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Identify the trial frame

b. Where is it place? Eyes of subject
c. What is the numerator of normal visual acuity? 6

2a. In WBC enumeration, whats the Danger with obtaining

only a small drop of blood? - danger of sucking up air
b. Why rotate vigorously? To haemolyse the RBCs

3a. Describe the four parameters to describe pulse - rate,

rhythm, character, and condition of arterial wall
b. Where is pulse most conveniently palpated? Radial

4a. Describe the blood group of the individual

b. What are the antigens on red cells of the individual?
c. To which individual can he/she donate blood?

5a. What is the main apparatus to measure lung volumes

and capacities? Spirometer
b. 1st, 2nd, and 3rd volumes measured? TV, ERV, IRV

6a. What is the main apparatus used in clotting time

apparatus? Nonheparinised capillary tube
b. What should be looked out in the apparatus above?
Fibrin thread

7a. What's the tissue used in GIT motility experiment?

b. Effects of applying acetylcholine and (c) atropine?

8a. What method is used to carry out bleeding time and

clotting time?
b. Cuff is Inflated to: 40 mm Hg

9a. Effects of applying 2 or 3 drops of Ach on frog heart?

Decreased contraction
b. a few drops of adrenaline? Increased contraction

10a. What experiment is pregnancy test strip used for?

b. How to confirm a positive test in this experiment?

11. Measure the PCV and record the value?

12a. Confrontation test is used for what test? Field of

b. In the test above, what's the distance of examiner from
c. Main apparatus for campimetry? Pass Point...

13a. List five apparatuses used in differential WBC

experiment as in manual?

14. Is stethoscope used in auditory function test? Yes

b. When is Rinne's test said to be positive?

15a. What experiment is Sahli's haemoglobinomter used

for?Estimation of haemoglobin in man
b. During the experiment, what volume is the tube filled

16a. What is the subject for simple muscle twitch

experiment? Frog
b. List the different periods recorded during the
Latent period, Contraction period, Relaxation period

17. During examination of sensory systems, name the

items used for:
Tactile sensation
Tactile discrimination
Pain sensation (sharp objects e.g. needle, compass,
Temperature sensation (40⁰ and 19⁰)

18a. Other apparatus than rotating chair used for rotation

test? Subject spins with head bent at 90⁰ for 15 mins
b. Another name for BARANY'S TEST?

19a. Reflex hammer is used for what experiments?

b. Name four visceral reflexes in man?

20a. Use of blood glucose test strip

b. What is the strip used with? Glucometer

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