Stay Healthy and Avoid Danger

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Stay in well-populated areas.

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Walk on well-lit streets, close to other people. Don’t take any shortcuts

through isolated spots. If you run into danger, you can easily call for help
from a bystander.[1] No dark, secluded shortcut is worth risking your personal
 If you have to walk through a dark, isolated area to get home,
download a safety app to your phone. Apps like TripWhistle,
Chirpey, Noonlight, and RedZone help you flag risky areas, and
also get in touch with local authorities.[3]
Be alert and aware.
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Tune into what’s going on around you.[4] Try to make eye contact with the
people nearby, so thieves won’t be as likely to target you. Also, don’t walk
and text; instead, focus on your surroundings, so you won’t be taken by
 For example, you might watch for someone following you, or
someone lurking suspiciously along the side of the street.
 If you’re listening to music on the go, only listen with 1 earbud.
This way, you can still hear what’s going around you.[6]



Carry your bag in front of you.
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Don’t carry valuables in your back pocket. As you walk, cover the zipper
or fastener of your bag with your hand, so criminals don’t have easy access.
As an extra precaution, only grab your wallet or phone if you absolutely need
Don’t carry heavy objects.
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You might look vulnerable if you’re struggling with something

heavy. Instead, only carry lightweight bags or packages when you’re by
 If you have to carry or move something heavy, ask a friend or
loved one for help. This will help you look a lot less vulnerable.
Act erratic if someone harasses you.
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Dangerous people won’t want the extra attention. If someone suspicious is

talking to you or approaching you, start laughing loudly, drooling, or talking
to yourself. Any wild, unpredictable behavior will draw attention, which is
exactly what predators and criminals don’t want.[9]
 For example, if a stranger is giving you unwanted advances,
yell out to draw attention to yourself.
Listen to your gut.
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Your instincts can raise the alarm before anything dangerous

happens. Pay attention to anyone acting suspicious, or anyone who makes
you feel uncomfortable. If you have a bad feeling about a situation, don’t
hesitate to turn and run the other way.[10]
 If a stranger seems overly friendly and curious, you might
excuse yourself instead of continuing the conversation.
 If you’re walking by yourself and notice someone loitering or
acting suspiciously, create as much distance as you can between
yourself and the stranger.
Move confidently.
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Always act like you have a place to be. Walk confidently and assertively,
moving your feet in a smooth, fluid motion as you go. Also, stand with alert,
upright posture, and bend your arms slightly as you move. Follow the speed
of the crowds around you, so you don’t stick out to potential criminals.[11]
 If you can, avoid taking super long steps. Criminals are more
likely to target you if your walking pattern is strange.
Carry your cell phone with you.
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A cell phone can get you out of a potentially dangerous situation. Before
heading out by yourself, double-check that you have your cell phone handy.
Try to charge your phone frequently, so it’s juiced up when you need it.[12]
 Keep your emergency contacts saved in your phone, as well as
the number for a local taxi company.
Create an escape plan.
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Exit routes are a great way to plan ahead. Scout out your surroundings
whenever you’re in a new, unfamiliar place. Brainstorm quick, easy ways you
can escape the area if you’re ever in danger. Be on the lookout for emergency
phones and helpful bystanders, too—a helping hand or quick phone call might
come in handy.[13]
 You might look for a fire escape, or a stairwell that offers an
easy exit.
Tell someone where you’re going.
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A concerned friend or loved one will have your back if something goes
wrong. Give someone the low-down on where you’re going, and what time
you expect to be back. If you’re embarking on a longer trip, let a loved one
know when you plan on checking in. If anything should go wrong, your friend
can alert authorities right away.[14]
 You could say, “I’m going on a day-long hike at the quarry, and
I won’t be back until around 8 PM. I’ll check-in with you
around noon.”
 You might also say, “I’m going camping over the weekend, but
I’ll do my best to check in once a day. If you don’t hear from
me for some reason, call the local park ranger.”
Hang out with people you trust.
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Don’t spend too much time with people you don’t know. It can be fun to
meet new people, but you should never sacrifice your personal safety for a fun
outing. Only go out and about with close friends who you know will have
your back.[15]
 For example, if an acquaintance you meet at a party invites you
to hang out at their place, say no.
Be careful if you drink in public.
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Never take a drink from a stranger or leave your current drink

unattended. If you have to use the restroom or leave the area, order a new
drink once you get back. If you’re at a party, don’t grab a drink from a
communal cooler or punch bowl.[16]
 If someone offers to buy you a drink, supervise them and the
bartender while the drink gets prepared.[17]
Make up an excuse if you’re being pressured.
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Always put your own comfort and safety above anyone else’s. If someone
is pressuring you into something risky or dangerous, come up with a quick
excuse to get out of it. Don’t worry about offending the other person—your
personal safety always comes first![18]
 You could say, “My mom just had surgery last week, and I
really need to get home and check on her” or “I promised my
roommate I’d be back by 9 PM, and they’ll be really worried if
I’m out too late.”
 You might also say, “I appreciate the offer, but I’m running late
for an important meeting” or “I have a lot of schoolwork to
finish up before my class tomorrow.”
Lock your car doors.
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Don’t let criminals have easy access to your vehicle. Get your keys out and
ready as you approach your car, so you aren’t taken by surprise while you
search through your bag. In general, try to get in the habit of locking your car
doors as soon as you get in or out of your vehicle.[19]
Plan a safe driving route home.
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Choose a route that’s close to a hospital or police station. Knowing your

options can give you some peace of mind as you drive home, especially if
you’re worried about being followed.[20]
 On your way home from work, you might take a route that
passes the hospital.
Use self-defense.

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