GR 1 PVA Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Chapter Two

Creative expression
Creativity refers to the event whereby a person creates something new (a
product, a solution, a work of art, a novel, a joke, etc.) that has some kind of
value. What counts as “new” may be in reference to the individual creator, or to
the society or domain within which the novelty occurs. What counts as
“valuable” is similarly defined in a variety of ways.”

Creativity happens in all areas of life - science, art, and music. The idea of our
findings or new knowledge must be evidence based and proven experience. We
have to be able to express, to tell, to inform, and to teach for families, teachers,
friends of our new findings.

Kids are creative when they:

o Try out new ideas and ways of doing things

o When they take materials and manipulate and transform them

o Take things apart and then put them back together again

o Fantasize and imagine

o Solve problems and figure things out

Performance and visual art
Chapter 2

At the end of this chapter students will be able to :

 Identify the sounds around you.
 Singing family songs.
 Understand the wisdom in your environment.
 Appreciate the work of wisdom.

2.1. Singing a Family Song

Learning out comes of this topic:

 sing easy family songs
 Appreciate the work of wisdom in your environment.
 Sing songs with the correct lyrics, melody, and beat

 Improve your language and

educational preparation.
Song 1: I love you mom and dad
The idea of this song is expressing the love to your family and it is
a song that tells your family that you need the love of your parents.
እማዬ በጣም እወድሻሇሁ
እማዬ በጣም እወድሻሇሁ
ጎበዝ ልጅ ሆኜ አኮራሻሇሁ
እቅፍ አድርገሽ ሳሚኝ….እማዬ በጣም እወድሻሇሁ
አባዬ በጣም እወድሃሇሁ አባዬ በጣም እወድሃሇሁ
ጎበዝ ልጅ ሆኜ አኮራሃሇሁ
እቅፍ አድርገህ ሳመኝ…..አባዬ በጣም እወድካሇሁ

1st _ Section
Song 2. Singing about r e s p e c t

 Students, before we sing this song you need to

listen your teacher to understand the meaning of the
 Ask your elders about respect and describe your
idea to your teacher.

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1st _ Section chapter 2
The general idea of this song is about respect. We have to
be respectful and obedient for our families.
We have to respect our elders.

ቤተሰቤን በጣም አከብራሇሁ…ላላላ ላላላ
ጓደኞቼን በጣም አከብራሇሁ…I LOVE YOU
አስተማሪዬን አከብራሇሁ…ላላላ ላላላ
ሃገሬን በጣም እወዳሇሁ I LOVE YOU ALL.

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Chapter 2

Exercise1. Answer the following questions.

1. I will make my parent proud __________
A. By being good child B. by being bad child
2. No need of respecting teachers, parents and friends.
A. True B. False

 Personal opinion ( Oral Question )

3. Explain the idea of one of the songs you song to your teachers and
Answer: ------------------------------------
4. Sing the song that you like most to your friends and teachers.

Chapter 2

2.2 Dancing with simple rhythm

At the end of this lesson students will be able


Appreciating wisdoms in your environment.

Dancing with simple rhythm
 Improving language and educational background.

 Rhythm, in music, is the placement of sounds in time.

 Dance is a performance art form consisting of
purposefully selected sequences of human movement. The
art of dance is a way to express our emotions in times
of sadness and happiness. Dance makes you appreciate
the different cultures and history of it because you can see
how far it has come from when it first came about and it
brings so many different people from all over the world

 Show to your teacher and friends the

dance styles you know and like.

Chapter 2

Dance is visual art and can be performed either personally or

in a group to have good feelings.

Exercise1. Dance

ቀኝ እጃችን ወደ ላይ…ቀኝ እጃችን ወደ ታች

ግራ እጃችን ወደ ታች ግራ እጃችን ወደ ላይ



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፩ኛ Chapter 2

 Students you are expected to answer the

questions the meaning of the songs by
listening your teachers.

Exercise 2. I respect my culture

ሃገሬን እኔ እወዳታለሁ
ባህሌን በጣም አክብራለሁ
እስክስ እሰክስ እላለሁ

ወላይተኛ….. እጨፍራለሁ

ኦሮምኛ…. እጨፍራለሁ
አማርኛ….. እጨፍራለሁ

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Chapter 2

Exercise 3 Give the correct answer for the following

1. List at least three traditional dances that you
have seen before.

a) _______________ C) _____________

b) _______________

2. Explain one of the songs that you sang

before for your friends and teacher?

3. Sing one of the song that you like to

your friends and teacher.

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Chapter 2

2.3 Mimicking family roles

At the end of this topic students will be able to

 know the necessary of family to grow up

 Play simple family role.
 Learn and practice by observing daily activities.


