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The importance of teaching English to a military men.

Submitted by:

Student's name:

Academic number: 2115*****

Supervised by: Dr. Abdulaziz Al-turki

I confirm that this research proposal is my own work and that it is not
copied/translated from any other person's work, and that it has not
been previously submitted for assessment either at King Faisal
University or any other educational institution.


Table of contents:

Section Page Number



3-Literature Review………………………………………………………..4

4-Significance of Research………………………………………………5

5-Research Question………………………………………………………5

6-Research Methodology……………………………………………….5

7-Ethical Considerations…………………………………………………5

8-Limitation of The Research………………………………………….5

9-Expected Results…………………………………………………………6


11-Appendix …………………………………………………………………6-7


This is a study focus on the importance of teaching English to a military man. It

was through the work of a questionnaire and questions to be provided to the
officers, teachers and student training border guards in Dammam center. This will
give the research information and benefits about the importance of teaching
English to a military man.


Saudi Arabia is the most important world’s Islamic place due to the existence of
the Sacred Mosque and the Prophet's Mosque. Muslims come from various
destinations to visit the holy cities of Mecca and Medina. Though Saudi becomes
the multiple cultures place because of the existence of visitors, foreign tourists,
residents and researchers for business. Those people may not able to speak

Many military have a problem that a lack of ability to communicate and provide
assistance to them quickly when needed. The military inability to speak English
with the other party for these reasons mentioned.

Literature Review
On the importance of language in communication between everyone said
By: Dr. G. Manivannan " A language is a systematic means of communication by
the use of sounds or conventional symbols. It is the code we all use to express
ourselves and communicate to others. It is a communication by word of mouth. It
is the mental faculty or power of vocal communication. It is a system for
communicating ideas and feelings using sounds, gestures, signs or marks. Any
means of communicating ideas, specifically, human speech, the expression of
ideas by the voice and sounds articulated by the organs of the throat and mouth is
a language. This is a system for communication. A language is the written and
spoken methods of combining words to create meaning used by a particular group
of people.

Language, so far as we know, is something specific to humans, that is to say it is

the basic capacity that distinguishes humans from all other living beings.
Language therefore remains potentially a communicative medium capable of
expressing ideas and concepts as well as moods, feelings and attitudes."

By: PinkNinjaHater. " Why Learning a Foreign Language is Essential in

Today’s World :" While some people learn a different language because of a
practical need, many others learn a language because of interest or because they
want a challenge. Yes, some languages can be extremely hard to learn, but once
they are learned they benefit you greatly. Language is what makes us human. It is
how we share our thoughts with the world. A world without language is
unthinkable, without it there would be no way to communicate and express
ourselves. The more languages you know, the more ways you have to
communicate and express yourself. This is why learning many languages should be
important, and why one language simply won’t do."

Significance of Research
It's time to draw attention to teach military man the English language. They are
the interface of the country. The foreigners refuge to them when they need help
such as inquiry or directing drifters. The presence of the military men who can
communicate with them makes them feel safer and secure.

Research Question
The researcher has targeted questionnaire and questions in the importance of
Teaching English Language for military man. What are the problems that resulted
while military man not being able to speak English? Some of the proposals are
advised to be developed.

Research Methodology
The researcher will carry out a questionnaire containing questions and will
distribute them to coaches, officers and students Border Guard Training Center in
Dammam from them we can consider their views and how important it is to teach
the military man English language.

Ethical Considerations
The researcher asks permission from each one and enters many classrooms. He
explained to them the idea of research, the extent of its importance, and taking
approval from those who want to participate in the questionnaire or in questions.
I will distribute them to everyone, and those who want.

Limitations of Research
This research will be carried out by the participation of Military men of Border
Guard training center in Dammam.

Expected Result
It is expected that many military men are unable to speak English. I suggest that
there should be various language teaching institutes and training centers for new
students which might result better military man in dealing with all foreigners. Also
I expect stimulating military man to learn the English language will be has a
powerful desire to learn.

By: Dr. G. Manivannan . Importance of the English Language - Articles - [online] Available at:
language.html [Accessed 1 Nov. 2014].

By: PinkNinjaHater. (n.d.). Why Learning a Foreign Language is Essential in Today’s World | Teen
Opinion Essay. [online] Available at:
Language-is-Essential-in-Todays-World.html [Accessed 1 Nov. 2014].

1- Can you speak in English?

 Yes
 No
 A little

2- Is it important to teach military man English Language?

 Important
 Unimportant
 According to the work

3- Has English been additional distinguished to military man?
 Yes
 No

4- Should the military man learning more than one language?

 Yes
 No
 According to the work

5- Do you prefer English to be taught in institutes and training centers?

 Yes
 No

Interview questions
1- What are the main reasons for teaching the military men English Language?

2- What are the problems that face a military man who cannot speak English?

3- What do you suggest to the military man who cannot speak English?

4- What Governmental sectors that beneficiary of English Language Teaching?

5- What is the significance of learning English?

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