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serious /ˈsɪə.ri.əs/ : nghiêm nghị, đứng đắn 1.

sociable /’sou∫əbl/: dễ gần gũi, dễ chan hòa, hòa đồng, thích A: So tell me about your new friend, Cindy.
giao du, thích kết bạn
What's she like?
funny /’fʌni/: buồn cười, khôi hài, ngồ ngộ
B: She…………….. She's great to be with
shy /ʃaɪ/ : mắc cỡ, thẹn thùng
because she …………………… all the time.
talkative /’tɔ:kətiv/: nói nhiều
A: Oh yeah?
generous /’dʒenərəs/: rộng lượng, hào phóng, thịnh soạn, khoan
hồng B: Yeah, she's ………………………...

hard-working /ˌhɑːdˈwɜː.kɪŋ/ : siêng năng, chăm chỉ 2.

neat /niːt/ : ngăn nắp, gọn gàng A: What's your friend Pauline like?

make someone laugh: làm ai cười B: She's ……….

tell joke: nói đùa A: Is she ……?

B: Shy? You must be kidding. She ……..................................

to everyone she meets.


A: Do you know Tom Brown?

B: Oh sure. I like Tom.

A: Yeah, me too. He makes me laugh. He

always …………………………..

B: Yeah, I know.
4. 6.

A: ……………… to the new guy in our A: Look what my friend Mary ……………………………..
Isn't this a beautiful blouse?
class, Paul?
B: That's really nice. And she gave me a
B: Yes, I have.
great present for my birthday, too. She
A: What's he like?
B: Boy, he's ……………….. He speaks
A: Yeah, she does. And she doesn't ……………………………
six languages and …………………. at

his last school.

A: Oh, great!

B: No, you'll like him. He's ………………

and ………………………


A: Do you and your boyfriend go out a lot,


B: Oh sure, he ………………………………………………
We go to parties all the time.

A: He sounds like a lot of fun.

B: Of course. That;' why he's my boyfriend.

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