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Definition, Nature, Scope, objectives of Advertising - social, economic - Ethical and legal
issues in advertising


 Derived from Latin word ‘Advertere’ which means ‘to turn the attention’
 Advertising is a tool of mass communication
 It makes mass selling possible
 It is a macro concept: representing the entire advertising industry
 It promotes the goods through information and persuasion.

According to Bovee, ‘Advertising is the nonpersonal communication of information usually paid

for and usually persuasive in nature about products, services or ideas by identified sponsors through the
various media’.
Advertising is a promotional activity which aims to sell a product or service to a target audience.
Advertising is the attempt to influence the buying behavior of customers or clients with a
persuasive selling message about products and/or services.
Advertising is the means of informing and influencing a vast audience to buy a product or
service through visual, oral or written messages.
Advertising is an audio or visual form of non-personal and paid marketing communication about
an organisation or its products directed towards target audience through mass media.


a. Communication: Advertising is means of mass communication reaching the masses. It is a non-

personal communication because it is addressed to masses.
b. Information: Advertising informs the buyers about the benefits they would get when they
purchase a particular product. However, the information given should be complete and true.
c. Persuasion: The advertiser expects to create a favourable attitude which will lead to favourable
actions. Any advertising process attempts at converting the prospects into customers. It is thus
an indirect salesmanship and essentially a persuasion technique
d. Profit Maximization: True advertising does not attempt at maximizing profits by increasing the
cost but by promoting the sales. This way it won’t lead to increase the price of the product.
Thus, it has a higher sales approach rather than the higher-cost approach.
e. Non-Personal Presentation: Salesmanship is personal selling whereas advertising is non-
personal in character. Advertising is not meant for anyone individual but for all. There is absence
of personal appeal in advertising.

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f. Identified Sponsor: A sponsor may be an individual or a firm who pays for the advertisement;
The name of reputed company may increase sale or products. The product gets good market
because of its identity with the reputed corporate body.
g. Consumer Choice: Advertising facilitates consumer choice. It enables consumers to purchase
goods as per their budget requirement and choice. Right choice makes consumer happy and
h. Art, Science and Profession: Advertising is an art because it represents a field of creativity.
Advertising is a science because it has a body of organised knowledge. Advertising is profession
is now treated as a profession with its professional bodies and code of conduct for members.
i. Element of Marking Mix: Advertising is an important element of promotion mix. Advertising has
proved to be of great utility to sell goods and services. Large manufactures spend crores of
rupees on advertising.
j. Element of Creativity: A good advertising campaign involves lot of creativity and imagination.
When the message of the advertiser matches the expectations of consumers, such creativity
makes way for successful campaign

Advertising has become an essential marketing activity in the modern era of large scale
production and serve competition in the market. It performs the following scopes:

i. Promotion of Sales: It promotes the sale of goods and services by informing and persuading the
people to buy them. A good advertising campaign helps in winning new customers both in the
national as well as in the international markets.
ii. Introduction of New Product: It helps the introduction of new products in the market. A
business enterprise can introduce itself and its product to the public through advertising. A new
enterprise can't make an impact on the prospective customers without the help of advertising.
Advertising enables quick publicity in the market.
iii. Creation of Good Public Image: It builds up the reputation of the advertiser. Advertising enables
a business firm to communicate its achievements in an effort to satisfy the customers' needs.
This increases the goodwill and reputation of the firm which is necessary to fight against
competition in the market.
iv. Mass Production: Advertising facilitates large-scale production. Advertising encourages
production of goods in large-scale because the business firm knows that it will be able to sell on
large-scale with the help of advertising. Mass production reduces the cost of production per unit
by the economical use of various factors of production.
v. Research: Advertising stimulates research and development activities. Advertising has become a
competitive marketing activity. Every firm tries to differentiate its product from the substitutes
available in the market through advertising. This compels every business firm to do more and
more research to find new products and their new uses. If a firm does not engage in research
and development activities, it will be out of the market in the near future.
vi. Education of People: Advertising educate the people about new products and their uses.
Advertising message about the utility of a product enables the people to widen their knowledge.

