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Passi City College

Passi City, Iloilo


Course Number: EDUC 108

Course Title: Technology for Teaching and Learning 1

Module No.: 6

Module Overview:

This module tackles the different collaborative tools that will help the teacher and the students in
imparting and absorbing their knowledge. It also focuses on digital skills and literacy as a
response to the 21st Century developments.

Modules Outcomes:

At the end of the module, the students should have:

1. Describe the elements of digital literacy

2. Identified and explored collaborative tools or applications that can be integrated in

instruction and the elements of digital literacy

3. Created a platform or an online account that can be used for a collaborative work and
conducted self-evaluation on level of digital literacy skills



The learners of this generation are a new kind of breed and it is important that teachers
understand how to deal with them. They seem to thrive in collaborative learning. They like to
connect to the social networking sites. Creating and producing something are what they prefer
to do rather than become consumers of information inside the classroom. They like to be mobile
either physically or virtually as they traverse from point to point or site to site. Apparently they
seem to be investing a huge amount of their time in a digital social environment although they
can be more self-directed in choosing what they want to learn, how they want to learn and
when they want to learn.

The 21st Century has redefined digital literacy. It has broadened its perspective to include
other aspects of the 21st context. Those literacies include (1) Cyber Literacy or Digital Literacy,
(2) Media Literacy, (3) Arts and Creativity Literacy, (4) Financial Literacy, (5) Multicultural or
Global Understanding.

The millenial students are generally tech-sevvy, digital natives. They pratically know how to
go about a tablet and iPad, smart phones or laptops better than anyone else. This suggests their
digital skills. However, are all students’ digital literates?

Thinking on how to use the digital, accessing information, and exhibiting ways of working in
a globally competitive context, together with skills in living in the 21 st Century refer to the digital


Technology Collaborative Tools in the Digital World

Technology as a Collaborative Tool

One day to engage students is to give them a challenge and a chance to work together. An
example is when you give then an issue to discuss which they can continue talking about even if
they are outside of the class. Students may continue the discussion and share information or
come up with an agreement by texting, presenting their agreement or resolutions to the whole

Normally in a regular classroom, teachers may have discouraged students from conversing
with classmates during individual work, but sometimes there are positive things that can come
out of it as students talk about the task assigned to them or as they work themselves of a
complicated task.

There are a lot of available tools and applications that can be used to work collaboratively
with others. Some of these are Skype, wikis, blog, Google form, web-conferencing, Real time
board, among others. You need to explore each application to be familiar with the features.

1. Skype is software application allowing you to do a video conferencing for free. All you need is
to create an account and can be used for a video meeting.

2. Wiki is software that allows you to create a page or a selection of pages designed to allow you
to post or write, edit, or upload a link quickly. This is good when students need to work together
to complete a task even if they are not physically together. A task such as writing a paper
together, planning a presentation or surveying ideas from team members can be managed by a
wikispace that efficiently allows one to document the contribution of each member in the team.
Work can be extended virtually and asynchronously.

3. Blogging in blogging, It is journaling your ideas to which offers can react allowing a thread of
discussion to take place and which be used online. It is the abbreviation of weblog. It would help
if you provide direction when using a weblog.

a) Use weblog with a clear instructional objective. It is an opportunity to explore the skill of
communicating ideas. Like in a writing class, you can guide students on how to design the whole
blog or upload materials and support students in developing critical communication.

b) Guidance on what and how to post will be needed. Teach the students that the blogging is
for educational purposes and is different from a personal blog. Proper or formal language
variety should be used. Writing prompt would help to guide your students post.

c) With easy access to information, a major obligation is to teach the students to use multiple
sources and to cite them appropriately.

d) Writing about tour ideas is a personal act but it is important that you are taught to make
blogs personal without revealing too much of personal information such as contact information
and too personal pictures. When writing blogs, you write your reflections but safeguarding
yourself is also and important consideration.

e) It may help if you can look for very good examples of blogs. There are online and print
publications that review blogs and you can use the information to guide you toward getting
good models.

4. Google Group or Google Form is an application that can be used in a collaborative

documentation of ideas contributed by members of the team. Having a Google account will
come very handy and you can easily access to a variety of applications.

Warm up…….

Do you feel confident when you search for information in the internet? Do you easily locate
relevant resources? Do you think you are capable of optimizing the use of the online tools such
as Facebook or Google when studying or doing school work? How do you manage your digital

The skills you need to be able to perform well in the situations are known as “Digital
literacy”. in the 21st century, you need to be equipped with these skills to be abreast with the
demands in the workplace.

Take the “Digital Literacy Skills Self-Inventory” and find out how confident you are when
working online by putting a check mark in the corresponding column of Table 1 below and
answer the following question.

Question: What have you realized after taking the Digital Literacy Skills Self-Inventory?

Table 1.

