ERUM Daily Lesson Plan

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Grade Level: VII Facilitator: ERUM QURESHI


Learning Objectives:
By the end of session, students will learn why and how the body changes during puberty, students will gain a better
understanding of the normal physical development that occurs during this stage of life. This knowledge helps alleviate
confusion and anxiety that may arise from experiencing unfamiliar changes.
 Introduction to Puberty: Puberty is a stage of development that occurs during adolescence, typically starting around the
age of 11-12. It is a natural process that everyone goes through at their own pace.
 Physical Changes: Physical changes that occur during puberty, such as growth spurts, development of breasts in girls and
broadening of shoulders in boys, appearance of body hair, and changes in body shape and size, Changes in facial features.
 Hormonal Changes: Hormones play a crucial role in driving the physical changes of puberty. Primary hormones involved,
such as Estrogen in girls and Testosterone in boys, and how they impact the body.
 Voice Changes: Both boys and girls experience changes in their voices during puberty. How the vocal cords lengthen and
thicken, resulting in a deeper voice for boys and potential voice cracks for both genders.
 Emotional Changes: Discuss the emotional changes that occur during puberty, including mood swings, increased
sensitivity, and the development of more complex emotions. Provide strategies for managing and expressing emotions
 Resources and Support: Share information about reliable sources of information and support, such as books, websites,
and trusted adults, that can provide further guidance and answer any questions participants may have.

1. Personal Reflection Journals: Distribute journals or notebooks to participants and encourage them to write about their
thoughts, feelings, and experiences related to puberty and body changes. Offer prompts such as "Describe one thing you
appreciate about your changing body" or "Write about a time when you felt confident in your own skin." This activity
promotes self-reflection and can be a useful tool for participants to express their emotions.

2. Q&A Session: Allocate time for a question-and-answer session where participants can anonymously submit questions
related to puberty. Collect the questions in a box or online platform and address them openly, ensuring that accurate and
age-appropriate information is provided. This allows participants to get their specific concerns addressed in a supportive
and non-judgmental environment.
Grade Level: VIII Facilitator: ERUM QURESHI


Learning Objectives:
The objective of the workshop on self-awareness is to help the students to develop a strong foundation of
self-awareness, enable to understand themselves better, recognize their emotions, strengths, weaknesses,
values, and goals.
 Introduction to Self–Awareness: Students will be familiarized with the concept of self-awareness and its significance in
personal growth, academic success, and overall well-being.
 Identify emotions: Will help students understand and identify their emotions, providing them with tools and techniques to
manage and express their feelings in a healthy manner.
 Discover strengths and weaknesses: Assist students in recognizing their unique abilities, talents, and areas for improvement,
fostering a sense of self-confidence and personal growth.
 Explore values: Encourage students to reflect upon their personal values, beliefs, and principles, enabling them to make ethical
and informed decisions.
 Set meaningful goals: Empower students to set realistic and achievable goals based on their self-awareness, promoting
motivation, focus, and a sense of purpose.
 Foster self-reflection: Introduce students to practices and exercises that enhance self-reflection, enabling them to gain deeper
insights into their thoughts, feelings, and behaviors.
 Cultivate empathy: Develop students' empathy and understanding towards others, fostering a sense of acceptance and
appreciation for individual differences.
 Encourage growth mindset: Instill the understanding that self-awareness is an ongoing process, emphasizing the importance of
continuous learning, growth, and adaptability.

1. Strengths and Weaknesses Assessment:
 Ask students to complete a self-assessment questionnaire or worksheet to identify their strengths and areas for improvement.
 Facilitate a group discussion where students share their strengths and receive feedback from their peers.
 Divide students into pairs or small groups and have them interview each other to uncover strengths and weaknesses,
promoting active listening and empathy. Healthy recipe competition will be held so students can work in teams to create
healthy recipes using a variety of healthy ingredients. This will help them learn how to incorporate different food groups into
their meals.

2. Values Reflection:
 Provide a list of values and ask students to select and rank the ones that resonate most with them.
 Engage students in a discussion about personal values and their influence on decision-making.
 Ask students to create a vision board or collage representing their core values and aspirations.

3. Goal Setting:
 Guide students through the process of setting SMART goals (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound)
based on their interests, strengths, and values.
 Encourage students to create action plans and break down their goals into smaller steps.
 Conduct a goal-sharing activity where students discuss their goals with a partner or in small groups, offering support and

4. Self-Reflection Exercises:
 Provide reflective journaling prompts and encourage students to write about their thoughts, experiences, and self-discoveries.
 Conduct a "Rose, Thorn, Bud" activity where students share a positive experience (rose), a challenge or setback (thorn), and
something they are looking forward to (bud).
 Use guided visualization or mindfulness exercises to help students reflect on their inner thoughts and feelings.
Grade Level: IX Facilitator: ERUM QURESHI

Self Grooming by EQ

Learning Objectives: By the end of session, students will learn how to communicate effectively and assertively, to
resolve conflicts in a positive way, to develop healthy relationships and how they can seek support trusted friends,
family members, or professionals when they need it

 Emotional regulation is a vital skill for students to develop. emotional regulation skills can also enhance
long-term wellbeing, improve performance at work, enrich personal relationships, and even lead to better overall health.
 The session will start off by discussing the different emotions that students may experience Sand the physical
and psychological responses associated with these emotions. They will be encouraged to identify their own emotions
and the triggers that cause them.
 Moreover, the facilitator will discuss healthy coping strategies for managing emotions. They will be encouraged to identify
coping strategies that work best for them, such as deep breathing, mindfulness, exercise, and talking to a trusted person.
 This session will teach students to use positive self-talk to regulate their emotions.

