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RES/Module 3: Hydrogen Energy, Geothermal energy, Solid waste and Agricultural refuse


3.1 Module Objective

3.2 Introduction to Hydrogen Energy
3.3 Benefits of Hydrogen Energy
3.4 Hydrogen Production Technologies
3.5 Hydrogen Energy Storage
3.6 Use of Hydrogen Energy
3.7 Advantage and Disadvantage of Hydrogen Energy.
3.8 Problem Associated with Hydrogen Energy
3.9 Introduction to Geo Thermal System
3.10 Classification of Geothermal System
3.11 Geothermal resource Utilization
3.12 Resource Exploration
3.13 Geothermal Based Electrical Power generations
3.14 Associated Problems
3.15 Environmental Effects
3.16 Introduction to solid waste and agricultural refuse
3.17 Waste is wealth
3.18 Sources and type of waste
3.19 Key issue
3.20 Waste recovery management scheme
3.21 Advantage and disadvantage of waste recycling
3.22 Recycling of plastic
3.23 Module Outcome


1. To discuss on hydrogen energy production and storage.
2. benefits of hydrogen energy its advantages and disadvantages
3. To discuss geothermal system and their classification
4. To know about geothermal based electrical power generation
5. To discuss waste recovery management system, advantages and its disadvantages
6. Application

Hydrogen is the simplest element which consists as one proton and electron. Hydrogen is
present in abundant in different forms like H2O, CH4, H2SO4 etc. hydrogen from different source
can be extracted and can be used to generate electricity. Electrolysis, Thermo chemical, Direct
Photo catalytic and many more methods are use for producing hydrogen.

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RES/Module 3: Hydrogen Energy, Geothermal energy, Solid waste and Agricultural refuse


• Use of hydrogen greatly reduces pollution- there no presence of green house gasses, the
byproduct formed is water and heat.
• Hydrogen can be produced by various processes- hydrogen can be produces from
methane, water, gasoline, biomass and coal.
• A sustainable production system if hydrogen is produce from electrolysis of water-
electrolysis is a process of separating water into hydrogen and oxygen. Maximum amount
of hydrogen can be obtained through this method at low cost


1. Thermo chemical production
• Steam reforming
Step 1: natural gas is cleaned from sulphur compound. Mixed with steam and sent over a
(nickel alumina) catalyst and heated (endothermic)
CH4+H2O +206(KJ/Kg) – CO +3H2
Step 2: water gas shift reaction (exothermic)
Co+H2O – CO2+ H2 +heat
Efficiency of this method is 80%.the only method where maximum hydrogen can be
produced. Worldwide 48% of hydrogen gas is produced by Natural Gas, 30% from oil,
18% from coal and 55 by electrolysis.
• Partial Oxidation/ Ceramic Membrane Reactor
In the presences of small amount of oxygen process is carried out. Here partial oxidation of
methane is carried out to produce hydrogen
Partial oxidation (injected)
CH4+1/2 O2 –CO +2H2
Catalytic Partial oxidation (injected) - if catalytic is used for oxidation then it is said as
catalytic partial oxidation.
• Biomass Gasification And Pyrolysis
The agricultural refuse, waste, plant refuse can be used to produce hydrogen through
gasification and pyrolysis process. The bio oil obtained has a carbohydrates and lignin this
can be further proceed to produce hydrogen.

2. Electrolytic Production
• It is a process of separating hydrogen and oxygen from water by passing electric
current. If electrolyte is added it increases the conductivity and efficiency of
process. When electricity is passes hydrogen attracted by cathode and oxygen
attracted by anode.
Cathode : 4H2O+ 4e- - 2H2 +4 OH-
Anode: 4 OH- _ O2 + 2H2O+ 4e-
• If Proton exchange membrane
Cathode : 4H+ + 4e- - 2H2