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It is advertising which has helped people in adopting new ways of life and giving-up old habits. It
has contributed a lot towards the betterment of the standard of living of the society.
vii. Support to Press: Advertising provides an important source of revenue to the publishers and
magazines. It enables to increase the circulation of their publication by selling them at lower
rates. People are also benefited because they get publications at cheaper rates. Advertising is
also a source of revenue for TV network. The TV channels insert ads before, in between and
after various programmes and earn millions of rupees through ads. Such income could be used
for increasing the quality of programmes and extending coverage.

The fundamental purpose of advertising is to sell a product, a service or an idea. In addition to
this general objective, advertising is also used by the modern business enterprises for certain specific
objectives which are listed below:

a. To introduce a new product by creating interest for it among the prospective customers.
b. To support personal selling programme. Advertising maybe used to open customers' doors for
c. To reach people inaccessible to salesman.
d. To enter a new market or attract a new group of customers.
e. To light competition in the market and to increase the sales as seen in the fierce competition
between the brands
f. To enhance the goodwill of the enterprise by promising better quality products and services.
g. To improve dealer relations. Advertising supports the dealers in selling the product. Dealers are
attracted towards a product which is advertised effectively.
h. To warn the public against imitation of an enterprise's products


- Updating the target audiences about a new product

- Helping the customers to know about the new uses of a product
- Rectifying the false impressions
- Informing the target audiences about any change in price
- Minimizing the fears of customers about faults in a product or service
- Providing details about the functioning of a product
- Building the brand image
- Persuading the customers to buy the product
- Convincing the customers to make a purchase decision
- Encouraging the customers to switch over the desired brand
- Persuading the customers to be receptive for sales calls
- Altering the perceptions of the customers about the attributes of a product
- Reminding the customers about the product
- Making the customers aware about the seasonal role of products
- Making the customers memorize the place from where the product can be purchased.

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Ethics in advertising means a set of well defined principles which govern the ways of
communication taking place between the seller and the buyer
According to Vilhjalmur Stefansson, ‘Ethical advertising uses the truth to deceive the public
whereas Unethical advertising uses falsehoods to deceive the public’
Ethics is the most important feature of the advertising industry. Though there are many benefits
of advertising but then there are some points which don’t match the ethical norms of advertising.
Nowadays, ads are more exaggerated and a lot of puffing is used. It seems like the advertisers
lack knowledge of ethical norms and principles. They just don’t understand and are unable to decide
what is correct and what is wrong.
The main area of interest for advertisers is to increase their sales, gain more and more
customers, and increase the demand for the product by presenting a well decorated, puffed and colorful
ads. They claim that their product is the best, having unique qualities than the competitors, more cost
effective, and more beneficial. But most of these ads are found to be false, misleading customers and
unethical. The best example of these types of ads is the one which shows evening snacks for the kids,
they use coloring and gluing to make the product look glossy and attractive to the consumers who are
watching the ads on television and convince them to buy the product without giving a second thought.


Ads should follow three moral principles - Truthfulness, Social Responsibility and Upholding
Human Dignity.


Pharmaceutical Advertising - they help creating awareness, but one catchy point here is that the
advertisers show what the medicine can cure but never talk about the side effects of that same thing or
the risks involved in intake of it.
Children - children are the major sellers of the ads and the product. They have the power to
convince the buyers. But when advertisers are using children in their ad, they should remember not to
show them alone doing their work on their own like brushing teeth, playing with toys, or infants holding
their own milk bottles as everyone knows that no one will leave their kids unattended while doing all
these activities. So showing parents also involved in all activities or things being advertised will be more
Alcohol - till today, there hasn’t come any liquor ad which shows anyone drinking the original
liquor. They use mineral water and sodas in their advertisements with their brand name. These types of
ads are called surrogate ads. These type of ads are totally unethical when liquor ads are totally banned.
Even if there are no advertisements for alcohol, people will continue drinking.
Cigarettes and Tobacco - these products should be never advertised as consumption of these
things is directly and badly responsible for cancer and other severe health issues. These as are already
banned in countries like India, Norway, Thailand, Finland and Singapore.
Looking at all these above mentioned points, advertisers should start taking responsibility of self
regulating their ads by:

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- Design self regulatory codes in their companies including ethical norms, truth, decency,
and legal points
- Keep tracking the activities and remove ads which don’t fulfill the codes.
- Inform the consumers about the self regulatory codes of the company.
- Pay attention on the complaints coming from consumers about the product ads.
- Maintain transparency throughout the company and system.


