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American Journal of Botany 89(11): 1682–1696. 2002.




Botany, MRC-166, United States National Herbarium, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, P.O. Box
37012, Washington, D.C. 20013-7012 USA; 3Department of Biology, Duke University, Durham, North Carolina 27708 USA

The pantropical Zingiberaceae is the largest family in the order Zingiberales with 53 genera and over 1200 species. Classifications
of the family first proposed in 1889 and refined by others since that time recognize four tribes (Globbeae, Hedychieae, Alpinieae, and
Zingibereae) based on morphological features, such as number of locules and placentation in the ovary, development of staminodia,
modifications of the fertile anther, and rhizome-shoot-leaf orientation. New phylogenetic analyses based on DNA sequences of the
nuclear internal transcribed spacer (ITS) and plastid matK regions suggest that at least some of these morphological traits are homo-
plasious and three of the tribes are paraphyletic. The African genus Siphonochilus and Bornean genus Tamijia are basal clades. The
former Alpinieae and Hedychieae for the most part are monophyletic taxa with the Globbeae and Zingibereae included within the
latter. The results of these phylogenetic investigations are used to propose a new classification of the Zingiberaceae that recognizes
four subfamilies and four tribes: Siphonochiloideae (Siphonochileae), Tamijioideae (Tamijieae), Alpinioideae (Alpinieae, Riedelieae),
and Zingiberoideae (Zingibereae, Globbeae). Morphological features congruent with this classification and the taxonomic status of
various monotypic genera are discussed.

Key words: classification; gingers; ITS; matK; phylogeny; tropical; Zingiberaceae; Zingiberales.

The primarily tropical Zingiberales are phylogenetically em- Nagamasu, 2000; Kress and Larsen, 2001; Larsen and Jenjit-
bedded within the derived eumonocots (Arecales, Commelin- tikul, 2001) newly described in the last several years.
ales, Poales) and include many conspicuous taxa, such as the The currently accepted classification of the Zingiberaceae
bananas (Musaceae), birds of paradise (Strelitziaceae), heli- (Petersen, 1889; Schumann, 1904; Holttum, 1950; Burtt and
conias (Heliconiaceae), and gingers (Zingiberaceae). With 53 Smith, 1972; Larsen et al., 1998) includes four tribes (Hedy-
genera and over 1200 species, the Zingiberaceae is the largest chieae: 22 genera, Figs. 2–3; Alpinieae: 25 genera, Fig. 4;
of the eight families of the order (Kress, 1990). In earlier clas- Zingibereae: one genus, Fig. 5; and Globbeae: four genera,
sifications (e.g., Petersen, 1889; Schumann, 1904) the family Fig. 6) and is based on both vegetative and floral character-
Costaceae (Fig. 1) was included in the Zingiberaceae, but with istics (Table 1). Although a number of morphological features
a number of distinctive characters (e.g., lack of aromatic oils, have been used to distinguish the four tribes, in most cases
branched aerial stems, and spiral monostichous phyllotaxy; the defining characters are either not unique to any one tribe
Specht et al., 2001) it is now accepted as the sister clade to or are not universal for all taxa within any tribe (Table 1). For
the gingers (Kress, 1990, 1995; Kress et al., 2001). The Zin- example, the plane of distichy of the leaves is perpendicular
giberaceae is distributed pantropically with one genus (Re- to the rhizome in the Alpinieae (except in the genera Rhyn-
nealmia) found in the Neotropics, four genera (Aframomum, chanthus and Pommereschea) and is parallel to the rhizome in
Aulotandra, Siphonochilus, and Renealmia) found in Africa, the other three tribes (except for Siliquamomum in the Hedy-
and the rest of the genera distributed in east Asia and the chieae). Similarly, the ovary is unilocular in all members of
Pacific Islands. The family is still poorly known taxonomically the Globbeae, but trilocular in the other three tribes with some
with many species (Theilade and Mood, 1997; Sakai and Na- exceptions, e.g., unilocular in Tamijia and partially unilocular
gamasu, 1998; Poulsen, Mood, and Ibrahim, 1999; Williams, in Caulokaempferia, Paracautleya, Scaphochlamys, Siphono-
Kress, and Thet Tun, 2002) and even genera (Newman, 1995; chilus, and Riedelia (Larsen et al., 1998; Sakai and Nagamasu,
Mood and Larsen, 1997; Larsen and Mood, 1998; Sakai and
2000). The lateral staminodes are well developed in Hedy-
chieae, Globbeae, and Zingibereae (Figs. 2–3, 5–7) and gen-
Manuscript received 15 February 2002; revision accepted 3 May 2002.
The authors thank Ray Baker, Josef Bogner, Mike Bordelon, Alan Carle, erally absent in the Alpinieae (Fig. 4; but all five staminodes
Mark Collins, David Harris, Yin Yin Kyi, Kai Larsen, Qing-Jun Li, Jing-Ping are absent in Rhynchanthus). The fusion of the lateral stami-
Liao, Ida Lopez, Paul Manos, John Mood, Mark Newman, Chatchai Ngam- nodes to the central labellum (Fig. 7) in Siphonochilus (He-
riabsakul, Dan Nicolson, David Orr, Louise Pedersen, Kai Rangsiruji, Shoko dychieae; Fig. 2) and Zingiber (Zingibereae; Fig. 5) has now
Sakai, Henk van der Werf, Tom Wood, Qi-Gen Wu, and Yong-Mei Xia for been reported in the narrow endemic Tamijia (Alpinieae) from
discussion, assistance, and tissue samples that made this investigation possi-
ble. The comments of two anonymous reviewers significantly improved the Borneo (Sakai and Nagamasu, 2000). Most of the characters
manuscript. This work was funded by the Smithsonian Scholarly Studies Pro- that are used to define the tribes are often inconsistent and
gram, the Biotic Surveys and Inventories Program of the National Museum variable.
of Natural History, and the A.W. Mellon Training Grant for Plant Systematics The circumscription of various genera of the Zingiberaceae
to Duke University. has also been debated by investigators (e.g., Etlingera: Burtt
Current address: Rancho Santa Ana Botanic Garden, 1500 North College
Avenue, Claremont, California 91711-3157 USA. and Smith, 1986; Curcumorpha: Larsen, 1997; Paramomum:
Author for reprint requests (phone: 202-357-2534; FAX: 202-786-2563; Wu, 1997), and a consensus has not been reached on the actual
e-mail: kress.john@nmnh.si.edu). number of genera in the family. Nearly one-quarter of the gen-

Figs. 1–6. Representatives of the major groups of the family Zingiberaceae and the sister family Costaceae. 1. Costaceae (Monocostus). 2. Hedychieae
(Siphonochilus). 3. Hedychieae (Hedychium). 4. Alpinieae (Alpinia). 5. Zingibereae (Zingiber). 6. Globbeae (Mantisia).