Digital Literacy Skills-Finding, Using Creating Information and Understanding Not Somewhat Very
Digital Practices Confident Confident Confident

Selecting the right tool when you need to locate, use or present information

Presenting your digital identity online.

Using online tools and sites to search or share information online.

Recognizing owner of ideas and information found online through citations.

Distinguishing the search engines to get information.

Knowing the information that can be searched in the web

Using the right key words to search for related online materials

Using social networking sites as a source of information

Scanning or skimming a page of a site or a blog among others to get the

relevant information quickly

Signing up in pertinent sites having experts and authorities in the discipline to

be updated with information they can provide.

Using materials in a variety of online media( I.e videos, podcast, sites among

Assessing the credibility of an online resource.

Citing correct reference to other person’s work found online

Using bookmarking to organize and legally share files.

Posting comments to online forum, blogs or Vblogs, or web pages while

observing netiquette.

Writing and posting online views or ideas suited to the target readership or

Collaborating with others online in creating and sharing documents or


Using multimedia to capture the information or message (I.e. recording and

editing a digital story, video or a podcast)

Communicating with others through online modality (e.g. skype, forums,

blogs, social networking site, etc.)

Digital Literacy

Digital literacies are the individual’s capabilities to be able to effectively and responsibly function
and perform in a digital society. The term “digital literacy” was coined by Paul Gilster in 1997
and it comes from the discussion of the concepts on (a) visual literacy when images and non-
verbal symbols try to capture the knowledge;(b) technologies literacy requiring one to be able to
use technology in addressing a need; (c) computer literacy, which in the 1980’s started to
become a household item manipulated to achieve one’s target; and (d) information literacy
which refers to the finding, evaluating, using and sharing of information.

In teaching and learning context, digital literacy is an important competence. In school, kit
has become a buzzword which refers to the ability to access, process, understand, utilize, create
media content using information technologies and the internet.

The Digital Literacies

 Media Literacy- is one’s ability to critically read information or content and utilize
multimedia in creatively producing communications.

 Information Literacy- is locating information from the web and interpreting while
evaluating its validity in order that it can be shared.

 ICT Literacy- is knowing how to select and use digital devices, applications or services to
accomplish task requiring the use of the internet.

 Communication and Collaboration- are one’s capabilities in being able to participate in the
digital networks in the teaching and learning context.

 Identity Management- is being able to understand how to ensure safety and security in
managing online identity and foster a positive digital reputation.

 Learning Skills-are ways of knowing how to study and learn in a technology- enriched
environment; this is knowing how to utilize technology in addressing the need to learn

 Digital Scholarship- is being able to link and participate in professional and research

One important component of digital literacy is having an in-depth understanding of

concepts requiring essential core skills. These core skills are known as the C’s of the 21 st Century

The Four(4) C’s of the 21st Century Skills

Critical thinking, creativity, communication, and collaboration. To perform well in this century,
you need to develop and enhance these skills. All of these 21 st century skills are essentials for
students to do well in school and succeed in the workplace.

1. Critical thinking is learning how to solve problems. It teaches students not to accept
immediately claims without seeking the truth. It is the ability to differentiate facts from opinions
and not only just learn a set of facts or figures but also discover these for the sake of knowing
what ought to be.

2. Creativity requires students to think out of the box and to take pride in what is uniquely
theirs. It means that they will be able to loot at the problem from multiple perspective-including
can propose multiple possibilities and alternatives to address a problem and they need to take
calculated risks. Creativity encourages student to think beyond expectations of conventions.
However, creativity may not ensure success all the time but it may lead to another directions
that can actually be a better way of figuring out how to solve the problem those that others may

3. Communication makes students express their ideas in the clearest and organized manner.
Through varied modes face-to-face, technologically mediated or a blended medium, they need
to know how to efficiently and clearly convey ideas.

4. Collaboration happens when students know how to work well with others to accomplish a
give task or solve a problem at hand. This is a 21 st essential. When students are made to work
with others to accomplish a given task or solve a given the chance to practice on how to relate
with other. They may be working with classmate they do not really prefer to work with but with
guidance, you can teach them to tap on the capabilities of each member of the team and
collaboratively achieve the goal. Eventually when they leave school, they will definitely see the
need to know how to collaborate with others in order for them to accomplish a job, and you
have prepared them for it. In other words, collaboration teaches students that groups can
create something bigger and better than you can on your own.

In addition to the 4C’s, there are Citizenship and Character. Citizenship is known as
netizenship in the virtual worlds. This is making the person consider how one behaves
accordingly by observing the norms and rules that are in accordance with what are sociably and
virtually acceptable. As a result, one is projecting a reputable digital identity which is his or her

Digital Literacy Skills vs. Digital Literacy

Digital literacy skills are required in the wired world. These skills vary from text to images to
multimedia. Future teacher who will be handling student considered as tech-savvy should equip
themselves with competencies and influences needed to handle the fast emerging tools and
applications that should be able to handle even artificial intelligences

Eight Digital Literacy Skills Needed to Become Digitally Literate

1. Coding- is a universal language. Basic understanding of HTML, CSS and the like will create a
shared understanding of what can be done with the web pages.