 It ensures the truthfulness in the advertisements and checks that no misleading information is
 It puts control on offensive ads of public decency.
 It ensures true and fair competition and avoids artificial competition.
 It restricts ads of hazardous products from the society.



Advertising based on target audience and geographic area, Components of advertising,
outdoor advertising - transit advertising, point of purchase advertising, Latest trends in advertising.


I. Classification of advertisement based on Target Audience:

In advertising, the word ‘target audience’ refers to a particular group of people that each
advertisement aims to communicate. For instance, the ad of cosmetic products aims to communicate to
women, so the ad is designed specifically to attract women who are its target audiences.
Targeted advertising is a form of advertising that is directed towards audiences with certain
traits, based on the product or person the advertiser is promoting. These traits can either be
demographic which are focused on race, economic status, sex, age, the level of education, income level
and employment or they can be psychographic focused which are based on the consumer's values,
personality, attitudes, opinions, lifestyles and interests.
On this basis, advertising may be classified into the following four categories, viz.,
(1) Consumer advertising
(2) Industrial advertising
(3) Trade advertising and
(4) Professional advertising

1. Consumer Advertising: This type of advertising is directed to the ultimate consumers of the consumer
products, i.e., the individuals, who buy, or, use the consumer products, or services, for example, soap,
toothpaste, toothbrush, tea, textiles, etc., for themselves and for their families. All types of consumer
products need continuous and extensive advertising on T.V., radio, and press.

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2. Industrial Advertising: This type of advertising is used by manufacturers and distributors of industrial
goods. Such as, machinery, plants, equipments, spare parts and components, and are directed at
industrial users or customers. Such advertisements usually appear in trade journals, trade dictionaries,
and business magazines and so on. The appeal made is tactual and rational.
3. Trade Advertising: This kind of advertising is employed by manufactures and/or distributors to
influence and persuade wholesalers and dealers (retailers) to stock and sell the goods of the advertiser
by offering incentive schemes to them, or, by inviting dealership for their particular products.
4. Professional Advertising: It is directed at professional like doctors, professors, engineers and others,
who are expected to recommend, prescribe, or, specify the advertised products to ultimate consumers.
This is done through professional journals and representative of the advertisers.

II. Classification of advertisement based on geographic area:

On this basis advertising may be classified into the following four categories, viz.,
(1) Local
(2) Regional
(3) National and
(4) International advertising
1. Local Advertising:
It is also known as ‘retail advertising’. It is undertaken by local retail stores, departmental stores,
co-operative stores, selling cloth, saris and other consumer goods and consumer durables. It is directed
at local customers. Media, used for local advertising, are shop decorations, local newspapers,
magazines, posters, pamphlets, hoarding, new signs, local cinema houses, etc.
2. Regional Advertising:
It has wider coverage, as compared to local advertising. It covers a particular region, which may
be one state, or, more than one state, the people of which may be having a common tongue, or, using
one common product. It is undertaken by manufacture or regional distributor of a product. Media, used
for regional advertising, include regional newspapers, magazines, radio, regional T.V., outdoor media,
etc. It is considered to be an ideal form of advertising for launching and marketing a new product in a
specific region.
3. National Advertising:
It is generally undertaken by manufactures of branded goods, for which, advertising messages is
communicated to consumers all over the country. Almost all possible mass media, including national
newspapers, radio and television network, are employed for national advertising. Product services and
ideas, which have demand all over the country, are suitable for national advertising. Detergents, soaps,
toothpastes, cosmetics, scooters, cars, and bicycles, are some of the products, which are advertised all
over the country.
4. International Advertising:
This type of advertising is undertaken by those companies, which operate in more than one
country, known as ‘multi-national’ companies. Exporters, generally advertise their products and services
in foreign countries, where ready markets are available. Coca-Cola and Pepsi are advertised globally, as
the sales are almost all over the world. International advertising is extremely expensive, involving the
services of professional advertising agencies in different countries.

