MCL Student Informed Consent Form - Midyear

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1. I am a student of Malayan Colleges Laguna, A Mapua School (MCL), and I understand that I was given
the option to attend either fully online remote classes, face to face (F2F) classes, or both offered by MCL
in accordance with CHED, DOH and IATF guidelines.

2. I understand that if I choose to attend F2F classes during the academic year, I agree to comply with
MCL requirements pursuant to CHED and DOH, IATF and other government issuances including full
vaccination for those attending F2F classes. Students attending such classes are required to be fully
vaccinated at least two (2) weeks prior to the start of the term.

3. I understand and acknowledge that MCL has put in place and is strictly implementing protocols, safety
rules and precautions to mitigate and control the spread of COVID-19 within MCL, pursuant to IATF,
DOH, CHED and other government issuances on COVID-19.

4. I understand that MCL, in implementing such health and safety protocols, is exercising the due diligence
required to safeguard the health and safety of its students including but not limited to: requiring the
submission of health declarations; regular and proper disinfection of rooms and facilities; providing
adequate ventilation; implementation of the required distances for physical distancing in classrooms,
canteen and school facilities; proper handwashing and hand sanitizing among students and employees;
cyclical shifts for limited face to face classes; limiting the mixing of students between classes or in the
use of facilities within the campus; and other policies to help prevent and control the spread of COVID-

5. I acknowledge having read and understood such protocols, rules and precautions and undertake to strictly
comply with such policies, which may include, but are not limited to: accomplishing required health
declarations; mandatory wearing of face masks (and other PPE required, if any); proper hand washing and
hand sanitizing; observing social distancing; and strictly observing the latest advisories issued by MCL to
supplement existing protocols on COVID-19. I understand that failure to comply with these rules and
precautions is a violation of the MCL’s policies and may possibly subject me to sanctions under MCL

6. I also acknowledge that the nature of the MCL campus, buildings or facilities limits MCL’s ability to
control students and visitors on campus despite the strict implementation of health and safety protocols.
I recognize that MCL, despite health and safety protocols being implemented, cannot totally eliminate all
potential sources of COVID-19 infection.

7. I understand and acknowledge that it is my responsibility to ensure that I do not put others at risk of
exposure to COVID-19 by following MCL’s health and safety protocols. I undertake to wear face masks
(and other PPE required, if any) within the school premises at all times, exercise proper handwashing /
sanitizing, and submit the required health declarations. In the event that I am not feeling well, or when I
or any member of my household develops any of the said symptoms or any other symptoms of
influenza-like illness that may or may not be related to COVID-19, I will not attend my classes
or enter school premises.

8. I recognize that given the nature of COVID-19, it is not possible to fully list each and every individual
risk of contracting COVID-19. I confirm that I am aware and understand all information on COVID-19
that I may need to determine the risks associated in returning to the school campus and to make informed
assumption of those risks in choosing the F2F option.

9. By signing this agreement, I acknowledge the contagious nature of COVID-19 and the fact that it may be
difficult to identify all possible carriers of the virus, and the inherent risks of possible exposure to COVID

10. I voluntarily assume the risk and responsibility in choosing to enroll and attend F2F classes including
possible exposure to COVID-19 despite MCL’s implementation of health and safety protocols.

My signature below indicates that I am at least eighteen years of age and that I have read and understand the
above statements and intend to be bound by its terms. (If not of legal age: The signature of my parent or
guardian signifies that I and my parent/guardian understand the above statements and intend to be bound by
its terms.)

Student’s Signature Over Printed Name Parent’s/Guardian’s Signature Over Printed Name

Date: Daniel D. Teña Date: Pilar D. Teña

For any concern or clarification, you may contact or 0918 9929 396.

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