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Part 1: Executive Summary

2020 American Heart Association Guidelines for Cardiopulmonary
Resuscitation and Emergency Cardiovascular Care

INTRODUCTION Raina M. Merchant, MD,

The 2020 American Heart Association (AHA) Guidelines for Cardiopulmonary Resus- MSHP
citation (CPR) and Emergency Cardiovascular Care provides a comprehensive review Alexis A. Topjian, MD,
of evidence-based recommendations for resuscitation and emergency cardiovascular MSCE
care. The initial guidelines for CPR were published in 1966 by an ad hoc CPR Commit- Ashish R. Panchal, MD,
tee of the Division of Medical Sciences, National Academy of Sciences—National Re- PhD
search Council.1 This occurred in response to requests from several organizations and Adam Cheng, MD
agencies about the need for standards and guidelines regarding training and response. Khalid Aziz, MBBS, MA,
Since then, CPR guidelines have been reviewed, updated, and published periodi- MEd(IT)
cally by the AHA.2–9 In 2015, the process of 5-year updates was transitioned to an Katherine M. Berg, MD
online format that uses a continuous evidence evaluation process rather than periodic Eric J. Lavonas, MD, MS
reviews. This allowed for significant changes in science to be reviewed in an expedited David J. Magid, MD, MPH
manner and then incorporated directly into the guidelines if deemed appropriate. On behalf of the Adult
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The intent was that this would increase the potential for more immediate transitions Basic and Advanced
from guidelines to bedside. The approach for this 2020 guidelines document reflects Life Support, Pediatric
alignment with the International Liaison Committee on Resuscitation (ILCOR) and as- Basic and Advanced Life
sociated member councils and includes varying levels of evidence reviews specific to Support, Neonatal Life
the scientific questions considered of greatest clinical significance and new evidence. Support, Resuscitation
Over a half-century after the initial guidelines were published, cardiac arrest Education Science, and
remains a leading cause of mortality and morbidity in the United States and other Systems of Care Writing
countries worldwide. As reported in the AHA “Heart Disease and Stroke Statis- Groups
tics—2020 Update,” emergency medical services respond to more than 347 000
adults and more than 7000 children (less than 18 years of age) with out-of-hospital
cardiac arrest (OHCA) each year in the United States.10 In-hospital cardiac arrest
(IHCA) is estimated to occur in 9.7 per 1000 adult cardiac arrests (approximately
292 000 events annually) and 2.7 pediatric events per 1000 hospitalizations.11 In
addition, approximately 1% of newly born infants in the United States need inten-
sive resuscitative measures to restore cardiorespiratory function.12,13
Key Words:  AHA Scientific Statements
Overall, although both adult and pediatric IHCA outcomes have improved steadily ◼ apnea ◼ automated external
since 2004, similar gains are not being seen in OHCA.10 The proportion of adult pa- defibrillator ◼ capnography
◼ cardiopulmonary resuscitation
tients with return of spontaneous circulation (ROSC) following OHCA that is attend-
◼ defibrillators ◼ delivery of health
ed by emergency medical services has remained essentially unchanged since 2012.10 care ◼ echocardiography ◼ electric
Much of the variation in survival rates is thought to be due to the strength of countershock ◼ epinephrine
◼ extracorporeal membrane
the Chain of Survival (Figure 1), the critical actions that must occur in rapid succes- oxygenation ◼ heart arrest ◼ infusions,
sion to maximize the chance of survival from cardiac arrest.14 A sixth link, recovery, intraosseous ◼ intubation, intratracheal
has been added to each Chain with this version of the guidelines to emphasize the ◼ life support care ◼ respiration,
artificial ◼ shock, cardiogenic ◼ shock,
importance of recovery and survivorship for resuscitation outcomes. Analogous septic
Chains of Survival have also been developed for pediatric OHCA and for both
© 2020 American Heart Association, Inc.
adult and pediatric IHCA. Similarly, successful neonatal resuscitation depends on a
continuum of integrated lifesaving steps that begins with careful assessment and

Circulation. 2020;142(suppl 2):S337–S357. DOI: 10.1161/CIR.0000000000000918 October 20, 2020 S337

Merchant et al Executive Summary: 2020 AHA Guidelines for CPR and ECC

Adult Out-of-Hospital Chain of Survival

Adult In-Hospital Chain of Survival

Pediatric Out-of-Hospital Chain of Survival

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Pediatric In-Hospital Chain of Survival

The American
Heart As-
sociation Chains
of Survival. (4)
(4: Adult OHCA,
IHCA; Pediatric
4 chains of
survival for adult
cardiac arrest,
adult in-hospital Figure 1. The American Heart Association Chains of Survival.
cardiac arrest,
pediatric out-of- CPR indicates cardiopulmonary resuscitation.
hospital cardiac
arrest, and pedi-
atric in-hospital
preparation in advance of birth as well as resuscitation and impactful new or updated recommendations for that
cardiac arrest. and stabilization at the time of birth and through the Part. Each section also includes a list of critical knowledge
6 icons on each
chain show the
first 28 days after birth. gaps that highlights important research questions and
actions to help
someone in This executive summary provides an overview of and significant opportunities for enhancing the Chain of Sur-
cardiac arrest. orientation to the 2020 AHA Guidelines, which are orga- vival. This executive summary does not contain extensive
nized around the Utstein Formula for Survival (Figure 2).16 external reference citations; the reader is referred to Parts
Each section in this summary describes the scope of 2 through 7 for more detailed reviews of the scientific evi-
each guideline Part, along with a list of the most significant dence and corresponding recommendations.15,17–21

S338 October 20, 2020 Circulation. 2020;142(suppl 2):S337–S357. DOI: 10.1161/CIR.0000000000000918

