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GRAMMAR AND COMPOSITION Subject Compliment- follows a linking

REVIEWER verb and identifies the subject

Appositive- follows another noun in

opposition to it.
Noun Phrase- group of words that includes
NOUNS- a word use to identify any of a a noun but no verb – independent
class of people, place or things
Noun Clause- has noun and a verb
Kinds of Nouns
-Doesn’t express complete thoughts –
Common Noun- noun that describes a type dependent
of person, things or place, or that’s name a
concept. Predicate Nominative- noun that comes
after a linking verb
 Not capitalized
ADJECTIVE- modifies noun and the
Proper Noun- noun that as the name for a pronoun
Comparison- used to compare two people
 Capitalized or things- more, less
Abstract Noun- intangible ideas Gradable- we can have different levels of
that quality- very, extremely
Collective Noun- represent group
Nongradable- cannot be used in
comparative and superlative
Subject- noun that performs the action of
Numeral Adjectives- used to denote the
the verb in a sentence
number of noun
Object of the Verb – object that receives
Article- modify non-specific or non
the direct action of the verb
Direct Object- word or phrase that receives
ADVERB- words that modifies (describe) a
the action of the verb
Indirect object- an optional part of sentence
-ends in-ly
-Recipient of an action
Adverb of Frequency- how often an action
Object of the Preposition- words with happens (always, usually, often, sometimes)
preposition to form a prepositional phrase
Adverb of Manner- describes how you do
Object Complement- renames the direct action (sadly, happily, seriously, perfectly)
object or states what it has become
Adverb of Time- tell us when an action Cognate Verb- etymologically related to
happened (yesterday, last, tomorrow) the verb (allude, prelude) Latin root

Adverb of Degree- employed in a sentence -words share an ancestor

to depict the intensity
Collective Verb- group of people or things
-answers the question “to what extent” (flock, bouquet, pair, pack)
(really, strongly, highly)
Reflexive Verb- verb whose direct object is
Adverb of Place- describes the location the same at its subject
(below, between, above, behind, around)
-performs an action to or for him/herself
Conjunctive Adverbs- connect two
independent clauses in one sentence Simple Present Tense- (she goes) (they eat)
(however, finally, anyway) Present Progressive- (is working) is + ing
VERB- words that describes what the Present Perfect- has + ed (has lived)
subject of a sentence long
Present Perfect Progressive- had/have
-action, being, state of being been + ing
Linking Verb- don’t show an action but Simple Past- ed (I visited, went)
rather to describes subject (be, to become,
seem) Past Progressive- was + ing (was studying)

-links subject and the predicate Past Perfect- had + ed (had planned)

Helping Verb- auxiliary verb Past Perfect Progressive – has been + ing
(had been running)
-used in construction with and preciding
certain forms of the verb (is, can, will, have, Future Tense- will
are, must, will be, do)
Future Progressive- will be + ing (will be
Transitive Verb- verbs that requires a direct wishing)
Future Perfect- will have + past participle
-determine if the verb has an object (will have left)

Intransitive Verb- indicates a complete Future Perfect Progressive- will have been
action without being accompanied by object + present participle (will have been driving)
(He walks)
SYLLOGISM- a form of reasoning in
Verb Phrase- 2 and above words or verbs which conclusion is drawn
(had been waiting)

-one or more auxiliaries

(all mammals are animals. All elephants are
mammals. Therefore, all elephants are

Passive Form- noun/ verb (is, are, was,

were) / object

Active Form- object/ verb/ subject

Verbal- a word formed from a verb but

functioning as different part of speech

Gerunds- a form of a verbal that ends in-ing

that used as nouns

Infinitive- essentially the base form of the

verb with the word “to” (to love, to eat)

Participle- used as either an adjective or a

part of another verb tense

IDIOMS- an expression that takes on a

figurative meaning (Break a leg!)

Pluralization of Words- to make plural or

express in the plural form

Preposition- a word use before a word to

show direction, time, place etc.

Preposition of time, place, direction,

location, phrase

CONJUNCTION- words used to connect

words, phrases and clauses

COORDINATING- connect that are equal

to each other

SUBORDINATING- links independent and

dependent clause

CORRELATIVE- relates how two words

or sentence relate to each other

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