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Discuss job design and job specialization within organization „About the
Fit “!

2. Did you detect any delegation problem in organization „About the Fit “? If
yes, please elaborate on it. Delegation refers to sharing or transferring
responsibilities, and typically happens from a superior (or an employer) to
a subordinate (or an employee).

3. Is organization „About the Fit “classified as Bureaucratic or Behavioral

model? Please explain your answer.

Bureaucratic Model (Max Weber) – a logical, rational, and efficient

organization design based on a legitimate and formal system of authority.
a. A division of labor with each position filled by an expert.
b. A consistent set of rules ensuring uniformity in task performance.
c. A hierarchy of positions that creates a chain of command.
d. Impersonal management; with the appropriate social distance between
superiors and subordinates.
e. Employment and advancement based on technical expertise, and
employees protected from arbitrary dismissal.
• Behavioral model – Renesis Likert
o Organizations that pay attention to work groups and interpersonal processes
are more effective than bureaucratic organizations
4. Please try to plot the “Organizational scheme” of “About the Fit”
organization on the basis of information learned through the movie.

5. Is there any example of organization change in „About the Fit “during the
movie? What kind of change it is?

6. Discuss how organization „About the Fit “attracts and hires a new intern?
Also explain process of selecting Human Resources in the company!

7. Identify, list and discuss the causes and consequences of stress in a life
of Jule! How does Ben manage to help Jule with the stress?

8. Which among several theories of motivation best describe the case of

Ben's decision to apply for „About the Fit “company? Please explain.

9. Is Jules a leader or a manager? Why? Is Ben a leader or a manager?

Leadership is the ability of an individual to influence, motivate, and enable
others to contribute to the organization's success. Management is
responsible for controlling an organization, a group, or a set of entities to
achieve a particular objective. Managing is about making sure the day-to-
day operations are being performed as expected. Most managers also tend
to be leaders, but only IF they also adequately carry out the leadership
responsibilities of management, which include communication, motivation,
providing inspiration and guidance, and encouraging employees to rise to a
higher level of productivity.

Unfortunately, not all managers are leaders. Some managers have poor
leadership qualities, and employees follow orders from their managers
because they are obligated to do so—not necessarily because they are
influenced or inspired by the leader.

10. Describe the role of digital communication in organization „About the


11. Is there any example of interpersonal and intergroup conflict in the

movie? Please explain the cause of the conflict, and its consequences.
Describe the negotiation processes presented in the movie!

• Planned Change – is designed and implemented in an orderly and timely

fashion in anticipation of future events
• Reactive Change - a piecemeal response to events and circumstances
as they develop

Steps in the Change Process (The Lewin Model):

• Unfreezing – Individuals must be shown why the change is necessary

• Implementing change – the change itself is implemented

• Refreezing – involves reinforcing and supporting the change so that it

becomes a permanent part of the system

Theories of motivation:

1. Maslow’s hierarchy of needs (psychological needs, safety, love and

belonging, esteem, self-actualization)
2. Herzberg’s motivation-hygiene theory (AKA dual-factor or two-factor
3. The ERG Theory (Aldefer)

Needs are grouped into overlapping categories:

• Existence needs—physiological and security needs.

• Relatedness needs—belongingness and esteem by others.
• Growth needs—self-esteem and self-actualization.
• ERG theory assumes that:
• Multiple needs can be operative at one time (there is no absolute
hierarchy of needs).
• If a need is unsatisfied, a person will regress to a lower-level need and
pursue that need (frustration-regression).
4. The Two-Factor Theory (Herzberg)

Satisfaction and dissatisfaction are influenced by two independent sets

of factors.Theory assumes that job satisfaction and job dissatisfaction are
on two distinct continuums:

Motivational factors (work content) are on a continuum that ranges from

satisfaction to no satisfaction.

Hygiene factors (work environment) are on a separate continuum that

ranges from dissatisfaction to no dissatisfaction.

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