Merchant et al Executive Summary: 2020 AHA Guidelines for CPR and ECC

The Utstein
Formula for
Survival, em-
phasizing the
3 components
Figure 2. The Utstein Formula for Survival, essential to
emphasizing the 3 components essential to improving
improving survival.16 survival.
3 horizontal
show the
to improve
the survival
rate: Medical
Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) resuscitation science that need to be addressed through Science,
Guidance expanded research initiatives and funding opportuni- Efficiency, and
ties. With reference to these gaps, we acknowledge the Local Imple-
Together with other professional societies, the AHA has importance of addressing the values and preferences of

provided interim guidance for basic life support (BLS) and our key stakeholders: the patients, families, and teams
advanced life support (ALS) in adults, children, and neo- who are involved in the process of resuscitation.
nates with suspected or confirmed COVID-19 infection. The 2020 Guidelines are organized into knowledge
Because the evidence and guidance are evolving with chunks, grouped into discrete modules of informa-
the COVID-19 situation, that information is maintained tion on specific topics or management issues.49 Each
separately from the ECC guidelines. Readers are directed modular knowledge chunk includes a table of recom-
to the AHA website22 for the most recent guidance. mendations, a brief introduction or synopsis, recom-
mendation-specific supportive text, hyperlinked refer-
ences, and, when relevant, figures, flow diagrams of
algorithms, and additional tables.
The 2020 Guidelines are based on the extensive evi- Abbreviations
dence evaluation performed in conjunction with ILCOR
and the affiliated ILCOR member councils. Three differ- Abbreviation Meaning/Phrase
ent types of evidence reviews (systematic reviews, scop- ACLS advanced cardiovascular life support
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ing reviews, and evidence updates) were used in the AED automated external defibrillator
2020 process. Each of these resulted in a description of AHA American Heart Association
the literature that facilitated guideline development.23–28
ALS advanced life support
The ILCOR evidence reviews used Grading of Recom-
BLS basic life support
mendations Assessment, Development, and Evaluation
methodology and terminology.29 These AHA treatment COR Class of Recommendation

recommendations followed standard AHA processes CPR cardiopulmonary resuscitation

and nomenclature, which are described fully in “Part 2: IHCA in-hospital cardiac arrest
Evidence Evaluation and Guidelines Development.”19 ILCOR International Liaison Committee on Resuscitation
Each AHA writing group reviewed all relevant and LOE Level of Evidence
current AHA guidelines for CPR and emergency cardio-
OHCA out-of-hospital cardiac arrest
vascular care,30–41 pertinent 2020 International Consen-
PPV positive-pressure ventilation
sus on CPR and Emergency Cardiovascular Care Science
With Treatment Recommendations evidence evaluations ROSC return of spontaneous circulation

and recommendations,42–48 and all relevant evidence up-

date worksheets to determine whether current guide-
lines should be reaffirmed, updated, or retired or if new
recommendations were needed. The writing groups
then drafted, reviewed, and approved recommenda- SUPPORT20
tions, assigning to each a Class of Recommendation “Part 3: Adult Basic and Advanced Life Support” in-
(COR; ie, strength) and Level of Evidence (LOE; ie, qual- cludes a comprehensive set of recommendations for
ity) (as outlined in Table 3 in Part 2 of this supplement).19 the care of adult victims of OHCA and IHCA. We reaf-
The 2020 Guidelines contain 491 recommendations firm the critical steps in the Chain of Survival, expand
(Table). Despite recent improvements in support for re- on the postresuscitative care section with the addition
suscitation research, 51% of these recommendations of an updated algorithm, and introduce a new link in
are based on limited data  and 17% on expert opin- the Chain of Survival, for recovery and survivorship. The
ion. This highlights the persistent knowledge gaps in main focus in managing adult cardiac arrest includes

Circulation. 2020;142(suppl 2):S337–S357. DOI: 10.1161/CIR.0000000000000918 October 20, 2020 S339

Merchant et al Executive Summary: 2020 AHA Guidelines for CPR and ECC

Table.  Recommendations in the 2020 Guidelines

Adult Basic and Pediatric Basic Resuscitation

Advanced Life and Advanced Neonatal Education
Classification Support Life Support Resuscitation Science Systems of Care Total Percent
Class (Strength) of Recommendation
 1 (strong) 78 53 16 5 9 161 33%
 2a (moderate) 57 42 14 13 10 135 27%
 2b (weak) 89 30 21 11 6 158 32%
 3: No benefit (moderate) 15 1 3 0 0 19 4%
 3: Harm (strong) 11 4 3 0 0 18 4%
Level (Quality) of Evidence
 A 2 1 2 1 0 6 1%
 B-R 37 3 8 7 1 55 11%
 B-NR 57 19 8 5 8 97 20%
 C-LD 123 70 24 15 15 248 51%
 C-EO 31 37 15 1 1 85 17%
 Total 250 130 57 29 25 491

EO indicates expert opinion; LD, limited data; NR, nonrandomized; and R, randomized.

rapid recognition, prompt provision of CPR, and defibril- arrest is caused by ventricular fibrillation or pulse-
lation of ventricular fibrillation and pulseless ventricular less ventricular tachycardia. However, rescuers may
tachycardia. Since 2010, the AHA has directed efforts encounter victims who are refractory to defibrillation
at minimizing the time to provision of chest compres- attempts. Double sequential defibrillation—shock
sions by focusing the universal sequence of responses delivery by 2 defibrillators nearly simultaneously—
on compressions followed by airway and breathing. has emerged as a new technological approach to
The 2020 Guidelines continue to highlight the critical manage these patients.60–64 At this time, a systematic
importance of chest compressions and leverage current review reveals that the usefulness of double sequen-
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relevant evidence to optimize care and improve survival. tial defibrillation for refractory shockable rhythm has
Additional recommendations relevant to adult resusci- not been established (Class 2b, LOE C-LD).48
tation appear in “Part 7: Systems of Care.”18 • Intravenous (IV) before intraosseous (IO): The
peripheral IV route has been the traditional
approach for giving emergency pharmacotherapy,
Adult Basic and Advanced Life Support:
although the IO route has grown in popularity and
Significant New, Updated, and is increasingly implemented as a first-line approach
Reaffirmed Recommendations for vascular access. New evidence suggests some
• CPR reaffirmed: Provision of CPR has long been the uncertainty about the efficacy of the IO route com-
hallmark of cardiac arrest management. Updated pared with the IV route.65–69 Therefore, it is rea-
evidence from an analysis of over 12 500 patients50 sonable for providers to first attempt establishing
reaffirms the importance of chest compression IV access for drug administration in cardiac arrest
quality as well as the following: (Class 2a, LOE B-NR). IO access may be considered
– During manual CPR, rescuers should perform if attempts at IV access are unsuccessful or not fea-
chest compressions to a depth of at least 2 inch- sible (Class 2b, LOE B-NR).
es, or 5 cm, for an average adult while avoid- • Early epinephrine administration reaffirmed: In
ing excessive chest compression depths (greater 2 randomized clinical trials,70,71 administration of
than 2.4 inches, or 6 cm)(Class 1, LOE B-NR).51–54 epinephrine increased ROSC and survival, leading
– It is reasonable for rescuers to perform chest to a recommendation that epinephrine be admin-
compressions at a rate of 100 to 120/min (Class istered for patients in cardiac arrest (Class 1, LOE
2a, LOE B-NR).50,55 B-R).40,72 Uncertainty about the effect of epineph-
Furthermore, from a new systematic review,44 we rine on neurological outcome, in addition to the
recommend that lay rescuers initiate CPR for presumed variation in outcomes based on timing and initial
cardiac arrest because the risk of harm to patients is low rhythm, supported the following new concepts:
if they are not in cardiac arrest (Class 1, LOE C-LD).56–59 – With respect to timing, for cardiac arrest with a
• Double sequential defibrillation: Along with CPR, early nonshockable rhythm, it is reasonable to adminis-
defibrillation is critical to survival when sudden cardiac ter epinephrine as soon as feasible (Class 2a, C-LD).

