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David Diehl III's

Subclass Expansion Pack

15 All-New Subclass Options
Additional Path of the Totem Warrior
Totem Animal Options
Revised Oath of the Crown Archetype
from Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide
Alternate Spell Lists for
Evil Paladins and Good Warlocks
Path of the Totem Warrior
If you follow the Path of the Totem Warrior from the Player's I originally included my own Tiger option as well,
Handbook, you have access to the options presented here. but then I discovered that it already exists :-(

Totem spirit
These options are available to you when you choose a totem
animal at 3rd level.
Lion. While you're raging, you gain advantage on
opportunity attacks, and can Dash as a bonus action. The
spirit of the Lion makes you a fierce hunter, who will never let
his prey escape.
Sheep. While you're raging, you may use a bonus action on
your turn to designate up to two allies within 30 ft. of you as
under your protection. Until the start of your next turn, while
you are within 5 ft. of that ally, all attacks against them are
made with disadvantage. The spirit of the Sheep gives you a
flock mentality; you must put the survival of the flock above
your own.
Aspect of the Beast
These options are available to you when you choose a totem
animal at 6th level.
Lion. You gain the regal confidence of the king of the
jungle. You have advantage on charisma checks to interact
with royalty and nobility.
Sheep. You hair grows longer and wool-like. You are
resistant to the effects of cold temperatures and
environments. You can also spend 1 hour shearing yourself,
after which you are resistant to the effects of hot
temperatures and environments for 1 month (after which
your wooly hair grows back).
Totemic Attunement
These options are available to you when you choose a totem
animal at 14th level.
Lion. While you're raging, you can use your action to
bellow a mighty roar. All hostile creatures within 30 ft. of you
must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw (DC equal to 8 +
your proficiency bonus + your Charisma modifier) or be
frightened of you until the end of your next turn.
Sheep. While you're raging, you can cast the spell Absorb
Elements as a reaction.
College of Choir
When one hears of a bard in town, they typically picture The Faithful
either a gallivanting, charming scoundrel or a self-assured It seemed to me that although Clerics and Paladins
lore-singer. The former variety of bards have little use for were still the premier faith-based classes, most of
religion, and the latter tend to consider it with historical the other classes have or have recentely recieved a
curiosity, rather than steadfast devotion. Nonetheless, there subclass option for faithful members of that class
exists a college of bards, often trained as part of a church (Favored Soul Sorcerer, Theurgy Tradition Wizard,
congregation, dedicated not to the paltry songs of men, but to Celestial Pact Warlock, etc.). However, neither Bard
the singing of praise to their gods. The College of Choir nor Monk had such an option... until now.
encompasses both bards embarking to herald the greatness New Cleric Domains
of their gods, and seasoned bards who convert to a faith later
in their life. Placed here due to lack of space on the next page.
These were my attempts to explore some yet-
unexplored divine domain ideas. The Death and
Bonus Proficiencies Trickery Domains didn't feel quite right for a god
When you join the College of Choir at 3rd level, you gain like Tharzidun, so my Chaos Domain is an attempt
proficiency with Religion, Medium Armor, and Shields. at giving him and other gods of chaos a more
mechanically fitting domain.
Uplifting Melody The Law Domain is the natural opposite, and also
Also at 3rd level, you learn to lift a creature's spirit with the draws on the concepts of the Paladin's Oath of the
lyrics of your song. A creature that has a Bardic Inspiration Crown, where a deity's primary goal is the
die from you can roll the die and add two times the number preservation of civilization.
rolled to one saving throw it makes. Alternatively, as a bonus
action, that creature may roll the Bardic Inspiration die and
gain temporary hit points equal to the number rolled times
Divine Secrets
At 6th level, you learn three spells of your choice from the
Cleric or Paladin spell list. A spell you choose must be of a
level you can cast, as shown on the Bard table, or a cantrip.
The chosen spells count as bard spells for you but don't count
against the number of bard spells you know. Furthermore,
any Cleric or Paladin spells you acquire at higher levels from
the Magical Secrets feature do not count against the number
of bard spells you know.
Angelic Chorus
At 14th level, you gain one use of Channel Divinity per day.
You learn two Channel Divinity options from any Cleric
domains of your choice. Any ability that relies on your Cleric
level instead relies on your Bard level, and any ability that
relies on your Wisdom instead relies on your Charisma.
Chaos Domain Law Domain
Gods of chaos, such as Tharizdun, Llolth, the Great Old One, Gods of law, including Pholtus, Erathis, and Aueron, uphold
and others delight in tormenting the feeble minds of mortals. the values of civilization. They seek to defend the cities and
Clerics of these gods are instruments of chaos; their purpose towns against the forces of barbarism and savagery, and to
is to confuse, befuddle, and fracture the minds of those preserve the legacy of civilizations past.
around them, especially those that seek to enforce law and
order. Law Domain Spells
Cleric Level Spells
Chaos Domain Spells
1st Command, Heroism
Cleric Level Spells
3rd Locate Object, Skywrite
1st Arms of Hadar, Tasha's Hideous Laughter
5th Beacon of Hope, Sending
3rd Phantasmal Force, Web
7th Banishment, Dimension Door
5th Blink, Hypnotic Pattern
9th Legend Lore, Scrying
7th Confusion, Phantasmal Killer
9th Animate Objects, Reincarnate Bonus Proficiency
When you choose this domain at 1st level, you gain
Bonus Cantrips proficiency with heavy armor.
When you choose this domain at 1st level, you gain the Minor
Illusion and Vicious Mockery cantrips if you do not already Lawbearer
know them. They count as cleric cantrips for you. At 1st level, you learn one language of your choice. You also
become proficient in History and Persuasion, and your
Instrument of Disorder proficiency bonus is doubled for any ability check you make
Starting at 1st level, your discordant nature is sufficient to that uses either of those skills.
unnerve lawful creatures in your presence. You have
advantage on Charisma (Intimidation) checks and Channel Divinity: Invoke Order
disadvantage on Charisma (Persuasion) checks to interact Starting at 2nd level, you can use your Channel Divinity to
with creatures of a Lawful alignment. The reverse is true for bring calm and order to chaotic situations. As an action, you
creatures of Chaotic alignment. present your holy symbol, and every creature of your choice
within 30 ft. of you must make a Wisdom saving throw.
