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If one is restless, one can get into a lot of trouble in any class(room).

Especially when
one is told to be quiet and sit still, but can not manage that.

Or, more in general, if an entire class is restless, maintaining order will be more difficult
than when a class is in a laid back mood. In the restless class, the teacher will have to
spend more time disciplining students, be it by giving them detention, sending them to
the principal, or by making them write lines, etc. Maintaining order in that way will not
sit well with fellow classmates, causing more protests, which require more disciplinary
actions, and so on.

Classroom Management
is concerned with structuring classroom life including all the elements in the classroom as a
learning environment in such a way that learning can be possible.
involves setting and defining clear expectations about student behavior and setting limits that
enable them to behave appropriately.
3.) Orchestrate smooth transitions and continuity of momentum throughout the da
6.) Treat minor disturbances calmly
Practical considerations for managing the classroom
9.) Reinforce positive behavior
Be generous with a genuine praise. Therre are teachers that are qite stingy with praise. Others are
overgenerous with their praise.Its oour way of appreciating and recognizing hard work and good

10.) Make good use of every instructional moment.Minimize discipline time to maximize
instructional time.
Smooth transitions and continuity of momentum throughout the day ensure us that every
instructional moment is made use of wisely. No unnecessary lull is created that will breed
classroom restlessness, which is the father of disciplinary problems.

4.)Strike a balance between variety and challenges in students' activities

"Strike the golden mean between extremely easy and extremely difficult activities. A variety of
student activities will ensure that students' multiple intelligences and varied learning styles are
considered in the conduct of student activities.

Organizing the physical environment

Providing the necessary furniture, equipment and learning materials involves arranging these in
such a way that they are neatly arranged to serve a purpose-not just a decorative function.
Try out a variety of classroom arrangements throughout the year to adjust to the emerging needs
in the classroom. Do not get stuck with one particular arrangement.
Arrange furniture in suh a way that you provide for a convenient flow of traffic so that students
will be able to move about wihout bumping into each other and the furniture.
Label the areas of the classrooms and the containers of materials clearly so that children will
easily learn the functions of these and can return the easily.
Involve children in classroom maintenance. This helps develop a sense of responsibility and
discipline in taking carre of the physical environment.
1.) Consistent, proactive discipline is the crux of effective classroom management
"Prevention is better than cure", so goes the adage. If we are proactive in our approach to
discipline we prevent unnecessary disciplinary problems from cropping up. We have not to wait
for disciplinary problems to erupt for us to take a move. Let us anticipate potential problems and
nip them in the bud. 

2.) Establish routines for all daily tasks and needs

"Routine saves you a lot of time". Routinized collection of assignments, passing of papers, and
preparation for experiments saves as a lot of time and effort. Routine produces give rise to
orderly learning and maximum and optimum use of precious time. 
7.)Resolve minor inattention and distruption before they become major disruption
The old adage "A stitch on time saves nine" aptly applies here.We have not to wait until our class
is out of control. Misdemeanor has a ripple effect. If not checked early. Conflagration begins
with a spark.Put out the spark early enough to avoid conflagration. We ought to respond to
inappropriate behavior promptly.
8.)Work out a physical arrangement of chairs that facilitates an interactive teaching-learning
Come up with a physical arrangement that allows maximum interaction. Let us work for a
flexible seating arrangement where we can re-arrange seats or desk to suit our learning needs and
5.) As a classroom manager , be aware of all actions and activities in the classroom

Our heightened awareness of everything in our classroom puts our pupils and students on their
toes all the time."Have eyes on the back of your heads.Be aware of what is happening in the
classroom." This is what



(Ornstein,1990) "Do not make a mountain out of a mole ." If a stern look or gesture can kill the
inappropriate behavior so be it. That's the end period!Let us not make a fuss about it.
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