era in the Zingiberaceae are monospecific, but no criteria for molecular analyses, to evaluate the status of monotypic genera
the recognition of these species at the generic level have been where possible, and to construct a new phylogenetic classifi-
established. One important question in the classification of the cation of the family.
family is how to determine the taxonomic status of these often
morphologically very distinctive monospecific genera. MATERIALS AND METHODS
Recently several papers have used molecular data to explore
the phylogenetic relationships within the family Zingiberaceae Taxa—We sampled 104 species in 41 genera representing all four tribes of
the Zingiberaceae (http://ajbsupp.botany.org/v89/). In the larger genera (e.g.,
(Searle and Hedderson, 2000; Wood, Whitten, and Williams,
Alpinia, Curcuma, Hedychium, Globba, Zingiber) several species representing
2000) as well as within several genera (Hedychium: Wood,
infrageneric morphological diversity were included. Unfortunately, for several
Whitten, and Williams, 2000; Alpinia: Rangsiruji, Newman, important genera (e.g., Elettaria, Geocharis, Geostachys) we either did not
and Cronk, 2000a, b; Roscoea: Ngamriabsakul, Newman, and have adequate tissue samples or we were not able to amplify DNA. We also
Cronk, 2000; Aframomum: Harris et al., 2000). These analyses lacked adequate samples of a number of rare monospecific genera (e.g., Lep-
have succeeded in clarifying the patterns of evolutionary re- tosolena, Parakaempferia, Paracautleya, Nanochilus, and Cyphostigma).
lationships to varying degrees, but in general have been lim-
ited in breadth of taxon sampling as well as resolution. Outgroup—We initially used representative taxa of the seven other families
Our goal in the present study is to use molecular sequence of the Zingiberales as outgroups in our molecular analyses (http://ajbsupp.
data to generate hypotheses on the phylogenetic relationships botany.org/v89/). However, because of the difficulty of aligning the sequences
among the genera of the Zingiberaceae in order to evaluate of the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) loci and matK-trnK flanking intergenic
past classifications of the family, to identify morphological spacer regions in these other families with our ingroup taxa, we first conducted
features that characterize the various clades detected by the more focused analyses of the coding region of matK, which is easier to align

TABLE 1. Characteristics and genera of the previously recognized tribes of the Zingiberaceae (after Schumann, 1904; Holttum, 1950; Burtt and Smith, 1972; Larsen et al., 1998).
Authorities follow Reveal (2002).

Character Alpinieae A. Rich. (1841) Hedychieae Horan. (1862) Globbeae Meisn. (1842) Zingibereae Meisn. (1842)

1) Plane of distichy of leaves perpendicular to rhizome parallel to rhizome parallel to rhizome parallel to rhizome
2) Lateral staminodes small or absent, never petaloid petaloid, free from labellum petaloid, free from labellum and petaloid, fused to labellum
sometimes connate to filament
3) Labellum not connate to filament not connate to filament connate to filament in slender tube not connate to filament
4) Stamen medium length short length long with arching filament anther crest elongated and wrapped
around style
5) Ovary 3-locular (sometimes incom- 3-locular (sometimes incom- 1-locular 3-locular
pletely so) pletely so)
6) Placentation axial or free central axial, basal, or free columnar parietal axial
7) Style not exserted beyond anther not exserted beyond anther not exserted beyond anther sacs exserted beyond anther sacs
sacs sacs
8) Stigma expanded expanded not expanded not expanded
9) Placement of generaa Aframomum (50) Boesenbergia (60) Globba (100) Zingiber (100)
Alpinia (225) Camptandra (4) Hemiorchis (3)
Amomum (150) Caulokaempferia (10) Mantisia (4)
Aulotandra (6) Cautleya (2) Gagnepainia (3)
Burbidgea (8) Cornukaempferia (2)
Cyphostigma (1) Curcuma (50)

Elettaria (6) Curcumorpha (1)


Elettariopsis (10) Distichochlamys (3)

Etlingera (70) Haniffia (2)
Geocharis (7) Haplochorema (4)
Geostachys (18) Hedychium (50)
Hornstedtia (50) Hitchenia (3)

Leptosolena (1) Kaempferia (40)

Nanochilus (1) Laosanthus (1)
Paramomum (1) Paracautleya (1)
Plagiostachys (20) Parakaempferia (1)
Pleuranthodium (25) Pyrgophyllum (1)
Pommereschea (2) Roscoea (17)
Renealmia (75) Scaphochlamys (30)
Rhynchanthus (6) Siliquamomum (1)
Riedelia (60) Siphonochilus (15)
Siamanthus (1) Smithatris (2)
Stadiochilus (1) Stahlianthus (7)
Tamijia (1)
Vanoverberghia (1)
a Placement according to references cited above. Number of species follows each genus.
[Vol. 89

under vacuum, and run on an ABI 377 Automated Sequencer (Applied Bio-
systems, Foster City, California, USA) at the Smithsonian Institution’s Lab-
oratory for Molecular Systematics. Raw sequences were assembled and edited
using Sequencher 3.1.1 (Gene Codes Corporation, Ann Arbor, Michigan,
USA) and manually aligned in Se-Al 2.0a3 (Rambaut, 2000). Results of ex-
ploratory analyses (not shown) that excluded difficult-to-align regions (104
base pairs [bp] in ITS and 254 bp in matK) produced topologies very similar
to those including the entire alignment. For this reason, we are presenting
here only results from analyses of the full data set.

