaga Negeri. “Sekarang Undang-undang anti majoriti akan menjadi Ketua Menteri
KOTa KiNaBaLU: Kerajaan Negeri dan Persekutuan Mengenai projek talian penghan- Lompat Parti telah diluluskan sebulat tetapi terpulang kepada budi bicara
Suruhanjaya Tenaga bekerjasama untuk mendapatkan set taran Southern Link 275 kV, Shahelmey suara, kita tidak lagi perlu risau men- Yang Dipertua Negeri jika tiada
Sabah (ECoS) beker- penjana sewa sehingga 200 MW untuk berkata, projek itu masih belum dilu- genai tindakan melompat parti pada majoriti mudah.
jasama dengan mula beroperasi tahun ini, sementara luskan oleh Kerajaan Persekutuan masa hadapan. “Beliau akan mempunyai budi
Sabah Electricity mereka menunggu penyiapan loji Pen- berikutan kekurangan dana untuk “ia menunjukkan bahawa kita bicara untuk memilih adun yang men-
Sdn Bhd (SESB) dan jana Kuasa Bebas (iPP) baharu, yang membiayai kos projek RM1.4 bilion. telah mencapai kata sepakat ke dapat sokongan paling banyak dari-
Suruhanjaya Tenaga akan mula dibina pada 2026. Kerajaan Negeri telah mencadan- arah menjaga kepentingan Sabah pada yang lain,” katanya pada sidang
Malaysia (ST) untuk Beliau berkata apabila langkah mit- gkan pelaksanaan segera projek ini dan rakyatnya,” katanya sambil media pada penutupan perhimpunan
mempercepatkan pelaksanaan langkah igasi ini selesai, margin rizab akan dengan menggunakan dana yang dipe- menambah undang-undang itu itu, Khamis.
mitigasi jangka pendek. meningkat kepada kira-kira 30 peratus. runtukkan untuk projek Saluran Paip selaras dengan yang diperkenalkan Hajiji berkata ia akan mengambil
Kerjasama itu bertujuan memas- Pelan pembangunan penjanaan Ker- Gas Trans Sabah. di Persekutuan. masa beberapa hari atau minggu dari
tikan pengagihan bekalan elektrik di ajaan Persekutuan untuk melak- Projek Saluran Paip Gas Trans Sabah Hajiji berkata peluang yang luas sekarang untuk diwartakan dan akan
negeri ini cekap dan mencukupi, kata sanakan langkah jangka pendek di tidak dapat diteruskan pada masa ini untuk membahaskan pengguguran dihantar kepada Yang Dipertua Negeri,
Menteri Kerja Raya Negeri Datuk Sha- Sabah telah mengenal pasti iPP baharu kerana bekalan gas yang tidak men- Perkara 6(7) Perlembagaan Negeri Tun juhar Mahiruddin, untuk menda-
helmey Yahya (gambar) ketika yang akan dijana oleh gas asli. iPP ini cukupi untuk diangkut. turut diberikan. patkan perkenan.
menyampaikan ucapan penggulungan akan mempunyai kapasiti 100MW dan
Kementeriannya pada persidangan akan terletak di pantai barat Sabah.
Dewan Undangan Negeri, Rabu lepas.
Beliau berkata ECoS telah memban-
Proses bidaan projek ini telah siap dan
ia diunjurkan beroperasi pada tahun
Tiada keperluan wujud kementerian khusus Sabah, S’wak
gunkan pelan pembangunan pen- 2026. iPP pada mulanya dirancang KUaLa LUMPUR: begitu juga devolution of authority dalam Senarai ii jadual Kesembilan Per-
janaan untuk jangka sederhana dan untuk disiapkan menjelang 2023, Tiada keperluan (iaitu) penurunan kuasa kepada kera- lembagaan Persekutuan.
panjang. Pelan itu akan dilaksanakan namun disebabkan kelewatan dalam mewujudkan jaan Sabah dan Sarawak, jadi setakat ini “jadi tidak perlu risau. Kerajaan
sebaik sahaja Kerajaan Negeri proses bidaan, ia dijangka siap menje- sebuah kementerian saya fikir kita perlu menjunjung komit- Persekutuan di bawah pimpinan Tam-
mengambil alih kuasa mengawal selia lang 2026. khusus untuk hal men tersebut iaitu pemerkasaan dan bun (Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri
bekalan elektrik pada akhir tahun ini. Selain itu, terdapat rancangan untuk ehwal Sabah dan penurunan kuasa tanpa perlu anwar ibrahim) akan sentiasa meng-
Pelan pembangunan penjanaan menyiapkan lapan projek iPP Solar Sarawak bagi men- tubuhkan satu kementerian khusus hormati hak dan juga kepentingan
kuasa semasa termasuk penambahan Berskala Besar dengan jumlah kapasiti gelakkan kemungki- yang bertanggungjawab kepada Sabah negeri termasuklah bidang kuasa tam-
kapasiti penjanaan baharu dalam tem- 56 MW tahun ini. Begitu juga, terdapat nan berlakunya dan Sarawak. bahan kepada Sabah dan Sarawak,”
poh lima tahun akan datang, mulai satu lagi projek berkapasiti 6 MW yang pertindihan tugas dengan kementerian “ini untuk mengelakkan berlakunya katanya.
tahun ini. dijadualkan siap pada 2024. sedia ada di peringkat Persekutuan. pertindihan dengan kementerian di Beliau menjawab soalan asal Lo yang
Peningkatan kapasiti penjanaan Untuk menangani isu bekalan kuasa Menteri di jabatan Perdana Menteri peringkat Persekutuan, yang akhirnya ingin tahu komitmen kerajaan untuk
adalah perlu bagi memenuhi per- semasa, beberapa langkah mitigasi (Hal Ehwal Sabah, Sarawak dan Tugas- akan menjejaskan usaha memberikan membantu menyelesaikan isu bekalan
mintaan elektrik yang semakin jangka pendek telah dilaksanakan. ini tugas Khas) Datuk armizan Mohd ali pemerkasaan dan penurunan kuasa air di Sabah seperti dinyatakan dalam
meningkat di Sabah, termasuk keper- termasuk memulakan semula iPP (gambar) berkata Bahagian Hal Ehwal kepada kerajaan Sabah dan Sarawak,” Konvensyen Nasional Kerajaan Perpad-
luan industri yang komited. Libaran (30MW) di Sandakan dan iPP Sabah dan Sarawak (BHESS) jabatan katanya pada Waktu Pertanyaan-Per- uan termasuk pendekatan mengambil
Shahelmey berkata pelan itu mem- Serudong (33MW) di Tawau, yang Perdana Menteri yang diwujudkan tanyaan Menteri di Dewan Rakyat di alih pengurusan air di negeri itu seperti
pertimbangkan keperluan untuk sebelum ini telah berhenti beroperasi. pada Mac 2020 berperanan sebagai sini pada Khamis. yang dilaporkan media.
menyahtauliah loji yang sudah lapuk Selain itu, loji janakuasa Diesel (kira- sekretariat kepada isu-isu berbangkit Beliau berkata demikian bagi men- Pada konvensyen itu yang diadakan
dan mereka yang kontraknya telah kira 200MW) milik SESB akan terus berkaitan Perjanjian Malaysia 1963 jawab soalan tambahan Lo Su Fui (GRS- 14 Mei lepas, anwar dilaporkan berkata
tamat. beroperasi sehingga loji janakuasa (Ma63). Tawau) mengenai keperluan untuk akan mengundang Ketua Menteri
Menurutnya, pelan pembangunan baharu itu siap. “jadi bagi saya, tidak perlu ada per- mewujudkan kementerian khas bagi Sabah Datuk Seri Hajiji Nor dan
penjanaan itu mengambil kira keper- Dalam jangka sederhana dan pan- tindihan bagi bidang kuasa tersebut, hal ehwal kedua-dua negeri itu bagi Menteri Besar Kelantan Datuk ahmad
luan untuk margin rizab sebanyak 30 jang, Kerajaan Negeri bercadang untuk biarlah BHESS hanya bertindak sebagai menyelesaikan isu-isu yang tertang- Yakob bagi mencari jalan menyele-
peratus. ini bermakna akan ada kapa- mengambil alih pihak berkuasa kawal sekretariat atau urus setia untuk kita guh. saikan masalah air di kedua-dua negeri
siti tambahan sebanyak 30 peratus selia bekalan elektrik. Selepas perali- menyusulkan rundingan antara kera- Selain itu armizan berkata komit- itu.
daripada keperluan maksimum sistem. han ini, kerajaan melalui ECoS akan jaan Persekutuan dengan kerajaan men kerajaan Persekutuan untuk Perdana Menteri berkata beliau amat
Tujuannya adalah untuk menjamin bertanggungjawab merancang pem- Sabah dan Sarawak tanpa perlu meng- menyelesaikan isu bekalan air di Sabah komited dalam mencari jalan kepada
bahawa kapasiti penjanaan sentiasa bangunan penjanaan di Sabah. ganggu gugat fungsi menteri di setiap juga tidak akan mengganggu-gugat isu tersebut setelah mendapat input
mencukupi, walaupun sekiranya Tumpuan akan diberikan kepada sum- kementerian. bidang kuasa, hak dan kepentingan permasalahan daripada pemimpin
berlaku penutupan penyelenggaraan ber tenaga boleh diperbaharui seperti “Kita kena lihat prinsip untuk mem- kerajaan negeri. negeri berkenaan berhubung masalah
yang dirancang, kerosakan penjana hidro, geoterma, biojisim, dan biogas, berikan lebih pemerkasaan (iaitu) “air adalah salah satu bidang kuasa yang membelenggu kedua-dua negeri
atau permintaan tinggi yang tidak serta bahan api peralihan untuk pemberian kuasa kepada negeri dan negeri sebagaimana yang terkandung sejak sekian lama itu. – Bernama
2 Tempatan S UARA TE MPATAN ANDA I JUMAAT, 26 MEI, 2023 harianekspres

