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Airworthiness Directives are issued primarily to

ans. correct and unsafe condition

(1) A Supplemental Type Certificate may be issued to more than one applicant for the same design
change, providing each applicant shows compliance with the applicable airworthiness requirement.

(2) An installation of an item manufactured in accordance with the Technical Standard Order system
requires no further approval for installation in a particular aircraft.

Regarding the above statements,

ans. only no.1 is true

Primary responsibility for compliance with Airworthiness Directives lies with the
ans. aircraft owner or operator

An aircraft Type Certificate Data Sheet contains

ans. location of the datum

Suitability for use of a specific propeller with a particular engine-airplane combination can be
determined by reference to what informational source?
ans. aircraft specification or aircraft type certificate date sheet

When an airworthy (at the time of sale) aircraft is sold, the Airworthiness Certificate
ans. is transferred with the aircraft
The issuance of an Airworthiness Certificate is governed by
ans. 14 CFR part 21

Specifications pertaining to an aircraft model manufactured under a type certificate, of which less than
50 are shown on the FAA Aircraft Registry, can be found in the

ans. aircraft listing

Where are technical descriptions of certificated propellers found?


ans. propeller type certificate data sheets


What information is generally contained in Aircraft Specifications or Type Certificate Data Sheets?
ans. control surface movements

Placards required on an aircraft are specified in

ans. aircraft specifications or type certificate data sheets

Technical information about older aircraft models, of which no more than 50 remain in service, can be
found in the
ans. aircraft listing

Which of the following are sometimes used as authorization to deviate from an aircraft's original type

1. FAA Form 337.

2. Supplemental Type Certificate.
3. Airworthiness Directive.
4. Technical Standard Order
ans. 1,2 and 3


(1) The Federal Aviation Regulations require approval after compliance with the data of a Supplemental
Type Certificate.

(2) An installation of an item manufactured in accordance with the Technical Standard Order system
requires no further approval for installation in a particular aircraft.

Regarding the above statements,

ans. only no. 1 is true

Which regulation provides information regarding instrument range markings for an airplane certificated
in the normal category?
ans. 14 CFR Part 23

Which regulation provides the airworthiness standards for an airplane certificated in the normal
ans. 14 CFR Part 23

(1) Propellers are NOT included in the Airworthiness Directive system.

(2) A certificated powerplant mechanic may make a minor repair on an aluminum propeller and approve
for return to service.

Regarding the above statements,
ans. only no. 2 is true
An aircraft mechanic is privileged to perform major alterations on U.S. certificated aircraft; however, the
work must be done in accordance with FAA-approved technical data before the aircraft can be returned
to service. Which is NOT approved data?

ans. AC 43.13-2A

What is the maintenance recording responsibility of the person who complies with an Airworthiness

ans. make an entry in the maintenance record of that equipment

(1) Manufacturer's data and FAA publications such as Airworthiness Directives, Type Certificate Data
Sheets, and advisory circulars are all approved data.

(2) FAA publications such as Technical Standard Orders, Airworthiness Directives, Type Certificate Data
Sheets, and Aircraft Specifications and Supplemental Type Certificates are all approved data.

Regarding the above statements,

ans. only 2 is true

The Air Transport Association of America (ATA) Specification No. 100

(1) establishes a standard for the presentation of technical data in maintenance manuals.

(2) divides the aircraft into numbered systems and subsystems in order to simplify locating maintenance

Regarding the above statements,

ans. both no.1 and no. 2 are true



Aviation Maintenance Alerts (formerly General Aviation Airworthiness Alerts)

ans. provide information about aircraft problems and suggested corrective actions

(Refer to Figure 62, 62A, and 62B as necessary.) Which doubler(s) require(s) heat treatment before
ans. -102







(Refer to Figure 62, 62A, & 62B as necessary.) How many parts will need to be fabricated by the
mechanic in the construction and installation of one doubler?
ans. 3

(Refer to Figure 62, 62A, and 62B as necessary.) Using only the information given (when bend allowance,
set back, etc. have been calculated) which doubler is it possible to construct and install?
ans. -101

An aircraft has a total time in service of 468 hours. The Airworthiness Directive given was initially
complied with at 454 hours in service. How many additional hours in service may be accumulated before
the Airworthiness Directive must again be complied with?

