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Entrepreneurship and Marketing 9/10 Mr.


Enver Mall E-Commerce – Part 1

There is a new mall opening in room 216 at Enver Creek Secondary. You and a
partner are aspiring entrepreneurs who have decided to try and open a new
business in the mall. Over the next few weeks, you will be creating and planning
every aspect of your business.

As a first step in creating your new business, you need to create a business plan
which you will submit to mall management (Mr. Brisbois) for approval. Your
document should be professional in appearance and use proper formatting
throughout. You should have a title page with your logo on it, a table of contents,
and every section should start on a new page.

Your business plan must contain the following sections:

1) Executive Summary
A brief summary of the business plan. Do this last.
2) Background Information
What will your store be called?
What type of business will it be? (Sole proprietorship, partnership, etc.)
Who are the owners and how much will each of them own?
What kind of atmosphere will you try to create? How will you do this?
3) Products and Services
Describe the products and/or services that you will sell (should be a type
of business found in a shopping mall)
Industry profile (why your type of store should be in the mall)
4) Structure of Business/Operating Strategy
What will your management and staffing structure look like?
What will your staff wear?
How will your business function day to day?
Staff salary and wages, human resources policies and rules.
5) Market Analysis
What is your target market?
Who are your competitors?
How will you gain a competitive advantage over your competitors?
6) People, Planet, Profit
What will you be doing to give back to the planet or society?
7) Resource Analysis
Outline the materials, supplies, technology, money you will need in order
to start your business.
8) Financial Strategy
Will you need financing? If so, how much, where will you get it from, and
what will you use it for.

40 Marks

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