Semi - Finals in Math 10

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Balungag National High School

Balungag, San Fernando, Cebu

Semi- final examINATION in Mathematics 10
NAME:_________________________________ Grade & section: ______________ Score:____________
Directions:MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the letter that corresponds to the correct answer. Write your answer
on the spaces provided.
__1.The median score is also the _______.
A.75th percentile B.6th decile C.2nd quartile D.2nd decile
__2.When a distribution is divided into 10 equal parts, each score point that describes thedistribution is
called ______.
A.quartile B.percentile C.median D.decile
__3.The lower quartile is equal to _____
A.50th percentile B. 25th percentile C.3rd quartile D.2nd decile
__4.If 50% or ½ of the data lies at or below 10, then 10 is called __________.
A.quartile B.percentile C.median D.decile
__5.In the set of scores: 14, 17, 10, 22, 19, 24, 8, 12, and 19, the median score is ____.
A.15 B.16 C.17 D.19
__6.Which of the following is the lower quartile of the set of scores 22, 8, 10, 19, 17, 12, 14?
A.10 B.12 C.14 D.17
__7.What is the interquartile range of the set of scores 24, 22, 18, 15, 10, 27, 20?
A.6 B.7 C.8 D.9
__8.Which of the following is the 6th decile of the set of scores 12, 10, 7, 15, 11, 20, 9?
A.10 B.11 C.12 D.15
__9.The 75th percentile of the set of scores 25, 14, 18, 22, 17, 30, 21, 27 is ____.
A.21 B.24 C.27 D.30
__10.What is meant by 20th percentile of a certain data distribution?
I.20% of the data elements is greater than or equal to the value of P20.
II.80% of the data elements is greater than or equal to the value of P20.
III.20% of the data elements is lesser than or equal to the value of P20.
IV.80% of the data elements is lesser than or equal to the value of P20.
A. I and II B.I and IV C.II and III D.III and IV
__11.The position of a single value in relation to other values in a sample distribution refers to __.
A.measures of central tendency B.measures of variability
C.measures of position D.measures of dispersion
__12.Which of the following is equal to the median?
A.2nd quartile B.5th decile C.50th percentile D.all of these
__13.How many score points divide a distribution into 10 equal parts?
A.10 B.9 C.4 D.3
__14.Which of the following measures of position divides a distribution into 100 equal parts?
A.decile B.percentile C.quantile D.quartile
__15.The upper quartile is also called _______.
A.1st quartile B.9th decile C.75th percentile D.median
__16.In a Filipino 10 summative test, most of the students got 30 which corresponds to the third quartile.
Which means?
A. 25% of the students got a score less than or equal to 30
B. 35% of the students got a score greater than 3
C. 75% of the students got a score of 30
D. 45% of the students got a score of 30
__17.Ivonne is working in a Department store, her salary was in the 85th percentile of the entire workers in
a year. This implies that____.
A. 15% of her co-workers got a salary less than hers.
B. 55% of her co-workers got a higher salary than hers
C. 80% received a salary greater than or equal to her salary
D. 85% of her co-workers got a salary less than or equal to hers.
__18. In a basketball game, Jeff scored 20 points out of the total winning 80 points in their team. This
means that Jeffs score was .
A. 30% of the total score B. equivalent to a decile 4
C. 60% of the entire score D. 25% of the total score or belongs to the first Quartile
Grade 10 Mathematics 14
__19.If Quartile 3 is 75%, What does Decile 9 in Percentile mean?
A. 9% B. 25% C. 89% D. 90%
__20.Jannah reads 15 pages of a 60-page pocketbook in 15 minutes. What does it mean?
A. 20% of the entire pocketbook was done by her
B. B. 25% was finished by Janna
C. C. 10% was done by Janna
D. D. 60% was done by her
__21.During the District meet the third quartile for time to finish the 100-m dash race was 15.5 seconds.
This means that .
A. 75% of the runners finished the race at 15.5 seconds or less
B. 35% of the runners finished the race at 15,5 seconds or less
C. 60% of the runners finished the race at 15.5 seconds or less
D. 80% of the runners finished the race at 15.5 seconds or less
__22.The 1st quartile of the ages of 250 fourth-year students is 16 years old. Which of the following
statements is true?
A. Most of the students are below 16 years old.
B. Twenty-five percent of the students are 16 years old.
C. One hundred fifty students are younger than 16 years.
D. Seventy-five percent of the students are 16 years old and above.
__23.In a 100-item test, the passing mark is the 3rd quartile. What does it imply?
A. The students should answer at least 75 items correctly to pass the test.
B. The students should answer at least 50 items correctly to pass the test.
C. The students should answer at most 75 items correctly to pass the test.
D. The students should answer at most 50 items correctly to pass the test.
__24.In a group of 55 examinees taking the 50-item test, Rachel obtained a score of 38. This implies that
her score is _ .
A. below the 50th percentile
B. below the 3rd decile
C. at the upper quartile
D. the 55th percentile
__25.Consider the score distribution of 15 students given below: 83 72 87 79 82 77 80 73 86 81 79 82 79
74 74 The mean in the given score distribution of 15 students can also be interpreted as .
A. seven students scored lower than 79.
B. seven students scored higher than 79.
C. fourteen students scored lower than 79.
D. seven students scored lower than 79 and seven students scored higher than 79.
26-30.Consider the following score distribution of 18 students in a Math quiz. Scores. Complete the table.
Scores f Lower boundary (lb) Cummulative frequency(cf)
40-44 6 ____________ ____________
35-39 5 ____________ ____________
30-34 3 ____________ ____________
25-29 4 ____________ ____________
I=____________ N=____________

__26. In solving for the 60th percentile, the lower boundary to use is .
A. 34 B. 34.5 C. 39 D. 39.5
__27. What cumulative frequency should be used in solving for the 35th percentile?
A. 4 B. 7 C. 12 D. 18
For the numbers 28-30. Show your solutions. 5points each.
__28. The 45th percentile is .
A. 33.4 B. 32.7 C. 30.8 D. 35.6
__29. The 2nd quartile is .
A. 36.5 B. 37.5 C. 38.5 D. 39.5
__30. The 6th decile is .
A. 36.3 B. 37.3 C. 38.3 D. 39.3



26-30. BADAC

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