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Team SevenRing
Sadia Sakiba Bhuiyan
Rabeya Noor
Almohimanul Islam
Mir Akram
Erfan Sadik Adit
Peter Durjoy Pandit
Introduction to human genome

international research project that aimed to sequence and map the entire human
genome, which is the complete set of genetic instructions that make up a human

Started in 1990 and was completed in 2003, resulting in a comprehensive map of

the human genome, including the location and function of all human genes. Logo of human genome
Important fields that continue to push the boundaries of scientific understanding
and technological innovation.

With tens of thousands of genes and the huge amount of complexity in their
relationships, computers are even more important for genomics than regular
genetics. Computers in genomics can help us figure out the most likely evolutionary
relationships between organisms by analyzing their genetics, and can be used to
synthesize the huge amount of data on genetics that we have available.
Importance of human genome
Advancements in healthcare: The Human Genome Project has helped to revolutionize the field of medicine, by providing a
better understanding of the genetic basis of diseases and enabling the development of new therapies and treatments.

·Improved agriculture and food production: The Human Genome Project has led to new insights into the genetic basis of crop
traits, which can be used to improve food production.

·Better understanding of evolution and genetics: The Human Genome Project has helped to shed light on the evolutionary
history of humans and other species, providing new insights into our genetic heritage.

Fig: Chemical structure of DNA

More about HGP
Outcomes and Impacts
The project involved developing new technologies and techniques for DNA sequencing, data analysis, and
bioinformatics. The primary method used for sequencing the human genome was the Sanger sequencing method,
which involved breaking the DNA into smaller pieces and sequencing each piece individually. The resulting sequence
data was then assembled into a complete genome sequence.

important outcomes and impacts include:

Completion of the Human Genome Sequence

·Identification of Disease-Causing Genes

·Advances in Personalized Medicine:

·Ethical, Legal, and Social Implications

Fig:DNA sequencing
Process of DNA Sequencing
DNA extraction: Extract the DNA from the biological sample, which could be blood, saliva, tissue,

or other bodily fluids.

Fragmentation: The DNA is then fragmented into small pieces using various methods such as
sonication, enzymatic digestion, or mechanical shearing.

Library preparation: The fragmented DNA is then prepared for sequencing by creating a library of
DNA fragments. This involves attaching adapters to the ends of the fragments to enable them to
bind to the sequencing platform.

Sequencing: The library of DNA fragments is then loaded onto the sequencing platform, which
reads the sequence of each fragment by adding nucleotides one at a time and detecting the
Fig:Anatomy of whole-genome
incorporated nucleotides. There are various methods of sequencing, including Sanger sequencing, assembly
Illumina sequencing, and PacBio sequencing.

Alignment and assembly: The raw sequence data is then processed to align the sequence reads to
a reference genome

Analysis: The final step is to analyze the DNA sequence data to identify genetic variations such as
single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), insertions, deletions, and structural variations.
This timeline displays the year-by-year progress of the Human Genome Project in the context of genetics since 1865.
Starting in 1990, by 1999, chromosome 22 became the first human chromosome to be completely sequenced.
Goals And Objective
The Human Genome Project had several goals and objectives, including:

To sequence the entire human genome

To identify and map genes

To improve our understanding of human biology and the mechanisms that underlie
human health and disease.

To advance medical research and treatment

To develop new technologies and techniques for DNA sequencing, data analysis, and

To address ethical, legal, and social implications related to genetic testing, privacy, and
discrimination through education, public engagement, and policy development.
Computer science in human genome
Without the rapid computational advances in the past decade, it is unlikely that DNA sequencing would have the speed and low cost
that it does today.

A new computer program has been introduced that can read the genome sequence of any organism and then determine its genetic
code. The program, called Codetta, has the potential to help scientists expand their understanding of how the genetic code evolves
and correctly interpret the genetic code of newly sequenced organisms.

With the rise of computational biology, researchers and doctors are able to find mutations of interest in a matter of days.
Computational biologists use pattern-matching algorithms, mathematical models, image processing, and other techniques to
summarize and derive meaning from the sequencing data.

Computer with genetic sequencing software screen on Genetic Research Laboratory Workbench
Challenges & Opportunities
·Technical difficulties
·Complexity of genetic information
·Ethical and legal concerns
·Funding and coordination

·Advances in medicine
·Personalized medicine
·Genetic research
·Biotechnology and agriculture

The strong ties between DNA and Computer Science have

revolutionized the biological and medical fields to places that
were unimaginable just 20 years ago. This relationship is
pushing us to a world where everyone may have personalized,
predictive, and preventative medicine. Furthermore, these ties
have propelled Computer Science forward, leading to better,
faster algorithms, more secure storage methods, and now
synthetic DNA.
Thank You

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