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CvSU Vision CvSU Mission

The premier University in Republic of the Philippines Cavite State University shall
historic Cavite recognized for CAVITE STATE UNIVERSITY provide excellent, equitable and relevant
excellence in the development educational opportunities in the arts,
SILANG CAMPUS sciences and technology through quality
of globally competitive and
morally upright individuals.
Biga I, Silang, Cavite instruction and responsive research and
development activities.
It shall produce professional,
skilled and morally upright individuals for
global competitiveness


I. Multiple Choice
Read the statements carefully and encircle the answer that best describes it.
1. A kind of language which expresses all the senses. It is also a combination of observation and
imagination. What is it?
A. Prose B. Poetry
C. Short Story D. Novel
2. An imaginative re-creation and re-construction of life and presents human life.
A. Prose B. Poetry
C. Short Story D. Novel
3. It is a form of prose which deals with the process of governing thoughts, conducts and the
theory of investigation.
A. Current Publications B. Literary Criticism
C. Philosophy D. Anecdote
4. Julia was assigned to critique the story Everyday Use by Alice Walker based on her own
perception and thoughts about it. What theory did Julia use?
A. Authorial Theory B. Reader’s Response Theory
C. Mimetic Theory D. Textual Analysis Theory
5. When your parents learn about your new plan to raise money, it’s going to sink like the
Titanic. What poetic image has been implied in the sentence?
A. Hyperbole B. Irony
C. Synecdoche D. Allusion
6. It refers to the arrangement of words and of the parts to form a whole in poetry.
A. Sensory Images B. Structure
C. Sound D. Speaker
7. This figure of speech uses a part to represent the whole. What is it?
A. Hyperbole B. Irony
C. Synecdoche D. Allusion
8. It pertains to something that stands other than their selves.
A. Tone/Mood B. Stream of Consciousness
C. Symbolism D. Medias res
9. This conflict occurs when the main character struggles within himself or herself.
A. Internal Conflict B. External Conflict
C. Intrapersonal Conflict D. Interpersonal Conflict
10. The story of Good Samaritan narrated by Jesus in Luke 10:25-37 was an example of what
form of prose?
A. Anecdote B. Parable
C. Character Sketch D. Sermon
11. A speech delivered by a clergyman intended to give religious or moral instructions and
usually based on Scriptural text.
A. Oration B. Parable
C. Lecture D. Sermon
12. In Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, what form of prose was exemplified in Dumbledore’s
conversation with the visiting headmaster which he says, “Oh, I would never dream of assuming
I know all Hogwarts’ secrets, Igor. Only this morning, for instance, I took a wrong turn on the
way to the bathroom and found myself in a beautifully proportioned room I had never seen
A. Historical Prose B. Anecdote
C. Eulogy D. Talk
13. It implies a formal, carefully prepared speech and usually attributes importance to the
speaker or the speech. What form of prose is it?
A. Address B. Lecture
C. Talk D. Speech
14. Based on this literary theory, one studies literature with one eye set on the literary text and
the other eye set on writer’s biography. What theory is it?
A. Literary Tradition Theory B. Mimetic Theory
C. Textual Analysis Theory D. Authorial Theory
15. The BSE IIIB English was asked by their literary instructor to analyze and evaluate the story
Reunion by John Cheever based on the significance of the story’s setting, theme, atmosphere and
title. What literary perspective did they perform in doing so?
A. Psychological B. Formalist
C. Reader’s Response D. Textual Analysis
16. This states that literature reflects the real world or the world of ideal concepts of things from
which the subjects of literature is derived. What is it?
A. Mimetic Theory B. Literary Tradition Theory
C. Textual Analysis Theory D. Authorial Theory
17. Refer to the passage excerpted in the story Desire by Paz Latorena. In what point of view is
it classified?
“They met, again. And again. Thoughts, pleasant thoughts, began to fill her mind. Had she at
last found one who liked her sincerely? For he liked her, that she was ready to believe. As a
friend, a pal who understood him. And the though gave her happiness – a friend, a pal who
understood him – such as she had never experienced before.”
A. First Person B. Second Person
C. Third person D. Omniscient
18. In one of his poems, the author Rafael Zulueta said that the Filipinos are like the Molave.
What figure of speech was used?
A. Simile B. Personification
C. Metaphor D. Hyperbole
19. To whom does the poem Like the Molave addressed?
A. Philippines B. Filipinos
C. Jose Rizal D. Youth
20. Based on the poem Like the Molave, why should Rizal not rest in peace?
A. The youth are not yet ready to take on the responsibilities.
B. Rizal is still young when he died.
C. Filipinos are in need of a sacrifice.
D. All of the above
21. This occurs when a story skips a period of time that seems unusual compared to the rest of
the plot. What do you call this?
A. Foreshadowing B. Medias res
C. Time Lapse D. Flashback
22. Who wrote the short story entitled The Mats?
A. Francisco Arcellana B. Francesco Arcelana
C. Francisco Arcelana D. Francesco Arcellana
23. It pertains to the opposition of persons or forces upon which the action depends in drama or
fiction. What is it?
A. Plot B. Point of View
C. Theme D. Conflict
24. This kind of plot is considered to be episodic and can be often found in a novel than a short