The following is the compliance portion of an Airworthiness Directive. 'Compliance required as

indicated, unless already accomplished.

I. Aircraft with less that 500-hours' total time in service: Inspect in accordance with instructions below at

500-hours' total time, or within the next 50-hours' time in service after the effective date of this AD, and
repeat after each subsequent 200 hours in service.

II. Aircraft with 500-hours' through 1,000-hours' total time in service: Inspect in accordance with

instructions below within the next 50-hours' time in service after the effective date of this AD, and
repeat after each subsequent 200 hours in service. PI
III. Aircraft with more than 1,000-hours' time in service: Inspect in accordance with instructions below
within the next 25-hours' time in service after the effective date of this AD, and repeat after each
subsequent 200 hours in service.'

ans. 186

The following words are an example of what kind of statement in an AD? 'Required within the next 25
hours time-in-service after the effective date of this AD, unless already accomplished.
ans. compliance

The action required by an AD may take what form?


1. Inspection.

2. Part(s) replacement.

3. Design modification.

4. Change in operating procedure(s).

5. Overall change in the content, form and disposition of aircraft maintenance records.
ans. 1,2,3 and/or 4

Type Certificate Data Sheets are issued for which of the following products?
ans. aircraft, engines and propellers



The following is a table of airspeed limits as given in an FAA-issued aircraft specification:

Normal operating speed 260 knots

Never-exceed speed 293 knots

Maximum landing gear operation speed 174 knots

Maximum flap extended speed 139 knots

The high end of the white arc on the airspeed instrument would be at
ans. 139 knots

When is a mechanic responsible for checking AD compliance?

ans. when performing an inspection required under 91,125, 0r 135

How long are AD compliance records required to be kept?

ans. they shall be retained, and then transferred with the aircraft when it is sold

What does the Type Certificate Data Sheet designation code '2 PCSM' mean?
ans. two place (number of seats), closed, sea, monoplane

Which of the following includes all the regulatory definitions of 'maintenance'?
ans. overhaul, repair, parts replacement, inspection, and preservation

What is the maximum penalty for cheating or other unauthorized conduct when taking an FAA mechanic
ans. ineligibility to receive any certificate or rating for one year , and suspension or revocation of any

certificate held

A complete detailed inspection and adjustment of the valve mechanism will be made at the first 25
hours after the engine has been placed in service. Subsequent inspections of the valve mechanism will
be made each second 50-hour period.

From the above statement, at what intervals will valve mechanism inspections be performed?

ans. 100 hours

Check thrust bearing nuts for tightness on new or newly overhauled engines at the first 50-hour
inspection following installation. Subsequent inspections on thrust bearing nuts will be made at each
third 50-hour inspection.

From the above statement, at what intervals should you check the thrust bearing nut for tightness?
ans. 150 hours

Under the Federal Aviation Regulations, an aviation maintenance technician is required to perform
maintenance on an aircraft so that it
ans. is atleast equal to its original or properly altered condition

Certificated mechanics with a powerplant rating may perform

ans. 100-hour inspections required by the federal aviation regulations on powerplants, propellers or any
components thereof, and may release the same to service



A repair, as performed on an airframe, shall mean

ans. The restoration of the airframe to a condition for safe operation after damage or deterioration

The replacement of fabric on fabric-covered parts such as wings, fuselages, stabilizers, or control
surfaces is considered to be a
ans. Major repair even though no other alteration or repair is performed

Which is classified as a major repair?

