8 Kinds of Text Structures-1

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8 kinds of different structures

Once upon a time, there was a small town nestled in the heart of the countryside. It was a place
where everyone knew each other and where life was simple and uncomplicated. The town was
surrounded by lush green hills, and at the center of it all was a quaint little church.

One day, a stranger arrived in town. He was a tall man with a rugged appearance, and he carried
a large backpack on his shoulders. The people of the town were curious about him, and they
welcomed him with open arms. The stranger introduced himself as Jack and said he was just
passing through.

As the days went by, Jack became a familiar sight in the town. He would spend his days
exploring the hills and the nearby forests, and he would often be seen sitting on the steps of the
church, lost in thought.

Over time, the people of the town began to notice a change in Jack. He seemed more relaxed and
at peace with himself, and he started to open up to the people around him. He shared stories of
his travels, and he listened intently to the stories of the townsfolk.

Eventually, the day came for Jack to leave the town. The people gathered around him to say
goodbye, and many shed tears at his departure. Jack promised to return one day, and the people
of the town knew that they had made a friend for life.

Mabua Pebble Beach is a stunning destination located in Surigao City, Philippines, known for its
unique beach composed of small, smooth pebbles instead of sand. The beach is approximately 20
kilometers away from the city proper, and it offers an unparalleled experience that visitors will
surely enjoy.

Upon arriving at Mabua Pebble Beach, visitors are greeted with a breathtaking view of the
crystal clear waters that stretch out endlessly before them. The water is so clear that visitors can
see the pebbles beneath the water’s surface. The pebbles come in different sizes, shapes, and
colors, making the beach an impressive sight that is indeed one of the most scenic beaches in the

Despite the absence of a traditional sandy beach, there is no shortage of fun activities that
visitors can enjoy at Mabua Pebble Beach. Visitors can go for a swim, snorkel, dive or just relax
under the sun while appreciating the beach’s natural beauty. The surrounding area is perfect for a
picnic, with shaded areas under the trees available to enjoy a meal.

Mabua Pebble Beach is also an excellent spot for photography enthusiasts as the flat and smooth
pebbles create a fascinating texture for photos that make them stand out from other typical beach
images. Moreover, during the golden hour of the day, the beach’s surroundings create a stunning
natural setting for photographs.

For those looking for adventure, Mabua Pebble Beach offers other activities like exploring the
nearby caves, rock formations, and hidden lagoons. In short, visiting the Mabua Pebble Beach
should be a must-try for travelers looking for a unique and unforgettable experience.
Comparison & Contrast
The differences and similarities between two countries, France and Germany based on their
culture, economy, and lifestyle.

Culture: Both France and Germany are rich in culture and heritage. France is famous for its fine
arts, cuisine, and wine, while Germany is renowned for its classical music, beer, and festivals.
France is the home of the Eiffel Tower, while Berlin has the Brandenburg gate. Although they
are unique in their ways, both countries have a rich and fascinating history of art and culture that
is worth exploring.

Economy: France and Germany have large and prosperous economies among European
countries. France is famous for its fashion, luxury goods, food, and wine industries. Germany is
known for its machinery and car manufacturing. Both countries are leaders in the European
Union and have significant global influence concerning trade and diplomacy. However, France
has a higher unemployment rate than Germany.

Lifestyle: France and Germany have similar lifestyles in terms of likes, dislikes, and social
interactions. Both countries enjoy cycling, hiking, and outdoor activities. However, the pace of
life in France is more relaxed compared to Germany, which is a centric nation with a disciplined
and low-key way of life.

In conclusion, France and Germany share similar traits in terms of culture, have both developed
economies, and a love for outdoor recreational activities. However, there are differences between
them, which makes each country unique.
Exemplification & Classification
Cycling is one of the easiest, most enjoyable, and effective ways to maintain one’s fitness and
health levels. Riding a bike for at least 30 minutes every day can help give a healthy and stable
lifestyle with numerous benefits. The following are some of the benefits and classifications of
cycling every day:

1. Physical benefits: Cycling strengthens the body, especially the leg muscles, which aid in
burning calories and improving endurance. It enhances cardiovascular efficiency, reduces
body fat, and aids in maintaining a healthy weight. Cycling also improves lung and
circulation functions while lowering blood pressure and cholesterol levels.

2. Mental benefits: Cycling daily helps to reduce stress, anxiety, and depression. Endorphins
are released by the body during physical activity, which helps to uplift the mood and
boost self-esteem.

3. Environment: Cycling every day leads to minimal vehicular pollution, reduces carbon
footprint and sustainability, and encourages ecologically sustainable lifestyles.