Anode: 2H2O _ O2+ 4e-

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• Water electrolysis-production of hydrogen using water. It is a convention

method. In this method high purity of hydrogen is obtained and can be used for
automotive purpose
• Steam electrolysis- at high temperature say 2500 water is made to split into
oxygen and hydrogen but care to be taken that at high temperature it should not
• Photo electrolysis- process by which current from a PV cell is applied to break
hydrogen and oxygen. Its practical efficiency is 12.5%
• Thermo chemical water splitting- bromine or iodine on heat splits up a water
molecule. The typical temperature where maximum efficiency can be obtained is
700 . And efficiency of this process is of around 40-50 %.
H2O –H2+1/2 O2
• By product of sodium or potassium chloride electrolysis (NaCl or KCl)-in this
method sodium chloride or potassium chloride will produce caustic soda or
Nacl+H2O+Electricity - 1/2 H2+ NaOH + ½ Cl2
Kcl+H2O+Electricity - 1/2 H2+ KOH + ½ Cl2

• Reversible fuel cells- PEM fuel cell in reverse is used as electrolyze

3. Photolytic production- solar energy is used to produce hydrogen either by photo
electrochemical or biological and photo biological
• Photoelctrochemical process: soluble metal is dissolved in it and this absorbs
solar energy and produce electricity, semiconductor membrane is used as an
absorber and as an electrolyte to produce hydrogen.
• Biological and Photo biological process- it is a process where direct solar energy
is used to produce biogas algae and bacteria can be used to produce hydrogen by
biological process of synthesis.


It is a most technical barrier. Storage of hydrogen is a difficult task. Its physical
characteristics make it difficult to store hydrogen energy.
• Compresses Gas and Liquid hydrogen Storage- hydrogen has very high
content of energy as a weigh and less content of volume. Storing liquid will
reduce space container than storing a same amount of gas.
• Material Based Storage – it is a method where hydrogen is stored on a solid
surface(hydrogen will absorb to surface as molecule or atom) or within
solids(intermetallic hydride process- at low pressure and room temperature) by
absorption process.
• Methods of hydrogen energy storage- compression, liquefied hydrogen, metal


• Internal Combustion Engine

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Fuel Cell

At home sector- to power house

At work Sector- to power industries, as backup,

At transport and industrial sector –production of electricity for commercial

purpose and for transportation purpose
• Uncoupling of primary energy source and utilization
• Hydrogen is a gas hence can be stored easily compared to electricity
• Hydrogen can be obtained from any primary source
• Efficient when used as fuel cells
• Very good safety records for specific application

• Very less efficiency

• Low energy density
• Need for high pressure and low temperature storage
• Safety problems
• High cost


• Hydrogen Storage- it is a major issue. Because container used must withstand high
pressure when hydrogen is stored.
• High Reactivity of Hydrogen- it is extremely reactive it is combustible and
flammable. The filled container may explode.
• Cost and methods of hydrogen fuel production- the cost of production is very high
and newer and cleaner technology need to be found.
• Consumer Demand-gas filling station to be changed to hydrogen filling, it should be
free available to consumers and meet their demand.
• Cost of Changing Infrastructure- to accommodate hydrogen equipment and

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RES/Module 3: Hydrogen Energy, Geothermal energy, Solid waste and Agricultural refuse

Geothermal energy is the clean and sustainable heat resource from the earth. It ranges from
shallow ground to extremely high temperature death called magma. this geothermal energy is
used in production of electricity, extraction of rare elements, air conditioning, medical purpose,
mineral water bottling, heating purpose, industry application, agriculture, growing vegetables,
cattle breeding, drying seeds, etc.

Geothermal System

Under the earth there are hot and molten rock called magma. Heat is continuously produced here.
The amount of heat within 10Km contain 50000 times greater than the world oil and natural gas

• The temperature gradient between magma and earth’s surface causes magma heat to flow
slowly towards earth surface where it is lost to earth’s atmosphere.
• The cooled magma forms crust.
• If magma breaks through weak points of crust it results in volcano.
• In some cases the crust permits surface water to come in contact with magma.
• The molten magma itself contains water which it releases as it solidifies
• The heated water or stem rises to the surface forming hot springs and geysers.


It is classified into 2 categories

1. Vapor dominated (dry Steam )geothermal system:

• In this system a hole dug in can cause steam to come to the surface
2. Liquid dominated (hot water) geothermal system
• These are the reservoirs of underground water
• Water under pressure will be found in liquid state
• When it comes to low pressure surface it will vaporize into steam.
• These systems are usually found in countries like New Zealand, Mexico etc.


