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As a newly recruited Executive Search Consultant, I – Tran Quoc Viet - primarily use social
media channels to locate and attract qualified candidates for companies. As a result, in order to
conduct interviews and filter candidates, I must develop leadership and management skills. In
this research paper, I will do a standard research report on a business by utilizing, analyzing, and
evaluating leadership theories in order to assess their impact on the firm itself.

I will conduct interviews with Ms. Nguyen Huong Tra, a Vinfast employee, and Mr. Tran Khanh
Duy, a former Vinhomes employee, for this research project. Despite the fact that they were
normal employees, they were able to meet and work with two significant Vinfast and Vinhomes
leaders, Ms. Le Thi Thu Thuy and Mr. Pham Thieu Hoa. It is feasible to state that the
information they offer will provide a variety of perspectives on leadership and management.
Based on such information, I obtained detailed evaluations and the most objective advise for
both businesses.
1. Leadership theories applied in an Vingroup.
1.1 Definition of leadership
(Jaiswal, 2022) defines leadership as "leading people to do the right thing."
Furthermore, the act of directing a group of people or an organization is more
skilfully and clearly defined in the Oxford dictionary (Oxford Dictionary, 2022).
1.2 Leadership theories applied in Vinfast.
Ms. Nguyen Huong Trai, a VinFast employee at the Dong Da offices in Hanoi, will be
interrogated first today. Mrs. Tra, a long-time employee of the firm, was glad to share
a wealth of information with us about her experiences working under the management
of the organization's general director, Ms. Le Thi Thu Thuy.
Ms. Le Thi Thu Thuy, the General Director of VinFast International at the time. Her
noteworthy achievements include serving as Chairman of the Board of Directors of
VinFast Trading And Production Limited Liability Company from June 21, 2017 to
the present, as well as General Director of VinFast from December 27, 2021 to the
present. VinFast, a firm led by Ms. Le Thi Thu Thuy, has presented business results
with income from migrating from gasoline autos to electric vehicles, with the goal of
increasing localization rates and mastering technology beginning in 2022: Revenue
topped 115 billion VND in just under a year. (more than 6000 products were sold).
I learned from Ms. Tra that Ms. Thuy used Transactional Leadership Theory to
achieve her goals and run the firm. In essence, transactional leadership theory
describes leaders or managers who inspire subordinates to work through incentives
and rewards. (, 2018) If a subordinate works well, the boss will reward
him or her, and vice versa. According to several news outlets, Ms. Le Thi Thu Thuy
has proactively devised additional incentives for staff with outstanding achievements
to increase personal performance by incorporating this approach into the firm's
management process. Some rules that can be addressed are the Outstanding
Individual Award of the Month, the Year-End Individual Achievement Award, and so
on. (HrlinkVietnam, 2014).
The incorporation of Transactional Leadership Theories into the business process
helps motivate employees to work hard and quickly achieve the organization's
objectives (STU Online, 2014). In addition to the benefits described above, this
leadership style has a number of disadvantages, including the difficulty in
establishing a compelling incentive for all staff (STU Online, 2014). Some
individuals feel that money is sufficient, but others believe that an extra break is
adequate. Furthermore, when leaders focus on completing the goals they set,
Transational Leadership Theories limit employees' originality. Finding workers that
are inventive and successful in the workplace becomes even more critical for
executives who have succession plans.
1.3 Leadership theories applied in Vinhomes.
The second individual I questioned was Mr. Tran Khanh Duy ii a former Vinhomes
employee. Despite the fact that Mr. Duy no longer works for the firm, his knowledge
of Vinhomes Group's CEO is valuable.
Mr. Pham Thieu Hoa is the General Director of Vinhomes Joint Stock Corporation.
His achievements include serving as the Deputy General Director of Vinhomes Joint
Stock Company till May 2019, the General Director of Vinhomes Joint Stock
Company from May 2019 to the present, and a member of the Vinhomes Joint Stock
Company's Board of Directors from July 2020 to the present. Mr. Pham Thieu Hoa
did not hesitate to promote investment and housing construction aimed at enhancing
the health and civilization of the Vietnamese people. According to previously