S340 October 20, 2020 Circulation. 2020;142(suppl 2):S337–S357. DOI: 10.1161/CIR.0000000000000918

Merchant et al Executive Summary: 2020 AHA Guidelines for CPR and ECC

– With respect to timing, for cardiac arrest with terventions are being performed (Class 2a, LOE
a shockable rhythm, it may be reasonable to C-EO), although provider skill set and available
administer epinephrine after initial defibrillation personnel and resources may also logically influ-
attempts have failed (Class 2b, C-LD). ence this timing.74
The Adult Cardiac Arrest Algorithm has been updat- • Point-of-care ultrasound for prognostication:
ed to emphasize the early administration of epineph- Many have attempted to leverage the use of new
rine for patients with nonshockable rhythms. technologies like portable ultrasound machines to
• Individualized management of resuscitation: Not provide guidance in making decisions on futility
all cardiac arrest events are identical, and spe- and termination of resuscitation. However, on the
cialized management may be critical for optimal basis of a synthesis of the evidence,48 we suggest
patient outcome, such as when the primary etiol- against the use of point-of-care ultrasound for
ogy of arrest is respiratory, a gravid uterus impedes prognostication during CPR (Class 3: No benefit,
venous return, or resuscitation involves a viable LOE C-LD). This recommendation does not pre-
fetus. In the Special Circumstances of Resuscitation clude the use of ultrasound to identify potentially
section, we highlight 2 such areas (opioid overdose reversible causes of cardiac arrest or detect ROSC.
and cardiac arrest in pregnancy): • Postresuscitative care: Post–cardiac arrest care,
– Opioid overdose: The opioid epidemic has re- a critical component of the Chain of Survival,
sulted in an increase in respiratory and cardiac demands a comprehensive, structured, multidisci-
arrests due to opioid overdose.73 To address plinary system of care that should be implemented
this public health crisis, we present 2 new algo- in a consistent manner for the treatment of post–
rithms for the management of opioid-associated cardiac arrest patients (Class 1, LOE B-NR).40,80 We
emergencies, highlighting that lay rescuers and present a new algorithm that describes the ini-
trained responders should not delay activating tial stabilization phase and additional emergency
emergency response systems while awaiting the
activities after ROSC. Key considerations include
patient’s response to naloxone or other interven-
blood pressure management, monitoring for and
tions (Class 1, LOE E-O). Additionally, for patients
treatment of seizures, and targeted temperature
known or suspected to be in cardiac arrest, in the
absence of a proven benefit from the use of nal-
• Improving neuroprognostication: Accurate neuro-
oxone, standard resuscitative measures should
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logical prognostication in cardiac arrest survivors

take priority over naloxone administration, with
who do not regain consciousness with ROSC is
a focus on high-quality CPR (compressions plus
critically important to ensure that patients with
ventilation) (Class 1, LOE E-O).73
significant potential for recovery are not des-
– Cardiac arrest in pregnancy: We present up-
dated recommendations and a new algorithm tined for certain poor outcomes due to care
highlighting the concept that the best out- withdrawal.81 With updated systematic reviews
comes for both mother and fetus are through on multiple aspects of neuroprognostication,48 in
successful maternal resuscitation.74 Team plan- patients who remain comatose after cardiac arrest,
ning for cardiac arrest in pregnancy should be we recommend that neuroprognostication involve
done in collaboration with the obstetric, neona- a multimodal approach and not be based on any
tal, emergency, anesthesiology, intensive care, single finding (Class 1, LOE B-NR).48,81 To assist in
and cardiac arrest services (Class 1, LOE C-LD). this process, we have developed evidence-based
Priorities for treating the pregnant woman in guidance to facilitate multimodal prognostication.
cardiac arrest should include provision of high- This includes the following:
quality CPR and relief of aortocaval compression – In patients who remain comatose after cardiac
through left lateral uterine displacement (Class arrest, we recommend that neuroprognostica-
1, LOE C-LD). If the pregnant woman with a tion be delayed until adequate time has passed
fundus height at or above the umbilicus has not to ensure avoidance of confounding by medi-
obtained ROSC with usual resuscitation mea- cation effect or a transiently poor examination
sures plus manual left lateral uterine displace- in the early postinjury period (Class 1, LOE
ment, it is advisable to prepare to evacuate the B-NR).82
uterus while resuscitation continues (Class 1, – In patients who remain comatose after cardiac
LOE C-LD).75–79 To accomplish delivery early, ide- arrest, it is reasonable to perform multimodal
ally within 5 minutes after the time of arrest, it neuroprognostication at a minimum of 72 hours
is reasonable to immediately prepare for peri- after the return to normothermia, though indi-
mortem cesarean delivery while initial BLS and vidual prognostic tests may be obtained earlier
advanced cardiovascular life support (ACLS) in- than this (Class 2a, LOE B-NR).48

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Merchant et al Executive Summary: 2020 AHA Guidelines for CPR and ECC

