Pattern Pat Tern: $oh (Dqghu0Lormhylf6Hwk0Xqq 0Lnkdlo5Rgulfnv

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kin kin
kin kin
kin kin
AJeander MiJoevic, Seth Munn L MikhaiJ Rodricks
pattern / pattern /patrn /
patterns are a discernibJe coherent system based on the interreJationship o1 component variabJes.
As part o1 a Jarer urban anaJysis o1 Christchurch, the intent is to
identi1y and succinctJy cateorise discernibJe patternin within the
city centre, sub~urban area and peripheraJ 1armJand. Raw patterns are
derived 1rom aeriaJ imaery and C1S data to 1orm the roundwork 1or a
enerative stratey based on the city as an assembJy o1 its various
spatiaJ typoJoies. The resuJtin pattern~based synta serves to
iJJustrate the inter~reJationships between buiJt 1orm, road network
and Jandscape. This deveJoped pattern 'Januae' wiJJ provide
eampJes o1 how the eistin spatiaJ typoJoies mani1est when combined
at strateic and JocaJ scaJes.
The rectilinear forms derived from grid patterns
in the road network was another study done to
understand how far the following of the original
CBD grid was taken in further developments.
What was found was an amazing lack of
North-South-East-West development in the
suburbs. Small plots of grid forms do appear as
is clear, however the placement of these is
largely radial to the centre of the city, rather than
as one may have predicted informed by the grid
The trafc lights and road signs diagram was
another early study done on whether or not there
was adequate material for visual mapping to be
informative. This showed us the density of roads,
and at general levels the fow rates of these roads
shown by trafc lights at important intersections.
Also what became available was a new way to
view the city. By isolating one piece or type of
information, its relevance and informative
qualities became infnitely clearer. This provided a
template for us to deal with images that we pared
back later on in the project, and ensured that we
came back to the same principle of judging each
element for its relevance on the page and to our
Colour isolation studies by
way of extracting the dominant
colours from satellite imagery
indicate the nature
of the surface of greater
The resulting layers were
regularised by a representative
colour within each layer
dependent on its surface cover
or land use.
Grey - concrete and sand.
White - white water and surf.
Blues - shallow and deep ocean.
Greens - crops, parks and forestry.
Browns - crops and hills.

Angle isolation within the
CBD is utilised to generate a
body of diagrams that begin
to rapidly identify the
formation of land parcelisa-
tion as defned by the road
networks. These frst
diagrams are of the road
network in the CBD, and
largely indicate the
crossroads within.