examined Forbes Vietnam numbers, Vinhomes has completed 74,700 housing units
from 2014 to the present, ranking top in terms of supply and far ahead of other rivals.
I observed Mr. Hoa implementing Transformational Leadership Theory into his
management approach after discussing organizational processes with Mr. Duy. It is an
approach that supports leaders in raising their followers' motivation and performance
using a variety of ways such as conscious engagement, inspiration communication,
intellectual stimulation, and personal care (Pawar, 2016). Mr. Hoa keeps a low profile
in public, but he is well-known within the organization for his vision, which has
helped Vinhomes grow into a large-scale housing system in Vietnam. Seeing the real
estate business opportunity since the 2010s, Mr. Hoa did not hesitate to participate in
the real estate industry, despite the danger. This has unintentionally brought the
participants in the organization together under the banner of Mr. Hoa's imaginative
and charismatic leadership. Under Mr. Hoa's leadership, the group grew to become
one of the most important real estate companies in the nation in 2019, with a revenue
of more than 80,000 billion VND.
Using Transformational Leadership Theory has various advantages. One of these is
improving employee morale via motivation or communication. (Effelsberg, Solga and
Gurt, 2013). This will help employees feel satisfied and encouraged to stay with the
firm for a long time, decreasing the costs involved with locating and training
replacement people. However, this technique has limitations, such as being motivated
by leadership. (Effelsberg, Solga and Gurt, 2013). In other words, some will regard it
as an incentive, while others would see it as constant pressure. Employees may feel
cheated and seek to leave if there is a constant push to achieve business goals.
2. Management theories applied in Vingroup.
2.1 Definition of management
Management is defined as the management board, which is in charge of the
administration and control of an organization's activities, regardless of its nature,
structure, kind, or size. (Indeed Editorial Team, 2021). Management operations
include planning, coordinating, and maintaining a business environment so that
members of a company may collaborate to achieve business goals using available
resources such as natural, financial, technical, and human.
2.2 Management theories in Vinfast
When addressing Ms. Thuy's management style, Ms. Tra noted that she is a person
who always follows the set processes. After a while, I was sure that Ms. Thuy used
MBO Theory in her organizational management approach.
Management by Objectives (MBO) is a management style that tries to enhance the
performance of a company via the formulation and implementation of plans. It is the
process of developing organizational goals and communicating them to the
organization's departments with the goal to achieve the specified strategy. (Islami,
Mulolli and Mustafa, 2018). More specifically, Vinfast's goal is to completely
transition from gasoline to electric cars by 2021, which has resulted in a tremendous
boom in the Vietnamese sector. Ms. Thuy believes that the most crucial factor in
getting the desired results is human resources. She focused on improving performance
by alternating between training and managing business units, as well as setting goals
for each. In the manufacturing department, for example, she focuses on increasing
engineers' knowledge and talents by deploying them to Germany for specialist
educational programs in electricity, while also routinely hiring individuals with a
thorough grasp of electricity. Furthermore, Ms. Thuy directed the production team to
effectively put together and manufacture the first electric automobile within six
months after completing the training. According to the company's annual report, the
revenue of electric cars will have expanded considerably by the end of 2022 owing to
the meticulousness and continual innovation on each vehicle, according to Anh Viet.
Furthermore, Vinfast's administrative and marketing departments met the goals
established by Ms. Thuy.
MBO Theory is a great technique for managing several departments, such as Vinfast.
MBO Theory, as said, helps managers with better planning, better staff management,
and simpler tracking of performance changes (, n.d.). This is also
an opportunity to improve departmental collaboration and efforts. However, this
technique has several downsides. With merely a little variation from the
organization's aim or strategy, the traditional MBO method will be exceedingly
difficult to adapt (, n.d.). Because, in fact, the organization cannot
