B Tech

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• Passed 10+2 examina on with Physics / Mathema cs / Chemistry / Computer Science / Electronics /
Informa on Technology / Biology / Informa cs Prac ces / Biotechnology / Technical Voca onal
subject / Agriculture / Engineering Graphics / Business Studies / Entrepreneurship. *(Any of the three-
As per the norms of GoG)
• Obtained at least 45% marks (40% marks in case of candidates belonging to reserved category) in the
above subjects taken together.
• Passed min. 3 years Diploma examina on with at least 45% marks (40% marks in case of candidates
belonging to reserved category) subject to vacancies in the First Year, in case the vacancies at lateral
entry are exhausted.
• Student should have appeared in GUJCET/JEE


• Provision of 50% Management Quota seats as per the rules & regula ons.
• The alloca on for the seats of reserved categories will be as per the rules of the GLS University and
State Government of Gujarat prevailing at the me of admissions.
• For more details please visit: www.jacpcldce.ac.in (CS&E)

For Further Informa on Contact

Faculty of Engineering & Technology
GLS Campus, Opp Law Garden, Ellisbridge, Ahmedabad - 380006
Phone : +91 9825191506, +91 9409583791, +91 079 26447636
Mail At : btech@glsuniversity.ac.in | Website: www.glsuniversity.ac.in FACULTY OF
Follow us : h ps://www.facebook.com/glsubtechcse h ps://instagram.com/glsbtech ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY

We have built world-class ameni es and facili es for

all the University’s stakeholders, providing an
adequate environment for innova ve learning
experiences and space for originality. GLS University
always believes in revolu onizing its infrastructure
as per the requirement of me in this innova ve
ecosystem of educa on.
GLS University is a pioneer in its focus on providing
educa on at par with the best in the world. We aim
to help students become well-rounded individuals
who can think significantly about issues from
mul ple points of view, communicate effec vely,
and become leaders with a commitment to public
Dear Prospec ve Students,
The zenith value of GLS University is to provide an ideal and innova ve learning environment and con nue the tradi on of Gree ngs from GLS University!!!!
GLS University's educa on strongly emphasizes
excellence in the educa on of the sponsoring body of the University, viz... Gujarat Law Society (GLS). GLS established in the We are a dynamic university established in 2015 founda onal knowledge, thorough academic
year 1927, is one of the largest and oldest educa onal ins tu ons in the state of Gujarat. GLS was promoted by luminaries and uniquely located in the heart of Ahmedabad. research based on rigorous pedagogy, innova ve
Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel, Shri Ganesh Mavlankar, the first Speaker of the country, and Shri I. M. Nanava with the vision of Our goals are to pursue high levels of excellence,
Excellence in Educa on. GLS University was established in April 2015 under Gujarat Private University Act-2009. In a short
curriculum, and hands-on experience with real-
promote innova on and nurture crea vity to world challenges. It prepares students to be ethical
span, GLS University has become a Pres gious University with 15,000+ students 10+ departments, and 20+ programs in
improve people's lives. In a city where East meets leaders in a diverse and complex world. We know the
diverse disciplines like Business Management, Design, Law, Computer Applica on, Engineering, Commerce, Performing
Arts, and Research at Undergraduate and Post Graduated levels which provides enhanced learning experiences through
West, our vision is to become globally recognized industry requirement regarding skills and the ability
their excellent academic quality, well-equipped infrastructure, innova ve teaching methods, crea ve curricular design, for professional educa on, one that emphasizes to groom the student by focusing on the Intelligence
experienced faculty, and industry-oriented programs. the mutual enrichment of different cultures and quo ent, Emo onal quo ent, Analy cal quo ent, &
intellectual tradi ons, and for research that makes Crea ve quo ent.
GLS University is a modern organiza on that retains the cultural & heritage values of providing a crea ve learning
a real difference.
environment in a manner that is na onally entrenched, regionally recognized, and globally relevant. GLS University is a safe GLS University follows the Na onal Educa on Policy
and invi ng space with student-centric infrastructure located in the heart of Ahmedabad. Within the lush green campus of In keeping with this vision, since its incep on in (NEP) 2020, which aims to make the educa on
the University, students avail all the facili es of learning and recrea on such as modern classrooms, computer labs, library, 1927, Gujarat Law Society the sponsoring body of system holis c, flexible, mul disciplinary, and
indoor and outdoor sports areas, gym, seminar halls, auditorium, canteen, and so on. GLS University has dis nguished itself by its aligned to the needs of the 21st century and works
With its heritage in Gujarat's pioneering educa on field, GLS University has been an innova ve force in educa on for many excellent academic program delivery, faculty towards the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals.
years. Our strong rela onships with industry and impeccable career services complement high-quality teaching to ensure acquaintance, Corporate Partners, Global Strategic The intent of policy seems to be ideal in many ways,
GLS students gain the knowledge and skills they need to match their ambi on. Our academicians are experts in their fields Alliances, and Visionary Leaders. Our alumni are but it is the implementa on that lies the key to
and driven to deliver research that makes a meaningful social and environmental impact on the na on. making significant contribu ons across sectors success.
GLS University is also known as an educa on hub with liberal thoughts and rigorous learning along with policy from NEP - and around the world and thousands of
Our vision for the next decade is to provide a holis c
2020. We offer flexible entry-exit op ons in relevant programs and also a dual degree program to accelerate the mul - professionals opted for their educa on at our
environment in terms of infrastructure, faculty,
discipline approach for students. GLS University also aligns with an industry-oriented curriculum and offers an industry university.
learning & development environment, research
appren ceship program through various corporate collabora ons which leads the university to focus on experien al As a globally acclaimed university, we emphasize
orienta on, innova on capability, and interna onal
diversity, intercultural learning, and a global vision. outreach to the students which will ensure their
Our new strategic plan is supported by three key pillars which provide a founda on for GLS University to focus on and Our dis nguished faculty are recruited from all overall grooming and development enabling them to
expands over the next 10 years through mee ng societal needs; expanding GLS University's global presence; and over the na on. We have established an excellent compete in na onal as well as interna onal
promo ng skill-based educa on. interna onal network of academic collabora ons scenarios.
GLS University offers students a high-quality educa onal experience that prepares them for success in life, as well as and developed our curriculum in collabora on with Sudhir Nanavati
research that addresses society's most persistent challenges. Our crea on and transfer of knowledge contribute every day numerous interna onal educa on ins tutes. President
to our country's global compe ve advantage and make the world a be er place.
B.Tech (CS & E) is not just another four-year degree. It's a journey and an opportunity to lead you to exci ng opportuni es.
The B.Tech experience as men oned by students across globe has been nothing short of remarkable for them. The students
have had fun exploring new things, learning, helping, and mentoring many people.
B.Tech (CS & E), is a four-year undergraduate academic degree program in computer science. As a computer scien st, you
would be expected to apply your knowledge in building apps for smartphones, designing robots and solving computa onal
20+ 4 years
puzzles. It is a course intended for young and curious minds to seek proficiency in understanding and analyzing various real- 21 years
Foreign University programme
me engineering issues and proposing computa onal solu ons using various scien fic techniques. 96 years of of experience
collabora on designed
The curriculum comprises a wide spectrum of concepts namely computer programming, cryptography & informa on rich legacy of and exper se
under to offer in-depth
security, ar ficial intelligence and machine learning, unstructured databases, embedded systems, Data Analy cs and many Gujarat Law in
Interna onal knowledge into
more. Society IT educa on.
Immersion computer science
B.Tech (CS & E) comprises a total of 8 semesters summing to four year dura on. The first six semesters focus on conceptual programme. and engineering.
and prac cal aspects of engineering and computer science. The last two semesters focus on domain specializa on and
working on Industrial projects. The prac cal based curriculum and domain specializa on provides the graduates a vast
scope of ge ng employed in private IT sector as well as Government sector in posi ons like Fullstack Developer, Web
Designer and Developer, Game Developer, Quality Analyst/Tester, Blockchain Developer, AI/ML Engineers, Data Scien st
/ Data Analyst, Academician, So ware Engineer, So ware Architect etc.
GLS University offers B. Tech (CS & E) with specializa on in the field of Data Analy cs, Cyber Security and Ar ficial
Intelligence & Machine Learning. Specializa on in
3 trending domains Programme
of IT sector: Associa ons with designed
Data Analy cs, more than using Open Source
Cyber Security, 100+ reputed Technologies
CAREER Ar ficial Intelligence IT companies. as a delivery
& Machine pla orm

