How Are The Borders of Liberia Been Managed To Prevent The Smuggling of Goods in The Country 2

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How have Liberia's borders been managed to prevent the smuggling of goods into the

1. By educating border dwellers about the danger and effect smuggling poses to a country.
2. By gathering information from travelers and border dwellers.
3. By conducting random and periodic checks on travelers and border dwellers.
4. by gathering information from your counterparts about potential smugglers

2. What are those borders activities that are allowing smuggled goods into the country?

1. Law enforcement officers mingling with travelers and border dwellers,

2. weak border management, and the lack of coordination among border security.
3. not checking thoroughly on travelers and border dwellers,
4. law enforcement officers' refusal to gather intelligence

3. Who are those that are smuggling goods into the country?

1. travelers,
2. border dwellers
3. law enforcement officers,
4. dignitaries

4. Why are people smuggling goods into the country?

1. sometimes because of high tariff rates

2. goods that are considered contraband
3. to avoid the payment of taxes
4. sometimes due to the porosity of the border

5. What are the types of commodities that mainly smuggle into the country

1. cigarettes, liquor, medication(tablets)

2. drug(narcotic)

Research questions #2

6. What are the advantages of smuggling commodities into the country?

1. Putting money into the pockets of the unemployed individuals

2. helps feed regions with low food supply
3. and creates employment for the unemployed
4. It helps to bring development to regions that are not being adequately developed.

7. How does the smuggling of commodities affect local businesses?

1. it creates unfair competition

2. and causes go bankruptcy,
3. monopolizes the market, stalls the developmental goal of the country
8. what effects does the smuggling of commodities have on the economy of the country?

1. The government will be unable to meet its projection

2. The government will be unable to pay civil servants
3. The government will be unable to meet its developmental goals
4. Inflation will occur

9. What challenges prevent commodities from being smuggled into the country?

1. porous borders
2. compromised law enforcement official's
3. lack of modern sophistication
4. to control the movement of border dwellers

10. How can we strengthen our borders to avoid commodities smuggling?

1. agencies coordination, collaboration, and cooperation

2. by providing necessary equipment to battle smugglers

3. better salary for border securities

4. by collaborating with the communities leaders

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