Geothermal resource can be used directly or indirectly

1. Aquaculture and Horticulture

• Used to raise plants and marine life
• Farmers use this energy to grow vegetables

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• It is used in fishing farm, the warm water help in faster growth of animals like
alligators, shellfish, tropical fish amphibians etc. this can be seen in countries like
china, Japan and many more.
2. Industry and Agriculture
• Industry uses it for drying fruits, vegetables, wood (timber).
• dying wool to extract gold and silver from its ore
• Used in paper mill at all stages of process
• Used to heat sidewalk and roads during winter season in cold region
3. Food Processing
• Used to sterilize equipments and rooms
• Food processing
4. Providing heat for residential users
• Heating residential districts, houses and business
• Cooling houses
• Green house
• Medical baths
5. Electricity Generation :
The stem or hot water can be vaporized to produce electricity. The efficiency of source
used for electricity generation is less compared to direct usage. The total installed
capacity in the world today is 13.2 GW. Electricity can be generated using
• Flashed steam plant: flash boils and steam is used to run turbines
• Dry steam plant: This rely on natural steam that comes from underground
• Binary power plant: this uses water to heat secondary liquid that vaporizes and
turns turbine. This vaporized liquid is then condensed and reused.(low
temperature application)
• Hybrid power plant: in this plant binary and flashed technique is utilized
6. Other utilization
• Steam is separated in a conventional manner and used to supply cheap water
• CO2 generated is used for refrigeration and food processing
• Hydrogen sulphide is refined to obtain sulphur
• Hot water could supply desalination plant
• Air conditioning


• Geothermal reservoirs can be suspected in the areas of hot springs, geysers, boiling mud
pot and volcanoes.

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RES/Module 3: Hydrogen Energy, Geothermal energy, Solid waste and Agricultural refuse

• Usually we can set up geothermal plant at the “Ring of Fire” Belt. This includes 20
countries where the geothermal sources are available to name a few. Italy, US. Iceland,
China. Japan etc.
• US are the country with greatest geothermal production.
• Geo thermal energy exploration involve many technique such as geological, geochemical,
electrical, seismic, gravitational, magnetic and thermal methods
• Geological surface study is done by taking aerial photograph, radar is used to spot heat
area and photograph is collected
• Drilling: gives accurate result and its costlier. 400$/ft is the cost for drilling. A small hole
is drilled and is tested 25% of depth will give the result of source availability.
• Geophysics:
Seimology-sesmic waves are propagated and interact with the subterranean components
and responds accordingly. There are of two types active (man made vibration) and
passive (due to volcanoes and earthquakes)
Gravity: change in density is used or studies this gives larger data input.
Resistivity and magnetotellurics- it is associated with resistance of different geothermal
structure such as rock cap. Geothermal material has poor conductivity and high resistivity
Magnetics- help in identifying the depth by property of a material will change from
ferromagnetic to paramagnetic
• Geochemistry: surface study of temperature, elements ratio, mercury, CO2 etc. at
different points are examined
• Prospect of geothermal energy available in India:
More than 300 hot springs are scattered in India, mostly Bihar, Bombay, Ladas, ratnagiri
and HP. India geothermal fields is of liquid dominated field. Streams of water under
depths of 11-32m. Studies are to be carried out to know wither generation is possible at
low pressure and temperature.


It is no this but converting hydrothermal resource into electricity. It is done by Rankine cycle

1. Dry Steam-Based Geothermal Power Plant

• Uses superheated pressurized steam at 180 -350
• Steam produced directly from the reservoir will run the power generator
• Dry seam system are simple and require
Steam condensate injection piping
Minimal steam cleaning device
Rock catcher to remove large solids
Centrifugal separator to remove condensate and small solids particles
Final scrubber to remove dissolved solids

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Fig. Dry steam geothermal electric power plant