Channel Divinity: Invoke Chaos Creatures have advantage on this saving throw if they are
Starting at 2nd level, you may use your Channel Divinity as a actively hostile towards you or your allies specifically. Any
reaction when you are hit by an attack to roll twice on the creature that fails this saving throw is charmed by you for 1
Wild Magic Surge table (Player's Handbook p. 104). Choose minute or until it suffers any damage. You may command
one of the two effects you roll. It occurs immediately, before creatures charmed this way as a bonus action on your turn to
the attack is resolved. move in orderly fashion in a direction of your choosing.
Constructs and Undead are immune to this effect.
Chaos Monger
Beginning at 6th level, your thinking becomes so chaotic that Living Bulwark
effects that would damage the minds of other creatures have Starting at 6th level, you gain the ability to magically shield
little effect on you. You becomes resistant to psychic damage, those around you from the forces of chaos, becoming the
gain advantage on saving throws against charms, and magic shield of society. You gain an additional reaction per round. As
can't put you to sleep. If you already have advantage on saving a reaction when any creature within 60 feet of you suffers
throws against charms, you become immune to charms. damage, you may take half of that damage to yourself. The
damage you take when using this ability is of the same type
Potent Spellcasting as that of the original attack. If you have resistance to that
Starting at 8th level, you can add your Wisdom modifier to type of damage, you take only half damage as normal.
the damage you deal with any cleric cantrip.
Divine Strike
Avatar of Pandemonium Starting at 8th level, you gain the ability to infuse your
Starting at 17th level, you learn the spell Weird, and can cast weapons strikes with divine force. Once on each of your turns
it as a Cleric Spell. Additionally, once per long rest, you may when you hit a creature with a weapon attack, you can cause
cast Wierd centered on yourself without expending a spell the attack to deal an extra 1d8 force damage to the target.
slot. If you do, you also must make a saving throw against its When you reach 14th level, the extra damage increases to
effects. 2d8.
Stalwart Guardian
Starting at 17th level, you gain resistance to bludgeoning,
piercing, and slashing damage.
Circle of Corruption Occult Infusion
Druids are raised to respect and revere the natural order of Starting at 6th level, when you hit a creature with a weapon
things, and their power comes from their ability to channel under the effect of the Shillelagh spell, you may choose to
the life force of the world around them. Few druids begin deal a type of damage associated with the source of your
their journeys with anything but respect for Mother Nature. power rather than bludgeoning damage.
However, in rare cases druid might be convinced—or seduced Source of Power Damage Type
—into abandoning their calling and embracing the forces that
Undead Necrotic
others of their kind despise. They channel undeath, fiendish
power, and the alien forces of the Far Realms rather than Fiends Fire
those of the life around them, and in doing so join the Circle Abberations Psychic
of Corruption.
Additionally, once per turn when you deal damage of the
Unnatural Affinity type associated with the source of your power, you may add
When you choose this circle at 2nd level choose Abberations, your Wisdom modifier to the damage roll. You may do this up
Fiends, or Undead. Your choice will determine the source of to three times per day. You regain all uses of this feature after
your new power: if Abberations, then the Far Realms; if a long rest.
Fiends, then the Abyss or the Hells; if Undead, then Undeath. Furthermore, your attacks in beast form count as magical
You may no longer turn into Beasts with the Wild Shape for the purpose of overcoming resistance and immunity to
feature. However, you can turn into creatures of the type you nonmagical attacks and damage.
chose with a challenge rating as high as 1.
Starting at level 6, you may transform into creatures of the The Corrupted
type you chose with a challenge rating of up to your druid Starting at 10th level, your physical body undergoes a
level divided by 3, rounded down. permanent alteration to reflect the unnatural influences on
your form. This alteration is chosen randomly from one of
Circle Spells three possible changes based on the source of your power
Your mystical connection to the forces you draw on infuses when you reach 10th level, and cannot be changed.
you with the ability to cast certain spells. At 3rd, 5th, 7th, and Undead: Your blood turns black in your veins, adopting
9th level you gain access to circle spells associated with the qualities of undeath. You are immune to poison damage and
source of your power. the poisoned condition.
Once you gain access to a circle spell, you always have it Undead: One of your hands fades to shadow, becoming
prepared, and it doesn't count against the number of spells incorporeal. You are permanently considered to be under the
you can prepare each day. If you gain access to a spell that effect of the Vampiric Touch spell, and do not need to
doesn't appear on the druid spell list, the spell is nonetheless concentrate on it.
a druid spell for you. Undead: Wraith-like shadows hang about your form, and
Undead Circle Spells follow you as you walk. Whenever you deal necrotic damage,
Druid Level Spells
the target must make a Constitution save against your spell
save DC. If it fails, the target's HP is also reduced by an
3rd Blindness/Deafness, Ray of Enfeeblement amount equal to the damage dealt.
5th Animate Dead, Vampiric Touch Fiends: Red, leathery wings sprout from your back. You
gain a flying speed equal to your walking speed.
7th Death Ward, Compulsion Fiends: Your skin hardens and takes on a fiendish
9th Cloudkill, Cone of Cold appearance. You are resistant to fire and poison damage.
Fiends: Your teeth grow to fangs, horns sprout from your
Fiend Circle Spells head, and your eyes become entirely black. You have
Druid Level Spells advantage on persuasion checks to interact with evil
creatures, and intimidation checks to interact with neutral or
3rd Invisibility, Scorching Ray good creatures.
5th Fireball, Stinking Cloud Abberations: You grow a third eye somewhere on your
7th Fire Shield, Greater Invisibility
body. You have advantage on perception checks requiring
sight and intimidation checks to interact with non-planar
9th Flame Strike, Hallow entities.
Abberations: One of your arms is replaced with a mass of
Abberation Circle Spells writhing tentacles. You gain +2 to Strength and have
Druid Level Spells advantage on grappling checks.
Abberations: Your brain is opened to an understanding of
3rd Detect Thoughts, Phantasmal Force the far realms. You gain a +2 to Intelligence. Pick two Psionic
5th Clairvoyance, Sending Talents from the Mystic class. You learn these talents and can
7th Phantasmal Killer, Evard's Black Tentacles use them with Intelligence as your Psionic Ability Score.