Phylogenetic analyses—Maximum parsimony analyses of the ITS and

matK sequence data were conducted using PAUP*4.0 (Swofford, 1998) with
unweighted characters and 500 random-sequence-addition replicates, saving
all shortest trees under tree bisection-reconnection (TBR) branch swapping,
mum length is zero. Multiple random-sequence additions were chosen to min-
imize the likelihood of being trapped on any particular tree island (Maddison,
1991). Bootstrap analyses (Felsenstein, 1985; Mort et al., 2000) were con-
ducted using PAUP*4.0 with ten random addition replicates, TBR branch
swapping, for 100 bootstrap replicates. Bootstrap support was categorized as
strong (.85%), moderate (70–85%), weak (50–70%), or poor (,50%). The
data sets for each gene region were analyzed separately and then, following
the total evidence approach for multiple data sets (de Queiroz, Donoghue, and
Fig. 7. Floral diagram of the Zingiberaceae with perianth whorls, fertile
stamen, lateral staminodes, and labellum indicated. (Not drawn to scale; based Kim, 1995; Nixon and Carpenter, 1996), we combined the sequence data. For
on Kress, 1990.) the combined analysis, all 104 species were included, although six species
(Caulokaempferia coenobialis, Curcuma aeruginosa, Distichochlamys citrea,
Kaempferia parviflora, K. pulchra, and Zingiber corallinum; http://ajbsupp.
among all of the families. Our results provide strong support for the placement botany.org/v89/) lacked sequence data for either ITS or matK.
of the African genus Siphonochilus as the basal lineage to the remaining
Zingiberaceae. In addition, all of the other members of the Zingiberaceae we
sequenced except Siphonochilus share a 12-base deletion at the 39-end of
matK; this deletion is absent in all other Zingiberales. We interpret this de- Internal transcribed spacer—The ITS-1 had a total aligned
letion as a synapomorphy of the Zingiberaceae excluding Siphonochilus,
length of 277 bp (unaligned sequences ranged from 206 to
which retains this 12-base sequence as a symplesiomorphy with the rest of
247 bp) with a mean guanine-cytosine (GC) content of
the Zingiberales. We therefore used Siphonochilus as the outgroup for the rest
of the Zingiberaceae in the subsequent analyses of the complete ITS and matK
54.06%; the 5.8S region had an aligned length of 165 bp
regions in order to facilitate sequence alignment within the family and provide
(range of 163–165 bp) and a GC content of 51.18%; and the
maximum resolution among genera. ITS-2 aligned length was 372 bp (range of 242–292 bp) with
a GC content of 59.53%.
Molecular methods—Total genomic DNAs were extracted using a minor The analysis of the ITS sequence data resulted in 48 equally
modification of the Doyle and Doyle (1987) hexadecyltrimethylammonium parsimonious nearly fully resolved trees of 1603 steps (number
bromide (CTAB) method. The aqueous phase was extracted with 24 parts of parsimony-informative characters 5 323; consistency index
chloroform : 1 part isoamyl alcohol. DNA was resuspended in tris and eth- [CI] 5 0.366; retention index [RI] 5 0.724; rescaled consis-
ylenediaminetetraacetic acid (TE) buffer following isopropyl alcohol precip- tency index [RC] 5 0.265; Fig. 8). Tamijia is strongly sup-
itation. Amplification of ITS was accomplished using ITS4 and ITS5 primers ported (bootstrap value 5 90%) as a stem lineage one node
(White et al., 1990). The chloroplast matK region was amplified with trnK1F above Siphonochilus. The remaining taxa comprise two major
(Manos and Steele, 1997) and trnK2R (Steele and Vilgalys, 1994). All am- monophyletic lineages: one includes most of the Alpinieae
plifications used Gibco BRL Taq DNA polymerase (Carlsbad, California, (bootstrap value 5 86%) and the other includes the Hedy-
USA) according to the manufacturer’s directions with annealing temperatures chieae plus the Globbeae and Zingibereae, although bootstrap
of 54–588C. Amplified products were purified using the polyethylene glycol support for the latter clade is weak (bootstrap value 5 52%).
8000 (PEG) precipitation protocol (Johnson and Soltis, 1995) with the prod- Within the Alpinieae clade, Pleuranthodium 1 Riedelia 1
ucts sequenced directly using automated sequencing methodology of the ABI Burbidgea 1 Siamanthus are strongly supported as a mono-
Prismy Big Dye Terminator Cycle Sequencing Ready Reaction Kit (Foster phyletic group (bootstrap value 5 98%). Among the larger
City, California, USA). Sequencing primers included the amplification primers
genera, Aframomum and Renealmia are strongly supported as
plus ITS2 (White et al., 1990) and ITS3G (59-GCA TCG ATG AAG AAC
monophyletic. However, several genera are not monophyletic:
GTA GT-39; K. J. Williams) for the ITS region. Zingiberales-specific internal
sequencing primers were designed by L. M. Prince for the matK region in-
Alpinia, with four nonmonophyletic groups of species referred
cluding mSP2F (59-TGG GTT AGA GAC GAA TGT GT-39), mIF (59-GTT
to as Alpinia I (A. conchigera and A. galanga), Alpinia II (A.
CAG TAC TTG TGA AAC GTT-39), m5Fa (59-CTC TAT GGG TCT TCA elegans, A. luteocarpa, and A. vittata), Alpinia III (A. ble-
AGG AT-39), m8Fa (59-TAC TTC GAC TTT CCT GTG CC-39), mSP2R (59- pharocalyx, A. intermedia, A. pumila, A. calcarata, A. offici-
TTT AAC GTC TAA TTA GAT CGG-39), mIR (59-CGT TTC ACA AGT narum, and A. foxworthyi), and Alpinia IV (A. carolinensis);
ACT GAA CTA-39), m5R (59-AGG ATC CTT GAA AAT CCA TAG A-39), Amomum, with two groups of species referred to as Amomum
and m8R (59-AGC ACA AGA AAG TCG AAG-39). Primers m5Fa, m8Fa, I (A. glabrum and A. longipetiolatum) and Amomum II (A.
and m8R are modifications or complements of the primers of Steele and Vil- villosum and A. sp.); and Etlingera, with two groups of species
galys (1994). Products were cleaned in Sephadex G-50 (fine) Centri-Sep spin referred to as Etlingera I (E. elatior and E. yunnanensis) and
columns (Princeton Separations P/N 901, Adelphia, New Jersey, USA), dried Etlingera II (E. littoralis).

Fig. 8. One of the 48 equally parsimonious trees of the Zingiberaceae in the analysis of the ITS sequence data (length 5 1603; consistency index 5 0.366
excluding uninformative characters; retention index 5 0.724; and rescaled consistency index 5 0.265) showing branch lengths (above the line) and bootstrap
values (below the line if $50%; values for branches within genera are excluded). Asterisks indicate nodes that collapse in the strict consensus tree. Polyphyletic
species groups in the genera Alpinia (Alp), Amomum (Amo), Etlingera (Etl), and Curcuma (Cur) are indicated.