2. Flash Geothermal power er Plant
• Uses hot water above 180 -260
• The hot water at high pressure from the underground is pulled using a pipeline
and when it reaches the surface it has low pressure then atmosphere this cause
fluid to vaporize rapidly.
• The hot water is flashed to flash tank by lowering the pressure causing vaporized
• Then this steam is passed to the turbine coupled to a generator.
• Advantages: very low emission, safe, reliable, immune to change in weather
condition, cost effective, sustainable, small footprint, no fuel cost.
• Disadvantage: high initial cost, increased risk of seismic activity, activity location
exploiting resources
sensitive, risk of over ex

Fig. Single Flash geothermal electric power plant

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Fig. Double Flash geothermal electric power plant

3. Binary cycle Based geothermal Plants :
• The geothermal fluid hot water, steam or mixture of both is used to heat other
temperature This is kept
liquid such as isopentane or isobutene which boils at low temperature.
in heat exchanger; heat is exchanged between geo fluid and working fluid.
• The liquid vaporiz es to gas and gas expands at turbine and turbine rotates.
• The working fluid is condensed and recycled for next use. this is operated in close
• In addition to this corrosion problem is avoided and it is efficient compared to
flash type

Fig. Binary Cycle geothermal electric power plant

4. Electrical and Mechanical feature
• The gaseous by product present in steam is corrosive in nature
• The materials used should have sufficient electrical and mechanical resistance
with withstand it.

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•Relays, switch gear, control equipment, excitation gear to be kept in clean room.
•A standard material of Cu must be used for pipeline and turbine.
•Condensate to be made up of stainless steel or aluminum to avoid corrosion.
•Copper alloys must be used to avoid attack of hydrogen sulphide.
•Condensate effect concrete galvanized coating of epoxy, bituminous compound
must be used.
5. Operation of geothermal Plant
• Similar to fuel fired plant, no boilers and auxiliary required.
• Can be operated without clock attention hence alarm may be used for attention
when required.
• Regular inspection must be carried out.
• Because of high noise due to steam jet ejector ear protector must be used.
• Because of overloading during night time due to pressure at turbines, device
sensor must be used.


• Estimation of power life of reservoir (size to be built)

• Separation of steam from steam water mixture and its transport through pipelines to
power houses.
• The origin of dry steam that differ from hot water are unknown
• Selection of materials suitable for plant.


• Gaseous and particulate emission: emits CO2, H2S, CH4, NH3, mercury component,
lead, boron etc. this contributes to acid rain, global warming and noxious smell.
• Land pollution: degradation of usable soil, disposition of pollutant on surface harms
plant and may enter food chain.
• Subsidence Effect: Lowering of ground level when fluids are removed
• Seismic Hazards: resources are found at high geological activity this effects geo field on
seismic hazards.
• Water Pollution: contamination of surface and ground water by geo fluid is at high risk.
This may lead to adverse effect
• Biological effect: Numerous unknown effect exist on operation of bionature.
Environment in imbalanced because of chemical changes in water, soil and air.
• Social Effect: Problem of noise and land use.

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RES/Module 3: Hydrogen Energy, Geothermal energy, Solid waste and Agricultural refuse


Waste has always been the negative side of economy both in production and consumption. This
waste can harm the environment causing pollution. Waste can be a garbage waste, rubbish,
refuse, electronic, wet waste, dry waste or anything. All forms of waste can be managed and
energy can be harnessed.
Presently waste management schemes are changing. The focus is to modify all resources from
waste to wealth to form trash to cash. Today waste and waste management has become an
economical sector.
Driving Forces
Waste disposal are hazards
Global warming and resource depletion
Many economical opportunities have been created
Fuel problem is not only practical it’s also a agricultural problem
To Avoid Environment Damage Waste Is Converted Into Usable Form
Heat energy generation, bio energy generation, eco modification through recycling, and
fuel and energy generation from forest and agricultural and municipal waste.