9th Dominate Person, Telekinesis
Corrupting Influence Circle of Hickory
Starting at 14th level, you can temporarily morph the world Druids of the Circle of the Hickory embrace the strength of
around you into a facsimile of the world you draw your power the Hickory tree, and use it to defend the wilds. They bravely
from. As an action, you cause the effect associated with the charge into the heat of battle, striking down foes with the
source of your power for 1 minute: wrath of nature.
Undead: You surround yourself with shadow and gloom
out to 30 ft.. All bright light in that area becomes dim light. All
undead within this aura gain a bonus to attack rolls equal to Force of Nature
your Wisdom modifier. Radiant damage against any creature When you choose this circle at 2nd level, you learn the
in this aura is halved. Any creature other than yourself and Shillelagh cantrip if you don't know it. If you do, you learn one
undead that starts its turn within this aura must make a additional druid cantrip of your choice.
Wisdom saving throw against your spell save DC or be
frightened of you until it exits the aura. Shillelagh Master
Fiends: You surround yourself with infernal flames, and Starting at 2nd level, you gain the ability to cast Shillelagh
the ground around you turns to hardened magma that emits using a spell slot, rather than as a cantrip. If you cast it at 1st
toxic fumes out to 30 ft.. All fiends within this aura gain a level, the damage die for the spell becomes a d10. If you cast
bonus to attack rolls equal to your Wisdom modifier. Cold it at 3nd level, the die becomes a d12.
damage against any creature in this aura is halved. Any Additionally, when you hit a creature with a weapon under
creature other than yourself and fiends that starts its turn the effect of Shillelagh, you may use your bonus action and
within this aura must make a Constitution saving throw expend a spell slot to deal additional force damage equal to
against your spell save DC or suffer 1d10 fire and 1d10 the level of the spell slot you expended times 5.
poison damage. Furthermore, you gain the ability to cast Shillelagh on any
Abberations: ou warp space around you, giving it a stick of wood up to 15 ft. long. A stick longer than 10 ft. has a
shimmering, discordant appearance. Sounds and images are reach of 10 ft. for the purpose of making attacks.
distorted within the aura. All abberations within this aura
gain a bonus to attack rolls equal to your Wisdom modifier. Hammer of the Woodlands
Thunder damage against any creature in this aura is halved. Starting at 6th level, you can attack twice instead of once
Any creature other than yourself and abberations that starts whenever you take the Attack action on your turn with a
its turn within this aura must make a Wisdom saving throw weapon under the effect of your Shillelagh.
against your spell save DC or suffer 2d10 psychic damage.
- Plantshape
Starting at 10th level, you learn to adopt plant forms just as
you do animals. You may now turn into any Beast or Plant
Corrupters and Corrupted with a CR of 2 or less with your Wild Shape.
I really like the common trope in fantasy that
wielding powers best left alone often takes a toll on Permanent Barkskin
the wielder. The idea of nature being corrupted by Starting at 14th level, your attunement to the forest is such
unnatural influences is another common fantasy that your skin begins to mimic the bark of a deciduous tree.
theme that I drew on for this class. Furthermore, Your base AC equals 16 + your dexterity modifier when you
Druids didn't really have an evil option until now, are not wearing armor.
and this seemed an appropriate way to give them -

Shillelagh All Day

On the Youtube show Web DM, the hosts brought
up the idea of a Druid archetype that emphasized
the use of the Shillelagh spell. I thought it was a
cool idea and took a stab at it. Concept-wise, I
thought the idea of a Druidic enforcer was a cool
one. I envision these guys as being the first
responders that the local druids send out when the
Orcs start cutting down too many trees.
Way of the Spirit Fire
Monks of the Way of the Spirit Fire are acolytes of, or I am One with the Fire, and the Fire is
converts to, some faith. The church of the Silver Flame, with Me.
among others, maintains monasteries where monks can train After I saw Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, I
both body and soul, and learn the harmony between. immediately wondered if there was a way to make a
Force Monk in D&D. This was one of the most fun
Spirit Fire to make.
Starting when you choose this tradition at 3rd level, you learn
the cantrip Sacred Flame. Your Wisdom is your spellcasting
ability for it. Additionally, you may spend 1 ki point to cast
Sacred Flame as a bonus action on your turn.
Force of Faith
Starting at 6th level, whenever you hit a target with a martial
arts attack, you may instead choose to deal force damage
instead of bludgeoning damage. Additionally, once per hit,
you may spend 1 ki to deal 1d10 additional force damage.
Starting at 17th level, you may spend 1 ki to deal 1d12
additional force damage.
Resolution of Hope
Starting at 11th level, whenever you or a friendly creature
within 10 feet of you makes a saving throw, the creature gains
a bonus to the saving throw equal to your Wisdom modifier.
One With the Fire
At 17th level, your faith has the power to carry you unharmed
through raging battle. As an action, you can spend 2 ki points
to cast Sanctuary. Your wisdom is your spellcasting ability for
it. Creatures attempting to attack you have disadvantage on
their wisdom saving throws against Sanctuary, and you may
use your reaction and spend 1 ki point to cause a successful
saving throw to fail.
Dark Paladin Spells
1st Level Thunderous Smite 3rd Level 4th Level
Armor of Agathys Wrathful Smite Blinding Smite Banishment
Arms of Hadar Crusader's Mantle Blight
Command 2nd Level Dispel Magic Locate Creature
Compelled Duel Branding Smite Elemental Weapon Staggering Smite
Detect Evil and Good Cloud of Daggers Fear
Detect Magic Crown of Madness Hunger of Hadar 5th Level
Hellish Rebuke Find Steed Hypnotic Pattern Banishing Smite
Hex Hold Person Magic Circle Circle of Power
Inflict Wounds Locate Object Revivify Destructive Wave
Searing Smite Magic Weapon Vampiric Touch Geas
Shield of Faith Ray of Enfeeblement - Raise Dead
- 3rd Level 4th Level

Evil Paladins and Good Warlocks

In the case of both the Paladin and the Warlock, I
felt that the spell list provided was not thematically
appropriate for an evil or good member of the
class, respectively. This is my attempt at fixing this.