story. What is it?
A. Man in a Hole B. Man on Road
C. Man in a Tub D. Man on Plane
25. According to James, a literary student of Ms. Cruz, that the mats in the story The Mats
signifies the tradition and culture of the family in the story based on his analyzation of the signs
depicted on the story. What literary perspective do you think James used?
A. Formalist Criticism B. Structuralism
C. Literary Tradition Theory D. Textual Analysis Theory
26. This literary perspective was also known as the work as an entity in itself.
A. Mimetic Theory B. Reader’s Response Theory
C. Textual Analysis Theory D. Literary Tradition Theory
27. Lily criticized the story Everyday Use by Alice Walker based on the tradition of the Black
African during the time it was written. What literary perspective did Lily use?
A. Formalist Criticism B. Structuralism
C. Literary Tradition Theory D. Textual Analysis Theory
28. A form of prose that ridicules the vices and follies of men.
A. Literary Criticism B. Satirical Prose
C. Parody D. Philosophy
29. Brochures and advertisements regarding with the proper diet and healthy living is an example
of what form of prose?
A. Eulogy B. Pamphlet
C. Travel D. Anecdote
30. Jose Rizal wrote on his diary every quest he has been to. Even his sojourn in different
countries were included. In what form of prose can this be classified?
A. Historical Prose B. Travel
C. Anecdote D. Talk
31. Odyssey is a poem written by Homer about the Greek hero Odysseus and his journey home
after the fall of troy. What kind of narrative poetry Odyssey is?
A. Epic B. Metrical Tale
C. Modern or Artistic D. Metrical Allegory
32. It was considered to be the simplest type of narrative poetry and it was intended to be sung.
A. Ode B. Metrical Romance
C. Ballad D. Song
33. These have measures of eight syllables and recited to a material beat.
A. Elegy B. Song
C. Corridos D. Sonnet
34. It a poem written on a death of a friend of the writer.
A. Epic B. Elegy
C. Ode D. Metrical Tale
35. Based on this excerpt to one of W. Shakespeare works, what kind of lyric poetry is it?
From fairest creatures we desire increase,
That thereby beauty’s rose might never die.
But as the riper should by time decease,
His tender heir might bear his memory:
A. Ode B. Song
C. Sonnet D. Corrido
36. Based on the story The Mats, which of the following is the rising action of it?
A. When Mr. Angeles said that he is coming home.
B. When Mr. Angeles unfolded the three remaining mats.
C. When Mr. Angeles is giving the mats to each member of the family.
D. When the name of the three remaining mats were revealed.
37. How about the climax of the story The Mats?
A. When Mr. Angeles said that he is coming home.
B. When Mr. Angeles unfolded the three remaining mats.
C. When Mr. Angeles is giving the mats to each member of the family.
D. When the name of the three remaining mats were revealed.
38. What is the theme of the story The Mats?
A. This plot device determine or the narrator of the story. What is it?
A. Character B. Plot
C. Point of View D. Setting
39. It was considered to be the stereotype in the story or the one who doesn’t grow and develop.
What type of character is it?
A. Protagonist B. Antagonist
C. Round D. Flat
40. This literary perspective views that the meaning of text bears only accidental relationship to
the author’s conscious intentions. What is it?
A. Formalist B. Structuralism
C. Deconstruction D. None of the above
41. Pablo was instructed to appraise the story Anticipation by Mabel Dove Danquah based on his
opinions regarding with the treatment of Nana to his wife Effua. What literary perspective should
Pablo use?
A. Literary Tradition Theory B. Textual Analysis Theory
C. Reader’s Response Theory D. Authorial Theory
42. Princess was then assigned to critique a poem relating it to the life of the poet who wrote it.
What literary perspective will help Princess?
A. Literary Tradition Theory B. Textual Analysis Theory
C. Reader’s Response Theory D. Authorial Theory
43. Mr. Smith always made sure the community learned from him after the seminar regarding
with proper segregation of wastes. What form of prose did Mr. Smith use?
A. Talk B. Sermon
C. Lecture D. Speech
44. Father Ramon shares some inspiration to the Sunday mass by scripting biblical verses to the
community. What form of prose did Father Ramon use?
A. Talk B. Sermon
C. Lecture D. Speech
45. It is a lyric poem which is serious in subject and dignified in style. What kind of lyric poetry
is it?
A. Ode B. Elegy
C. Song D. Sonnet
II. Alternate Response
Write T if the statement is TRUE, F if it is FALSE. Write your answer beside the number on the
line provided.
__________ 1. Literary Criticism refers to reader’s way in understanding the texts.
__________ 2. Literary Theory refers to the understanding of the text.
__________ 3. Formalist Criticism calls for a careful and thought reading of the texts.
__________ 4. Literary Theories are now considered to be unimportant due to the new
__________ 5. Deconstruction assumes that language refers only to itself rather than the extra-
textual reality.
__________ 6. Structuralism believes that the author’s individual contribution should be denied.
__________ 7. Poetry should answers the demand for rhythm of the readers.
__________ 8. To read a poem, one should take time to imagine what the poet is portraying.
__________ 9. It’s chilly out there is an example of antithesis.
__________ 10. Usage of poetic images in writing a poem is not necessary.
III. Matching Type
Choose the answers inside the box that best describes the statements. Write your answer on the
line provided.