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1. The Headline
The Headline is the most read part of an advertisement. So advertisers try to tell maximum part
of the product story through the headline. A headline will introduce the product or makes the promise
statement or puts a question. It basically tries to attract the attention of the readers and create curiosity
so the audience or reader sees further. The major types of headlines are:

- Direct promise of benefit

- News about the product
- Curiosity or provocative, and
- Command headlines

2. The Sub-Headline
This is not always used in ads. However, when the advertiser wants to say a lot at the beginning
but the headline cannot do the job, then the subheading is used. The headline and subheading together
can contain a longer message. The subheading usually spells out or elaborates the promise made in the
headline or it stresses on the product’s unique features.

3. Slogan
It is a phrase or a sentence that describes the benefit derived from the product or one of the
product’s most important attributes. Slogan is thus a short and catchy phrase that gets the attention of
the audience, is easy to remember.

4. Body Copy
When the headline usually makes a claim, the body copy elaborates upon it and provides
supporting proof. Sometimes the consumer wants a proof or evidence of the claims made in the
advertisement. So proofs about quality, performance, durability, etc. are provided through arguments,
proofs by experts, testimonials by users or through demonstrations in the body copy

5. Visualization
The headline is a major attraction –getting device. Another device is the visual impact of the
advertisement. This is the combination of the visuals used in the advertisements and its impact becomes
strong if the idea has been properly visualized.

6. Layout
Advertisement layout has two meanings. One means the total appearance of the advertisement,
its design, the composition of the various elements. The other meaning is the act or process of placing
the elements of advertisement (copy, visuals, etc) together.
A good layout allows all its elements-visuals, headlines, subheadings, body copy, charts, maps,
logo, borders and other elements-to work together to do the job of telling the product story.
A good layout takes into consideration the principles of balance, proportion, unity, contrast,
harmony, rhythm, and direction. And finally a good advertisement layout must be attractive, must
create an appropriated mood or feeling and must have individually to stand out from the clutter of

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7. Trademark
The term trademark includes any word, symbol or device or any combination thereof adopted
and used by a manufacturer or merchant to identify his goods and distinguish them from those
manufactured or sold by others in the market.
It increases the credibility of the firm because the buyer buys the product only after looking at
the brand name and the registration of trademarks prohibits duplication.

Outdoor advertising, is advertising that reaches consumers when they are outside their homes
to grab people’s attention.
Outdoor advertising is the oldest form of advertising and remains the most common media even
today. It is also called ‘wall advertising’. Outdoor advertising consists of a display of advertisements out
of door which may be in the form of posters, painted signs, field signs, neon light signs, etc.,
This is also referred to as mural advertising as posters consisting of a picture, are often placed
on walls particularly a large one, printed directly on a wall or large photograph attached directly to a
wall. Posters placed outside or inside carriages such as trains, delivery-vans, buses, railway carriages
etc. also come under this category. The new form of advertising by using balloons kites and smoke-
writing in the sky is also a part of outdoor advertising. Outdoor advertising is not always argumentative
but suggestive.
The effectiveness of such advertising materially depends on its positions. Therefore, outdoor
advertisements must be placed in such a way as can be seen by a large number of prospective
customers with ample attention. The articles suited for such advertising are those which the masses can
buy, such as food products, soaps, medicines, cigarettes, shoes, clothes and other domestic
Main Characteristics of Outdoor Advertising are

- It is a widespread popular advertising media which makes the goods and services of interest to
mass appeal.
- It has a comparatively longer life.
- It has a high coverage.
- Most outdoor advertisements are big and dominant so it is a very powerful eye-catching media.
- It is a very flexible advertising media so that the advertiser can retain sites where he needs
them most.
- It is the oldest advertising media.
- It also consists of suitable and popular slogans which can be easily remembered by the
prospects retain sites where he needs them most.

Transit advertising is advertising placed in or on modes of public transportation or in public
transportation areas. Using this method of advertising, ads can be placed anywhere from on the sides of
buses, trains and taxis, to inside subway cars, inside bus stations and near train or bus platforms. The
main purpose of transit advertising is to reach riders and acquaint them with your brand.