Larry Ralon
Meneroka emas, nikel: KM melalui portal Sekretariat Sabah Maju
KOTa KiNaBaLU: Kerajaan Negeri men- jaya: Sebuah buku juga
geluarkan lesen mencari gali selama dua telah diterbitkan dan Sekretariat SMj akan
tahun kepada beberapa syarikat untuk mengedarkannya kepada semua ahli
mencari bahan galian seperti emas dan Dewan Undangan Negeri dalam masa ter-
nikel yang dikatakan banyak terdapat di dekat,” katanya.
Sabah. Mengenai isu tanah yang dibangk-
“ini baru peringkat awal. Kita tidak itkan Datuk abdul Ghani Mohd Yassin
tahu ada galian, di mana dan sebagainya. (Nabawan) dan Sarifuddin Hata (Merotai)
Kerajaan Negeri hanya akan membuat mengenai Lesen Pendudukan Sementara
keputusan jika jumlah itu menjimatkan,” (TOL), Hajiji berkata berdasarkan
kata Ketua Menteri Datuk Seri Hajiji Enakmen Perhutanan 1968, bakal usa-
Noor, ketika penggulungan untuk hawan perlu memohon TOL bagi mem-
jabatan Ketua Menteri (CMD) pada persi- bolehkan aktiviti pembalakan
dangan Dewan Undangan Negeri (DUN), dilaksanakan di atas tanah kerajaan.
Rabu. “Permohonan tanah kerajaan boleh
Kepada soalan Ketua Pembangkang dibuat sama ada secara individu atau
Datuk Seri Mohd Shafie apdal (Warisan- berkumpulan, syarikat dan organisasi kor-
Senallang), beliau berkata lebih 30 porat atau persatuan berdaftar. Permoho-
syarikat termasuk dari Semenanjung nan tanah yang dipohon oleh mana-mana
Malaysia dan Sarawak telah menunjukkan syarikat yang telah diproses dengan
minat. lengkap dan teratur oleh jabatan Tanah
“Dalam usaha mencari galian di Sabah, dan Ukur (jTU) serta mematuhi semua
kita ada dasar terbuka. Memang keuta- keperluan undang-undang, permohonan
maan diberikan kepada syarikat tem- tanah boleh diluluskan oleh Kerajaan
patan, tetapi kita terbuka kerana banyak Negeri.
syarikat tempatan tidak mempunyai pen- “Bagaimanapun, TOL dan Lesen Hutan
galaman. hanya akan dikeluarkan selepas semua
“Kami terbuka kepada syarikat dari keperluan dan syarat jabatan berkaitan
Semenanjung Malaysia dan Sarawak dipatuhi seperti kelulusan Penilaian Kesan HAJIJI berbual dengan Mohd Shafie selepas usul terima kasih kepada Yang Dipertua
untuk mengambil bahagian dalam pen- alam Sekitar (Eia) atau Langkah-Langkah Negeri Sabah atas ucapan dasar Kerajaan Negeri yang diluluskan, Rabu lalu.
erokaan bahan galian di Sabah. Tebatan Cadangan (PMM), pembayaran
hasil tanah, ukuran kawasan yang diminta
“Walaupun mungkin ada yang kita
berikan dari segi keluasan dan sebagainya,
apabila mereka membuat penemuan min-
dan lain-lain.”
Kepada jannie Lasimbang (Kapayan)
Peningkatan kos ‘Ahli politik, penjawat awam
eral di sesuatu kawasan kita hanya akan yang mencadangkan supaya pengeluaran bahan binaan di Sabah harus isytihar harta’
beri kawasan itu dalam keluasan terhad. hak milik tanah anak Negeri diper-
“Kami telah memutuskan dalam
mesyuarat jawatankuasa Pengurusan Min-
cepatkan, Ketua Menteri berkata Kerajaan
Negeri melalui jTU akan sentiasa berusaha
antara isu utama Hayati Dzulkifli elektrik dan bekalan air yang lemah, antara
aHLi politik dan pen- lain,” katanya.
eral Sabah bahawa hanya 1,000 ekar akan meningkatkan pencapaian pengeluaran Mohd Izham Bin Hashim jawat awam di Sabah Darell turut mempersoalkan kerajaan
menjadi jumlah keseluruhan. Tetapi seba- hak milik tanah anak Negeri dari semasa PENiNGKaTaN kos harus mengisyti- melalui Sabah Electricity Sdn Bhd (SESB)
gai permulaan, kami hanya akan memberi ke semasa. bahan binaan antara harkan harta mereka yang telah diberi subsidi berjumlah RM761
kelulusan perlombongan untuk kawasan Kerajaan Negeri yakin melalui pelbagai halangan utama kepada kerajaan juta setahun oleh kerajaan Persekutuan
seluas 200 ekar,” katanya. inisiatif yang diperkenalkan jTU, pencapa- menghadapi projek Negeri supaya untuk bahan api penjanaan kuasa yang
Beliau berkata banyak perkara yang ian melebihi sasaran yang ditetapkan Warisan Tamadun sebarang unsur tidak termasuk geran untuk pembangunan
perlu diteliti dalam pemberian lesen per- akan dapat direalisasikan, tambahnya. dan Etnik Dusun rasuah dapat ditan- infrastruktur.
lombongan. Setakat ini ia hanya lesen Menjawab Mohd Shafie mengenai yang tertangguh di gani dengan sewa- “Setiap tahun, SESB akan mendapat sub-
penerokaan,” katanya. konsesi pembalakan Yayasan Sabah, Hajiji Ranau. jarnya. sidi ini (RM761 juta) dan menjadi satu
Lesen melombong akan diputuskan berkata konsesi pembalakan di Tawau Sebagai maklum adun Moyog Datuk Darell Leiking (gam- kemestian bagi agensi itu untuk menge-
oleh Kerajaan yang terlebih dahulu perlu masih di bawah pentadbiran Yayasan balas, Menteri Pelan- bar) yang membuat gesaan itu berkata, mukakan laporan termasuk penilaian masa
mendapatkan ulasan daripada semua Sabah kerana kawasan itu adalah hutan congan, Kebudayaan dan alam Sekitar Ketua Menteri dan Menteri Kewangan depan dan cara mengurangkan gangguan
jabatan berkaitan kerana ia melibatkan simpan dan Yayasan Sabah kekal sebagai Sabah Datuk Christina Liew (gambar) Negeri perlu mengeluarkan arahan rasmi kepada TNB atau kementerian berkaitan.
hutan, alam sekitar dan sebagainya. pemegang lesen. berkata kementerian telah meminta pembi- kepada semua yang berada dalam perkhid- “ironinya kenapa kita masih berdepan
“jika dalam tempoh dua tahun mereka “Selepas pembalakan selesai, Yayasan ayaan tambahan daripada Kerajaan Negeri matan kerajaan serta ahli politik untuk dengan masalah (gangguan biasa) yang
tidak menemui apa-apa maka ia (lesen Sabah melalui anak syarikatnya akan melalui Penyelidikan Separuh Penggal Ran- berbuat demikian. mereka jangkakan dan sebutkan dalam
penerokaan) akan dibatalkan dengan membangunkan tanah itu sebagai usaha cangan Malaysia Ke-12 (KSP, RMK-12). Beliau berkata adalah penting bagi laporan rancangan jangka panjang mereka?
sendirinya.” sama untuk penanaman pokok industri “Kami telah menerima laporan penilaian mereka untuk mengisytiharkan harta “Saya pasti mereka sedar tentang pen-
Hajiji berkata menurut sumber, terda- dan ladang kelapa sawit di mana akhir daripada perunding projek yang mereka untuk mengetahui sama ada ingkatan bilangan pembangunan peruma-
pat banyak bahan galian di Sabah terma- dibenarkan oleh pihak berkuasa,” menyatakan kos bahan yang tinggi sebagai mereka rasuah atau mereka dituduh mener- han dan unit komersial yang menunjukkan
suk emas dan nikel tetapi tidak tahu di katanya. antara isu utama yang perlu dipertim- ima rasuah wang rasuah. bahawa lebih banyak bekalan kuasa diper-
mana. Mengenai isu yang dibangkitkan oleh bangkan untuk membolehkan pembinaan “Perdana Menteri telah mengumumkan lukan dan ini harus menjadi sebahagian
Terdahulu, hajiji mengulangi bahawa Datuk Darell Leiking (Moyog) dan Rina berjalan seperti yang dirancang,” katanya. bahawa rasuah di kalangan ahli politik dan daripada laporan mereka,” katanya.
Pelan Pembangunan Sabah Maju jaya 1.0 jainal (Kukusan) mengenai keperluan Christina menjawab soalan adun Dilan- kakitangan kerajaan adalah agak besar dan Tambahan pula, kata Darell, SESB telah
(2021 - 2025) adalah pelan pembangunan untuk mengisytiharkan aset dalam kalan- tik, Datuk amisah Yassin mengenai status serius dan beliau mahu mengejar mereka. menulis surat untuk mencadangkan pelan
komprehensif yang digubal dan dilak- gan anggota perkhidmatan awam, Hajiji projek itu pada sesi soal jawab, Rabu lepas. “Saya rasa ahli politik dan penjawat mitigasi bagi menangani situasi kritikal grid
sanakan secara berperingkat. berkata semua pegawai awam yang terdiri Beliau juga berkata kerajaan negeri juga awam perlu diteliti dengan men- Sabah yang dikongsi pada 3 Mei tahun ini.
“Pelan pembangunan ini adalah milik daripada Pegawai Kumpulan Eksekutif, telah menamatkan kontrak kontraktor ter- garahkan mereka mengisytiharkan harta “Saya tertanya-tanya kenapa kita berada
kita bersama dengan slogan “Sabah Kumpulan Pengurusan dan Profesional dahulu pada 16 jun 2021 berikutan prestasi mereka,” kata Darell ketika memba- dalam situasi ini (terputus bekalan elektrik
Maju jaya” yang diambil daripada moto serta Kumpulan Pengurusan Tertinggi yang tidak memuaskan. haskan ucapan dasar Yang Dipertua dan bekalan air yang lemah) apabila kita
di jata negeri untuk menyemai nilai- dikehendaki mengisytiharkan harta “Bagaimanapun, adalah menjadi aspirasi Negeri Rabu lalu. menyebut kira-kira berbilion Ringgit dalam
nilai murni dalam kalangan rakyat mereka setiap lima tahun, manakala kerajaan untuk melihat penyusunan projek Beliau berkata terdapat keperluan untuk pelaburan tetapi utiliti asas yang diper-
Sabah, berdaya saing dan progresif, pegawai awam yang memegang jawatan yang akan diteruskan melalui peruntukan di menetapkan semula Sabah agar bersih dari- lukan, tidak dirancang dengan baik dalam
seterusnya menyumbang kepada pem- sensitif perlu mengisytiharkan setiap dua bawah Rancangan Malaysia Ke-12 (RMKe- pada perbuatan dan unsur rasuah kerana jangka masa panjang.
bangunan Sabah, selaras dengan moto tahun. 12),” katanya. rakyat akan sentiasa melindungi keluarga “Malah, saya bertanya kepada Menteri
itu,” kata Hajiji. Menjawab soalan Dr aliakbar Gulasan Projek yang bermula pada 1 Mac 2018 itu dan rakan-rakan mereka. Pembangunan Perindustrian, berapa
Menjawab soalan assafal P alian (adun Dilantik) berhubung pembangu- sepatutnya siap pada 1 September 2019. Mengenai isu Penampang, beliau berkata banyak pelaburan dan pelabur sedia ada di
(Tungku) yang mencadangkan Kerajaan nan Yayasan Pembangunan Ummah, Dalam perkembangan lain, Christina tidak banyak kerja yang dilakukan daripada Sabah yang telah memutuskan untuk
Negeri mengeluarkan kad laporan Pelan Hajiji berkata Majlis agama islam Sabah berkata kementerian masih belum memu- projek tebatan banjir bernilai jutaan Ringgit menghentikan atau menarik balik pelabu-
Pembangunan SMj 1.0: 2021 - 2025, Hajiji (Muis) sedang dalam proses menubuhkan tuskan untuk mengguna pakai Sistem di kawasannya Moyog, Penampang. ran mereka?
berkata dua laporan telah dikeluarkan Yayasan Pembangunan Ummah untuk dis- Pemantauan Bersepadu Taman-Taman “Saya menjangkakan musim tengkujuh “Sekiranya terdapat penarikan balik
iaitu Laporan Tahunan pencapaian sepan- erahkan kepada pihak berkuasa. Sabah di tapak pelancongan dan rekreasi di akan datang lagi dan kita masih akan meng- pelaburan sedemikian, maka ia akan
jang dua tahun Pelan Pembangunan SMj MUiS juga dalam peringkat akhir Sabah kerana kos yang tinggi membabitkan hadapi banjir kilat dan masalah teruk lain menyebabkan lebih banyak pengangguran
dan Laporan Pencapaian inisiatif 2022, penubuhan Kolej islam MUiS yang berkai- sejumlah RM262 juta. Tujuan sistem yang akan memberi impak besar kepada dalam kalangan penduduk tempatan apa-
yang memaparkan butiran kad laporan tan dengan objektif penubuhan Yayasan bersepadu ini adalah untuk menyediakan penduduk di Penampang dan juga seluruh bila terdapat 177,000 pengangguran di
dengan skor pencapaian. bagi memperkasa pendidikan dan kese- aktiviti pemantauan dan penguatkuasaan Sabah seperti kehilangan harta benda dan Sabah berdasarkan statistik pada November
“Kedua-dua laporan ini boleh diakses jahteraan ummah, tambahnya. yang lebih baik di kawasan Taman-Taman pendapatan, mengalami gangguan bekalan tahun lepas,” katanya.
Sabah bagi mengelakkan pelanggaran
Kerajaan Negeri pastikan tanah negeri Enakmen Taman-Taman Sabah 1984.
Bagaimanapun, pembangunan sistem TNB, Persekutuan gagal bina stesen
bersepadu ini tidak dapat diteruskan kerana
tidak dibangunkan dipulangkan kekangan kewangan,” katanya.
Christina menambah beberapa siri dialog
janakuasa baharu di Sabah: YB
Ricardo Unto tanah negeri yang dipajakkan kepada dengan pemain pelancongan menyelam Sherell Jeffrey Memandangkan kerajaan negeri
KERajaaN Negeri akan memastikan mereka untuk projek awam dan mesti sedang dirancang untuk menambah baik KOTa KiNaBaLU: adun Kunak Norazlinah mengambil pendirian untuk hak Sabah
tanah negeri yang telah diserahkan menyerahkannya jika tidak. aktiviti menyelam serta memastikan profe- arif berkata penjelasan mengenai catuan dengan mengambil alih pengawasan SESB
kepada Kerajaan Persekutuan tetapi anwar dilaporkan berkata adalah sionalisme juruselam aktif, peralatan, aset elektrik di Sabah baru-baru ini menun- mulai 1 januari 2024, kami memuji inisiatif
masih belum dibangunkan dipulangkan. tidak wajar jabatan itu mengekalkan dan peralatan perniagaan selam skuba di jukkan kegagalan Kerajaan Persekutuan ini,” katanya.
Pembantu Menteri kepada Ketua pemilikan tanah negeri sekiranya mereka Taman Sipadan dan Taman Laut Tun Sakaran menyediakan bekalan kuasa yang men- Beliau juga menggesa kerajaan mem-
Menteri, Datuk Nizam abu Bakar Titingan tidak bercadang untuk membina projek serta taman-taman lain di daerah Semporna. cukupi di negeri itu. beri tumpuan kepada keperluan menam-
berkata, Kerajaan Negeri juga akan awam seperti sekolah, hospital dan klinik. “Mesyuarat pasukan petugas pengurusan “Saya mesti bersetuju dengan orang bah pakar perubatan, dan penyaluran
meneliti punca tanah sebegitu terbiar. Sementara itu, kepada soalan adun dan pemantauan Pulau Sipadan dan Pulau ramai bahawa alasan menghidupkan peruntukan peralatan perubatan yang per-
“jika kita dapati alasan yang diberikan Bugaya jamil Hamzah, Nizam berkata Ligitan pada 11 Mei 2023 telah menetapkan penghawa dingin agak lucu. Begitu juga, lahan di Sabah disuarakan.
tidak kukuh, maka kita menyokong sebanyak 21 hak milik tanah telah didaf- 37 syarikat yang memegang permit kuota cuaca panas disebut sebagai alasan catuan “Daripada 358 jururawat kontrak, sera-
penuh saranan Timbalan Perdana Menteri tarkan untuk tapak sekolah yang telah selam skuba dibenarkan meneruskan bekalan elektrik di Sabah,” katanya ketika mai 81 jururawat kontrak Sabah dinaikkan
Datuk Seri Fadillah Yusof (untuk tanah- dilaksanakan untuk Semporna. operasi sehingga 31 Disember 2024,” katanya. membahaskan ucapan dasar Yang Diper- pangkat ke tetap, tetapi hanya empat orang
tanah itu dikembalikan kepada Negeri),” “Daripada 21 hak milik tanah yang Beliau berkata langkah ini bertujuan tua Negeri semasa persidangan Dewan dikekalkan di Sabah. Bayangkan beban
katanya pada sesi soal jawab, Khamis. didaftarkan untuk tapak sekolah di Sem- memberi peluang kepada syarikat tempatan Undangan Negeri, di sini, Rabu. kerja jururawat di Sabah.
Beliau menjawab soalan tambahan porna, 19 sekolah adalah sekolah rendah, di daerah Semporna untuk mengukuhkan “adakah Sarawak atau negeri lain di “Saya mohon penjelasan daripada kera-
adun Tungku assafal P alian yang ingin manakala dua adalah sekolah menengah, operasi mereka sehingga mereka setanding Malaysia menghadapi situasi yang sama? jaan berhubung pandangan tentang keper-
mengetahui tindakan kerajaan negeri di mana satu daripada hakmilik dengan syarikat yang lebih besar dan lebih Mengapa Sabah satu-satunya Negeri yang luan mewujudkan semula kementerian
berhubung kenyataan Fadilah baru-baru berkongsi tapak sekolah rendah. mantap di Pulau Sipadan. mempunyai masalah suhu tinggi dan kesihatan di Sabah supaya negeri ini mem-
ini. “Semua hak milik didaftarkan di “Pemohon baharu diberi lebih banyak penghawa dingin? punyai agensi yang berdedikasi untuk
Fadilah dilaporkan berkata, dasar bawah Pesuruhjaya Tanah Persekutuan.” peluang untuk beroperasi di perairan Taman “Kerosakan pencawang juga disebut menangani sebarang perkara berkaitan
sekarang ialah mana-mana tanah negeri Sebanyak lima tapak sekolah masih Laut Tun Sakaran, di mana 20 tapak menye- sebagai alasan berlaku gangguan bekalan kesihatan.
yang telah diserahkan kepada kerajaan dalam proses ukur atau semakan pelan, lam dikenal pasti untuk pembangunan elektrik di Sabah. “Paling penting kementerian berkenaan
persekutuan tetapi belum dibangunkan manakala enam permohonan tanah tahun ini,” tambah Christina. “Mengapa kita tidak menangani isu boleh menjadi pemantau dan suara
dalam tempoh lima tahun hendaklah dis- untuk tapak sekolah masih diproses oleh Selain itu, beliau berkata antara kriteria sebenar, iaitu loji janakuasa kita tidak mewakili pegawai dan kakitangan kesi-
erahkan semula kepada kerajaan negeri. jabatan Tanah dan Ukur. tahap kecekapan syarikat selam skuba yang mampu memenuhi permintaan untuk hatan Sabah supaya tidak perlu lagi
Oleh itu, katanya, Kementerian Sumber “Kerajaan Negeri akan memastikan ingin beroperasi di Pulau Sipadan akan memastikan lampu menyala di seluruh menunggu lampu hijau daripada kerajaan
asli, alam Sekitar dan Perubahan iklim pendaftaran hak milik tanah tapak seko- dipertingkatkan lagi agar lebih telus dan Sabah? Mana pergi unjuran jangkaan persekutuan kerana kita tahu hanya orang
(NRECC) telah diminta untuk memukta- lah dilaksanakan dengan segera berkesan sebagai langkah kawalan kualiti bebanan? Sabah sahaja yang tahu, dan hanya orang
madkan mekanisme yang akan digu- mengikut prosedur yang ditetapkan. bagi syarikat terpilih. “ini sebahagiannya disebabkan oleh Sabah sahaja memahami perkara kesihatan
nakan ke atas tanah negeri tersebut di “ini bagi mengelak sebarang implikasi Mengenai dakwaan insiden cabul ke atas hakikat bahawa Tenaga Nasional Berhad di Sabah dengan lebih jelas,” katanya.
Sabah dan Sarawak. yang mungkin timbul daripada kele- seorang pelancong dari China oleh seorang (TNB), atau lebih ringkasnya kerajaan “Saya percaya semua pelan strategik
Pada januari, dilaporkan bahawa Per- watan penukaran hak milik tanah bagi penyelam tempatan di Pulau Mataking, Sem- persekutuan, telah gagal membina stesen yang dilaksanakan tertumpu kepada
dana Menteri Datuk Seri anwar ibrahim tapak sekolah Kerajaan Persekutuan, porna, Christina berkata suspek sudah pun janakuasa baharu di Sabah.” kemajuan Sabah dan kesejahteraan raky-
telah berkata bahawa jabatan Perseku- khususnya kesukaran sekolah terbabit ditahan dan di bawah siasatan polis, dengan Beliau berkata taklimat SESB dua hari atnya. Tetapi adakah kita bersedia untuk
tuan akan mendapat tiga bulan untuk menerima peruntukan projek pembangu- menyatakan keputusan Pendakwa Raya akan sebelum ini menunjukkan bahawa tiada mengorbankan kesejahteraan rakyat demi
mengesahkan sama ada mereka mem- nan dan penambahbaikan gantian,” diserahkan kepada pejabat Pendakwaraya loji janakuasa baharu telah dibina atau mengejar pembangunan semata-mata,”
punyai rancangan untuk membangunkan katanya. untuk tindakan lanjut. ditambah ke Sabah sejak 2018. katanya.
harianekspres SU ARA TE MPATAN ANDA I JUMAAT, 26 MEI, 2023 Tempatan 3
KM terima Buku Laporan SMJ 1.0

Pastikan graduan undang-undang KETUA Menteri Datuk Seri Hajiji Noor menerima Buku Laporan Tahunan Hala Tuju Sabah Maju Jaya, Pelan Pembangunan
Sabah Maju Jaya (SMJ) 1.0 (2021-2025) Tahun 2022 daripada Setiausaha Kerajaan Negeri, Datuk Seri Sr Safar Untong di
pejabatnya di Dewan Undangan Negeri (DUN) Sabah, Kota Kinabalu pada Khamis. Hajiji pada Rabu berkata, Sekretariat
kita diberi latihan sewajarnya SMJ telah mengeluarkan dua laporan iaitu laporan tahunan pencapaian sepanjang dua tahun Pelan Pembangunan SMJ
dan Laporan Pencapaian Inisiatif Tahun 2022, yang memaparkan perincian kad laporan dengan markah pencapaian.
SEjaK kebelakangan ini, isu penting chambering, serta memantau dan meni- Kedua-dua laporan ini boleh diakses melalui portal Sekretariat Sabah Maju Jaya: Katanya, sebuah
berkaitan “chambering” (latihan dalam lai kemajuan pelajar semasa tempoh buku juga telah diterbitkan dan Sekretariat SMJ akan mengedarkan kepada semua Ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri dalam
kamar) telah timbul di Malaysia. ini ter- kamar. tempoh terdekat.
masuk kekurangan jawatan chamber- Dengan berbuat demikian, fakulti Turut hadir pada majlis penyerahan itu ialah Ketua Pengarah Perkhidmatan Awam Negeri Sabah, Datuk Rosmadi Sulai,
ing, ketidakkonsistenan dalam kualiti undang-undang membantu memas- Timbalan Ketua Pengarah Jabatan Perkhidmatan Awam Negeri / Timbalan Ketua Sekretariat SMJ, Ramlee Hj Kariah.
pengalaman chambering, dan elaun tikan pelajar undang-undang bersedia

Umpama persenda
rendah untuk pelajar chambering. untuk menjadi pengamal undang-
Namun begitu, kaji selidik yang undang yang berjaya.
dijalankan oleh Kementerian Pen- Masa depan proses chambering di
didikan Tinggi pada 2020 mendapati Malaysia cukup cerah kerana usaha
graduan dalam bidang undang-undang sedang dibuat untuk meningkatkan
mempunyai kadar kebolehgajian kualiti pendidikan dan latihan undang-