Oath of Civilization Aura of Stability
The Oath of Civilization is sworn to the ideals of civilization Starting at 7th level, your mere presence is a source of
and society, be it the spirit of a nation or service to a deity of comfort and calm to others. You and friendly creatures within
law and rulership. The paladins who swear this oath dedicate 10 feet of you have resistance to psychic damage, and have
themselves to serving society and, in particular, the just laws advantage on checks against succumbing to madness.
that hold society together. These Paladins are the watchful At 18th level, the range of this aura increases to 30 feet.
guardians on the walls, standing against the chaotic tides of Steadfast Bulwark
barbarism that threaten to tear down all that civilization has Starting at 15th level, when a creature within the reach of the
built. Their presence on the battlefield is a source of weapon you are wielding attacks a creature other than you,
inspiration to those around them, as the lead the defenders of you may immediately use your reaction to make a melee
civilization to victory over those that would see their cities weapon attack against that creature. If you do, that creature's
reduced to rubble. attack against the creature other than you is made at
Tenents of Civilization
__ Avatar of Order
Law. The law is paramount. It is the mortar that holds the Starting at 20th level, you no longer have to concentrate when
stones of civilization together, and it must be respected. using the Bane, Bless, Protection from Evil and Good,
Loyalty. Your word is your bond. Without loyalty, oaths and Heroism, Divine Favor, or Crusader's Mantle spells. These
laws are meaningless. spells still end after their duration is over.
Courage. You must be willing to do what needs to be done -
for the sake or order, even in the face of overwhelming odds.
Your courage will inspire courage in others.
Responsibility. You must deal with the consequences of Revising the Oath of the Crown
your actions, and you are responsible for fulfilling your duties Thematically, I loved the Oath of the Crown from
and obligations. the Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide. However, I
felt that mechanically, the archetype was more
Oath Spells appropriate to a Knightly, honor-bound type rather
You gain oath spells at the paladin levels listed. than a defender of Civilization. Therefore, I split the
archetype in two; the Oath of Civilization takes the
Oath of Civilization Spells concept of the Oath of the Crown with different
Paladin Level Spells mechanics, while my version of the Oath of the
3rd Bane, Command Crown takes many of the same mechanical
elements of the original, but pairs them with a new
5th Skywrite, Warding Bond concept.
9th Beacon of Hope, Sending
13th Banishment, Wall of Fire
17th Hallow, Wall of Force
Oath of the Crown
Channel Divinity
When you take this oath at 3rd level, you gain the following The Oath of the Crown is an oath to a particular order of
two Channel Divinity options. knights and the sovereign or noble they serve. Those who
Turn the Savage. As an action, you present your holy swear this Oath consign themselves to a life of battle, but also
symbol and speak a prayer against savage and chaotic forces, to a life of glory and prestige. Their reputation precedes them
using your Channel Divinity. Each creature of chaotic into battle, and their presence can re-invigorate allies and
alignment that can see or hear you within 30 feet of you must turn the tide of losing battles. Paladins of this type are at
make a Wisdom saving throw. If the creature fails its saving home in the courts of kings and nobles, where they are
throw, it is turned for 1 minute or until it takes damage. regarded with the respect accorded them for their victories
A turned creature must spend its turns trying to move as on the battlefield. They follow a strict code of chivalry and
far away from you as it can, and it can't willingly move to a honor that compels them to strike down those that would
space within 30 feet of you. It also can't take reactions. For its insult their honor, but also to treat the women and children of
action, it can use only the Dash action or try to escape from conquered people with mercy and decency.
an effect that prevents it from moving. If there's nowhere to
move, the creature can use the Dodge action. Tenents of Civilization
Ward of Justice. As an action, choose a number of __
creatures equal to your Charisma modifier other than Honor. A man without honor is no man. If someone
yourself within 30 feet. Shields of shimmering light challenges your honor, you must meet that challenge with
materialize around those creatures. For 1 minute, whenever force.
one of those creatures is hit by a melee weapon attack, the Fealty. Your sovereign is to be given absolute respect and
attacker suffers 1d4 radiant damage. obedience. The strength of your nation depends on obedience
to the crown.
- This effect ends early if you are incapacitated or die. Once
Chivalry. Enemy warriors are to be struck down without you use this feature, you can't use it again until you finish a
mercy, but civilians are to be left unharmed. Do not draw your long rest.
blade against the innocent and feeble.
Loyalty. Your word is your bond. If you have sworn Oath of the Inquisitor
allegiance to someone, you shall complete the terms of your The Oath of the Inquisitor is a grim oath, for it requires the
agreement fully and completely. one taking it to be willing to stoop to the level of the enemy in
Oath Spells order to defeat them. Those who take the Oath of the
You gain oath spells at the paladin levels listed. Inquisitor are not afraid to employ underhanded tactics or
dark magics in order that they might defeat greater evils.
Oath of the Crown Spells They are not unwilling to cheat to gain an advantage, torture
Paladin Level Spells for information, or kill to preserve their cover if the situation
requires it. Ultimately these Paladins seek to accomplish
3rd Command, Compelled Duel good, but they tread very carefully the line between good and
5th Find Steed, Silence evil, and the one thing they fear is that, at the end, they will be
9th Beacon of Hope, Crusader's Mantle
found on the wrong side.
13th Death Ward, Staggering Smite Tenents of the Inquisitor
17th Circle of Power, Hallow __
Justice. Bringing evildoers to justice is of paramount
Channel Divinity importance. There can be no mercy for the wicked.
When you take this oath at 3rd level, you gain the following The Ends Justify the Means. If the end of defeating
two Channel Divinity options. greater evils is accomplished, the means employed in that
Champion Challenge. As a bonus action, you issue a endeavor are justified, regardless of what they might be.
challenge that compels other creatures to do battle with you. Inner Purity. Though you may perform evil acts, your inner
Each creature of your choice that you can see within 30 feet light cannot be quenched. Do not allow what you must do
of you must make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, a define who you are.
creature can't willingly move more than 30 feet away from No Victory Without Sacrifice. If the lives of your family,
you. This effect ends on the creature if you are incapacitated your friends, or even your own life must be given to achieve
or die or if the creature is more than 30 feet away from you. victory over darkness, that is not too high a price to pay.
