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Biology ppt-1

By- Thun Su

WHat is Biology???
BIOLOGY is the study of living things

Topics: Food chain


Energy is something that you need in order to live.
Energy comes from the food you eat, and it is passed

from one organism to another along the food chain.

Plants can capture the energy from sunlight and transfer

some of the energy to the food that they make.

Ultimate source of energy = Sun

organism = living things
Food Chain

Secondary Tertiary Consumer
Consumer Consumer (or) predator

Producer - the kind of organism that can produce its own food
Consumer - organism that eat on living things
The arrow in the food chain shows energy passing from one organism

to another.
Photosynthesis is a way plants make food using the energy from

the sun.
"Photo" means to do with light.
"synthesis" means making.
So "photosynthesis" basically means "making with light"
To photosynthesize plants need sunlight, water (H20) and

Carbon dioxide (CO2).

From that reaction, glucose (C6 H12 O6) and oxygen (O2) are

(light energy)
Pants use the food that they make in photosynthesis to make new cells

and tissues.
Materials that is made up of living cells and tissuses is called


A. B. C. D.

In the food chain above, at which point photosynthesis occurs? _________

1. What two products result from photosynthesis?
A. water and carbon dioxide B. water and oxygen
C. glucose and oxygen D. glucose and carbon dioxide

dead animals

*** Decomposers - decompose dead organisms into mineral salts

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