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Research Summary: Conversational AI: Social and

Ethical Considerations
Nayeemuzzaman Farhan Mahmud
Computer Science and Engineering Computer Science and Engineering
University of Dhaka University of Dhaka
Dhaka, Bangladesh Dhaka, Bangladesh

I. A BSTRACT E. Anthropomorphism and Sexualisation

This paper outlines the social,cultural and ethical issues re- Anthropomorphism and sexualisation issues towards CAs have
lating to the emergence of Conversational AI in human civi- been mentioned in this paper. A part of user groups tend to
lization and some measurements that can be taken to possibly be verbally sexual towards the agents. The paper suggests to
resolve them handle the utterance and response with some strategies that
might include no response,neutral response, in-kind response
II. I NTRODUCTION or escalation to a human agent.
There are five issues regarding Conversational Agents that
have potential ethical issues and there are some proposed IV. M ETHODOLOGY
solutions to this issues presented on this paper.All of the No special methodology was used for data collection. This
solutions include in the development phase of the CAs. paper deals with abstract concepts. As such, data collection
was not of central importance. So, no explicit data collection
III. OVERVIEW methodology was used.
A. Contextual Conversation
One of the major characteristics of a human-human conversa-
This paper does not explicitly mention any result figures
tion is that it is contextual.Some conversations that may be
gained from it’s proposed solutions. So, no result figures are
suitable in a situation/group, are not in others. This raises
some ethical questions on how to handle different contexts
and user domains. This paper suggested the principles through VI. D ISCUSSION
which CAs are built should be dependent on context, goals of This paper discusses some unpopular topics regarding Conver-
the agent(s) and user domain (which in this paper is called sational AI because most works regarding CAs involve mainly
plurality approach) over some abstract principles. the technological aspects of it. But, it fails to demonstrate any
B. Trust and Transparency results obtained from it’s proposed solutions to these issues. It
would be better demonstrated if there were some experiments
Another issue this paper highlighted is related to trust and
conducted with the proposed suggestions and some results
transparency. Transparency about CAs goals and capabilities
obtained from those experiments.
helps users to make informed choices which can prevent
users from self harming themselves.Users expectations should R EFERENCES
not be taken advantage of.There should be trust between the Ruane, E., Birhane, A., & Ventresque, A. (2019, December).
developers and target users. Conversational AI: Social and Ethical Considerations. In AICS
C. Privacy (pp. 104-115).
Ethical consideration around privacy issues regarding CAs.
It’s a legal issue as well(varies geographically). This paper
suggests seeing legal requirements as a baseline.Users should
be aware of what data is being compromised.
D. Agent Persona
Agent persona raises another issue regarding ethical issues of
using CAs. Research has shown that agent persona can directly
affect creating stereotypes. The paper suggests developers to
make agent’s persona to be androgynous and neutral.

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