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Point of purchase advertising is that advertising which is undertaken at the premises of the
manufacturer or the dealer for attracting the customers. This is a direct method because the advertising
process is either undertaken by the manufacturer directly or through the dealer. Under this method,
goods are displayed at the counters, windows or in almirahs. It is observed that the point of purchase is
the exact point where the prospects are reminded finally about a product. It is considered as a powerful
media now a day. It is useful for a lot of reasons, including:

- Catching the customer’s eye

- Making the brand stand out within the aisle
- Pointing out promotions
- Educating the buyer about the product


Rise of Digital Agencies
The field of Advertising has taken a new dimension altogether coming out of the clutches of
tradition advertising methodologies. With the internet taking products and services to the nook and
corner of the world, digital agencies have gained utmost importance over the conservative mediums.
Mobile friendly advertisements and creations are becoming popular every passing day with the digital
media tend to get more visibility than the ones that hail the traditional methods.

Content Advertising
Brands understand the importance of connecting with the youth through high quality content.
Newer and creative ways are being innovated to increase brand visibility and tend to have creative team
within their premises so high quality content can be produced at great speed in a concise manner. Vast
space is created in the digital arena to showcase the high levels of creativity the youth possesses.

Digital Advertising
Every form of communication has a digital to it. India’s digital advertisement market was
crossed the 25,000 Crores in 2020. While graphic and video editing software ease the creative part of
advertising, digital platforms such as Face book, Twitter, Instagram, blogs etc., enable a brand to interact
with their prospective customers. Indian advertising has witnessed vast use on digital marketing tools
such as email marketing, search engine optimization, search engine marketing, YouTube marketing,
mobile marketing etc. The vast extent of digitalization will make more creative people opt for media
opposed to the earlier trend of media professionals getting in to the creative world.

Key features of Digital Advertising

- Digital Media is eroding the market dominance of television and print media
- Increased emphasis on developing advertising strategies and digital campaigns
- Accelerated entry of foreign business and foreign advertising agencies selling foreign products
- Focus on high quality content
- Advertising through corporate websites, blogs, e-commerce etc.
- Ad blocking has posed threats to intrusive pop-up ad networks

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- Huge acceptance of online video ads and advertising on Mobile Games
- Use of digital platforms such as social networking website, social bookmarking websites, listing
websites, forums, YouTube, search engines etc.
- Use of digital marketing tools such as email marketing, search engine optimization, search
engine marketing, mobile marketing etc.


Media planning, Media selection, Media scheduling


Media planning is the series of decisions involved in delivering the promotional message to the
prospective consumers. It is the process of directing the advertising message to the target audience by
using the appropriate channel at the proper time and place. The basic goal of media planning is to find
out that combination of media which enables the advertiser to communicate the ad-message in the
most effective manner at lowest cost.

Wells Burnett defines “Media planning is a decision process regarding use of advertising time
and space to assist in the achievement of marketing objectives.”

Steps involved in the media planning process

Following are the steps which are involved in media planning

I. Market analysis:

Every media plan begins with the market analysis of environmental analysis. Complete review of
internal and external factors is required to be done. At this stage media planners try to identify answers
of the following questions:

a. Identification of the target audience:

Detailed studies of our audience can be made. We can describe our audience in terms of age,
religion, sex, education, etc., these are demographic characteristics. We can describe it in terms of their
income and occupation.

The target audience can be classified in terms of age, sex, income, occupation and other
variables. The classification of target audience helps media planner to understand the media
consumption habit, and accordingly choose the most appropriate media or media mix. Different
customers differ with regard to age, income, education level, personality, attitude etc. If target audience
or customers are educated and young, print media and T.V., can be selected. If number of target
customers is more, then mass-media like, T.V., Newspapers will be suitable.

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b. Study of factors affecting media planning:

There are various factors which affect media planning.

Internal factors: Internal factors are those factors which are directly related to company like size of
company, advertising budget, size of organization, distribution strategy of organization, potential market
area etc. Advertising budget is very important factor, while selecting media planning. If size of ad-budget
is more, then costly media like T.V. can be selected. If size of ad budget is small, the cheap media will be
External factors: External factors includes media coverage, media image, media adopted by competitors
etc. while selecting the media, the advertiser must consider the media selected by competitors and
leaders of that industry. Along with cost of various media should be compared.

c. Identifying the geographical area:

Total geographical area of target market is identified. Those areas, where the sale of the
company’s product is more, are identified. For low potential market area, smaller advertising budget is
allocated. The geographical area also includes whether advertising should be done at local level or
national level or international level.

