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Networking. Everyone does it — but how do you really win at it?

Although Woody Allen was

credited with saying that “showing up is 80 percent of life,” it’s that final 20 percent
that really makes the difference. That is, it’s about how you show up.

Whether it’s the overzealous networker who tries to give everyone his card but has no clear
direction of what he’s doing, or the wallflower who doesn’t meet a single person even after
showing up, so many people network incorrectly that it actually works against them. With
that said, here are a few easy-to-use basics to help you win the networking game.

Meet People Through Other People

The best way to meet people is through referrals. Stick around people you already know
who know the people you want to meet. By being introduced through them or joining their
conversations, you’ll likely receive a warm introduction to the person you really want. You’ll
see this same effect on LinkedIn through their online introduction tool, or through joining the
right circle at an event with somebody you know.

It’s Not About You

Although you’re trying to meet a new partner, developer or customer, you’re not going to get
ahead with that kind of attitude. This is because everybody else thinks the same way, which
is why they’re at the event. It’s worthwhile to go against the grain instead. If you can’t
connect for yourself, think about how you can make connections for others. Listen to what
people’s needs are and try to make a connection for them, even if it doesn’t benefit you.
They’ll remember you the next time around and reciprocate — that’s how you utilize the
power of networking.

Get Out of Your League

Don’t be afraid to get out of your comfort zone and hang out with people out of your league.
I went to private executive events before I was even an executive, and when I was half the
age of others in the room. No matter who you are, you can find a way to relate to people as
long as you’re confident, carry yourself well and are not trying to sell yourself.
Spending time with people who are a step ahead will push you to become better, whether
it’s through the advice they offer or the level at which they operate.

Don’t Sell, But Have a Good Elevator Pitch

The worst networkers try to sell or otherwise push their needs onto others. Whether it’s
someone looking for a job or selling their services, they rub people the wrong way. People
don’t like to be sold to — they like to buy. In order to get them to want to buy into whatever it
is you’re doing, or be interested in helping you, a relatable story or connection is a must.
Strike up a conversation; it will make building a connection much easier and they are more
likely to trust you. Do you have a common friend? Did you work at the same company? Find
common ground early in the conversation.

And when they ask you what you do, make sure you have a short-and-sweet pitch to
summarize yourself. This is called an elevator pitch, and should be 30 seconds or less. I
always try to make sure it’s simple and relatable to everybody, but it does change from time
to time depending on the audience. If I can construct my elevator pitch to be more relatable
to a specific person, I’ll pitch it that way.

Make Them Come to You

Why go to networking events hoping to meet people when you can make them all come to
you? Try holding a niche networking event around your industry that will attract the type of
people you’re trying to meet. Everyone will either know or want to meet the host — you —
and you can influence who will actually show up. It beats going to some random event
hoping you meet the right people. Not to mention that you’re likely to have a lot of
acquaintances there already, allowing you to more easily meet people through them.

For example, if you’re trying to meet potential customers for your new app that serves
restaurant business owners, build an event around the grand opening of a new restaurant.
Sponsor the event and invite people from the industry, offering them complimentary food
and wine tastings. Think, if I were this person, what would make me want to go to the
event? Build your event around that compelling need.

So there you have it: a few basic rules you can follow to win at networking. Remember, the
goal is about building relationships — the network — and a good network will pay major
returns in the form of new customers, partners and opportunities. Get out there and meet
people, but make sure you’re meeting people the right way. And don’t forget that in
networking, it’s that last 20 percent of effort that really counts.

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