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विधान सभा निर्वाचन क्षे तर् /Assembly Constituency - Assembly Constituency

Number Yeshwanthapura - 153

स‌ंसदीय निर्वाचन क्षे तर् /Parliamentary Constituency Bangalore North

नाम/Name ಹರ್ಷಿತಾ ಆರ್

Harshitha R

लिं ग/Gender F

पहचान पत्र क् रमांक/EPIC No XRR7310261

पिता का नाम/ Father's Name ರಂಗಸ್ವಾಮಿ


भाग सं ख्या/Part Number 201

भाग का नाम/Part Name Govt Higher Primary School.,

मतदाता क् रमांक/Serial No 475

Govt Higher Primary School., Sulikere, North Wing, -

मतदान केंद्र/Polling Station 201

मतदान की तारीख/Polling Date Currently no election scheduled.

Note 1 : This output is computer generated and is provided only for the information to the 

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