II. Message distribution:

The next step is the distribution of message to this audience. The number of messages and the
frequency of their appearance matter a lot. We have to decide whether a single message is sufficient or
there should be several repetitions of the same. These lead us to the concepts of reach and frequency,
which are to be balanced.

III. Selecting suitable media:

For selecting appropriate media, different media are compared on the basis of cost per reader,
cost per viewer, media-image, etc. While selecting media, the advertiser should ensure that media
matches with features of target audience.

IV. Selecting optimum media-mix:

If the advertiser feels that no single media is sufficient in itself in achieving advertising objectives
then different media can be used in combination and their optimum mix is decided by the advertiser. By
combining different media, advertiser can increase coverage and improve the chances of achieving
advertising goals. Overall ad-budget also influences the ration of different elements of media mix.

For example, to achieve advertising objectives and after considering advertising budget, the
advertiser may decide a mix television, newspaper, magazine, outdoor media and internet media.

V. Selecting suitable media vehicle within each selected media:

After selecting media, appropriate media vehicles are to be selected. For example, after
deciding that advertising is to be done through newspaper, it is decided that in which newspaper it is be
done-whether through Indian Express, Tribune, or Hindustan Times, etc.
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VI. Media scheduling:

In media scheduling, decisions regarding date or time when these advertisements are to be
shown are taken. In media-scheduling, time-gap in two advertisements is also decided. Purpose of
media-scheduling is to issue advertisements at appropriate time with appropriate frequency so that
target audience can be contacted at minimum advertising cost. It helps to control wasteful advertising
expenses. If advertisement is related to product to be used by school/college going children, then it is
better to show the advertisement in the evening time in T.V. programmes.

VII. Executing advertising programme:

After selecting media and deciding its schedule, advertising department is given the task of
designing suitable advertising copy and executing it in the selected media. Some companies assign this
task of designing advertising to professional advertising agencies.

VIII. Follow-up and evaluation:

After implementing advertising programme, advertiser evaluates its effectiveness to know

whether media objectives have been achieved, whether media-plan has contributed in achieving overall
advertising-objectives. Answers to these questions help the advertiser to know success or failure of
media strategy. If our media strategy is not effective, then corrective actions will be taken for future
media planning, so that in future, better media-plans can be made.


The selection of a media is very important. An advertising campaign cannot contribute to

success unless the target audience is exposed to it. The purpose of media selection is to transmit the
message of advertising to the target audience effectively and economically.

Factors Influencing Media Selection:

In making media selection, we have to consider the following factors:

(i) The financial allocation for advertising

(ii) The nature of the product and the demand for it
iii) The type of prospects, their location and other characteristics
(iv) The nature of competition and the extent of coverage required
(v) Cost of media, co-operation and promotional aids offered by media, media circulation

Right media of advertising will enable the advertiser to deliver the message effectively to the
intended markets or prospects.

Media of Advertising:

(i) Print Media – Newspapers, Magazines, Trade Journal and Periodicals.

(ii) Direct Mail – Catalogues, Leaflets, Pamphlets, Brochures, Price Lists, Sales Letters/Circulars
(iii) Transit Advertising – Railways, Buses, Aero planes, Taxis, Auto Rickshaws, Cars.

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(iv) Broadcast Media – Radio, T.V., Film, Screen Slides, Internet
(v) Out-Door or Mural – Posters, Sky advertising, Electrical
(vi) Other Forms – Window displays, point of purchase, Exhibitions, Showrooms, Trade fairs,
Advertising specialties such as calendars, diaries, pen-stands, ball-pens Key-rings etc.