Unduk Ngadau: Joanna

sebanyak 86.8 peratus, yang agak tinggi undang untuk graduan undang-
jika dibandingkan dengan bidang pen- undang.
gajian lain. Terdapat inisiatif untuk
Laporan itu selanjutnya meningkatkan kualiti chambering,
mendedahkan bahawa graduan seperti memperkenalkan program lati-
undang-undang adalah antara 10 grad- han lebih berstruktur dan formal, serta Anthea Peter gan budaya kita, kerana ia datang dengan bil dididik tentang kenapa Mahkamah anak
uan Malaysia paling banyak diambil menyediakan lebih banyak peluang KOTa KiNaBaLU: adat, ritual dan sistem kepercayaan. Negeri masih relevan sehingga kini.
bekerja. untuk pengalaman praktikal. Majlis Wanita Persat- “Sepatutnya, jika anda mempermainkan Beliau berkata pertandingan Unduk
Walaupun statistik menunjukkan Tambahan pula, Majlis Peguam uan Kebudayaan adat kita, anda perlu menyelesaikannya den- Ngadau tahun ini menawarkan hadiah wang
kadar kebolehgajian yang agak tinggi Malaysia telah bekerjasama dengan Kadazandusun Sabah gan sogit (pampasan),” katanya pada sidang tunai berjumlah RM91,000, sebagai tamba-
untuk graduan undang-undang, ia pent- firma-firma guaman untuk menyedi- (KDCa) menyelar media pertandingan Unduk Ngadau Negeri han kepada biasiswa dan barang tajaan.
ing untuk mereka mengembangkan akan lebih banyak peluang kepada grad- pertandingan lelaki 2023, di sini. Hadiah juga akan diberikan kepada
kemahiran, membentuk rangkaian den- uan undang-undang untuk menjalani berpakaian tradi- Pada Rabu, penyelaras KDCa Keningau, pemenang gelaran subsidiari, seperti Tati
gan majikan, dan sentiasa mengikuti chambering. sional wanita baru- Rafie Robert dilaporkan berkata pertandin- Tosuau, Tati Tipiodo dan Tatai Otoonong dan
trend industri bagi meningkatkan pelu- ia juga telah melaksanakan pelbagai baru ini, yang gan lelaki berpakaian tradisional wanita itu Miss Friendly, antara lain.
ang mereka untuk berjaya. inisiatif untuk membantu graduan disifatkannya sebagai “keterlaluan dan tidak menyimpang daripada tradisi orang asal joanna menambah bahawa Makan
Peranan fakulti undang-undang memperoleh kemahiran dan penge- sesuai.” dan menyifatkannya sebagai “peristiwa Malam amal Sodop Unduk Ngadau tahun
dalam membantu mereka melakukan tahuan diperlukan untuk menjadi Pertandingan itu yang tular di media memalukan”. ini akan diadakan di Pusat Konvensyen
ini tidak boleh diabaikan. peguam cekap. sosial dan dikatakan diadakan di Keningau, Sementara itu, 50 jelitawan Kadazan antarabangsa Sabah (SiCC) pada 29 Mei,
Fakulti undang-undang bertang- Di samping itu, Kementerian Pen- menunjukkan beberapa lelaki berpakaian Dusun Murut mewakili daerah di Sabah dan yang akan dapat menampung lebih banyak
gungjawab untuk menyediakan pen- didikan Tinggi telah mengambil langkah tradisional wanita. beberapa negeri di Malaysia Barat akan meja dan mengumpul lebih banyak dana.
didikan bukan sahaja mengenai prinsip untuk meningkatkan kualiti pendidikan Pengerusinya joanna Datuk Kitingan berentap untuk merebut gelaran Unduk Beliau berkata pakaian yang dipakai oleh
dan doktrin undang-undang, tetapi juga undang-undang di Malaysia. ia, antara (gambar) berkata ia memperolok-olokkan Ngadau Kaamatan Negeri tahun ini. peserta Unduk Ngadau dalam usaha mere-
kemahiran seperti menjalankan penye- lain, menyediakan sokongan untuk gelaran Unduk Ngadau (UN), yang bukan Peserta akan mengikuti beberapa pro- but gelaran pakaian Kontemporari Malam
lidikan, penulisan, advokasi dan pemiki- penyelidikan dan pembangunan dalam sahaja telah didaftarkan dengan Perbadanan gram yang dijadualkan sehingga ke per- Terbaik semasa majlis makan malam amal
ran kritis kepada pelajar mereka. bidang undang-undang, serta beker- Harta intelek Malaysia (MyiPO) tetapi juga ingkat akhir pada 31 Mei ini. itu, mestilah menampilkan motif asli dan
Fakulti juga boleh menawarkan jasama dengan profesion undang- suatu istilah keramat yang diwariskan secara joanna berkata pada tahun ini, kesemua buatan tangan sepenuhnya oleh tukang jahit
bimbingan dan sokongan kepada undang untuk memastikan graduan lisan berdasarkan Kepercayaan Bobohizan. peserta akan dibawa ke Mahkamah anak wanita mahir di Sabah.
mereka yang mencari jawatan chamber- dilatih dan bersedia secukupnya untuk “ini seperti mempersendakan Unduk Negeri untuk belajar mengenai undang- Pusingan akhir akan diadakan di Dewan
ing. Sokongan mungkin termasuk nasi- industri undang-undang. Ngadau. Kita tidak harus bermain-main den- undang tradisional, adat resam dan kes sam- KDCa Hongkod Koisaan pada 31 Mei.
hat tentang jenis firma undang-undang isu berkaitan chambering perlu
atau organisasi untuk memohon di ditangani dalam pelbagai arah, dan
samping panduan tentang membuat
resume dan surat iringan yang berkesan.
semua pihak mesti memainkan peranan
mereka dan bekerjasama untuk memas-
Sambutan Kaamatan Lindungi bahasa ibunda
Paling penting, fakulti undang- tikan profesion undang-undang yang Komonkas 3 Jun
undang harus menyediakan asas yang
kukuh mengenai pengetahuan dan
kemahiran undang-undang,
lebih baik di negara ini.

Prof Madya Dr Jady Zaidi Hassim

Jinni Juanis
PENaMPaNG: Persatuan Penulis Kadazan
melalui penceritaan: Jeffery
menawarkan bimbingan dan sokongan Dekan, Fakulti Undang-undang Johan Aziz bolehkan mereka mempelajari “manan-
Tangaa Sabah (Komonkas) akan men-
kepada pelajar yang mencari jawatan Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia KOTa KiNaBaLU: gon” atau bercerita, dan makna “tangon-
gadakan perayaan Kaamatan Komonkas
Timbalan Ketua tangon”.
dan cabutan tiket bertuah di Dewan Kaan-
Menteri, Datuk Seri jeffrey berkata “melentur buluh biarlah
daman Kampung Kibabaig Penampang,
Dr jeffrey Kitingan dari rebungnya”, bermaksud lebih baik
pada 3 jun depan ini.
(gambar) menyeru mengajar bahasa etnik dari usia muda
Orang ramai dijemput datang untuk
rakyat Sabah, supaya bahasa ibunda dapat terus berkem-
memeriahkan sambutan Kaamatan itu
k h u s u s n y a bang.
sambil menyaksikan pertandingan Unduk
masyarakat Kadazan- jeffrey, yang juga Pengerusi jawatankuasa
Ngadau Dazanak dan menikmati pelbagai
Dusun, Murut dan induk Sambutan Kaamatan Peringkat
jualan di bazaar mini.
Rungus (KDMR) supaya mengekalkan dan Negeri, berkata adalah penting untuk
Pengerusi Komonkas Nelane Peter
memelihara bahasa ibunda mereka melalui menyampaikan bahasa dan pengetahuan
Lidadun berkata, orang ramai yang hadir
penceritaan. kepada generasi hari ini dan akan datang.
masih boleh membeli tiket cabutan
“Kita telah mendengar cerita penuh Beliau turut menggalakkan penyertaan
bertuah berharga RM20 untuk satu buku
makna daripada nenek moyang kita ... semua lapisan masyarakat dalam acara dan
yang ada 10 keping didalamnya.
sekarang setelah orang tua kita tiada, kita aktiviti Pesta Kaamatan Negeri.
“ini adalah penganjuran pertama kali
perlu meneruskan legasi ini,” katanya. anora Soletin muncul juara dalam kate-
persatuan Komonkas selepas ditubuhkan
Sokongan kerajaan negeri bukan sahaja gori Tahap 1 dan membawa pulang hadiah
PASUKAN GNSS Perhutanan dan ahli Persatuan Komuniti Kg Nupakan kira-kira tiga tahun yang lalu,” katanya
terhadap masyarakat KDMR tetapi juga wang tunai RM1,000, trofi, sijil dan jamban-
di puncak Gunung Sinsing. Gunung Kinabalu kelihatan di latar belakang. kepada Harian Ekspres, menambah pelba-
semua kumpulan etnik di Sabah yang mem- gan bunga manakala tempat kedua dan
gai hadiah menarik menanti pemenang
punyai hak serupa untuk mengekal, men- ketiga dimenangi oleh Noel Nathan
Gunung Sinsing sah ketiga tiket bertuah itu nanti.
Menurutnya, walaupun masih setahun
jagung usia persatuan, ia mempunyai misi
gajar dan memelihara bahasa mereka.
Berucap pada majlis penutup pertandin-
Marcelius dan Videlvie Handry, yang mem-
bawa pulang hadiah wang tunai RM800 dan
gan akhir Manangon dan Monusuyan Pesta RM500, piala, sijil dan jambangan bunga.
yang besar untuk memajukan penerbitan
tertinggi di Malaysia buku dalam bahasa Tangaa Kadazan yang
sememangnya masih sedikit di pasaran.
Kaamatan Peringkat Negeri yang berlang-
sung di Hongkod Koisaan Penampang, di
sini, beliau berkata semakin banyak bahasa
Sementara itu, audreyclaire Whtiney
Handro muncul juara bagi kategori Tahap
2 dan menerima hadiah wang tunai
SaNDaKaN: jabatan Perhutanan Sabah hagian daripada Unit Pengurusan Hutan Nelana berkata, Komonkas sudah ada
yang diketahui, semakin banyak ilmu yang RM1,000, trofi, sijil dan jambangan bunga.
secara rasminya telah mengukur keting- 10 (FMU10) Projek Pengurusan Hutan beberapa buku yang ditulis oleh ahli-
boleh diperolehi. Tempat kedua dan ketiga dimenangi
gian Gunung Sinsing di Tambunan dan Mampan. ahlinya dan sedia dicetak tetapi mempunyai
jeffrey berkata keunikan Sabah bukan juleegna Daved dan Edward Kubot, yang
mendapati ketinggian puncak gunung itu Gunung Sinsing telah menarik perhat- kekangan untuk menerbit kerana persatuan
sahaja dalam kepelbagaian budaya tetapi masing-masing menerima hadiah wang
ialah 2,586 meter (m) dari aras laut, sekali ian orang ramai sejak 2018 apabila di uar- belum ada wang yang mencukupi.
juga bahasa yang menarik pelancong. tunai RM800 dan RM500, trofi, sijil dan
gus sebagai puncak ketiga tertinggi di uarkan menerusi media sosial sebagai Penganjuran sambutan Kaamatan per-
Mengenai pertandingan itu, beliau jambangan bunga.
Malaysia. puncak ketiga tertinggi di Malaysia dan tama kali ini dengan penjualan tiket
berkata penglibatan pelajar sekolah mem- Hadiah disampaikan oleh jeffrey.
jabatan berkenaan dalam kenyataan Borneo, mengatasi Gunung Tambuyukon bertuah adalah cara Komonkas untuk
Khamis memaklumkan, pada ekspedisi (2,580m) di Substesen Monggis Taman mendapatkan ‘seed money’ bagi memu-
baru-baru ini, sekumpulan penyelidik
dari Pusat Penyelidikan Perhutanan Sepi-
Kinabalu di Ranau.
Ketua Konservator Hutan Datuk Fred-
lakan projek penerbitan buku.
Bagi jangka masa panjang, katanya, per-
Penghuni kompleks SFI kini
lok bersama wakil Persatuan Komuniti erick Kugan berkata jabatan Perhutanan satuan mahu menerbit buku-buku fiksyen
Kampung Nupakan, Tambunan menggu-
nakan peralatan penerima data sistem
akan meneruskan usaha untuk melin-
dungi kawasan berkepentingan seperti
dan bukan fiksyen, buku diari, menterjemah
dan banyak lagi dalam bahasa Tangaa.
terima notis kosongkan tanah
satelit navigasi global yang lebih tepat Gunung Sinsing. “Kami menyahut seruan semangat Jinius Pandakin Menurut jeffrey, arahan tersebut
iaitu Stonex S900a Global Navigation Bersebelahan Gunung Sinsing ialah orang KDMR yang mahu bahan-bahan SiPiTaNG: Kira-kira adalah notis ketiga daripada jabatan
Satellite System (GNSS) untuk menge- Gunung Trus Madi (2,642m), yang juga bacaan orang asal diperbanyakkan. Bahan- 120 keluarga mem- tersebut.
sahkan ketinggian puncak gunung terse- gunung kedua tertinggi di Malaysia serta bahan ini diharap akan menjadi rujukan babitkan 600 orang Selain kuarters ia juga merangkumi
but. diletakkan di bawah pengurusan FMU10 dan dokumen dalam bahasa ibunda kita yang tinggal di motel, banglo dan juga lapangan terbang
“Data ketinggian dicerap melebihi yang berkeluasan 88,401 hektar. kepada generasi muda,” katanya. kuarters kompleks di dalam jajaran notis tersebut.
tempoh empat jam pada 10 Mei 2023. “Disebabkan ketinggian, hutan pergu- Komonkas ditubuhkan pada Oktober Sabah Forest indus- “Namun geran tanah itu masih diper-
Data cerapan kemudian diproses oleh nungan ini menjadi habitat kepada pel- 2020 dan mempunyai lebih 30 ahli yang tries Sdn Bhd (SFi) tikaikan di mahkamah dari segi hak
juruukur berdaftar untuk menen- bagai spesies flora dan fauna yang unik, pernah menulis buku, majalah, akhbar diberi notis untuk pemilikan,” kata jeffrey.
tusahkan ketinggian sebenar puncak yang sebilangannya tidak ditemukan di dan cerita secara dalam talian. Semua mengosongkan Berhubung penyambungan semula
Gunung Sinsing dari aras laut. tempat lain. buku dan cerita pendek ditulis sepenuh- kawasan tersebut. bekalan elektrik oleh Sabah Electricity
“Dengan menggunakan kaedah itu, “Melalui inisiatif Heart of Borneo nya dalam Bahasa Tangaa. Kawasan terbabit terletak dalam Sdn Bhd (SESB) untuk kompleks SFi,
didapati ketinggian puncak Gunung Sins- (HoB) di bawah kelolaan jabatan Per- Katanya, kekurangan buku dalam jajaran dan hakmilik yang tersenarai beliau berkata ia pada dasarnya diperse-
ing ialah 2,586m (m.s.l.), sekali gus hutanan Sabah, satu ekspedisi saintifik bahasa Kadazan adalah antara sebab ramai dalam warta No.198/2022 oleh jabatan tujui oleh pihak SESB agar bekalan disam-
mengekalkan statusnya sebagai puncak telah dianjurkan bermula pada 14 hingga golongan belia tidak dapat mempelajari Tanah dan Ukur (jT&U) Sipitang. bung semula pada penghujung bulan ini.
ketiga tertinggi di Malaysia dan Borneo,” 20 Mei lepas untuk mengkaji kepelbaga- bahasa ibunda mereka dengan fasih. jurucakap penduduk, jeffrey Gopog “Bagaimanapun saya dimaklumkan
menurut kenyataan itu. ian flora, fauna dan sosioekonomi setem- “Ketiadaan bahan bacaan atau buku ketika dihubungi Harian Ekspres berkata, penyambungan itu kemungkinan belum
Menurut jabatan Perhutanan Sabah, pat yang tinggal berhampiran hutan rujukan itu, seperti buku dalam bahasa notis terbaru itu meminta penduduk dapat dilaksanakan kerana kontraktor
gunung yang kurang dikenali itu terletak simpan,” katanya. inggeris dan Melayu, membantutkan untuk mengosong kawasan berkenaan dilantik untuk mengurus penyambungan
dalam Hutan Simpan Nuluhin Trusmadi, Gunung tertinggi di Malaysia ialah pengetahuan mereka dalam bahasa dalam tempoh 30 hari selepas peneri- masih menunggu lesen pengoperasian
di bawah pengurusan Pejabat Perhutanan Gunung Kinabalu yang berketinggian ibunda kerana kurang bahan bacaan yang maan notis pada 24 Mei, yang tamat pada dan kadar tarif elektrik daripada
Daerah Tambunan serta merupakan seba- 4,095m. – Bernama diterbitkan.” 22 jun. Suruhanjaya Tenaga Sabah,” katanya.
4 Tempatan SUA RA TE MPATAN ANDA I JUMAAT, 26 MEI, 2023 harianekspres