Within the Hedychieae clade the Globbeae are monophyletic nealmia clade’’) and Alpinia II 1 Vanoverberghia 1 Etlingera
and sister to the remaining taxa, but with poor bootstrap sup- I 1 Hornstedtia 1 Etlingera II 1 Amomum II 1 Alpinia III
port (,50%). Globba 1 Mantisia and Hemiorchis 1 Gag- 1 Plagiostachys form the second (hereafter referred to as the
nepainia are strongly supported as sister genera (bootstrap val- ‘‘Etlingera clade’’). As in the ITS results, Pommereschea and
ue 5 100%). The Zingibereae (the genus Zingiber) are placed Rhynchanthus of the Alpinieae are embedded within the He-
as a crown clade within the Hedychieae. Although the topol- dychieae, and Siliquamomum of the Hedychieae is placed
ogy within this clade is fully resolved there is only poor sup- within the Alpinieae.
port for all nodes connecting more than four genera. Most
branches on the tree are short. A clade including Stahlianthus, Combined data set—The analysis of the combined ITS and
Hitchenia, Smithatris, and Curcuma is strongly supported matK sequence data resulted in 980 equally parsimonious trees
(bootstrap value 5 98%), and the latter genus is paraphyletic of 2647 steps (number of parsimony-informative characters 5
with three groups of species referred to as Curcuma I (C. com- 806; CI 5 0.450; RI 5 0.805; RC 5 0.362; Figs. 10–11). A
osa, C. aeruginosa, and C. roscoeana), Curcuma II (C. tho- strict consensus of these 980 shortest trees (Figs. 10–11) pro-
relii), and Curcuma III (C. bicolor and C. sp.). Boesenbergia vides strong support (bootstrap values .99%) for the two ma-
is also paraphyletic with two groups of species referred to as jor clades identified by the ITS and matK data analyzed sep-
Boesenbergia I (B. pulcherrima) and Boesenbergia II (B. ro- arately: (1) the Hedychieae, Globbeae, and Zingibereae, and
tunda). All of the remaining genera in the Hedychieae are (2) the traditional Alpinieae. Pommereschea and Rhynchan-
strongly supported as monophyletic. Pommereschea and Rhyn- thus are embedded within the former, and Siliquamomum is
chanthus of the Alpinieae are embedded within the Hedy- placed in the latter. Tamijia is strongly supported (bootstrap
chieae clade and Siliquamomum of the traditional Hedychieae value 5 100%) as sister to these two major clades. There is
is placed with other Alpinieae. only weak resolution and support among genera in the He-
dychieae clade, except for Globba 1 Mantisia, Hemiorchis 1
matK—The 59 trnK-matK intergenic spacer region had a Gagnepainia, Cautleya 1 Roscoea, and Distichochlamys 1
total aligned length of 1101 bp (unaligned sequences ranged Scaphochlamys (bootstrap values 5 95–100%). The Curcuma
from 767 to 884 bp) with a mean GC content of 30.01%; the clade, including Hitchenia, Stahlianthus, Smithatris, and a par-
matK coding region had an aligned length of 1641 bp (range aphyletic Curcuma, is strongly supported (bootstrap value 5
of 1542–1572 bp) and a GC content of 29.69%; and the matK- 100%), whereas the Kaempferia clade is weakly supported
39 trnK intergenic spacer region aligned length was 507 bp (bootstrap value 5 54%).
(range of 279–316 bp) with a GC content of 29.98%. Excluding Tamijia, three of the four major clades in Alpi-
The analysis of the matK region (coding and noncoding) nieae are resolved as in the matK analysis. Siliquamomum is
resulted in more than 40 000 equally parsimonious trees (at unresolved and Siamanthus is strongly supported (bootstrap
which point the analysis was stopped) of 1104 steps (number value 5 88%) as part of the Riedelia clade (bootstrap value
of parsimony-informative characters 5 482; CI 5 0.630; RI 5 100%). The remaining Alpinieae are moderately supported
5 0.893; RC 5 0.562; Fig. 9). A strict consensus of these as a monophyletic group (bootstrap value 5 85%) with strong
shortest trees (Fig. 9) provides strong support (bootstrap values support for the Renealmia clade and Etlingera clade (bootstrap
.99%) for the same two major clades as defined by the ITS values 5 86 and 91%, respectively) within it.
data (the traditional Alpinieae and the traditional Hedychieae
plus Globbeae and Zingibereae), but does not resolve the po- DISCUSSION
sition of the genus Tamijia with respect to these two clades.
There is little resolution among genera in the latter clade. Molecular evidence and the current classification—The
Globba 1 Mantisia and Hemiorchis 1 Gagnepainia are two molecular data sets used in our analysis of the evolution-
strongly supported as sister genera (bootstrap values 5 100%), ary relationships of the genera in the Zingiberaceae resulted
but there is only poor support for uniting these four genera of in generally congruent and compatible trees. The ITS sequence
the traditional Globbeae into a single clade. The paraphyletic data produced an almost fully resolved tree, but in general
nature of Globba with Mantisia is strongly supported. As in lacked even moderate bootstrap support for many of the main
the ITS tree, a ‘‘Curcuma clade,’’ including Hitchenia, Stah- clades, especially among the Hedychieae-Globbeae-Zingiber-
lianthus, Smithatris, and a paraphyletic Curcuma, is moder- eae taxa. The phylogenetic analysis of the matK coding and
ately supported (bootstrap value 5 74%). The matK data noncoding regions resulted in stronger bootstrap support for
weakly support (bootstrap value 5 54%) a ‘‘Kaempferia relationships among the genera of the Alpinieae, but support
clade’’ consisting of Zingiber, Boesenbergia, Curcumorpha, within the Hedychieae was weak. The combined data sets pro-
Kaempferia, Scaphochlamys, Distichochlamys, Cornukaemp- duced a more fully resolved tree with strong support for many,
feria, and Haniffia. but not all, groups of genera.
Within the Alpinieae, four major clades are resolved. Sia- The taxonomic concepts of earlier workers (e.g., Schumann,
manthus and Siliquamomum are weakly supported as sister 1904; Holttum, 1950; Burtt and Smith, 1972; Larsen et al.,
genera (bootstrap value 5 53%), but unresolved with the other 1998) on the classification of the Zingiberaceae are partially
Alpinieae. Pleuranthodium 1 Riedelia 1 Burbidgea are congruent with the results of our phylogenetic analyses of mo-
strongly supported as a clade (bootstrap value 5 96%; here- lecular sequence data. Members of the two largest tribes, Al-
after referred to as the ‘‘Riedelia clade’’), but likewise unre- pinieae and Hedychieae, for the most part form well-supported
solved in the Alpinieae. Among the remaining Alpinieae, two monophyletic groups with the major rearrangements being the
primary and almost fully resolved clades are strongly sup- basal position of Siphonochilus and Tamijia in the family, the
ported (bootstrap value $87%). Renealmia 1 Aframomum 1 inclusion of Pommereschea and Rhynchanthus in the Hedy-
Elettariopsis 1 Paramomum 1 Amomum I 1 Alpinia I form chieae clade, and the position of Siliquamomum in the Alpin-
one monophyletic group (hereafter referred to as the ‘‘Re- ieae clade. We have confirmed that the former Globbeae are

Fig. 9. One of over 40 000 equally parsimonious trees of the Zingiberaceae in the analysis of the matK region (coding and noncoding) sequence data (length
5 1104; consistency index 5 0.630 excluding uninformative characters; retention index 5 0.893; and rescaled consistency index 5 0.562) showing branch
lengths (above the line) and bootstrap values (below the line if $50%; values for branches within genera are excluded). Asterisks indicate nodes that collapse
in the strict consensus tree. Polyphyletic species groups in the genera Alpinia (Alp), Amomum (Amo), Etlingera (Etl), and Curcuma (Cur) are indicated.

Fig. 10. One of 980 equally parsimonious trees of the Zingiberaceae in the analysis of the combined ITS and matK region sequence data (length 5 2647;
consistency index 5 0.450 excluding uninformative characters; retention index 5 0.805; and rescaled consistency index 5 0.362) showing branch lengths
(above the line) and bootstrap values (below the line if $50%; values for branches within genera are excluded). Asterisks indicate nodes that collapse in the
strict consensus tree. Polyphyletic species groups in the genera Alpinia (Alp), Amomum (Amo), Etlingera (Etl), and Curcuma (Cur) are indicated.

Fig. 11. One of 980 equally parsimonious trees of the combined analysis of the Zingiberaceae in which monophyletic genera have been collapsed into a
single branch for clarity. Branch lengths (above the line) and bootstrap values (below the line if $50%) are shown for clades encompassing two or more genera.
Asterisks indicate nodes that collapse in the strict consensus tree. Subfamilies and tribes of the new classification of the family are indicated (see Fig. 10 and
Tables 2–4).