Further, we provide specific guidance on the use of • Does the use of point-of-care cardiac ultrasound
clinical examination, serum biomarkers, electrophysiolog- during cardiac arrest improve outcomes?
ical tests, and neuroimaging for neuroprognostication. • Is targeting a specific partial pressure of end-tidal
• Recovery and survivorship: Finally, we have added carbon dioxide (ETCO2) value during CPR benefi-
an additional link in the Chain of Survival: recov- cial, and what degree of rise in ETCO2 indicates
ery from cardiac arrest. Recovery expectations and ROSC?
survivorship plans that address treatment, sur- • Which populations are most likely to benefit from
veillance, and rehabilitation need to be provided extracorporeal CPR?
to cardiac arrest survivors and their caregivers • Does the treatment of nonconvulsive seizures,
at hospital discharge to address the sequelae of which are common in postarrest patients, improve
cardiac arrest and optimize transitions of care to patient outcomes?
independent physical, social, emotional, and role • Do neuroprotective agents improve favorable neu-
function.83 Recommendations that are critically rological outcome after cardiac arrest?
important to this concept include the following: • What is the most efficacious management
– We recommend structured assessment for anxi- approach for postarrest cardiogenic shock, includ-
ety, depression, posttraumatic stress, and fa- ing pharmacological, catheter intervention, or
tigue for cardiac arrest survivors and their care- implantable device?
givers (Class 1, LOE B-NR)83–87 • Does targeted temperature management,
– We recommend that cardiac arrest survivors compared with strict normothermia, improve
have multimodal rehabilitation assessment outcomes?
and treatment for physical, neurological, car- • What is the optimal duration for targeted temper-
diopulmonary, and cognitive impairments be- ature management before rewarming?
fore discharge from the hospital (Class 1, LOE • What is the best approach to rewarming postarrest
C-LD).83,88–90 patients after treatment with targeted tempera-
– We recommend that cardiac arrest survivors and ture management?
their caregivers receive comprehensive, multidis- • Are glial fibrillary acidic protein, serum tau protein,
ciplinary discharge planning, to include medical and neurofilament light chain measurements valu-
and rehabilitative treatment recommendations able for neuroprognostication?
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and return to activity/work expectations (Class • Do more uniform definitions for status epilepticus,
1, LOE C-LD).83 malignant electroencephalogram patterns, and
other electroencephalogram patterns enable bet-
ter comparisons of their prognostic values across
Knowledge Gaps studies?
Some of the most pertinent gaps in adult resuscitation • Is there a consistent threshold value for prognos-
research include the following: tication for gray-white ratio or apparent diffusion
• What are optimal strategies to enhance lay rescuer coefficient?
performance of CPR? • What do survivor-derived outcome measures of
• For patients with an arterial line in place, does tar- the impact of cardiac arrest survival look like, and
geting CPR to a particular blood pressure improve how do they differ from current generic or clini-
outcomes? cian-derived measures?
• Can artifact-filtering algorithms for analysis of • Does hospital-based protocolized discharge plan-
ECG rhythms during CPR in a real-time clinical set- ning for cardiac arrest survivors improve access
ting decrease pauses in chest compressions and to/referral to rehabilitation services or patient
improve outcomes? outcomes?
• Does preshock waveform analysis lead to improved • Is there benefit to naloxone administration in
outcome? patients with opioid-associated cardiac arrest who
• Does double sequential defibrillation and/or alter- are receiving CPR with ventilation?
native defibrillator pad positioning affect outcome • What is the ideal initial dose of naloxone in a
in cardiac arrest with shockable rhythm? setting where fentanyl and fentanyl analogues
• Is the IO route of drug administration safe and effi- are responsible for a large proportion of opioid
cacious in cardiac arrest, and does efficacy vary by overdose?
IO site? • In cases of suspected opioid overdose managed
• Does epinephrine, when administered early after by a non–healthcare provider who is not capable
cardiac arrest, improve survival with favorable neu- of reliably checking a pulse, is initiation of CPR
rological outcome? beneficial?

S342 October 20, 2020 Circulation. 2020;142(suppl 2):S337–S357. DOI: 10.1161/CIR.0000000000000918

Merchant et al Executive Summary: 2020 AHA Guidelines for CPR and ECC

• What is the ideal timing of perimortem cesarean choose cuffed endotracheal tubes over uncuffed
delivery for a pregnant woman in cardiac arrest? endotracheal tubes for intubating infants and chil-
• Which patients with cardiac arrest due to “sus- dren (Class 2a, LOE C-LD).92–98
pected” pulmonary embolism benefit from emer- • Cricoid pressure: Although cricoid pressure may
gency thrombolysis during resuscitation? be useful in certain circumstances, routine use
can impede visualization during laryngoscopy
and chest rise with bag-mask ventilation. Clinical
PEDIATRIC BASIC AND ADVANCED studies show that routine use of cricoid pres-
LIFE SUPPORT21 sure reduces the rate of first-attempt intubation
Part 4 of the 2020 Guidelines, “Pediatric Basic and Ad- success. Routine use of cricoid pressure is not
vanced Life Support,” includes recommendations for recommended during endotracheal intubation
the treatment of pediatric OHCA and IHCA, including of pediatric patients (Class 3: No benefit, LOE
postresuscitation care and survivorship. The causes, C-LD),99,100 and if cricoid pressure is used, discon-
treatment, and outcomes of cardiac arrest in children tinue if it interferes with ventilation or the speed or
differ from cardiac arrest in adults. For example, pedi- ease of intubation (Class 3: Harm, LOE C-LD).99,100
atric cardiac arrests are more often due to respiratory • Early epinephrine: The goal of epinephrine admin-
causes. These guidelines contain recommendations for istration during CPR is to optimize coronary per-
pediatric BLS and ALS, excluding the newborn period, fusion pressure and maintain cerebral perfusion
and are based on the best available resuscitation sci- pressure. Earlier administration of epinephrine dur-
ence. Expansions to pediatric ALS recommendations ing CPR may increase survival-to-discharge rates.
include care of the child with pulmonary hypertension, For pediatric patients in any setting, it is reason-
congenital heart disease, and post–cardiac arrest re- able to administer the initial dose of epinephrine
covery. This summary highlights the new and updated within 5 minutes from the start of chest compres-
recommendations in pediatric BLS and ALS since 2015 sions (Class 2a, LOE C-LD).101–104
that we believe will have a significant impact on process • Diastolic blood pressure to guide CPR: For patients
and on patient-related outcomes from cardiac arrest. with continuous invasive arterial blood pressure
Additional recommendations related to pediatric resus- monitoring in place at the time of cardiac arrest,
citation can be found in “Part 7: Systems of Care.” it is reasonable for providers to use diastolic blood
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pressure to assess CPR quality (Class 2a, LOE

C-LD).105 Although ideal blood pressure targets
Significant New and Updated during CPR are not known, diastolic blood pres-
Recommendations sure is the main driver of coronary blood flow and
• Respiratory rate: Respiratory rates during pediatric may be used to guide interventions if an arterial
CPR have previously been extrapolated from adult line is in place.
data, because of lack of pediatric studies. New • Seizures after cardiac arrest: Post–cardiac arrest
data about respiratory rates during CPR in chil- seizures are common. Many are nonconvul-
dren are now available. Although limited, these sive, which can be detected only with electroen-
data support a higher respiratory rate for children cephalography monitoring. When resources are
with an advanced airway than was previously rec- available, continuous electroencephalography
ommended.91 When performing CPR in infants monitoring is recommended for the detection of
and children with an advanced airway, it may be seizures after cardiac arrest in patients with persis-
reasonable to target a respiratory rate range of 1 tent encephalopathy (Class 1, LOE C-LD).106–109 It is
breath every 2 to 3 seconds (20–30 breaths/min), recommended to treat clinical seizures that follow
accounting for age and clinical condition. Rates cardiac arrest (Class 1, LOE C-LD).110,111 It is reason-
exceeding these recommendations may compro- able to treat nonconvulsive status epilepticus that
mise hemodynamics (Class 2b, LOE C-LD).91 For follows cardiac arrest, in consultation with experts
infants and children with a pulse but absent or (Class 2a, LOE C-EO).110,111
inadequate respiratory effort, it is reasonable to • Recovery and survivorship: New neurological mor-
give 1 breath every 2 to 3 seconds (20–30 breaths/ bidity after cardiac arrest is common and should be
min) (Class 2a, LOE C-EO).91 addressed with ongoing assessment and interven-
• Cuffed endotracheal tubes: Intubation with a tion to support patients after hospital discharge. It
cuffed endotracheal tube can improve capnog- is recommended that pediatric cardiac arrest survi-
raphy and ventilation in patients with poor pul- vors be evaluated for rehabilitation services (Class
monary compliance and decrease the need for 1, LOE C-LD).112–117 It is reasonable to refer pediat-
endotracheal tube changes. It is reasonable to ric cardiac arrest survivors for ongoing neurological