2. Collaboration - the use of Google Docs among others allows students to begin experimenting
with effecting online collaboration.

3. Cloud Software- this is essential part of document management. The cloud is used to store
everything from photos to research projects, to term papers and even music.

4. Word Processing Software- Google, Microsoft Online Drop Box are available for storage and
management solutions

5. Screencasting- a screencast is a video recording using the computer screen, and usually
includes an audio. On the other hand, when you take a picture on the screen of you computer, it
is called a Printscreen. Both can be used in. Explaining topics as well as providing a visual
support to clarify what you are thinking. While printscreen is a picture the screencasting is a
video screen capture which is a great way to share ideas and is easy to use for novice video

6. Personal Archiving students should be taught the concepts of metadata, tagging,, keywords
and categories to make them aware are they represented online.

7. Information Evaluation critical thinking to weed out fake news is a crucial 21 st century skills.
The use of tools and skills needed to process information are very much needed.

8. Used of Social Media social media serves different purposes depending on the user, the
technology and the need.

Example: Students should realize that Twitter can be useful for staying current on the latest
news in the field.

Digital Literacy has been defined in many ways that is understanding by both digital
natives and digital immigrants. Teachers and Students should not only proficient on how to use
(digital skills) but they need to see the information and media technology to find, evaluate,
create, and communicate information requiring both cognitive and technical skills.

Here are examples of How Digital Skills or Proficiency Support Digital Literacy:

Digital Skills Digital Literacy

1. Sending an email or text  Evaluate the appropriate digital channel for online
communication with peers, teachers and parents.

2. Using Microsoft Office/Google  Identify the benefits and drawbacks of each digital tool

 Evaluate critically which tool is most effective for the

project at hand.

3. Tweeting, Posting to Facebook, Uploading a Video to  Navigate the social media safety and to protect oneself.
Youtube, or posting a photo to Instagram
 Identity hate propaganda and fake news.

4. Researching from the World Wide Web  Evaluate the information online.

a) Is the site legitimate?

b) Is the author an expert?

c) Is the information current or dated?

d) Is the idea natural or biased?

Direction: Watch the short video clip, “Rethinking Learning: The 21 st Century Learner”.
Connect to

A. Pay close attention to the message and write down the key concepts or terms used to describe
the 21st century learner. Scribble/pot down all the words that you can recall in the space
provided below.

B. Based on the words that you have listed, group them according to how learners of this century
learn. Identify the categories that support them. Write your answer in the space below and
answer the question that follow.

1. Are there ways that technology tools enhance cooperation and collaboration among their

2. How can these help you as future teacher?

Navigating Sites: Putting to Test Information Literacy

Direction: Apply your digital literacy skills on information literacy by searching for the identified
sample sites. Navigate around each site and share what information can be found in each. Share
how you will make use of the information or content that you can retrieve from those sites.

1. Professor Garfield with URL

2. Common Sense Media with URL

3. Lesson Plan Booster: Digital Literacy and Online Ethics with URL

A. Direction: Answer the following questions in the space provided below:

1. What have you realized after getting information about how the millenials learn better?

2. As a pre-service teacher, what actions will you take as your prepare yourself to handle these
types of learners?

3. How will you handle your lessons in order that you will make pearners become more engage
and effectively take accountability of their own learning?

B. Direction: Match A with column B by writing the letter at the space given below.

Column A Column B

A. Participating in the digital networks for learning and research 1. Media Literacy

B. Adopting, adapting and using of digital devices application and services 2. Communication and
C. Critically reading and creatively producing academic and professional
communications in a wide range of media 3. Learning Skills

D. Managing digital reputation and online activity 4. ICT Literacy

E. Participating in emerging academic, professional and research practices 5. Career and Identity
that depend on digital system Management

F. Finding, interpreting, evaluating, managing, and sharing of information 6. Digital Scholarship

G. Studying and learning effectively in technology rich environment 7. Information Literacy

RUBRICS 5 4 3 2
Ideas Presents ideas in an Present ideas in a Ideas are too general Ideas are vague or
original manner consistent manner unclear

Organization Strong and organized Organized Some organization No organization;

beg/mid/end beg/mid/end attempt at a lack beg/mid/end

Understanding Writing show strong Writing shows a clear Writing show Writing show little
understanding understanding adequate understanding

Word Choice Sophisticated use of Nouns and verbs Needs more nouns Little or no use of
nouns and verbs make make essay and verbs nouns and verbs
the essay very informative

Sentence Structure Sentence structure Sentence structure is Sentence structure is No sense of

enhances meaning; evident; sentence limited; sentences sentence structure
flows throughout the mostly flow need to flow or flow


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