1 All roads
2 North South East West roads
3 roads within 15 degrees of NSEW
These images of the greater Christchurch Region
were generated from satellite images of the area
and traced over to isolate land parcels and
existing road networks. These images would then
become the precedent to categorising the cities
suburban and rural forms of development.
Merging these with the information taken from
the urban and suburban zones of Christchurch
results in a complete analysis of the typologies of
30-60 deg East and West of due North
30 deg East and West of due North
75-90 deg East and West of due North
60-75 deg East and West of due North
This illustration involves the use of
mesh blocks (council defned areas
of residential and urban land
parcels).By isolating the mesh
blocks that directly touched the
vectors leading North, South, East,
and West of Cathedral Square we
could identify general densities of
areas and thresholds of urban,
suburban and rural settlement.
The image displayed takes the principle of the
previous study and applies it to boundaries of
individual properties along a given vector. By
isolating smaller details, more information is
derived from the image given. Whilst the
previous study gave us an idea of densities
and thresholds, this image is able to more
clearly defne the emergent patterns. The
transition from urban to suburban can be
seen when the city grid of x and y type axis
starts to lean around suburban roads which
pay no heed to the Cartesian Grid of the CBD,
and furthermore when the property extents
enlarge and are no longer bound by subur-
ban development type plots.
cathedral square
0 25 50 75 100 125 250 500 1000 2000
This study of the areas and
number of property boundaries
within meshblocks through a
cross-section of
Christchurchs political
area shows the increase in
size of meshblocks in rural
sectors and sectors incorporating
large parklands. There is also
a marked shift in the density of
property boundaries within sectors
where subdivison has and is
continuing to take place.
0 5 10 20 30 40 80 95 110+ 50 65
property boundaries
area units in m2
Generic Settlement Typologies:
Certain urban and suburban settlement forms
are dominant and recurrent throughout the
city fabric. Selecting specifcally both street
networks and the ajacent land parcels
allowed us to mitigate arbitrary information
and focus solely on the network patterns
found and their informing attributes.
Six of the predominant classifcations were
made as follows:
Radial settlements form at crossroads with
roads leading to and away from a central
access point.
Satellite towns which have one main road
leading to them with the town being
relatively self enclosed apart from smaller
service roads around the settlement.
Linear developments which appear as clip-on
towns attached to a main access or arterial
road. Often rows of shops and houses create
layers parallel from the main road.
Rectilinear grids, particularly in the Christch-
urch CBD are the most dominant typology,
manifesting as a strong cartesian grid
common to the central city.
Irregular grids are formed by the land being
given precedence over the road networking.
This is frequently observed in rural settings as
roads wind around property boundaries.
Topographical development is informed
primarily by natural features and irregular
landforms. This is usually due to cost, but also
can be protected land or particularly lakes,
streams or forestry.
1. rectlinear farm 2. pivot irrigation farm 3. irregular farm
shelter belts
crop divisons
Rectilinear farms, serviced by a main central route, are the most dominant typology.
their selterbelts are arranged parallel along the length of the crop divisons.
Pivot irrigation farms, circular due to the limitations of the pivot irrigation
system are serviced from the centre and are the least common. Their shelterbelts
are surround the perimeter of the farm.
Irregular farms, serviced by multiple routes and nodes, occur in close proximity
to settlements, topological features or natural features. their selterbelts are
abundant, surrounding numerous crop boundaries.
highways 1, 73, 73A, 74, 75
main arterial roads
subsidiary roads
Being able to categorise settlements
required a system of program and
isolation, so that certain elements
would fow from diagram to diagram. A
series of cartographic diagrams were
created by generating a visual
hierarchy of main roads, ancillary road
networks and the arcticulation of
property boundaries.
There are inherent aspects of structure
that can be applied to a particular road
and land parcel networks. These can be
broken down into constitution,
confguration and composition.
This is the heirarchy of roading and
land division; specifcally how these
two interelate with one another(ie
which takes precedence) and then the
adjacent roads and land parcels.
This is the frequency of indepent land
and road types, and indicates a more
general understanding of the relation-
ships of connectivity between these.
Deals with data sets as opposed to
relationships. For example the
geometry of the land parcels or the
vector of a road. The sets of informa-
tion are highly quantifable and can be
identifed by variables such as area,
angle and orientation.
& Upper Riccarton
Curletts rd (73)
aidanfeld drive
dunbars rd
lillian st
nicholls rd
(75) Halswell Road
(74) Anzac Drive
wainoni rd
pages rd
farnborough res
wainoni park
aranui primary school
wainoni school
Blenheim rd (73A)
yaldhurst rd
main south rd
high school
st thomas
of canterbury
sockburn park
estuary rd
marine parade
bridge st
South New Brighton
south new
brighton park
jones rd
main south rd (1)
waterloo rd
kirk rd
cashmere rd
hendersons rd
cashmere rd
hoon hay valley rd
gayhurst rd
avon park
woodham rd
river rd
avonside drive
main rd
humphreys drive
ferry rd
bridle path rd
Mount Pleasant Northwood
johns rd (1)
main north rd (74)
main north rd (1)
sheldon park
& shenley reserve
hackthorne rd
dyers pass rd
colombo st
hackthorne rd
centaurus rd
princess margaret hospital
barrington st
tunnel rd (74)
sumner rd
major hornbrooks reserve
bealey ave
sherborne st
harper ave
riccarton ave
hagley ave
ftzgerald ave
madras st barbadoes st
gloucester st
hereford st
rossall st

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