‘Ag Tahir tidak pernah Tiada kesan dadah, racun

dalam mayat banduan: Saksi
tolak wang komisen’
Jo Ann Mool Terdahulu, Helmi memberi keterangan
KOTa KiNaBaLU: Tiada dadah biasa dan bahawa pada 17 Okt 2019 dia menerima
racun perosak dikesan dalam sampel darah permohonan analisis toksikologi daripada
dan kandungan perut banduan itu, yang aSP Riduan di mana dia menerima sampul
didakwa dibunuh oleh 10 anggota penjara berisi bungkusan mengandungi empat
di Penjara Pusat di sini empat tahun lalu, peket plastik masing-masing mengan-
Cynthia D Baga meminta wang tersebut.
Mahkamah Tinggi diberitahu pada dungi spesimen seperti darah, air kencing,
KOTa KiNaBaLU: Bekas Pengarah jabatan Dia juga bersetuju bahawa tiada bukti
Khamis. dan kandungan perut milik Shainal
air ag Mohd Tahir Mohd Talib tidak per- atau keterangan atau saksi yang
Saksi ke-18 pendakwaan, seorang ahli Mukhtar.
nah menolak untuk menerima komisen menyokong kenyataannya bahawa dia
kimia yang bertugas di jabatan Kimia di Helmi berkata dia menjalankan analisis
(wang tunai) yang diberikan oleh seorang telah menyerahkan wang kepada ag Tahir.
berdasarkan bajetnya daripada keuntun- sini, Mohd Helmi B. Dullah @ Mohd Rashid, pada 19 Okt 2019 untuk kandungan alko-
kontraktor, Mahkamah Khas Rasuah Dalam pemeriksaan semula ketua oleh
gan, dia hanya dapat memberi RM1.35 juta. yang memberi keterangan di hadapan hol, dadah biasa dan racun perosak biasa.
diberitahu. Mahadi, Wong berkata dia bersetuju
Dia seterusnya berkata tiada keperluan Hakim Datuk Christopher Chin Soo Yin, Dia memberi keterangan bahawa dia
Wong Kok Vui @ Michael, 69, yang bahawa dia mengikut arahan Teo kerana
untuk merekodkan pembayaran komisen berkata demikian semasa pemeriksaan menyediakan laporan itu pada 16 jan 2020.
memberi keterangan lanjut di hadapan kawasan itu berada di bawah Teo dan dia
kepada ag Tahir kerana jumlahnya ham- utama oleh pihak pendakwaan ketika dim- apabila ditanya kenapa dia mengambil
Hakim abu Bakar Manat, berkata apabila perlu mengikut arahan Teo bagi mengelak
pir sama dan mudah diingati. inta menjelaskan secara ringkas keputusan masa agak lama untuk menyediakan lapo-
memberikan wang tunai itu kepada ag masalah mengelirukan.
Selain wang yang dia berikan kepada analisis toksikologi terhadap spesimen ran pada 16 jan 2020 sedangkan dia men-
Tahir, dia tidak pernah berkata tidak dan “itu kawasan dia, jadi apa-apa arahan
ag Tahir, Wong berkata tiada aset atau darah, air kencing dan kandungan perut jalankan analisis pada 18 Okt 2019, Helmi
selepas menerima wang itu, ag Tahir akan daripada Teo, kami perlu ikut sebagai kon-
barang berharga lain yang dia berikan Shainal Muhktar (mangsa), yang menjelaskan bahawa pada 18 Okt 2019,
mengucapkan terima kasih. traktor bukan sahaja komisen tetapi kerja
kepada ag Tahir. dijalankannya. hanya proses gambaran dijalankan dan
Dia memberitahu mahkamah bahawa sebenar yang perlu dijalankan,” kata
Wong seterusnya memberi keterangan Helmi turut memberi keterangan selepas itu setiap analisis dijalankan secara
dia memberikan komisen secara tunai Wong.
bahawa syarikatnya telah mendapat pro- bahawa tiada etil alkohol dikesan dalam berperingkat dan bagi setiap spesimen,
kepada ag Tahir dan beberapa yang lain jelasnya lagi, dia bersetuju dengan
jek-projek baharu iaitu projek penyeleng- spesimen darah dan air kencing. analisis perlu mengikut giliran dengan kes
malah dalam jumlah yang besar kerana peguam bela bahawa wang itu diberikan
garaan daripada jabatan air Sabah (jaNS) Tambahnya, dia juga telah mengesan lain yang diterimanya di Bahagian Tok-
itulah yang diamalkan pada tahun-tahun secara sukarela kerana seperti yang diny-
dan kadangkala dia juga menerima projek kehadiran acetaminofen dalam sampel air sikologi.
sebelumnya. atakan sebelum ini, dia mendapat projek-
kerja-kerja kecemasan tetapi sedikit kencing. Saksi itu berkata selepas melengkapkan
Wong seterusnya memberitahu projek itu dengan bantuan peruntukan
sahaja. apabila diminta untuk menjelaskan laporan dia menyerahkan laporan itu
mahkamah bahawa perjanjian untuk daripada Pengarah jabatan air Negeri
Menurut Wong, bagi projek baharu apakah acetaminofen yang dikesannya, kepada aSP Riduan pada 10 Feb 2020 pada
memberi wang antara dia dan ag Tahir Sabah iaitu ag Tahir.
yang merupakan projek penyelenggaraan, Helmi menjelaskan bahawa acetaminofen, jam 2.30 petang bersama-sama barang kes.
telah bermula apabila Wong berkata ‘sesu- “jika saya tidak menunjukkan penghar-
kontraktor akan dilantik secara tender ter- atau nama kimia lain dipanggil paraceta- Sementara itu, semasa pemeriksaan
atu untuk anda sebagai balasan terima gaan saya kepada jurutera air
buka dan peruntukan akan diluluskan mol, adalah sejenis analgesik yang diambil balas oleh peguam Dominic Chew, saksi
kasih’. Bahagian/Daerah, satu-satunya perkara
oleh pengarah. untuk melegakan kesakitan seperti demam tidak bersetuju dengan cadangannya
Menurut Wong, ‘balasan terima kasih’ yang saya boleh lakukan hanyalah dengan
Semasa pemeriksaan balas oleh atau sakit kepala. bahawa ia bukan kandungan toksikologi
itu merujuk kepada bantuan ag Tahir memulangkan sedikit wang kepada ag
peguam Priskila akwila Sinem yang Dibicarakan adalah Barry jipmon, 30, yang tepat bagi mayat Shainal pada masa
kepada Wong untuk mendapatkan projek Tahir supaya saya dapat teruskan dengan
mewakili ag Tahir dan Fauziah, Wong Mohd Dzulfikri Mohd Safri, 28, Farizan kematian kerana sampel biologinya hanya
di jabatan air Daerah dan jabatan air jurutera air Bahagian/Daerah dengan
bersetuju bahawa komisen 30 peratus Mokri, 40, Mohd Saiful Saidin, 34, amran diberikan kepadanya (saksi) 13 hari selepas
Bahagian. peruntukan oleh ag Tahir,” katanya.
tidak diberikan kepada ahmad Sapawi Yasik, 25, ab Mutalib @ Talib abd Rasul, 40, kematian berlaku pada 4 Okt 2019.
Wong memberi keterangan dalam per- berkata.
seperti yang diarahkan oleh Teo Chee Zerry Maidin, 33, Tomy Momoh, 36, Shahryll Bagaimanapun, ketika pemeriksaan
bicaraan ag Tahir, 58, isterinya, Fauziah Wong seterusnya berkata dia bersetuju
Kong dan bukan daripada ag Tahir. Nazry Wan Sofian, 25, dan Muhammad Fazi semula oleh pihak pendakwaan, saksi men-
Piut, 55 yang dibicarakan bersama Lim dengan peguam bela bahawa tiada saksi
Wong berkata sebagai kontraktor, Lakui, 32. jelaskan dia tidak bersetuju berdasarkan
Lam Beng, 66, kepada 37 pertuduhan pen- semasa penyerahan wang itu kepada ag
mereka hanya mengikut arahan pegawai Mereka semua dituduh bersama mem- hasil analisis yang dilakukannya dan meny-
gubahan wang haram, membabitkan Tahir kerana perbuatan memberikan
bertanggungjawab di bahagian itu. bunuh Shainal Mukhtar, 36, di sel nombor atakan ketepatan keputusan analisis yang
wang tunai dan simpanan bank berjum- wang itu kepada ag Tahir adalah satu
Dia seterusnya berkata ag Tahir tidak 11, Blok Gemilang, di Penjara Pusat Kota dijalankan hampir 95 peratus.
lah RM61.57 juta, serta pemilikan kesalahan dan dia secara peribadi tidak
pernah memintanya memberikan 30 per- Kinabalu, jalan Kepayan dekat sini pada “ini kerana analisis yang saya jalankan
barangan mewah yang menyalahi mahu dikenakan sesiapa pun pada masa
atus kepada jurutera air Bahagian/Daerah. 4.20 petang, antara 2 Okt dan 4 Okt 2019. melibatkan analisis kualitatif dan kuanti-
undang-undang. hadapan.
Wong bersetuju bahawa pemberian 10 tertuduh pada 24 Ogos 2020 mem- tatif, namun ketepatannya juga dipen-
Kepada soalan lain Timbalan Pendakwa Lim diwakili oleh Datuk Tan Hock
sejumlah wang kepada ag Tahir itu adalah inta dibicarakan terhadap pertuduhan garuhi oleh tempoh masa sampel diambil
Raya Mahadi abdul jumaat, Wong berkata Chuan, Baldev Singh, Karpaljit Singh dan
secara sukarela dan juga bersetuju dengan mengikut Seksyen 302 Kanun Keseksaan dan masa analisis dijalankan,” kata saksi.
dia tidak menetapkan sebarang peratusan aaron Lau.
Priskila bahawa ag Tahir tidak pernah itu, yang membawa hukuman mati, jika Kepada cadangan lain oleh Chew
perjanjian untuk komisen ag Tahir tetapi Perbicaraan bersambung.
sabit kesalahan. semasa pemeriksaan balas, Helmi berse-
tuju dengan peguam bela itu bahawa dia
tidak tahu bagaimana sampel itu disimpan
sebelum diserahkan kepadanya.
Peguam: Sekiranya anda tidak tahu
bagaimana mayat Shainal disimpan
sebelum bedah siasat dijalankan dan tidak
tahu bagaimana sampel itu disimpan oleh
aSP Riduan sebelum dihantar kepada
anda, oleh itu, anda bersetuju dengan saya,
ia bukan kandungan toksikologi yang
tepat dalam kandungan mayat Shainal
semasa kematian.
Saksi: Betul.
Peguam: Sebarang bentuk keracunan
dalam badan Shainal tentu akan berkuran-
gan atau lenyap pada masa anda men-
jalankan analisis selepas 13 hari, adakah
saya betul?
Saksi: Ya.
Pengarah Pendakwaan Sabah Muham-
mad ilmami ahmad bersama Timbalan
Pendakwa Raya Rustam Sanip, Nur Faezah
jafry dan Mas izzaty Lokman hadir untuk
Peguam Pj Perira, Dominic Chew dan
ariel Dasan mewakili Dzulfikri, Farizan, Sai-
PETUGAS Landskap DBKK bertungkus ful, Mutalib dan Zerry manakala peguam
lumus membersihkan parit di belakang KAKITANGAN Unit Parit DBKK menggunakan cangkul SEORANG pekerja agensi menggunakan parang Hairul Vaiyron Othman mewakili Barry,
Lorong Burung Kenari 2. untuk mengorek mendapan dari parit ini di Likas. untuk memotong semak di rizab parit ini. amran, Tommy, Shahryll dan Fazi.
Perbicaraan ditangguhkan ke 20 – 22

DBKK selesai bersih parit belakang di Likas jun.

% DEWAN Bandaraya Kota Kinabalu

(DBKK) telah membersihkan parit di
jurucakap itu berkata kakitangan agensi
itu telah diminta untuk memeriksa
Dia berkata pekerja syarikat itu telah
nya tersumbat dengan tumbuhan air serta
Dua polis trafik
belakang beberapa rumah di Taman Likas
jaya dalam usaha untuk mengurangkan
keadaan parit itu, dari semasa ke semasa,
bagi memastikan gangguan itu tidak beru-
membersihkan struktur ini pada Rabu.
RaNjEET dari Likas berkata, bau busuk
“air di dalamnya telah menjadi hitam
dan kelihatan agak pejal,” katanya. didakwa minta,
gangguan yang disebabkan oleh air lang. telah masuk ke dalam rumahnya dari arah “Saya mendapati bilangan nyamuk
bertakung di dalam struktur ini.
jurucakap jabatan Landskap agensi itu
Tindakan ini didorong oleh maklum
balas daripada seorang pembayar kadar di
parit di pinggir kawasan rumahnya sejak
sekian lama.
masuk ke dalam rumah saya pada waktu
malam bertambah dan mengesyaki
terima suapan
berkata, parit belakang di hartanah kedia- Taman Likas jaya mengenai bau busuk yang “Saya terpaksa menutup kebanyakan serangga ini mungkin telah membuat SHaH aLaM: Dua anggota polis trafik
man di kawasan penarafannya – termasuk datang dari arah parit di belakang dan pintu dan tingkap saya untuk memini- habitat di dalam parit itu.” berpangkat Lans Koperal masing-masing
yang terletak di Lorong Burung Kenari 2 – hadapan rumahnya. mumkan kemungkinan bau tidak menye- jurucakap itu berkata pemeriksaan mengaku tidak bersalah di Mahkamah
dibersihkan dua kali setahun. Dia mengesyaki bahawa mendapan di nangkan itu masuk,” katanya. dibuat terhadap Lorong Burung Puju seju- Sesyen di sini pada Khamis atas dua per-
Dia berkata, sebaliknya, rumput di rizab dasar struktur ini mungkin telah menim- Bagaimanapun, Ranjeet berkata bau rus selepas DBKK mendapat tahu tentang tuduhan meminta dan menerima suapan,
itu dipotong setiap bulan. bulkan bau busuk tersebut. busuk itu masih dapat dikesan terutama masalah ini. tiga tahun lepas.
“Bagaimanapun, berdasarkan aduan Pemilik rumah itu berharap pihak pada waktu malam, sehingga “Petugas Landskap mengesahkan parit Muhammad Nazmi Baharum, 33, dan
pemilik rumah, kakitangan Landskap kami berkuasa tempatan akan mempertim- menyukarkan dia untuk tidur lena. di sepanjang jalan perumahan itu Mohammad alqayyum Hasim, 30, yang
pergi ke Taman Likas jaya lebih awal dari- bangkan supaya membersihkan parit itu “Malah bau dari colok yang saya bakar dipenuhi air dan tersumbat dengan bertugas di cawangan penguatkuasaan,
pada yang dijadualkan,” katanya. dengan pancutan air untuk menghi- tidak membantu untuk mengurangkan rumpai,” katanya. jabatan Siasatan dan Penguatkuasaan Trafik,
Dia berkata semakan rekodnya menda- langkan bau busuk ini. gangguan ini. Dia berkata syarikat konsesi telah ibu Pejabat Polis Bukit aman membuat pen-
pati parit belakang rumah di bahagian keji- jurucakap itu mengucapkan terima “Saya dan jiran-jiran takut akan kesan dimaklumkan mengenai penemuan ini gakuan itu selepas kedua-dua pertuduhan
ranan ini telah pun diselenggara sebanyak kasih kepada pemilik rumah itu atas cadan- negatif kepada kesihatan kami kerana sen- dan diminta untuk mengambil tindakan tersebut dibacakan di hadapan Hakim Rozi-
tiga kali untuk tahun ini pada 14 Februari, gannya, dengan mengatakan bahawa pen- tiasa terhidu wasap yang datang dari air di sewajarnya. lah Salleh.
2 Mei dan 12 Mei. tadbiran agensi itu perlu menentukan dalam parit.” “apabila kakitangan kami kembali Bagi pertuduhan pertama, mereka den-
Usaha penyelenggaraan terbaharu kebolehlaksanaan langkah itu. Pemilik rumah ini bukan satu-satunya beberapa hari kemudian, mereka mendap- gan niat bersama telah meminta suapan
dilakukan secara berperingkat dalam tem- “Kami difahamkan bahawa syarikat pembayar kadar yang tidak berpuas hati ati parit itu telah diselenggara. wang tunai RM3,000 daripada seorang lelaki
poh tiga hari oleh 12 kakitangan dari Unit konsesi kerajaan, yang menjaga parit hala- dengan keadaan parit tepi jalan yang teruk “Kami telah menggesa syarikat itu untuk berusia 27 tahun sebagai dorongan tidak
Parit DBKK, menurut jurucakap itu. man depan rumahnya, juga telah dimak- di Likas. meningkatkan usaha mereka untuk menangkap lelaki tersebut yang mempunyai
“Pekerja kami menggunakan cangkul lumkan mengenai permintaannya untuk COLLEEN, yang tinggal di Taman Setia, menyelenggara struktur ini dan yang lain tiga waran tangkap atas kesalahan trafik di
untuk mengorek lapisan sedimen yang melakukan pembersihan sebegitu,” berkata parit di luar pintu pagar hadapan- di sekitar kejiranan.” (SS) bawah jejambat berhampiran Lebuh Raya
mendap di dasar parit. Lingkaran Penyuraian Trafik Kajang (SiLK)
“Rumpai yang tumbuh di dalamnya dan dekat sini pada 3.30 petang, 3 Okt 2020.
tumbuhan tidak terjaga di bahu struktur Bagi pertuduhan kedua, mereka dengan
dipotong dengan parang yang mereka niat bersama telah memperoleh suapan
ada.” wang tunai RM900 daripada individu sama
sebagai dorongan berhubung perbuatan
sama di perhentian bas berhampiran sebuah
stesen minyak di Balakong dekat sini pada 4
petang, tarikh sama.
Bagi kedua-dua perbuatan tersebut
mereka didakwa mengikut Seksyen 16(a)(B)
dan 17(a) akta Suruhanjaya Pencegahan
Rasuah Malaysia 2009 dibaca bersama
Seksyen 34 Kanun Keseksaan dan boleh
dihukum di bawah Seksyen 24 akta sama
memperuntukkan hukuman penjara
sehingga 20 tahun dan denda tidak kurang
lima kali ganda nilai suapan atau RM10,000,
STAF konsesi memulakan pembersihan rumpair PEKERJA syarikat masuk ke dalam parit ini mengikut mana lebih tinggi, jika sabit
dari parit hadapan ini di Taman Likas Jaya. di Taman Setia untuk membersihkannya. kesalahan. – Bernama
harianekspres S UARA TE MPATAN ANDA I JUMAAT, 26 MEI, 2023 Dunia 5
Konflik Syria Implan otak bantu lelaki
Semakin ramai bayi dibuang lumpuh berjalan semula
LONDON: Seorang lelaki yang lumpuh pakan seorang profesor di EPFL, berkata:

