Textbook Notes Keeping Quiet

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1. What will counting up to twelve and keeping still help us to achieve? Sol. This activity would create a moment of togetherness among all; a condition which is foremost for the survival of humanity. It will also give us time to analyze our actions, decisions and their consequences. We will be able to find the solution to all our problems, dissatisfaction and difficulties. 2. Do you think the poet advocates total inactivity and death? Write your answer in the context of Keeping Quiet. Sol. Although the poet believes that silences assist in introspection and help in taking a break from the world of frenzy activity, he does not advocate total inactivity and death. Rather, he believes that observing stillness once in a while helps people to spring back in action, rejuvenated. 3. What is the sadness that the poet refers to in the poem? Write your answer in the context of Keeping Quiet. Sol. The ‘sadness’ that the poet refers to in the poem is the dejection of not understanding ourselves. We are stuck in the rat race of life and don't have time to think about our emotional needs. We tend to forego our mental satisfaction and thus become gloomy and lonely. 4. What symbol from Nature does the poet invoke to say that there can be life under apparent stillness? (Keeping Quiet) Sol. The poet takes the example of Winter season. In this season everything becomes still and calm and a death like atmospehere prevails. However, after this season comes the Spring and all the things are again filled with new energy and life. The momentary silence might appear deadly but it restores and replenishes the dead matters so that a new start could be made afresh. Thus elaborating the cycle of life and death.

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