closely allied with the Hedychieae, but we have not resolved TABLE 2. A key to the subfamilies and tribes of a new Linnaean clas-
whether the four genera of this tribe constitute a monophyletic sification of the Zingiberaceae (see Figs. 10 and 11 and Table 4).
Authorities follow Reveal (2002).
or paraphyletic group. It is clear that the genus Zingiber is a
derived taxon within the Hedychieae and should not be rec-
1. Plane of distichy of leaves perpendicular to rhizome.
ognized at the tribal level. 2. Lateral staminodes well developed and fused to labellum. (Sta-
Our results provide some insight into the long-standing tax- minodia laterales bene evoluta et ad labellum conjuncta.)
onomic problems that have been encountered in some of the 3. Plants evergreen with fibrous rhizomes; ovary unilocular with
largest genera of the family, e.g., Alpinia, Amomum, Etlingera, parietal placentation. (Plantae sempervirens rhizomatibus fibro-
Curcuma, and Globba. Even though we only included a mod- sis; ovarium uniloculare placentatio parietalis.) . . . . Tamijioideae
est sampling of each genus in our analysis, the polyphyletic W. J. Kress, subfam. nov. et Tamijieae W. J. Kress, tribus nov.
3. Plants with seasonal dormancy period and fleshy rhizomes;
status of each of these five genera is clear. Other large genera ovary trilocular with axial placentation. (Plantae dormientes
such as Hedychium, Kaempferia, Zingiber, Aframomum, and seasonaliter et rhizomatibus carnosis; ovarium triloculare pla-
Renealmia are strongly supported as monophyletic. centatio axilis.) . . . . Siphonochiloideae W. J. Kress, subfam. nov.
The present study is the most exhaustive investigation to et Siphonochileae W. J. Kress, tribus nov.
date of the evolutionary relationships within the family Zin- 2. Lateral staminodes reduced or absent. (Staminodia laterales re-
giberaceae. Searle and Hedderson (2000) analyzed the rela- ducta vel absens.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Alpiniodeae Link (1829)
4. Extrafloral nectaries present on leaf blades; fruits silique-like
tionships among 12 genera (including Siphonochilus) in the opening by longitudinal slits. (Laminae foliorum nectariis ex-
traditional Hedychieae plus Zingiber and five genera of the trafloralibus; fructibus similibus siliquarum, a rimis longitu-
Alpinieae using ITS sequence data; Globba was used to root dinalibus aperiens.) . . . . . . . . . Riedelieae W. J. Kress, tribus nov.
the tree. Their results were congruent with our analyses in 4. Extrafloral nectaries absent; fruits fleshy or indehiscent.
uniting 11 of the 12 genera of the Hedychieae in a single clade (Nectariis extrafloralibus absens; fructibus carnosis vel
and recognizing a ‘‘Kaempferia group’’ consisting of Kaemp- indehiscentibus.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Alpinieae A. Rich. (1841)
1. Plane of distichy of leaves parallel to rhizome . . Zingiberoideae Haask.
feria, Boesenbergia, Zingiber, Cornukaempferia, Scaphochla- (1844)
mys, and Distichochlamys. However, only weak jackknife sup- 5. Ovary trilocular with axial, basal or free columnar placentation;
port was present for any branches connecting more than two labellum usually not connate to the filament . . . . . Zingibereae Meisn.
genera. They also noted that Siphonochilus occupied an iso- (1842)
lated position exterior to the Hedychieae and sister to the tra- 5. Ovary unilocular with parietal placentation; labellum often con-
ditional Alpinieae. This position sister to the Alpineae was nate to filament in a slender tube . . . . . . . . . Globbeae Meisn. (1842)
clearly an anomaly resulting from selection of Globba as the
outgroup in their study. Wood, Whitten, and Williams (2000)
focused on the genus Hedychium in their analysis and included results of our analyses that do have strong support, we propose
17 other genera primarily in the traditional Hedychieae. Their a realignment of the genera of the Zingiberaceae into four
results were similar to Searle and Hedderson’s in defining a subfamilies (Tables 2–4): the Siphonochiloideae (the genus Si-
Kaempferia group (without Scaphochlamys, but with Zingiber) phonochilus only), the Tamijioideae (the single genus Tami-
and placing Siphonochilus near Alpinia. As resolved by our jia), the Alpinioideae (most of the former Alpinieae), and the
data, the analysis by Wood, Whitten, and Williams provided Zingiberoideae (including the former tribes Hedychieae, Zin-
support for a Curcuma clade (including the genera Curcuma, gibereae, and Globbeae).
Hitchenia, and Stahlianthus) and the position of Pommeres- Within the Alpinioideae, we recognize the two main clades
chea and Rhynchanthus in the Hedychieae. as tribes Alpinieae and Riedelieae; the placement of Siliqua-
The investigations by Rangsiruji, Newman, and Cronk momum is equivocal and requires further study (Fig. 11). The
(2000a, b) and Harris et al. (2000) concentrated on the tradi- polyphyletic nature of three of the major genera in the Alpi-
tional Alpinieae, especially infrageneric relationships within nieae (Alpinia, Amomum, and Etlingera) prevents us from for-
Alpinia and Aframomum, respectively, using ITS sequence mally recognizing the Renealmia clade and the Etlingera clade
data and included several additional genera as outgroups. Our at this time, even though each clade has strong bootstrap sup-
analyses confirmed the close relationship of Pleuranthodium port. Within the Zingiberoideae we recognize two tribes to
and Burbidgea, the polyphyly of Amomum, and the monophy- distinguish most of the old Hedychieae (here called the Zin-
ly of Aframomum as shown in their studies. Rangsiruji, New- gibereae) from the Globbeae (Fig. 11). Although strong mo-
man, and Cronk suggested that Alpinia may be paraphyletic lecular support is lacking for either tribe within the Zingiber-
with Renealmia, but because of their limited outgroup selec- oideae, we believe that it is better to recognize the Zingibereae
tion they did not have sufficient data to support any major and to retain the Globbeae until more evidence is accumulated.
taxonomic changes in these taxa (see discussion below under We also refrain from formally recognizing either the Kaemp-
Alpinioideae). feria clade or the Curcuma clade at this time. We have not
been able to place the genus Caulokaempferia into either tribe
A new classification of the Zingiberaceae—Although some with any degree of certainty. A forthcoming investigation of
congruence exists between the former classifications of the the Globbeae and related taxa will address some of these issues
Zingiberaceae and our current phylogenetic results (Fig. 11), in more depth (K. J. Williams, W. J. Kress, and P. S. Manos,
we believe that a revised classification is needed that better unpublished data). The relationships among the genera are dis-
represents the new data on evolutionary relationships. We ac- cussed below within the framework of this revised classifica-
cept that our results do not fully resolve all of the relationships tion.
among genera, that some major clades have only weak boot-
strap support, that some ambiguity still exists in the placement Basal lineages—The strong support from the coding region
of certain genera, and that several critical large genera have of matK for the position of Siphonochilus as the basal lineage
now been shown to be polyphyletic. Nonetheless, based on the in the family was at first surprising. The subsequent discovery

TABLE 4. Characteristics of the subfamilies and tribes of the new classification of the Zingiberaceae presented here (Burtt, 1972; Burtt and Smith, 1972; Larsen et al., 1998; Sakai and

sometimes connate to

globbose and dehiscent

TABLE 3. Placement of genera in the new classification of the family

connate to filament in
Zingiberaceae. (Asterisks indicate taxa not sampled in the molec-

short to long, some-

petaloid, free from
parallel to rhizome
ular phylogenetic analyses; these genera are tentatively placed

spurred or absent
dormancy period

labellum and

times arching
based on morphological features.)

slender tube

Subfamily Subfamily Subfamily Subfamily

Siphonochiloideae Tamijioideae Alpinioideae Zingiberoideae

W. J. Kress W. J. Kress Link Haask.

Tribe Tribe Tribe Tribe
Siphonochileae Tamijieae Alpinieae Zingibereae Meisn.
W. J. Kress W. J. Kress A. Rich.

