MusicGen by Meta Research: AI Model For Music Generation With Text and Melody

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MusicGen by Meta Research: AI Model for Music Generation

with Text and Melody


A new AI model is developed by Meta (formerly Facebook) Research,

that can generate music based on text and melody inputs. This model
was created by a team of researchers led by Lior Wolf, who have
published a paper on arXiv describing their approach and results. The
motivation behind this AI model is to provide a simple and controllable
way of creating music with a single-stage transformer language model,
without requiring complex cascading or hierarchical models. This new
model is part of Audiocraft, a library for audio processing and generation
with deep learning, that also features EnCodec, an audio compressor
and tokenizer. This new AI model is called 'MusicGen'.

What is MusicGen?

MusicGen is a transformer-based language model that operates over

several streams of compressed discrete music representation, i.e.,
tokens. The model uses EnCodec to encode raw audio into four

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codebooks, each representing different aspects of the music, such as

pitch, timbre, rhythm, and harmony. The model then generates music by
predicting the next token in each codebook stream, using efficient token
interleaving patterns that reduce the number of autoregressive steps.
The model can be conditioned on textual description or melodic features,
allowing better control over the generated output.

Key Features of MusicGen

MusicGen stands out with its remarkable features, offering a truly

immersive music generation experience. With a sample rate of 32 kHz, it
crafts impeccable music samples encompassing an extensive range of
genres and styles, utilizing up to 10 distinct instruments.

This versatile tool possesses the ability to interpret both textual and
musical prompts, seamlessly adapting to their style and melody. By
harmonizing with the input, MusicGen ensures a coherent and engaging
musical output.

Efficiency is at the core of MusicGen's design. It optimizes its

performance by generating all four codebooks in a single pass.
Astonishingly, a mere 50 autoregressive steps per second of audio are
required, showcasing its rapid and resource-efficient nature.

One of MusicGen's most significant strengths lies in its adaptability.

Supporting various codebook interleaving patterns, it effortlessly
accommodates different datasets and tasks, making it a versatile choice
for multiple applications.

Capabilities/Use Case of MusicGen

The potential applications of MusicGen are diverse and captivating.

Music composition, music education, music analysis, music synthesis,
and music style transfer are just a few examples of the immense value it
brings to these fields. With its innate creativity, it fosters a profound

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sense of exploration and entertainment, producing an array of unique

and captivating music samples based on user input.

Accessing MusicGen is effortless through the Hugging Face Spaces

demo, where users can effortlessly engage with the tool. By simply
entering text and melody prompts, users can enjoy the pleasure of
listening to the exquisite music it generates. For those seeking a more
personalized experience, MusicGen can be downloaded from GitHub.
Detailed instructions and exemplary use cases are readily available,
empowering users to explore the full potential of this remarkable model.

How does MusicGen work?

MusicGen is a single-stage transformer language model that operates

on compressed discrete tokens that represent different aspects of music.
The model uses four codebooks to encode raw audio into tokens. The
model inputs and outputs sequences of tokens that are interleaved
according to a pattern that creates a small delay between the
codebooks. The model predicts the next token in each codebook stream
by using a transformer decoder with 24 layers, 16 attention heads, and
1024 hidden units.

The model can also use an optional conditioning vector that encodes the
text or melody input, which is fed into a cross-attention block in the
transformer decoder. The model outputs sequences of tokens that can
be decoded back to raw audio using EnCodec.

Performance Evaluation with other Models

There are several existing models for music generation, such as

Jukebox, MuseNet, Riffusion, Mousai, MusicLM, and Noise2Music.
However, most of these models either generate music symbolically (e.g.,
MIDI) or require multiple stages or models (e.g., upsampling or

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source -

Above shows the performance evaluation of MusicGen and other models

on the MUSICCAPS test set, which is a dataset of 1000 music samples
with text and melody annotations. The evaluation metrics are Fréchet
Audio Distance (FADvgg), which measures the realism and diversity of
the generated audio, Kullback-Leibler Divergence (KL), which measures
the similarity between the input and output concepts, and CLAPscr,
which measures the style and melody matching. The evaluation also
includes human ratings on overall quality (OVL.) and relevance (REL.) of
the generated music.
● MusicGen achieves the lowest FADvgg score among all models,
except for Noise2Music, which is a model that only generates
noise-like music.
● MusicGen achieves the lowest KL score among all models,
indicating that it can generate music that matches the input text
and melody better than other models.
● MusicGen receives the highest human ratings on overall quality
and relevance, except for MusicLM, which is a model that only
generates music based on text input.
● MusicGen has different variants, such as without melody
conditioning, with random melody conditioning, and with different
model sizes. The variant with melody conditioning and 3.3B
parameters achieves the best performance on overall quality.

Overall, MusicGen outperforms other models on most metrics and can

generate high-quality music based on text and melody inputs.

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How to access and use this model?

MusicGen can be accessed online through a demo on Hugging Face

Spaces, where users can enter text and melody prompts and listen to
the generated music. MusicGen can also be used locally by downloading
the code and models from GitHub, where users can find instructions and
examples on how to use the model. MusicGen is open-source and
commercially usable under the MIT license.

If you are interested in learning more about this model, please find all
links under the 'source' section at the end of the article.


● MusicGen has some limitations that could be improved in future

work, such as:
● The model can only generate short music samples of up to 30
seconds due to memory constraints.
● The model can only handle monophonic melodies as conditioning
inputs, not polyphonic ones.
● The model does not explicitly model musical structure or long-term
dependencies, which could affect the coherence and diversity of
the generated music.
● The model relies on a fixed set of codebooks that may not capture
all the nuances of musical expression.


MusicGen is a new AI model that can generate music based on text and
melody inputs, using a single-stage transformer language model and
efficient token interleaving patterns.

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MusicGen is a remarkable achievement in AI music generation and

demonstrates the potential of transformer language models for audio
processing and synthesis. It also opens up new possibilities for creative
exploration and entertainment with music.

demo link -
Hugging Face model -
Hithub audiocraft -
research paper -
Model comparison -

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