4 months
Faculty team full me
Student Real life problem
comprising of Industry Internship
centric solving using
Academicians, in upcoming
learning Capstone Project
IT managers technologies of
pedagogy spread across
Web Web and computer science
systems 2 semesters
Developer Designer consultants and
Computer Data Data
Scien st Analyst Engineer

A university University
with located in the
high rate center of
and excellent Ahmedabad
Business Data student support.
Analyst Architect

So ware Business Intelligence Computer

Developer Analyst Programmer
6 Basic Sciences
31 Subjects - Core 2 Capstone Project
Holis c Mentor-ship Real life
Educa on based problem solving Self - Directed
Humani es and Professional
3 Social Sciences 6 Subjects - Elec ves 1 Industry Internship Model that individual through Learning
provides a 360 and team Capstone
flexible learning learning projects
6 Engineering Sciences
3 Specializa on Track

Semester – I 3 Specializa on Tracks

Semester – II Semester – III

• Business Communica on and • Elements of Indian History for • Economics for Engineers
Presenta on Skills Engineers • Discrete Mathema cs
• Elementary Mathema cs for Engineers • Linear Algebra • Technical English Learning
• Environmental Studies • Universal Human Values and • Object Oriented Computer Modernis c Learning
• Computer Programming Paradigm Value Educa on Programming syllabi through
• Computer Programming Laboratory • Data Structures • Prac cals of Object Oriented hands-on
from industrial virtual
• Computer Organiza on & Design • Programming of Data Structures Computer Programming workshop/
perspec ve access
• Prac cals of Computer Organiza on • Rela onal Database Management • Opera ng Systems seminars
& Design System • Linux Scrip ng
• Open Source So ware • Programming of Rela onal Database • Design and Analysis of Algorithms
Management System • MOOC1 – Core Java
• Computer Networks

Semester – IV Semester – V Semester – VI

• Differen al Equa ons and Mul variate • Probability and Sta s cs • Numerical Methods
Calculus • Compiler Design • Computer Graphics and Visualiza on
• Formal Languages & Automa on • Object Oriented Analysis and Design • Cloud Compu ng and Virtualiza on Logic
Theory • Ar ficial Intelligence and Machine • So ware Tes ng Building
• So ware Engineering Learning • Prac cals of So ware Tes ng
• Scrip ng Languages • Prac cals of Ar ficial Intelligence and • Unstructured Databases and
• Prac cals using Scrip ng Languages Machine Learning Data Mining Entrepreneurship
Mock encouraging
• Advanced Java • Mobile Compu ng • Prac cals of Unstructured Databases
Interviews projects
• Programming in Advanced Java • Prac cals of Mobile Compu ng and Data Mining
• Cryptography & Informa on Security • Capstone Project I • Capstone Project II
• MOOC2 – Core Python

Semester – VII Semester – VIII

In this semester the student will be offered 2 compulsory subjects and 6 subjects • Industry Internship
based on the track chosen by him/her:
• Embedded Compu ng Systems Per Diem Online CENTRIC
Ap tude and So Skills
• Prac cals of Embedded Compu ng Systems Technical
• Track # Subject 1 • Track # Subject 3 • Track # Prac cal 1
• Track # Subject 2 • Track # Subject 4 • Track # Prac cal 2

