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 Work in a group of 3/4 depending on the number of students in your class.

 In the group, EACH STUDENT search ONE article related to the writing topic (‘The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on
university students’ learning experience’)
 The article should include article from online magazines, online newspapers, and online journals. (minimum 1000 words in length)
 Use the provided template of reading matrix
 Copy and paste the template of reading matrix into Google Docs.
 Then, fill in the information needed according to the category collaboratively. Fill up the table using point form.


(name) (name) (name)
1 Type of Reading Materials Online journal
2 Title & Author
3 Focus/ Thesis Statement The impact of the Covid-!9 Pandemic
on university students in learning
4 Main Ideas (at least 3) a. The covid-19 pandemic has
introduced uncertainty into
major aspects of national
and global society, including
for schools.
b. Amidst all this uncertainty,
there is growing consensus
that school closures in spring
2020 likely had negative.
effects on student learning.
c. In some ways, our findings
show an optimistic picture.
5 Supporting Details (at least 3) a. For example, there is
uncertainty about how
school closures last spring
impacted student
achievement, as well as how
the rapid conversion of most
instruction to an online
platform this academic year
will continue to affect
achievement. Without data
on how the virus impacts
student learning, making
informed decisions about
whether and when to return
to in-person instruction
remains difficult.
b. For example, in an earlier
post for this blog, we
presented our research
forecasting the possible
impact of school closures on
achievement. Based on
historical learning trends and
prior research on how out-
of-school-time affects
learning, we estimated that
students would potentially
begin fall 2020 with roughly
70% of the learning gains in
reading relative to a typical
school year.
c. In reading, on average, the
achievement percentiles of
students in fall 2020 were
similar to those of same-
grade students in fall 2019,
and in almost all grades,
most students made some
learning gains since the
COVID-19 pandemic started.
In math, however, the
results tell a less rosy story:
Student achievement was
lower than the pre-COVID-19
performance by same-grade
students in fall 2019, and
students showed lower
growth in math across
grades 3 to 8 relative to
peers in the previous, more
typical year.
6 Make Inferences (at least 3) a. Even now, education leaders
must grapple with seemingly
impossible choices that
balance health risks
associated with in-person
learning against the
educational needs of
children, which may be
better served when kids are
in their physical schools.
b. In almost all grades, the
majority of students made
some learning gains in both
reading and math since the
COVID-19 pandemic started,
though gains were smaller in
math in 2020 relative to the
gains students in the same
grades made in the winter
2019-fall 2019 period.
c. Schools will need clear local
data to understand if these
national trends are reflective
of their students. Additional
resources and supports
should be deployed in math
specifically to get students
back on track.
7 Conclusion (Author’s conclusion) The education sector is one of the
highly affected by the COVID- 19
pandemic. In the Philippines, where
there are still a growing COVID-19
infections as of now, this study
presented some of the new normal
situation in the school setting.
However, there were some posed
challenges and issues presented
while recommending several
approaches on the new normal.
Schools at all levels, therefore, need
to address these concerns and
carefully evaluate plans and
procedures on the implementation
of the new normal. Collaboration is
the most important at these difficult
times. We should help form the post
COVID-19 education, stepping to the
new normal. The author, therefore
recommends that the opportunity
and challenges presented should be
grasped and taken a serious
concern. The challenge herewith is
on how to provide and deliver
quality education amidst exceptional
times, like the COVID-19 pandemic,
and on what extent are we going to
become prepared when another
crisis comes in the future.
8 Your General Response / Opinion about the The government needs to reopen
issues in the article universities in stages across the
country. In this pandemic, the
quality of education is declining, so
the government needs to reopen the
university. With this, students'
learning experience will also
increase as before, because this
pandemic students are not so
focused in online classes and at the
same time classes like this also
increase stress among students. This
caused the level of education in the
country to collapse. So as a measure
to overcome this problem, the
government needs to reopen the
university in stages.
9 Compare Information (Highlight
Similarities/Differences with other articles in
the matrix)
10 References APA 7 Style

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