Circulation. 2020;142(suppl 2):S337–S357. DOI: 10.1161/CIR.0000000000000918 October 20, 2020 S343

Merchant et al Executive Summary: 2020 AHA Guidelines for CPR and ECC

evaluation for at least the first year after cardiac • In what time frame should the first dose of epi-
arrest (Class 2a, LOE C-LD).81,83,115,117–122 nephrine be administered during pulseless cardiac
• Septic shock: Previous AHA guidelines for the man- arrest?
agement of septic shock included aggressive (20 • With what frequency should subsequent doses of
mL/kg) fluid boluses and lacked additional guid- epinephrine be administered?
ance. In these 2020 Guidelines, a more tailored • With what frequency should the rhythm be
approach to fluid administration is suggested, and checked during CPR?
vasopressor recommendations are provided. • What are the optimal chest compression rate and
– In patients with septic shock, it is reasonable ventilation rate during CPR? Are they age depen-
to administer fluid in 10-mL/kg or 20-mL/kg dent? Do they differ when an advanced airway is
aliquots with frequent reassessment (Class 2a, in place?
LOE C-LD).123 Providers should reassess the pa- • Are there specific situations in which advanced air-
tient after every fluid bolus to assess for fluid way placement is either beneficial or harmful in
responsiveness and for signs of volume overload OHCA or IHCA? Do they differ based on the etiol-
(Class 1, LOE C-LD).123–125 ogy of cardiac arrest?
– Either isotonic crystalloids or colloids can be ef- • Can echocardiography improve CPR quality or out-
comes from cardiac arrest?
fective as the initial fluid choice for resuscitation
• What is the role of extracorporeal CPR for infants
(Class 2a, LOE B-R).126 Either balanced or un-
and children with OHCA and IHCA due to noncar-
balanced solutions can be effective as the fluid
diac causes?
choice for resuscitation (Class 2a, LOE B-NR).127–129
• What is the optimal timing and dosing of defibril-
– In infants and children with fluid-refractory sep-
lation for ventricular fibrillation and pulseless ven-
tic shock, it is reasonable to use either epineph-
tricular tachycardia?
rine or norepinephrine as an initial vasoactive • What clinical tools can be used to help in the
infusion (Class 2a, LOE C-LD).130–135 decision to terminate pediatric IHCA and OHCA
• Opioid overdose: Although most victims of opioid resuscitation?
overdose are adults, young children suffer opioid • What is the optimal blood pressure target during
overdose from exploratory behavior, and adoles- the post–cardiac arrest period?
cents through opioid abuse or self-harm exposure. • What are the reliable methods for postarrest
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Opioid overdose causes respiratory depression, prognostication?

which can progress to respiratory arrest and then • What rehabilitation therapies and follow-up
cardiac arrest. Pediatric opioid overdose manage- should be provided to improve outcomes after car-
ment is the same as for adults. For a patient with diac arrest?
suspected opioid overdose who has a definite • What are the most effective and safe medica-
pulse but no normal breathing or only gasping tions for adenosine-refractory supraventricular
(ie, a respiratory arrest), in addition to providing tachycardia?
standard pediatric BLS or ALS care, it is reason-
able for responders to administer intramuscular
or intranasal naloxone (Class 2a, LOE B-NR).136–149 NEONATAL LIFE SUPPORT15
Empirical administration of intramuscular or intra- Part 5 of the AHA 2020 Guidelines, “Neonatal Life
nasal naloxone to all unresponsive opioid-asso- Support,”15 includes recommendations on how to fol-
ciated life-threatening emergency patients may low the algorithm that include anticipation and prepa-
be reasonable as an adjunct to standard first aid ration, umbilical cord management at delivery, initial
and non–healthcare provider BLS protocols (Class actions, heart rate monitoring, respiratory support,
2b, LOE C-EO).137–145,147–150 New opioid-associated chest compressions, intravascular access and thera-
emergency algorithms for lay rescuers and health- pies, withholding and discontinuation of resuscita-
care professionals are provided. tion, postresuscitation care, and human factors and
performance. Consistent with the Utstein Formula for
Survival, the 2020 Guidelines provide a comprehen-
Knowledge Gaps sive review of recommendations for neonatal resusci-
Some of the most pertinent gaps in pediatric resuscita- tation, including new and updated recommendations
tion research include the following: that are based on the latest evidence from studies
• What is the optimal route of medication delivery published in the medical literature and reviews com-
during CPR: IV or IO? pleted by ILCOR.

S344 October 20, 2020 Circulation. 2020;142(suppl 2):S337–S357. DOI: 10.1161/CIR.0000000000000918