ans. The splicing of skin sheets

The 100-hour inspection required by Federal Aviation Regulations for certain aircraft being operated for
hire may be performed by
ans. Appropriately rated mechanics and approved by them to return to service

A person working under the supervision of a certificated mechanic with an airframe and powerplant
rating is not authorized to perform

ans. A 100-hour inspection

Certificated mechanics, under their general certificate privileges, may

ans. Perform 100 hour inspection of instruments

An Airworthiness Directive requires that a propeller be altered. Certificated mechanics could
ans. Perform and approve the work for return to service if it is a minor alteration
The replacement of a damaged vertical stabilizer with a new identical stabilizer purchased from the
aircraft manufacturer is considered a

ans. Minor repair

FAA certificated mechanics may


ans. Approve for return to service a minor alteration they have performed appropriate to the rating(s)
they hold

A certificated mechanic with a powerplant rating may perform the

ans. 100 hour inspection required by the federal aviation regulations on a powerplant or any component

thereof and approved and return the same to service

What part of the Federal Aviation Regulations prescribes the requirements for issuing mechanic
certificates and associated ratings and the general operating rules for the holders of these certificates
and ratings?
ans. 14 CFR Part 65

A certificated mechanic shall not exercise the privileges of the certificate and rating unless, within the
preceding 24 months, the Administrator has found that the certificate holder is able to do the work or
the certificate holder has
ans. Served as a mechanic under the certificate and rating for at least 6 months

Under Title 14 of the Code of Federal Regulations, what is the maximum penalty for falsification,
alteration, or fraudulent reproduction of certificates, logbooks, reports, and records?
ans. Suspension or revocation of any certificate held


How long does the holder of a certificate issued under 14 CFR part 65 have to notify the FAA after any
change in permanent mailing address?
ans. 30 days

What is the normal duration a mechanic certificate with airframe and/or powerplant ratings?
ans. Until surrendered, suspended or revoked

Why is a mechanic applicant issued a temporary certificate after successful completion of the required
ans. To allow for review of his/her application and supplementary documents

What is the maximum duration of a temporary airman certificate?

ans. 120 day

When may an otherwise qualified mechanic who does not read, write, speak, and understand the
English language be eligible to apply for a mechanic certificate?
Ans. When employed outside the united states by a us air carrier

Which of the following statements is true for a certificated and appropriately rated mechanic regarding
repairs and alterations?
ans. He/she may perform an airframe major repair or major alteration, but cannot approve the work for

return to service

(1) Certificated mechanics with an airframe rating may perform a minor repair to an airspeed indicator
providing they have the necessary equipment available.
(2) Certificated mechanics with a powerplant rating may perform a major repair to a propeller providing
they have the necessary equipment available.

Regarding the above statements,

ans. Neither no.1 nor no. 2 are true

Who is responsible for determining that materials used in aircraft maintenance and repair are of the
proper type and conform to the appropriate standards?

ans. The installing person or agency


Which of these publications contains standards for protrusion of bolts, studs, and screws through self-
locking nuts?
ans. AC 43.13-1b

The replacement of a damaged engine mount with a new identical engine mount purchased from the
aircraft manufacturer is considered a
ans. Minor repair

Who has the authority to approve for return to service a propeller after a 100-hour inspection?

1. A mechanic with a powerplant rating.

2. Any certificated repairman.
3. A non-certificated mechanic working under the supervision of a certificated mechanic with airframe
and powerplant ratings.
ans. 1

Instrument repairs may be performed

ans. By an FAA-approved repair station



Where is the record of compliance with Airworthiness Directives or manufacturers' service bulletins
normally indicated?
ans. aircraft maintenance records

If work performed on an aircraft has been done satisfactorily, the signature of an authorized person on
the maintenance records for maintenance or alterations performed constitutes
ans. approval to return to service only for the work performed

During an annual inspection, if a defect is found which makes the aircraft unairworthy, the person
disapproving must
ans. provide a written notice of the defect to the owner