anticipate unanticipated difficulties that demand severe changes.
2.3 Management theories in Vinhomes
When I questioned Mr. Duy about Mr. Pham Thieu Hoa's working style, I was certain
that he applied Behavioral Theory in the staff management process since Mr. Duy
was always enthusiastic about it.
The human side of labor is the focus of behavioral theory. As a result, in order to
propose solutions to boost organizational efficiency, managers must better understand
employee behavior and motivation in the workplace. It's tough to imagine that Mr.
Pham Thieu Hoa, who is notoriously tight-lipped about his business, is the driving
force behind it. According to Mr. Duy, Mr. Hoa is not only skilled at orienting and
analyzing the real estate market, but he is also fascinated by human behavior and
trends within his organization. More specifically, when a sales department employee
sells an apartment, that worker will frequently receive a predetermined share of
commission depending on the contract agreed upon with the business. And, in some
ways, employees in the Sales department of Vinhomes, one of Vietnam's largest real
estate enterprises, want to be treated better in order to be recognized for their efforts.
When Mr. Hoa discovered this, he did not hesitate to promote the employee
compensation approach. According to Mr. Duy, if a Vinhomes employee
accomplishes the goal, the individual will not only receive the agreed-upon
commission, but will also enjoy a long vacation after working uninterrupted days.
Furthermore, this policy has been in existence since Mr. Duy started working at
Vinfast in 2019 (VinGroup, n.d.).
Behavioral theory is used to regulate and advise managers on how to balance
relationships with coworkers and subordinates (Petit, 1967). Managers can only
establish appropriate policies and programs to improve employee work satisfaction if
they understand their employees' psychology and desires. Not only that, but job
satisfaction boosts employee productivity, which helps considerably to meeting
company objectives. Unfortunately, behavioral theory is not always effective or
applicable to all managerial issues (Petit, 1967). Furthermore, personal biases may
influence their decisions because managers are expected to make better and more
powerful decisions.
3. Impact of Leadership and Managemnt theories on effectivenesses of Vingroup
3.1 Impact of Leadership and Management theories on effectivenesses of Vinfast
Vinfast hopes to capture the Dutch market with new electric automobiles, building on
the successful approach of shifting from petrol to electric cars in Vietnam. Vinfast's
long-term objective is to position the automotive brand in both domestic and
international markets. At the same time, he controls the manufacturing and
distribution of vehicles both locally and internationally (VinGroup, n.d.).
Based on the advantages and disadvantages of the Transactional Leadership Theories
and MBO theory that Ms. Thuy applies in the process of running her business, the
theory's application may completely aid Ms. Thuy in reaching her goals. As a
consequence of this strategy, Ms. Thuy has effectively managed the human resources
team and improved the company's performance. Because of its efficacy, the technique
has acquired a lot of momentum in the Vietnamese market since then. Ms. Thuy will
continue to manage and create policies in accordance with the company's larger-scale
goal, it might be mentioned. This requires Ms. Thuy to be exceedingly vigilant and
deliberate when making any critical decisions (VinGroup, n.d.).
3.2 Impact of Leadership and Management theories on effectivenesses of Vinhomes
Vinhomes' goal for 2023 is to complete the construction of 560,000 social houses in
regions and cities around the country to support lower-income people. More more
generally, Vinhomes' long-term goal is to develop a brand image of sophisticated yet
fully equipped house for Vietnamese and Vietnamese people (VinGroup, n.d.).
Based on the benefits and drawbacks of the Transformational Leadership Theory and
Behavioral Theory that Mr. Hoa employs in the course of running the business, the
theory's application can completely assist Mr. Hoa in achieving his objectives. By
focusing on optimizing the interaction and increasing staff job satisfaction, Mr. Hoa
will be able to exploit greater and deeper details about the finances, costs, land bank
or market trends. This also helps Mr. Hoa to develop and analyze with the finance
team. From there, propose suitable construction plans to save costs while still fully
providing amenities for people (VinGroup, n.d.).
4. Assess Leadership and Management Styles in a range of situations.

