MODULE 6.8 Reservoir Problems

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In the figure shown, the three pipes 1, 2, and 3 connects the three reservoirs A, B, and C
respectively and with all pipes meeting at a common junction P.
Types of Reservoir Problems
Type 1: Given the discharge in one of the pipes, or given the pressure at the junction P, and the
required is the elevation of one of the reservoirs or the diameter or length of one of the pipes, and
Type 2: Given all the pipe properties and elevation of all reservoirs, find the flow in each pipe,
which can be solved by trial and error.
In any of these types, the main objective is to locate the position (elevation) of the energy
at the junction P. This position represents the water surface of an imaginary reservoir at P. The
difference in elevation between this surface and the surface of another reservoir is the head lost in
the pipe leading to that reservoir (See the second figure).
Procedure in Solving Reservoir Problems:
Type 1:
1. With known flow in one pipe leading to or flowing out from a reservoir of known elevation,
solve for its head lost hf.
2. Determine the elevation of the energy grade line at the junction of the pipes (P) by adding
or subtracting (depending on the direction of flow) the head lost in the pipe from the
elevation of the water surface in the reservoir.
3. If the known value is the pressure at P, the elevation of P’ is the elevation P + pp/γ.
4. Draw a line from P’ to the surface of the other reservoir. These lines represent the EGL’s
of each pipe. The difference in elevation between P’ and the surface of the reservoir is the
head lost in the pipe.
5. Solve for the discharge.
Type 2:
1. Given all elevation and pipe properties, determine the direction of flow in each pipe. Of
course, the highest reservoir always have an outflow and the lowest always have an inflow,
but the middle reservoir (B) may have an inflow or outflow.
2. To find out the direction of flow in pipe 2, assume that Q2 = 0 such that P’ is at elevation
B, then the values of hf1 and hf3 can be solved. (In the figure shown, hf1 = 20m and hf3 =
30m). With hf1 and hf3 known, solve for Q1 and Q3. If Q1 > Q3, then Q2 is towards B and
P’ is above reservoir B. If Q1 < Q3, then Q2 is away from B and P’ is below reservoir B.
3. After determining the direction of Q2 (say towards reservoir B), express all the head lost in
terms the other, say in terms of hf1. Let hf1 = x.

With all head lost hf expressed in terms of x, all flow Q can also be expressed in terms of
x (usually in the form 𝑎√𝑥 + 𝑏 ).
Example, if Darcy-Weisbach or Manning formula is used, hf varies with Q2.
[ℎ𝑓 = 𝐾𝑄 2 ]
ℎ𝑓1 = 𝑥 = 𝐾1 𝑄1 2
𝑄1 = 𝐾′1 √𝑥 (eq. 1)
ℎ𝑓2 = 20 − 𝑥 = 𝐾2 𝑄2 2

𝑄2 = 𝐾′2 √20 − 𝑥 (eq. 2)

ℎ𝑓3 = 50 − 𝑥 = 𝐾3 𝑄3 2

𝑄3 = 𝐾′3 √50 − 𝑥 (eq. 3)

[𝑄1 = 𝑄2 + 𝑄3 ]
𝐾′1 √𝑥 = 𝐾′2 √20 − 𝑥 + 𝐾′3 √50 − 𝑥
Simplify the equation and solve for x. We may also use trial and error solution.
4. Once x is determined, substitute its value to Equations (1), (2), and (3) to solve for Q1, Q2,
and Q3, respectively.
1. The turbine shown is located in the 350 mm-diameter line. If the turbine efficiency is 90%,
determine its output power in kilowatts.
2. A 1200 mm-diameter concrete pipe 1800m long carries 1.35 m3/s from reservoir A, whose
water surface is at elevation 50m, and discharges into two concrete pipes, each 1350m long
and 750 mm in diameter. One of the 750-mm diameter pipe discharges into reservoir B in
which the water surface is at elevation 44m. Determine the elevation of the water surface
of reservoir C into which the other 750-mm diameter pipe is flowing. Assume f = 0.02 for
all pipes.
3. Three reservoirs A, B, and C are connected respectively with pipes 1, 2, and 3 joining at a
common junction P whose elevation is 366m. Reservoir A is at elevation 933m and
reservoir B is at elevation 844m. The properties of each pipe are as follows: L1 = 1500m,
D1 = 600mm, f1 = 0.02; L2 = 1000m, D2 = 450mm, f2 = 0.025; L3 = 900m, D3 = 500mm,
f3 = 0.018. A pressure gage at junction P reads 4950 kPa. What is the flow in pipe 3 in
m3/s and the elevation of reservoir C?
4. Determine the flow in each pipe in the three reservoirs shown.
5. In the pipe shown below, use Manning’s Formula, where n = 0.011. Determine the
discharge in pipes A, B, and C.

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