Turn the Tide. As a bonus action, you can bolster injured Oath Spells
creatures with your Channel Divinity. Each creature of your You gain oath spells at the paladin levels listed.
choice that can hear you within 30 feet of you regains hit
points equal to 1d6 + your Charisma modifier (minimum of 1) Oath of the Inquisitor Spells
if it has no more than half of its hit points. Paladin Level Spells
Regal Bearing 3rd Guiding Bolt, Hex
An Oath of the Crown Paladin is at home in the company of 5th Hold Person, Phantasmal Force
knights and nobles. Starting at 7th level, you gain proficiency 9th Bestow Curse, Slow
in the Persuasion skill. If you are already proficient in it, you
gain proficiency in one of the following skills of your choice: 13th Phantasmal Killer, Staggering Smite
Insight, Intimidation, or Performance. 17th Geas, Hold Monster
Your proficiency bonus is doubled for any ability check you
make that uses Persuasion. You gain this benefit regardless Channel Divinity
of the skill proficiency you gain from the feature. When you take this oath at 3rd level, you gain the following
Commanding Presence two Channel Divinity options.
Starting at 15th level, you learn to command your allies while Searing Pain. As an action, choose one creature within 30
performing other tasks in battle. If you do not take the Attack feet of you. That creature must make a Wisdom saving throw.
action on your turn, you may use your bonus action to choose If it fails, it suffers 3d10 psychic damage as agonizing pain
one ally that can see or hear you within 60 feet. That creature courses through its body, and for 1 minute you have
can make one weapon attack as a reaction. advantage on intimidation checks against that creature. On
each of your turns for 1 minute, if the creature failed its
Exalted Champion original saving throw, you can use your action to deal 3d10
At 20th level, your presence on the field of battle is an psychic damage to the same creature automatically.
inspiration to those dedicated to your cause. You can use your
action to gain the following benefits for 1 hour:
You have resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing
damage from nonmagical weapons. Your allies have
advantage on death saving throws while within 30 feet of you.
You have advantage on Wisdom saving throws, as do your
allies within 30 feet of you.
Thirsting Weapon. As an action, you can imbue one weapon Tenents of the Protector
you are holding with a deathly malice, using your Channel __
Divinity. For 1 minute, whenever you roll damage for attacks Protect the Weak. Protect those who cannot protect
made with that weapon, the target suffers additional necrotic themselves. Be strong and caring.
damage equal to your Charisma modifier. Fight Only to Defend. War and fighting only cause more
suffering; do not be the first to start them. Negotiate with
Aura of Pain those that you can; you may find friends where no one else
Starting at 7th level, whenever a creature within 10 feet of thought to look. Only raise your sword when there is no other
you suffers psychic damage, you may choose to deal option.
additional psychic damage to that creature equal to your All Lives are Equal. Put no life above another. Everyone
Charisma modifier. wishes to live the best possible life; make sure most of them
At 18th level, the range of this aura increases to 30 feet. can.
Lead the Way for the Lost. Some lose their way in life;
Grim Resolve help them find a purpose to follow, and protect them from the
Starting at 15th level, you have advantage on saving throws to evils that would otherwise take them.
avoid becoming paralyzed or stunned.
Oath Spells
Angel of Death You gain oath spells at the paladin levels listed.
Starting at 20th level, you can assume the form of a reaper of
death. Using your action, you undergo a transformation. For 1 Oath of the Protector Spells
hour, you gain the following benefits: Paladin Level Spells
Wings sprout from your back and grant you a flying speed 3rd Protection from Good and Evil, Sanctuary
of 60 feet. You emenate an aura of menace in a 30-foot
radius. The first time any enemy creature enters the aura or 5th Protection from Poison, Warding Bond
starts its turn there during a battle, the creature must 9th Aura of Vitality, Protection from Energy
succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or become frightened of
you for one minute or until it takes any damage. Attack rolls 13th Aura of Life, Death Ward
against the frightened creature have advantage. 17th Circle of Power, Wall of Force
Once you use this feature, you can't use it again until you
finish a long rest. Channel Divinity
- When you take this oath at 3rd level, you gain the following
two Channel Divinity options.
Fellow Creator's Inspiration Flash Heal. Using your channel divinity, you may heal a
creature with with your Lay on Hands pool as a bonus action
I owe the concept ideas for both my Oath of the
Inquisitor and Oath of the Protector to my fellow
rather than an action.
DM and personal friend Branell Jones. Although we
Holy Armor. As an action, choose one creature within 30
have different interpretations of how the concepts feet of you. For 1 minute, that creature gains a bonus to its
should work mechanically, his original ideas were-- AC equal to your Charisma modifier.
and are--awesome.
Aura of Sacrifice
Beginning at 7th level, you can take on the pain of others as
your own. When a creature other than you within 10 feet of
- you takes damage, you may choose to take that damage
instead. If you do, the damage cannot be reduced or negated
Oath of the Protector in any way.
The Oath of the Protector is a difficult path to follow, filled At 18th level, you may take the damage of any creature
with peril and difficult choices. Those who take up this Oath within 30 feet of you as your own.
are called Pacifist, Diplomats, and sometimes cowards,
although those who call the Guardian a coward has never Improved Lay On Hands
met them. If they did, they would see the devotion they have Beginning at 15th, the total number of hit points you can heal
to their god, to their duty, and to all. They would see bravery to with your Lay on Hands pool equals your Paladin level times
stand up for what is right, or for those who cannot protect 7.
themselves. Many neutral or chaotic good gods have paladins
of this oath, though not many would take it, as it is difficult to Unbreakable Soul
uphold. Nonetheless, those that do take this oath are devoted Starting at 20th level, as an action you can transmute your
to their ideals, and those that would harm the innocent had skin into Adamantine. For 1 minute, you gain the following
best make sure no Protector is nearby, lest they consign benefits:
themselves to death. You are immune to critical hits.
You have resistance to all types of damage.
Once you use this feature, you cannot do so again until you
complete a long rest.