What is family
Ask your teachers and elders what family
means and explain the answer to your teacher.

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Chapter 2

A family is a group of two or more persons that are related by

marriage or birth, and usually live together in the same house.

What does it mean Mimicking family roles?

Students: tell the answer to your teacher.

Young children are paying attention to the world around them

every waking moment. They watch how their parents and
caregivers talk, eat, react to situations and interact with
others. A mimic is someone who is good at imitating others.

Exercise 1

Practice the situation of the following family


o Speaking and talking like a father

Example 1
Father: my son, if you are good student, everyone will
be proud of you, not only me.
Boy: ok, father, I will be a good son.
Father: wow! My son don’t disturb your mother. And
respect your elders.

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Chapter 2

Boy: Okay my father.

 Talking, making coffee…etc like a mother
Father: now, do your homework and when you fwill
ask you questions.
Example 2

Mother: my child please call our neighbors for coffee

Daughter: ok mom

Mother: tell them to come fast, the coffee is ready

Daughter: ok I will tell them to come quickly.

Mother: wow! I am proud of you.

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Chapter 2

 Talking like an elder brother and sister.

Example 3
Brother: my sister
Sister: yes my brother
Brother: where is our mother?
Sister: she goes to ask our neighbor because he is
Brother: what about our father, didn’t he come
Sister: he will come; he said wait for me while

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Chapter 2

Exercise 2
1. Explain who are the family members.
2. Explain the role families in the house.
3. Explain whom do you want to be from the family
4. Choose one of your family members and explain to your
friends and teacher about the role of him/her in the house?
5. Choose one of your family member and show practically
what he/she does mostly in the house either surprising or
funny things to your friends and teacher.

Exercise 3
1. Describe the following family pictures.
Answer. ---------------

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Chapter 2

Ans --------------------- --------------------

wer Answ

Answer. --------------------------

Exercise 4
Answer the following questions.
1. What is family?
2. What does it mean following family role?

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Chapter 2

2.4. Practice line drawing and painting.

At the end of this lesson students will be able to :

 Practice how to draw a line.
 Draw lines
 Draw a picture by joining lines together.

What is line?
o A line can be defined as a straight set of points that extend in opposite
o It has no ends in both directions (infinite).
o It is a point moving in space .It can vary in width, direction, and
length. Lines often define the edges of a form. Lines can be
horizontal, vertical, or diagonal, straight or curved, thick or
o Line is one of the basic inputs in visual art. Anyone must
know and distinguish lines before he/she begins to draw a
o There are different Size and Shape of lines.

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Exercise one
Practice different types of Line:
The following lines needs to be seen carefully and identify it
properly. . The lines start from the point, dotted, Vertical,
Stretched, Horizontal, Twisted, Folded etc……








 Dotted line: is a line that is made up of a series of dots.

 Vertical lines are straight up and down lines that are moving in space
 Horizontal lines are straight lines parallel to the horizons that move from
left to right.
 Diagonal line: A straight line that is neither horizontal nor vertical is
called an oblique line
 Curved lines are lines that bend and change direction gradually.
They can be simply wavy or spiral.
 Zigzag lines are a series of diagonal lines joined at ends. 39

Exercise two
Draw different types of pictures using lines.

Fig 1. Picture drawn using curved, wave and circle lines

Fig 2. Picture drawn using diagonal line

Fig 3. Picture drawn using vertical line

የ ክ ወና ና የ ዕ ይ ታ ጥበ ባ ት ት ምህ ር ት 40
Chapter 2

Fig 2. Picture drawn using dotted line

Exercise 3
Draw lines without using ruler.
Exercise 4
Draw lines using ruler.

Exercise 5
Based on the following examples draw your own pictures by using
horizontal, curved, Zigzag and diagonal lines.

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Chapter 2


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Chapter 2

Exercise 6
Match the following lines with their correct name.

1 ……………… a. Curve
2 b. Zigzag
3. c. Horizontal
4 d. Diagonal
5 e. Dotted

In this chapter we understand the care and love of our family
members by singing family songs. We have also learned how
to respect our families, teachers, and friends. We have observed
dancing with steps, following musical technique and changing
In another way we have learned how to follow the role of our
families. After this we should have strong relation with our
During vacation time we have to practice not only our families’
roles but also our uncles, aunts, and neighbor’s roles too.

We have learned and practiced different type’s lines and drawings.

Our practical exercises are not going to be over with this lesson.

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Chapter 2

Instead during spare time you have to keep on practical exercises.

Chapter two

Summary Assessment
1. Sing one family song individually.
2. Show your dance by singing one song.
3. M a k e y o u r v o i c e like your mother or father and

talk about what you want.

4. D r a w horizontal line.

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Chapter 2

Performance and visual art

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