di masjid, bawah pokok

HaZaNO: Pada satu malam musim sejuk,
akibat kemalangan basikal lebih sedekad
lalu mampu berjalan semula dengan
menggunakan teknologi yang diban-
gunkan oleh penyelidik di Switzerland,
“apabila kami bertemu Gert-jan, dia tidak
dapat berjalan selepas mengalami keced-
eraan saraf tunjang yang teruk.”
Gregoire Courtine, seorang profesor
lapor agensi berita jerman (dpa). neurosains di EPFL, berkata: “idea kami
ibrahim Othman keluar untuk bersolat dan Pakar saraf di Ecole Polytechnique Fed- adalah untuk mewujudkan semula komu-
pulang ke rumah sambil memeluk seorang erale de Lausanne (EPFL) telah mencipta nikasi ini dengan “digital bridge” - komu-
bayi perempuan, yang ditinggalkan di kaedah rawatan dipanggil “jambatan dig- nikasi elektronik antara otak dan kawasan
depan pintu masjid kampungnya beberapa ital tanpa wayar” yang mampu saraf tunjang yang masih utuh dan boleh
jam saja selepas dilahirkan. memulihkan sambungan yang hilang mengawal pergerakan kaki.”
“Saya membawanya pulang dan mem- antara otak dan saraf tunjang, menurut Oskam menjalani dua pembedahan
beritahu isteri saya, ‘Saya bawa hadiah penyelidik. untuk menanam elektrod di otak dan
untuk anda’,” kata lelaki berusia 59 tahun, jambatan digital ini adalah “brain- saraf tunjang.
penduduk Hazano di barat laut Syria yang spine interface” yang membolehkan Gert- Teknologi ini menggunakan kecer-
dikuasai pemberontak. jan Oskam mengawal semula pergerakan dasan buatan untuk menukar pemikiran
Dia menamakan bayi itu Hibatullah, kakinya, membolehkannya berdiri, ber- pergerakan kepada tindakan, mewujud-
bermaksud “kurniaan Tuhan”, dan memu- jalan dan juga menaiki tangga. kan hubungan langsung antara otak dan
tuskan untuk membesarkannya sebagai ahli Teknologi itu juga membolehkan kawasan saraf tunjang.
keluarga. Oskam memulihkan beberapa fungsi otak Prof Courtine berkata: “Buat pertama
Pihak berkuasa Syria berkata semakin yang hilang sejak kemalangan, di mana kalinya, jambatan digital ini memintas
ramai bayi ditinggalkan di luar masjid, hos- dia dapat mempamerkan kemahiran kecederaan, memulihkan komunikasi
pital malah di bawah pokok zaitun akibat motor meskipun teknologi itu dimatikan. antara dua kawasan sistem saraf pusat
konflik berterusan yang melanda negara itu Menurut penyelidik, “pembaikan digi- yang terputus.”
sejak perang tercetus 12 tahun lalu menye- tal saraf tunjang ini menunjukkan bahawa Oskam berkata dia boleh berjalan seku-
babkan ramai menjadi miskin lagi terdesak. sambungan saraf baharu telah berkem- rang-kurangnya 100m atau lebih, bergan-
Kumpulan ‘Syrians for Truth and justice’, bang”. tung pada hari itu.
sebuah pertubuhan yang merekodkan pen- GAMBAR diambil 22 Mac ini menunjukkan Ibrahim Othman (tengah) dan seorang ahli
keluarganya bermain dengan kanak-kanak perempuan yang ditemuinya ditinggalkan di Oskam, 40, seorang jurutera dari Dia juga boleh berjalan menggunakan
cabulan hak asasi manusia di negara itu Belanda, tinggal dan bekerja di China apa- tongkat apabila implan dimatikan,
menyatakan, hanya beberapa kes pembuan- masjid kampungnya tiga tahun lalu. – Gambar AFP
bila dia mengalami kemalangan menimbulkan harapan bahawa teknologi
gan kanak-kanak dilapor secara rasmi Kanak-kanak berusia tiga tahun itu, ram- wanita membuaikan seorang bayi tidur den- berbasikal pada 2011. seperti ini dapat memulihkan fungsi saraf
sebelum perang meletus pada 2011. butnya diikat tocang dua dan merayau ke gan sebelah tangan sambil menyusukan Pakar saraf jocelyn Bloch, yang meru- yang hilang. – Bernama-dpa
Namun, menurut laporan pertubuhan sana sini sambil memakai sandal merah seorang lagi dengan tangan satu lagi.
yang berpangkalan di Washington, amerika jambu berkilat, kini memanggilnya “datuk”. Faisal al-Hammoud, ketua program di
Syarikat (aS) itu pada Mac, antara awal 2021
dan akhir tahun lalu, lebih 100 kanak-
“Dia hanya kanak-kanak yang tidak
bersalah,” kata Othman.
pusat itu, berkata seorang bayi perempuan
ditemui di bawah pokok zaitun selepas
Pelajar berang telefon dirampas
kanak, 62 daripadanya perempuan, ditemui
terbiar di seluruh negara, sambil mengang-
garkan angka sebenar mungkin lebih tinggi.
Perang Syria sudah membunuh lebih
500,000 orang, jutaan yang lain pula kehi-
langan tempat tinggal, sementara infra-
dicederakan seekor kucing.
“Darah mengalir di mukanya,” katanya
sambil menambah bayi itu telah pun dia-
bakar asrama, sebabkan 19 maut
“jumlahnya meningkat secara mendadak struktur di negara itu turut rosak teruk. manahkan kepada sebuah keluarga. GEORGETOWN, Guyana: Gara-gara kecewa seorang guru,” kata Ketua Komunikasi Polis
sejak permulaan konflik, ditambah pula Pegawai jabatan Kesihatan, Zaher Hajjo, Pekerja membuat susulan untuk memas- telefon bimbitnya dirampas, pelajar perem- Guyana, Mark Ramotar, dalam satu keny-
kesan sosial dan ekonomi selepas perang, berkata seramai 53 bayi yang baru lahir dan tikan bayi-bayi seperti itu dilayan dengan puan bertindak membakar sebuah asrama ataan yang dilihat oleh akhbar tempatan,
yang menjejaskan lagi kawasan baik yang terbiar ini sudah didaftarkan di kawasan baik dan “tidak ada pemerdagangan kanak- sekolah menengah hingga mengorbankan Stabroek News.
dikawal kerajaan mahupun pemberontak,” yang dikawal kerajaan dalam tempoh 10 kanak”, tambah Hammoud. 19 penghuninya. insider yang memetik laporan agensi
kata kumpulan itu. bulan pertama tahun lalu, termasuk 28 bayi Pusat itu telah menerima 26 bayi – 14 Portal insider melaporkan, kebakaran berita melaporkan bahawa asrama itu
Peningkatan itu didorong faktor lain ter- lelaki dan 25 lagi perempuan. perempuan dan 12 lelaki – sejak dibuka pada berlaku di Sekolah Menengah Mahdia dekat dikunci untuk menghalang pelajar daripada
masuk kemiskinan, ketidakstabilan, kea- Presiden Syria, Bashar al-assad, tahun ini 2019, dan sembilan untuk tahun ini sahaja, Guyana, ahad lalu. menyelinap keluar pada waktu malam.
manan yang terjejas dan perkahwinan mengeluarkan warta untuk mewujudkan kata abdullah abdullah, seorang pegawai Kenyataan dari Perkhidmatan Bomba Gouveia memberitahu, warden itu sudah
kanak-kanak, selain penderaan seksual dan kemudahan khusus bagi kanak-kanak hal ehwal sivil dengan pihak berkuasa pem- dan Penyelamat Guyana berkata, punca tidur di dalam bangunan dan panik apabila
kehamilan luar nikah. berkenaan, yang akan didaftarkan secara berontak idlib. kebakaran itu bermotifkan niat jahat. dia tidak menemui kunci untuk membuka
Walaupun pengambilan anak angkat automatik sebagai warga arab atau Syria Lebih empat juta orang tinggal di Penasihat Keselamatan Negara, Gerald kunci pintu.
dilarang di seluruh Syria, Othman telah beragama islam dengan tempat kelahiran kawasan yang dikawal oleh pejuang jihad Gouveia memberitahu, suspek dalam keja- Dia berjaya keluar tetapi kehilangan
meminta kebenaran pihak berkuasa tem- merujuk lokasi mereka ditemui. dan kumpulan yang disokong Turkiye di dian itu, seorang pelajar di sekolah berke- anaknya yang berusia lima tahun dalam
patan untuk membesarkan Hibatullah. Di wilayah idlib yang dikuasai pem- utara dan barat laut Syria, di mana 90 pera- naan dituduh membakar asrama selepas kebakaran itu.
“Saya memberitahu anak-anak saya berontak, pekerja sosial di pusat utama tus daripadanya bergantung kepada ban- dikenakan tindakan disiplin kerana mem- “apabila bomba tiba, bangunan kayu dan
bahawa jika saya mati, dia harus mendapat untuk kanak-kanak terbiar menjaga bayi- tuan untuk terus hidup. punyai hubungan dengan seorang lelaki konkrit yang menempatkan 57 kanak-kanak
sebahagian daripada pusaka saya,” bayi kecil yang dibalut rapat dengan selimut “Perang ini puncanya, dan juga kelu- yang lebih berusia. itu hangus,” kata perkhidmatan bomba.
walaupun dia secara rasmi tidak boleh men- dalam buaian asas, sesetengahnya dihiasi arga,” kata abdullah. “Pelajar perempuan disyaki menye- Seramai 38 pelajar berjaya keluar selepas
jadi sebahagian daripada keluarga itu, dengan cat ungu atau reben. “Kanak-kanak ini hanya mangsa,” tam- babkan kebakaran besar kerana telefon bim- anggota bomba memecahkan lubang di
katanya, sebak. Di dalam bilik sederhana itu, seorang bahnya. – aFP bitnya dirampas oleh warden asrama dan dinding. – agensi

Jokowi ditegur jangan masuk campur urusan p’raya

jaKaRTa: Presiden naib presiden sejak akhir-akhir ini. jujur dan adil,” katanya.
joko Widodo (jokowi) Katanya, perkara itu merupakan satu jelas Satyo, jika jokowi terus mencam-
(gambar) disifatkan daripada ancaman demokrasi yang jelas puri urusan pilihan raya, kesannya boleh
boleh menjejaskan di negara ini. mencetuskan ketidakadilan yang serius.
demokrasi indonesia “Sepatutnya, jokowi tidak boleh masuk “jika seorang presiden tidak adil dan
apabila dilihat sering campur sebarang urusan berkaitan pili- neutral, kesannya boleh merosakkan pili-
masuk campur hal-hal han raya umum dan presiden. han raya itu sendiri dan akhirnya rakyat
berkaitan pilihan raya “Sebaliknya, beliau hanya perlu yang jadi mangsa.
umum dan pilihan raya presiden. memastikan semua urusan berkaitan “Kita semua tahu presiden mempunyai
Pengarah Eksekutif Oversight of The perkara tersebut berjalan lancar dan pengaruh dan kuasa yang besar, jadi tidak
indonesian Democratic Policy, Satyo P mengikut aturannya tanpa sebarang pen- perlu jokowi masuk campur, biarkan pili-
berkata, jokowi semakin aktif mencam- garuh daripada beliau. han raya itu berjalan mengikut keteta-
puri urusan berkaitan pemilihan calon “Rakyat mahukan pilihan raya yang pan,” ujarnya. – agensi
PROJEK pembangunan giat dijalankan ketika ini di tapak
ibu negara baharu, Nusantara.
Ketua kampung Bekas ratu cantik jual tiket
Pembangkang temui ajal Coldplay harga dua kali ganda
ketika menari jaKaRTa: Bekas pemenang sebuah per- berkongsi keuntungan,” tulisnya.

minta tangguh
tandingan ratu cantik di indonesia, Lycie Lycie turut menyatakan bahawa dia
joanna jonSen memohon maaf kerana mendapat tiket tersebut menerusi ‘orang
dangdut menjual tikat kumpulan rock Coldplay
pada harga dua kali ganda lebih mahal,
“Saya mahu minta maaf juga mengenai
lapor laman berita Tribunvideo pada Rabu ‘orang dalam’ yang saya sebut. ‘Orang

jaKaRTa: Seorang ketua kampung di
lepas. dalam’ yang saya sebut adalah saudara
jember, wilayah jawa Timur menemui ajal
Menerusi akaun instagramnya, dan keluarga saya yang sudah mendap-
ketika menari dangdut di atas pentas
Lycie yang pernah menjadi peserta atkan tiket Coldplay ketika prajualan,”
dalam satu acara setempat, lapor laman
ratu cantik Puteri indonesia tulisnya lagi.
berita Merdeka, baru-baru ini.
intelegensia 2019 itu menjelaskan Dia menjual tiket pada harga 1.6 juta

ibu negara
Berdasarkan klip video dikongsikan di
tujuannya menjual tiket tersebut pada rupiah (RM493) untuk tiket 800,000
laman instagram, lelaki bernama Muly-
harga yang mahal. rupiah (RM246), dan 2.5 juta rupiah
ono itu dilihat sedang menari dan
Katanya, dia berbuat demikian untuk (RM770) bagi tiket berharga 1.3 juta
menyanyi bersama penyanyi wanita
membantu saudaranya menjual tiket rupiah (RM400).
jaKaRTa: Kumpulan parti pembangkang bilan harga keperluan asas dan tenaga dalam kejadian pada malam ahad lalu.
tersebut. Coldplay bakal membuat persemba-
meminta pemindahan ibu negara kerana masyarakat yang tinggal di kam- Ketika sedang asyik menyanyi, dia tiba-
“Saya meminta maaf atas salah faham han di Stadium Gelora Bung Karno,
indonesia ke Nusantara ditangguhkan pung dan pekan kecil lebih mengharap- tiba rebah.
ini. Saya hanya berniat membantu saudara jakarta pada November depan. –
bagi memberi laluan kepada isu-isu pent- kan keperluan-keperluan seperti itu,” “Dia lantas dibawa ke hospital sejurus
untuk memasarkan dengan cara agensi
ing lain di negara itu. katanya. kejadian, namun akhirnya disahkan
Perkara itu disuarakan Kumpulan Pendapat sama turut dikongsi perwak- meninggal dunia,” kata Ketua Polis
Parti Demokrat dan Parti Keadilan
Sejahtera (PKS) dalam Sidang Paripurna
ilan PKS, andi akmal Pasluddin ketika
menyampaikan ucapannya.
ambulu, asisten Komisioner Polis Suhar-
Lumba lembu
Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat (DPR) berkai- “Bajet untuk pemindahan ibu negara Tambah Suhartanto, arwah meninggal
tan pandangan kumpulan tersebut ter- lebih baik difokuskan kepada usaha dunia kerana terlalu letih selepas men-
hadap rangka kerja ekonomi makro dan memulihkan kuasa beli rakyat, jalani aktiviti padat sepanjang hari.
perkara utama dasar fiskal tahun 2024. meningkatkan kebajikan, menambah Menurutnya, Mulyono menghadiri
Menurut, Menteri Kewan- baik infrastruktur pertanian dan perbe- majlis bersama polis pada pagi ahad
gan, Sri Mulyani turut hadir mewakili lanjaan penting lain,” katanya. sebelum pergi ke rumah saudaranya di
kerajaan pada mesyuarat tersebut. Presiden joko Widodo (jokowi) Banyuwangi pada waktu tengah hari.
Dalam mesyuarat itu, perwakilan Parti sebelum ini menekankan idea peminda- Pada waktu malam, lelaki berusia
Demokrat, Rizki Natakusumah menyi- han ibu negara dari jakarta ke Nusan- dalam lingkungan 50-an itu memenuhi
fatkan langkah pemindahan ke iKN tara bukan datang dari beliau undangan acara dangdut yang diadakan
bukan isu penting dan berharap bajet sebaliknya sudah diutarakan Presiden penduduk setempat.
negara ditumpukan kepada kestabilan pertama indonesia, Soekarno sejak Majlis itu diadakan bagi meraikan
harga keperluan asas dan tenaga. tahun 1960-an. seorang penduduk yang melayakkan
“Kumpulan Partai Demokrat meminta jelasnya, jakarta yang sudah terlalu diri dalam satu pertandingan dangdut
pemerintah untuk terus menyokong per- padat akan diperkasa menjadi kota per- terbitan sebuah stesen televisyen di
belanjaan yang memiliki efek berganda niagaan, pelancongan serta ekonomi jakarta.
dan perkara bukan keutamaan seperti sementara Nusantara dibangunkan seba- “arwah mahu menghargai penduduk
proses pemindahan ibu negara dapat gai pusat pemerintahan dan proses tersebut dan menyambut kepulangannya
ditunda. pemindahan itu bakal memakan masa agar dia berbesar hati walaupun ters- SEORANG lelaki menunggang dua lembu pada satu acara perlumbaan lembu
“adalah lebih baik sekiranya bajet sehingga 20 tahun untuk diselesaikan. – ingkir pada episod seterusnya,” kata tradisional dipanggil “Karapan Sapi Brujul” di Probolinggo baru-baru ini. –
negeri ditumpukan dahulu kepada kesta- agensi Suhartanto. – agensi Gambar AFP
6 Hiburan S UARA TE MPATAN ANDA I JUMAAT, 26 MEI, 2023 harianekspres
Tina Turner meninggal dunia
PENYANYI legenda era 1980-an, Tina
Turner meninggal dunia pada usia 83
tahun di Küsnacht di Zurich, Switzer-
land, akibat penyakit yang lama dideri-
tainya, Rabu lalu.
Mendiang dilaporkan menghidap
kanser usus pada 2016 dan menjalani
pemindahan buah pinggang setahun
kemudian. Sebelum itu, sekitar 2013
Turner pernah diserang angin ahmar.
Pemergian penyanyi yang popular
dengan lagu What’s Love Got To Do With
It itu diumumkan menerusi laman
sosial rasmi beliau, termasuk Facebook
dan instagram.
“Dengan dukacitanya kami mengu-
mumkan pemergian Tina Turner. Beliau
telah memukau berjuta peminat di
seluruh dunia dan memberi inspirasi
kepada ramai insan.
“Hari ini kita mengucapkan selamat
tinggal kepada seorang sahabat yang
meninggalkan karya terbesarnya untuk
kita iaitu muziknya. TINA Turner meninggal dunia pada usia
BARISAN finalis Sugandoi Kaamatan negeri (dari kiri) Ryenald, Mohd Sabran,
“Takziah kepada keluarganya. Tina, 83 tahun di Küsnacht Zurich, Switzerland.
Chrispine, Presly, Rick Wen, Donovond, Michelle, Monicca, Eleliah dan Terence.
kami akan merindui anda,” jelas pen-
gendali akaun media sosial penghibur Rhythm.
asal Brownsville, Tennessee, amerika Beliau kemudian bergerak solo

Pentas akhir Sugandoi Syarikat itu, Khamis. Turner atau nama

sebenarnya anna Mae Bullock yang
juga penerima lapan anugerah
Grammy itu menjadikan Switzerland
sebagai tempat tinggal sejak 1994.
hingga mencetuskan fenomena
tersendiri sekitar 1980-an dengan gaya
nyanyian serta imej rambut gerbang
yang menyerlahkan personalitinya.
Sepanjang pembabitan dalam arena