1. Bubble blowing is a fun exercise which students could use to regulate negative emotions. It’s not always easy to let
negative thoughts go. The students will be asked to imagine any three negative thought each time inside a bubble
outside their body and blow it away with an exhale.
2. The students will be provided with small rocks or stones and have them paint or decorate the stones with positive emotion.
They will be instructed to keep these stones in a visible place as a daily reminder to counter their negative feelings.
3. The facilitator will divide students in group where they will create a collaborative art piece with a group of individuals.
Students will be asked to create a visual representation of their collective emotions and experiences. This can promote
social connection and emotional regulation.
Grade Level: XI Facilitator: ERUM QURESHI

Knowing your rights (Constitution Handbook) by AM/EQ

Learning Objectives: By the end of session, students will learn to listen, trust and support each other, while developing
life skills such as communication and collaboration

 Team building sessions for students can be an effective way to foster a positive and supportive learning environment
 Students will engage in activities that reinforce teamwork skills such as communication, conflict resolution,
delegation, and collective reasoning.
 The session will be started with fun icebreakers to help the students get to know each other better and feel more
comfortable with one another.
 As communication is a vital aspect of teamwork, so exercises that encourage clear communication and active listening
will be included.
 The session will provide opportunities for the students to work together to solve problems. This will help them
develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills, as well as strengthen their ability to work collaboratively.

1. Scavenger Hunt: The students will be split into teams and they will be given a time to find as many items as possible
on a list we have provided. We can make this more challenging by offering clues or riddles rather than the names
of items.
2. The students will be divided into teams. Each team will be asked to make a tower of newspaper with the help of
scotch tape. Each team will be provided with the same amount of newspaper. The tower will be blown by the
examiner and the team whose tower will be more sustainable will be the winners.

Grade Level: X Facilitator: ERUM QURESHI

Session on
"Think confident and be confident" by AM/EQ

Learning Objectives: By the end of session, students will learn that cultivating positive thinking requires practice and
effort. They’ll be encouraged to use these practical strategies consistently and to seek support when needed.

 The session will begin by introducing the concept of positive thinking, explaining what it is and why it is
important. Examples will be discussed on how positive thinking can improve mental health, academic performance,
and overall well-being.
 Further, the benefits of positive thinking will be discussed, such as increased self-esteem, reduced stress and anxiety,
better coping skills, and more positive relationships with others.
 Moreover, discussion about the consequences of negative thinking and how it can impact mental health and
academic performance will be held. The speaker will help students identify common negative thought patterns and
how they can change them.
 The students will be taught about the power of self-talk and how it can affect their mood and behavior. They will be
provided with the examples of positive self-talk and will be encourage to practice positive affirmations.
 In the session, the students will be taught practical strategies for cultivating positive thinking such as
1. Reframe negative thoughts
2. Practice gratitude
3. Focus on strengths
4. Visualize success
5. Surround yourself with positivity
6. Set realistic goals
7. Practice mindfulness

1. Gratitude: The students will be encouraged to practice gratitude by keeping a gratitude journal or sharing something
they are grateful for each day. The students will be given with a cup/ jar which they will decorate and will be
provided with slips of papers in which they will write down something they are grateful for each day and place it in
a jar/ cup. By next session, students will share their gratitude notes by reading aloud and reflect on positive aspect
of their lives.
2. The students will be encouraged to write their life story in three parts: the past, present, and future but it is important
to emphasize that their focus should be on their strengths in each of the three sections. Upon completion, students
should share what they’ve written for each part of their life story with the rest of the group.
Grade Level: XII Facilitator: ERUM QURESHI

Knowing your rights (Constitution Handbook) by AM/EQ

Learning Objectives:
By the end of session, students will learn why and how the body changes during puberty, students will gain a better
understanding of the normal physical development that occurs during this stage of life. This knowledge helps alleviate
confusion and anxiety that may arise from experiencing unfamiliar changes.
 Introduction to Puberty: Puberty is a stage of development that occurs during adolescence, typically starting around the
age of 11-12. It is a natural process that everyone goes through at their own pace.
 Physical Changes: Physical changes that occur during puberty, such as growth spurts, development of breasts in girls and
broadening of shoulders in boys, appearance of body hair, and changes in body shape and size, Changes in facial features.
 Hormonal Changes: Hormones play a crucial role in driving the physical changes of puberty. Primary hormones involved,
such as Estrogen in girls and Testosterone in boys, and how they impact the body.
 Voice Changes: Both boys and girls experience changes in their voices during puberty. How the vocal cords lengthen and
thicken, resulting in a deeper voice for boys and potential voice cracks for both genders.
 Emotional Changes: Discuss the emotional changes that occur during puberty, including mood swings, increased
sensitivity, and the development of more complex emotions. Provide strategies for managing and expressing emotions
 Resources and Support: Share information about reliable sources of information and support, such as books, websites,
and trusted adults, that can provide further guidance and answer any questions participants may have.

3. Personal Reflection Journals: Distribute journals or notebooks to participants and encourage them to write about their
thoughts, feelings, and experiences related to puberty and body changes. Offer prompts such as "Describe one thing you
appreciate about your changing body" or "Write about a time when you felt confident in your own skin." This activity
promotes self-reflection and can be a useful tool for participants to express their emotions.
4. Q&A Session: Allocate time for a question-and-answer session where participants can anonymously submit questions
related to puberty. Collect the questions in a box or online platform and address them openly, ensuring that accurate and
age-appropriate information is provided. This allows participants to get their specific concerns addressed in a supportive
and non-judgmental environment.

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