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Republic of the Philippines

National Capital Region

Detailed Lesson Plan for Senior High School

S.Y.: 2022-2023

Charmaigne B. Arce Ma’am Jenilyn B. Malonzo

Student Teacher Cooperating Teacher

21ST Century Literature from the Philippines and the World

Grade 11
March 29, 2023
Time frame: 60 minutes
Prepared by: Charmaigne B. Arce

I. Objectives
At the end of the 1- hour lesson, the students must be able to:
a. define what is anecdote.
b. create their own anecdote; and

c. evaluates the purpose of anecdote.

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Anecdote
Instructional Materials: PowerPoint Presentation, mobile phone,
chalk, eraser
III. Learning Procedure

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A. Daily Routine

1. Prayer
Anyone who wants to lead the prayer? (Student comes in front and leads
Alright, Miss Guevarra please lead the the prayer.)

Students please be silent and feel the (Students prayed)

presence of the Lord.

2. Greetings
Good morning class! Good morning, Ma’am Malonzo and
Ma’am Charmaigne!

Please arrange and respectfully pick up

all the trash that is under your chairs
before we proceed to our lesson for

Alright you may take your seat now. “Thank you, Ma’am.”

1. Checking of Attendance

Classroom secretary please do check Yes Ma’am. (Classroom secretary

the attendance. Thank you. checked the attendance.)


1. Review
Yesterday, we tackled about Anecdote, Yes, Ma’am.

As a review, can you please tell what is (Student defined Anecdote in their
an anecdote in your own understanding? own understanding.)

Very Good!
(Five students participated.)
Give me your own examples of
2. Motivation
Read and analyze the following an:

 Before beginning a tutoring

session, the tutor tells the student
how he used to struggle with the
subject matter in the past and how
he managed to grow past these
 During a conversation about
amusement parks, a child tells a (Students read each short story and
story about his favorite trip to explained how they understand it.)
Disney World.
 At the beginning of a speech
about fire safety, the speaker tells
a short cautionary tale about a
serious injury that occurred as a
result of not following protocol.
 Before Christmas morning
breakfast, parents tell their
children about their very first
Christmas together.

How did you feel while reading these
short stories? (Student answers vary)

Correct! Very good!


The stories that you have you read are

examples of the Purpose of Anecdote.

Please read each purpose of anecdote

and give your own example.

Purposes of Anecdotes: (Students read and gave their own

1. To Bring Cheer examples of anecdote.)
Stories pop up anywhere and these
are just sometimes making people
laugh to brighten their mood. here is
an example of an anecdote meant to
look back happy memories:
 At the dinner, a grade 11 learner
shared his story on his first day at
school when he got lost and
attended a wrong class.

2. To Reminisce
In most anecdotes, people are talking
about their experiences in the past.
they try to look back on moments in
their lives and share the joy of that
time with others. here is an example
of an anecdote with a hint of
 A mother tells her children a story
about her life in the province when
she was teenager.

3. To Caution
Sometimes, just giving rules for
individuals is not effective. Sharing to
them frightening stories of dangers
can be helpful for them to realize the
possible consequences of their
actions. Here is an example of
cautionary anecdote:
 Before beginning a lecture on not
following traffic rules, a father tells
his son an accident of collision
that caused many lives due to
ignoring traffic signs.

4. To Persuade or Inspire
Sometimes, people share stories on
how they surpassed their struggles in
life. These, most of the time, give
encouragement to others who have
been in similar situations. the
message usually conveys successes
in life as a fruit of hard work. here is
an example of an inspirational
 Before beginning remedial class,
the teacher tells the students how
a boy who used to struggle in
reading managed to be a
proficient reader.
(Students participated)
3. Discussion

Now, let us know more about the

Purposes of Anecdote.

In your own words, may you please tell

me how you understand each Purpose of

Very good!

a. Activity

Direction: Identify the following that

being described. (Student participated the oral
1. They are looking back favorably on
moments in their lives and sharing
the joy of that time with others.

2. Sometimes telling a story just makes

people laugh or brightens the mood. Answer Keys:
3. These, most of the time, give 1. To Reminisce
encouragement to others who have 2. To Bring Cheer
been in similar situations. the 3. To Persuade or Inspire
message usually conveys successes 4. To Caution
in life as a fruit of hard work. 5. Anecdote
4. Sharing to them frightening stories of
dangers can be helpful for them to
realize the possible consequences of
their actions.

5. It is a short entertaining or interesting

story about a real incident or person.
b. Application

Direction: Kindly make two to three (Students make their own anecdote
paragraphs of your own Anecdote during and presented it in front of the
the following situations on your class)

 Pandemic
 Holiday moments with your family
 Craziest thing you did.

Do a self-assessment of your
presentation using the rubric below:

Criteria Points

1. Presents the relevant 20

content based on the
theme of the topic.

2. Presents the ideas in 20

unique and interesting

3. Discipline while 10
making and presenting
your own anecdote.
(Student answers vary)
Total 50

c. Generalization

What do you think is the importance of


Very good!
IV. Evaluation
Directions: Choose the letter of the correct answer.
1. The authors purpose of using anecdotes in his memoir “Home of the Ashfall”
is to _____.
a. bring cheer
b. reminisce
c. caution
d. persuade

2. Most of the writers use anecdote to _____.

a. tell a story
b. deal with differences of opinions
c. share helpful tips on making a living
d. impart a lesson in an entertaining way

3. What someone talks about when he/she shares an anecdote?

a. opinions
b. personal experiences
c. plans and dreams in life
d. biography of other people

4. it is a brief, serious, amusing and interesting story.

a. tale
b. fable
c. legend
d. anecdote

5. “My mother tells about her epic experience at the department store while
buying a dress to wear for the party” Is an example of ____ anecdote.
a. cautionary
b. motivational
c. inspirational
d. reminiscence

6. What J. J. Wigley tell us about in the “Home of Ashfall”?

a. eruption up Mount Pinatubo
b. newfound independence in Manila
c. Story of “Hihintayin Kita sa Langit”
d. his journey to becoming management trainee

7. When someone talks about his/her past and shares the joy of his/her
experience, he/she intends to ___.
a. inspire
b. caution
c. reminisce
d. bring cheer

8. An anecdote is a story with a point which means that ______

a. it reveals an issue
b. it is easy to understand
c. it reveals truth about life
d. it intends to provoke laughter

9. Which of the following statements about anecdote that's true?

a. Anecdote is an unusual story.
b. It percents complicated story plot.
c. It deals with particular topic to talk about.
d. like other genres, look at this interpreted in many ways.

10. What anecdote shares frightening story of dangers that can be avoided by
following regulation?
a. Motivation
b. Cautionary
c. Reminiscence
d. Entertainment

Answer Keys:
1. B 6. A
2. C 7. A
3. A 8. B
4. D 9. D
5. D 10. B

V. Assignment
Directions: Reflect on the message conveyed in John Jack Wigley’s
“Home of the Ashfall.” Make a 2-minute video using your mobile phone and
show the lesson you have learned from the story.

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