Nagamasu, 2000; W. J. Kress, personal observation). Some nondiagnostic features are included as a reference to the previous classification (see Table 1).

wrapped around style

not connate to filament
Siphonochilus Tamijia Aframomum Boesenbergia

well-developed and
petaloid, free from or

3-locular (sometimes

axial, basal, or free

fleshy and dehiscent

Alpinia Camptandra

fused to labellum

absent, petaloid, or

incompletely so)
parallel to rhizome
Amomum Cautleya

dormancy period
*Aulotandra Cornukaempferia

short to long
*Cyphostigma Curcuma

*Elettaria Curcumorpha
Elettariopsis Distichochlamys

Etlingera Haniffia
*Geocharis *Haplochorema
*Geostachys Hedychium
Hornstedtia Hitchenia

not connate to filament

small or absent, never
*Leptosolena Kaempferia

indehiscent or fleshy
medium, sometimes

axial or free central

Paramomum *Laosanthus

petaloid or absent
perpendicular to
Plagiostachys *Nanochilus

Renealmia *Paracautleya
Vanoverberghia *Parakaempferia




Tribe Pyrgophyllum

Subfamilies and Tribes
Riedelieae Rhynchanthus
W. J. Kress Roscoea
Burbidgea Scaphochlamys

silique-like, opening by
Pleuranthodium Smithatris

not connate to filament

small or absent, never
present on leaf blades
Riedelia *Stadiochilus

longitudinal slits
Siamanthus Stahlianthus

petaloid or absent
Zingiber perpendicular to

axial or parietal

1- or 3-locular

Incertae Sedis
Siliquamomum Tribe


Globbeae Meisn.


Mantisia not connate to filament

Incertae Sedis
petaloid, fused to

perpendicular to



of a 12-base insertion at the 39 end of matK that this genus



shares with all other Zingiberales, but not the rest of the Zin-
giberaceae, provided unequivocal support for this basal place-
ment. Our morphological interpretation of this topology is that
not connate to filament

the partial to almost complete fusion of the lateral staminodes

3-locular (sometimes

to the large labellum in Siphonochilus is a plesiomorphic char-

incompletely so)
petaloid, fused to

perpendicular to
dormancy period

acter of the basal Zingiberaceae shared with the sister family


Costaceae (Figs. 1–2, 7). The recent discovery of the mono-


typic genus Tamijia, a narrow endemic from northern Borneo



(Sakai and Nagamasu, 2000), is equally interesting. Although





the inflorescence structure and vegetative morphology are un-

like Siphonochilus, Tamijia shares the same fusion of the lat-
eral staminodes and labellum, and some relationship between
4) Extrafloral nectaries
3) Plane of distichy of

the two genera was suggested by Sakai and Nagamasu (2000).

5) Lateral staminodes

The independent results of our molecular analysis place Tam-

ijia as sister to the remaining Zingiberaceae, excluding the
10) Placentation

8) Anther crest
1) Seasonality

basal Siphonochilus, and confirm that this floral character is a

2) Rhizomes

6) Labellum

11) Capsule
7) Filament

feature shared with the sister taxa of the Costaceae. Because

9) Ovary

of the distinctness of these two genera in the family and their

basal positions, we have chosen to recognize each genus as a
subfamily of the Zingiberaceae, the Siphonochiloideae and the

Tamijioideae, to indicate their phylogenetic position in the are placed in two separate sections of subgenus Alpinia by
Zingiberaceae (Tables 2–4). Smith, but here form a strongly supported clade basal to the
other members of the Renealmia clade (Aframomum, Reneal-
Alpinioideae—The former tribe Alpinieae and new subfam- mia, Amomum I, Elettariopsis, and Paramomum; including Af-
ily Alpinioideae are defined by a number of features (Tables rican, Asian, and American species). The rest of Alpinia is
1, 2, 4). The most conspicuous floral feature is the great re- scattered in the Etlingera clade. Alpinia II (A. elegans, A. lu-
duction or absence of the two lateral staminodes (Figs. 4, 7). teocarpa, and A. vittata; part of the A. eubractea clade of
These staminodes represent two modified stamens of the outer Rangsiruji, Newman, and Cronk) includes the genus Vanov-
staminal whorl of the Zingiberaceae floral plan; the third mem- erberghia (from the Philippines and Taiwan) and is allied with
ber of this whorl is absent. The ‘‘labellum,’’ which is nearly the polyphyletic Etlingera, Hornstedtia, and Amomum II (all
ubiquitous in the family, is a petaloid structure formed by the Asian). Alpinia III (six species included in four of Rangsiruji,
fusion of the two lateral sterile stamens of the inner staminal Newman, and Cronk’s clades) is united with the genus Pla-
whorl; the median member of this whorl is the single tetras- giostachys whereas Alpinia IV (single species A. carolinensis
porangiate fertile stamen. The lateral staminodes are also ab- in Rangsiruji, Newman, and Cronk’s A. carolinensis clade) is
sent in the genera Rhynchanthus and Pommereschea, usually unresolved with Alpinia II and III. A more extensive analysis
placed in the traditional Alpinieae. However, in these two gen- of Alpinia is in progress (A.-Z. Liu and W. J. Kress, unpub-
era the labellum is also reduced or absent and our molecular lished data).
results place them within the new Zingiberoideae. These two Taxonomic matters are made worse by the polyphyletic na-
genera are clear examples of independent reductions in lateral ture of the genus Amomum. Although we only sampled four
staminodes in the family. species in this genus, these four species form two separate
The second apomorphy of the Alpinioideae is the perpen- lineages: one within the Renealmia clade as sister to the genus
dicular orientation of the plane of distichy of the shoots with Elettariopsis, which has a striking similarity in floral structure
respect to the direction of growth of the rhizome (Burtt, 1972). and is often difficult to distinguish from Amomum (Holttum,
This character is present in all of the genera formerly placed 1950; Kiew, 1982), and the other in the Etlingera clade, which
in the Alpinieae, except for Rhynchanthus and Pommereschea is strongly supported to include a species of Etlingera. The
in which the orientation is parallel. In accordance with the polyphyly of Amomum was also suggested by Harris et al.
suggestions of others (e.g., K. Larsen [AAU], T. Wood (2000) in their investigation of the molecular systematics of
[FLAS], and M. Newman [E], personal communication; the genus Aframomum. In a separate analysis of over 30 spe-
Smith, 1980), these two genera should be included in the Zin- cies of Amomum using ITS and matK sequence data, we have
giberoideae. Sakai and Nagamasu (2000) assigned their new identified four separate lineages of Amomum scattered among
genus Tamijia to the Alpinieae based on the perpendicular the other genera of the Alpinieae (Y.-M. Xia, W. J. Kress, and
shoot orientation, but recognized that their genus was some- L. M. Prince, unpublished data). Needless to say, the generic
what anomalous in this tribe. Indeed, according to our molec- boundaries and definitions of all the taxa in this tribe require
ular results, Tamijia deserves recognition as a separate sub- more extensive and careful molecular and morphological study
family altogether.
before a new classification can be proposed. For this reason
Within the subfamily Alpinioideae are two major groups of
we have chosen not to give formal taxonomic status to either
genera, here recognized as tribes Alpinieae and Riedelieae (Ta-
the Renealmia clade or the Etlingera clade, even though strong
bles 2–4). The first tribe contains the majority of genera in the
subfamily and includes taxa distributed in Asia, Africa, and molecular support exists for both lineages.
the Americas. The taxa in the Alpinieae fall into two main The Riedelieae (Tables 2–4) include four genera united by
subclades, the Renealmia clade and the Etlingera clade, each both molecular and morphological characters: Burbidgea (Bor-
of which is supported by strong bootstrap values. However, neo), Pleuranthodium (primarily New Guinea and Bismarck
three of the largest genera in this tribe, Etlingera, Amomum, Archipelago), Riedelia (New Guinea), and Siamanthus (Thai-
and Alpinia, are polyphyletic, and the latter two have species land). The affinities of these four genera are indicated by their
in both the Renealmia clade and the Etlingera clade. Because common possession of long, slender silique-like capsules that
our sampling of Etlingera was modest (three species) we sug- open by longitudinal slits to the base (Smith, 1972, 1990b;
gest that taxon sampling be increased before any firm conclu- Larsen and Mood, 1998). Larsen and Mood (1998) also point-
sions be drawn about the status of this genus. However, it is ed out that the close relationship of at least three of these
clear from this investigation as well as others (Harris et al., genera (Burbidgea, Riedelia, and Siamanthus) is suggested by
2000; Rangsiruji, Newman, and Cronk, 2000b) that major ad- unique ‘‘nectary pits’’ on the dorsal midrib of the leaf blade.
ditional taxonomic studies and realignments are necessary in We have now confirmed the presence of these extrafloral nec-
both Alpinia and Amomum. In Renealmia, the one genus in taries in Pleuranthodium as well (W. J. Kress and M. Borde-
the Alpinioideae that is distributed across continents, our lim- lon, unpublished data). These vegetative and reproductive
ited sampling of six species provided good support for a dis- characters taken together make the Riedelieae a readily rec-
tinct African clade and a tropical American clade (Figs. 8–10). ognizable tribe in the Alpinioideae.
For Alpinia the results of our analysis identified four sepa- The long silique-like fruits of Siliquamomum (Southern Chi-
rate groups (Alpinia I–IV) in the 12 species we sampled. Each na and Vietnam) are similar to the fruits found in the Riede-
of these four groups corresponds to one of the clades recog- lieae, but the presence of a well-developed labellum and lateral
nized in the molecular analysis of Rangsiruji, Newman, and staminodes as well as the absence of the extrafloral nectaries
Cronk (2000b) and, as in their analysis, our results do not on the leaf midribs separate this genus from other members
support the classification of Alpinia proposed by Smith of that tribe. The placement of Siliquamomum in either the
(1990a). Alpinia galanga and A. conchigera (Alpinia I; part Riedelieae or the Alpinieae is unresolved by our molecular
of the A. galanga clade of Rangsiruji, Newman, and Cronk) analysis. For these reasons we prefer to place this genus as

