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small samples is stressed. The benefit of that method of estimation is made clear, especially,
in the case of censored samples. The accompanying tables facilitate the application of that
method. In chapters 11 and 12, the problems o r order statistics from exponential, rectangular,
and gamma populations are lightly treated.
The reader of such a book appreciates the painstaking editorial work of arranging, in
one volume, independent treatises in a logically continuous way. But such a volume is not free
from the overlapping of some explanations and heterogeneity of the premises taken by each
contributor concerning statistical backgrounds of the potential readers. Also it may be said
that students who intend to obtain a comprehensive study of order statistics from this book will
be disappointed because he is referred to reference articles for the proofs of almost all funda-
mental theorems. The book is not an introduction but rather a contribution to order statistics.
Nevertheless, the reviewer would like to close the review of the book with the last phrase of
H. 0. Hartley's Foreword to the book: "On examining the theory and methods offered in this
volume, we cannot help wondering why procedures so simple in use were not employed more
extensively in the early development of statistical methodology. There is no doubt, however,
that the modern trend of applied statistics (notably in industry) is witnessing a growing use of
methods based on ordered samples. The publication of this first comprehensive treatise on the
subject is therefore welcome and timely."
Koichi Miyasawa
University of Tokyo


Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York, 1963, Third Edition, 677 pp.
The book is one of the Wiley Publications in Statistics. The original version of the book
was published in Polish in 1954, the second revised edition in Polish w a s published in 1958,
simultaneously with its German translation. This English version, translated by R. Bartosznski
as the third edition, contains a further extension and several changes. A s can be expected from
the past history of the book, on opening the pages those who a r e familiar with Western Litera-
tures on the same subjects may feel a somewhat different flavor from the book. This may
come from the differences in emphasis. Also, it may not be independent of the author's phi-
losophy regarding the subject matter.
A s is described in Preface, the book was written with the purpose of giving a systematic
introduction to modern probability theory and mathematical statistics. The first concern faced
by the author is to decide in what detail these two subjects should be presented. If the emphasis
on these subjects is not well balanced, the title of a book should be named "Theory of Proba-
bility," or "Mathematical Statistics," accordingly. Even if it is well balanced in their weights,
there remains a risk of overdescription because there is abundant materials to be presented
under these two subjects. At least as far as the number of pages is concerned, the book is
almost equally divided into these two subjects, that is part I extends from page 1 to page 334
and part II from page 335 to the last page, 620.
In "Part I: Probability Theory," the author develops an explanation standing firmly on
the frequency viewpoint of probability, leaving measure-theor etic considerations to the Supple-
ment. The description follows a usual way of presentation, deriving the fundamental probability
distributions, giving a rather detailed explanation of limit theorems and then proceeding to a
concise introduction to Markov chains. Many interesting examples which a r e shown throughout

the explanation will help the readers to understand the main themes. Finally, the last chapter
of part I which is devoted to stochastic processes, gives a lucid description of the subject.
In this way, it should be said that part I is a very instructive and successful text on
probability theory, especially for students majoring in statistics.
Statistics proper begins in "Part 11: Mathematical Statistics." At first, it gives distri-
bution functions of fundamental statistics by means of a characteristic function which is care-
fully described in part I. A short sketch of order statistics and the theory of runs is given in
the following two chapters. In the chapter on order statistics, it is interesting to find a rather
extensive description of the relationship between the empirical distributions and the corre-
sponding theoretical ones as is shown in the Glivenko Theorem and the Kolmogorov-Smirnov
Theorem. There a r e two chapters on the'testing of hypotheses--"Chapter 12: Significance
Tests'' and "Chapter 16: Theory of Hypotheses Testing." Between them, there a r e three chap-
ters explaining "The Theory of Estimation," "Methods and Schemes of Sampling," and "An Out-
line of Analysis of Variance." The reviewer wonders if there is any specific reason why test-
ing hypotheses has to be presented in two chapters which a r e far separated from each other.
Surely it may be instructive to stress the different attitudes to the problem which exist between
the significance test developed by R. A. Fisher and hypotheses testing developed by J. Neyman
and E. S. Pearson. But to make clear the substantial difference which might exist between
these two schools and to give a legitimate evaluation of these two approaches, it must be indis-
pensable to explain carefully the controversy concerning the foundation and interpretation of
probability and never refers to other existing viewpoints, the reviewer is afraid that it might
cause the readers confusion and misinterpretation to stress only the formal difference between
significance tests and hypotheses testing. In the chapter of estimation, point estimation is pre-
sented in a traditional way and rather strong attention is paid to the efficiency of estimates by
means of the Rao-Cramer inequality. Interval estimation is lightly touched.
Recently, it has widely been recognized that the notion of sufficient statistics is very
important and is powerful in both estimation and hypotheses testing. But the reviewer is afraid
to say that this book does not give a due evaluation to sufficient statistics. In the last chapter,
chap. 17, a lucid exposition of Wald's sequential analysis is presented.
Each chapter is closed with some historical remarks on the theme. These and "Prob-
lems and Complements" which follow each chapter will help the readers' understanding. It is
unfortunate to say that the book now must be listed as the work of the deceased because of the
author's death late in 1963.
Koichi Miyasawa
University of Tokyo

ANALYSING QUALITATIVE DATA, by A. E. Maxwell, Methuen (196l), pp. 163, $3.00.

QUEUES, by D. R. Cox and Walter L. Smith, Methuen (1961), pp. 180, $3.75.
AN INTRODUCTION TO FOURIER ANALYSIS, by R. D. Stuart, Methuen (1962), pp.
126, $3.00.
The first two books, being concise, clear, and authoritative accounts of important sta-
tistical techniques, aye typical members of Methuen's admirable series of Monographs on
Applied Probability and Statistics.
Maxwell's book is chiefly concerned with the use of the chi-squared test with qualitative
data, although later chapters deal with ranking methods and item analysis. Cox and Smith

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