Residential waste
Municipal services waste
Industrial and commercial waste
Building construction and demolition

Methods of waste reduction

1. Incinerators
2. Pyrolysis
3. Anaerobic digestion
4. Recycling
5. Bio energy conversion

1. Incinerators
• Waste is burnt to produce energy
• Combustion temperature 1000 degree C
• Burning of waste will reduce volume but not toxic substance
• It convert solid waste into ash, flu gas and heat
• This heat is used for generation of electrical energy by boiling water and converting it
into steam suing thermo electromechanical converters

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• Modern incinerators are equipped with pollutant control where flue gasses are sent to
Process of Incineration
1. Auditing waste
2. Proper incinerator selection
3. Proper operation of incinerator
4. Removal of dangerous chemical and toxic gases (cl)
5. Safe handling and disposal of incinerator residues
Advantage and Disadvantage of incineration
Advantages Disadvantages
Minimized transportation cost Generated hazardous gases gas flues and
Volume of waste reduced dioxins
Cost effective solution Causes cancer and spoil immune system
Used for electricity generation Generate CO2 and odour
Hazardous clinical waste is treated Requires high energy
Operated under any weather condition Expensive to build
Long life span
Cheaper operation

2. Pyrolysis
• Organic waste is brunt at relatively low temperature say 430
• Products obtained are charcoal, oils and combustible gases
• Chemical mining of waste (absence of oxygen, pressure) transforms organic material into
gases, small quantity of liquid and solid residue containing carbon and ash.
• Pyrolysis units- rotary kiln, rotary heath furnace, fluidized bed furnace
• By products
• Combustible gases, including CO, hydrogen methane and other hydrocarbons
• If gasses are cooled oil or tar (liquid) with residue as contaminated water is obtained
• These liquid can be directly used as fuel, chemicals and as other by product.
• Direct pyrolysis liquid is toxic and corrosive

Advantage and Disadvantage of Pyrolysis

Advantages Disadvantages
Reduction in volume of waste Generates toxic residues such as mineral ash,
By product are useful inorganic compound, unreformed carbon
Storable and transportable fuel Emission of acid gases , SO2, nitrogen gas etc.
Environment friendly Require certain amount of material to work
More efficient than incineration effectively
Easy operation and control of plant (air
pollutant )
Replaces coal and natural gas

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Pyrolysis versus Incineration

Pyrolysis Incineration
Reduction in volume of waste Generates toxic residues such as mineral ash,
By product are useful inorganic compound, unreformed carbon
Storable and transportable fuel Emission of acid gases, SO2, nitrogen gas etc.
Environment friendly Require certain amount of material to work
More efficient than incineration effectively
Easy operation and control of plant (air
pollutant )
Replaces coal and natural gas

3. Anaerobic Digestion
• Series of process where micro organisms break down biodegradable material in the
absence of oxygen
• Anaerobic digester is an airtight chamber in which organic waste is decomposed and
transformed into biogas
• Biogas can be used for production of electricity and heat
• Biogas can be processed into renewable natural gas and transportation fuel
• Range – Municipal, live stock manure, food waste, industrial, waste, oils, fats etc.
• Separated digested solid and liquid can be used in crop land as fertilizer.
4. Recycling
• It is a heart of waste to heath programme
• Waste disposal is a huge problem
• The used and discarded materials can be processed into new product.
• This will reduce the use of primary source and waste collection.
• It creates more local revenue, job collection, business expansion.
• Scrap recycling :
• Environment friendly and has many social benefits
5. Bio Energy Conservation
• Conversion of biogas and biomass to usable form electricity and liquid fuel (ethanol and
• It is a promising technique no insulation, rural electrification can be achieved, in
expensive method
• The production of usable energy consist of following steps
Photosynthesis – to produce organic matter
Collection and processing of plant material
Fermentation of organic matter to liquid, gaseous fuel and storage


The following issues must be investigated befor the economic viability of a RDF(Refuse
dried fuel) scheme
Collection of waste

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Volume and nature of waste to be processed

Type of RDF process required to produce fuel products
Potential uses are revenue obtained
Utilization of solar thermal energy for increasing temperature and digesters
Economy for alternate method of refusal of waste