Winter Sorcery Induce Hibernation
Your magic comes from the icy cold of winter, cold enough to tarting at 14th level, you learn to induce weariness in
freeze a normal person's blood in their veins. Perhaps you creatures through your magic. When you deal cold damage to
were lost in a blizzard and had given up hope of survival a creature you may spend 3 sorcery points to attempt to
when, suddenly, the cold ceased to bother you. Perhaps you cause that creature to fall asleep magically. If that creature
climbed a mountain and were separated from your fellow has below half of its total hit points, it must make a
travelers, but survived your isolation and descended wielding Constitution saving throw against your spell save DC. If it
mysterious powers. Now you wield the cold and ice as a fails, it falls asleep for a number of turns equal to your
sword and a shield against those that would harm you or Charisma modifier, or until it takes any damage.
those you hold dear. Once you use this feature, you may not do so again until
you have completed a long rest.
Winter Sorcerer Quirks
d6 Quirk Blizzard
Starting at 18th level, your command of the cold and ice
1 Your skin is always icy cold to the touch. grants you the ability to wield your Snowcloak offensively,
2 When you see snow falling, you feel compelled to stop freezing your enemies as where they stand. You gain an
and watch it fall. additional use of your Snowcloak per long rest. Additionally,
3 Your skin is albino-white, and any body hair you have
as a bonus action, you can magically transmute the cloak into
appears like frost. a swirling Blizzard of cold and ice around another creature
within 30 ft. of you. If you do, you lose all the effects of the
4 You constantly chew ice as a nervous habit. Snowcloak, and cannot use the Snowcloak feature again until
5 You become irritated and miserable in temperatures that creature is no longer surrounded by the Blizzard.
above 70 degrees Fahrenheit Your Blizzard lasts until the creature it surrounds drops to
6 In temperatures below freezing you become giddy and 0 hit points, you become incapacitated, or you dispel it as a
excitable. bonus action on your turn. While a creature is surrounded by
your Blizzard, it must make a Constitution saving throw
Winter's Heart against your spell save DC at the start of each of its turns. It
Starting when you choose this origin at 1st level, you have takes cold damage equal to your Sorcerer level and its speed
resistance to cold damage, and are vulnerable to fire damage. is reduced by 20 ft. for that turn on a failed save, or half as
You do not suffer ill-effects from high altitudes or cold much and its speed is reduced by 10 ft. on a successful one. If
climates, and walking across difficult terrain caused by ice a creature is reduced to 0 HP by this damage, it is frozen
does not cost you additional movement. By plunging your solid and killed instantly.
hand into water, you can cause it to freeze at a rate of 10
gallons per minutes. Filling Missing Concepts
As of the recent Unearthed Arcana articles, we've
Snowcloak got a light Sorcerer, a fire Sorcerer, a water
Starting at 1st level, you can conjure a frosty wind to Sorcerer, and a Sorcerer for, uh, rocks and stuff. But
surround your form. As a bonus action, you magically we didn't have one for ice; now we do!
wreathe yourself in gusts of snow. For 1 minute, you gain the
following benefits:
Your AC increases by 1.
Any creature takes cold damage equal to your Charisma
modifier if it hits you with a melee attack.
Whenever you roll cold damage on your turn, the roll gains
a bonus equal to your Charisma modifier.
Once you use this feature, you cannot use it again until you
have completed a long rest.
Icy Veins
Starting at 6th level, you become immune to cold damage.
Additionally, you gain the ability bend cold in the air around
you and towards you. As a reaction when any creature within
30 ft. of you takes cold damage, you may halve that damage.
Good Warlock Spell List
Cantrips (0 Level) Searing Smite Major Image Mass Suggestion
Blade Ward Unseen Servant Protection from Energy Sunbeam
Eldritch Blast Remove Curse True Seeing
Friends 2nd Level Spirit Guardians
Guidance Aid Tongues 7th Level
Light Calm Emotions Conjure Celestial
Mage Hand Cloud of Daggers 4th Level Etherealness
Minor Illusion Enhance Ability Aura of Purity Firestorm
Prestidigitation Hold Person Banishment Forcecage
Produce Flame Invisibility Dimension Door Plane Shift
Resistance Mirror Image Hallucinatory Terrain
Sacred Flame Misty Step 8th Level
True Strike Protection from Poison 5th Level Demiplane
Shatter Contact Other Plane Dominate Monster
1st Level Suggestion Dispel Evil and Good Feeblemind
Absorb Elements Zone of Truth Dream Holy Aura
Bless Hold Monster Power Word Stun
Charm Person 3rd Level Scrying
Detect Evil and Good Aura of Vitality 9th Level
Expeditious Retreat Counterspell 6th Level Astral Projection
Guiding Bolt Dispel Magic Arcane Gate Foresight
Hunter's Mark Fly Blade Barrier Imprisonment
Illusory Script Gaseous Form Eyebite Power Word Heal
Protection from Evil and Hypnotic Pattern Flesh to Stone True Polymorph
Good Magic Circle Forbiddance
Heroes' Feast
You can cast detect magic at will, without expending a spell
Good Warlock Eldritch slot.
__ Eldritch Spear
Prerequisite: eldritch blast cantrip
Sanctifying Blast When you cast eldritch blast, its range is 300 feet.
Prerequisite: eldritch blast cantrip -
When you cast eldritch blast, add your Charisma modifier to
the damage it deals on a hit. Eyes of the Rune Keeper
_ You can read all writing.
Radiant Armor
You can cast the spell mage armor on yourself at will, without Gaze of Two Minds
expending a spell slot or material components. You can use your action to touch a willing humanoid and
_ perceive through its senses until the end of your next turn. As
long as the creature is on the same plane of existence as you,
Ascendant Step you can use your action on subsequent turns to maintain this
Prerequisite: 9th level connection, extending the duration until the end of your next
You can cast levitate on yourself at will, without expending a turn. While perceiving through the other creature's senses,
spell slot or material components. you benefit from any special senses possessed by that
_ creature, and you are blinded and deafened to your own
Beast Speech -
You can cast speak with animals at will, without expending a
spell slot. Lifeguardian
_ Prerequisite: 12th level, Pact of the Blade feature
When you hit a creature with your pact weapon, the creature
Celestial Insight takes extra radiant damage equal to your Charisma modifier
You gain proficiency in the Persuasion and Insight skills. (minimum 1).