Merchant et al Executive Summary: 2020 AHA Guidelines for CPR and ECC

Significant New and Updated Knowledge Gaps

Recommendations Some of the most pertinent gaps in neonatal resuscita-
• Skin-to-skin contact: Placing healthy newborn tion research include the following:
infants who do not require resuscitation skin- • What is the optimal management of the umbilical
to-skin after birth can be effective in improving cord at delivery, especially in the baby who appears
breastfeeding, temperature control, and blood to need respiratory support?
glucose stability (Class 2a, LOE B-R). A Cochrane • What is the optimal oxygen management at all
stages of resuscitation, including when initiating
systematic review found that healthy infants
PPV, when providing chest compressions, and after
receiving skin-to-skin contact were more likely to
be breastfed at 1 to 4 months of age. In addition,
• What are the optimal dosing, timing, and route of
blood glucose after birth was meaningfully higher
administration for epinephrine?
and cardiorespiratory stability was also improved
• What is the optimal management for the detec-
with skin-to-skin contact.151 tion and treatment of hypovolemia?
• Intubation for meconium: For nonvigorous new- • How should neonatal resuscitation be modified in
borns (presenting with apnea or ineffective breath- non–delivery room settings?
ing effort) delivered through meconium-stained • What strategies are most effective for optimizing
amniotic fluid, routine laryngoscopy, with or with- provider and team performance, including train-
out tracheal suctioning, is not recommended (Class ing methods, the frequency of retraining inter-
3: No benefit, LOE C-LD). For nonvigorous new- vals, and the approach to briefing, debriefing, and
borns delivered through meconium-stained amni- feedback?
otic fluid who have evidence of airway obstruction
during positive-pressure ventilation (PPV), intuba-
tion and tracheal suction can be beneficial (Class RESUSCITATION EDUCATION SCIENCE17
2a, LOE C-EO). Endotracheal suctioning is indi- Part 6 of the 2020 Guidelines, “Resuscitation Edu-
cated only if airway obstruction is suspected after cation Science,” includes recommendations about
providing PPV.46 various instructional design features in resuscitation
• Vascular access: For babies requiring vascular training, including deliberate practice, spaced learn-
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access at the time of delivery, the umbilical vein ing, booster training, teamwork and leadership train-
is the recommended route (Class 1, LOE C-EO). If ing, in situ education, manikin fidelity, CPR feedback
IV access is not feasible, it may be reasonable to devices, virtual reality and gamified learning, and
use the IO route (Class 2b, LOE C-EO). Babies who precourse preparation.17 We also discuss educational
have failed to respond to PPV and chest compres- strategies to support lay rescuer training and efforts
sions require vascular access to infuse epinephrine to address the opioid epidemic. The second section of
and/or volume expanders. Umbilical venous cathe- Part 6 describes how specific provider considerations
terization is the preferred technique in the delivery may influence the impact of educational interventions.
room.46,152 IO access is an alternative if umbilical We offer recommendations to address disparities in
venous access is not feasible or care is being pro- education and in willingness to provide CPR, and we
vided outside of the delivery room.46 outline how practitioner experience and participation
• Termination of resuscitation: In newly born babies in ACLS courses influence patient outcomes from car-
receiving resuscitation, if there is no heart rate and diac arrest. Additional recommendations related to re-
all the steps of resuscitation have been performed, suscitation education science can be found in “Part 7:
Systems of Care.”18
cessation of resuscitation efforts should be dis-
cussed with the healthcare team and the family.
A reasonable time frame for this change in goals Significant New and Updated
of care is around 20 minutes after birth (Class 1, Recommendations
LOE C-LD). Newly born babies who have failed to • Booster training: It is recommended to implement
respond to resuscitative efforts by approximately booster sessions when using a massed learning
20 minutes of age have a low likelihood of sur- approach for resuscitation training (Class 1, LOE
vival. For this reason, a time frame for decisions B-R). Most current resuscitation courses use a
relating to discontinuation of resuscitation efforts massed learning approach: a single training event
is suggested, emphasizing engagement of par- lasting hours or days coupled with retraining every
ents and the resuscitation team before redirecting 1 to 2 years.154 The addition of booster training
care.46,153 sessions (ie, brief, frequent sessions focused on

Circulation. 2020;142(suppl 2):S337–S357. DOI: 10.1161/CIR.0000000000000918 October 20, 2020 S345

Merchant et al Executive Summary: 2020 AHA Guidelines for CPR and ECC

repetition of prior content) to resuscitation courses awareness.176,177 When added to other educa-
is associated with improved CPR skill retention tional strategies, in situ training has a positive
over 12 months.155–161 The frequency of booster impact on learning and on performance out-
sessions should be balanced against learner attri- comes.161,164,178–182 The advantages of in situ train-
tion (ie, higher attrition rates with more frequent ing should be weighed against the risks of training
sessions155) and the availability of resources to sup- in clinical spaces.
port implementation of booster training. • Lay rescuer training: A combination of self-instruc-
• Spaced learning: It is reasonable to use a spaced tion and instructor-led teaching with hands-on
learning approach in place of a massed learning training is recommended as an alternative to
approach for resuscitation training (Class 2a, LOE instructor-led courses for lay rescuers. If instructor-
B-R).162–164 In contrast to the traditional or massed led training is not available, self-directed training
learning approach involving a 1- or 2-day course, is recommended for lay rescuers (Class 1, LOE
a spaced learning approach separates training into C-LD).183–186 The primary goal of resuscitation
multiple sessions over time, with intervals of weeks training for lay rescuers (ie, non–healthcare pro-
to months between sessions. Each spaced session fessionals) is to increase immediate bystander CPR
involves the presentation of new content and rates, automated external defibrillator (AED) use,
may include repetition of content from prior ses- and timely emergency response system activation
sions.162–164 Two randomized clinical trials in pedi- during an OHCA. Studies comparing self-instruc-
atric resuscitation training report that a spaced tion or video-based instruction with instructor-led
learning approach results in improved clinical per- training demonstrate no significant differences in
formance and technical skills (IO insertion, bag- performance outcomes.183–186 A shift to more self-
mask ventilation) in comparison to a traditional directed training may lead to a higher proportion
1- or 2-day course.162,164 Because new content of trained lay rescuers, thus increasing the chances
and/or skills are presented at each session, learner that a trained lay rescuer will be available during
attendance across all sessions is required to ensure OHCA.
course completion. • Training school-age children: It is recommended
• Deliberate practice and mastery learning: to train middle school– and high school–age chil-
Incorporating a deliberate practice and mastery dren in how to perform high-quality CPR (Class 1,
learning model into BLS or ALS courses may be LOE C-LD).187–195 Training school-age children to
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considered for improving skill acquisition and per- perform CPR instills confidence and a positive atti-
formance (Class 2b, LOE B-NR). Deliberate practice tude toward responding to an OHCA event.187–195
is a training approach where learners are given (1) Targeting this population with CPR training helps
a discrete goal to achieve, (2) immediate feedback to build the future cadre of community-based,
on their performance, and (3) ample time for rep- trained lay rescuers.
etition to improve performance.165 Mastery learn- • Disparities in CPR training: Eliminating dispari-
ing is the use of deliberate-practice training along ties in CPR training could improve bystander CPR
with testing that uses a set of criteria to define a rates and outcomes from cardiac arrest in popu-
minimum passing standard that implies mastery of lations with historically low rates of bystander
the tasks being learned.166 Studies incorporating CPR. Communities with predominantly black and
a deliberate-practice and mastery-learning model Hispanic populations and those with lower socio-
into training demonstrated improved learner per- economic status have lower rates of bystander CPR
formance in resuscitation skills.167–174 Coupling rep- and CPR training.196–206 It is recommended to target
etition with feedback and allowing sufficient time and tailor lay rescuer CPR training to specific racial
to achieve competency are key elements associ- and ethnic populations and neighborhoods in the
ated with improved outcomes. United States (Class 1, LOE B-NR).196–200,207–211 It is
• In situ simulation training: It is reasonable to con- recommended to target low–socioeconomic sta-
duct in situ simulation-based resuscitation training tus populations and neighborhoods for layperson
in addition to traditional training (Class 2a, LOE CPR training and awareness efforts (Class 1, LOE
C-LD). In situ simulation is a form of simulation B-NR).201–206,212–215 Targeting training efforts should
training activities that occurs in actual patient-care consider barriers such as language, financial con-
areas.175 One advantage of in situ training is that siderations, and poor access to information.
it provides learners with a more realistic training • Barriers to bystander CPR for women: Women
environment. In situ training can be focused on are often less likely to receive bystander CPR
the development of individual provider technical because rescuers often fear accusations of inap-
skills or team-based skills, including communica- propriate touching, sexual assault, or injuring the
tion, leadership, role allocation, and situational victim.216,217 It is reasonable to address barriers to