What is the means by which the FAA notifies aircraft owners and other interested persons of unsafe
conditions and prescribes the condition under which the product may continue to be operated?

ans. airworthiness directives

Which is an appliance major repair?

ans. overhaul of a hydraulic pressure pump

Where should you find this entry?
'Removed right wing from aircraft and removed skin from outer 6 feet. Repaired buckled spar 49 inches
from tip in accordance with figure 8 in the manufacturer's structural repair manual No. 28-1.'
ans. FAA for 337

Which maintenance action is an airframe major repair?

ans. repair the portions of skin sheets by making additional seems

Which aircraft record entry is the best description of the replacement of several damaged heli-coils in a

ans. eight 1\4 – 20 inch standard heli coils were replaced. The damage inserts were extracted, the
tapped holes gaged, then new inserts installed, and tangs removed.

Which maintenance record entry best describes the action taken for a control cable showing
approximately 20 percent wear on several of the individual outer wires at a fairlead?
ans. wear within acceptable limits, repair not necessary

Which maintenance record entry best describes the action taken for a .125-inch deep dent in a straight
section of 1/2-inch aluminum alloy tubing?
ans. dented section removed and replaced with identical new tubing flared to 37 degrees

Which statement is true regarding the requirements for maintenance record format?
ans. any format that provides record continuity and includes the required information may be used

When a 100-hour inspection is completed, if separate maintenance records for the airframe,
powerplant(s), and propeller(s) are maintained, where is the entry for the inspection recorded?
ans. in each record

For aircraft operated under part 91, when is aircraft total time required to be recorded in aircraft
maintenance records?


ans. after satisfactorily completing maintenance, preventive maintenance, rebuilding, and alteration
(including inspections)

For aircraft operated under part 91, what difference is there, if any, between the record entry
requirements for maintenance (e.g., repair or alteration) and the record entry requirements for
inspections (beyond the description of the work performed and the type and extent of inspection)?
ans. aircraft total time is required to be included only in the inspection entry

If more space is needed for a work description entered on FAA Form 337, what information should be
included on the attached sheet(s), in addition to the rest of the work description?
ans. aircraft nationality and registration mark, and the date the work was accomplished.

Which aircraft record entry best describes a repair of a dent in a tubular steel structure dented at a
ans. welded a reinforcing plate over the dented area

Who is responsible for making the entry in the maintenance records after an annual, 100 hour, or
progressive inspection?

ans. the person approving or disapproving for return to service

For aircraft operated under part 91, which of the following records must be retained for at least one

year, or until the work is repeated or superseded?
ans. records of maintenance, alterations, preventive maintenance, 100 hour, annual, and progressive
inspections PI
A certificated mechanic without an inspection authorization who signs the appropriate block on FAA
Form 337 is doing what?

ans. certifying that the work was done in accordance with the requirements of CFR part 43

For aircraft operated under part 91, which of the following records must be retained and transferred

with the aircraft when it is sold?

ans. records of the current status of applicable AD’s , and date and time when recurring AD’s are next

An aircraft owner was provided a list of discrepancies on an aircraft that was not approved for return to

service after an annual inspection. Which of the following statements is/are true concerning who may
correct the discrepancies?

1. Only a mechanic with an inspection authorization.

2. An appropriately rated mechanic.

3. Any certificated repair station.

ans. 2

When a discrepancy list is provided to an aircraft owner or operator after an inspection, it says in effect
ans. except for these discrepancies, the item inspected is airworthy

In order to reconstruct lost or destroyed aircraft maintenance records, what is it necessary to establish?
ans. total time in service of the airframe


When approving for return to service after maintenance or alteration, the approving person must enter
in the maintenance record of the aircraft
ans. a description (or reference to acceptable data) of work performed, date of completion, the name of
the person performing the work (if someone else), signature, certificate number, and kind of certificate

What is/are the appropriate action(s) concerning minor repairs performed on a certificated aircraft?