To glean information from the interviews, I asked Mr. Duy and Ms. Tra, "How do
you think leaders will change their management and leadership methods when the Covid-
19 epidemic suddenly hits?".

Figure 1: The shift in directors’ leadership styles

Mr. Pham Thieu Hoa Ms. Le Thi Thu Thuy
(General Director of Vinhomes) (General Director of Vinfast)

Before the Mr. Duy explained that Mr. Hoa often holds Ms Tra explained that Ms Le Thi Thu
Covid-19 annual meetings to collect and plan Thuy has full responsibility for
Pandemic requirements for land, housing and people. formulating and implementing the
Mr. Duy noted that Mr. Hoa specifically company's strategies and policies. Human
encouraged employees to participate in resources must follow the plans provided
presenting market insights to help them to achieve the overall goals of the
make better decisions in the future. organization. According to (VinFast -
 Democratic Vigorous Vietnamese spirit, n.d.), Ms.
Thuy researched and devised her own
strategies, such as advertising strategies,
when she demonstrated the importance of
the environment, particularly the
environment of cities in Vietnam and
necessitates the Marketing department
directly bringing that will and information
of Vinfast to everyone.
 Autocratic

During the Because of the economic depression, The spreading Covid-19 outbreak
Covid-19 people's willingness to buy houses fell hampered production and prohibited
Pandemic substantially, prompting Mr. Hoa to products from being launched. Ms. Thuy
personally manage and lead the organization changed her mind at this point and
in accordance with the strategy he had attended many discussions with people.
established to address the situation. Ms. Thuy understands client wants and
 Autocratic conducts marketing and product image
promotion based on yearly reports and
market trends provided by others.
 Democratic
Mr. Hoa returned to his former management Ms. Thuy chose to return to Autocratic to
style, Democratic, when the outbreak continue running the firm when the
stopped and the economy recovered. epidemic was over and income had
stabilized. She argues that the post-
epidemic era is opportune for
implementing more international policy.

5. Examine the factors that influence the development of the culture in organisation.
5.1 Definition
Corporate culture is a set of cultural characteristics chosen and approved by its
organization that have a practical influence on the actions of its staff (Tarver, 2021).
5.2 Dimension of Culture
There are six dimensions in total and they are very interesting to understand. The first is
Adaptability, which essentially implies that in order to obtain more information and
experience, you must be able to confront events that you could never have predicted.
(Kaplan, 2022). Second is Attention to detail, which means employees should be
expected to complete their tasks with care and attention to detail (Kaplan, 2022). Third is
Results-oriented, The emphasis is on results rather than formulae and methods for
accomplishing goals (Sổ tay doanh trí, n.d.). Fourth is People orientation, Examine the
impact of the results on people both inside and beyond the firm (Guthrie, 2021). Fifth is
Group orientation, promote collaborative effort above solo activities (,
n.d.). And final Integrity, Promote collaborative effort above solo activities (Indeed
Career Guide, n.d.).
The major culture of Vinfast is Adaptation. Since I discovered through my interview with
Ms. Tra that Vinfast is a very competitive company with many talented individuals. As a
result, the ability to adapt and perform under pressure is critical in the business world.
Duy noted that Vinhomes is continually in search of individuals who can cooperate and
work efficiently in a team. In addition, employees working together and aiding each other
in the same group would produce higher quality and efficiency than an individual,
especially for a real estate business like Vinhomes. Therefore, Team orientation will be a
suitable choice.

5.3 The factors that should influence workplace culture.

In theory, there are four factors that influence workplace culture. Philosophy,
selection criteria, leadership, socialization. Each factor affects company culture to
some extent, but not by much (ResearchGate, n.d.). In reality, Vinfast is impacted by
two factors:

 Philosophy: Vinfast believes that people are the most important asset of an organization.
As a result, Vinfast always strives to create rules that optimize work rights and employee
development and improve the spirit and knowledge of the company's resources
(Vingroup, n.d)
 Leadership: Vinfast establishes rules to guide and inspire people. Vinfast's work
environment is highly competitive and stressful, so fair regulation and the development
of competent management are among the most important factors in maintaining corporate
culture and performance (Vingroup, n.d)
Vinhomes is also impacted by two other factors:
 Leadership: Vinhomes, like Vinfast, has personnel management regulations. Creating a
compensation or benefits plan is one approach to maintaining an active work culture at
 Selection criteria: Vinhomes promoted this criterion and recruited the best applicants to
the group from the beginning. Employees who work in line with the Group's concept can
quickly integrate into and maintain the Vinhomes culture.

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