Fig. Schematic representation of waste refuses energy management.
The major part of waste obtained after the energy utilization is non organic. This waste to be
identified separated and processed and treated further for extracting energy. There are two types
of energy recover system used
1. separation of metals, papers, and glass from the remaining waste through the process
such as size reduction, screening, vibrating, and electronic scanning, a truly
homogeneous inexpensive separation system will provide competitive input to waste
energy utilization.
2. Conversion of remaining waste product to usable form of energy and energy conversion
may include the following:
Generation of methane gas (biogas)
Other gas (biological fuel)
Generation of electricity bio gas or thermo mechanical process
Composting of fertilizers
3. Treatment: it is a process where reduce waste to convert to non harmful forms with or
without energy recovery. The technique selected should be accepted socially,
environmentally and economically.
In India 10%-50% of amount used for recycling and rest run out for salaries, transport of
waste and many. Waste can be reduced by 3 R techniques Reduce, Reuse and Recycle.


Advantage Disadvantage
• Reduce damage to environment • High cost of recycling
• Reduced consumption of energy • Durability and small life span of
• Reduced impact and pollution recycled items
• Mitigate global warming • Unsafe and unhygienic process
• Promotes sustainable utilization of


• Recycling rates for different types of plastic differ gravely
• Plastic are very good asset to recycling program
• Plastic can be divided into 2 major categories
• Thermosets: solidifies or sets irreversibly when heated

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Durable and strong

Uses- automobiles, construction, ink, etc
• Thermoplastics: softens when exposed to heat and returns to original conduction at
room temperature
Can be easily shaped
Uses- milk jug, floor coverings, credit cards etc.
• Recycling of plastic is one of the important environmental agenda in the 3 R’s.
• Process:
1. Collection of plastic waste
2. Collected waste goes to material recovery facility where they are sorted by type
and baled.
3. Sent to reclaiming facility, where any trash or dirt is stored, plastic are washed
and ground in small flakes.
4. A flotation tank may be used to separate contamination based on density
5. Flakes are then dried, melted, filtered and formed into pellets
6. Pellets are then shipped into manufacturing plant, where they are made into new
• Plastic come in Varity of colour and chemical composition this is identified by a code
named as plastic Resin Identification code ranging from 1-7.
• Benefits of plastic recycling – energy and natural resource conservation, environmental
protection, reducing the dumping area, energy conservation.
• Thermal Depolymerisation
Method to convert waste plastic into usable form, a catalytic pyrolysis process is used to
convert waste plastic to liquid hydrocarbons, coke and gas which then can be used as
boiler fuel for power generation.
Complex organic material are reduced to light crude oil
Under pressure and heat long chain polymer of hydrocarbons, oxygen and carbon
decompose into short chain petroleum hydrocarbons
Steps involved in pyrolysis of plastic
1. evenly heating the plastic to a narrow temperature without much temperature
2. removing oxygen completely from pyrolysis chamber
3. managing carbon rich char by-product before it acts as a thermal insulator
4. Careful condensation and fractionation of the pyrolysis vapour to produce distillate of
good quality and consistency.
• Plastic waste to oil production in India- Surat(Gujrath) is the first plate in India to
convert plastic waste to crude oil and pellets. It involves following process
1. A forced air is heated by a gas burner
2. This forced air inter is used to heat feedstock inside the process vessel
3. The process air is isolated from oxygen and exposed to vacuum

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4. The energy from burner is used for depolymerisation

5. The oil obtained is refined for use
• Waste plastic to Electricity generation: non biodegradable plastic are break down in
combustor to produce alternate source of fuel energy. A double tank combustor design is
used. In this method plastic is first processed in upper tank through pyrolysis which
converts solid plastic into gas. The flows to the lower tank where it is burned with
oxidants to generate heat and steam. The heat sustains the combustor and the steam can
be used to generate electricity.
• Advantage and disadvantage of recycling
Advantage Disadvantage
• It is good for environment • Bad for environment because it
• It is good for practicing green life takes 100’s of year to degrade.
• It saves energy, resource, and • Money, time energy is spent on
money. recycling
• It has high significant value then
coal(more energy required to burn)


1. To discuss on hydrogen energy production and storage.

2. Will know about benefits of hydrogen energy its advantages and disadvantages
3. Will know about geothermal system and their classification
4. To know about geothermal based electrical power generation
5. Will know about waste recovery managing system, advantages and its disadvantages and

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