S346 October 20, 2020 Circulation. 2020;142(suppl 2):S337–S357. DOI: 10.1161/CIR.0000000000000918

Merchant et al Executive Summary: 2020 AHA Guidelines for CPR and ECC

bystander CPR for female victims through educa- patients at risk for developing cardiac arrest. Additional
tional training and public awareness efforts (Class recommendations address clinical debriefing, transport
2a, LOE C-LD).216–219 Targeted training may help to to specialized cardiac arrest centers, organ donation,
overcome these barriers and improve bystander and performance measurement.
CPR rates for female victims.
• Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support course par- Significant New and Updated
ticipation: It is reasonable for healthcare profes-
sionals to take an adult ACLS course or equivalent
training (Class 2a, LOE C-LD).220–228 For more than • Summoning willing bystanders: Emergency dis-
3 decades, the ACLS course has been recognized patch systems should alert willing bystanders to
as an essential component of resuscitation train- nearby events that may require CPR or AED use
ing for frontline, acute-care providers. A recent through mobile phone technology (Class 1, LOE
systematic review found that having resuscitation B-NR). Despite the recognized role of lay rescuers
teams with 1 or more team members trained in in improving OHCA outcomes, most communities
ACLS results in improved patient outcomes.228 This experience low rates of bystander CPR and AED
recommendation supports the use of the ACLS use.229,230 Mobile phone technology, such as text
course as foundational training for acute-care messages and mobile phone apps, is available to
providers. summon trained members of the general public to
nearby events to assist in CPR and to direct those
responders to the nearest AED.231 Notification
Knowledge Gaps of lay rescuers via a mobile phone app results
Some of the most pertinent gaps in resuscitation edu- in improved bystander response times, higher
cation research include the following: bystander CPR rates, shorter time to defibrillation,
• Which educational interventions most impact and higher rates of survival to hospital discharge.47
real-world performance and clinical outcomes, as As this technology becomes more ubiquitous,
opposed to educational outcomes or performance studies exploring the impact of these alerts on car-
in training? diac arrest outcomes for diverse patient, commu-
• How can instructional design features be com- nity, and geographic contexts are needed.
• Cognitive aids and checklists: It may be reasonable
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bined or blended to optimize outcomes? Future

studies should evaluate the synergistic effects to use cognitive aids to improve team performance
of healthcare providers during CPR (Class 2b, LOE
of instructional design features when used in a
C-LD). Cognitive aids are prompts designed to help
blended manner (eg, in situ simulation training
individuals and teams to recall information, com-
delivered as booster sessions).
plete tasks, and adhere to guideline recommenda-
• What are the most effective ways to train and
tions.232 Examples include pocket cards, posters,
develop resuscitation instructors? Future research
checklists, mobile apps, and mnemonics. Although
should evaluate the impact of various faculty-
the use of cognitive aids in trauma resuscitation
development strategies on instructor skills and
improves adherence to resuscitation guidelines,
learner outcomes.
reduces errors, and improves survival,233–236 there
are no studies evaluating their use by healthcare
teams in cardiac arrest.47
• Data for continuous improvement: Continuous
Part 7 of the 2020 Guidelines focuses on systems of improvement starts with disciplined collection and
care, with an emphasis on elements that are relevant evaluation of data on resuscitation performance
to a broad range of resuscitation situations and to per- and outcomes. It is reasonable for organizations
sons of all ages. The systems of care guidelines are or- that treat cardiac arrest patients to collect pro-
ganized around the Chain of Survival, beginning with cesses-of-care data and outcomes (Class 2a, LOE
prevention and early identification of cardiac arrest and C-LD). Clinical registries collect information on the
proceeding through resuscitation to post–cardiac arrest processes of care (CPR performance, defibrillation
care and survivorship. Recommendations focused on times) and outcomes of care (ROSC, survival) associ-
OHCA include community initiatives to promote cardi- ated with real-world management of cardiac arrest.
ac arrest recognition, CPR, public access defibrillation, Registries provide information that can be used to
the use of mobile phone technologies to summon first identify opportunities to improve the quality of care.
responders, and an enhanced role for emergency tele- A recent systematic review found improvement in
communicators. Relevant to IHCA are recommenda- cardiac arrest survival in organizations and commu-
tions about the recognition and stabilization of hospital nities that implemented cardiac arrest registries.47

Circulation. 2020;142(suppl 2):S337–S357. DOI: 10.1161/CIR.0000000000000918 October 20, 2020 S347