Semester – VII Elec ve Track Subjects

Ar ficial Intelligeance and

Data Analy cs Cyber Security
Machine Learning
Industrial Pre-placement
• Deep Learning • Cyber Laws • Deep Learning
E que es Sessions
• Business Intelligence and Analy cs • Digital Forensics • Knowledge Engineering and
• Big Data Analy cs • Ethical Hacking Intelligent Systems
• Time Series Analysis and Forecas ng • Intrusion Detec on and • Big Data Analy cs Resume
• Big Data Analy cs using Hadoop Internet Security • Time Series Analysis and Forecas ng Building
(Prac cal) • Working with Network Analysis Tools • Big Data Analy cs using Hadoop
• Python for Data Science (Prac cal) (Prac cal) (Prac cal)
• Vulnerability Tes ng (Prac cal) • Python for Data Science (Prac cal)

Art and Culture Tech Fest

GLS University firmly believes in promo ng arts and culture to preserve the country’s rich heritage and mo vate The ins tute organized Na onal Techfest - CyberShadez 2023 themed on ‘Cyber Security’. More than 1100
the students to recognize its importance. GLS has a rich history of over nine decades of arts and cultural par cipants from 90+ ins tutes and 19 states across India par cipated in the event.
engagement and over the years, this has strengthened.
Students at GLS University celebrate various func ons, organize cultural events, talent hunt programmes
and annual day func ons to uphold the spirit of togetherness. The University has set up various clubs and ac vity
commi ees which will ensure smooth celebra ons of various events at the University premises or outside.

Social Responsibili es
Students at the campus not only learn but also understand their moral responsibili es towards the society through
ac vi es like blood dona on camp, cleanliness drive, plant more trees campaign and through various trips to the
schools and ins tutes on the outskirts of the city.

GLS University organizes Annual Sports meet every year to encourage the students to par cipate in various sports
ac vi es. The Annual Sports meet celebra on includes several events like running race, long jump, discuss throw,
badminton (singles/doubles), volleyball, football and many more.

Hackathon is a pla orm whereby young students can leverage their technical skills to solve real life
• Fully furnished AC classrooms, seminar halls, • Residen al facili es with fully furnished challenges posed by various industry experts. NFT based solu ons for museums, fake profile iden fica on
tutorial rooms and conference rooms with AC/Non-AC rooms for boys and girls. for social media, speech and language recogni on, automated a endance system for anganwadi, designing
projec on systems. wearable devices for women safety are some of the real-life issues suggested by the stakeholders across the
• 10,000+ books in Computer Science state. Students par cipa ng in the Hackathon work back-to-back for 36 hours to iden fy the solu on to
• Well-equipped computer laboratories for and Engineering. such issues through the development of applica ons/website/prototype. Students get an opportunity to
hands-on prac cal sessions based on interact with the experts from the industry.
the curriculum. • 5000+ ebooks in Computer Science • Won joint first prize of Rs. 50,000 at the Smart India Hackathon, 2022.
and Engineering. • Won prizes at EthIndia- World's largest Ethereum Hackathon held at Bangalore and at Hackout’22,
• Separate experimental laboratory having
Open Source So ware, IOT devices available
• 50 journals including open access journals • Won second prize of Rs. 30,000 in their problem defini on NARI(Women safety applica on) at SSIP 2022
for unscheduled experiments.
of Computer Science & Engineering and
• Dedicated mul ple high-speed Internet other related subjects.
connec on of 100.0 Mbps.
• An air-condi oned and spacious reading room.
• A lab consis ng of 60 computers with Mac OS.
• Campus wide WiFi facility provided through
• Four labs consis ng of 150+ computers with state of art HP Aruba solu on.
Ubuntu 20.04 LTS OS.