a. Character Sketch b. Deconstruction c. Poetry d. Irony

e. Speaker f. Theme g. Structuralism h. Litotes
i. Reader’s Response j. Images k. Poesis l. Oration
_m. Sound n. Rhyme Scheme o. Parody p. Eulogy
q. Current Publications r. Artistic s. Talk t. Formalist

___ 1. It is the formal arrangement of rhymes in a stanza or the whole poem.

____ 2. The voice that talks to the speaker.
____ 3. A figure of speech which makes a deliberate understatement.
____ 4. This is an imitation of another author’s work. To ridicule is the objective.
____ 5. This includes the short description of the qualities of a person.
____ 6. A form of prose that suggest informality.
____ 7. It is also known as the dominating idea in a literary piece.
____ 8. Considered to be the oldest of the arts.
____ 9. It seeks to make literary criticism scientific study.
____ 10. This takes apart the logic of language in which author’s make their claims.
____ 11. It views literary texts as systems of interlocking signs which are arbitrary.
____ 12. This permits varied and numerous insights of the critique.
____ 13. These appeals to the sense of taste, smell, feel, sound or sight.
____ 14. This is an imitation of folk ballad that makes use of different devices and conventions.
____ 15. It means making or creating.
____ 16. This poetic image says the opposite of what is meant.
____ 17. This is the combination of all the elements of poetry.
____ 18. This form of prose is an article dealing with the contents, literary worth of a book.
____ 19. A prose which objective is to praise the dead person, event or thing.
____ 20. A prose and a speech that is delivered on special occasion.
IV. Literary Interpretation
General Instruction: You can use the back of the paper for your answer.
A. Write a critic of the poem To the Lost One by Angela Manalang Gloria using the Reader’s
Response Theory.
Scoring Criteria:
Content 5 points
Execution of the Literary Perspective 5 points
Total: 10 points
B. Write the plot of the story Desire by Paz Latorena using the pyramidal structure of a plot.
Scoring Criteria:
Content 5 points
Grammar 5 points
Order of the plot 5 points
Total: 15 points
I. Multiple Choice II. Alternate Response III. Matching Type
1. B 27. C 1. F 1. n
2. C 28. B 2. F 2. e
3. C 29. B 3. T 3. h
4. B 30. B 4. F 4. o
5. D 31. A 5. T 5. a
6. B 32. C 6. T 6. s
7. C 33. C 7. T 7. f
8. C 34. B 8. T 8. c
9. A 35. C 9. F 9. t
10. B 36. C 10. F 10. b
11. D 37. B 11. g
12. B 38. C 12. i
13. A 39. D 13. j
14. D 40. C 14. r
15. D 41. C 15. k
16. A 42. D 16. d
17. D 43. C 17. m
18. A 44. B 18. q
19. C 45. A 19. p
20. A 20. L
21. C IV. Literary Interpretation
22. A A. 10 points
23. D Content – 5
24. B points Execution of Literary Perspective - 5 points
25. B B. 15 points
26. C Content – 5, Grammar – 5, Order of the plot - 5

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