4. Cost-effectiveness: One of the best reasons to cycle every day is that it is the most cost-
effective mode of transportation, alleviating the need for petrol or diesel.

5. Safety: Cycling every day hastens reflexes, improves balance and co-ordination, hence
developing safer and better decision making on the road.

cycling daily has various benefits, including physical, environmental, and mental wellbeing.
Cycling provides an easy and accessible way to perform physical activity while offering
numerous health benefits.
Problem solutions:
Cyber bullying is a serious problem that has become increasingly prevalent in recent years. It is
defined as the use of electronic communication to bully a person, typically by sending messages
of an intimidating or threatening nature. Cyber bullying can have serious consequences,
including depression, anxiety, and even suicide.

One solution to this problem is to create a safe online environment. This can be done by
implementing policies that prohibit cyber bullying and by educating students, parents, and
teachers about the dangers of cyber bullying. Schools should also provide resources to help
students who are victims of cyber bullying. These resources could include counseling, support
groups, and hotlines.

Another solution is to create a culture of respect and understanding. Schools should promote
positive online behavior and discourage negative behavior. They should also encourage students
to report any instances of cyber bullying they witness or experience.

Finally, it is important to hold those who engage in cyber bullying accountable for their actions.
Schools should have clear policies in place that outline the consequences for cyber bullying.
These consequences should be enforced consistently and fairly.

By implementing these solutions, schools can create a safe online environment and help prevent
cyber bullying. It is important to remember that cyber bullying is a serious problem and should
not be taken lightly.
Cause and effect
Mobile games addiction is a growing problem in today’s society. It is a form of addiction that
can have serious consequences on a person’s physical, mental, and emotional health.

The cause of mobile games addiction is multi-faceted. It can be caused by a variety of factors,
such as the availability of mobile games, the ease of access, and the reward system that is built
into many of these games. Mobile games are designed to be highly addictive, with features such
as leaderboards, achievements, and in-game rewards that encourage players to keep playing.
Additionally, many mobile games are free-to-play, making them even more accessible to people
of all ages.

The effects of mobile games addiction can be far-reaching. People who are addicted to mobile
games may find themselves neglecting their responsibilities, such as school, work, and family.
They may also experience physical health problems, such as headaches, fatigue, and poor
concentration. Additionally, people who are addicted to mobile games may experience mental
health issues, such as depression, anxiety, and mood swings.

In order to combat mobile games addiction, it is important to recognize the signs and symptoms
of addiction. It is also important to set limits on the amount of time.
Sequence or chronological
I’m going to tell you about my first day of senior high school. It was a disaster. I Wake up late
cause my alarm didn’t off. I rushed to get ready and ended up wearing mismatched socks. When
I got to campus, I couldn’t find my classroom and ended up being 20 minutes late. The teacher
gave me a dirty look and I knew I was off to a bad start.

After class, I went to the canteen to buy some snacks and drinks I accidentally spilled my drink
all over a girl uniform and had to walk around with a giant stain on his uniform for the rest of the

To make matters worse, I had a meeting with my Teacher in automotive scheduled for later that
afternoon. I showed up to the wrong building and I almost late appointment.

Overall, my first day of senior high school was a mess. But looking back, it’s kind of funny. I
learned that it’s important to set multiple alarms, double check your schedule, and always be
careful and to rush. Senior high school is full of surprises, but I’m excited to see what the
future holds.

Mobile games addiction is a growing concern in today’s society. These days, it’s almost
impossible to avoid mobile games, with the ease of access and the sheer number of games
available. While many people can play games responsibly, for some, it can lead to addiction,
causing problems in their personal and professional lives.

Mobile games are designed to be addictive, with features such as in-app purchases, daily
rewards, and social interactions, making it difficult for players to put down their devices.
Addiction to mobile games can lead to a variety of negative consequences, including decreased
productivity, social isolation, and financial problems.

If you find yourself struggling with mobile games addiction, it’s important to seek help. Talk to
your friends and family about your concerns, and consider seeking professional help. There are
many resources available, including addiction support groups and therapy.

Moreover, it is important to set limits on how much time you spend playing games, and to stick
to them. Avoid playing games during work or class, and designate specific times for gaming.
Also, consider deleting games that you find particularly addictive, and replacing them with
healthier hobbies, such as exercise or reading.

mobile game addiction is a rising issue in today’s society, and it’s crucial to recognize and
address the problem before it becomes too late. Set boundaries, seek help if necessary, and find
other fulfilling activities to prevent addiction from taking over your life.

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