Joint Classification, Oesteokinematics and Arthrokinematics

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Topic 1: Joint Structure & Function

1. Explain the classification of joints with example

Joints are classified into:
1. 2. 3.
Synarthrosis Amphiarthrosis Diarthrosis
(Immovable joints) (Partially movable) (Completely movable)

Fibrous cartilage Fibro-cartilaginous Synovial

a) Sutures a) symphysis a) Uniaxial (hinge, pivot)
b) Gomphosis b) Synchondrosis b) Biaxial (condyle. Saddle)
c) Syndesmosis c) Triaxial (ball & socket, Plane joint)

1. Synarthrosis

a) Sutures: joined by collagenous sutural ligaments or membrane. The serrated edges of

the parietal & frontal bone of the skull are connected by a thin fibrous membrane to
form the coronal suture.
Example: skull
b) Gomphosis: connected by fibrous tissue. It is a peg and socket junction between the
tooth and its socket.
Example: tooth
c) Syndesmosis: it is a type of fibrous joint, where two bones are connected with a
interosseous ligament. It forms a very little movement
Example: Radio-ulnar joint & Tibia-fibula joint
2. Amphiarthrosis

a) Symphysis: two bones covered with a thin lamina or hyaline cartilage + directly joined by
fibrocartilage in the form of disk or pads.
Example: Pubic symphysis
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b) Synchondrosis: it is a type pf joint in which the material used for connecting the wo
components is hyaline cartilage.
Example: Articulation of the first seven ribs with the sternum.

3. Diarthrosis:

The bony components are connected to one another by means of a joint capsule that
encloses the joint.

1. Uniaxial joint: Bony components are free to move one plane around a single axis
a) Hinge joint: The hinge joint is a uniaxial synovial joint that functions much like a hinge
on a door. It allows bones to move in one plane with a limited movement along other
Example: Ankle joint
b) Pivot joint: A pivot joint is a type of synovial joint whose movement axis is parallel to
the long axis of the proximal bone.
Example: Atlantoaxial Joint

2. Biaxial joint: Bony components are free to move in two planes around two axis.

a) Condyle joint: concave surface of the bony component is allowed to slide over the
convex surface of another component.
Example: knee joint
b) Saddle joint: each joint surface is both convex in one plane and concave in the other, &
those surfaces fit together like a ride on saddle.
Example: metacarpal phalangeal joint

3. Triaxial joint: Bony components are free to move in 3 planes around 3 axis.

a) Ball and socket: Ball like convex surface is fixed in the concave surface like locked.
Example: Shoulder Joint
b) Plane joints: flat articulation surfaces bones slide over each other.
Example: Tarsal joints
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2. Describe the function of joints in relation to kinematic chains, osteokinematics and


Osteokinematics refers to the rotary movement of the bony levers in space during
physiological joint motion. These movements are typically described by the plane in
which the motion occurs (sagittal, frontal, and transverse planes), the axis about which
they occur (coronal, anteroposterior, and longitudinal, respectively), and by the
direction of movement (flexion/extension, abduction/adduction, and medial/lateral

Arthrokinematics (Has to draw diagram)

The angular movement of bones in the human body occurs as a result of a
combination of rolls, spins, and slides.

1. A roll is a rotary movement, one bone rolling on another.

2. A spin is a rotary movement, one body spinning on another.
3. A slide is a translatory movement, sliding of one joint surface over another.

3. Describe the general effects of disease, injury and immobilization on joints

All the elements of human joints, including bones, cartilage, ligaments, muscles, and
tendons, adapt their appearance and composition in response to functional demands.
These demands can change with immobilization, inactivity, or training. Knowing the
functional demands and the tissues’ responses to those demands, therapists can
modify the functional demands (stresses) on joint structures during rehabilitation to
optimize targeted tissue structure and function.


The general effects of disease, injury, immobilization, and overuse may be illustrated by
using the normal function of a joint structure as a basis for analysis. The synovial membrane
of a joint is affected by a disease like rheumatoid arthritis, the production and composition
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of the synovial fluid may change, thus affecting joint lubrication. The disease process and
the changes in joint structure that occur in rheumatoid arthritis involve far more than just
synovial fluid alteration. Osteoarthritis, which may be genetic or mechanical in origin, is a
different disease process where the cartilage is the primary target. With the erosion and
splitting of the cartilage that occurs, friction is increased between the joint surfaces, thus
further increasing the erosion process.

Joint support is likely to decrease after injury to one or more of the joint components. The
effects of decreased support in a human joint are similar to those in a collapsible
stepladder. If a joint ligament is torn, separation of the bony surfaces can occur and may
result in wobbling or a deviation from the normal alignment of the bony components.
Changes in alignment create abnormal joint opening on the side where the ligament is torn.

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