Media scheduling decisions are the decision about the timing, continuity & size of the ads

Different patterns of media scheduling

(i) Continuous Advertising: This refers to advertising without breaks

(ii) Flighting: This is an intermittent pattern with gaps. This is a case for seasonal products
(iii) Pulsing: This is continuous advertising, which gets heavy during certain periods


Guidelines for Copy writing, writing headlines, Writing slogans, Logos & Trademarks -Copy
production and Copy testing

Copywriting is the skill of choosing the right words and technique of arranging them smartly to
promote business, product, service, idea, or a person. The selection of words and its presentation largely
depends upon the media through which it is planned to convey. For example, depending on whether it is
a newspaper, magazine, hoarding, radio, television, or internet, the script will vary accordingly.
The basic purpose of an ad is to fascinate people. Only after catching people’s attention, an ad
arises interest and desire to buy the product. Therefore, it should be an eye-catching and interesting.
Copywriters play a very important in the advertising industry, as they are the ones to choose the right
word or phrase to connect with the audience.
Copywriting is the art of creative and persuasive writing that goes a long way to sell the product
or an idea. One of the most traditional, but successful techniques of copywriting is “AIDA” i.e. Attention,
Interest, Desire, and Action.

Guidelines of copywriting
Generally the following guidelines are using to formulate the copywriting
 Use Action Words − Such as watch, look, ask, get, etc.
 Use of Buzzwords − Normally, buzzwords are eye-catching such as now, today, etc.
 Use Exciting or Emotive words − Such as amazing, wonderful, beautiful, etc.
 Use Alliteration − Use meaningful words of similar sound
 Use Colloquial words − Colloquialisms in copywriting is pretty popular and effective. For
example, ‘Pick ‘n Choose.’
 Use Punctuation − Proper use of punctuations and grammar is an important aspect so that you
can pass the right message.
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Pay Attention while Writing Headlines
 Try to keep headline as small as possible (5 to 10 words are ideal).
 Use meaningful and striking words to make heading persuasive.
 Try to use brand name in the headline.
 Stick with the typeface in a headline.
Pay Attention while Writing Subheading
 Subheading should support the headline.
 It should be appealing so that the reader is impressed to read the body copy.
 Use minimum, but meaningful and fascinating words in subheading.
Pay Attention while Writing Body Copy
 Try to keep the sentences in present tense.
 Use simple and familiar words.
 Keep the sentences small, and do not lose the link between the sentences.
 Use singular noun.
 Use active verbs.
 Convey message as if it is new information to grab attention.
 Avoid using clichés and superlative words.

 something, which is not there.
 Do not use too many words (avoid wordiness); you have limited space.
 Your message should not be violating anyone’s right or feelings; you have to be honest and true.

A slogan is a catchy phrase or series of words used to help consumers remember a company,
brand or product.
A perfect slogan is able to express a complicated notion and add an emotional impact to it by
using just a few words. That’s why writing catchy slogans is so hard. That being said, it’s definitely worth
the effort, as a good slogan can be a tremendously effective way of advertising. The following are key
components of to produce a good slogan.
 It can be easily memorized. It’s brief and simple, sometimes funny, and definitely sticks in
people’s minds after they only hear or read it once.
 It has a friendly tone and creates a positive image for the company. The best slogans are lively
and include positive persuasive words to leave a good impression on consumers.
 It presents the main benefit of a company or a product. By simply reading a few words, a
customer will know what he or she can receive by buying a product or using a service.
 It makes the brand stand out. A good advertising slogan highlights the best features of the
product. It shows how the product is different from the competitors’ – and better than them.

Logos is the persuasive technique that aims to convince an audience by using logic and reason.
Also called “the logical appeal,” logos examples in advertisement include the citation of statistics, facts,
data, charts, and graphs.

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A symbol, word, or words legally registered or established by use as representing a company or
Copy testing is a specialised discipline of market research that evaluates the effectiveness of an
advertisement based on consumer responses, feedback, and behaviour. Copy testing is also known as
pre-testing. It encompasses testing of all media channels including television, social media, print, radio,
and internet. Pre-testing is worthwhile for a company to comprehend whether an advertisement carries
a message strong enough to register in its prospects’ mind.
Before the release of an advertisement, there are multiple tests which are done to measure the
effectiveness of the campaign. These assessments are conducted even after the ad is transmitted to
determine the effectiveness of it.
The ad is relayed to a small group of people, and their responses are evaluated. The responses
are further quantified to give a meaningful review to the company. Here the market analysts analyses
real-time responses post watching the advertisement. The analysis is done with respect to various
factors like the facial expression after watching the ad, how and what the respondents felt, and so on.
Memory tests (recall/recognition), direct response tests, continuous measurement tests,
psychological response tests are some of the quantitative methods of copy testing. These techniques are
based on statistical principles and reliability.


