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I am highly enchanted by the elaborateness offered by an advanced graduate degree in Cyber

Security. I developed an interest in Education during my undergraduate studies when I
realized how one could make deductive reasoning about past civilizations and how these past
civilizations have shaped our current time. Moreover, the Education study is inspiring and
different from other programmes because each educational fact is open to debate and
analysis; it has various analyses with none right in its entirety. With this great benefit of
Education, I can trace and reflect on the past to better understand the present and equip
myself for the future. I developed an interest in the Education of Cyber Security. When I was
introduced to the Information Technology Education, during my undergraduate studies. I was
exposed to the burning questions in the Education of Information Technology. My interest
was further deepened after completing my undergraduate thesis. I was fascinated by how the
study of the Cyber Security could be so challenging. It became eminent to me that there is
much to add to the Ghana Security Service. My interest is to pursue the Cyber Security M.S
program at Michigan Technological University is because of my utmost passion for contributing
to the intellectual discourse in Education at the University. Michigan Technological University
is the optimal place where I hope to learn everything about Education, specifically the Master
of Science in Cyber Security.
Moreover, professors and the learning environment would also equip me with the needed
skill for my long-term goal of becoming an academic teacher and researcher. My
undergraduate training in Education developed my skills in analysis. This educational
background has offered me transferable skills that enable me to do independent archival oral
education research. Ideally, course modules like Information Technology Education,
Contemporary Problems in African Technology, Intellectual Technology, Technology of
America, Russia, selected themes in World Technology, Technology of Ghana,
Technological Studies, and International Relations exposed me to the critical themes in
Education and have enabled me to contribute constructively towards human endeavors in my
nine years in professional life, in which I have managed people, write and communicate
effectively and also increased productivity in institutions like Ghana Education Service,
National Identification Authority, Electoral Commission, Ghana Statistical Service among
In my undergraduate project work, I researched the topic, “Online shopping System: A Case
Study of Steve_Ange Shopping Mall using the non-computerized system at their shop.” I
looked at the challenges of non – computerized system and policies in Ghana and how they
have evolved over the years. Through this thesis, I was able to examine digital facilities and
policy challenges in Ghana and identified practical solutions. The project has given me
practical experience in research, which is a foundational skill for an advanced degree.
Moreover, I am confident that my sound leverage in Information Technology research
methods and progressive performance in Education courses as evident in my academic
transcript would enable me to complete the programme successfully. My central academic
focus is mainly on the Information Systems, and Technology with concerns in teaching and
career policies and practices, and management - this is in line with the area in which my
undergraduate research project was conducted. My interest specifically emerged from my
undergraduate thesis. Building upon my previous knowledge and interest would enable me to

have a firm appraisal of the Ghanaian Security Education. If allowed to enroll in the program,
I would like to research the topic, “Factors increasing Internet Fraud in West Africa”. My
undergraduate thesis made it eminent that Cyber Security has not been given the needed
priority in Ghana.
Moreover, there are scant historical documents on Cyber Security in Ghana – these calls for
constructive research to add to the historiography of the History of Cyber Security Education
in Ghana. The research period is also strategically selected because it marked the period of
colonialism. During this period, both scientific and traditional modus operandi in technical
education was in place. It is of time essence to study and record the trajectory each took and
how they reconciled with each other. The research will adopt an interdisciplinary approach in
the data collection process. Written sources, as well as practical sources, would be thoroughly
employed. All the two written sources would be engaged in the research. Primary written
sources that would be used are the archival documents from the Public Records and Archives
Administration (PRAAD), Kumasi. These archival documents would include technical
education documents in newspapers, correspondences, memoranda, minutes, and reports.
Secondary written sources like books, journal articles, and website publications from
different academic backgrounds relevant to the subject matter and time frame would also be
captured. Practical sources would also be used. Engineers, Technical facilitators, IT
consultants, and Security Intelligence who have contributed in Cyber Security Education
would be located, interviewed, and recorded on “Factors increasing Internet Fraud in West
Africa”. Some of the subjects would also be subjected to close-ended questionnaires. After
completing the programme, I aim at pursuing a PhD degree in Education focusing on the
same thematic area―the Master of Science in Cyber Security. This would allow me to train
students in the same and other thematic areas within Education using different approaches to
educational studies. My long-term goal is to work as an academic educationalist, teaching
and researching the education of technology and marketing, and I believe that a graduate
degree from Michigan Technological University would prepare me well for these career goals. I
researched the various Education graduate programmes across the United States of America,
and I saw that the one at Michigan Technological University was the best in that category
because of its interdisciplinary connections. I was impressed by the program content, the
school’s achievement, and the learned professors. After communicating with Dr. Janna
Chittick concerning of my interest in Master’s degree in Cyber Security. After our email
discussion, Dr. Janna agreed to consider supervising my work. Her expertise in Cyber
Security would make my stay at Michigan Technological University rewarding and provide
the necessary skills for my future academic goals. I look forward to interacting with peers and
professors in the department, also in areas of Data Science, Information Technology, and
Information System. As the first university graduate from my community and extended
family, I am very enthusiastic and look forward to completing my graduate programme. I also
pray to get the needed financial support and impetus to complete my graduate program– this
will alleviate the financial burden on me, which could stifle my academic progress. I hope
this assistance will extend to me. The Graduate Assistantship provides an avenue for brilliant
people who cannot continue their education because of financial constraints to return to
school and become exceptionally successful. I pray to become one of these fortunate ones.
The diverse and peaceful nature of the school's community would make my stay an
impeccable one.


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