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English Language and Assessment

Siti Shaharanie Aqilah Azzahra/5A

Monologue Script

In this listening section you will have a chance to show how well you understand spoken
English. You will hear a speaker reads a text. The text will be read two times. They will
not be printed in your working sheet, so you must listen carefully to understand what
the speaker says. Choose a, b, c, or d as your best answer.

The killer sea waves known as tsunamis are so quiet in their approach from a far, so
harmless, that until their history has been one of surprise attack.

These seismic sea waves- or tidal waves, as they are sometimes called- bear no
relation to the moon or tides. And the word tsunami, Japanese for harbor wave, relates to
their destination rather than their origin. The causes are various: undersea or coastal
earthquakes, deep ocean avalanches or volcanism. Whatever the cause, the wave motion
starts with a sudden move like a hit from a giant paddle that displaces the water.

In 1883, Krakatau volcano in the East Indonesia erupted, and the entire island
collapsed in 820 feet of water. A tsunami of tremendous forces bouncing around Java and
Sumatra, killing 36,000 people with walls of water that reached 115 feet in height.

In 1946, tsunami struck first near Alaska and then without warning hit the Hawaiian
islands, killing 159 people and causing millions of dollars damage.

1. The speaker describes in detail …………..

a. How harmless the tsunami seems to be for sailor
b. What damage the tsunami caused in Japan
c. When the tsunami tends to attack unexpectedly
d. Why tsunamis are called the killer sea waves
2. When did the Krakatau erupt?

a. 159                 b. 115                    c. 1883                  d. 1946

3. How high was the sea wave that took 36,000 lives?

a. 115 feet       b. 159 feet          c. 100     feet      d. 820 feet

4. The thing that cannot cause for seismic waves is…

a. Earthquakes under the ocean                            c. ocean volcanoes

b. The rise and falls of sea levels                           d. underwater avalanches

English Language and Assessment
Siti Shaharanie Aqilah Azzahra/5A

Dialogue Script
In this part,you will hear conversations. After each conversation, you will be asked some
questions. The conversations and questions will be spoken just two times. They will not be
written out for you, so you will have to listen carefully to understand and remember what the
speaker says.
When you hear a question, read the four possible answers in your test book and decide which
one would be the best answer to the question you have heard. Then, on your answer sheet,
find the number of the problem and fill in the space that corresponds to the letter of the
answer you have chosen.

Woman 1 :  I can’t believe we have to read this entire book by Monday.

Woman 2 : Some teachers think you have nothing else to do besides prepare for their class.
Woman 1 : Well, my boss thinks the same thing about my job — that it’s the only thing I
have to do.
Woman 2 : Oh, I didn’t know you were working. What do you do?
Woman 1 : I do bookkeeping work for a small company on Saturdays. This weekend, I have
to prepare end of the quarter reports to give to the accountant on Monday.
Woman 2 : You’d better start reading soon.

Questions :
1. What does the woman 1 imply about the assignment?
2. What does the woman 1 imply about some teachers?
3. What does the woman 2 suggest that the man do?
4. What does the woman 1 say about his work?

1. A. It is too much to read in such a short time.

B. He has already read the material
C. He can read at work
D. The teacher knows that he has a job

2. A. They are understanding.

B. They give thought-provoking assignments.
C. They act like taking their class is the only thing a student has to do.
D. They are unprepared.

3. A. Skip work
B. Begin work on the assignment as soon as possible
C. Quit the class
D. Stay up all night

4. A. He does manual labor.

B. He dislikes his job.
C. His employer is very understanding.
D. He works with figures.

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