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Interpersonal Communication

Interpersonal communication is an exchange of information between two or more people.

Examples of interpersonal communication are phone calls, Zoom meetings, text messages, class
lectures, body language, facial expressions, and written letters

Flow of communication

Downward communication: The communication that flows from a higher level in an

organization to a lower level means communication from superior to subordinates is known as
downward communication.

For examples: Team leader updating members of the team about an upcoming deadline.

Managers inform subordinates about new policies.

Upward communication: Upward communication is a flow of information from lower-level

employees to upper-level management in an organization. This type of communication allows
employees to provide upwards feedback, suggestions, and concerns to their superiors and can help
improve the overall efficiency and effectiveness of the organization.

Some common examples of upward communication include employee evaluations, performance

reviews, and suggestion boxes.

Horizontal communication: This is also called lateral communication Horizontal

communication is when information flows between persons holding the same position in an
organization. Horizontal communication helps to share ideas, wishes, information and attitude
between peers and colleagues.

It also promotes mutual understanding and ensures cross-functional coordination.

Diagonal communication: It refers to the exchange of information between different levels

within an organization. It takes place between employees without any consideration of the hierarchy
or reporting chain. It generally happens as informal conversations aimed to improve inter-
departmental coordination and boost employee morale.

For example the accounting staffs communicating with different department in the organization for
IT calculation, bonus calculation etc.

1. ____ communication may be defined as information that flows from subordinates to superiors

a. Downward communication d. None of above

b. Upward communication
c. Horizontal communication

2. An advantage of regular downward communication is ____

a. It motivates employees c. It creates a climate of transparency

b. It gives promotion to employees d. It reduces gaps.

3.Orders and directives are the example of:

a. Downward communication c. Diagonal communication

b. Upward communication d. Horizontal communication

4. Communication between HR manager and salesman is an example of:

a. Horizontal communication c. Diagonal communication

b. Lateral communication d. Vertical communication

5. Diagonal communication is also known as:

a. Cross ward communication b. Horizontal communication

c. Vertical communication d. All of the above

6.Write true or false.

a) The main function of upward communication is providing direction and control.

b) Formal communication channels are based on social relationships in which employees talk
about work during informal social gatherings.
c) The main objectives of horizontal communication are developing teamwork and promoting
group coordination with in an organization.
d) Informal communication channels transmit official news through unofficial means.
e) A formal channel is the process of communication that is followed in organizational
f) A business proposal from the branch manager of a company to the managing director of the
company is the example of horizontal communication.
g) Horizontal communication takes place between professional peer groups or people working
at the same level of hierarchy.
h) Diagonal channels flow in all direction.

7. Grapevine communication also plays a crucial part in the smooth operation of an organization.

Non verbal communication

Write the meaning of these postures

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