Kaamatan negeri esok

Selepas 27 tahun menjalin cinta den- muzik, banyak dendangan Turner men-
gan eksekutif muzik, Erwin Bach, duduki carta lagu popular termasuk
penyanyi digelar Ratu Rock itu Typical Male, The Best, Private Dancer dan
mengambil keputusan mengahwini Better Be Good To Me.
teman lelakinya pada di Lake Zurich, Pada 1984, album Private Dancer
Ricardo Unto asangki (KDCa Putrajaya), Donovond Songkotoun dan Dazanak bakal mener- Kusnacht, pada 2013. yang memuatkan seleksi hit What’s Love
andreey Damainus (Kuala Penyu) dan ima RM1,500 setiap seorang, dan peme- Sebaik mendirikan rumah tangga Got To Do With It memenangi anugerah

ERTANDINGAN nyanyian Sugandoi
Kaamatan peringkat negeri 2023 Mohd Sabran andrew (Ranau). nang tempat kedua menerima RM1,000, penyanyi tersebut bertukar kepada ker- Grammy sebagai album Terbaik malah
sudah pun memasuki peringkat Pada peringkat akhir, mereka dike- dan tempat ketiga membawa pulang akyatan Switzerland dan terus menetap menduduki tempat pertama Billboard
akhir. hendaki menyanyikan dua buah lagu RM800. di negara itu sehingga kematiannya. Hot 100. Selain menyanyi, mendiang
Selepas fasa penyingkiran yang sengit dengan genre berbeza, dan mereka perlu Sugandoi Kaamatan merupakan salah Turner mencipta populariti melalui juga pernah berlakon dalam filem
selama dua hari, 10 peserta berjaya ke memakai pakaian etnik tradisional satu acara kemuncak sambutan Pesta gandingan dengan bekas suami, ike Tommy pada 1975 dan Mad Max Beyond
peringkat akhir, mengatasi 40 peserta daerah yang mereka wakili. Kaamatan Negeri, selain daripada per- Turner pada era 1950-an hingga 1970- Thunderdome 10 tahun kemudian. –
lain dari seluruh cawangan KDCa dan antara kriteria penilaian yang penting tandingan Unduk Ngadau Kaamatan. an bersama kumpulan Kings of Kosmo! Online
Sabah. ialah vokal (50 peratus), tempo (20 pera- Pertandingan nyanyian tahunan yang
Pentas akhir akan diadakan di Dewan tus) dan persembahan (30 peratus). dinanti-nantikan itu berjaya melahirkan Biden, Obama sifatkan pemergian
KDCa Hongkod Koisaan, di Penampang juara akan membawa pulang sekumpulan besar bakat daripada
bermula jam 7 malam esok (Sabtu).
Finalis ialah Presly Petrus, yang
RM6,000 dan trofi, manakala tempat
kedua dan ketiga masing-masing mener-
masyarakat Kadazan Dusun Murut di
negeri ini sejak ia diperkenalkan pada
Tina Turner sukar dicari ganti
mewakili KDCa Sarawak, Ryenald Cornel- ima RM4,000 dan RM3,000. 1987. PEMERGIAN penyanyi legenda, Tina turut mendoakan semoga keluarga
lius Guntabid (api-api), Michelle jill Pertandingan akhir untuk dua kate- Untuk rekod, Tambunan mencatatkan Turner, 83, turut mendapat perhatian penyanyi yang popular dengan lagu
Richard (Likas), Rick Wen Majanggong @ gori lain – Songkotoun (veteran) dan jumlah pemenang terbanyak bagi per- Presiden amerika Syarikat, john Biden Proud Mary itu tabah menghadapi
Rick Charles (Kudat), Monicca Majilis Dazanak (kanak-kanak), juga akan tandingan peringkat negeri, dengan 12 dan bekas presiden, Barrack Obama ujian. “Saya dan isteri, jill menitipkan
(Nabawan), Eleliah Bianus (Tambunan), diadakan esok. orang, terbaru ialah pemenang tahun apabila menzahirkan ucapan takziah doa dan kasih sayang kepada suaminya,
Chrispine joseph (Luyang), Terence Kedua-dua johan bagi kategori lepas, Lyron Felix. dan meluahkan rasa duka cita dalam Erwin, anggota keluarga Turner dan
media sosial. Menerusi ciapan dibuat peminatnya di seluruh pelusuk dunia
dalam Twitter, Biden menyifatkan yang ketika ini sedang berkabung di
Rasa sayang bakat dimiliki mendiang Turner seba- atas pemergian wanita yang diakui ter-
gai luar biasa dan sukar dicari ganti. baik dan hebat itu,” coretnya.
bertambah, harap “Sebelum bergelar Ratu Rock & Roll, Sementara itu, Obama menerusi
mendiang hanyalah anak seorang perkongsian di Twitter turut memuji
besarkan anak petani di Tennessee. Ketika kanak-
kanak, beliau pernah menyertai
sifat dan jiwa ampuh mendiang Turner
dalam menghadapi liku-liku kehidu-
bersama – Farid kumpulan koir gereja sebelum berjaya
menjadi artis rakaman yang berjaya.
“Tina Turner menjadi dirinya sendiri.
PELAKON Farid Kamil, 42, masih tetap “Bakatnya yang tersendiri berjaya Beliau berkuasa dan sukar dihalang.
dengan pendirian memastikan hubungan membawa perubahan terhadap Beliau juga tidak pernah menyesal
dengan isterinya, Diana Danielle, 32, dapat perkembangan muzik di negara ini. untuk bersuara dan menyanyikan kebe-
dijernihkan. “Kekuatan dalaman dimiliki juga naran menerusi kegembiraan, kesaki-
Farid ketika ditemui di Mahkamah sangat luar biasa. Dalam mengharungi tan, kejayaan dan tragedi yang pernah
Tinggi Syariah, di sini untuk menjalani situasi sukar termasuk penderaan, dilaluinya. Hari ini, bersama-sama
proses sulh kali kedua berkata, dia masih beliau masih mampu membina kerjaya peminat di seluruh dunia, kita mem-
mempunyai rasa sayang terhadap isterinya seni dan legasi ditinggalkan sejak beri penghormatan kepada Ratu Rock
dan berharap dapat membesarkan anak zaman masih terus kekal hingga hari & Roll, seorang bintang yang cahayanya
bersamanya. ini,” tulis Biden. tidak akan pernah pudar,” katanya. –
Farid Diana Menerusi entri yang sama, Biden BH Online
“Proses hari ini (Khamis) adalah untuk
kami mencari kata putus dalam perdama-
Farid, Diana gagal cari kata putus ian dan juga untuk hadanah. Harapan saya
masih seperti dahulu, rasa sayang masih
PROSES sulh pasangan pelakon, Farid tujuan dicapai. jadi, kami akan teruskan bertambah-tambah. Cinta Shila Amzah, Ubai
Kamil, 42, dan Diana Danielle, 32, bagi dengan sesi sebutan untuk mahkamah,” “Saya juga berharap hari ini dapatlah
membincangkan hak penjagaan anak katanya ditemui selepas selesai proses sulh berjumpa dan bertentang mata dengan
isteri supaya dapat membesarkan anak-
putus selepas 5 bulan
(hadanah) masih gagal menemui kata di Mahkamah Tinggi Syariah, di Shah alam.
anak seperti keluarga lain,” kata Farid yang TERIMA kasih untuk lima bulan yang
putus. Ditanya faktor menyebabkan persetu-
ini berikutan Diana atau nama sebenar, juan masih tidak dicapai, Puteri berkata, turut ditemani peguamnya, Fakhrul sangat indah.” Demikian luahan SHILA
Diana Danielle Danny Beeson masih berpe- perkara itu bergantung kepada Farid selaku azman abu Hassan. penyanyi Shila amzah apabila menge- dan
gang pendirian mendapatkan hak penuh defendan. Sementara itu, Diana yang tiba lebih sahkan hubungannya bersama pempen- Ubai.
penjagaan anak. “Perkara itu perlu tanya kepada pihak awal untuk menjalani proses berkenaan garuh, Ubai berakhir selepas lima bulan
Peguam mewakili Diana, Puteri Ummi defendan. Kami selaku plaintif yang memu- ditemani peguamnya, Datuk akberdin menjalin kasih. Dalam pada itu, perpisahan berlaku
Kartini abd Latiff, berkata masih tiada per- lakan kes, jadi apa yang diminta adalah abdul Kadir. erdahulu, mahkamah mene- Pendedahan tersebut dikongsikan secara baik kerana pelantun lagu Patah
setujuan bersama mengenai terma dipinta terma biasa iaitu hak jagaan kepada anak tapkan pada Khamis sebagai tarikh prosid- dalam instagram Shila dengan berlatar- Seribu itu masih mendoakan kebaikan
dan rundingan diteruskan kepada proses guam kami serta hak lawatan kepada pihak ing sulh kedua buat Farid dan Diana. belakangkan instrumen sedih berjudul buat pemilik nama lengkap Muhammad
berikutnya pada 1 Ogos depan. defendan. Keputusan dibuat susulan kegagalan My Memory, sekali gus menamatkan Ubaidillah Mohd. Zulkefli itu walaupun
“Sulh kali ini adalah untuk membin- “Kami tetap dengan pendirian untuk Diana atau nama sebenar, Diana Danielle spekulasi mereka sedang menuju ke sudah tidak lagi bergelar pasangan
cangkan mengenai hadanah antara anak mendapatkan hak jagaan dan defendan Danny Beeson menghadiri prosiding sulh perkahwinan. kekasih.
guam dan defendan (Farid). Sekarang sulh hak jagaan. Kami tidak pernah nafikan dan pada 11 april lalu. Shila atau nama sebenarna, Nur- “Saya hanya berharap yang terbaik
terbahagi kepada dua, pertama adalah anak guam sentiasa fleksibel untuk defen- Sulh adalah majlis perbincangan shahila amir amzah, 33, dilihat tidak untuk awak. Saya doakan awak dimu-
hadanah interim pada 30 Mei ini. dan berjumpa anak-anaknya,” katanya. bersama antara pihak yang terbabit dalam henti-henti menzahirkan ucapan terima rahkan rezeki dan semoga dapat segala
“Proses hari ini (Khamis) adalah untuk Pada masa sama, Puteri menjelaskan, suatu pertikaian merangkumi satu atau kasih atas pengorbanan lelaki itu, selain yang dihajati,” jelasnya.
hadanah induk yang kami failkan untuk proses dijangka masih panjang kerana lebih tuntutan dengan dipengerusikan menegaskan tidak akan melupakan Bagaimanapun, Shila tidak mem-
mendapatkan hak penjagaan penuh. memerlukan perbicaraan lanjut susulan pegawai sulh. kenangan sepanjang perkenalan mereka. berikan perincian tentang punca sebenar
“ini adalah proses biasa, selepas kami kedua belah pihak tidak mencapai kata Seandainya suatu persetujuan secara “Kita sudah menjadi pasangan yang kehancuran hubungan dengan teman
failkan, ia akan dibawa ke sulh mediasi. sepakat, hari ini. damai dapat dicapai secara sukarela sangat hebat. Terima kasih untuk kasih lelakinya itu.
Kalau pihak-pihak bersetuju untuk terma, “Selepas ini, sebutan dalam mahkamah antara kedua belah pihak, butiran itu akan sayang kepada Seth. Sebelum ini, kemesraan Shila dan
ia boleh direkodkan sebagai perintah di hadapan hakim. Betul (akan lebih pan- direkodkan hakim sebagai suatu perintah “Terima kasih untuk segala-galanya. Ubai mencetuskan tanda tanya peminat
mahkamah. jang) sebab hadanah penuh ini memer- mahkamah tanpa melalui proses per- Saya akan ingat memori ini sampai bila- apabila mereka dikatakan bakal ke jen-
“Tetapi, setakat ini, tidak ada lagi perse- lukan perbicaraan,” katanya. – BH Online bicaraan. – BH Online bila,” katanya. jang pelamin.  – Kosmo! Online

14 Jun pengesahan lafaz cerai Syamsul, Puteri Sarah

PENGARAH sensasi, Syamsul Yusof, 39, sebanyak dua kali oleh Syamsul. jadi, pihaknya tidak bersetuju prosedur itu Syamsul dan Puteri Sarah melalui jKP di
enggan memberikan sebarang komen ter- keputusan jKP perlu ditangguhkan dilakukan berasingan mengikut per- jabatan agama islam Wilayah Perseku-
hadap prosiding laporan jawatankuasa dahulu membabitkan perintah shiqaq. mintaan pihak Puteri Sarah. tuan Kuala Lumpur (jawi) di Kuala
Pendamai (jKP) yang berlangsung di “isu yang lebih penting sekarang “Pengerusi jKP memberi keterangan Lumpur, menemui jalan buntu.
Mahkamah Rendah Syariah Wilayah adalah hakim memerintahkan bahawa mengenai cara pengendalian sesi jKP dan Puteri Sarah mendakwa usaha
Persekutuan, di Kuala Lumpur, Khamis. pihak berkenaan kena memfailkan berpendapat sesi tersebut sepatutnya berdamai dengan Syamsul tidak akan ter-
Pengarah filem The Original Gangster pengesahan lafaz cerai. jadi, tarikh 14 jun dibuat secara berasingan mengikut situ- jadi, sebaliknya, dia nekad dengan kepu-
itu menyerahkan pada peguamnya, azmi depan adalah untuk mengetahui status asi. Tetapi, kami tidak bersetuju. tusan bercerai.
Mohd Rais untuk mengulas lanjut. pengesahan lafaz cerai,” katanya kepada “Kami memandang serius prosedur ini Malah, Puteri Sarah mengaku enggan
azmi berkata, proses mendengar lapo- BH Online. dan mengenai dakwaan lafaz cerai, itu bersemuka dengan Syamsul, sebaliknya,
ran jKP hari ini membabitkan Syamsul Sebelum ini, tular mengenai dakwaan pun anak guam (Syamsul) saya tidak tahu meminta sesi itu dilakukan dalam bilik
dan Puteri Sarah tertangguh selepas Puteri Sarah atau nama sebenarnya, Put- kerana prosedur tersebut dijalankan berasingan.
pihaknya meminta plaintif (Puteri Sarah) eri Sarah Liyana Megat Kamaruddin per- secara berasingan. itulah masalahnya Berikutan itu proses jKP dibawa
untuk memfailkan permohonan pengesa- nah diceraikan dua kali oleh suaminya. apabila jKP dibuat secara berasingan. kepada sebutan kedua di Mahkamah Ren-
han lafaz cerai kerana isu itu perlu disele- Menurut laporan media, terdapat sum- ambil nota, tetapi pihak dan wakil tidak dah Syariah Kuala Lumpur, Khamis.
saikan terlebih dahulu, sebelum kes lain ber yang mengatakan kedua-dua lafaz bercakap antara satu sama lain. Pada 7 Mac lalu, Syamsul dan Puteri
diteruskan. talak pernah direkodkan di Mahkamah “jadi, isu lafaz cerai ini anak guam saya Sarah diperintahkan Mahkamah Rendah
SYAMSUL bersama Puteri Sarah “Hakim meminta plaintif (Puteri Syariah Petaling jaya, Selangor. tidak menjawab dalam prosedur jKP,” Syariah Kuala Lumpur supaya melantik
meninggalkan mahkamah selepas prosiding Sarah) untuk memfailkan dakwaan lafaz Kata azmi lagi, prosedur jKP sepatut- katanya. wakil jKP dalam kes permohonan
penceraian kes mereka. – fotoBERNAMA cerai yang didakwa sudah dilakukan nya dilakukan secara bersama dan Sebelum ini, sesi perdamaian antara perceraian mereka. – BH Online
harianekspres S UARA TE MPATAN A NDA I JUMAAT, 26 MEI, 2023 Rencana 7
Aktiviti ekstrem di Pumpunan Budaya Peribumi Di Sabah
SABAH yang juga dikenali sebagai Negeri di
Bawah Bayu ialah negeri kedua terbesar di

Gua Damai uji Malaysia yang terletak di bahagian paling utara

Borneo dan juga merupakan pulau ke-3
terbesar di dunia. Mempunyai kerancuan
kelompok sosial yang secara tidak langsung
menyumbang kepada perilaku budaya yang

kekuatan mental, fizikal juga berbeza. Konteks ini menyebabkan

masyarakat di Sabah heterogen sifatnya dan
sifat sedemikian menyumbang kepada
keanekaragaman bahasa, adat istiadat, cara
Rungus adalah binugang, motif menyerupai
burung dan jalinan kulit kayu.