_ -
Book of Ancient Secrets Mask of Many Faces
Prerequisite: Pact of the Tome feature You can cast disguise self at will, without expending a spell
You can now inscribe magical rituals into your Book of -
Insights. Choose two 1st-level spells that have the ritual tag
from any class's spell list (the two needn't be from the same
list). The spells appear in the book and don't count against the Master of Myriad Forms
number of spells you know. With your Book of Shadows in Prerequisite: 15th level
hand, you can cast the chosen spells as rituals. You can't cast
the spells except as rituals, unless you've learned them by You can cast alter self at will, without expending a spell slot.
some other means. You can also cast a warlock spell you -
know as a ritual if it has the ritual tag.
Elemental Allies
Chains of the Solar Prerequisite: 9th level
Prerequisite: 15th level, Pact of the Chain feature You can cast conjure elemental once using a warlock spell
You can cast hold monster at will—targeting a celestial, fiend, slot. You can't do so again until you finish a long rest.
or elemental—without expending a spell slot or material -
components. You must finish a long rest before you can use
this invocation on the same creature again. Mire the Mind
_ Prerequisite: 5th level
Angel's Sight You can cast slow once using a warlock spell slot. You can't
You can see normally in darkness, both magical and do so again until you finish a long rest.
nonmagical, to a distance of 120 feet. -
Misty Visions
Humbling Word You can cast silent image at will, without expending a spell
Prerequisite: 7th level slot or material components
You can cast confusion once using a warlock spell slot. You
can't do so again until you finish a long rest.
Eldritch Sight
Repelling Blast
Prerequisite: eldritch blast cantrip
When you cast eldritch blast, you can push the creature up to
10 feet away from you in a straight line.
Natural Forms
Prerequisite: 7th level
You can cast polymorph once using a warlock spell slot. You
can't do so again until you finish a long rest.
Stalwart Shelter
You can cast sanctuary once using a warlock spell slot. You
can't do so again until you finish a long rest.

Alphabetical Order Be Damned

These invocations are meant to be thematically-
appropriate for a Good Warlock. However, they're
mostly just re-skinned versions of the original
invocations, and as such I wrote them in basically
the same order as the originals (even though their
names are now different, thereby screwing up the
alphabetical order). I didn't re-order them
according to the new names because I'm lazy.
The Dragon Breath of the Dragon King
Your patron is an ancient chromatic dragon of immense Starting at 14th level, you can use your action to exhale
power. destructive energy. Your draconic patron determines the size,
shape, and damage type of the exhalation. Each creature in
the area of the exhalation must make a saving throw, the type
Expanded spell list of which is determined by your patron. The DC for this saving
The Dragon lets you choose from an expanded list of spells throw equals your spell save DC. A creature takes 12d6
when you learn a warlock spell. The following spells are damage on a failed save, or half that much on a successful
added to the warlock spell list for you. one.
The Dragon Expanded Spells Patron Color Breath Weapon
Spell Level Spells
Black Acid; 5 by 30 ft. line (Dex. Save)
1st Cause Fear, Chromatic Orb
Blue Lightning; 5 by 30 ft. line (Dex. Save)
2nd Darkvision, Gust of Wind
Green Poison; 15 ft. cone (Con. Save)
3rd Elemental Weapon, Protection from Energy
Red Fire; 15 ft. cone (Dex. Save)
4th Conjure Minor Elementals, Elemental Bane
White Cold; 15 ft. cone (Con. Save)
5th Circle of Power, Legend Lore
Dragon Eldritch Invocations
Draconic Resilience
Starting at 1st level, your hit point maximum increases by 1 These Eldritch Invocations are exclusive to Warlocks of The
and increases by 1 again whenever you gain a level in this Dragon patron.
class. Additionally, you gain resistance to the damage type
associated with your dragon patron. Draconic Form
Prerequisite: 5th level, The Dragon patron
Elemental Power Parts of your skin become covered in Dragon-like scales.
Starting at 6th level, you can cast a certain spell once per long While you aren't wearing armor, your AC equals 13 + your
rest at the same level as your Pact Magic spell slot level Dexterity modifier.
without using a spell slot. This spell is determined by your -
Elemental Blast
Patron Color Spell Prerequisite: eldritch blast cantrip, The Dragon patron
Black Melf's Acid Arrow When you cast Eldritch Blast, you may cause it to inflict
damage of the type associated with your dragon patron
Blue Call Lightning instead of force damage.
Green Ray of Sickness
Red Aganazzar's Scorcher
White Snilloc's Snowball Storm

Furthermore, whenever you deal damage of the type

associated with your Dragon patron, you may re-roll a roll of
1 on a damage die once.
Mantle of the Lizard Lord
Starting at 10th level, as an action you may force every
creature of your choice within 30 feet of you to succeed on a
Wisdom saving throw against your spell save DC or become
frightened of you for 1 minute. A creature can repeat this
saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect
on itself on a success.
Once you use this feature, you can't use it again for 24
The Prince of Undeath Starting at 10th level, if you are a Wight, your Life Drain
attack now deals 3d6 necrotic damage plus your Strength
Your patron is the Lord of Undeath himself: Orcus. He has and Charisma modifiers.
granted you power in exchange for your aid in slaying
everything in the multiverse. Orcus will reward you for your Secrets of the Grave
service, and if you serve him well you may lead his undead Starting at 14th level, Orcus gifts you with the spell Create
armies in the unlife that will follow, as is your pact. Undead as a Mystic Arcanum. When you cast Create Undead,
you do so at 7th-level.
Expanded spell list Additionally, once per week when casting Create Undead,
Orcus lets you choose from an expanded list of spells when you can create a Bodak instead of Ghasts (Volo p.127). If you
you learn a warlock spell. The following spells are added to do, you cannot re-assert your control over the Bodak after 24
the warlock spell list for you. hours.
The Dragon Expanded Spells
Spell Level Spells
Prince of Undeath Eldritch
1st Ray of Sickness, Inflict Wounds
These Eldritch Invocations are exclusive to Warlocks of The
2nd Blindness/Deafness, Protection from Poison Prince of Undeath patron.
3rd Animate Dead, Stinking Cloud
4th Death Ward, Compulsion
Orcus' Chosen
Prerequisite: 9th level, The Prince of Undeath patron
5th Cloudkill, Antilife Shell
You gain the benefits of both the Fiendish Vigor and
Whispers of the Grave eldrith invocations.