1. FAA Form 337's must be completed.

2. Entries must be made in the aircraft's maintenance record.
3. The owner of the aircraft must submit a record of all minor repairs to the FAA at least annually.
ans. 2

When work is performed on an aircraft that necessitates the use of FAA Form 337, who should prepare
the form?
ans. the person who performs of supervises the work

What is the status of data used as a basis for approving major repairs or alterations for return to

ans. data must be FAA-approved prior to its use for that purpose

Which statement is true regarding the use of FAA Form 337?
ans. FAA Form 337 is not authorized for use with other than U.S. registered aircraft
After making a certain repair to an aircraft engine that is to be returned to service, an FAA Form 337 is
prepared. How many copies are required and what is the disposition of the completed forms?
ans. two; one copy for the aircraft owner and one copy for the FAA

Who is responsible for upkeep of the required maintenance records for an aircraft?
ans. the aircraft owner

An aircraft was not approved for return to service after an annual inspection and the owner wanted to
fly the aircraft to another maintenance base. Which statement is correct?

ans. the owner must obtain a special flight permit


Each person performing an annual or 100-hour inspection shall use a checklist that contains at least
those items in the appendix of
ans. 14 CFR part 43

An FAA Form 337 is used to record and document

ans. major repairs and major alterations

After a mechanic holding an airframe and powerplant rating completes a 100-hour inspection, what
action is required before the aircraft is returned to service?
ans. make the proper entries in the aircraft’s maintenance record

Which of the following may a certificated airframe and powerplant mechanic perform on aircraft and
approve for return to service?

1. a 100-hour inspection.
2. an annual inspection, under specified circumstances.
3. a progressive inspection, under specified circumstances.
ans. 1,3


A Cessna 180 aircraft has a McCauley propeller Model No. 2A34C50/90A. The propeller is severely
damaged in a ground accident, and this model propeller is not available for replacement. Which of the
following should be used to find an approved alternate replacement?
ans. aircraft specification/type certificate data sheets

Which of the following is used to monitor the mechanical integrity of the turbines, as well as to check
engine operating conditions of a turbine engine?
ans. exhaust gas temperature

On a reciprocating engine aircraft using a shrouded exhaust muffler system as a source for cabin heat,
the exhaust system should be
ans. visually inspected for any indication of cracks or an operational carbon monoxide detection test
should be done

(1) Airworthiness Directives are Federal Aviation Regulations and must be complied with unless specific
exemption is granted.

(2) Airworthiness Directives of an emergency nature may require immediate compliance upon receipt.

Regarding the above statements,
ans. both no. 1 and no. 2 are true

Which of the following contains a minimum checklist for 100-hour inspections of engines?
ans. 14 CFR Part Appendix D PI
When must an Airworthiness Directive (AD) be complied with after it becomes effective?
ans. as specified in the AD

Which of the following contains a table that lists the engines to which a given propeller is adaptable?
ans. propeller type certificate data sheet

Which of the following component inspections is to be accomplished on a 100-hour inspection?

ans. check cylinder compression

You are performing a 100-hour inspection on an R985-22 aircraft engine. What does the '985' indicate?
ans. the total piston displacement of the engine

Where would one find type design information for an R1830-92 engine certificated under the Civil Air
Regulations (CAR) and installed on a DC-3?
ans. the aircraft engine specification

Straightening nitrided crankshafts is

ans. not recommended

The breaking loose of small pieces of metal from coated surfaces, usually caused by defective plating or
excessive loads, is called
ans. flaking

Each powerplant installed on an airplane with a Standard Airworthiness Certificate must have been
ans. type certificated

A severe condition of chafing or fretting in which a transfer of metal from one part to another occurs is
ans. galling



Indentations on bearing races caused by high static loads are known as/
ans. brinelling

