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26/5/23, 12:43 Practice Aspen Plus User Certification Exam

Practice Aspen Plus User Certification Exam

Puntos: 22/100

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Eber Colque

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5. Have you taken the Aspen Plus Training  *



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26/5/23, 12:43 Practice Aspen Plus User Certification Exam

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Practice Questions

Incorrecto 0/4 Puntos

7. Which of these options are two of the approaches of Aspen Plus Flowsheet Simulation? *

Sequential Modular and Equation Oriented

Advanced equations and Sequential Modular

Estimation and Regression approach

Comentarios:Correct Answer is Sequential Modular and Equation Oriented

Systematic approach and Sequential Modular

Correcto 3/3 Puntos

8. In which environment within Aspen Plus would you define the component list? *

Energy Analysis


Safety Analysis


Incorrecto 0/3 Puntos

9. Does the Electrolyte Wizard tool allow the addition of the ice formation reaction? *


Comentarios:Correct answer is Yes

Incorrecto 0/3 Puntos

10. Select the databank that is not part of the default databanks in Aspen Plus. *

Comentarios:Correct answer is Combust



Solids 2/9
26/5/23, 12:43 Practice Aspen Plus User Certification Exam

Incorrecto 0/3 Puntos

11. Within the Navigation Pane, which color will distinguish tabs and forms where there are missing
required inputs?





Incorrecto 0/3 Puntos

12. What is the use of the User Defined button under Properties environment | Components |
Specification | Selection?

Define parameters for your selected components

Comentarios:Correct answer is Create a non-databank component

Create a non-databank component

Establish the calculation route to follow

Modify the Property Method

Incorrecto 0/3 Puntos

13. Aspen Plus looks for the components in the databanks using the order in which the databanks
are ordered. In Properties environment | Components | Specifications, in which tab can the order
of the databanks be modified?

Comentarios:Correct answer is Enterprise Database



Enterprise Database

Correcto 3/3 Puntos

14. Aspen Plus has a tool with the primary objective of assisting users select the most appropriate
property methods for their simulation, what is the name of this tool? *

Methods Assistant

Electrolyte Wizard

Azeotrope Search

ThermoData Engine NIST

Incorrecto 0/4 Puntos 3/9
26/5/23, 12:43 Practice Aspen Plus User Certification Exam

15. The Properties environment has 3 run modes, which are two of them? *

Design and Estimation

Comentarios:Correct answer is Estimation and Analysis

Analysis and Rate

Sequential Modular and Regression

Estimation and Analysis

Correcto 3/3 Puntos

16. Which tool´s main purpose within Aspen Plus is to provide critically evaluated thermodynamic
and transport property data based on the principles of dynamic data evaluation? *

ThermoData Engine NIST


Property Estimation System


Practice Questions

Incorrecto 0/3 Puntos

17. Aspen Plus has different default Unit Sets, which of the following is one of them? *

ASME System
Comentarios:Correct answer is International System (SI)

International System (SI)

EU System

Custom System

Incorrecto 0/4 Puntos

18. Mention two of the four Aspen Plus environments *

Safety Analysis and ThermoData Engine NIST

Comentarios:Correct answer is Energy Analysis and Simulation

Safety Analysis and Databanks

Simulation and ThermoData Engine NIST

Energy Analysis and Simulation

Correcto 4/4 Puntos

19. What is the meaning of Italic blue font values and Bold blue values? * 4/9
26/5/23, 12:43 Practice Aspen Plus User Certification Exam