Merchant et al Executive Summary: 2020 AHA Guidelines for CPR and ECC

Knowledge Gaps SUMMARY

Some of the most pertinent gaps in systems of care re- Cardiac arrest remains a condition with considerable
search include the following: morbidity and mortality that broadly affects individuals
• Which interventions improve the willingness of across age, gender, race, geography, and socioeconom-
the general public to perform CPR and use AEDs, ic status. Although there have been modest improve-
especially for populations and communities with ments in survival, there is still considerable work to be
low bystander response rates? done to address the significant burden of this disease.
• Does just-in-time AED delivery, including drone This executive summary provides an overview of new or
delivery of AEDs, increase the number of patients updated recommendations that are based on rigorous
receiving timely defibrillation and improve resusci- evidence evaluations and included in the 2020 Guide-
tation outcomes? lines.
• Which clinical criteria accurately identify patients To continue to make progress toward addressing
at increased risk for IHCA? this condition over the next decade will require further
• What are the ideal components of a hospital rapid strengthening the Chain of Survival and enhancing
response system and rapid response team? How coordinated systems of care. Knowledge gaps identi-
can these factors be integrated into a realistic and fied in the 2020 Guidelines point to critically important
effective response model for the prevention of research questions that should be addressed and that
IHCA? represent opportunities for funding the future trajec-
• What is the best structure for individual, team, tory of resuscitation science. Developing guidelines is
and system feedback to achieve performance an important initial step that can advance efforts that
improvement? will ultimately result in improved outcomes for patients.
• In what settings are community CPR and AED pro-
grams cost-effective?
The American Heart Association requests that this document be cited as fol-
lows: Merchant RM, Topjian AA, Panchal AR, Cheng A, Aziz K, Berg KM, La-
IMPLEMENTING THE GUIDELINES vonas EJ, Magid DJ; on behalf of the Adult Basic and Advanced Life Support,
Pediatric Basic and Advanced Life Support, Neonatal Life Support, Resuscitation
In this executive summary, we presented an over- Education Science, and Systems of Care Writing Groups. Part 1: executive sum-
view of the guidelines process, recommendations,
Downloaded from by on June 9, 2023

mary: 2020 American Heart Association Guidelines for Cardiopulmonary Resus-

and knowledge gaps that can be translated into citation and Emergency Cardiovascular Care. Circulation. 2020;142(suppl 2):
S337–S357. doi: 10.1161/CIR.0000000000000918
practice. Future efforts can focus on evaluating the
feasibility and acceptability of recommendations,
their cost-effectiveness, and their impact on equity,
The writing group acknowledges the members of the Adult Basic and Ad-
although such evaluations are outside the scope of vanced Life Support, Pediatric Basic and Advanced Life Support, Neonatal Life
this document. Support, Resuscitation Education Science, and Systems of Care Writing Groups.

Writing Group Disclosures

Other Speakers’ Consultant/

Writing Group Research Bureau/ Expert Ownership Advisory
Member Employment Research Grant Support Honoraria Witness Interest Board Other
Raina M. University of Pennsylvania NIH (R01 PI not specific to None None None None None None
Merchant cardiac arrest:
“Digital Phenotyping
and Cardiovascular
Khalid Aziz University of Alberta None None None None None None None
Katherine M. Berg Beth Israel Deaconess NHLBI Grant K23 None None None None None None
Medical Center HL128814†
Adam Cheng Alberta Children’s Hospital None None None None None None None

(Continued )

S348 October 20, 2020 Circulation. 2020;142(suppl 2):S337–S357. DOI: 10.1161/CIR.0000000000000918

Merchant et al Executive Summary: 2020 AHA Guidelines for CPR and ECC

Writing Group Disclosures Continued

Other Speakers’ Consultant/

Writing Group Research Bureau/ Expert Ownership Advisory
Member Employment Research Grant Support Honoraria Witness Interest Board Other
Eric J. Lavonas Denver Health Emergency BTG Pharmaceuticals None None None None None American
Medicine (Denver Health (Dr Heart
Lavonas’ employer) has Association
research, call center, (Senior Science
consulting, and teaching Editor)†
agreements with BTG
Pharmaceuticals. BTG
manufactures the digoxin
antidote, DigiFab. Dr
Lavonas does not receive
bonus or incentive
compensation, and these
agreements involve an
unrelated product. When
these guidelines were
developed, Dr Lavonas
recused from discussions
related to digoxin
David J. Magid University of Colorado NIH†; NHLBI†; CMS†; None None None None None American
AHA† Heart
(Senior Science
Ashish R. Panchal The Ohio State University None None None None None None None
Alexis A. Topjian The Children’s Hospital of NIH* None None None None None None
Philadelphia, University of

This table represents the relationships of writing group members that may be perceived as actual or reasonably perceived conflicts of interest as reported on
the Disclosure Questionnaire, which all members of the writing group are required to complete and submit. A relationship is considered to be “significant” if
Downloaded from by on June 9, 2023

(a) the person receives $10 000 or more during any 12-month period, or 5% or more of the person’s gross income; or (b) the person owns 5% or more of the
voting stock or share of the entity, or owns $10 000 or more of the fair market value of the entity. A relationship is considered to be “modest” if it is less than
“significant” under the preceding definition.

Reviewer Disclosures

Other Speakers’ Consultant/

Research Bureau/ Expert Ownership Advisory
Reviewer Employment Research Grant Support Honoraria Witness Interest Board Other
Aarti Bavare Baylor College of None None None None None None None
Raúl J. Rosalind Franklin Zoll Foundation (received–Myocardial None None None None None None
Gazmuri University of Medicine Effects of Shock Burden During
and Science Defibrillation Attempts. Work
conducted in a swine model)†; Zoll
Foundation (received–Amplitude
Spectral Area to Assess Hemodynamic
and Metabolic Interventions during
Cardiac Arrest. Work conducted in
a swine model)†; Zoll Foundation
(Does Erythropoietin Reduce Adverse
Post-Resuscitation Myocardial and
Cerebral Effects of Epinephrine
Resulting in Improved Survival with
Good Neurological Function? Work in
a swine model)†
Julia Indik University of Arizona None None None None None None None
Steven L. University of Michigan NIH (Enhancing Pre-Hospital None None None None None None
Kronick Outcomes for Cardiac Arrest [EPOC])*

(Continued )

Circulation. 2020;142(suppl 2):S337–S357. DOI: 10.1161/CIR.0000000000000918 October 20, 2020 S349

Merchant et al Executive Summary: 2020 AHA Guidelines for CPR and ECC

Reviewer Disclosures Continued

Other Speakers’ Consultant/

Research Bureau/ Expert Ownership Advisory
Reviewer Employment Research Grant Support Honoraria Witness Interest Board Other
Eddy Lang University of Calgary None None None None None None None
Alexandra Children’s Hospital of Labatt Innovation Fund (seed fund None None None None None None
Marquez Philadelphia grant (≈25K) for device development
project to create a “rapid access”
ECLS cannulation deployment
Mary Ann University of None None None None None None None
McNeil Minnesota
Robert D. Wake Forest University None None None None None None None
Nelson Health Sciences
Donald H. Johns Hopkins Hospital None None None None None None None

This table represents the relationships of reviewers that may be perceived as actual or reasonably perceived conflicts of interest as reported on the Disclosure
Questionnaire, which all reviewers are required to complete and submit. A relationship is considered to be “significant” if (a) the person receives $10 000 or more
during any 12-month period, or 5% or more of the person’s gross income; or (b) the person owns 5% or more of the voting stock or share of the entity, or owns
$10 000 or more of the fair market value of the entity. A relationship is considered to be “modest” if it is less than “significant” under the preceding definition.

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