When inspecting an aircraft reciprocating engine what document is used to determine if the proper
magnetos are installed?
ans. aircraft engine specification or type certificate data sheets

Which of the following can inspect and approve an engine major repair for return to service?
ans. certificated mechanic with inspection authorization

What publication is used for guidance to determine whether a powerplant repair is major or minor?
ans. Federal Aviation Regulations, Part 43, appendix A

The airworthiness standards for the issue of type certificates for small airplanes with nine or less
passenger seats in the normal, utility, and acrobatic categories may be found in the
ans. Federal Aviation Regulations, Part 23

Which of the following contains approved data for performing a major repair to an aircraft engine?
ans. manufacturer’s maintenance instructions when FAA approved

What maintenance record(s) is/are required following a major repair of an aircraft engine?

ans. entries in the engine maintenance record and FAA Form 337
A ground incident that results in propeller sudden stoppage would require a crankshaft runout
inspection. What publication would be used to obtain crankshaft runout tolerance?
ans. current manufacturer’s maintenance instructions

Select the Airworthiness Directive applicability statement which applies to an IVO-355 engine, serial
number T8164, with 2,100 hours' total time and 300 hours since rebuilding.

ans. aapplies to all IV0-355 engines, serial numbers T8000 through T8300, having less than 2,400 hours
total time

What publication contains the mandatory replacement time for parts of a turbine engine?

ans. engine manufacturer’s service instructions


How are discharge nozzles in a fuel injected reciprocating engine identified to indicate the flow range?
ans. by an identification letter stamped on one of the hexes of the nozzle body

What section in the instructions for continued airworthiness is FAA approved?

ans. airworthiness limitations section

Which of the following conditions is usually not acceptable to any extent in turbine blades?
ans. cracks

(1) Serviceability limits for turbine blades are much more stringent than are those for turbine nozzle
(2) A limited number of small nicks and dents can usually be permitted in any area of a turbine blade.

Regarding the above statements,

ans. only no. 1 is true

Which statement about Airworthiness Directives (AD's) is true?

ans. compliance with an applicable AD is mandatory and must be recorded in the maintenance records


When overhauling electrical equipment, all necessary information should be obtained from
ans. maintenance instructions published by the aircraft and/or equipment manufacturer

Which statement is correct regarding an aircraft that is found to be unairworthy after an annual
inspection, due to an item requiring a major repair (assuming approved data is used to accomplish the
ans. an appropriately rated mechanic may accomplish the repair, and an IA may approve the aircraft for
return to service

Radio equipment installations made in accordance with Supplemental Type Certificate data require
approval for return to service
ans. by the holder of an inspection authorization

An aircraft that is required by Section 91.409, to have a 100-hour inspection may be flown beyond the
inspection requirement
ans. if necessary to reach a place at which the inspection can be accomplished, but not to exceed 10
flight hours

Where would you find the recommended statement for recording the approval or disapproval for return
to service of an aircraft after a 100-hour or annual inspection?
ans. 14 CFR Part 43

The maximum time a 100-hour inspection may be extended is
ans. 10 hours PI
Which statement is correct when an aircraft has not been approved for return to service after an annual
inspection because of several items requiring minor repair?

ans. an appropriately rated mechanic may repair the defects and approve the aircraft for return to

An aircraft that is due an annual inspection may be flown

ans. if a special flight permit has been issued for the aircraft

For an individual (not a repair station) to conduct a complete 100-hour inspection on an aircraft and
approve it for return to service requires a mechanic certificate with an

ans. airframe and powerplant ratings

Where would you find the operating conditions that make a 100-hour inspection mandatory?
ans. 14 CFR Part 91

Large airplanes and turbine-powered multiengine airplanes operated under Federal Aviation Regulation
Part 91, General Operating and Flight Rules, must be inspected
ans. in accordance with an inspection program authorized under Federal Aviation Regulation Part 91,
subpart E


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