Orcus' Bargain -
Starting at 1st level, whenever you die, you are immediately
transformed into a Wight, with your hit points restored to Fate Bringer
maximum. You maintain all your abilities and stats, and gain When you dealnecrotic damage, the target must make a
resistance to necrotic damage; bludgeoning, piercing, and Constitution saving throw against your spell save DC. If it
slashing damage from nonmagical attacks not made with fails, its maximum HP is reduced by an amount equal to the
silvered weapons; and become immune to poison. You gain damage dealt.
the Sunlight Sensitivity feature, and the Life Drain melee -
attack option (You may only use this option once per turn,
even if you can attack more than once). This attack is a
Strength-based attack and has a d6 damage die. The target Undying Discontent
must succeed on a Constitution saving throw against your I'm not a huge fan of The Undying Patron in the
spell save DC or its hit point maximum is reduced by an Sword Coast's Adventurer's Guide. I wanted a
amount equal to the damage you deal until the target takes a Warlock archetype based around necromancy, and
long rest. If this attack slays a target, the target rises 24 hours it didn't deliver. So I made my own.
later as a zombie under your control. You may have no more Also, I think the idea of a Pact with a stipulation
than 12 zombies created by this attack under your control at that if you die, your soul is forfeit. An undead-
themed patron seemed an appropriate time to do
a time. it.
After becoming a Wight, if you die again, you cannot be
restored by any means short of a Wish spell. A Handful of Wizards
Placed here due to lack of space on the next page.
Orcus' Blessing The School of the Duelist was inspired by the
Also starting at 1st level, your connection to the god of sorts of Wizard battles one sees in Harry Potter,
Undeath allows you to speed others to their fate. Whenever wherein countercharms and protection spells are
you deal necrotic damage, you may add your Charisma used constantly to block other magic attacks.
modifier to the roll. The School of Healing is based on just the
standard idea of a "White Wizard," who uses
Undead Thralls (presumably arcane) magic to heal people, rather
Starting at 6th level, any undead you create gains a bonus to than Divine or Nature-Based.
its hit point maximum equal to your Warlock level and can The School of Sorcery was born out of my
add your proficiency bonus to its weapon damage rolls. frustration at the lack of options for characters who
were born magical (like Sorcerers) and the studied
magic to become even more powerful.
Pall of Undeath
Starting at 10th level, your body takes on some qualities of
undeath, though it maintains its spark of life. You become
resistant to poison and necrotic damage, and your hit point
maximum can't be reduced.
If you are already a Wight, this feature is replaced by
Improved Life Drain.
Improved Life Drain
School of the Duelist Regenerative Body
Wizards of the school of dueling practice the art of Starting at 10th level, you can sacrifice your arcane power to
spellcasting for its use in battle, particularly magic battles repair damage to your own body. As a bonus action on your
with other wizards. turn, you may expend a spell slot to regain HP equal to 1d12
times the level of the spell slot expended.
Reactive Higher Healing
Starting when you choose this school at 2nd level, you gain Starting at 14th level, you learn the spells Heal and
the ability to use up to two reactions per round. Regenerate. These spells are always prepared for you.
Duelist's Defense School of Sorcery
Starting at 6th level, you gain the ability to cast Mage Armor
or Shield at 2nd level rather than 1st (you must know the Wizards of the school of sorcery are born sorcerers; they
spells and have the spell slots to do so). If you do so, they possess innate arcane power. However, rather than devoting
provide a bonus to any saving throw you make equal to the themselves to fostering their innate talents, they turn to the
bonus they provide to your AC for the same duration. study of wizardry to augment their magical powers. They
learn the basics of wizardry like any other wizard, but as their
Flash Caster studies progress they learn to meld practiced magic with
Starting at 10th level, you may expend a 2nd- or higher-level their inherent attunement to the arcane.
spell slot to cast two cantrips as part of the same action.
These cannot be the same cantrip. Innate Arcana
Starting when you choose this school at 2nd level, you gain
Minor Metamagic the ability to cast certain spells by tapping into your own
Starting at 14th level, your study of arcane techniques grants arcane power, rather than that contained in your spellbook.
you the ability to modify your spells for to suit any given You learn one cantrip from the Sorcerer spell list. You
situation. You gain 3 sorcery points, and learn two of the become proficient in Arcana if you aren't already, and you
Sorcerer's Metamagic options. If these options refer to your double your proficiency bonus in that skill if you are.
Charisma modifier, they instead refer to your Intelligence Choose a number of your Wizard spells that are also on the
modifier. Sorcerer spell list equal to your Charisma modifier plus one.
These spells are always prepared for you, and you may cast
School of Healing them in the absence of your spellbook so long as you possess
Wizards of the School of Healing or “White Wizards,” as they the other necessary components.
are commonly called, study how to mend wounds and cure Additionally, whenever you gain a level in this class, you
diseases by using magic. Unlike most practitioners of the may choose a different Wizard spell you know that is also on
arcane, they learn to manipulate the weave of magic to heal the Sorcerer spell list to replace one of these spells.
yourself and others. Minor Metamagic
Healing Savant
Starting at 6nd level, you learn to use your inherent magic to
Beginning when you select this school at 2nd level, certain twist spells to your needs. You learn two Sorcerer Metamagic
spells are added to the Wizard spell list for you: options of your choice. You gain a number of Sorcery Points
equal to 1/3 your Wizard level.
Spell Level Spells
1st Cure Wounds
Empowered Arcana
Beginning at 10th level, once per turn you can add your
2nd Prayer of Healing Charisma modifier to one damage roll of any Wizard spell
3rd Aura of Vitality you cast. If that spell is one of your Innate Arcana spells, you
can add your Charisma modifier plus 1d4.
4th Aura of Life You can use this feature a number of times per day equal to
5th Mass Cure Wounds your Intelligence modifier. You regain all uses after a long
Pulse of Vitality
Starting at 2nd level when you choose this school, you can Major Metamagic
cast spells that restore HP with a range of “Touch” at a Starting at 14th level, your ability to blend your learned and
distance of up to 30 ft. If you do, that spell heals only half as innate magic is unmatched. You learn one additional
many hit points (rounded down). Metamagic option, and gain additional Sorcery Points equal
to your Charisma modifier.
Protector of Life
When you reach 6th level, you learn the Spare the Dying
cantrip. You may cast it with a range of up to 30 ft.

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