UKUP mencabar dan lelah, ditambah pula peluh akan bagi memudahkan perjalanan. hidup, kepercayaan, sistem dan struktur sosial
yang mencurah-curah. itu baru pendakian di sepan- Lebih mencabar, penulis terpaksa menggelongsor untuk Buku bertajuk Pumpunan Budaya Peribumi
serta amalan budaya yang pelbagai. Di Sabah ini menampilkan satu telaah budaya
jang Bukit Lembah Damai, Batu Caves (Selangor), turun kerana laluan yang basah dan licin serta bimbang ter- Penduduk Sabah terdiri daripada 41
belum lagi aktiviti meneroka beberapa buah gua yang ter- jatuh jika terus menuruni bukit dengan berjalan. sebagai medium yang mengidentifikasikan
kumpulan peribumi yang berkomunikasi kelompok etnik khusus di Sabah. ia juga
letak di Taman Ekstrem Gua Damai dalam keadaan gelap, Pendakian di Lembah Damai yang mengambil masa dalam lebih 50 bahasa. Kumpulan etnik
yang menuntut kekuatan mental dan fizikal memandan- kira-kira satu jam lebih itu membuatkan kasut kami dis- menampilkan perbincangan yang merangkumi
terbesar di Sabah ialah Kadazandusun. Hampir pelbagai aspek kehidupan peribumi Sabah
gkan sudah puluhan tahun penulis tidak melakukan aktiv- aluti selut tanah selain pakaian juga turut kotor berlumpur. 30% daripada penduduk di negeri ini adalah
iti lasak sedemikian. Walaupun berasa penat dengan aktiviti mencabar ini yang beragam sifatnya. Bermula daripada aspek
etnik Kadazandusun. Pesta Menuai yang adat istiadat sehinggalah ke aspek rutin
inilah pengalaman paling mencabar sewaktu menyertai namun sikap saling menyokong dan kerjasama antara satu disambut pada 30 dan 31 Mei setiap tahun ialah
Program Kembara Media 2023 anjuran jabatan Penerangan sama lain membuatkan semua peserta akhirnya berjaya kehidupan yang melatari kelompok-kelompok
perayaan yang disambut oleh etnik etnik yang berkenaan. Memandangkan bahan-
Malaysia, Kementerian Komunikasi dan Digital (KKD) di tiba di permukaan gua. Kadzandusun dengan tujuan untuk
Selangor dan Negeri Sembilan baru-baru ini. Bagi penulis yang bertubuh kecil, rasa gementar mula bahan berkaitan dengan masyarakat peribumi
menghormati “roh beras” atau “padi” serta Sabah agak sukar diperolehi, maka buku ini
Program empat hari dari 8 hingga 11 Mei itu bertujuan menyelubungi diri sebaik kaki melangkah masuk ke dalam menzahirkan rasa syukur mereka kerana hasil
menikmati keindahan serta landskap pelancongan yang gua untuk turun ke bawah berikutan keadaan gua yang ditampilkan sebagai satu usaha menampung
tuaian yang lumayan. Etnik lain di Sabah ruang lompang yang ada. Semoga buku ini
terdapat di kedua-dua negeri berkenaan. curam dan gelap gelita. adalah Bajau, atau juga dikenali sebagai “Koboi
Pada hari pertama program, penulis beserta 21 penga- Episod pendakian kami diteruskan dengan memasuki mampu memberi manfaat kepada semua
Timur”, dan Murut iaitu orang-orang bukit dan pembaca.
mal media yang lain dibawa ke Gamuda Cove, Banting, Gua Fig Tree dengan setiap peserta lengkap mengenakan pemburu kepala pada masa lalu yang meru-
Selangor dan berpeluang melawat ke tempat menarik peralatan keselamatan seperti topi , abah-abah serta lampu Buku ini adalah koleksi buku yang terdapat
pakan kumpulan etnik kedua dan ketiga di Perpustakaan Negeri Sabah, Cawangan
antaranya Paya indah Discovery Wetlands, Goosebumps suluh kepala. terbesar di Sabah. Suku kaum etnik lain yang
Rope Course, Cove aerobar serta Taman Tema air SplashMa- Usai menuruni Gua Fig Tree, kami menyusuri pula gua Ranau. jika berminat untuk mendapatkan mak-
terdapat di Sabah juga terdiri daripada Bisaya, lumat mengenai buku ini sila lawati laman
nia. yang pertama di dalamnya dikenali sebagai Gua Batik ker- iranun, Melayu Brunei, Bugis, Kedayan, Lotud,
Cabaran sebenar kami bermula pada hari kedua ketika ana teksturnya yang menyerupai batik, yang terletak di sesawang Perpustakaan Negeri Sabah di
Lundayeh, Rungus, Suluk, Minokok, Bonggi, atau hubungi 088-
tiba di Gua Damai Extreme Park. sebelah kiri. ida’an, dan banyak lagi. Selain itu, bangsa Cina
Berkeluasan kira-kira dua hektar dengan ketinggian Semasa aktiviti itu sekali lagi, rasa gementar penulis 231623, 214828, atau 256192 (ibu Pejabat,
juga merupakan kumpulan utama bukan Perpustakaan Negeri Sabah) untuk mengetahui
mencecah 100 meter, lokasi ini mempunyai lima gua di berulang kerana perlu memijak tangga besi dan diselang- peribumi di Sabah.
dalamnya iaitu Gua Kristal, Gua anjing, Gua Chili Padi, Gua seli dengan batu gua untuk sampai ke bawah. ketersediaan buku tersebut. Bagaimanapun,
Sabah bukan sahaja terkenal dengan buku ini mungkin mengambil masa untuk
ichibawa dan Gua Fig Tree. Semasa menuruni gua itu, pemandangan sebelah kiri kepelbagaian etnik dan budaya, tetapi juga
Bagaimanapun, hanya empat gua dibuka kepada umum penulis adalah Gua Batik manakala di sebelah kanan pula dihantar ke perpustakaan di luar Kota
memberikan keunikan pelbagai jenis makanan. Kinabalu, sila berhubung dengan perpustakaan
sementara Gua Kristal hanya dibuka kepada pengkaji serta panorama Gua Langsir yang amat memukau. Misalnya, etnik Kadazandusun terkenal dengan
pelajar untuk menjalankan kajian. Perjalanan turun ke bawah mengambil masa kira-kira 45 terdekat untuk tempahan pinjaman.
hinava dan tuhau, etnik Bisaya dengan ambuyat
Sebelum pendakian bermula, pihak media terlebih minit menjadikan keseluruhan penerokaan di Gua Damai dan etnik Bajau dengan kuih penjaram.
dahulu menyaksikan aktiviti payung terjun oleh penerjun ini lebih kurang dua jam. Setiap etnik di Sabah juga turut
profesional, akmal jamal Hassan. Penat lelah semasa menuruni gua hilang apabila kami mengetengahkan kehebatan mereka dalam
Pendakian penulis dan rakan-rakan yang bermula seki- semua dijamu dengan nasi upah-upah iaitu makanan tradi- pelbagai bidang seperti tenunan, ukiran dan
tar pukul 10 pagi di Lembah Damai ditemani beberapa sional etnik Mandailing. Nasi dihidangkan di dalam motif. Etnik Bajau di Sabah misalnya sangat
petugas Wira adventure Consultant yang bertanggung- dulang dengan lauk antaranya ayam masak berkuah dan terkenal dengan kehebatan dan kearifan
jawab memastikan pendakian kami berjalan lancar. udang. Meskipun menyelerakan namun penulis lebih mereka dalam seni pembuatan parang, keris
Sepanjang pendakian di dalam hutan itu, kami diperke- banyak minum kerana terlalu dahaga. serta ukiran. apabila membicarakan soal
nalkan oleh petugas dengan beberapa tumbuhan dan tenunan, masyarakat Rungus dan iranun
herba yang terdapat di kawasan sekitar, antaranya, Tongkat Minat sukan lasak terkenal dengan hasil tenunan mereka.
ali Hitam (Polyalthia Bullata), Ubi Gadong (Dioscorea Hisp- Menurut Pengasas yang juga Pengurus Taman Ekstrem Pelbagai motif dapat dilihat daripada tenunan
ida), Sehelai Setahun (Monophyllaea Glauca), Derhaka Mer- Gua Damai Mustapha al-Bakri yang menetap di Kampung di pakaian tradisi mereka. antara motif yang
tua (Plumbago indica), Ubi Kekek (amorphophallus Wira Damai, beliau mula meneroka gua itu selepas menda- sering digunakan dalam kalangan masyarakat
Paeoniifolius) serta akar Patawali (Tinospora Crispa). pati ia mempunyai tarikan pelancongan serta berpotensi
dibangunkan untuk aktiviti sukan lasak.
Tajuk: Pumpunan Budaya Peribumi Di Sabah.
Kekuatan fizikal Bermula pada tahun 1997 dengan modal sendiri
Penulis: Saidatul Nornis Hj. Mahali. Kota Kinabalu, Sabah:
Laluan semasa di dalam hutan memerlukan kekuatan sebanyak RM100,000 dan ketika masih bekerja sebagai
Penerbit: Universiti Malaysia Sabah, 2017.
fizikal kerana kami perlu memanjat, kemudian turun dan tukang rumah, setiap hari selepas tamat kerja pada waktu
Tebal: 246 Muka Surat.
naik semula di samping di kiri dan kanan trek laluan petang Mustapha akan ke gua itu untuk membersihkan
Pengulas: Pailis Atin
dipenuhi pokok dan belukar. batu di sekitar gua serta membuat laluan bagi aktiviti pen-
Perpustakaan Negeri Sabah, Cawangan Ranau
ada ketikanya penulis perlu menunduk kerana dihalang dakian dalam hutan dengan dibantu kumpulan belia kam-
ranting pokok dan supaya peserta tidak terjatuh, tali disedi- pung kawasannya. – Bernama

Chelsea perlu
ada wawasan:
Brighton akhiri rentak Madrid laung
LONDON: Frank Lampard berkata Chelsea
perlu mula mencipta wawasan jangka pan-
jang untuk kelab sekiranya mahu bangkit
di bawah pemilik baharu.
Pemilik bersama, Todd Boehly dan
kemenangan Man City buat Vinicius
BaRCELONa: Rodrygo menjaringkan
gol kemenangan lewat perlawanan
BRiGHTON: juara Liga Perdana inggeris, untuk Real Madrid ketika mereka men-
Behdad Eghbali sudah memecat dua pen- Manchester City seri 1-1 menentang Brighton catatkan kemenangan 2-1 dalam aksi La
gendali dalam musim pertama mereka di untuk melebarkan rentak tanpa kalah Liga ke atas Rayo Vallecano dan
Stamford Bridge. mereka kepada 25 perlawanan. meraikannya dengan mengangkat
Chelsea akan menamatkan saingan den- Satu mata sudah mencukupi buat penumbuknya ke udara dan menun-
gan kutipan mata terendah dalam era Liga Brighton untuk mengesahkan kedudukan dukkan sebagai sokongan kepada rakan
Perdana inggeris buat pertama kali sejak di tangga keenam liga dan layak ke Liga sepasukan Vinicius junior.
tahun 1996. Europa musim depan, serta menamatkan Pemain sayap Brazil Vinicius mener-
Lampard memainkan peranan penting deretan kemenangan City. ima kecaman berbaur perkauman
sebagai pemain ketika era kegemilangan Phil Foden meletakkan City di depan, ketika mereka menentang Valencia
The Blues walaupun budaya lantik dan tetapi Brighton kembali menyamakan ahad lalu tetapi tidak diturunkan ker-
pecat sudah bermula di bawah Roman kedudukan menerusi percubaan jarak jauh ana masalah lutut.
abramovich. julio Enciso. Rodrygo menjaringkan gol pada
Bagaimanapun pengendali sementara “Hanya 48 jam sebelum mereka minum minit ke-89 untuk meletakkan Madrid
itu percaya, situasi lebih stabil diperlukan kesemua alkohol di Manchester. Hari ini di tempat kedua, menundukkan
apabila Mauricio Pochettino dijangka akan mereka menunjukkan kenapa mereka kepalanya sambil mengangkat penum-
disahkan sebagai pengendali baharu adalah juara. buknya sebagai tabik akan “Kuasa
musim depan. Sebanyak 11 kelab Liga Per- “Kami merendah diri dan banyak berlari. Hitam”.
dana inggeris memecat pengendali mereka Sebab itu kami juara untuk beberapa tahun, Karim Benzema meletakkan Madrid
musim ini, dengan Chelsea, bersama pemain-pemain ini menunjukkan sesuatu di hadapan pada separuh masa pertama
Southampton dan Leeds, salah satu dari- yang istimewa,” kata pengendali City, Pep sebelum Raul de Tomas menyamakan
pada tiga kelab yang memecat dua orang Guardiola. kedudukan untuk pelawat di Santiago
pengendali. Sebelum perlawanan Guardiola memuji JULIO Enciso menjaringkan gol penyamaan Brighton ketika aksi Liga Perdana Inggeris
Bernabeu dengan Rodrygo memastikan
“anda akan terfikir sejauh mana bos Brighton, Roberto De Zerbi, yang diang- menentang Manchester City di Stadium Komuniti American Express, Brighton.
kemenangan menerusi gol lewat per-
kejayaan dicapai dengan melakukan gapnya sebagai salah seorang pengendali - Foto AFP
perubahan itu. ia sudah menjadi lumrah paling berpengaruh sepanjang 20 tahun pemain bintang yang tidak beraksi ketika john Stones dan Bernardo Silva di babak Kemenangan itu meletakkan Real
buat beberapa pasukan yang bergelut den- lalu. kemenangan 1-0 ke atas Chelsea pada ahad kedua bagi memastikan pemain-pemainnya Madrid di tempat kedua, satu mata di
gan jangkaan ke atas mereka dan men- Guardiola menunjukkan rasa hormatnya lalu. kembali cergas menjelang final Piala Fa dan atas pencabar atletico Madrid, yang seri
jadikannya tidak stabil. – aFP dengan menurunkan kembali pemain- Pengendali City itu mengeluarkan Foden, Liga juara-juara Eropah bulan depan. – aFP 3-3 di Getafe, Rabu lalu.
Biarpun Vinicius tiada di padang
namun dia tetap dalam pemikiran
Matupang FC juara kejohanan B12 Mukim Nalapak dan Paginatan pemain yang mana semua pemain
Madrid berbaris sebelum perlawanan
clarence dol juga penaja utama kejohanan tersebut. dengan memakai baju nombor 20 seba-
RaNaU: Pasukan Matupang FC muncul Pengurus syarikat itu, aaron jeffrey Ludin gai tanda sokongan.
juara Kejohanan Bola Sepak Tertutup B12 berkata, kejohanan itu diadakan bagi men- Penyerang itu dibuang padang ketika
Mukim Nalapak dan Paginatan yang cari bakat baharu untuk pasukan B12 menentang Valencia dan walaupun kad
berlangsung di sini dan membawa pulang Mukim Nalapak dan Paginatan. itu dibatalkan, dia tidak dapat beraksi
hadiah wang tunai RM1,000 berserta pingat. “Objektif utama kami mengadakan kejo- kerana masalah lututnya.
Kejohanan yang diadakan di Padang Kg hanan seperti hari ini tidak lain tidak bukan ia adalah kali pertama Madrid
Kebuh Baru pada 20 Mei itu dianjurkan oleh untuk menaikkan semangat kesukanan beraksi sejak isu perkauman itu berlaku
Kelab Belia Teguh (Kebuh) dengan ker- dalam kalangan belia khususnya pelajar dan ramai bintang sukan dan tokoh
jasama United irish Company. sekolah. penting lain di seluruh dunia mem-
Naib johan dimenangi oleh Pasukan “Permintaan khas daripada kami kepada berikan sokongan kepada Vinicius.
Kanak-kanak Sagindai dengan hadiah semua pemain adalah supaya mereka senti- Penyokong melaungkan namanya
RM500 dan juga pingat untuk pemain. asa bersemangat dari segi sukan dan selepas 20 minit dengan sepanduk yang
Tempat ketiga dimenangi oleh Miruru FC akademik, selain menerapkan sikap ber- ditulis berbunyi “Kami semua Vinicius,
yang berjaya membawa pulang RM300 daya saing,” katanya. itu sudah cukup!”
berserta pingat untuk pemain. Sementara itu, Timbalan Pengerusi Kelab “Saya fikir semua orang dalam bola
Tempat keempat hingga keenam mas- Belia Teguh jonelson B, mengucapkan ter- sepak, bukan sahaja dalam bola sepak,
ing-masing dimenangi Paginatan FC, Teguh ima kasih kepada semua pasukan yang dalam semua sukan, seluruh dunia,
FC jr (Kebuh) dan Nalapak NLS. mengambil bahagian dan berharap kejo- (bertindak balas terhadap) tindakan ini,
Kejohanan yang julung kali diadakan itu hanan sama dapat dianjurkan lagi pada ia tidak sepatutnya dibenarkan,” kata
PASUKAN Matupang FC yang memenangi kejohanan tersebut. dirasmikan oleh United irish Company yang masa akan datang. pertahanan Madrid, Dani Carvajal. – aFP
Brighton akhiri
harianekspres rentak
S UARA TEMPATAN ANDA I JUMAAT, 26 MEI, 2023 kemenangan 8
Man City