incertae sedis until further evidence confirms its position in (Burtt, 1972; Smith, 1980; Wood, Whitten, and Williams,
the Alpinioideae. 2000). A second vegetative trait that characterizes the Zingi-
Within the Alpinioideae, we included in our molecular anal- beroideae (and Siphonochilus), briefly discussed by Wood,
ysis four of the six monospecific genera. Cyphostigma pul- Whitten, and Williams (2000), is the capacity for members of
chellum (Thw.) Benth., restricted in distribution to Sri Lanka, this subfamily to go into dormancy during the dry season in
is poorly known (Dassanayake, 1983), and no tissue was avail- monsoonal climates. Unlike the Alpinioideae and Tamijioi-
able for our investigation. Leptosolena haenkei Presl, endemic deae, in which individuals are evergreen throughout the year,
to the lower slopes of Mt. Pinatubo in Northern Luzon, Phil- the Zingiberoideae, including taxa of the former Hedychieae,
ippines, has not been collected since it was described in the Globbeae, and Zingibereae, have a forced dormancy period
early 1900s and is presumed extinct (Madulid, 1996). Based during which all aboveground parts are shed and the plant
on morphological features we have tentatively placed these overwinters as a thick, often fleshy underground rhizome
small genera (along with the African Aulotandra and Asian (sometimes with starch-filled roots or tubers). Either just prior
Geocharis and Geostachys) in the Alpinieae. Vanoverberghia, to or at the earliest sign of the wet season, individuals will
also from the Philippines, was only known from a single spe- break dormancy with either vegetative shoots or reproductive
cies, V. sepulchrei Merr., until a second species, V. sasakiana shoots (e.g., Hemiorchis, Gagnepainia, Mantisia, some
H. Funak. & H. Ohashi, was described from the Lanyu Islands kaempferias and many curcumas). However, some species in
southeast of Taiwan (Funakoshi and Ohashi, 2000). Merrill the Zingiberoideae can also be evergreen in the wet forest
(1912), in his original description of the genus, compared it habitats where they occur (e.g., some globbas, zingibers, and
to Riedelia, but also recognized its affinity to Alpinia as did hedychiums), but these same species can be forced into dor-
Smith (1990a). Our results show that this genus is a member mancy under stress or in greenhouse environments (M. Bor-
of the Alpinia II clade that includes other species from the delon [US] and T. Wood [FLAS], personal communication).
Philippines (e.g., A. elegans and A. luteocarpa). As noted These latter taxa may be descendents of ancestors from mon-
above, a phylogenetic and taxonomic revision of Alpinia and soonal climates that have secondarily colonized evergreen hab-
its closely related genera, including Vanoverberghia and Pla- itats. As far as we know, members of Alpinioideae cannot be
giostachys, is needed. forced into dormancy, possess tough fibrous rather than fleshy
The monotypic Paramomum, endemic to Yunnan, China, rhizomes, and are always evergreen in their natural habitats.
was recently moved by Wu (1997) into the genus Amomum. Within the Zingiberoideae, we have chosen, for historical
In the original description of Paramomum, Tong (1985) com- consistency, to recognize two tribes even though our molecular
pared it to Costus because of its supposed spiral phyllotaxy. data do not provide strong support for these clades (Tables 2–
Our molecular results place this genus as sister to Elettariopsis 4). The Zingibereae include most of the former Hedychieae as
in a clade with species of Amomum I, thus supporting its sep- well as the genus Zingiber. All members of this tribe possess
aration from Amomum and clear distance from Costus. The a trilocular ovary, which in some genera may be incompletely
monotypic and distinct nature of the remaining two genera in closed towards the apex (e.g., Scaphochlamys and Paracau-
the Alpinioideae, Siliquamomum and Siamanthus, is also sup- tleya), and axial or rarely basal placentation. Within the Zin-
ported here by the long branch lengths and isolated positions gibereae several groups of genera are supported by varying
of these taxa in or near the Riedelieae. bootstrap values. A Kaempferia clade, including Haniffia, Zin-
giber, Kaempferia, Distichochlamys, Scaphochlamys, Boesen-
Zingiberoideae—Our subfamily Zingiberoideae contains bergia, Curcumorpha, and Cornukaempferia (and probably
the remaining genera in the family, which were formerly Haplochorema and Parakaempferia not included in our anal-
placed within the three tribes Zingibereae, Hedychieae, and ysis) is only weakly supported here, but has also been recog-
Globbeae (Table 3). The most recognizable floral features of nized by others (Newman, 1995; Searle and Hedderson, 2000;
this subfamily are the conspicuous and often well-developed Wood, Whitten, and Williams, 2000). These taxa lack the dis-
lateral staminodes (Figs. 3, 5, 6) that are generally absent in tinctive pseudostem (except for Zingiber and Haniffia) found
the Alpinioideae (Tables 2, 4). These lateral staminodes are in other members of the subfamily. Although it has been sug-
fused to the corolla tube and free from the labellum in most gested that the genus Cornukaempferia is allied with either
of the former Hedychieae, whereas they are fused to the la- Kaempferia (Mood and Larsen, 1997) or Zingiber (Searle and
bellum in the genus Zingiber (former Zingibereae; Fig. 5) and Hedderson, 2000; Wood, Whitten, and Williams, 2000), our
connate to the filament in Globba and Mantisia (part of the results do not support either of these hypotheses and resolution
former Globbeae; Fig. 6). In a few genera the lateral stami- among the genera of the Kaempferia clade is generally low.
nodes and/or the labellum are reduced or absent (Rhynchan- The close relationship between Distichochlamys and Sca-
thus, Pommereschea, Nanochilus, Stadiochilus, Laosanthus, phochlamys as well as their generic boundaries have been rec-
Hedychium horsfieldii, and H. bordelonianum; Smith, 1980; ognized (Newman, 1995). However, the taxonomic position of
Newman, 1990; Larsen and Jenjittikul, 2001; Williams, Kress, Curcumorpha and Boesenbergia requires some discussion.
and Thet Tun, 2002). Hence, the presence of well-developed Boesenbergia is a genus of about 60 species found throughout
lateral staminodes is a feature not shared by all members of tropical Asia, including India, Myanmar, Thailand, Malaysia,
the Zingiberoideae as recognized here. and Borneo (Sirirugsa, 1992), and is distinguished by its two-
The most prominent vegetative feature that is universal in ranked inflorescence bracts, saccate labellum, and phenologi-
this subfamily is the parallel orientation of the plane of disti- cal pattern of flowers opening from the apex toward the base
chy of the leafy shoots with respect to the rhizome (perpen- (Smith, 1987). Curcumorpha longiflora was described as a
dicular orientation in all other Zingiberaceae). As pointed out monotypic genus from northeastern India (now known to also
earlier, this character was the basis for some authors to suggest occur in Myanmar and Thailand) distinctive in its radical in-
that genera such as Rhynchanthus and Pommereschea with florescences with spirally arranged bracts and the presence of
parallel orientation were not properly placed in the Alpinieae a staminodial cup (Rao and Verma, 1971). Larsen (1997)