Our students not only get an in-depth

knowledge of various mobile technologies
during the course of study but the students
learn how to create a user-friendly App and
make it live on the play store. The students
in co-ordina on with the faculty have
created several applica ons in Android and
iOS technologies which are live and very
much in use. Official MSc (IT) App, Expense
Tracker App, Smart Calculator App, She
Secure App, Sarathi App, Cyber Shadez App,
GLSU Youth Fes val App, GLSU Annual
Sports Meet, English Gueta App and more
are available on Android store. iOS version
of our official MSc (IT) App is also available
on Apple Store.
GLS University's School of Interna onal Studies prepare and nurture the students for the Global Exposure.
The department offers various global, pathway, and immersion programmes through our well-established
arrangements and rela ons with other foreign ins tutions of repute. Elevate your student living experience with affordable luxury only at The Hive Hostels
At The Hive Hostels, we have curated every space and experience to suit your ever-
GLS University’s Immersion changing moods and needs!
Programmes can provide We strongly believe that your hostel should be a place that enables you to relax, unwind
students an exposure to and refuel- so you have the power to win the world!
Partnering more than foreign educa on in Everything and More - You Just Name It!
50 Foreign Ins tutions very short span.

Lucra ve
The Global Program Opportuni es
can get the student
a world recognised Comfy Bed Study Table Spacious Cupboard High-Speed Wi-Fi
bachelor’s degree.

Student can become

an Interna onally
Accepted Employee. Coffee Machine Pick-up & Drop Service Laundry Service Delicious Meals and
Hand-on prepara on
of English Proficiency
A Place where you Inspire and Be Inspired
and Paperwork
Students can save huge amount for immigra on The Hive Hostels is more than just a roof and 4 walls-it's your comfort zone, a habitat, your own space where you
on their first year’s studies and can meet like-minded people, leam from them, and teach them a thing or two. Here you can express your vision
the living cost of foreign and talk about your dreams and goals without being judged.
land as it takes place in India.
When you are here, you are Never Bored
Contact No: +91-9998552369 | Email: interna onal@glsuniversity.ac.in The Hive Hostels, in simple words, is a junc on of func ons. From the sacred fires of Holi and Lohri
to the joys of Diwali, Eid, and Christmas and even the thrills of Cricket and Football - we just need a
chance to put your best clothes on and get partying!


Contact : +91 95826 74319, 1800-572-0709

*GLS University has collaborated with The Hive Hostels for hostel
facili es where hostel is not managed and owned by GLS University
The placement cell consists of a team of faculty and students who are ac vely involved from invi ng the company,
scheduling campus drive ll the final interview process. The placement ac vi es of the students start right from their
bridge sessions which gives them a kick start to prepare different subjects for the upcoming placements. Placement cell
also trains the students in the following areas:

• Mock Interviews
• Group Discussion
• Ap tude Tests
• Corporate Communica on
and Correspondence Internship Placement

Winner at Chess Tournament - December, 2022

Grooming Campus Recruitment Final Placement

• Resume Building • Online/Wri en Tests
• Analy cal Thinking • Group Discussion
• Decision Making • Interviews
• Work Ethics
• Communica on Skills
Runners' Up Trophy of LJ Cup Tournament Won Prizes at Na onal Colloquim on
January, 2023 Gender Equity and Equality October, 2022 Some of the companies that have visited the campus for placements are:

• 4C InfoEngg • Infosense Global • Space-O Technologies

• Anblicks • Inventyv • Streebo Inc.
• Arguso India Ltd. • iView • Synoverge Technologies
• Aspire So ware Solu ons • Knovos • Tatvaso
• Bacancy • Knowarth Technologies • Tech Compose
• Biztech IT Consultancy Pvt. Ltd. • Learniphi Technology • TechHolding
• BizzAppDev Systems Pvt. Ltd. • Magneto IT Solu ons Pvt Ltd • The One Technologies
• Bluepixel Technologies LLP • Net-Square Solu ons Pvt. Ltd • Third Rock Techkno
• CrossShore Solu ons • Radixweb • WebCodeGenie
• Cybercom Crea on • Redefine Solu ons • Webline India
• Cygnet Inc. • Sarjen Systems Pvt. Ltd. • WebOccult Technologies
• eInfochips • Shiv Technolabs Pvt. Ltd • Yudiz Solu ons Pvt. Ltd.
• Global Vox LLC • SoluLab • ZealousWeb
• iFour Technolab Pvt Ltd • Solu on Analyst • Zeus Learning
Winners of Cyber Shades 2023 • Impero IT Services Pvt Ltd • Source Ved

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