Default values / User specified values

User specified values / Optional inputs

User specified values / Default values

Optional inputs / Default values

Incorrecto 0/3 Puntos

20. Are Aqueous, Inorganic, NIST-TRC and PURExx four of the default databanks in Aspen Plus? *

No, none of them

Comentarios:Correct answer is Yes, all of them


Yes, all of them

Only Inorganic and Aqueous

Incorrecto 0/4 Puntos

21. Mention two type of streams a user can create in the simulation environment *

Entropy stream and Work stream

Comentarios:Correct answer is Material stream and Work stream

Work stream and Momentum stream

Material stream and Work stream

Heat stream and Waste stream

Incorrecto 0/3 Puntos

22. Which block port color represents a mandatory connection? *

Comentarios:Correct answer is Red




Correcto 3/3 Puntos

23. What can a user find in the Control Panel? *

Calculation Sequence, Simulation Run Status and Convergence Monitor

Simulation Run Status, Component List

Component List, Simulation Run Status and Unit Set 5/9
26/5/23, 12:43 Practice Aspen Plus User Certification Exam

Calculation Sequence and Unit Set

Incorrecto 0/3 Puntos

24. This heat exchanger block can be modeled rigorously through EDR *

Comentarios:Correct answer is HeatX




Incorrecto 0/3 Puntos

25. This reactor is located in the Solids tab of the Model Palette *

Comentarios:Correct answer is Fluidbed




Correcto 3/3 Puntos

26. This manipulator allows users to write equations in a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet or in Fortran
syntax, to be then executed by Aspen Plus *





Practice Questions

Incorrecto 0/3 Puntos

27. Aspen Plus can include batch sections with several batch unit operations, all within a continuous
simulation. Which block from the Model palette should the user select to do this?

Comentarios:Correct answer is Batch Process


Batch Process 6/9
26/5/23, 12:43 Practice Aspen Plus User Certification Exam


Incorrecto 0/4 Puntos

28. Mention the two calculation types of the RadFrac block

Rate-Based and Design

Comentarios:Correct answer is Equilibrium and Rate-Based

Equilibrium and Rate-Based

Standard and Equilibrium

Design and Rating

Incorrecto 0/3 Puntos

29. Select the type of Internals that can be modeled in RadFrac columns

Trays and Plates

Comentarios:Correct answer is Trays and Packing

Random and Structured

Trays and Packing

Custom and Standard

Incorrecto 0/3 Puntos

30. HeatX can calculated in rigorous way using EDR, which kid of Heat exchanger can be simulated, it
means, which kind of Model fidelity is supported?

Plate Fin and Plate

Comentarios:Correct answer is Shell&Tube and Air Cololed

Shell&Tube and Air Cololed

Coil Wound and Kettle Reboiler

Plate and Coil Wound

Incorrecto 0/3 Puntos

31. A Utility is an option in Aspen Plus that can be used to calculate…

Utility Cost and Pinch Point

Comentarios:Correct answer is Greenhouse Gas Generation and Utility Cost

Greenhouse Gas Generation and Product Yields

Utility Cost and Capital Cost

Greenhouse Gas Generation and Utility Cost 7/9
26/5/23, 12:43 Practice Aspen Plus User Certification Exam

Incorrecto 0/3 Puntos

32. This tool permits studying the effect of changes in input variables on calculated variables

Comentarios:Correct answer is Sensitivity




Incorrecto 0/3 Puntos

33. Which of the following reactors is balance-based?

Comentarios:Correct answer is RStoic




Correcto 3/3 Puntos

34. Use this reactor when dealing with very fast and reversible reactions





Incorrecto 0/3 Puntos

35. Is it possible to add Performance Curves to a Compressor block?

Comentarios:Correct answer is Yes

Yes, but only one for each compressor

Yes, but only for low compressibility gases


Incorrecto 0/3 Puntos

36. If a simulation fails to converge, when would it be useful to increase the number of iterations?

Never, the simulation will still fail

Comentarios:Correct answer is When the Convergence Index steadily approaches 0 8/9
26/5/23, 12:43 Practice Aspen Plus User Certification Exam

When you get a message about missing parameters

When the Convergence Index steadily approaches 0

When the Convergence Index seems to diverge

Incorrecto 0/3 Puntos

37. Users can perform a preliminary cost evaluation within Aspen Plus by activating which tool?

Energy Analysis
Comentarios:Correct answer is Economics Analysis

Economics Analysis

Exchanger Design & Rating

CO2 tax equivalents

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