placed Curcumorpha into Boesenbergia stating that the char- beae as earlier recognized until forthcoming evidence proves
acters cited by the original authors did not sufficiently distin- otherwise.
guish it from that genus. Our results suggest that Boesenbergia Caulokaempferia, first included within the genus Kaempferia,
itself may be polyphyletic with one group of species (here was subsequently recognized as distinct by Larsen (1964). Its
represented by B. pulcherrima) allied to Curcumorpha. This possible relationship to both Camptandra and Boesenbergia have
taxonomic complex is yet another example of the problems been noted (Larsen and Smith, 1972). Our results to not closely
that exist in defining clear generic boundaries in the Zingi- ally Caulokaempferia to any of the above three genera, and the
beraceae. combined analyses of the two molecular data sets leaves the
The Curcuma clade has strong bootstrap support and in- placement of the genus within the Zingiberoideae unresolved
cludes Curcuma, Stahlianthus, Hitchenia, and Smithatris, with respect to the Zingibereae and the Globbeae. We therefore
which share cone-like inflorescences of few-flowered, con- at present recognize Caulokaempferia as incertae sedis within the
gested bracts (although much reduced in Stahlianthus). Cur- Zingiberoideae in our revised classification.
cuma, with about 50 species, has been circumscribed by its We have been able to address the phylogenetic placement
‘‘pouched’’ inflorescence bracts and versatile, usually spurred and distinctiveness of a number of the monotypic genera with-
anthers. However, these features are neither unique nor uni- in the Zingiberoideae. Taxa such as Haniffia, Cornukaempfer-
versal in the genus, and our results along with those of others ia, and Pyrgophyllum are characterized by relatively long
(Wood, Whitten, and Williams, 2000) strongly suggest that branch lengths in the combined analyses (32–41 bp), while
Curcuma is paraphyletic with Hitchenia and Stahlianthus, and others, such as Curcumorpha, Hitchenia, Stahlianthus, and
maybe Smithatris. Expanded taxon sampling within these gen- Smithatris, are less distinct (9–20 bp). As exploration of new
era is necessary to realign species and distinguish boundaries habitats in Southeast Asia increases, additional species are be-
among the taxa (T. Rehse, W. J. Kress, and P. S. Manos, un- ing found in many genera that were previously only known
published data). Rather than accepting an enlarged concept of from a single species (e.g., Curcumorpha, Cornukaempferia,
Curcuma to include these associated genera, the strong support Haniffia, Distichochlamys, and Smithatris). In addition, several
of several clades within the Curcuma complex may necessitate monotypic genera such as Nanochilus, Paracautleya, Parak-
the splitting up of Curcuma into several smaller genera. aempferia, Laosanthus, and Stadiochilus are yet to be sampled
Among the remaining genera in the Zingibereae two pri- for inclusion in molecular investigations. We have tentatively
marily Himalayan clades have strong support: the Roscoea 1 placed these genera in the Zingibereae based on their mor-
Cautleya clade in the western end of the range from Kashmir phology alone. A more thorough sampling and expanded phy-
to southwestern China and the Pommereschea 1 Rhynchan- logenetic analyses should provide additional answers to the
thus clade in the eastern end straddling the borders of Yunnan, status of the many small genera in the family.
Myanmar, and Thailand. Both of these clades have moderate
to strong support and at least in the ITS analysis form a weakly Future directions—We recommend that more species of the
supported Himalayan alliance of four genera. The placement large paraphyletic genera Curcuma, Alpinia, Amomum, and Etlin-
of Hedychium (a large, strongly supported monophyletic ge- gera be added to future molecular analyses to better delimit ge-
nus), the monotypic Pyrgophyllum endemic to southwestern neric boundaries in these taxa and their allied genera. Taxa from
China, and the few-species Camptandra from the lowland wet important, but undersampled, genera such as Hornstedtia, Aulo-
forests of Thailand and Malaysia is still unresolved, although tandra, Elettaria, Geocharis, Geostachys, Riedelia, Burbidgea,
the latter two genera are allied with the Curcuma clade in the and Scaphochlamys should be included in future investigations.
ITS analysis. We are especially interested in the placement and taxonomic sta-
The four genera in the traditionally recognized Globbeae tus of the remaining monotypic genera (Stadiochilus, Nanochilus,
(Tables 2–4; Fig. 6) are united by several morphological char- Cyphostigma, Laosanthus, Paracautleya, Parakaempferia, and
acters, such as the unilocular ovary with parietal placentation Leptosolena), some of which are exceedingly rare and may be
(convergent with Tamijia) and the long-arching filament to extinct in the wild. We plan to continue our taxon sampling
which the labellum and/or lateral staminodes are fused (in throughout the family with the hopes of recognizing appropriate
Globba and Mantisia only). Our molecular analysis strongly monophyletic genera and eventually proposing a more detailed
places the four genera of the Globbeae within the Zingibero- classification of the Zingiberaceae. We are also currently utilizing
ideae, but only weakly outside the taxa comprising the Zin- our phylogenetic results to investigate patterns of biogeographic
gibereae (see discussion below on Caulokaempferia). A num- history and character evolution in this interesting and diverse
ber of vegetative and floral characters unite Globba with Man- pantropical family.
tisia and Hemiorchis with Gagnepainia, a result that is strong-
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