Ketidakstabilan politik jejaskan Chin kekal

Program Podium 2022: Hannah GL Oh
KUaLa LUMPUR: Negara (MSN) terpaksa menyusun semula MSN itu berlarutan bagi tempoh dua bulan mengemukakan pelan jangka masa pen- KOTa KiNaBaLU: Wakil Sabah, KK Chin
Ketidakstabilan program persediaan atlet ke arah temasya iaitu januari hingga Februari 2022. dek dan panjang bagi memastikan kekal sebagai setiausaha agung agung
politik negara sukan utama bagi 2022 antaranya Sukan “KBS mengambil inisiatif memohon Malaysia dapat bersaing dengan Singa- Persekutuan Tenis Ringan (Soft Tennis)
dalam tempoh SEa Vietnam, Sukan Komanwel Birming- kepada Kabinet untuk mendapatkan pura, Thailand dan Vietnam di Sukan SEa, asia Tenggara (SEaSTF) dalam pemili-
empat tahun telah ham dan Sukan asia (di Hangzhou, peruntukan bagi progam podium dan seterusnya Sukan asia dan Sukan Olimpik. han dwitahunan yang diadakan semasa
menyebabkan 220 China). telah dipersetujui di bawah RMK12 (Ran- “antara penekanan yang akan Sukan SEa ke-32 di Kemboja.
atlet negara tidak “Pada masa sama, MSN juga terpaksa cangan Malaysia Ke-12) sebanyak RM240 diberikan adalah acara sukan yang Presiden Persatuan Tenis Ringan
dapat meneruskan mengagih dan menggunakan peruntukan juta dari 2022 hingga 2025 iaitu RM60 juta menawarkan banyak pingat seperti Malaysia (MSTa) Dato Shamshuzaman
latihan berikutan dalaman bagi memastikan elaun latihan setahun. renang dan olahraga, mesti membawa Sulaiman adalah seorang lagi rakyat
tiada peruntukan atlet serta gaji jurulatih diteruskan tanpa “Setiap kali ada perubahan seperti ini, perubahan. Penekanan ini diberikan ker- Malaysia yang dipilih sebagai naib pres-
khusus diberikan untuk pelaksanaan pro- penangguhan agar tidak menjejaskan apabila elaun dan gaji jurulatih tertang- ana mereka mempunyai banyak acara iden.
gram latihan senior di bawah Program prestasi atlet yang sedang dalam latihan,” guh kerana tiada bajet, ia memberi kesan untuk dapatkan pingat. Presiden adalah Bunluechai Phiwsan
Podium 2022. katanya pada sesi Waktu Pertanyaan-Per- kepada latihan mereka. ini kerana ada “Kita juga akan fokus pada sukan mem- dari Thailand manakala lembaga pen-
Menteri Belia dan Sukan Hannah Yeoh tanyaan Menteri pada persidangan Dewan atlet yang perlu ke luar negara dan saya pertahankan diri dan terjun kerana garah ialah Sar Sithik (Kemboja), Mar-
(gambar) berkata dalam tempoh berke- Rakyat di sini, Khamis. ada bincang dengan atlet dan persatuan, kedua-duanya telah membawa pulang tuama Saragi (indonesia), Robert
naan, berlaku tiga kali pertukaran Per- Beliau berkata demikian bagi men- mereka setuju bahawa dalam tempoh pingat emas dan menghasilkan atlet joseph Moran, (Filipina), Sayyadeth
dana Menteri dan Menteri Belia dan jawab soalan tambahan ahmad Fadhli empat tahun kita sibuk berpolitik, negara cemerlang,” katanya. Vongsay (Laos), Nguyen Quoc Hung
Sukan yang turut melibatkan pertukaran Shaari (PN-Pasir Mas) yang meminta Han- jiran kita telah jauh ke hadapan,” katanya. Selain itu, beliau berkata atlet negara (Vietnam) dan aniceto Cardosa alves
ahli lembaga pengarah, bajet serta fokus. nah menjelaskan kenyataannya pada Sebagai langkah ke hadapan, beliau seperti Shereen Samson Vallabouy dan (Timor Leste).
Mengambil contoh butiran Bajet 2022 sidang media minggu lepas mengenai berkata kementerian akan memfokuskan Umar Osman yang masing-masing meng- Mesyuarat itu dihadiri oleh presiden
yang dibentangkan pada Oktober 2021, ketidakstabilan politik menjadi antara kepada sukan yang berpotensi hadiahkan pingat emas acara 400 meter di Persatuan Tenis Ringan Korea (KSTa)
beliau menjelaskan tidak ada dinyatakan punca pretasi buruk pasukan negara menawarkan lebih banyak pingat kepada Sukan SEa Kemboja akan diberikan ban- jung inseong yang juga naib presiden
peruntukan yang diberikan bagi Program dalam Sukan SEa 2023 di Kemboja baru- negara. tuan kewangan selain atlet lain bagi Persekutuan Tenis Ringan antara-
Podium 2022. baru ini. justeru, menurut Hannah Persatuan memastikan mereka bersedia meng- bangsa (iSTF), pengurus besar KSTa Kim
“ini telah menyebabkan Majlis Sukan Hannah menjelaskan keadaan dihadapi Sukan Kebangsaan diwajibkan untuk hadapi Sukan asia Hangzhou di China, Taeju, setiausaha agung Kim Backsoo,
pengarah Lee Gumseob dan pegawai
BOLA SEPAK – Kelayakan Piala BADMINTON – Masters Malaysia Yang ingyu.
Sementara itu, Chin yang meru-
Asia B-23 pakan salah seorang perwakilan
Pearly-Thinaah tempuh rali panjang ke suku akhir teknikal tenis Ringan dalam Sukan SEa,
M’sia berdepan KUaLa LUMPUR: Beregu wanita utama
berjaya menjalankan ujian amali
kepada 12 kerusi pengadil antarabangsa
negara Pearly Tan- M.Thinaah menempuh yang layak sepanjang kejohanan itu.
laluan berliku rali panjang sebanyak 211 pukulan berde-
pan Rena Miyaura-ayako Sakuramoto
Enam daripada mereka berasal dari
Kemboja, dua dari Laos dengan masing-
KUaLa LUMPUR: Skuad bola sepak Bawah dari jepun sebelum berjaya mengesahkan masing seorang dari Timor Leste, Filip-
23 Tahun (B-23) kebangsaan berdepan tiket ke suku akhir di kejohanan Masters ina, Korea Selatan dan jepun.
laluan berliku selepas diundi bersama ger- Malaysia 2023, Khamis. Beliau juga mendedahkan bahawa
gasi asia Tenggara Thailand pada aksi Gandingan negara yang turun selaku Sabah mungkin menjadi tuan rumah
kelayakan Piala asia B-23 2024, yang akan pilihan keenam kejohanan menyajikan untuk Kejohanan Tenis Ringan SEaSTF
berlangsung di negara Gajah Putih itu aksi penuh mendebarkan di axiata arena pada hujung tahun ini dengan kira-kira
pada 6 hingga 12 Sept ini. apabila menang set pertama 21-18, namun 150 pemain dari asia Tenggara dijangka
Pada majlis undian kejohanan dua pasangan jepun yang juga juara Masters mengambil bahagian sebagai tamba-
tahun sekali itu yang diadakan di ibu Orleans 2023 menang set kedua 8-21 han kepada 30 daripada Persatuan Tenis
negara hari ini, turut diundi bersama mengheret ke set penentuan. Ringan Mungyung dari Korea jika ia
Malaysia dan Thailand dalam kumpulan H aksi sengit turut berlaku pada set akan diadakan Disember depan.
ialah Bangladesh dan Filipina. ketiga apabila pada satu ketika kedua-dua
anak buah E. Elavarasan dijadual akan pasangan Pearly-Thinaah saling berbalas
bertemu Bangladesh pada 6 Sept, seterus-
nya Filipina (9 Sept) dan tuan rumah pada
pukulan dengan pasangan jepun itu
sewaktu mendahului 16-14 sebelum rali
Sukan dodgeball
panjang tersebut berpihak kepada
12 Sept.
Sebelas juara bagi setiap kumpulan mereka untuk mengutip mata ke-17 dan harap diperkenal
dan empat naib juara terbaik akan meny- seterusnya mematikan usaha lawan
ertai hos, Qatar ke pusingan akhir Piala
asia B-23 yang akan berlangsung di negara
mereka untuk ke suku akhir.
Pearly ketika ditemui pemberita
REAKSI Pearly dan Thinaah meraikan kejayaan selepas
menang pada perlawanan menentang pemain dari Jepun di Sukma 2024
memaklumkan meskipun menempuh Rena Miyaura dan Ayako Sakuramoto. – fotoBERNAMA
Teluk itu pada 15 april hingga 3 Mei tahun SHaH aLaM: Persatuan Dodgeball
hadapan. perlawanan yang sengit namun ia mem- Dalam pada itu, Thinaah berkata “Hari ini (Khamis) kami lebih bersedia Malaysia (MaD) menaruh harapan tinggi
Sebagai rekod, tiga pasukan terbaik buahkan hasil apatah lagi mampu mem- beliau dan Pearly tekad untuk menebus untuk lawan, di Piala Sudirman, baru untuk melihat sukan itu dipertand-
dalam pusingan akhir Piala asia B-23 2024 bolot mata pada aksi rali panjang kekecewaan tumpas di Masters indonesia sahaja kalah dengan Won Ho-Na Sung ingkan pada temasya sukan terbesar
akan layak ke Sukan Olimpik Paris yang terbabit. 2023 dengan gandingan jepun Yuki Seung, pada set pertama memang sangat negara, Sukan Malaysia (Sukma) 2024.
dijadual berlangsung julai hingga Ogos “Saya tidak fikir untuk lakukan puku- Fukushima-Sayaka Hirota pada separuh sengit tapi bila menang set pertama Presidennya Datuk N. Radhakrishnan
tahun depan. lan, ia adalah rali yang panjang dan saya akhir 21-14, 21-19. memang kelebihan,” kata Wooi Yik. berkata langkah untuk menyaksikan
Persatuan Bola Sepak Malaysia (FaM) tahu mereka sudah bersedia, jadi kami Selepas menang tipis 21-19 dalam set Dalam pada itu, beregu lelaki negara, sukan tersebut membuat penampilan
sebelum ini memutuskan tidak menghan- juga telah bersedia. Kami sedar kami letih pertama ke atas pasangan Korea Selatan Man Wei Chong-Tee Kai Wun bangkit sulung di temasya itu yang akan berlang-
tar Skuad B-23 ke Sukan asia 2022 di tetapi lawan juga letih, dalam fikiran, Choi Sol Gyu-Kim Won Ho, juara bertahan daripada ketinggalan pada set pertama sung di Sarawak, bagaimanapun masih
Hangzhou, China pada September ini, kami hanya mahu memenangi rali itu jadi beregu lelaki dunia aaron Chia-Soh Wooi untuk menundukkan pasangan Scotland, dibincangkan dengan negeri tuan
selepas tarikh pusingan Kelayakan Piala kami bersedia dari segi mental dengan Yik ternyata berada dalam kelas tersendiri alexander Dunn-adam Hall 19-21, 21-16, rumah.
asia B-23 2024 ditetapkan dalam bulan baik dan saya sangat gembira kami apabila menang bergaya 21-19, 21-14 21-13 dalam pertarungan rubber set “Melihat kepada sambutan
sama. – Bernama memenangi mata itu,” katanya. untuk ‘meloloskan’ diri ke suku akhir. berlangsung selama 57 minit. – Bernama masyarakat sudah semestinya kami mahu
sukan ini kalau boleh dimasukkan dalam
Pearly-Thinaah sukar ditundukkan – Shida Sukma, namun ia bergantung kepada
negeri yang menganjurkannya.
KUaLa LUMPUR: Biarpun meraih lapan dalam rubber set, 21-15, 18-21, “Kami sedang berunding dengan
kemenangan daripada sembilan per- 21-16. mereka supaya dodgeball akan ada di
lawanan menentang beregu wanita Satu-satunya kemenangan Pearly- sana (Sarawak) nanti. Walau bagaimana-
Piala Itali
utama negara, pasangan ketiga terbaik Thinaah menentang pasangan jepun itu pun, jika tidak tersenarai sebagai sukan
selepas dunia, Nami Matsuyama-Chiharu Shida adalah pada suku akhir Terbuka Peran- kompetitif kami harap ia disenarai seba-
menewaskan sentiasa berhati-hati ketika berdepan cis 2022, 15-21, 21-14, 21-14 sebelum gai sukan pertunjukan,” katanya ketika
Fiorentina gandingan Malaysia ini. melakar sejarah, menjadi beregu ditemui pada Kejohanan Dodgeball jem-
2-1 di Stadio Shida berkata mereka bagaimana- wanita Malaysia pertama merangkul putan asia Pasifik (aPi) di Kompleks
Olimpico, pun teruja hadapi cabaran yang dita- gelaran sejak kejohanan itu diperke- Sukan Shah alam (Stadium Panasonic) di
Rome. mpilkan Pearly-Thinaah di gelanggang. nalkan pada 1908. sini hari ini.
– Foto AFP “Walaupun aksi mereka sukar dira- Pearly-Thinaah merangkul kejuaraan Terdahulu, kejohanan yang disertai
mal, kami benar-benar teruja setiap kali Terbuka Perancis selepas menewaskan 140 kelab daripada 16 negara itu diras-
berdepan dengan gandingan ini,” kata satu lagi gandingan jepun, Mayu Mat- mikan Timbalan Menteri Belia dan Sukan
Shida kepada Bernama melalui penter- sumoto-Wakana Nagahara, 21-19, 18-21, adam adli abdul Halim.
jemah ketika ditemui di Masters 21-15 pada pentas final di Stade Pierre
Martinez bantu Inter Malaysia 2023 di sini, Khamis.
Kedua-dua pasangan itu pertama
De Coubertin, Paris, Oktober lepas.
Terdahulu, Matsuyama-Shida mara
Menurut Radhakrishnan pengenalan
sukan dodgeball di Sukma, pada masa
sama akan menjadi pencetus langkah
kali bertemu dalam Kejohanan Bad- ke suku akhir Masters Malaysia yang bagi melihat ia turut diperkenalkan di
kekal gelaran Piala Itali minton Berpasukan asia 2020 apabila
Matsuyama-Shida terpaksa bekerja
berlangsung di axiata arena selepas
mengatasi Li Wen Mei-Liu Xuan Xuan
temasya Sukan SEa 2025 di Thailand serta
Sukan SEa 2027 apabila negara bergelar
ROME: Lautaro Martinez menjaringkan itali tahun lalu. keras menundukkan Pearly-Thinaah dari China, 21-16, 21-12. – Bernama tuan rumah. – Bernama
dua gol ketika finalis Liga juara-juara juara enam kali, Fiorentina dinafikan
Eropah, inter Milan bangkit daripada
ketinggalan untuk menewaskan
Fiorentina 2-1 dan mengekalkan gelaran
trofi pertama mereka sejak tahun 2001,
tetapi kelab itu masih boleh memenangi
kejuaraan musim ini selepas mara ke
‘Tiada masalah dengan pelantikan Tat Meng’
Piala itali. final Liga Konferens Eropah. KUaLa LUMPUR: Lee Zii jia tidak mempun- Pemain badminton berusia 25 tahun itu membimbing Korea Selatan sehingga
Nicolas Gonzalez meletakkan Mereka akan berdepan West Ham di yai masalah besar berhubung pelantikan berkata demikian mengulas hantaran menjuarai Piala Uber edisi 2022 dan mem-
Fiorentina di depan dalam aksi di Stadio Prague pada 7 jun, tiga hari sebelum Wong Tat Meng sebagai jurulatih baharu media sosial oleh pemain perseorangan bentuk pemain nombor dua dunia an Se
Olimpico, tetapi Martinez menyamakan inter berdepan juara Liga Perdana ing- pemain perseorangan profesional negara lelaki nombor satu Hong Kong angus Ng Young berusia 21 tahun, sebagai seorang
kedudukan sebelum meledak gol keme- geris, Manchester City pada final Liga itu. Ka Long, yang melahirkan kekecewaan daripada pemain perseorangan wanita
nangan di akhir babak pertama untuk juara-juara Eropah di istanbul. apa yang lebih penting kata Zii jia ialah apabila Tat Meng meninggalkan pasukan- utama pada masa ini.
skuad kendalian Simone inzaghi. “Kami perlu mengumpul tenaga hakikat bahawa Tat Meng merupakan juru- nya, membuatkan mereka berdepan situ- Dalam pada itu, bekas juara asia itu
Gelaran Piala itali kesembilan inter untuk Prague. Kami perlu ke sana den- latih tempatan yang mempunyai ciri-ciri asi yang sulit kerana sedang membuat berkata beliau menjangkakan Tat Meng
meletakkan mereka setanding dengan gan penuh yakin dan membawa pulang diperlukan untuk membantu pemain persiapan untuk Sukan asia di Hangzhou, akan menyertai pasukannya selepas Ter-
Roma. Hanya juventus masih mendahu- trofi serta membalas dendam,” kata pen- nombor satu dunia itu merealisasikan China dari 23 Sept hingga 8 Okt. buka indonesia 2023, yang dijadualkan
lui dengan 14 gelaran kejohanan berke- gendali Fiorentina, Vincenzo italiano. impian mengejar emas Olimpik buat Zii jia berkata pelantikan Tat Meng berlangsung di jakarta bermula 13 hingga
naan. Fiorentina, bermula baik apabila Gon- negara di Paris 2024. dilakukan mengikut undang-undang dan 18 jun.
“Saya sangat gembira kami mula zalez menyempurnakan hantaran “Saya tak rasa ia isu besar, kita teruskan semua usaha untuk mencapai kesepakatan Selain Hong Kong dan Korea Selatan,
memenangi trofi bersama kelab hebat jonathan ikone untuk mendahului inter. dan cuba jadi positif kerana akhirnya saya dengan jurulatih berusia 55 tahun itu Tat Meng juga pernah berkhidmat untuk
ini sepanjang dua tahun lalu. Bagaimanapun penyerang argentina, mempunyai jurulatih. bermula apabila beliau ke Hong Kong Persatuan Badminton Malaysia dari 2003
“Kami perlu meneruskan rentak ini. Martinez menyamakan kedudukan “Sebagai rakyat Malaysia, kita seharus- untuk menjalani latihan singkat dengan hingga 2011 dan 2013 hingga 2016 serta
Kami begitu mahukan kejuaraan malam selepas mendapat lorongan Marcelo Bro- nya gembira dengan berita ini dan juru- skuad perseorangan lelaki pada april indonesia pada 2012 dan Scotland bermula
ini. Kami bermula agak perlahan pada 15 zovic pada minit ke-29 untuk gol ke- latih saya pun orang tempatan, jadi mari lepas. 2016 hingga 2018.
minit pertama tetapi kemudian mula 100nya bersama inter. kita saling membantu untuk mengejar Ditanya mengapa Tat Meng menjadi Di Malaysia, Tat Meng menyelia
menyedari kesilapan kami,” kata Mar- Lapan minit kemudian, Martinez impian Olimpik …. Diharapkan beliau “insan terpilih”, atlet berasal dari Kedah itu kebangkitan bekas pemain perseorangan
tinez, yang turut membantu inter meme- sekali lagi menewaskan Pietro Terrac- dapat membawa saya selangkah lebih berkata bekas jurulatih pasukan wanita negara Wong Mew Choo apabila
nangi Serie a pada tahun 2021 dan Piala ciano hasil hantaran Nicolo Barella. – aFP tinggi,” katanya kepada pemberita ketika kebangsaan Korea Selatan itu mempunyai beliau memenangi Terbuka China 2007. –
ditemui pada Malaysia Masters 2023 di sini. pengalaman luas di luar negara termasuk Bernama

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