Conceptualization, Ideation, Visualization, Designing a layout, Typography, making of story
board. Measurement of advertising performance.

The ability to invent or formulate an idea or concept to produce an advertisement is called

Ideation is the creative process of generating, developing, and communicating new ideas, where
an idea is understood as a basic element of thought that can be visual, concrete or abstract.

Visualization is any technique for creating images, diagrams, or animations to communicate a
message. Visualization through visual imagery has been an effective way to communicate both abstract
and concrete ideas since the dawn of society.

Advertising design refers to the creation and organization of visual artwork used in
advertisements for products and services. The designs used in advertising are created by graphic

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designers, and advertising agencies as well as the advertising departments. The design elements used
include fancy lettering, borders, cartoons, illustrations, and photographs.

Layout may be defined as the arrangement of the various elements of advertising such as
illustration, text matter, product and name of the company.

Typography is the art and technique of arranging type to make written language legible,
readable, and appealing when displayed. The arrangement of type involves selecting typefaces, point
sizes, line lengths, line-spacing, letter-spacing, and adjusting the space between pairs of letters.

Storyboard as a visual script. A storyboard is a planning document. It is created before the final
product is developed and used to illustrate a story or show the changes of scene. Storyboarding is an
essential tool for planning any design/advertising/video production. Using a storyboard will reduce
production time and frustrations.
Whether working on advertising film, video or graphic design, story boarding serves two basic
First, it acts as a process tool. That simply means that the process of creating the storyboard
helps visualize the final product. It allows you to work out visually how shots are framed in a video, or
the layout of elements in multimedia. This is also an opportunity to work out the precise sequencing of
shots. It’s much easier and less expensive to try out alternatives, and develop your project in this
preproduction stage than it is during production.
Second basic purpose is to act as a communication tool. Since even small video or multimedia
projects usually involve teams of people, and often clients or producers, need some way to convey the
look and sequencing of a project to many different people. Like scripts, storyboards often undergo
significant revisions as a project evolves, and as various specialists offer feedback. In film or video, a
finished storyboard provides cinematographers and lighting specialists a crucial guide. In multimedia
production, the storyboard communicates important information to computer graphic artists and
Of course, changes inevitably occur during the production stage, but a project that is well
planned in the pre production stage will go much smoother and faster in the production stage. A
storyboard is a planning document. It is created before the final product/ad is developed and used to
illustrate a story or show the changes of scene.


Measurement of advertising refers to the managerial exercise aimed at relating the advertising
results to the established standard of performance and objectives so as to assess the real value of the
advertising performance.
This evolution exercise is also known as advertising research. It is an attempt to know whether
the message designed properly has reached the greatest number of prospects at the least practical cost.

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Kinds of tests to measure effectiveness of advertising
Various kinds of tests are used to measure the effectiveness of advertising. These are: exposure;
attention, comprehension, attitude change, and behavior or action.
1. Exposure
In order to be effective, an advertisement must gain exposure, i.e., how many consumers have
seen or heard about the message. Without exposure, advertising is doomed to failure. Whether the
media used has exposed the idea can be found out by:
 Examining its circulation or audience data (i.e., number of print copies sold, persons passing
billboards or riding in city buses, persons living in radio-listening area, etc.); or
 Conducting readership or “listenership” surveys.
2. Attention
Advertisement cannot be effective unless they get the attention of target consumers. This
attention getting response can be obtained by asking consumers to indicate the degree to which they
recognize or recall each advertisement. Various mechanical devices provide indices of attention.
3. Comprehension
Consumers utilize advertisements as a means of obtaining information. They cannot be
informed unless they comprehend the message. Marketers use various tests of comprehension, such as
recall tests, i.e., consumers will recall what they comprehend. They may also ask consumers how much
they comprehend of a message they recently heard or viewed.
4. Attitude Change
Attitudes towards the product or organization, both before and after the appearance of an
advertisement, are measured by measuring instruments which normally contains 15 to 20 sales.
5. Action
Advertising aims at stimulating action or behavior. The intention can be measured by
instruments, and the answers to certain questions may be analyzed to find out the future trends in


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